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40篇翻译满分—翻译资料 1 中级笔译实务英汉汉英互译对照研读经典 40 篇 为了使大家尽快提高英汉互译的能力,我们特选编了40 篇英汉对照经典阅读文章,供 大家细心品味其中的翻译技巧。这些译文均出自我国著名高校多年执教翻译课程的名师,他 们的一个共同特点是:注重翻译实践,淡看翻译理论。只有这样才能让我们的学生更加高效 地学好翻译并达到实际翻译工作所要求的水平。 翻译这 40 篇英汉对照经典阅读文章的高校教师分别为: 北京大学英语系教授 辜正坤 北京外国语大学副教授 马会娟 北京外国语大学教授 陈德彰 北京外国语大学教授 王...

满分—翻译资料 1 中级笔译实务英汉汉英互译对照研读经典 40 篇 为了使大家尽快提高英汉互译的能力,我们特选编了40 篇英汉对照经典阅读文章,供 大家细心品味其中的翻译技巧。这些译文均出自我国著名高校多年执教翻译课程的名师,他 们的一个共同特点是:注重翻译实践,淡看翻译理论。只有这样才能让我们的学生更加高效 地学好翻译并达到实际翻译工作所要求的水平。 翻译这 40 篇英汉对照经典阅读文章的高校教师分别为: 北京大学英语系教授 辜正坤 北京外国语大学副教授 马会娟 北京外国语大学教授 陈德彰 北京外国语大学教授 王家湘 中山大学英语系副教授 高文平 对外经贸大学教授 丁衡祁 对外经贸大学副教授 陈小全 商务部培训中心副教授 李尧 南开大学外国语学院副教授梁伟 第一篇 Life and death of a hero You were well advised to leave your pity at the door of Christopher Reeve's airy, sun-filled home, hidden amid the rolling meadows and white wooden barns of upstate New York. What struck you first, as he was steered into the room, was his commanding height: his throne-like wheelchair lifted his broad-shouldered bulk off the ground; sitting down, you found yourself tilting your head upwards to look at him. The accident's power over him was diminishing, he said, as his ventilator sucked and hissed. He no longer snapped awake in the quiet hours, forced to confront, all over again, the fact that he had no sensation from the neck down. He didn't need to turn away when he was driven past the barn where he kept Buck, the thoroughbred horse from which he had been thrown in 1995, breaking his neck. But learning to live with his paralysis wasn't the same as resigning himself to it. "I've still never had a dream that I'm disabled," he said. "Never." He had vowed, controversially, to walk again by the age of 50. At the time, that deadline was three weeks away. Walking by 50 had only ever been a hope, not a prediction, Reeve insisted. But what made the news of his death so acutely disorienting was the fact that, on some level, so many of us thought that, eventually - albeit a few years behind schedule - he might actually do it. Of course, he had always stressed that ordinary disabled people were the real superheroes in response to the inevitable movie-themed questions. But for the 更多英语学习资料:http://www.manfen.net/thread-14350-1-1.html 满分—翻译资料 2 rest of us, the personal narrative was too seductive to resist: Superman, brought down to earth, ultimately triumphs again through sheer force of will. ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 英雄的生与死 你最好把怜悯丢在克里斯托弗•里夫通风良好、充满阳光的家门外。他的家掩映在纽约州北 部起伏的草地和白色木头畜棚之间。他被推进房间时,首先吸引你的是他那令人肃然起敬的 高度。宝座一样的轮椅将他臂膀宽阔的硕大身躯从地面托起。落座之后,你发现,你得仰起 头看他。 那场事故对他的影响正在减小,他说,呼吸机吸着气,咝咝作响。万籁俱寂之时,他不会再 突然惊醒,又一次面对颈部以下失去知觉的事实。坐车经过饲养“巴克”的牲口棚时,他也不 再转过脸避开。“巴克”是一匹纯种马,1995 年,他正是从这匹马上摔下来跌断了脖颈。但 是,学会在瘫痪状态下生活和听命于瘫痪不是一回事。“我还从来没有梦见过自己已是残疾 人,”他说,“从来没有。”他曾经发誓五十岁时重新迈开双腿,尽管这曾引起颇多争议。因为 那时,距离最后期限还有三个星期。 里夫坚称,五十岁时再走路只是希望,并非预言。但是,他的死讯之所以让人们如此不知所 措,是因为这样一个事实:从某种角度看,我们那么多人都认为,即使比他的“时间 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf ”晚几 年,他最终也许真的能迈开双腿走路。当然,在回答人们不可避免提出的关于电影主题的问 题时,他总是强调,普通伤残人才是真正的超级英雄。但是,对于我们大家,他个人的故事 太具魅力而无法抗拒:回到现实生活中的超人,最终完全依靠意志的力量,又一次赢得胜利。 第二篇 自由心灵,简单人生 2004 年12 月3 日深夜,我正在网上游走,突然看到“陈省身”几个字从眼前倏然闪过……我 把两年前采访陈先生时的合影找了出来,放在书架的正中间。在我和陈先生背后的墙上,是 一只圆形的石英钟,上面的时针清楚地表明了那个瞬间:2002 年4 月5 日13 时13 分零4 秒。 那天的雨从睡梦中就下起来,到中午了还在哗啦啦下个不停。天地间白茫茫一片,街道,车 辆,树木,路旁的建筑,撑开了的伞,全都湿漉漉的,显然洗去了不少市面上的喧嚣与浮躁, 以及与浮躁同样轻飘飘的漫漫扬絮。 从天津西站到南开大学大约要走二三十分钟,出租司机是一位长相粗犷神色生动的中年人, 高喉咙大嗓门,非常热情,一路上用他那地道的天津腔跟我们说话。