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美国口语教程11-20Lesson Eleven Future Activities 将来时 Lesson Eleven Future Activities 将来时 What will you do when you grow up? 等你长大了想做什么? When I grow up, I’ll be a scientist. 当我长大了我将会做个科学家 When I grow up, I’ll be a model. 当我长大了我会做个模特 When I grow up, I’ll be a singer. 当我长大了我会做个歌手...

Lesson Eleven Future Activities 将来时 Lesson Eleven Future Activities 将来时 What will you do when you grow up? 等你长大了想做什么? When I grow up, I’ll be a scientist. 当我长大了我将会做个科学家 When I grow up, I’ll be a model. 当我长大了我会做个模特 When I grow up, I’ll be a singer. 当我长大了我会做个歌手 I will open a bar when I have enough money. 等我有了足够多的钱,我要自己开酒吧。 pub (英)= bar(美) 酒吧 open business 开业 Allen is going back to the US during the summer vacation. 暑假时Allen要回美国。 summer vacation 暑假 winter vacation 寒假 be about to;be going to与will的区别: be going to表示计划好的马上要发生的 will 发生不太切近,是一种愿望 be about to比be going to更近更有计划,两者大部分可通用 leave 、come、 go 进行时表示将来时的动作 I’m leaving. 我要走了 be going 将要去 be coming 将要来 be leaving 将要离开 I’m going to the United States. 我将要去美国 He will be back in four weeks. 他四个星期后回来。 He came back four years later. 他回来四年了 I’m going to the university. 我要去上大学了 I’ll be back in four year. 四年后我会回来 She is about to leave for Paris. 她马上要去巴黎。 be about to do sth. 已经确定的,即将做某事 leave Beijing for Paris 离开北京去巴黎 She is about to leave for Paris. 她即将去巴黎 I was about to go swimming when I met my friend. 我正要去游泳,忽然看见了我的朋友 I’m about to study. 我马上去学习 What are you going to do tomorrow? 明天你想做什么? Be going to do sth. 紧迫性在will do和be about to do之间 A Canadian professor will lecture at the school auditorium. 一个加拿大教授要在学校礼堂讲座。 in the auditorium / in the hall 在礼堂 the Great Hall of the People 人民大会堂 relation关系 break off diplomatic relations lecture sb. 给sb做讲座 lecture us Don’t lecture me. 别说教了 lecturer 讲师 teach sb to do sth 教某人做某事 teach sb a lesson 教育某人 Claire is giving me a class. Claire在给我上课 I’m going to listen to a lecture. 我要去听讲座 He will focus on the latest development of Canada. 他重点要谈谈加拿大的近况。 focus on sb = pay attention to sb 强调、关注 lastest 最近的 Have you bought the lastest issue of Reader? 你买了最新一期的读者了吗 lastest information 最新的信息 I am going to buy a ticket for the rock’n’roll concert. 我要去买张摇滚乐音乐会的票。 Rap 说唱 Pop music 流行音乐 classical music 古典音乐 concert 音乐会 She is going to host a concert. 她要举办个人演唱会 There will be an international conference in Beijing next month. 下个月一个国际会议将在北京召开。 next month 下个月 this month 这个月 last month 上个月 now 现在 yesterday 昨天 tomorrow 明天 the day after tomorrow 后天 the day before yesterday 前天 next 下一个 last下一个 There will be an Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008. 2008年北京将会举办奥运会。 I will apply to be a volunteer translator. 我想申请做志愿翻译人员。 Do you have any volunteers? 有人志愿吗? volunteer translator 志愿翻译 volunteer service staff 志愿服务 volunteer to do sth 志愿做某事 He volenteered to donate his blood. 他自愿献血 donate v. 捐赠,馈赠 apply to do sth 申请做某事 apply for sth 申请某物 I’m applying for the scholarship. 