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中国文学史(第一卷)笔记中国文学史(第一卷)笔记 第一篇 先秦文化 第一章 上古神话 第一节 中国神话的产生和记录 1. 神话主要保存在哪些古籍中,保存神话最多的是哪一部, 答:保存神话的文献资料有经史子集。 经——《诗经》、《商颂?玄鸟》、《大雅?生民》 史——《左传》、《国语》 子——《淮南子》 四大神话:女娲补天、共工触山、后羿射日、嫦娥奔月 《山海经》 (四库提要 将其归入子部的小说) 集——《楚辞》(屈原、楚国人和汉初一些人的辞集)【《四库提要》:“集部之目,楚辞最古。”】 《天问》屈原作品。 《山海经》...

中国文学史(第一卷)笔记 第一篇 先秦文化 第一章 上古神话 第一节 中国神话的产生和记录 1. 神话主要保存在哪些古籍中,保存神话最多的是哪一部, 答:保存神话的文献资料有经史子集。 经——《诗经》、《商颂?玄鸟》、《大雅?生民》 史——《左传》、《国语》 子——《淮南子》 四大神话:女娲补天、共工触山、后羿射日、嫦娥奔月 《山海经》 (四库提要 将其归入子部的小说) 集——《楚辞》(屈原、楚国人和汉初一些人的辞集)【《四库提要》:“集部之目,楚辞最古。”】 《天问》屈原作品。 《山海经》是保存神话资料最多的著作 第二节 中国神话及其蕴涵的的民族精神 1.上古神话主要有哪些类型, 答:上古神话主要有六种类型 A( 创世神话: 盘古开天地 盘古垂死化身 B( 始祖神话: 女娲造人 女娲补天 简狄生契(商族始祖)《史记?殷本纪》 姜嫄生后 稷(周始祖)《诗经?大雅?生民》 C( 洪水神话:鲧禹治水《山海经?海内经》 D( 战争神话: 黄帝战炎帝《史记?五帝本纪》 黄帝擒蚩尤《山海经?大荒北经》 E( 发明创造神话: 后羿发明弓《山海经?大荒南经》 英雄神话: 夸父逐日《山海经?海外北经》 精卫填海《山海经?北山经》 F( 第二章《诗经》 第一节 《诗经》的编定和体制 1. 简介《诗经》的概况 答:地位:《诗经》是我国第一部诗歌总集。 名称:原名“诗”或“诗三百”,到了汉代,儒家学者将其奉为经典,才称为《诗经》。 作品产生的时代:西周初年至春秋中叶。 作品篇数:305 编定时间:春秋中叶(公元前6世纪) 2. 关于《诗经》的成书过程,古人有什么说法,哪些比较可信, A “献诗”之说: 《国语?周语》“故天子听政,使公卿至于列士献诗”。“献诗”是指周代公卿列士向天子献诗、陈诗,评议政治的得失。“献诗”之说有史籍可考,此说可信。 B( “采诗”之说: 1(《汉书?艺文志》“故古有采诗之官,王者所以观风俗、知得失、自考正也。” 2(《汉书?食货志》也说:“孟春之月,群居者将散,行人振动木铎(duó)徇于路,以采诗,献之太师,比其音律,以闻于天子。” 木铎:木铃铛。 3(《春秋公羊传注疏》“男年六十,女年五十无子者,官衣食之,使之民间求诗。乡移于邑,邑移于国,国以闻于天子。故王者不出牖户,尽知天下所苦,不下堂而知四方.” “采诗”之说是汉代人提出来的。此说关于“采诗”的具体程度和细节的描写虽然未必确切,但有一点值得肯定。即《诗经》中的许多作品是有一个收集、整理、加工的过程的。“采诗”之说基本可信。 C(“删诗”之说: 《史记?孔子世家》:“古有《诗》三千余篇,及至孔子,去其中,取其可施于礼义,上采契,后稷,中述殷、周之盛,至幽,后之缺。” (“诗三百”成书之时,孔子只有八岁,孔子“删诗”说不可信。) 3. 揭示“风”“雅”“颂”。 《诗经》按照音乐的不同分为风、雅、颂三部分。 宋代学者郑樵认为“风士之音曰风,朝廷之音曰雅,宗庙之音曰颂。” 风(160篇):各诸侯国的音乐,大部分是民歌,包括周南,召南,邶风,鄘风、卫风、王风、齐风、魏风、唐风、秦风、陈风、桧风、曹风、豳风共十五个诸侯国的民歌。(诗最好的作品集中于此) 雅(105篇):西周王畿(周天子的都城)的音乐。 颂(40篇):宗庙祭祀的音乐。 4. 汉代传授《诗经》的有哪四家,今本诗经属于哪家, 汉代传授《诗经》的有四家:鲁、齐、韩、毛。 鲁诗(今文):出自鲁国人申培 齐诗(今文):出自齐国人辕固 韩诗(今文):出自燕国人韩婴 毛诗(古文):出自鲁人毛亨和赵人毛苌 鲁齐韩三家诗在西汉被称为官学,兴盛一时,但后来亡佚,毛诗在西汉末被称为官学,盛行于民间,今本《诗经》就是“毛诗:。 第二节 《诗经》的 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 1. 结合具体作品,谈谈《诗经》的内容 一、 祭祖颂歌:大雅和“三颂“中的祭祀诗。 周民族史诗——《大雅》中的五篇:生民(后 稷)、公刘(后稷的重子孙公刘的功绩)、绵(绵绵瓜瓞 周民族绵延不息和文王御敌的故 事)、皇矣(皇矣上帝,临下有赫)、大明(明明在下,赫在上)。 二、 农事诗:反应农业生产生活的作品。 代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 作:《七月》这是国风中最长的一篇,近四百字, 叙述了农夫一年的劳动过程和生活情况。 三、 燕飨诗:以君臣,亲朋欢聚宴享为主要内容,代表作:《小雅?鹿鸣》(天子宴群臣嘉宾) 四、 怨刺诗:反映丧乱,针砭时政。 1.《大雅》中的《板》、《荡》批评周厉王暴虐无道以致天下动乱,周室将亡。 《板》云:“上帝板板(反常),下民卒(通“瘁)瘅。出话不然,为犹(谋)不远。 《荡》云:“荡荡(狂放)上帝,下民之辟(bi君主)。周厉王作为万民之主却放荡骄横,若不听劝谏,必将覆灭。 这两首诗影响很大,后人用“板荡“一词形容政局混乱,社会动荡。例如:“疾风知劲草,板荡识诚臣。” 2. 《魏风》中的《伐檀(tan)》《硕鼠》对统治者的不劳而获,横征暴敛进行了讽刺和批判。 3. 《鄘风?相鼠》痛斥统治者寡廉鲜耻,首章:“相鼠有皮,人而无仪。人而无仪,不死何为,” 4. 《邶风?新台》讽刺卫宣公强娶儿媳的乱伦行为。 5. 《齐风?南山》讽刺齐襄公与其妹文姜的淫乱。 6. 《王风?黍离》故国之思。 五、 战争诗:慷慨从征,厌战怀乡。 1、《秦风?无衣》是一首慷慨激昂的战歌,体现了士兵们同仇敌忾,英勇无畏的爱国精神。 2、《小雅?采薇》体现了行军作战的艰苦和士卒对故乡的思念。 3、《豳bin风?东山》强烈地表现了士卒对战争的厌倦和对故乡亲人的思念。 六、徭役诗:对徭役的愤慨和厌倦。代表作:《唐风?鸨bao羽》、《卫风?伯兮》 七、爱情诗:以恋爱婚姻为题材的诗在《诗经》中占的比例最大,约占3/1以上。 1、追求:《周南?关雎》、《秦风?蒹葭》 2、幽会:《邶风?静女》 3、思念:(1)女子的思念(思妇诗):《卫风?伯兮》、《王风?君子于役》、《郑风?子衿》 (2)男子的思念:《王风?采葛》 4、新婚:《唐风?绸缪》新婚的喜悦。 5、恩爱:《郑风?女曰鸡鸣》首二章 6、背弃(弃妇诗):(1)《卫风?氓》女子在婚后无辜被弃,悔恨当初看错了人,痛斥男子“二 三其德”,并奉劝天下女子“无与士耽”,表现出决绝的态度。 (2)《邶风?谷风》女主人勤劳善良,却被喜新厌旧的丈夫抛弃,她满心委屈,却怨而不怒, 希望丈夫能回心转意。 2、解释赋比兴。 答:赋、比、兴的运用,即使《诗经》艺术特征的重要标志,也开启了我国古代诗歌创作的基 本手法。朱熹认为“赋者,敷陈其事而直言之也。比者,以彼物比此物也。兴者,先言他物以引 起所咏之词也。” 第三节 《诗经》的艺术特点。 《关雎》 1、“好逑”如何读,有怎样的含义, 答:第一种读音及意义:好逑(hao qiu)理想的配偶。 第二种读音及意义:好逑(hao qiu)好:爱,逑:结为配偶,意为爱慕而希望(成为配偶)结为夫妇。 2、《关雎》有怎样的艺术特色, 答:《关雎》的艺术特色有以下方面:第一,比兴手法的应用“关关雎鸠,在河之洲。”既是比兴,又是比喻。 第二,细致入微的心理刻画,一见钟情而“寤寐求之”可见爱之深,“悠哉悠哉,辗转反侧”可见相思之苦,“琴瑟友之,钟鼓乐之”。可见幻想之美,幻想之乐。恋爱中微妙而复杂的心理在诗中被展现得真切细腻。 第三,重章叠句的形式增强了诗歌的艺术表现力,使人物形象和抒情效果得到强化,窈窕淑女采荇菜的形象在诗中反复出现,这样重章叠唱的效果是,一方面,有力地突出了女子的美,另一方面,也有力的表现了男子的思念。 