我们跟他说起陈先生, 他立马接过话说,陈省身?知道。大数学家,不得了!天津人懂点儿事的谁不知道啊!你要 说这陈省身,那可是人才哪。司机一边骄傲着,一边还要左顾右盼,忙着找路旁哪儿有花店, 以方便我们给陈先生买鲜花。 更多英语学习资料:http://www.manfen.net/thread-14350-1-1.html 满分—翻译资料 3 到了陈先生家,甫一坐定,陈先生就颇有些出其不意地说,你们今天应该向我道喜。看到我 们面露疑惑,陈先生停顿了一下才解释说,以前患有静脉血栓,前些时候还住了两个来月的 医院。今天上午刚又去查了,一看,血栓竟然没了。我们听明白后,忙说这倒真是件喜事, 好消息。陈先生如小孩儿一般得意,连连说,是,好消息,好消息。 ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― A Mind of Independence, A Life of Simplicity Late at night on December 3, 2004, I was surfing on the Internet when three Chinese characters, namely Shiing Shen Chern, flashed across the screen…… I took out the photo of Mr. Chern and me taken in my interview with him two years ago, and placed it right on the top middle of my bookshelf. On the wall behind Mr. Chern and me hangs a round-face quartz clock reading 13 minutes 4 seconds past one o’clock, April 5, 2002 -- a precise record of that very moment. The rain started to fall that day in my sleep, and it was still pouring down splishsplash at noon with the sky being shrouded in a curtain of mist. The rain drenched everything: the streets, vehicles, trees, buildings along the streets and umbrellas held up here and there. The rain apparently swept away much of the restlessness and hustle and bustle of the city as well as the restless fluff that would have otherwise been floating in the air. We took a taxi to Nankai University from Tianjin West Railway Station, a journey that would take us about twenty to thirty minutes. The taxi driver, a middle-aged man with a rugged complexion and expressive features, was very friendly and helpful. He had a real big voice, chatting with us constantly in typical Tianjin dialect as he drove along. We talked to him a bit about Mr. Chern, which brought an immediate response from him: “I’ve heard of him, a great mathematician, absolutely incredible! Anyone in Tianjin with a bit of common sense would have surely heard of him. What a great talent! ” The driver kept talking with an air of pride, looking around out of the car from time to time, and searching for a flower shop along the street. He meant to drop us for a bouquet of flowers to be presented to Mr. Chern. The moment we were seated at the home of Mr. Chern, he said to us quite unexpectedly: “I deserve your congratulations, chaps!” Seeing that we were somewhat puzzled about what he said, Mr. Chern paused for a second and explained: He had suffered from thrombosis and had been hospitalized for two months not long before. On the morning of that very day of our visit, he went to the hospital for another checkup, which showed no sign of thrombosis whatsoever in his body. We finally got to know what had happened and responded immediately by saying that it was indeed good news and something to be happy about. With a smug expression on his face, Mr. Chern was as happy as a child and said again and again: “Of course, of course!” 