首页 了解手持电动工具使用时危险及安全措施



了解手持电动工具使用时危险及安全措施了解手持电动工具使用时危险及安全措施 标题 了解手持电动工具使用时危险及安全措施 了解手持电动工具使用时危险及安全措施 手枪电钻: 不安全因素(危险点) 一、触电: 1(使用电源电压必须与工具所规定电压相符 2(使用前必须检验内部、外壳和导线有良好的绝缘,不许有漏电现象。 3(使用前必须有正确的接地装置,不能将插头插错位置。 4(使用前根据所使用工具类别不同装设额定动作电流不大于15毫安、动作时间不大于0.1秒或额定漏电动作电流不大于30内容 毫安、动作时间不大于0.1秒的合格漏电保护器。 5...

了解手持电动工具使用时危险及安全措施 标题 了解手持电动工具使用时危险及安全措施 了解手持电动工具使用时危险及安全措施 手枪电钻: 不安全因素(危险点) 一、触电: 1(使用电源电压必须与工具所规定电压相符 2(使用前必须检验内部、外壳和导线有良好的绝缘,不许有漏电现象。 3(使用前必须有正确的接地装置,不能将插头插错位置。 4(使用前根据所使用工具类别不同装设额定动作电流不大于15毫安、动作时间不大于0.1秒或额定漏电动作电流不大于30内容 毫安、动作时间不大于0.1秒的合格漏电保护器。 5(在金属容器内工作时,必须设专人在外不间断地监护,漏电保护器、电源联接器和控制箱应放在容器外面,工作人员脚下应垫上绝缘板,在特别潮湿的地方使用电动工具必须穿戴合适的工作服、配戴绝缘手套和绝缘鞋。 二、机械伤害: 1(使用前必须确认该电钻为合格电钻,贴有标签或有合格证。 2(使用前必须检查机械传动部分各部螺母紧固牢靠,合格才能使用。 3(接通电源前必须认真检查所使用工具的开关应处在关闭位 mortar, dust must be cleared. The defective parts repaired and dried before the spraying. 3. ingredients: according to spray an area the size of the buckets of paint mixed together, and stir with the mix with use. 4. Brush coating method (1) brush the first coating: after first stage step by step, brush Cha is best left in the grid, or Yin corner, tail when brushing, brushing the length. As paints dry quickly, dip brush, window brush Ridge, another large, when brushing coat thickness should be consistent, uniform color. (2) the brush again to brush it again after the first film. Method of judging the film is color returned to normal, touch the non-stick. Application method with the first time, require coating bond, would not show brush marks. (3) the brush again requested a second time. (E) the floor works 1. leveling layer of cement mortar: construction, various pipes and floor drains should be installed and inspected. Screed before the construction of the grassroots and soot, floating on the surface of pulp and debris washed, water wetting in advance, but in laying mortar surface water should be excluded. Waterproof floor engineering requirements, in front of the floor screed, riser, casing and floor drains and floor seals between nodes and set aside deep 8~10MM trench around the tube, wrapped in waterproof or waterproof paint tube and the floor drain. 1:2 hydraulic cement mortar 置后才能接通电源。 4(在更换钻头时必须将电源插头拔开后才能进行更换工作,检查钻头无裂纹、表面无缺陷,合格后才能安装。 5(使用时必须将工件可靠的固定在工作台上,钻头也必须夹紧,钻头不许与机体和工件发生撞碰。 6(工作时不能用力将钻头接触物件,要轻轻接触适当的进入,手远离旋转部件。 7(工作时必须戴防护眼镜穿戴合适的工作服,留长发的人必须带帽子,工作地点清理干净,不能有被钻头绞住的东西,双手必须握紧工具并格外小心。 8(工作时身体必须保持适当的正确姿势,必须站稳,不可伸手越过工具取物及加工工作。 9(所使用工具在关闭开关后必须待机器完全停止后才能将其放在安全可靠的位置上,然后拔下插头。 10(严禁一只手把工件一只手使用手枪电钻进行工作。 11(工作时必须2人以上,要有专人进行不间断监护。 电动扳手: 不安全因素(危险点) 一、触电: 1(使用电源电压必须与电动扳手所规定电压相符。 2(使用前必须检验内部、外壳和导线有良好的绝缘,不许有漏电现象。 mortar, dust must be cleared. The defective parts repaired and dried before the spraying. 3. ingredients: according to spray an area the size of the buckets of paint mixed together, and stir with the mix with use. 4. Brush coating method (1) brush the first coating: after first stage step by step, brush Cha is best left in the grid, or Yin corner, tail when brushing, brushing the length. As paints dry quickly, dip brush, window brush Ridge, another large, when brushing coat thickness should be consistent, uniform color. (2) the brush again to brush it again after the first film. Method of judging the film is color returned to normal, touch the non-stick. Application method with the first time, require coating bond, would not show brush marks. (3) the brush again requested a second time. (E) the floor works 1. leveling layer of cement mortar: construction, various pipes and floor drains should be installed and inspected. Screed before the construction of the grassroots and soot, floating on the surface of pulp and debris washed, water wetting in advance, but in laying mortar surface water should be excluded. Waterproof floor engineering requirements, in front of the floor screed, riser, casing and floor drains and floor seals between nodes and set aside deep 8~10MM trench around the tube, wrapped in waterproof or waterproof paint tube and the floor drain. 1:2 hydraulic cement mortar 3(使用前必须有正确的接地装置,不能将插头插错位置。 4(使用前根据所使用工具类别不同装设额定动作电流不大于15毫安、动作时间不大于0.1秒或额定漏电动作电流不大于30毫安、动作时间不大于0.1秒的合格漏电保护器。 5(在金属容器内工作时,必须设专人在外不间断地监护,漏电保护器、电源联接器和控制箱应放在容器外面,工作人员脚下应垫上绝缘板,在特别潮湿的地方使用电动工具必须穿戴合适的工作服、配戴绝缘手套和绝缘鞋。 二、机械伤害: 1(使用前必须确认该扳手为合格扳手,贴有标签或有合格证。 2(使用前必须检查机械传动部分各部螺母紧固牢靠,合格后才能使用。 3(在更换扳头时必须将电源插头拔开后才能进行更换。 4(使用时必须将扳手可靠的固定住,双手必须把牢(特殊情况下可把扳手吊起固定好),防止工具擅动脱手发生危险。 5(开机前必须确定旋转方向,确定无异常后再进行工作,工作时用力应均匀,禁止用力过猛。 6(工作时必须2人以上,专人对操作箱进行操作,控制电动扳手的工作与停止。 7(使用时应扶正扳手,要避免碰掉扳头,严防电缆带电脱落。 8(工作时身体必须保持适当的正确姿势,必须站稳,使工具轴线与螺纹轴线对正、握稳。 mortar, dust must be cleared. The defective parts repaired and dried before the spraying. 