《氓》 1、“氓”的含义是什么, 答:氓—流亡之民。《诗经?卫风?氓》:“氓之蚩蚩,抱布贸丝。”(据《辞源》)引申义:外乡人。 2、《氓》有怎样的艺术特色。 答:第一:在矛盾冲突中塑造了两个鲜明的人物形象,男主人公的虚伪、狡诈、自私、粗暴、薄情。女主人公的真诚、天真、善良、勤劳、痴情都在诗中得到了具体的体现。 第二:充分使用赋比兴的手法,一、二章用赋的手法讲述恋爱,订婚。三、四章都使用比兴手法抒情,第五章用赋的手法叙述婚后的不幸。第六章以赋的手法为主,兼用比兴。 第三:抒情,议论与叙事的结合。一、二章以叙事为主,按照故事发展的顺序讲述恋爱、求婚、订婚的过程。以后各章以抒情为主,以被弃后的怨愤之情为主线,婚后的事件是在抒情和议论的话语中发达出来的。 第四:对比手法的运用,有人物之间的对比,例如:“女也不爽,士贰其行。”“士之耽兮,犹可脱也。”“女之眈兮,不可说也。”这是两种人物的对比,还有人物自身的对比,例如:男子在恋爱时的“信誓旦旦”和婚后的“言既遂矣,至于暴矣。”的对比。女子“不见复关”与“既见复关”的对比。种种对比有利于人物形象的塑造。 《黍离》 1、根据《黍离》的创作背景解释“黍离之悲”(或“黍离之叹”) 答:西周灭亡,平王东迁。一位大夫,在行役途中,路过镐京看到往日的宗庙宫殿已经不复存在。取而代之的是一片禾黍,触景伤情,写了《黍离》。 因此,后世称亡国之痛为“黍离之悲”(或“黍离之叹”) 2、《黍离》有哪些艺术特色。 答:第一,即兴起兴,以景托情,黍稷之景唤起了诗人的忧思,并使诗人的忧思越来越沉重。 第二(由表及里,形神并重,抒情主人公的悲伤不仅体现在“行迈靡靡”的外在形象,更体现在“中心摇摇”“中心如醉”“中心如噎”的神态。 第三,反复咏叹,层层递进,三章在叠唱中变换,在变换中加强,把忧愤之情推向高潮。 《蒹葭》 1、关于《蒹葭》的主旨有哪些说法,你以为《蒹葭》的主旨是什么, 答:关于《蒹葭》的主旨,众说纷纭,概括起来,大体有两类说法:其一:招隐说,《诗序》认为:“《蒹葭》刺襄公也,未能用周礼,将无以固其国焉。”诗的内容是一位忧国忧民的大夫在水边寻觅一位知周礼而隐居江湖的贤人。伊人之难寻,正 说明 关于失联党员情况说明岗位说明总经理岗位说明书会计岗位说明书行政主管岗位说明书 襄公未能用周礼,以致伊人远遁不出。 其二,怀人说,朱熹《诗集传》认为此诗是怀人之作,至于伊人究竟是谁不能确定,今人或以为是怀念恋人的诗,但不能确定伊人是男是女。 《采薇》 1、《采薇》最后一章有怎样的艺术特色, 答:这一章在艺术上的特点是采用今昔对比的手法和情景交融的手法创作了凄迷深婉的意境。令人回味无穷,“昔我往矣,杨柳依依。今我来思,雨雪霏霏。”被称为《诗经》最佳诗句。 第三章(《左传》等先秦叙事散文 第一节 从甲骨卜辞到《春秋》 、什么是甲骨卜辞, 1 答:殷人用龟甲,兽骨占卜,将占卜日期、占卜人、所占之事、吉凶应验的情况刻在甲骨上,此即甲骨卜辞。 2、什么书被称为记言叙事文之祖, 答:《尚书》是商周记言史料的汇编,被称为记言文之祖。《春秋》被称为叙事文之祖。《春秋》本是周王朝和各诸侯国历史的通称。后特指经过孔子修订的鲁国的编年史。 3、什么是“春秋笔法”, 答:《春秋》微言大义,以一字寓褒贬,在谨严的措辞中表现出作者的爱憎。这种笔法被称为春秋笔法,为后代史传文学所继承。 第二节 《左传》的叙事和记言。 4、什么是“春秋三传”, 答:“春秋三传”是指“左传”、“公羊传”(齐人公羊高所著)、“谷梁传”(鲁人谷梁喜) “公羊传”和“谷梁传”侧重阐发《春秋》经义,叙事较少,以议论为主。文学价值不能与“左传”相并论。 5、《左传》叙事最突出的成就体现在哪里, 答:《左传》最突出的成就体现在对战争的描写。(1)数百次战争写的各具特色,精彩生动。(2)深入揭示战争的起因,酝酿过程及其后果。 6、《左传》的语言有怎样的特色, 答:第一、《左传》中的记言文字主要是行人应答和大夫辞令。这类文字无不“文典而美”、“语博而奥”、简洁精练、委曲达意、婉而有致、栩栩如生、 第二、《左传》的叙事语言简练含蕴,词约义丰、“言近而旨远,辞浅而义深。”(《史通?叙事》) 7、《左传》在文学史上有怎样的地位, 答:《左传》为先秦散文“叙事之最”,标志着我国叙事散文的成熟。 第三节《国语》的文学成就 8、《国语》是一部怎样的书, 答:《国语》是成书于战国初的一部国别史。是各国史料的汇编,以记言为主,所记时代为西周初 期至春秋末年。因《春秋》以鲁为内,以诸国为外。《国语》所记为外国所传之事,故又称《春秋外传》。《国语》集中篇幅写一人的方式体现了史书向纪传体过渡的趋势,其文学成绩比《左传》稍逊一筹。 第四节 《战国策》的文学成就 9、《战国策》在文学史上有怎样的地位, 答:《战国策》一方面继承了《国语》相对集中编排同一人物故事的方法,另一方面又有所发展,出现了一个人物的事迹有机集中在一篇的文章为以人物为中心的纪传体的成立开创了先例,显示了由《左传》编年体向《史记》纪传体的过渡。 10、《战国策》在人物塑造方面有怎样的成就, 答:《战国策》对战国时期社会各阶层形形色色的人物都有鲜明生动的描写,尤其是一系列“士”的形象,更是写的栩栩如生,光彩照人。 人物塑造的方法主要有以下方面:(1)以虚构、想像、夸张的手法塑造人物。(2)以波澜起伏的情节表现人物性格。(3)以个性化的言行塑造人物。(4)以传神的形态和细节塑造人物。 11、《战国策》表现了怎样的思想? 答:与《春秋》、《左传》、《国语》主要反映儒家思想不同,《战国策》突出表现了纵横家思想,反映了纵横家的人生观,在政治上他们崇尚谋略,强调审时度势,肯定举贤任能,在人生观上则是追求功名显达,富贵利禄。 城濮之战 1、《城濮之战》是如何描写战争的, 答:一、以道德化、神秘化的方式揭示了战争胜负的原因。 A:道德化,例如,楚王所说的《军志》之言:“有德不可敌。”揭示了晋军胜利的原因。晋侯观师时所说的:“少长有礼其可用也。”以及君子对战役的评价:“谓晋于是役也能以德攻。”都体现了道德化的评价方式。 B:神秘化。例如:子犯释梦:“吉,我得天。楚伏其罪。吾且柔之矣。”梦可以预示成败,成败的原因具有神秘性。再如,子玉的失败是因为没有把琼弁玉缨送给河神,子玉之败也具有神秘性。但是,同时也具有道德化的倾向,即子玉的行为是“不勤民”的表现。 二、从政治、外交等方面展示战争的酝酿过程和战争胜负的原因以及战后的结果。 晋“分曹卫之田以赐宋人”,欲激怒楚。子玉并未怒而宣战,却是“请复卫侯而封曹,臣亦释宋之围。”当晋私许复曹卫以携之,执宛春以怒楚“之后,“子玉怒,从晋师。”晋楚之间的战争终于爆发。在叙述战争的酝酿过程时,充分展现了双方的政治、外交策略和各国关系的变化,对战争的前奏做了深入、细致的表现。此外,对战争的尾声,即战争的结果,也作了充分的介绍。郑国归附于晋、天子去晋侯的奖赏和加封、子玉的死、卫侯的复位以及卫国的内乱等等,这些都是战争产生的种种后果,文中都一一做了交代。 三、在叙述战争的同时穿插着戏剧性情节,增强了作品的故事性。例如:国老皆贺子文而为贾不贺(國老皆賀子文,子文飲之酒。蒍賈尚幼,後至,不賀。)便具有戏剧性。魏犨[chōu]束胸跳跃从而免死。更具有戏剧性。此外,晋侯之梦和子玉之梦也是很有戏剧性的情节。这些情节使叙事富有趣味,增强了作品的故事性。 四、以顺时序叙述为主,间用倒叙、预叙等手法。例如,在叙述晋将伐曹、卫,“作三军,谋元帅。”之后,追叙“晋侯始入而教其民”以义、信、礼。追叙结束之后,并未回到顺时序叙述。而是对未来的胜利做了预叙:“出谷戎,释宋围,一战而霸,文之教也。” 倒叙的目的是为了说明晋军是一支具有“义、信、礼”的军队。预叙的目的是为了说明“义、信、理”武装起来的军队必胜。 苏秦以连横说秦王 1、本文是如何塑造苏秦这个人物形象的, 答:a、以虚构、想象、夸张的手法塑造了人物。 例如:苏秦引锥刺股的情景和肚子的慨叹是发生在深夜独处之时,并无他人知晓。这一情节显然是出 自虚构和想象的。关于苏秦“约从散横”的影响则采用了夸张的手法,各国的谋略“皆欲决苏秦之策”,六国“诸侯相亲,贤于兄弟。”这显然是以夸张的手法在表现苏秦的影响之大。 b、以波澜起伏的情节展现人物性格。本文可分四个部分:说秦连横、归家夜读、相赵约纵、亲戚畏惧。连横的失败和约纵的成功是两个大起大落的情节。正是在这波澜起伏的情节中展现出了苏秦的性格:有辩才、有谋略、有左右天下大事的能力、经得起挫折、敢于拼搏、有不寻常的毅力和斗志。 