更多英语学习资料:http://www.manfen.net/thread-14350-1-1.html 满分—翻译资料 4 第三篇 Audrey Hepburn, An Elegant Spirit Although she was never an ardent follower of any formal religion, my mother’s own faith endured throughout her life: her faith in love, her faith in the miracle of nature, and her faith in the goodness of life. She honored this second chance at life at every opportunity that presented itself and most of all at the end of her life, through her work for UNICEF. Sometimes a near-death experience can free us of the shackles that life slowly trains us to wear. We come to realize what’s worth the sweat and what isn’t. Although she had no memory of her childhood near-death experience, the knowledge of it, coupled with the fertile ground of an already self-effacing nature, were the roots of the humility that graced her entire life. I never heard her say, “I did this,” or “I’ve done that.” Toward the end of her life, throughout the UNICEF years, I would hear her say regularly, as the world listened to her, “I can do very little.” I never heard her say that she liked any of her performances. When people complimented her, she would always shy away and ultimately explain how those who surrounded her were the reason for her success. Bessie Anderson Stanley wrote, “To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and affection of children, to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends, to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived, this is to have succeeded.” By Ms. Stanley’s standards, my mother’s life was a success: She was graced with good choices. The first choice she made was her career. Then she chose her family. And when we, her children, were grown and had started our lives, she chose the less fortunate children of the world. She chose to give back. In that important choice lay the key to healing and understanding something that had affected her throughout her entire life: the sadness that had always been there. Her choices healed the sadness of a little girl who didn’t know her father for most of her life and yet who yearned and longed for that warm embrace, that reassurance that you are loved and that you matter. When I look back, that is just what she gave to Luca and me: the reassurance that we were loved and that we mattered. This was the most valuable essence, the roots that live and grow forever inside you. She truly was a wonderful mother and friend. 奥黛丽•赫本——一个优雅高尚的人 更多英语学习资料:http://www.manfen.net/thread-14350-1-1.html 满分—翻译资料 5 母亲虽从未笃信过任何正统的宗教,但她自有其终生不渝的信仰:她相信爱,相信自然的神 奇,相信生活的美好。一旦有机会降临,她总会珍视这二度生活的机遇;这一点特别表现在 她垂暮之年还在为联合国儿童基金会工作。 尽管生活的磨砺慢慢使我们如同披枷戴锁,但有时一次濒死的经历就足以让我们从这些枷锁 中解脱出来。我们逐渐认识到什么东西值得孜孜以求,什么不值。虽然她不记得童年濒死的 经历,但对于濒死的认识,一旦种植在她那天性谦让的肥沃的土地上,便扎下了谦卑的根须, 这根须美化了她整个人生。 我从未听她说“这是我做的”或“那是我干的。”在为联合国儿童基金会工作的那些年里,直到 她生命的尽头,正如大家所听到的,我时常听她说:“我能做的太少。”我从未听她说过她对 自己的任何表演或工作表现感到满意。当人们赞美她时,她总是避之惟恐不速;最终,她会 解释说,她的成功其实全仗她周围人的努力。 贝茜•安德森•斯坦利写道,“若能笑口常开,若能赢得文化人的尊敬和孩子的喜爱,若能赢得 诚实的批评家的赞赏并承受虚朋假友的背叛,若能欣赏美,若能发现他人的长处,若能使世 界变好一点(不管是使某个孩子健康、修整某一片花园、还是改良社会状况),甚至若能得 知因为你的存在而使某一个人呼吸得更舒畅,这都是成功。”按斯坦利女士的标准,我母亲 的一生就是成功的一生:良好的抉择使她受益匪浅。她所做的第一个选择是她的职业,然后 她选择了她的家庭。当她的孩子们已长大成人,并开始自己的生活后,她又选择了世上不幸 的孩子。她选择了奉献。她的整个生活曾深受创伤——积久的创伤——的影响,而她这个重 要的选择正是理解和愈合这创伤的灵丹妙药。 她的选择抚平了一个小女孩心灵的伤痕。这个小女孩在大半生中不知道自己的父亲是谁,尽 管她渴望温暖的拥抱,渴望确切地知道自己被爱,确切地知道自己的价值。当我回顾过去, 发现母亲给鲁卡和我的正是这种东西:我们确信自己被爱,确信自己的价值。这就是最重要 的精华所在,是永远生长发育在你身心内的根源。她,确实是一个了不起的母亲,一个了不 起的朋友。 第四篇 绿色奥运、科技奥运、人文奥运 北京获得 2008 奥运会的举办权是世界对北京的认同和信任。根据“为人的和谐发展,以促 进建立一个维护人的尊严的和平社会”的奥林匹克宗旨,北京提出了“绿色奥运、科技奥运、 人文奥运”的举办理念。 绿色奥运,就是将环境保护作为奥运设施规划和建设的首要条件。北京正在各个领域里努力 推广环保工作,积极参与各项改善生态环境的活动,大幅度提高首都环境质量,建设生态城 市。北京2008 奥运将以绿色清新的面貌出现,为世界环保运动注入新的动力。 科技是人类文明进步的动力源泉。古老的中国,曾在世界科技史上占有重要地位。今天的中 更多英语学习资料:http://www.manfen.net/thread-14350-1-1.html 满分—翻译资料 6 国人民,不仅与全世界共享科技文明的成果,也在各个领域推动世界科技的进步。科技奥运 将反映科技最新进展,集成全国科技创新成果,推出一届高科技含量的体育盛会;提高北京 科技创新能力,推进高新技术成果的产业化及其在人民生活中的广泛应用,使北京奥运会成 为展示高新技术成果和创新实力的窗口。 