3. ingredients: according to spray an area the size of the buckets of paint mixed together, and stir with the mix with use. 4. Brush coating method (1) brush the first coating: after first stage step by step, brush Cha is best left in the grid, or Yin corner, tail when brushing, brushing the length. As paints dry quickly, dip brush, window brush Ridge, another large, when brushing coat thickness should be consistent, uniform color. (2) the brush again to brush it again after the first film. Method of judging the film is color returned to normal, touch the non-stick. Application method with the first time, require coating bond, would not show brush marks. (3) the brush again requested a second time. (E) the floor works 1. leveling layer of cement mortar: construction, various pipes and floor drains should be installed and inspected. Screed before the construction of the grassroots and soot, floating on the surface of pulp and debris washed, water wetting in advance, but in laying mortar surface water should be excluded. Waterproof floor engineering requirements, in front of the floor screed, riser, casing and floor drains and floor seals between nodes and set aside deep 8~10MM trench around the tube, wrapped in waterproof or waterproof paint tube and the floor drain. 1:2 hydraulic cement mortar 9(接通电源前必须认真检查所使用工具的开关应处在关闭位置后才能接通电源。 10(所使用工具在关闭开关后必须待机器完全停止后才能将其放在安全可靠的位置上,然后拔下插头。 11(进行垂直向上工作时必须两人以上握住工具,第三人进行操作。 12(工作时必须2人以上,专人进行不间断监护。 mortar, dust must be cleared. The defective parts repaired and dried before the spraying. 3. ingredients: according to spray an area the size of the buckets of paint mixed together, and stir with the mix with use. 4. Brush coating method (1) brush the first coating: after first stage step by step, brush Cha is best left in the grid, or Yin corner, tail when brushing, brushing the length. As paints dry quickly, dip brush, window brush Ridge, another large, when brushing coat thickness should be consistent, uniform color. (2) the brush again to brush it again after the first film. Method of judging the film is color returned to normal, touch the non-stick. Application method with the first time, require coating bond, would not show brush marks. (3) the brush again requested a second time. (E) the floor works 1. leveling layer of cement mortar: construction, various pipes and floor drains should be installed and inspected. Screed before the construction of the grassroots and soot, floating on the surface of pulp and debris washed, water wetting in advance, but in laying mortar surface water should be excluded. Waterproof floor engineering requirements, in front of the floor screed, riser, casing and floor drains and floor seals between nodes and set aside deep 8~10MM trench around the tube, wrapped in waterproof or waterproof paint tube and the floor drain. 1:2 hydraulic cement mortar mortar, dust must be cleared. The defective parts repaired and dried before the spraying. 3. ingredients: according to spray an area the size of the buckets of paint mixed together, and stir with the mix with use. 4. Brush coating method (1) brush the first coating: after first stage step by step, brush Cha is best left in the grid, or Yin corner, tail when brushing, brushing the length. As paints dry quickly, dip brush, window brush Ridge, another large, when brushing coat thickness should be consistent, uniform color. (2) the brush again to brush it again after the first film. Method of judging the film is color returned to normal, touch the non-stick. Application method with the first time, require coating bond, would not show brush marks. (3) the brush again requested a second time. (E) the floor works 1. leveling layer of cement mortar: construction, various pipes and floor drains should be installed and inspected. Screed before the construction of the grassroots and soot, floating on the surface of pulp and debris washed, water wetting in advance, but in laying mortar surface water should be excluded. Waterproof floor engineering requirements, in front of the floor screed, riser, casing and floor drains and floor seals between nodes and set aside deep 8~10MM trench around the tube, wrapped in waterproof or waterproof paint tube and the floor drain. 1:2 hydraulic cement mortar mortar, dust must be cleared. The defective parts repaired and dried before the spraying. 3. ingredients: according to spray an area the size of the buckets of paint mixed together, and stir with the mix with use. 4. Brush coating method (1) brush the first coating: after first stage step by step, brush Cha is best left in the grid, or Yin corner, tail when brushing, brushing the length. As paints dry quickly, dip brush, window brush Ridge, another large, when brushing coat thickness should be consistent, uniform color. (2) the brush again to brush it again after the first film. Method of judging the film is color returned to normal, touch the non-stick. Application method with the first time, require coating bond, would not show brush marks. (3) the brush again requested a second time. (E) the floor works 1. leveling layer of cement mortar: construction, various pipes and floor drains should be installed and inspected. Screed before the construction of the grassroots and soot, floating on the surface of pulp and debris washed, water wetting in advance, but in laying mortar surface water should be excluded. Waterproof floor engineering requirements, in front of the floor screed, riser, casing and floor drains and floor seals between nodes and set aside deep 8~10MM trench around the tube, wrapped in waterproof or waterproof paint tube and the floor drain. 