首页 《微型计算机系统原理及应用》实验报告 3

《微型计算机系统原理及应用》实验报告 3


《微型计算机系统原理及应用》实验报告 3《微型计算机系统原理及应用》实验报告 3 微型计算机系统 原理及应用 ———实验报告——— 实验题目: 8255并行接口 学 院: 信息科学与技术学院 班 级: 姓 名: 学 号: mortar (that removal rough aggregate of concrete), concrete should layered pouring, layered vibration pound, each layer of thickness is unlikely to Yu 500mm, vi...

《微型计算机系统原理及应用》实验报告 3
《微型计算机系统原理及应用》 实验报告 化学实验报告单总流体力学实验报告观察种子结构实验报告观察种子结构实验报告单观察种子的结构实验报告单 3 微型计算机系统 原理及应用 ———实验 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 ——— 实验题目: 8255并行接口 学 院: 信息科学与技术学院 班 级: 姓 名: 学 号: mortar (that removal rough aggregate of concrete), concrete should layered pouring, layered vibration pound, each layer of thickness is unlikely to Yu 500mm, vibration pound Rod mobile spacing is unlikely to Yu 500mm, and must insert lower concrete 50 mm to elimination two layer concrete of seams, concrete of vibration pound time to concrete is not significantly sinking, no bubble and returned water mud Shi for degrees. When the beams and slabs of concrete poured, use flat-combination of vibrators and vibrator insertion, shall not be leakage, and assurance of compacting. (1) base plate concrete pouring (see pouring of mass concrete in Foundation programme) will focus on control in construction of Foundation slab concrete construction, waterproof concrete of basement exterior wall and other key parts of the construction. Concrete thickness of 1300 mm of this project, during the construction process must be strictly controlled temperature and mix to ensure uniform quality and vibration compacting of concrete, timely maintenance, to avoid cracks. Temperature cracks control of mass concrete checking and measuring portfolio in detail. Concrete using a one-time continuous concrete plans, stratified vibration of floor vibration using slopes, slope formed by the natural flow of pump concrete and grade control around 1:3, vibration from the bottom of the LIFT began to move, to ensure that the layer of concrete construction quality. Concrete vibration in the process should be the vibrator up and down slightly twitching, uniform concrete vibrating up and down, each vibration 一、实验目的 学习和掌握8255A可编程并行口的 使用方法 消防栓的使用方法指针万用表的使用方法84消毒液使用方法消防灭火器使用方法铁材计算器使用方法 。 二、预备知识 1、8255A内部结构 8255A内部有3个8位I/O端口:A口、B口、C口;也可以分为各有12位的两组:A和B组,A组包含A口8位和C口的高4位,B组包含B口8位和C口的低4位;8255A中的读写控制逻辑用于控制芯片内寄存器的数据和控制字经数据总线缓冲器送入各组接口寄存器中。由于8255A数据总线缓冲器是双向三态8位驱动器,因此可以直接和CPU系统总线相连。 2、8255A端口地址 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 8255A端口地址选择表 A1 A0 RD WR CS 操作类型 操作方向 0 0 0 1 0 PA 数据总线 0 1 0 1 0 PB 数据总线 输入(读) 1 0 0 1 0 PC 数据总线 0 0 1 0 0 数据总线 PA 0 1 1 0 0 数据总线 PB 输出(写) 1 0 1 0 0 数据总线 PC 1 1 1 0 0 数据总线 控制字 × × × × 1 数据总线三态 1 1 0 1 0 非法状态 断 开 × × 1 1 0 数据总线三态 3、8255A工作方式 8255A芯片有三种工作方式:方式0、方式1、方式2。它通过对控制寄存器写入不同的控制字来决定其三种不同的工作方式。 (1)方式0:基本输入/输出 该方式下的A口8位和B口8位可以由输入的控制字决定为输入或输出,C口分成高4位(PC4,PC7)和低4位(PC0,PC3)两组,也有控制字决定其输入或输出。需注意的是:该方式下,只能将C口其中一组的四位全部置为输入或输出。 工作方式0 (2)方式1:选通输入/输出 该方式又叫单向输入输出方式,它分为A、B两组,A组由数据口A和控制口C的高4位组成,B组由数据口B和控制口C的低4位组成。数据口的输入/输出都是锁存的,与方式不同,由控制字来决定它作为输入还是输出。 