2008 年北京奥运会更将是一次人文奥运的盛会。它将普及奥林匹克精神,弘扬中华民族优 秀文化,加深各国人民之间的了解、信任与友谊。北京奥运会将坚持“以人为本”,以运动员 为中心,构建体现人文关怀的环境,为八方来客提供全方位的优质服务。围绕这届奥运会, 一系列丰富多彩、形态各异的文化、体育活动将陆续展开,汇为普天同庆的文化盛典。 Environment-friendly Olympics, Technology-empowered Olympics and Culture-enriched Olympics The fact that Beijing has been awarded / Beijing’s success in winning the right to host the 2008 Olympic Games shows the world’s recognition and trust of Beijing. As “the goal of Olympism is to place everywhere sport at the service of the harmonious development of man, with a view to encouraging the establishment of a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity,” Beijing has proposed / put forward, in harmony with this spirit, the concepts of Environment-friendly Olympics, Technology-empowered Olympics and Culture-enriched Olympics. Environment-friendly Olympics requires that environmental protection (should) be given priority / taken as the first consideration in the planning and construction of Olympic infrastructures and facilities. Beijing has been pressing ahead / forward / on with environmental protection in every field by launching various projects to improve the city’s ecological environment, with a view to considerably raising the environmental quality of the capital so as to eventually build / turn it into an ecology-friendly city. The 2008 Olympic Games to be held in Beijing will present itself as a refreshingly Green Olympics, which will add momentum to the worldwide endeavor / drive for environmental protection. Science and technology empowers the progress of human civilization. Ancient China had once held an important place in the history of scientific and technological development. Today, the Chinese people, while sharing the technological accomplishments with the rest of the world, are contributing their part in all fields to propelling the advance of science and technology in the world. The technology-geared Olympics will showcase the latest development of science and technology, and display the achievements of technical innovation throughout the country. It will appear as a great multi-sport event sophisticated by high-tech applications. The Beijing Olympics in 2008, intended as a show-window for displaying high-tech achievements and innovation progress, will enhance Beijing’s capacity of technical innovation, and promote the industrialization of high-tech fruits and their wide application in people’s daily lives. 更多英语学习资料:http://www.manfen.net/thread-14350-1-1.html 满分—翻译资料 7 The Games of the 29th Olympiad to be hosted by Beijing will be a gala gathering featuring a culture-oriented massive sport event.It will extensively incarnate the Olympic spirit, disseminate the brilliant Chinese culture, and enhance the understanding, trust and friendship among the peoples all over the world. Upholding the “putting people first” principle and adopting the “sportsman-centered” approach, the Beijing Olympiad will create an atmosphere filled with humane care, rendering a full range of quality services to guests and friends from the four corners of the earth / globe. Against the backdrop / in the context of the 2008 version of Olympic Games, a rich program of events in a variety of forms will be staged, which will culminate in an international cultural pageantry amidst great jubilation. 