c、以个性化的言行塑造人物。例如:苏秦夜读时说:“安有说人主不能出其金玉锦绣,取卿相之尊者乎,” 苏秦路过洛阳时说:“嗟乎~贫穷则父母不子,富贵则亲戚畏惧,人生世上,势位富贵,盖可忽乎哉~” 两番感慨都体现了苏秦的个性:热衷于势位富贵。 、以传神的形态和细节塑造人物 d 苏秦落魄时,“嬴縢履蹻,负书担囊,形容枯槁,面目犁黑,状有归色。”传神的外貌描写使得人物形象更加鲜明生动。 第四章:《孟子》、《庄子》等先秦说理散文 第一节 先秦说理文体制的逐步成熟 1、先秦说理文体制的发展尽力了几个阶段,个阶段的主要作品有哪些, 答:经历了三个阶段: 战国初期,萌芽阶段——语录体议论文:《论语》、《墨子》 战国中期,发展阶段——对话式论辩文:《孟子》、《庄子》 战国末期,成熟阶段——专题论文:《荀子》、《韩非子》 第二节 《孟子》散文的艺术成就 、《孟子》有怎样的艺术成就, 2 答:?长于论辩,善于巧妙灵活的运用逻辑推理的方法。例如:“孟子谓齐宣王“ ?长于用譬喻说理。所用譬喻浅近简短而贴切深刻,富于形象性,有极大的艺术感染力。例如:“以若所为,求若所欲,犹缘木而求鱼也。”(“齐恒晋文之事章”)以“缘木求鱼”的比喻说明齐宣王欲称霸而不得其道的荒唐行为。 ?善于用寓言说理,所用寓言生动有趣,富有戏剧性。如:“齐人有一妻一妾。” ?具有气势浩然的风格特征,大量使用排偶句、叠句等修辞手法,来增强文章的气势。 ?语言明白晓畅,平实浅近,同时又精炼准确,形成了一种精练简约,深入浅出的语言风格。 第三节 《庄子》哲学思想的诗意表现 3、《庄子》在文学史上有怎样的位置, 答:先秦说理文,最有文学价值的是《庄子》 4、《庄子》的创作方法是什么, 答:《庄子》中自称其创作方法是“以卮言为曼衍,以重言为真,以寓言为广。”卮言是出于无心,自认流露之语言。重言是借重长者、尊者、名人的语言。寓言是虚拟的寄寓于他人他物的语言。《庄子》大都用“三言”形式说理。这三种形式有时融合一体,难以分清。“三言”之中,“寓言十九”(十分之九),寓言是最主要的表现方式。 5、《庄子》有怎样的文学价值, 答:?不仅寓言数量多,而且寓言中表现出超常的想象力,构成了奇特的形象世界。 ?语言如行云流水、汪洋恣肆、跌宕跳跃、节奏鲜明、音调和谐、具有诗歌语言的特点。 第四节 《荀子》和《韩非子》的议论文 6、《荀子》中的《成相》和《赋》对后世文学有怎样的影响, 答:“《荀子》中的成相和《赋》对汉赋的产生有直接影响。 7、《韩非子》中的寓言有怎样的特点, 答:“在先秦散文中,《韩非子》的寓言数量最多。寓言在《战国策》《孟子》中还只是偶一用之,在《庄子》中虽连篇累牍。但都为阐明一个中心思想,寓言仍只是议论说理文的一部分,而非独立的文学体裁。韩非才开始有意识的系统收集,整理,创作寓言,分门别类,辑为各种形式的寓言故事集。 像《内储说》、《外储说》、《说林》、《喻老》、《十过》,都是寓言专集。《韩非子》的寓言故事主要取材于历史事迹和现实,很少拟人化的动物故事和神话幻想故事,没有超越现实的虚拟幻境界和人物。和《庄子》中奇幻玄虚、怪诞神奇的寓言故事相比,风格截然不同。韩非寓言形象化地体现了他的法家思想和他对社会人生的深刻认识。 侍坐章 1、《侍坐章》反映了孔子及其四位弟子怎样的个性, 答:《侍坐章》记述了孔子和四位弟子的谈话。反映了孔子及其弟子的个性。子路志在治国,他急躁、爽快、非常自信、毫不谦让。冉有也志在治国,但他谨慎、谦让、易于退缩。公西华虽然也志在治国,但他心存高远、谦逊知礼。曾皙无意于治国,喜欢隐士的生活,他淡泊名利,潇洒超脱。孔子的个性是循循善诱,仁慈宽厚。 2、关于曾皙的志向,前人有何评价,孔子为什么赞同曾皙, 答:曾皙之志与众不同,他的理想是在暮春时节,与冠者章子淋浴乘凉,踏歌而还。朱熹认为只是“尧舜气象“。理由是“三子之志趣,皆止於所能;而曾点气象又大,志趣又别,极其所用,当不止此也。”(《朱子语类?论语二十二》)近人杨树达说:“孔子所以与曾点者,以点之所言为太平社会之缩影也。”(《论语疏注?先进篇第十一》)宋人黄震说:“曾晳,孔门之狂者也,无意于世者也。夫子以行道救世为心,而时不我与。(方与二三子私相讲明于寂寞之滨,乃忽闻曾晳浴沂归咏之言,若有得其浮海(道不行, 故不觉喟然而叹,盖其所感者深矣。…… 乘桴浮于海)居夷(子欲居九夷)之意, 夫子岂以忘也,自乐其贤,独与点而不与三子者哉,”(《黄氏日抄》)曾点的气象,不过是隐士的气象。孔子是一个积极用世的人,他周游列国,寻求施展其抱负的机会;因不遇时,故退而讲学。孔子之所以赞许曾点,不过是感慨身世,自伤不遇于时罢了。 齐恒晋文之事章 1、《齐恒晋文之事章》有怎样的思想内容, 答:“文章反映了孟子的“仁政”思想和施行“仁政”的具体措施。用武力称霸天下是行不通的。君主只有推思、保民、发施仁政,才能万民归心,天下无敌。 施行“仁政”的具体措施是制民之产,使百姓丰衣足食,谨庠序之教,使百姓懂得孝悌礼仪。 逍遥游 1、《逍遥游》有怎样的艺术特色。 答:?运用大量的寓言来说理。 鹏的奋飞,蜩(tiao)、学鸠以及斥鴳[yàn]对鹏的嘲笑、藐姑射之山的神人形象等等。都是十分生动的寓言。以寓言说理避免了抽象的议论,使文章富有形象性和趣味性。产生了良好的艺术效果。 ?表现出超常的想象力。 鲲鹏之大,芥舟之小。朝菌、蟪蛄生命之短暂。冥灵,大椿生命之长久,以及神人与万物一体的境界。说这些离奇神异的内容都体现出超常的想象力。 2、至人、神人、圣人的境界是否相同, 答:“据上海辞书出版社《古文鉴赏辞典》,至人达到了逍遥游的最高境界。神人不及至人,圣人不及神人,神人无意求功而有功于人,圣人无意求名而名自至。神人和圣人不能忘人世,不能忘天下。仍然有所牵挂,不能算是“逍遥游”。 据浙江教育出版社《古文鉴赏大辞典》(徐中玉主编),至人、神人、圣人是同一种人。只是从不同角度称之。 以上两种说法,哪个更符合文章的本意, 根据《逍遥游》对“藐姑射之山”的“神人”的描述,可知“神人”的境界是“旁礴万物以为一”,与万物浑然一体,是“无己”的境界,即“至人”的境界。因此可将至人、神人、圣人的境界视为同一种境界。 劝学篇 1、《劝学篇》的思想内容是什么, 答:“《劝学篇》旨在鼓励人奋发学习,学习的重要性在于学习可以使人无过、无祸、有得、避辱,对待学习的态度应该是用心专一,注重积累。学习的方法是先读“经”,最后读“礼”。并向良师益友学习。学习的内容是“诗、书、礼、乐、春秋”等儒家经典。学习的目的是成为圣人。教育方法应该是因材施教。学习者所达到的境界应该是道德完备的境界。 第五章 屈原和楚辞 第一节 楚辞产生的文化政治背景。 1. 中国诗歌史的两大源头是什么, 答:“楚辞和《诗经》共同构成中国诗歌史的源头。 2、中国文学史上第一位伟大的诗人是谁, 答:屈原。 3、楚文化有怎样的特点, 答:楚文化表现出不同于中原文化的特点。后人概括楚国的文化为:“信巫鬼,重淫祀”(《汉书?地理志下》),是有一定道理的。这种崇尚巫风的习气,既是夏商文化的遗习,更是当地土著民族的普遍风气。巫文化对楚国审美风气的影响是明显的。楚地的艺术很兴盛,而这些艺术很多与祭神有关,充满了奇异的浪漫色彩。 第二节 屈原的生平和作品 4、简述屈原的生平。 答:屈原(约公元前340-前278)。名平,字原。战国时期楚国贵族。因祖先封于屈,便以屈为氏。二十多岁时,任怀王左徒(tu),深受怀王信任。但是上官大夫靳尚“争宠而心害其能”,在怀王面前陷害屈原。说屈原认为指定法令“非我莫能为”。于是,“王怒而疏屈平”,免去他左徒之职。改任三闾大夫。屈原“忧愁幽思而做《离骚》”。怀王死后,长子倾襄王即位,任命他的弟弟子兰为令尹。屈原反对他们和秦联合。并指责子兰对怀王之死负有责任。子兰指使上官大夫靳尚在倾襄王面前诋毁屈原。倾襄王把屈原放逐到江南,秦将白起攻破楚都郢(ying)(今湖北省江陵县附近)。屈原悲愤至极,投汨罗江而死。 5.屈原的作品有哪些, 答:《离骚》、《天问》、《九歌》(11篇)、《九章》(9篇)、《招魂》共23篇。 第三节 《离骚》 6、如何理解“离骚”二字。 答:“离骚”二字,古来有数种解释。司马迁认为是遭受忧患的意思。王逸认为是离别的忧愁。历史上影响比较大的主要是这两种说法。司马迁的说法最为可行性。 7、《离骚》的思想内容是什么, 答:《离骚》反映了屈原对楚国黑暗腐朽政治的愤慨,和他热爱宗国,愿为之效力而不可得的悲痛心情。