我在申请奖学金 apply to sb for sth 向某人申请某物 I’m applying to the Beijing University for the fellowship. 我在向北京大学申请奖学金 It is going to rain. Take your raincoat with you! 快下雨了,带上雨衣! It’s going to rain. / It’s about to rain. Take your raincoat with you. 带上雨衣 Take your umbrella with you. 带上雨伞 I am leaving. Thank you for having us here tonight. 我得走了。感谢您邀请我们今晚到这儿来。 Thank you for your warm welcome. 谢谢你们热情的欢迎 Did you know what you were going to do before you graduated? 你毕业前想过以后要干什么吗? graduate v. 毕业 I graduated from Harvard University. 我从哈佛大学毕业 graduate n. 毕业生、研究生 I’m Harvard graduate. 我是哈佛大学毕业生 graduate adj. 研究生的I’m a graduate student. 我是研究生 Before you graduated, did you know what you were going to do? 在你毕业之前有没有想过要做什么? will→would be going to→was going to be about to→was about to 过去将来时 I was leaving when the telephone rang. 我刚要走电话铃响了 I never imagined that I would become a teacher. 我从没想过我会成为一名老师。 I never thought that I would have so much money. 我从没想过我有这么多钱 I never imagined that I would have so much money. 同上 I never realized that I would have so much money. 同上 Lesson Twelve Weather How do you like the weather today?你觉得今天天气如何? =What do you think of the weather today? how do you like=what do you think of 你觉得…怎样? How was the weather like yesterday?昨天天气如何? =How was it yesterday? What will the weather be like tomorrow?明天天气如何? =How do you like the weather tomorrow? How about tomorrow? How will it be tomorrow? What will the weather be like tomorrow? What is the weather like today? What the weather like yesterday? Nice day,isn’t it?天真好,不是吗? What a lousy day! 天气真糟糕呀!lousy a. 污秽的,恶心的,生虱的 What a chilly day!好冷啊! What a hot day!好热呀! What a muggy day!真闷呀! It is a muggy and hot.又闷又热。 It has been cloudy all morning and now it is raining cats and dogs.整个上午天气阴沉沉的,现在下起了大雨。 windy 有风的 muggy闷的 foggy下大雾的 sunny阳光灿烂的 breezy微风轻拂的 mist大雾 It’s mist. pour tea 沏茶 pour coffee沏咖啡 It’s pouring. 下倾盆大雨。 shower阵雨 It’s cloudy.阴天 It’s sunny.晴天 It’s clear.万里无云,晴朗。 It’s raining.下雨哪。 It’s showering.下阵雨。 rain 下雨 pour 倾盆大雨 shower 阵雨 storm 暴风雨 thunder 打雷 ligntning 闪电 tnunder storm 暴风雨 hail 冰雹 breeze 微风 wind 风 gale 大风 northern wind 北风 northly wind 北风 western wind 西风 sand-storm沙尘暴 There is a gale these days. 这些天一直刮大风。 There is a thunder storm these days.这天一直下暴雨。 typhoon 台风 hurricane飓风 tornado 龙卷风 Tornado Jack is coming. 龙卷风Jack要来了。 snow下雪 snowy下雪的 sleet雨雪交加 blizzard 暴风雪 A blizzard is hitting us next month.下个月暴风雪要来了。 The storm is hitting us.暴风雨正袭击我们。 It was blowing hard。风很大。 It’s blowing heavily. 风很大。 It will probably clear up tomorrow. 明天可能天就晴了。 It is clear up today。今天真晴朗。 What’s the temperature today?今天多少度? What was the temperature yesterday? What will be the temperature tomorrow? =What is going to be the temperature tomorrow? body temperatuer体温 thermometer温度计 degree度 Celsium摄氏 ℃ Fathrenheit华氏 The temperature is 7℃。今天是7度。 The lowest temperature can drop to 30℃ below zero.最低温度能达到零下三十度。 The temperature rises.温度上升了。 increase=rise 上升 The temperature drops.温度下降了。 