1:2 hydraulic cement mortar mortar, dust must be cleared. The defective parts repaired and dried before the spraying. 3. ingredients: according to spray an area the size of the buckets of paint mixed together, and stir with the mix with use. 4. Brush coating method (1) brush the first coating: after first stage step by step, brush Cha is best left in the grid, or Yin corner, tail when brushing, brushing the length. As paints dry quickly, dip brush, window brush Ridge, another large, when brushing coat thickness should be consistent, uniform color. (2) the brush again to brush it again after the first film. Method of judging the film is color returned to normal, touch the non-stick. Application method with the first time, require coating bond, would not show brush marks. (3) the brush again requested a second time. (E) the floor works 1. leveling layer of cement mortar: construction, various pipes and floor drains should be installed and inspected. Screed before the construction of the grassroots and soot, floating on the surface of pulp and debris washed, water wetting in advance, but in laying mortar surface water should be excluded. Waterproof floor engineering requirements, in front of the floor screed, riser, casing and floor drains and floor seals between nodes and set aside deep 8~10MM trench around the tube, wrapped in waterproof or waterproof paint tube and the floor drain. 1:2 hydraulic cement mortar mortar, dust must be cleared. The defective parts repaired and dried before the spraying. 3. ingredients: according to spray an area the size of the buckets of paint mixed together, and stir with the mix with use. 4. Brush coating method (1) brush the first coating: after first stage step by step, brush Cha is best left in the grid, or Yin corner, tail when brushing, brushing the length. As paints dry quickly, dip brush, window brush Ridge, another large, when brushing coat thickness should be consistent, uniform color. (2) the brush again to brush it again after the first film. Method of judging the film is color returned to normal, touch the non-stick. Application method with the first time, require coating bond, would not show brush marks. (3) the brush again requested a second time. (E) the floor works 1. leveling layer of cement mortar: construction, various pipes and floor drains should be installed and inspected. Screed before the construction of the grassroots and soot, floating on the surface of pulp and debris washed, water wetting in advance, but in laying mortar surface water should be excluded. Waterproof floor engineering requirements, in front of the floor screed, riser, casing and floor drains and floor seals between nodes and set aside deep 8~10MM trench around the tube, wrapped in waterproof or waterproof paint tube and the floor drain. 1:2 hydraulic cement mortar mortar, dust must be cleared. The defective parts repaired and dried before the spraying. 3. ingredients: according to spray an area the size of the buckets of paint mixed together, and stir with the mix with use. 4. Brush coating method (1) brush the first coating: after first stage step by step, brush Cha is best left in the grid, or Yin corner, tail when brushing, brushing the length. As paints dry quickly, dip brush, window brush Ridge, another large, when brushing coat thickness should be consistent, uniform color. (2) the brush again to brush it again after the first film. Method of judging the film is color returned to normal, touch the non-stick. Application method with the first time, require coating bond, would not show brush marks. (3) the brush again requested a second time. (E) the floor works 1. leveling layer of cement mortar: construction, various pipes and floor drains should be installed and inspected. Screed before the construction of the grassroots and soot, floating on the surface of pulp and debris washed, water wetting in advance, but in laying mortar surface water should be excluded. Waterproof floor engineering requirements, in front of the floor screed, riser, casing and floor drains and floor seals between nodes and set aside deep 8~10MM trench around the tube, wrapped in waterproof or waterproof paint tube and the floor drain. 1:2 hydraulic cement mortar mortar, dust must be cleared. The defective parts repaired and dried before the spraying. 