也抒发了自己遭到不公正待遇的哀怨。《离骚》的主旨是爱国和忠君,屈原的忠君是他爱国思想的一部分,《离骚》还表现出屈原的“美政”理想:明君贤臣共兴楚国。“美政”的具体内容是:第一,国君应该具有高尚的品格,才能享有国家。第二,应该选贤任能,罢黜奸佞。第三,重视 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 法令。修明法度。相对与楚国的现实而言。屈原的“美政”理想更加进步,并符合历史的发展趋向。 8、什么是香草美人意象, 答:《离骚》中最引人注目的是他的两类意象:美人、香草。“香草美人”作为诗歌象征手法。是屈原的创造。美人的意象一般被解释为比喻,或是比喻君王,或是自喻。前者如“惟草木之零落兮,恐美人之迟暮”,后者如“众女嫉余之娥眉兮,谣诼谓余以善淫”。可以说,屈原在很大程度上,是通过自拟弃妇而抒情的。《离骚》中充满了种类繁多的香草,这些香草作为装饰,支持并丰富了美人意象。同时,香草意象作为一种独立的象征物,它一方面指品德和人格的高洁;另一方面和恶草相对,象征着政治斗争的双方。总之,《离骚》中的香草美人意象构成了一个复杂而巧妙的象征比喻系统,使得诗歌蕴藉而且生动。 9、《九歌》有哪些篇目,为什么称“九歌”, 答:共十一篇:《东皇太一》、《云中君》、《湘君》、《湘夫人》、《大司命》、《少司命》、《东 君》、《河伯》、《山鬼》、《国殇》、《礼魂》。《九歌》首尾两篇分别为迎送神曲,中间的九篇为娱神曲。《九歌》因中间九篇而得名。 10、《九歌》中哪一篇的诗句被称为“千古情诗之祖”, 答:《少司命》中的诗句:“悲莫悲兮生别离,乐莫乐兮新相知。”被王世贞推许为“千古情语之祖”。(《艺苑卮言》卷二) 11、《九歌》中哪一篇的诗句被称为“千古言秋之祖”, 答:《湘夫人》中的诗句:“帝子降兮北渚,目眇眇兮愁予。嫋嫋兮秋风,洞庭波兮木叶下。”被后人称为“千古言秋之祖”(明朝应麟《诗薮》内编卷一) 12、《九章》有哪些篇目, 答:《九章》是屈原所做的一组抒情诗的总称,包括九篇作品:怀沙 惜诵 涉江 哀郢 抽思 思美人 惜往日 橘颂 悲回风。“九章”之名是西汉末年刘向编订屈原作品时所加上的. 《橘颂》 1、《橘颂》有怎样的思想内容, 答:《橘颂》全诗可分为两段。第一段,从开头到“纷缊宜修,姱而不丑兮。”,赞美橘树的秉性之美和枝叶、花朵、果实之美。第二段,从“嗟尔幼志,有以异兮”到结尾,赞美橘树的志向和美德。抒写诗人对橘树的崇高境界的追求。 《橘颂》通过对橘的赞颂,表现了诗人的高洁和坚贞,抒发了他对祖国的热爱。 2、《橘颂》有何艺术特色, 答:《橘颂》将人的精神品格与橘树紧密结合起来,运用比喻、拟人的手法,使橘树的形象成为崇高精神境界的象征,创作了物我合一的意境。这种借物言志、咏物抒情的手法对后世诗歌产生了深远的影响。 3、《橘颂》在中国诗歌史上有怎样的地位, 答:是中国诗歌史上第一首咏物诗,宋人刘辰翁称之为“咏物之祖”。 山鬼 1、《山鬼》有怎样的艺术特色, 答:《山鬼》写了一个美丽的山神对爱情的期待和失望。《山鬼》是《九歌》中最优秀的一篇,它的艺术特色主要体现在以下方面:第一、细致入微地刻画了山鬼复杂微妙的心理。全诗展现了她的渴望、惆怅、哀怨、疑虑、忧伤、失望和无奈。例如:“折芳馨兮遗所思”表现了山鬼的渴望。“岁既晏兮孰华予”表现了她的惆怅。第二、环境描写有力的烘托出人物内心的情感。使情与景得到了完美的融合,创造了凄婉、忧伤的意境。例如:“云容容兮而在下”,苍茫云海烘托出山鬼内心的迷茫。“杳冥冥兮羌昼晦,东风飘兮神灵雨”东风阴雨则烘托出她内心的忧思。 第二编 秦汉文学 第一章 秦及西汉散文 第一节 《吕氏春秋》 1、《吕氏春秋》是一部怎样的书, 答:《吕氏春秋》,亦称《吕览》。战国末秦相吕不韦集合门客共同编写,杂家代表著作。全书26卷,内分十二纪、八览、六论,共一百六十篇。内容以儒、道思想为主,兼及兵、法、墨、农及阴阳家言。汇合先秦各派学说,为当时秦国统一天下、治理国家提供了思想武器。其中,《重己》、《贵公》等篇是优秀的文学散文。书中有丰富多彩的寓言,在中国寓言史上具有相当重要的地位。 第二节 李斯的散文 2、秦代唯一的作家是谁,他的代表作是什么, 答:秦代唯一可以称为作家的人物是李斯,代表作是《谏逐客书》。秦国发觉为其主持修建灌溉渠的韩人郑国系受韩国派遣前来,意在借修渠消耗秦国国力。遂下逐客令。李斯是楚国人,当时为秦国客卿,亦在被逐之列。乃上此书,指出一概排斥客卿将不利于秦。秦王因此收回成命,其文多用譬喻, 颇有文采,成为后世奏疏的楷模。 第三节 贾谊的议论文 3、简介贾谊的《过秦论》。 答:《过秦论》是西汉贾谊所做的政议文,分为上、下或上、中、下篇。“过秦”是指责秦政之失。作者论述秦王朝迅速覆灭的原因。归结为“仁义不施”,失去民心,旨在作为汉兴之后接受历史教训、巩固统治的借鉴。其文善用排比夸张手法。上篇气势豪迈,最富文采,是贾谊政议文中最具代表性的一篇。 第四节 《淮南子》及其他散文 4、《淮南子》是一部怎样的书, 答:《淮南子》,原名《淮南鸿烈》。西汉淮南王刘安(前179~前122)及其门客苏非、苏尚等著,旨在为汉王朝提供治国法典。书以道家思想为主,而杂以儒、法等家思想,一般认为它是杂家著作。多用历史、神话、传说来明事说理,具有很强的文字色彩。很多篇章采用辞赋写法,铺张扬厉,具有浪漫风格。 第二章 司马相如和西汉辞赋 第一节 骚体赋及“九体” 1、骚体赋的代表作家是谁,代表作是什么, 答:“汉赋有骚体赋、汉大赋和抒情小赋之分,分别代表了汉赋不同发展阶段的主要形式。汉初以骚体赋为主,贾谊是骚体赋的代表作家,代表作有《吊屈原赋》、《鵩(fu)鸟赋》。 2、什么是“九体“, 答:“九体“是骚体赋的一种体制。这类作品九章成篇,规模不大,主题相似,形成了固定的体制。代表作有王褒的《九怀》、刘向的《九叹》、王逸的《九思》等。 第二节 枚乘和“七体“ 3、什么是“七体”, 答:西汉枚乘的《七发》是“七体”的开山之作。标志着汉大赋体制的形成。作品假托楚太子有病,吴客探问,向他指出安居内宫,享乐过度的弊害,接着说音乐、饮食、车马等七事,予以启发,终使太子感动而出汗。病即痊愈。自《七发》问世以后,后世仿作并以“七”名篇的代不乏人,遂形成辞赋的一种体制,称为“七体”。例如傅毅《七激》、刘广世的《七兴》等。 第三节 司马相如的天子游猎赋 4、汉赋创作成就最高的作家是谁,代表作是什么, 答:司马相如是汉赋创作成就最高的作家。代表作是《子虚赋》和《上林赋》。这是汉赋中最优秀,影响最深远、具有典范意义的作品。两篇赋内容连贯,可做完整的一篇来看。 第四节 扬雄四赋 5、扬雄大赋的代表作品有哪些, 答:扬雄是继司马相如之后,对汉赋发展产生深远影响的赋家。代表作有《甘泉赋》、《河东赋》、《羽猎赋》、《长杨赋》,史称“四大赋”。作品模仿司马相如的痕迹非常明显。其中以《甘泉赋》的艺术成就最高。 第三章 司马迁与史记 1、司马迁和他的《史记》在文学史上有怎样的地位, 答:司马迁是汉代成就最高的散文家。他的《史记》代表了古代历史散文的最高成就。鲁迅称它是“史家之绝唱,无韵之离骚。”(《汉文学史纲要》) 第一节 司马迁与《史记》的成书 2、李陵之祸对司马迁写《史记》的动机有何影响, 答:李陵之祸前,司马迁修史是为的是给西汉及前代历史做总结,颂扬圣君贤臣的德行功绩,是润色鸿业的自觉行动。经历李陵之祸以后,司马迁的形体精神受到摧残,心情发生了很大变化。他不再把修史仅仅看做是对以往历史的总结,对西汉盛世的颂赞。而是通过著书抒发心中的抑郁和不平,属于发愤著书的类型。 第二节 《史记》的叙事艺术 3、《史记》有哪五种体制, 答:《史记》的五种体制是本纪、表、书、世家、列传。 “十二本纪”:按帝王世代顺序记叙各朝兴衰终始。 “十表”:排列帝王侯国间大事 “八书”:有关天文、历法 、水利、经济、文化等方面的专门论述。 “三十世家”:贵族之家的历史 “七十列传”:不同阶层、不同类型的人物传记。 第三节 《史记》的人物刻画 4、什么是旁观侧出法(又称互见发), 答:旁观侧出法(互见法)是指通过多篇传记完成对某个人物形象的塑造。即在一个人物的传记中着重表现他的主要特征,而其他方面的性格特征则放在别人的传记中显示。 第四节 《史记》的风格特征。 5、《史记》中的悲剧人物按照其品格划分,可分为哪两类, 答:《史记》中的悲剧人物按其品格划分,有完美型和缺失型两类。