第五篇 Prepare for the worst When nations are faced with great catastrophes, it is common for the accusations to start flying before the dust even settles or any debris has been cleared. Commentators are quick to raise a cry over government action or lack thereof, or whether a disaster could have been averted or its deadly consequences mitigated. This is especially true when many lives are lost and many more are at stake, and society is forced to cope with something terrible for the first time. There is always a steep learning curve when it comes to responding to calamities of this kind, and Mother Nature does an expert job of keeping us on our toes. The ability to expect the unexpected should be considered something of a virtue for public officials. The Indian Ocean tsunami that wreaked havoc in southern Thailand and other countries is a perfect example of why. New policies, organizations and procedures will spring up amid the devastation. Expensive new technologies will be deployed and bureaucrats shuffled around. The world of officialdom will appear to be in control, actively responding to needs and crises as they arise. As a society, the people of Thailand have demonstrated that they can come together and help one another in times of crisis. But we must now work much more resolutely to prepare for possible disasters, no matter how high or low their probability. We cannot just focus on the next tsunami because it is likely that the next big catastrophe could be something totally different and unexpected. We must prepare for the worst, no matter what form it takes. 更多英语学习资料:http://www.manfen.net/thread-14350-1-1.html 满分—翻译资料 8 做好最坏的准备 当一些国家面临巨大灾难的时候,甚至在尘埃尚未落定、废墟尚未被清理完毕之前,各种指 责便纷至沓来。这已成寻常之事。 评论家们不失时机地大声疾呼,批评政府的行动,或者指责政府缺乏行动,提出灾难是否可 以避免,毁灭性的后果可否减轻。倘若许多人在灾难中丧生,更多的人仍然危在旦夕,整个 社会被迫第一次应对可怕的劫难时,尤为如此。 面对这种灾难时,人们总是能够迅速学会/掌握应对的方法。而大自然特别善于让我们保持 警觉,能够预见不可预见的事物,被认为是政府官员应该具备的优点。 给泰国南部和其他国家带来空前浩劫的印度洋海啸就是说明这个道理的极好例证。 新的政策、组织和程序将在这场浩劫中应运而生。昂贵的新技术将被利用,官员们也四处奔 走。政府部门将有能力掌控局面,当危机和需要到来之时,积极应对。 作为一个社会,泰国人民显示出,危难之际,他们能够并肩携手,相互帮助。但是,我们现 在必须更坚定地工作,准备迎接可能出现的灾难,无论其发生的可能性有多大。我们不能把 注意力仅仅集中到下一次海啸上。因为下一次浩劫很可能是全然不同的、出乎预料的另一种 灾难。但是,不管它以何种形式出现,我们都必须做好最坏的准备。 第六篇 中国经济2005 面临新挑战 我们常比喻说,这几年中国的经济增长主要依靠三驾马车:投资、出口、消费。 先来看出口。随着我国加入世界贸易组织,出口量和进口量之间的差距正在逐渐缩小,甚至 在今年上半年曾首次出现过短暂的贸易逆差,而据有关专家估计,今年的贸易顺差也只有 100 亿元左右,到了2005 年,随着入世承诺的逐步兑现,贸易顺差可能会更小。显然,净 出口将不会再是经济增长的主动力。 再来看投资。在近几年的投资中,由于一直实施的是积极的财政政策,发行了大量的国债, 政府投资一直起着主导作用。据有关媒体报道,2005 年实施稳健财政政策后,发行的国债 将会比今年减少300 亿元。直接减少的国债投资是300 亿元,但由于国债投资都有很强的 带动效应,由这减少的300 亿元国债连带而减少的其他相关的银行投资、民间投资数量也 不可小视。虽然有统计局官员称,民间投资已有启动迹象,但是启动了的民间投资能不能持 续下去,民间投资是否是在地方政府的催生下发出的,是不是一种自发的力量,还是一个未 知的变数。 最后看消费。刺激消费一直是个老大难问题,我国目前的消费率已经下滑到了25 年来的最 更多英语学习资料:http://www.manfen.net/thread-14350-1-1.html 满分—翻译资料 9 低点 55.4%。看来,如何刺激消费已成为我国政府所面临的重大挑战之一。 Chinese Economy to Meet New Challenges in 2005 We often figuratively say that China’s economic growth in the past few years has been driven by a “troika”, the “three horses” being investment, export and consumption. (Investment, export and consumption are figuratively described as the three horses of a troika hauling China’s economic growth in recent years.) Let’s take a look at export first. The imbalance in volume between China’s import and export has been gradually diminishing ever since China’s accession to the WTO. In the first half of this year, China even ran a transient trade deficit, which is the first of its kind in history. It is estimated by experts that