decrease=drop 下降 increase to上升至 increase by上升了 decrease to 下降至 decrease by下降了 The lowest temperature these days increased by 2 degree these years.这些年最低温度上升了2度。 global warming 全球变暖 Lesson Thirteen Family How many people are there in your family? 你们家几口人? How many members are there in your family?你们家几口人? Howe big is your family? There are four people in my family. father mother dad mom daddy mommy parent父母中的一人 parents父母 child小孩 children 小孩们 kid小孩 What a lovely kid! son daughter I’m married but haven’t started a family .我已经结婚了但还没有小孩 brother elder brother哥哥 younger brother弟弟 sister elder sister姐姐 younger sister妹妹 There are five kids in my family.我们家5个孩子。 eldest brother大哥 eldest sister大姐 I’m the second child. my younger sister我妹妹 my younger brother我弟弟 youngerest brother 最小的弟弟 He is the youngest child in my family. old老的 eld 年纪大的 Rick is an only child. Rick是独生子。 I’m an only child.我是独生子。 I’ve got two sisters and one brother. 我有两个姐妹和一个兄弟。 sister 姐妹 brother兄弟 siblings 兄弟姐妹 Do you have any siblings?=Do you have sibs? 你有兄弟姐妹吗? grandfather =grandpa 爷爷,姥爷 grandmother =grandma 奶奶,姥姥 uncle叔叔,舅舅, 伯父,姑夫 aunt 婶,姑,姨,舅母 aunty昵称 cousin 堂(兄弟姐妹),表(兄弟姐妹) nephew 侄子, 外甥 niece 侄女,外甥女 better half 婚姻关系的另一半 sister-in-law 小姨子 brother-in-law 小舅子 mother-in-law 岳母 ,婆婆 Her great grandpa is still living.她爷爷还健在哪。 grand son孙子 great-grand son曾孙子 grand daughter孙女 great-grand daughter曾孙女 four generations living under the same roof四代同堂 Sam and Tony are twins。 Sam和Tony是双胞胎。 Rechard comes from a well-off family. Rechard家境不错。 We are living a better-off life.我们过着越来越好的生活。 They would live a better-off life without so many kids. 如果没有小孩他们会生活得更好。 well-off小康 build china into a well-off society把中国建设成小康社会 He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth。他出生在富贵之家。 Richard comes from an ordinary family. Richard家境一般。 He was born in a moderate family.他出生在中等家庭。 He comes from in a moderate family. 他家境中等。 Abe came from a poor family. Abe家境贫寒。 He has born with a wood spoon in his mouth.他出生在贫困之家。 I have a close family,we love each other. 我们家重亲情,大家相互关爱。 Our family is close.我们家很重亲情。 His parents always quarrel with each other.他父母经常吵架。 quarrel with sb. over sth.=arque with sb. with sth.为某事与某人吵架 We can`t get on well with each other.我们相处得不好。 We can`t get along well with each other.我们相处得不好。 My father is a pilot and he is very strict with us.我爸爸是个飞行员,他对我们很严厉。 a sterning father严父 a loving mother慈母 My mother is very soft with us.我妈妈对我们很温和。 My father is very hard on us.我爸爸对我们要求很严。 My parents grew up in the countryside.我父母在农村长大。 in the city 在城里 on the suburbs 在郊区 You are a grown-up.你是成年人了。 We moved to the city when I was just five.我5岁时我们搬到了城里。 lives in the countryside 生活在农村 My family lives in the city. 我家住在城里。 My family lives on the suburbs.我家住在郊区。 My father is the bread earner.我爸爸挣钱养家。 minor children未成年儿童 The mother is usually the homemaker.妈妈通常是家庭主妇。 Robin was broght up in single-parent homehold. Robin生长在单亲家庭。 He was raise in the single-paren family. 