公孙杵臼、程婴等人都是具有高尚品格和献身精神的英雄,他们的所作所为几乎无可挑剔,但他们的人生是悲剧性的,他们是完美型的悲剧英雄。缺失型悲剧英雄以项羽为代表,这一类人物的品格存在明显的弱点,正是这些弱点导致了他们的人生悲剧。 6、《史记》为什么具有浓郁的悲剧气氛, 答:司马迁的人生遭遇是不幸的,他的命运是悲剧性的。《史记》也成功地塑造了一大批悲剧人物形象,使全书具有浓郁的悲剧气氛。司马迁为众多悲剧人物立传,寄寓自己深切的同情,暗含了司马迁自己的人生感慨。 项羽本纪 1、《项羽本纪》是如何塑造项羽这个人物形象的, 答:《项羽本纪》叙述了吴中起事、巨鹿之战、鸿门宴、楚汉相争、垓(gai)下之围、乌江自刎等事件,展现了项羽从起兵到成为霸王。最终兵败自刎的人生历程,成功的塑造了一个悲剧英雄人物的形象。人物塑造手法主要有以下几个方面: ?通过项羽在人生关键时刻的抉择来表现他的性格。巨鹿之战中,他破釜沉舟,这样的抉择表现出他过人的勇气和胆略,体现了他的英雄本色。垓下兵败之后,他面临着生死抉择:过江则生,不过江则死。他从容地选择了死。这个选择说明在他心目中,礼义廉耻高于生命。 ?通过虚构、夸张、对比、烘托等于手法塑造项羽的形象。例如:巨鹿之战后,诸侯将“无不膝行而前,莫敢仰视。”烘托出项羽的威严。再如:项羽瞠目怒吼,可以使楼烦吓的逃走,也可以使赤泉侯人马俱惊,辟易数里。这是虚构、夸张的手法。刘邦对儿女和父亲冷酷无情,与项羽的重情义形成鲜明的对比,使项羽的形象更为突出。 ?探寻项羽的成长历程,发掘其英雄品质的成因,作者不仅直接描述项羽的英雄壮举,还关注他的家世和他少年时的种种表现。“他”出身于“世世为楚将”的家族。他要“学万人敌”,他说“彼可取而伐也”,他“力能扛鼎”等等,这些内容对英雄形象的塑造是必不可少的。 ?展现人物性格的多面性,不因偏爱而护短,作者虽然以欣赏的的态度来表现项羽的英雄壮举,但是并没有因为偏爱而忽视人物性格的另一面,他写出可项羽没有耐心,残暴、自负、轻信等种种缺点,以客观公正的态度塑造出血肉丰满的人物形象。 第四章 两汉乐府诗 第一节 乐府和乐府诗 1、什么是乐府诗, 答: 乐府有两种含义:一、古代音乐官署。乐府一名始于秦,秦及西汉惠帝时均设有“乐府令”。武帝时的乐府规模较大,掌管朝会宴飨、道路游行时所用的音乐,兼采民间诗歌和乐曲。 二、诗体名。本指乐府官署所采集、创作的乐歌。也用以称魏晋至唐代可以入乐的诗歌和后人仿效乐府古题的作品。宋元以后的词、散曲和剧曲,因配合音乐,有时也称乐府。 第二节 丰富多彩的艺术画面 2、汉乐府的内容主要有那几类, 答: 汉乐府的内容主要有以下五类: 第一、反映贫贱富贵。《东门行》、《妇病行》和《孤儿行》等诗反映了贫贱者的生活悲剧。例如,《东门行》的男主人公家中无衣无食,为了生存,为了妻儿,他“拔剑东门去”,铤而走险。《鸡鸣》、《相逢行》和《长安有狭邪行》则写出老人官宦之家的富贵。例如,《相逢行》中的富贵之家是“黄金为君门,白玉为君堂。” 第二、描写爱情婚姻。《江南》以“鱼戏莲叶”的乐景象征爱情的欢乐。《上邪》和《有所思》写女子恋爱时的复杂心理和对爱情的执着。《饮马长城窟行》是思妇诗,写女子对丈夫的思念“青青河畔草,绵绵思远道。„„”,《上山采蘼芜》和《白头吟》是弃妇诗,写男子喜新厌旧,女子无辜被弃。《孔雀东南飞》叙述了封建礼教将一对恩爱夫妻逼上绝路的悲剧故事。《陌上桑》写一个美丽的采桑女子以她的机智、犀利的言辞嘲弄无耻的太守,富有喜剧色彩。 第三、揭露战争之罪。《战城南》写沙场横尸遍野的惨境和诗人对死难者的思念哀悼以及对统治者的谴责。《十五从军征》写一个十五岁从军、八十岁才归来的老兵,回家之后,但见坟墓不见亲人的悲惨处境。 第四、抒写流浪之苦,古歌》抒发了游子的乡愁:“离家日趋远,衣带日趋缓。心思不能言,肠中车轮转。”《悲歌》中的游子因“欲归家无人”只能“悲歌可以当泣,远望可以当归。” 第五、感慨人生短暂。《薤xiè露》和《蒿里》是送葬时唱的挽歌,表达了人生短暂,无法摆脱死亡的悲哀。但《长歌行》则从人生短暂的现实中引出催人奋进的诗句:“百川东到海,何时复西归,少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲~” 第三节 娴熟巧妙的叙事手法 3、汉乐府叙事诗在诗歌发展史上有怎样的地位, 答:“汉乐府叙事诗的出现,标志着中国古代叙事诗的成熟。 《陌上桑》 1、《陌上桑》是如何塑造罗敷这个艺术形象的, 答:《陌上桑》写一个美丽的采桑女子罗敷痛斥、奚落其图占用他的使君,富有喜剧色彩。罗敷年轻、美丽、勤劳、高贵、忠贞、机智、不畏强暴。作品成功的塑造了罗敷的形象。具体手法如下:第一、以虚实结合的手法变现罗敷之美。具有很强的艺术感染力。先用采桑用品之美来衬托罗敷之美。这是虚写,是侧面烘托。然后,写她的发型、首饰、和衣着之美。这是正面写实手法。最后,借众人观赏罗敷时的种种情态表现出罗敷的魅力。这是十分巧妙的侧面烘托。 第二、以罗敷夸夫表现出罗敷的聪明机智。罗敷以夸夫的放手机奚落使君。她从三个方面夸耀自己的丈夫。首先,夸丈夫的地位,丈夫的随从有“千余骑“,他的坐骑华美,他的宝剑是稀世之宝。这一切都衬托出人的高贵。其次,夸丈夫的仕途。从十五岁到四十岁,官运亨通,步步高升,前途不可限量。 最后,夸丈夫的容貌形体之美。罗敷自己夸完之后,又借他人之口来夸夫:“坐中数千人,皆言夫婿殊。”罗敷的夸夫之术可谓高超。 《孔雀东南飞》 1、《孔雀东南飞》的艺术成就体现在那些方面, 答:《孔雀东南飞》是汉乐府的代表作。是中国古代最长的叙事诗,也是艺术成就最高的叙事诗。其艺术成就主要体现在以下方面: 第一、能够用人物对话、行为描写、心理描写和外貌描写等于法塑造人物形象。例如:“焦母的专横在她训斥儿子的话语中得到了充分的体现。兰芝在辞别焦母时所说的话,表现了她的知礼、贤惠和善良。 第二、作品的结构独具匠心。全篇有三个层次:离别、逼婚、殉情。诗中有两条线索:“一条线索由焦家的矛盾冲突构成。另一条线索由刘家的矛盾冲突构成。三个层次和两条线索安排的环环相扣,井然有序。 第三、善于用从容的比较进行渲染和烘托。太守迎亲的场面写的十分详尽。这样的铺陈体现了太守对兰芝的重视,体现了兰芝的身价。同时,对焦母则是一种无言的谴责。 第四、诗中还使用了比兴手法和浪漫的想象。开头以孔雀徘徊不忍离去,象征着夫妻离别时的缠绵之情,这是比兴手法。结尾写墓旁的梧桐和松柏枝叶交错。树上有鸳鸯和鸣。这是以浪漫的想象寄托了作者的同情和企盼,这些手法都产生了良好的艺术效果。 第五章 东汉辞赋 第一节 班固、张衡的京都赋 1、东汉京都赋创作潮流中的代表作是什么, 答:班固的《两都赋》和张衡的《二京赋》 第二节 述行赋和抒情小赋 2、述行赋的开山之作是什么, 答:刘歆的《遂初赋》是述行赋的开山之作。“遂初”,谓辞官归隐,得遂其初愿。刘歆徙五原太守,不得意,作此篇。叙述了他自长安道五原的行程和对晋国掌故的联想。反映了社会衰弱时期的病症。具有借古讽今的性质。是衰世文人的慨叹。 3、哪一篇作品标志着抒情小赋的诞生, 答:张衡的《归田赋》标志着抒情小赋的诞生。并充分展示了抒情小赋的魅力。因当时宦官当政,张衡不得志,欲归田里,故作此赋。作品体制短小。情感丰富。语言清新晓畅,挥洒自如。 第六章 《汉书》及东汉散文 第一节 《汉书》 1、《汉书》在文学史上有怎样的地位, 答:东汉班固编撰的《汉书》是我国第一部纪传体断代史。是继《史记》之后出现的又一部史传文学典范之作。因此,历史上经常把司马迁和班固并列。《史记》和《汉书》对举。 2、《汉书》的精华是什么, 答:汉书的精华在于对西汉盛世各类人物的生动记叙,主要是法律之士和经师儒生。其中许多人物的经历虽然缺少传奇色彩。但富有戏剧性。 第二节 《吴越春秋》 3、简介《吴越春秋》 答:是东汉赵晔撰,今存十卷。主要叙述吴越争霸的故事,是一部兼有编年体和纪传体特点的历史散文著作。书中有关吴越史实主要来源于前人史书,但是在历史真实的基础上吸收了许多神话传说和民间故事,并发挥想象进行夸张渲染。使故事情节曲折离奇,人物形象个性鲜明。既开志怪小说的先河,又是历史演义小说的雏形。 《苏武传》 1、《苏武传》如何塑造苏武这个人物形象, 答:《苏武传》叙述了西汉苏武出使匈奴的经历。他被匈奴扣留19年,历尽磨难,宁死不降,表现出高尚的节气。归汉之后,受到皇帝的封赏和百官的敬重。