China’s trade surplus this year is expected to be only about 10 billion yuan. With its WTO accession commitments being fulfilled one after another, China’s current trade surplus with other countries is likely to be further reduced by 2005. Obviously, the “net export” approach will no longer be one of the major driving forces for China’s economic growth. Let’s now turn to investment. As a prominent player in China’s investment activities, the central government has issued a large amount of treasury bonds in the past few years in line with the proactive fiscal policy it has adopted. It is reported that the amount of treasury bonds to be issued by the government in 2005 will drop by 30 billion yuan since China is about to carry out a sound fiscal policy by 2005. As investment in treasury bonds can produce strong rippling effects, a reduction of 30 billion yuan in bond investment from the government will considerably discourage investment from banks and private sources, which is really something we can’t afford to overlook. Officials from China National Bureau of Statistics claim that there are already signs of private investment initiatives being launched. It will, however, remain to be seen just how far those initiatives can go and whether those initiatives are the results of self-motivation or the results of a local government-induced squeeze. Let’s finally take up consumption. The hardest nut for China to crack for a long time is how to stimulate consumption. China’s current consumption rate has slipped to 55.4%, the lowest point in 25 years. It seems that how to effectively promote consumption has become one of the daunting challenges the central government has to meet. 第七篇 送小孩到国外去学习须谨慎从事 现在越来越盛行送十几岁的小孩子到国外留学,人数在急剧增加。他们的家长对国外的教育 抱有不切实际的幻想。外国院校举办的教育展览把国外的学校说得天花乱坠,使他们听了介 更多英语学习资料:http://www.manfen.net/thread-14350-1-1.html 满分—翻译资料 10 绍之后便心动变为行动。 可是,把小孩子送到国外学习并不一定会带来好的结果。许多学生缺乏适应性和灵活性,他 们很难溶入国外新的环境。由于在文化上难以适应,即缺乏在国外陌生环境下生存的能力, 他们往往会受到所谓“文化震荡”的冲击。缺乏必要的观察能力,使他们难以理解东道主国家 人民的行为表现,他们也就无法与当地人打成一片。缺乏适应性以及交流和交往能力必然会 使自己感到孤立。 感到孤独和在生活上不能自理(由于他们的家长对他们过于溺爱和娇惯)他们会经常想家和 情绪低落。更重要的是,由于他们在学习上没有打好坚实的基础,不能适应外语环境下的学 习。由于他们缺乏独立学习的能力,所以就不可能取得所期望的进步。 于是,许多人便不得不半途而废,放弃来之不易的学习机会。因此,过早地送小孩子到国外 学习不一定是件好事情。 如果想要让孩子到国外去见见世面,可以让他们集体参加短期的国外游学项目,住在外国人 的家里,参加暑期班的学习,在所在地开展一些旅游活动。但这些团组必须有专门的老师陪 同,提供全程性的指导和帮助。 Mind the Pitfalls of Sending Young Children Abroad to Study There is a growing trend of sending teenage students abroad to study – the number has been increasing dramatically. Their parents are fantasized by myths about education offered in foreign countries. They are attracted by the educational exhibitions presented by foreign universities and colleges, which paint many rosy pictures and tell many glow tales prompting them into actions. However, sending young children to study abroad may not predict result in success. Many young students lack adaptability and flexibility. They find it hard to adapt themselves to new circumstances and situations. Because of the lack of cultural toughness – the ability to succeed in an alien culture, they are easily subject to the suffering of what is called “culture shock”. Without adequate perceptual ability – the ability to understand why the host-country people behave as they do, they find it difficult to empathize with them. And due to the lack of self
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