他成长在单亲家庭。 There are more and more DINK families in big cities.大城市里的丁克家庭越来越多。 DINK=double income and no kids 双收入无孩子家庭 What do you your parents do?你父母是做什么工作的? Lesson fourteen Date date v. (私人)约会 have a date with sb.和某人有个私人约会 date n. 枣 chinese date 枣 What day is it today? 今天礼拜几? What day is it tomorrow? 明天礼拜几? What day is 28th of December? 12月28日是礼拜几? Mon=Monday 星期均可用头三个字母表示 It is Monday。今天礼拜一。 What is the date today? 今天几号? Today is October 31 2002.今天是2002年10月31日 Today is October 31st 2004. Today is 31 of October 2004. 31 thirty-first 2002 two thousand and two 特殊读法 Beijing is going to the host 2008 Olympic Games. 1980=nineteen eighty Hongkong returned to the embrace of china in 1997.香港在1997年回到了中国的怀抱。 What is the date of next Sunday?下星期天是几号?. Next Sunday is October 31. When were you born?你什么时候出生的? I was born on October 1st 1981.我出生于1981年10月1 日 Halloween starts on the evening of October 31st.万圣节开始于10月31日晚上。 I took a trip to Hongkong in 1980.1980年我去过香港。 年月用in 具体日子用on 时间点用at at noon 在中午 at midnight 在午夜 I took a vacation in May.5月我休假了。 I was born in the 1980s.我出生在八十年代。 In what month will the meeting be held?大会在哪个月召开? It will be held in the latter half of June.在六月下旬召开。 in the first half of June六月上旬 in the middle of June六月中旬 in the latter half of June六月下旬 in the early years of 1980s 八十年代早期 in mid-1980s八十年代中期 in the later years of 1980s八十年代晚期 The Amrican Day of Independence is july 4th.美国独立日是7月4 日。 National Day of holiday 国庆假期 Day of Independence 独立日 The National Day is October 1st The Children`s Day is June 1st. 美国传统节日 the Easter复活节 the Easter egg 复活节彩蛋 the Presidents` Day 总统纪念日 Martin Luther King Day 马丁路德纪念日 Memorial Day 阵亡将士纪念日 Labor Day劳动节 Veterans Day 退伍军人节 veteran n. 1.老兵,老手 2.[美]退伍军人 a. 老练的,经验丰富的 Christmas Day圣诞节 New Year`s Day 元旦 Thanksgiving Day感恩节 the Thanksgiving feast turkey 感恩节大餐 Valentine`s Day 情人节 Halloween万圣节 Father`s Day父亲节 Mother`s Day母亲节 The spring festival is the first day of the first month in the lunar year.春节是农历正月初一。 solar calendar阳历,公历 lunar calendar 阴历,农历 中国节假日: 元宵节:The Lantern Festival is the fifeenth day of the first month in the lunar year. 端午节:The Dragon Boat Festival is the fifteenth day of the eightth month in the lunar year. 中秋节:The Mid-autumn Festival is the fifteenth day of the eighth month in the lunar year. 元旦:New Year`s Day 劳动节:Labor Day 国庆节:the National Day birthday生日 anniversary周年纪念日 50 years wedding anniversary50周年结婚纪念日 zodiac星座 aquarius 水瓶座 leo狮子座 animal zodiac属相 mouse鼠 ox牛 tiger虎 rabbit兔 dragon 龙 snake蛇 horse马 sheep羊 monkey猴 rooster鸡 dog狗 pig猪 My animal zodiac is pig.我属猪。 My animal sign is pig.我属猪。 Lesson fifteen Time Excuse me,what time do you have?麻烦您,几点了?我想对下表。 I wanna set my watch. 我要对表. wanna=want to have got to =gotta going to =gonna Excuse me ,but do you have the correct time,please. =Can you tell me the correct time? 你能告诉我准确的时间吗? It`s two o`clock British summer time.现在是英国夏令时2点。 Greenwich Mean Time=GMT 格林威治标准时间 It`s 2 o`clock Beijing time.