作品成功的塑造了苏武这个人物形象。艺术手法主要有以下几方面: 一、在尖锐的矛盾冲突中刻画苏武的形象,苏武的气节是在一系列矛盾冲突中体现出来的。首先,在生与死的矛盾冲突中体现苏武的气节。苏武的自杀是为了不“负国”、不“屈节辱命”。他在生与死、屈节和守节的矛盾中毅然做出了选择,体现出他轻生重节的性格特点。 其次,在招降和拒降的冲突中,苏武的忠贞气节得到了更充分的表现。卫律要招降苏武时,苏武视死如归,痛斥卫律。李陵劝降时,苏武以死抗拒,作品在这一系列冲突中塑造了苏武忠君爱国,宁死不屈的形象。 二、以恶劣的生存环境烘托苏武的形象。在大窖之中,在雪天,在没有水和食物的条件下,苏武忍耐着,不肯降匈奴。在北海,没有食物,苏武仍不投降匈奴。极其恶劣的生存环境有力的烘托出了苏武坚韧的意志和忠贞的品格。 三、用富有象征意味的细节体现苏武的形象。苏武在北海“杖汉节牧羊,卧起操持,节毛尽落。”持节,旄落的细节象征着苏武至死守节,不辱使命的品行。这样的细节描写使抽象的品行,节操具有了生动、具体、鲜明的形象。 四、借他人的态度和言论烘托苏武的形象。苏武宁死不降匈奴,“单于状其节”。匈奴使苏武北海牧羊,“羝入乃时归”。说明匈奴对招降苏武已不抱希望。李陵劝降失败,;喟(kui)然叹曰:“嗟乎,义士~”这是由衷的感叹。苏武将归汉,李陵置酒贺曰:“今足下还归,扬名于匈奴,功显于汉室,虽古竹帛所载,丹青所画,何以过子卿~”单于、李陵等人的态度和言论从侧面烘托出苏武的形象。 第七章 东汉文人诗4 1、现存东汉文人最早的完整的五言诗是哪一首,作者是谁, 答:班固的《咏史》 2、诗歌史上现存第一首独立完整的七言诗是哪一首,作者是谁, 补充 答:张衡的《四愁诗》 3、谁的诗标志着东汉五言抒情诗的成熟, 答:秦嘉的《赠妇诗》 第二节 略 第三节《古诗十九首》 4、解释《古诗十九首》名称的由来。 答:梁昭明太子萧统所编《文选》将作者不详的十九首汉代文人五言诗编辑在一起,标名为《古诗十九首》。这以题名被后世沿用。成为这特定十九首诗的专称。 5、《古诗十九首》在诗歌史上有怎样的地位, 答:代表汉代文人五言诗的最高成就。 6、《古诗十九首》的基本内容是什么, 答:除了游子之歌,便是思妇之词。抒发游子的羁旅情怀和思妇闺愁是它的基本内容。 (英文版 ) Two regulations promulgated for implementation is in the party in power for a long time and the rule of law conditions, the implementation of comprehensive strictly strategic plan, implementation in accordance with the rules and discipline to manage the party, strengthen inner-party supervision of major initiatives. The two regulations supporting each other, the < code > adhere to a positive advocate, focusing on morality is of Party members and Party leading cadres can see, enough to get a high standard; < rule > around the party discipline, disciplinary ruler requirements, listed as "negative list, focusing on vertical gauge, draw the party organizations and Party members do not touch the" bottom line ". Here, the main from four square face two party rules of interpretation: the first part introduces two party Revised regulations the necessity and the revision process; the second part is the interpretation of the two fundamental principles of the revision of laws and regulations in the party; the third part introduces two party regulations modified the main changes and needs to grasp several key problems; the fourth part on how to grasp the implementation of the two regulations of the party. < code > and < Regulations > revised the necessity and revised history of the CPC Central Committee the amendment to the Chinese Communist Party members and leading cadres honest politics several guidelines > and < Chinese Communist Party discipline and Punishment Regulations > column 1 by 2015 to strengthen party laws and regulations focus. Two party regulations revision work lasted a Years, pooling the wisdom of the whole party, ideological consensus, draw historical experience, respect for the wisdom of our predecessors, which reflects the unity of inheritance and innovation; follow the correct direction, grasp the limited goals, adhere to the party's leadership, to solve the masses of the people reflect a focus on the problem. The new revision of the < code > and < rule >, reflects the party's 18 and the eighth session of the third, the spirit of the fourth plenary session, reflecting the experience of studying and implementing the General Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech, reflects the party's eighteen years comprehensive strictly practice. (a) revised two regulations of the party need of < the ICAC guidelines > in < in 1997 Leaders as members of the Communist Party of China clean politics certain criteria (Trial) > based on revised, the promulgation and implementation of January 2010, to strengthen the