proce om the bottom of the LIFT began to move, to ensure that the layer of concrete construction quality. Concrete vibration in theof floor vibration using slopes, slope formed by the natural flow of pump concrete and grade control around 1:3, vibration frtime continuous concrete plans, stratified vibration -ass concrete checking and measuring portfolio in detail. Concrete using a onere uniform quality and vibration compacting of concrete, timely maintenance, to avoid cracks. Temperature cracks control of mo ensucrete thickness of 1300 mm of this project, during the construction process must be strictly controlled temperature and mix tdation slab concrete construction, waterproof concrete of basement exterior wall and other key parts of the construction. Conouring (see pouring of mass concrete in Foundation programme) will focus on control in construction of Founcombination of vibrators and vibrator insertion, shall not be leakage, and assurance of compacting. (1) base plate concrete p-ncrete poured, use flatof co und time to concrete is not significantly sinking, no bubble and returned water mud Shi for degrees. When the beams and slabslikely to Yu 500mm, and must insert lower concrete 50 mm to elimination two layer concrete of seams, concrete of vibration poickness is unlikely to Yu 500mm, vibration pound Rod mobile spacing is unmortar (that removal rough aggregate of concrete), concrete should layered pouring, layered vibration pound, each layer of thss should be the vibrator up and down slightly twitching, uniform concrete vibrating up and down, each vibration2 C口的相应位用于寄存数据传送中所需的状态信号和控制信息。 工作方式1输入 工作方式1输出 (3)方式2:双向输入/输出 本方式只有A组(数据口A和控制口C的低3位PC0,PC2)可以使用, 此时A口为输入输出双向口,C口中的高5位(PC3,PC7)作为A口的控制位。 工作方式2 4、8255A控制字 8255A方式选择控制字 iform concrete vibrating up and down, each vibrationof concrete construction quality. Concrete vibration in the process should be the vibrator up and down slightly twitching, un p concrete and grade control around 1:3, vibration from the bottom of the LIFT began to move, to ensure that the layertime continuous concrete plans, stratified vibration of floor vibration using slopes, slope formed by the natural flow of pum-using a one ncretemely maintenance, to avoid cracks. Temperature cracks control of mass concrete checking and measuring portfolio in detail. Coon process must be strictly controlled temperature and mix to ensure uniform quality and vibration compacting of concrete, titructiasement exterior wall and other key parts of the construction. Concrete thickness of 1300 mm of this project, during the consoundation programme) will focus on control in construction of Foundation slab concrete construction, waterproof concrete of bouring (see pouring of mass concrete in Fcombination of vibrators and vibrator insertion, shall not be leakage, and assurance of compacting. (1) base plate concrete p-returned water mud Shi for degrees. When the beams and slabs of concrete poured, use flatand elimination two layer concrete of seams, concrete of vibration pound time to concrete is not significantly sinking, no bubbleis unlikely to Yu 500mm, vibration pound Rod mobile spacing is unlikely to Yu 500mm, and must insert lower concrete 50 mm to icknessmortar (that removal rough aggregate of concrete), concrete should layered pouring, layered vibration pound, each layer of th3 8255A的PC口按置位/复位控制字 三、实验内容 本实验需要在实验箱上实现两组代码。 代码一:(B端闸门控制C端LED灯的亮灭) CODE SEGMENT ASSUME CS:CODE ORG 1500H START: MOV DX,0FF2BH ; 8255 控制口地址 MOV AL,82H ;控制口命令,将PB口设为输入,PC口设为输出 OUT DX,AL START1: MOV DX,0FF29H ;8255 B口地址 IN AL,DX ;将B口的信息送入寄存器AL中 MOV DX,0FF2AH ;8255 C口地址 OUT DX,AL ;将寄存器信息送入C口 JMP START1 CODE ENDS END START 代码二:(LED灯循环点亮) CODE SEGMENT ASSUME CS:CODE ORG 1500H START: MOV DX,0FF2BH ;8255控制口 MOV AL,80H ;控制字命令 OUT DX,AL ;控制字命令输送至控制口 MOV DX,0FF29H ;8255 B口地址 L1: OUT DX,AL ;控制字命令也可作为“灯控信号” MOV CX,0FFFFH L2: DEC CX JNZ L2 ;延时 RCL AL,1 ;带进位的大循环 JMP L1 CODE ENDS END START 四、实验 步骤 新产品开发流程的步骤课题研究的五个步骤成本核算步骤微型课题研究步骤数控铣床操作步骤 ss should be the vibrator up and down slightly twitching, uniform concrete vibrating up