北京时间 It`s 5 o`clock local time.当地时间 It`s 4 o`clock GMT. DST=daylight saving time.夏令时(节约照明的时间) Sure thing.It`s nearly seven thirty.当然了,快7点半了。 9:45 nine forty-five The train will arrive at 12:15 a.m. It`s ten a.m. It`s ten p.m. It`s 22 o`clock sharp. 9:30 half past nine 9:05 five past nine 9:15 a quarter past nine 9:45 a quarter toten 9:50 ten to ten 1:58 two to two before=to 9:50 it`s ten before ten off=past 9:05 five off nine It`s a few minutes after seven.现在7点多一点儿。 My brother is already 7 years old,but he can`t tell time yet.我弟弟7岁了,但他还不认识表。 tell time认表 You must have misread the watch.你一定是认错表了。 misread the watch认错表 I was late for school because my watch was broken yesterday.我上学迟到了,因为昨天我的表坏了。 My watch stopped.it was broken yesterday.我的表停了,它昨天坏了。 The quartz clock keeps very good time.石英钟走得很准。 keep good time 走得准 Your watch is fast and my watch is a bit slow.你的表快,我的表有点慢。 My watch gains time.我表快。 Your watch loses time.你表慢。 wrist watch腕表 alarm clock 闹钟 quartz clock石英钟 It is very important to be punctual.一定要准时。 punctuality 准时,守时 Punctuality is virtue.守时是美德。 on time准时 be on time in time 及时,迟早 The police came in time and saved the baby.警察及时赶到救了那个男孩。 You will fail in time.你迟早会失败的。 time 时间(不可数) Time father is cruel.时间老人很残酷。 Time father is sweet time can cure anything.时间老人很温柔,能治愈一切。 Time cures all wound.时间能治愈一切创伤。 Time flies。时间飞逝。 time 次数(可数名词) several times 很多次 times 时代 our times 我们的时代 keep up with the times与时俱进 move up with the times 与时俱进 from time to time 时不时 nine times out of ten十有八九会 United Flight No. 706 will take off at 10:10 a.m.联合航空706航班上午10:10起飞。 The cafe is open from ten a.m. till eleven p.m.咖啡馆从上午10点开到晚上11点。 Come on! the train will lenve in fifteen minutes.快点,火车还有15分钟就开了。 Let`s hurry up.让我们快点。 We`re running short of time.时间不多了。 We`re running out of time. 我们时间不多了。 Time ang tide wait for no man.时不我待。tide n. 潮,潮汐;潮流,趋势 Time is up today.今天时间到了。 Lesson Sixteen Asking for help Will you please do me a favor?您能帮我个忙吗? Excuse me ,can you help me? 劳驾,您能帮个忙吗? Can you do me a favor? 您能帮个忙吗? Will you give me a hand? 您能帮个忙吗? Will you lend me a hand? 您能帮个忙吗? Help!救命!(紧急情况寻求帮助) help with sth.帮助某事 My sister helps with my study. help sb. do sth.帮助某人做某事 He helps me open the door. help sb. to do sth.(间接地)帮助某人做某事 Reading a book helps me to improve my personality.读书帮助我提高修养。 help sb. out帮助某人摆脱困境 Please help me out! 回答:Sure! Of course.当然(美) Certainly.当然(英) No problem.没问题 All right.好吧。 Yes.可以 You bet.你可以指望我 What`s up?怎么了? What’s wrong? 怎么了? What`s going on? 怎么了? Would you please pick up the casette tapes?请帮我拣起磁带好吗? pick up拣起,拾起,摘 ,接人,学会(慢慢通过实践学会) pick up a wallet from the ground.从地上把钱包拾起来 pick up a flower摘花 I`ll`pick you up.我去接你。 When I was on the tour trip,I pick up a cold.在旅行途中,我得了感冒。 You picked up french.你(在生活实践中)学会了法语。 I picked up how to use the digital camera.我学会了使用使用数码相机。 pick up the driving学会了驾驶 pick up the bunch of keys 拾起一串钥匙 bunch n.(一)束,串 v.