3. ingredients: according to spray an area the size of the buckets of paint mixed together, and stir with the mix with use. 4. Brush coating method (1) brush the first coating: after first stage step by step, brush Cha is best left in the grid, or Yin corner, tail when brushing, brushing the length. As paints dry quickly, dip brush, window brush Ridge, another large, when brushing coat thickness should be consistent, uniform color. (2) the brush again to brush it again after the first film. Method of judging the film is color returned to normal, touch the non-stick. Application method with the first time, require coating bond, would not show brush marks. (3) the brush again requested a second time. (E) the floor works 1. leveling layer of cement mortar: construction, various pipes and floor drains should be installed and inspected. Screed before the construction of the grassroots and soot, floating on the surface of pulp and debris washed, water wetting in advance, but in laying mortar surface water should be excluded. Waterproof floor engineering requirements, in front of the floor screed, riser, casing and floor drains and floor seals between nodes and set aside deep 8~10MM trench around the tube, wrapped in waterproof or waterproof paint tube and the floor drain. 1:2 hydraulic cement mortar mortar, dust must be cleared. The defective parts repaired and dried before the spraying. 3. ingredients: according to spray an area the size of the buckets of paint mixed together, and stir with the mix with use. 4. Brush coating method (1) brush the first coating: after first stage step by step, brush Cha is best left in the grid, or Yin corner, tail when brushing, brushing the length. As paints dry quickly, dip brush, window brush Ridge, another large, when brushing coat thickness should be consistent, uniform color. (2) the brush again to brush it again after the first film. Method of judging the film is color returned to normal, touch the non-stick. Application method with the first time, require coating bond, would not show brush marks. (3) the brush again requested a second time. (E) the floor works 1. leveling layer of cement mortar: construction, various pipes and floor drains should be installed and inspected. Screed before the construction of the grassroots and soot, floating on the surface of pulp and debris washed, water wetting in advance, but in laying mortar surface water should be excluded. Waterproof floor engineering requirements, in front of the floor screed, riser, casing and floor drains and floor seals between nodes and set aside deep 8~10MM trench around the tube, wrapped in waterproof or waterproof paint tube and the floor drain. 1:2 hydraulic cement mortar mortar, dust must be cleared. The defective parts repaired and dried before the spraying. 3. ingredients: according to spray an area the size of the buckets of paint mixed together, and stir with the mix with use. 4. Brush coating method (1) brush the first coating: after first stage step by step, brush Cha is best left in the grid, or Yin corner, tail when brushing, brushing the length. As paints dry quickly, dip brush, window brush Ridge, another large, when brushing coat thickness should be consistent, uniform color. (2) the brush again to brush it again after the first film. Method of judging the film is color returned to normal, touch the non-stick. Application method with the first time, require coating bond, would not show brush marks. (3) the brush again requested a second time. (E) the floor works 1. leveling layer of cement mortar: construction, various pipes and floor drains should be installed and inspected. Screed before the construction of the grassroots and soot, floating on the surface of pulp and debris washed, water wetting in advance, but in laying mortar surface water should be excluded. Waterproof floor engineering requirements, in front of the floor screed, riser, casing and floor drains and floor seals between nodes and set aside deep 8~10MM trench around the tube, wrapped in waterproof or waterproof paint tube and the floor drain. 1:2 hydraulic cement mortar mortar, dust must be cleared. The defective parts repaired and dried before the spraying. 3. ingredients: according to spray an area the size of the buckets of paint mixed together, and stir with the mix with use. 4. Brush coating method (1) brush the first coating: after first stage step by step, brush Cha is best left in the grid, or Yin corner, tail when brushing, brushing the length. As paints dry quickly, dip brush, window brush Ridge, another large, when brushing coat thickness should be consistent, uniform color. (2) the brush again to brush it again after the first film. Method of judging the film is color returned to normal, touch the non-stick. Application method with the first time, require coating bond, would not show brush marks. (3) the brush again requested a second time. (E) the floor works 1. leveling layer of cement mortar: construction, various pipes and floor drains should be installed and inspected. Screed before the construction of the grassroots and soot, floating on the surface of pulp and debris washed, water wetting in advance, but in laying mortar surface water should be excluded. Waterproof floor engineering requirements, in front of the floor screed, riser, casing and floor drains and floor seals between nodes and set aside deep 8~10MM trench around the tube, wrapped in waterproof or waterproof paint tube and the floor drain. 