and down, each vibrationproce om the bottom of the LIFT began to move, to ensure that the layer of concrete construction quality. Concrete vibration in theof floor vibration using slopes, slope formed by the natural flow of pump concrete and grade control around 1:3, vibration frtime continuous concrete plans, stratified vibration -ass concrete checking and measuring portfolio in detail. Concrete using a onere uniform quality and vibration compacting of concrete, timely maintenance, to avoid cracks. Temperature cracks control of mo ensucrete thickness of 1300 mm of this project, during the construction process must be strictly controlled temperature and mix tdation slab concrete construction, waterproof concrete of basement exterior wall and other key parts of the construction. Conouring (see pouring of mass concrete in Foundation programme) will focus on control in construction of Founcombination of vibrators and vibrator insertion, shall not be leakage, and assurance of compacting. (1) base plate concrete p-ncrete poured, use flatof co und time to concrete is not significantly sinking, no bubble and returned water mud Shi for degrees. When the beams and slabslikely to Yu 500mm, and must insert lower concrete 50 mm to elimination two layer concrete of seams, concrete of vibration poickness is unlikely to Yu 500mm, vibration pound Rod mobile spacing is unmortar (that removal rough aggregate of concrete), concrete should layered pouring, layered vibration pound, each layer of th4 本实验主要采用DV88H实验系统实现对8255的操作。 (实验一) 1、在实验箱上连线, PB0——PB7(B口管脚)对应K1——K7(闸门);PC0——PC7(C口管脚)对应L1——L7(LED灯)。 2、接通DVCC实验系统电源,在DVCC实验箱上应显示闪动的”P”,否则按RESET键。 3、打开DV88H实验系统(桌面上的dv88h实验箱快捷方式),界面如下所示: 4、单击工具栏上”新建”或”打开”按钮,编写源程序。单击“编译”按钮,使其形成可执行文件。界面如下: 5、按下DVCC实验箱上的PCDBG键(键盘上最右边的第二个),单击工具栏上“联接”按钮,实现PC机和实验箱的联接。若联机成功,则屏幕上出现:反汇编窗口,数据窗口和寄存器标示位窗口如下所示: iform concrete vibrating up and down, each vibrationof concrete construction quality. Concrete vibration in the process should be the vibrator up and down slightly twitching, un p concrete and grade control around 1:3, vibration from the bottom of the LIFT began to move, to ensure that the layertime continuous concrete plans, stratified vibration of floor vibration using slopes, slope formed by the natural flow of pum-using a one ncretemely maintenance, to avoid cracks. Temperature cracks control of mass concrete checking and measuring portfolio in detail. Coon process must be strictly controlled temperature and mix to ensure uniform quality and vibration compacting of concrete, titructiasement exterior wall and other key parts of the construction. Concrete thickness of 1300 mm of this project, during the consoundation programme) will focus on control in construction of Foundation slab concrete construction, waterproof concrete of bouring (see pouring of mass concrete in Fcombination of vibrators and vibrator insertion, shall not be leakage, and assurance of compacting. (1) base plate concrete p-returned water mud Shi for degrees. When the beams and slabs of concrete poured, use flatand elimination two layer concrete of seams, concrete of vibration pound time to concrete is not significantly sinking, no bubbleis unlikely to Yu 500mm, vibration pound Rod mobile spacing is unlikely to Yu 500mm, and must insert lower concrete 50 mm to icknessmortar (that removal rough aggregate of concrete), concrete should layered pouring, layered vibration pound, each layer of th5 6、在成功联机后,选中8255-1界面,单击工具栏上的“调试”按钮,把最终文件装载到实验系统RAM区;或者通过单击菜单栏中的“动态调试”按钮,选择“传送(.exe)文件”来实现。其界面如下: 7、单击工具栏上“运行”或“单步”按钮,运行实验程序。 