捆成一串 video cassette tape 录像带 I want you to download this file from the internet.我想请你帮我把这个文件从因特网上下载下来。 upload 上传 Would you mind if i use your computer this evening?你介意我今天晚上用一下你的电脑吗? Would you mind doing sth. for me?你介意为我做某事吗? Would you mind attening a meeting on my behalf? 你可以以我的名义参加会议吗? Would you mind if I use your telephone?你介意我用你的电话吗? 否定回答:No way!没门! Forget it.得了吧!算了吧! I`d be glad to,but… 我很愿意,不过… Sorry,could you wait a minute?I`m tied up now.对不起,您能等一会吗?我现在很忙。 Excuse me, will you spare me a minute?劳驾,你能腾出点时间给我吗? Could you wait a moment?你能等一会吗? Please don`t bother me,can`t you see I am busy? 请不要打扰我,你没看见我正忙着吗? Well,it depends.这可说不准。 Excuse me ,will you lend me your car this evening?劳驾,你今晚可以把车借我一下吗? Well,it depends.if I won`t go shopping,it`s ok.这可说不准,要是我不去购物,就行。 Would you please pick up the cassette tapes?请帮我拣起磁带好吗? Here’s the cassette tape,will that do? 给你磁带,可以了吗? Thank you。 Thanks a lot.十分感谢! Thanks a million.百万个感谢。 Thanks a billion。十亿个感谢。 I owe you one.我欠你一个人情。 indebt 使欠债 使歉疚 I`m really indebed to you. 我真感到欠你很多。 grateful 感激 I`m really grateful.我十分感激。 I`m really appreciated your help.我十分欣赏你的帮助。(上级对下级,长辈对晚辈) repay 报答 I`m really hope that one day I can repay you.我真希望有一天我能报答你。 Please let me know if there is anything I can help.如果有什么我能帮上忙,请告诉我。 Thank you anyway.无论如何还是谢谢你! Wouldn`t you copy the contract? 你不能把 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 复印一下吗? Will you help you fax this document? 用传真发一个文件 Will you help me print this file?打印文件 Will you help me answer the call? 接听电话 Wiil you help me answer the phone? 接听电话 Wil you help me arrange a meeting with Mr. Li?安排一个会谈 God will help those help themselves.上帝帮助那些自助的人。 Lesson Seventeen Housework We always do the housekeeping(housework) on the weekend.我们总是在周末做家务。 housework=household chore家务琐事 work around the house 做家务事 keep the house 管理家庭 housekeeper管家 keep open house非常好客 Linda is a housewife,and she keeps her house open. Linda是个家庭主妇,她很好客。 Turn on the vacuum cleaner,please.请打开吸尘器。 clean the carbet 清洗地毯 mop the floor 拖地 wax the floor 地板打蜡 broom扫帚 sweep the floor 扫地 clean the floor 清洁地板 do the cleaning 做清洁 do the gardening 做园艺 He has a green lawn. 他是个园艺好手。 weed the garden 锄去杂草 mow the lawn 平整草地 decorate the house 装饰房屋 Christmas is coming,we are decking our house out with small ornanents. 圣诞节要到了,我们要用一些小装饰物把房间装饰一下。 ornament: n.装饰物 v.装饰,美化 I want to hang the world map on the wall.我要把世界地图挂在墙上。 Will you hold the map straight while I nail it up?我钉的时候,你能帮我按住它吗? nail n. 1.钉子 2.指甲,爪 vt. 钉牢 nail sth. up 钉牢某物 hold straight扶直 Will you hold the door open while I get my bicycle out?我往外拿自行车时你能扶着门让它开着吗? Will you hold the stool for me while I put on the curtain?我挂窗帘时,你能帮我扶住板凳吗? Hang me the hammer and nails,please.把锤子和钉子递给我,谢谢。 hang sb. sth.=pass sb. sth. 递某物给某人 hammer 锤子 nail 钉子 screw螺丝 screwdrive 螺丝刀 scissors剪刀 pincers 钳子 glass cutter玻璃刀 saw锯 drill钻头 glue胶水 tape measure卷尺 The lock to the door is rusty,and the key won`t turn.门锁锈死了,钥匙转不动了。 