1:2 hydraulic cement mortar mortar, dust must be cleared. The defective parts repaired and dried before the spraying. 3. ingredients: according to spray an area the size of the buckets of paint mixed together, and stir with the mix with use. 4. Brush coating method (1) brush the first coating: after first stage step by step, brush Cha is best left in the grid, or Yin corner, tail when brushing, brushing the length. As paints dry quickly, dip brush, window brush Ridge, another large, when brushing coat thickness should be consistent, uniform color. (2) the brush again to brush it again after the first film. Method of judging the film is color returned to normal, touch the non-stick. Application method with the first time, require coating bond, would not show brush marks. (3) the brush again requested a second time. (E) the floor works 1. leveling layer of cement mortar: construction, various pipes and floor drains should be installed and inspected. Screed before the construction of the grassroots and soot, floating on the surface of pulp and debris washed, water wetting in advance, but in laying mortar surface water should be excluded. Waterproof floor engineering requirements, in front of the floor screed, riser, casing and floor drains and floor seals between nodes and set aside deep 8~10MM trench around the tube, wrapped in waterproof or waterproof paint tube and the floor drain. 1:2 hydraulic cement mortar mortar, dust must be cleared. The defective parts repaired and dried before the spraying. 3. ingredients: according to spray an area the size of the buckets of paint mixed together, and stir with the mix with use. 4. Brush coating method (1) brush the first coating: after first stage step by step, brush Cha is best left in the grid, or Yin corner, tail when brushing, brushing the length. As paints dry quickly, dip brush, window brush Ridge, another large, when brushing coat thickness should be consistent, uniform color. (2) the brush again to brush it again after the first film. Method of judging the film is color returned to normal, touch the non-stick. Application method with the first time, require coating bond, would not show brush marks. (3) the brush again requested a second time. (E) the floor works 1. leveling layer of cement mortar: construction, various pipes and floor drains should be installed and inspected. Screed before the construction of the grassroots and soot, floating on the surface of pulp and debris washed, water wetting in advance, but in laying mortar surface water should be excluded. Waterproof floor engineering requirements, in front of the floor screed, riser, casing and floor drains and floor seals between nodes and set aside deep 8~10MM trench around the tube, wrapped in waterproof or waterproof paint tube and the floor drain. 1:2 hydraulic cement mortar mortar, dust must be cleared. The defective parts repaired and dried before the spraying. 3. ingredients: according to spray an area the size of the buckets of paint mixed together, and stir with the mix with use. 4. Brush coating method (1) brush the first coating: after first stage step by step, brush Cha is best left in the grid, or Yin corner, tail when brushing, brushing the length. As paints dry quickly, dip brush, window brush Ridge, another large, when brushing coat thickness should be consistent, uniform color. (2) the brush again to brush it again after the first film. Method of judging the film is color returned to normal, touch the non-stick. Application method with the first time, require coating bond, would not show brush marks. (3) the brush again requested a second time. (E) the floor works 1. leveling layer of cement mortar: construction, various pipes and floor drains should be installed and inspected. Screed before the construction of the grassroots and soot, floating on the surface of pulp and debris washed, water wetting in advance, but in laying mortar surface water should be excluded. Waterproof floor engineering requirements, in front of the floor screed, riser, casing and floor drains and floor seals between nodes and set aside deep 8~10MM trench around the tube, wrapped in waterproof or waterproof paint tube and the floor drain. 1:2 hydraulic cement mortar
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