om the bottom of the LIFT began to move, to ensure that the layer of concrete construction quality. Concrete vibration in theof floor vibration using slopes, slope formed by the natural flow of pump concrete and grade control around 1:3, vibration frtime continuous concrete plans, stratified vibration -ass concrete checking and measuring portfolio in detail. Concrete using a onere uniform quality and vibration compacting of concrete, timely maintenance, to avoid cracks. Temperature cracks control of mo ensucrete thickness of 1300 mm of this project, during the construction process must be strictly controlled temperature and mix tdation slab concrete construction, waterproof concrete of basement exterior wall and other key parts of the construction. Conouring (see pouring of mass concrete in Foundation programme) will focus on control in construction of Founcombination of vibrators and vibrator insertion, shall not be leakage, and assurance of compacting. (1) base plate concrete p-ncrete poured, use flatof co und time to concrete is not significantly sinking, no bubble and returned water mud Shi for degrees. When the beams and slabslikely to Yu 500mm, and must insert lower concrete 50 mm to elimination two layer concrete of seams, concrete of vibration poickness is unlikely to Yu 500mm, vibration pound Rod mobile spacing is unmortar (that removal rough aggregate of concrete), concrete should layered pouring, layered vibration pound, each layer of thss should be the vibrator up and down slightly twitching, uniform concrete vibrating up and down, each vibrationproce6 实验结果: 闸门控制的LED灯 8、运行完毕,先按实验箱上的复位按钮Reset键,再按PCDBG键,并且点击屏幕上OK,即可退出运行状态。 (实验二) 1、在实验箱上连线,PB0——PB7(B端口)对应L1——L7(LED灯)。 第二次实验 PB0——PB7 L1——L8 、单击工具栏上”新建”或”打开”按钮,编写源程序。单击“编译”按钮,2 使其形成可执行文件。界面如下: 3、按下DVCC实验箱上的RESET键,再按下PCDBG键(键盘上最右边的第二个),单击工具栏上“联接”按钮,实现PC机和实验箱的联接。若联机成功,则屏幕上出现:反汇编窗口,数据窗口和寄存器标示位窗口如下所示: p concrete and grade control around 1:3, vibration from the bottom of the LIFT began to move, to ensure that the layertime continuous concrete plans, stratified vibration of floor vibration using slopes, slope formed by the natural flow of pum-using a one ncretemely maintenance, to avoid cracks. Temperature cracks control of mass concrete checking and measuring portfolio in detail. Coon process must be strictly controlled temperature and mix to ensure uniform quality and vibration compacting of concrete, titructiasement exterior wall and other key parts of the construction. Concrete thickness of 1300 mm of this project, during the consoundation programme) will focus on control in construction of Foundation slab concrete construction, waterproof concrete of bouring (see pouring of mass concrete in Fcombination of vibrators and vibrator insertion, shall not be leakage, and assurance of compacting. (1) base plate concrete p-returned water mud Shi for degrees. When the beams and slabs of concrete poured, use flatand elimination two layer concrete of seams, concrete of vibration pound time to concrete is not significantly sinking, no bubbleis unlikely to Yu 500mm, vibration pound Rod mobile spacing is unlikely to Yu 500mm, and must insert lower concrete 50 mm to icknessmortar (that removal rough aggregate of concrete), concrete should layered pouring, layered vibration pound, each layer of thiform concrete vibrating up and down, each vibrationof concrete construction quality. Concrete vibration in the process should be the vibrator up and down slightly twitching, un7 4、在成功联机后,单击工具栏上的“调试”按钮,把最终文件装载到实验系统RAM区;或者通过单击菜单栏中的“动态调试”按钮,选择“传送(.exe)文件”来实现。