latch插销 lock 门锁 The key won`t move,it need oiling. 钥匙转不动了,它需要上油了。 The window is broken so i need to fix it.玻璃坏了,我需要换一块。 The window needs fixing. 玻璃得换了。 The tap is off,but it is still dripping water.水龙头关上了,但仍然滴水。 tap水龙头 faucet 莲蓬头 turn on 打开 turn it on turn off关上 turn it off It`s leaking water。它在滴水哪。 I need to fix it。我得修理它了。 We need a washing machine the old one doesn`t work.我们需要新洗衣机,旧的坏了。 TV set电视机 the stereo system 音响 DVD player DVD 播放机 VCD player VCD 播放机 VCR 录像机 digetal canera 数码相机 computer 计算机 air conditioner 空调 refrigerator 冰箱 microware oven 微波炉 sterilizer 消毒柜 have it fixed 得找人修理了 have a new one 得换新的了 There is a wet spot on the ceiling。天花板上有块水渍。 ceiling price 最高价 glass ceiling 无形的阻碍(加薪、升职时) roof 屋顶 Roof has leaks。屋顶渗水了。 She forgot to turn off the tap and water flooded the kitchen。她忘记关水龙头了,满厨房都是水。 There is a flood in henan province。河南省发水灾了。 Mr.Jones service his car on Saturdays. Jones先生每周六养护他的汽车。 do the fixing 做修理 do the cleaning做清洁 do the gardening做园艺 decorate the room out 装饰房间 The Brows hire a housekeeper to manage their villa. Brow家雇用了一个管家打理别墅。 baby-sister 临时照看孩子的人 housekeeper 管家 gardener园丁 cook chief 厨师 chauffeur 司机 service man男服务员 service maid女服务员 My younger brother has got a part-time job as a newspaper boy.我弟弟找了一份当报童的兼差。 postman 邮差 milkman 送牛奶的 newspaperman送报纸的 Lesson Eighteen Continuous Activitives What are you doing?你在做什么? now现在 at the moment此时 nowsdays ad. 现今,现在 I was calling and nobody was answering. Julie is playing the piano in her room now. Julie现在正在她房间里拉小提琴。 play the violin 弹小提琴 play the flute吹笛子 play the harmonica 吹口琴 I kept ringing the door but nobody answered。我一直按门铃,但是没有人答应。 keep doing sth.反复做某事 keep on doing 继续做某事 Jimmy is too absorbed in his computer game to hear. Jimmy专心致志打电脑,所以没有听见。 I was so aborbed in the novel that I cann`t hear. =I was too aborbed in the novel to hear我完全溶入了小说中以至于没有听见。 be aborbed in =be in engrossed in专心致志 ,完全溶入 engross vt.全神贯注于 too...to...=so...that I can`t... 太…以至于不能… My brother is prepareing for his final exam.我哥哥正准备期末考试。 My brother stayer in his room prepareing for his examination. 我弟弟正待在他的房间准备考试。 My brother stayed in his room playing video games我弟弟正待在他的房间玩电子游戏。 listening to the pop music听流行音乐 Mr.Cooper is brushing up on his French for the France trip. Cooper先生为了去法国旅行正匆忙地补习法语哪。 brush up 突击做某事 匆忙做某事 I was sleeping soundly this morning when the telephone rang.今天早上我睡得很熟,电话铃响了。 when=at the moment I`m dying 我要死了。 I`m marrying. 我要结婚了。 Your mother was calling to ask if you were at the Sunday school. 你妈妈打电话问你是不是在主日学校。 Sunday school主日学校 She is always making a fuss.她总是大惊小怪的。fuss n./v. 忙乱,大惊小怪 He is always making As.他总考A。 I`m wondering if you can speak English.我想知道你说不说英语。 What were you doing the whole afternoon?整个下午你都在干什么呀? AF Flight NO. 123 is checking in at the moment,please hurry up.法航123号航班正在办理登机手续,请抓紧时间。 check in 登机手续 I have been learning english for six years.我学英语有6个年头了。 And nowadays,I`m working ha
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