其界面如下: 5、单击工具栏上“运行”或“单步”按钮,运行实验程序。 om the bottom of the LIFT began to move, to ensure that the layer of concrete construction quality. Concrete vibration in theof floor vibration using slopes, slope formed by the natural flow of pump concrete and grade control around 1:3, vibration frtime continuous concrete plans, stratified vibration -ass concrete checking and measuring portfolio in detail. Concrete using a onere uniform quality and vibration compacting of concrete, timely maintenance, to avoid cracks. Temperature cracks control of mo ensucrete thickness of 1300 mm of this project, during the construction process must be strictly controlled temperature and mix tdation slab concrete construction, waterproof concrete of basement exterior wall and other key parts of the construction. Conouring (see pouring of mass concrete in Foundation programme) will focus on control in construction of Founcombination of vibrators and vibrator insertion, shall not be leakage, and assurance of compacting. (1) base plate concrete p-ncrete poured, use flatof co und time to concrete is not significantly sinking, no bubble and returned water mud Shi for degrees. When the beams and slabslikely to Yu 500mm, and must insert lower concrete 50 mm to elimination two layer concrete of seams, concrete of vibration poickness is unlikely to Yu 500mm, vibration pound Rod mobile spacing is unmortar (that removal rough aggregate of concrete), concrete should layered pouring, layered vibration pound, each layer of thss should be the vibrator up and down slightly twitching, uniform concrete vibrating up and down, each vibrationproce 8 实验结果: LED流水灯 五、问题与讨论 如何实现从左至右的流水灯显示, 更改代码如下: CODE SEGMENT ASSUME CS:CODE ORG 1500H START: MOV DX,0FF2BH ; MOV AL,80H ; OUT DX,AL ; MOV DX,0FF29H ; L1: OUT DX,AL ; MOV CX,0FFFFH L2: DEC CX JNZ L2 ; RCR AL,1 ;左移改为右移即可 JMP L1 CODE ENDS END START iform concrete vibrating up and down, each vibrationof concrete construction quality. Concrete vibration in the process should be the vibrator up and down slightly twitching, un p concrete and grade control around 1:3, vibration from the bottom of the LIFT began to move, to ensure that the layertime continuous concrete plans, stratified vibration of floor vibration using slopes, slope formed by the natural flow of pum-using a one ncretemely maintenance, to avoid cracks. Temperature cracks control of mass concrete checking and measuring portfolio in detail. Coon process must be strictly controlled temperature and mix to ensure uniform quality and vibration compacting of concrete, titructiasement exterior wall and other key parts of the construction. Concrete thickness of 1300 mm of this project, during the consoundation programme) will focus on control in construction of Foundation slab concrete construction, waterproof concrete of bouring (see pouring of mass concrete in Fcombination of vibrators and vibrator insertion, shall not be leakage, and assurance of compacting. (1) base plate concrete p-returned water mud Shi for degrees. When the beams and slabs of concrete poured, use flatand elimination two layer concrete of seams, concrete of vibration pound time to concrete is not significantly sinking, no bubbleis unlikely to Yu 500mm, vibration pound Rod mobile spacing is unlikely to Yu 500mm, and must insert lower concrete 50 mm to icknessmortar (that removal rough aggregate of concrete), concrete should layered pouring, layered vibration pound, each layer of th9
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