construction of the contingent of leading cadres play an important role. But with the party to manage the party strictly administering the deepening, has not been able to fully meet the actual needs. Content is too complicated, "eight prohibition, 52 are not allowed to" hard to remember, and also difficult to put into practice; the second is concisely positive advocated by the lack of prohibited provisions excessive, no autonomy requirements; the third is banned terms and discipline law, both with the party discipline, disciplinary regulations repeat and Criminal law and other laws and regulations repeat; the fourth is to "clean" the theme is not prominent, not for the existing problems, and is narrow, only needle of county-level leading cadres above. < rule > is in 1997 < Chinese Communist Party disciplinary cases (Trial) > based on revision, in December 2003 the promulgation and implementation, to strengthen the construction of the party play very important role. Along with the development of the situation, which many provisions have been unable to fully meet the comprehensive strictly administering the practice needs. One is Ji law, more than half of the provisions and criminal law and other countries laws and regulations Repetition; two is the political discipline regulations is not prominent, not specific, for violation of the party constitution, damage the authority of Party Constitution of misconduct lack necessary and serious responsibility to pursue; third is the main discipline for the leading cadres, does not cover all Party members. Based on the above situation, need to < the criterion of a clean and honest administration > and < rule > the two is likely to be more relevant regulations first amendment. By revising, really put the authority of Party discipline, the seriousness in the party tree and call up the majority of Party members and cadres of the party constitution of party compasses party consciousness. (II) two party regulations revision process the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China attaches great importance to two regulations revision . Xi Jinping, general books recorded in the Fifth Plenary Session of the eighth session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, on the revised regulations < > made clear instructions. According to the central deployment, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection from 2014 under six months begin study two regulations revision. The Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection 4 review revised. Comrade Wang Qishan 14 times held a special meeting to study two regulations revision, amendment clarifies the direction, major issues of principle, path and target, respectively held a forum will listen to part of the province (area) secretary of the Party committee, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, part of the central ministries and state organs Department The first party committee is mainly responsible for people, views of experts and scholars and grassroots party organizations and Party members. Approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, on 7 September 2015, the general office of the Central Committee of the Party issued a notice to solicit the provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) Party, the central ministries and commissions, state ministries and commissions of the Party (party), the General Political Department of the military, every 3 people organization of Party of two regulations revision opinion. Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of extensive solicitation of opinions, careful study, attracting, formed a revised sent reviewers. In October 8 and October 12, Central Committee Political Bureau Standing Committee and the Political Bureau of the Central Committee After consideration of the two regulations revised draft. On October 18, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China formally issued two regulations. Can say, two laws amendment concentrated the wisdom of the whole party, embodies the party. Second, < code > and < Regulations > revision of the basic principles of two party regulations revision work and implement the party's eighteen, ten eight plenary, the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee and General Secretary Xi Jinping important instructions on the revised < low political criterion > and < Regulations >, highlighting the ruling party characteristics, serious discipline, the discipline quite in front of the law, based on the current, a long-term, advance as a whole, with Bu Xiuding independent < rule > and < rule >. Main principle is: first, adhere to the party constitution to follow. The constitution about discipline and self-discipline required specific, awaken the party constitution of party compasses party consciousness, maintaining the authority of the constitution. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "no rules, no side round. Party constitution is the fundamental law, the party must follow the general rules. In early 2015 held the eighth session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Fifth Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee, Xi Jinping again pointed out that constitution is the party must follow the general rules, but also the general rules." the revision of the < code > and < rule > is Method in adhere to the regulations established for the purpose of combining rule of virtue is to adhere to the party constitution as a fundamental to follow, the constitution authority set up, wake up the party constitution and party rules the sense of discipline, the party constitution about discipline and self-discipline specific requirements. 4 second is to adhere to in accordance with the regulations governing the party and the party. The Party of rule of virtue "de", mainly refers to the party's ideals and beliefs, excellent traditional style. The revised the < code > closely linked to the "self-discipline", insisting on the positive initiative, for all members, highlight the "vital few", emphasized self-discipline, focusing on the morality, and the majority of Party members and the ideological and moral standards. The revised < > Ji method separately, Ji, Ji Yan to Method, as a "negative list", emphasizing the heteronomy, focusing on vertical gauge. Is this one high and one low, a positive reaction, the strict party discipline and practice results transformation for the integration of the whole party to observe moral and discipline requirements, for the majority of Party members and cadres provides benchmarking and ruler. Third, insist on to. In view of the problems existing in the party at the present stage, the main problems of Party members and cadres in the aspect of self-discipline and abide by the discipline to make clearly defined, especially the party's eighteen years strict political discipline and political rules, organization and discipline and to implement the central eight provisions of the spirit against the four winds and other requirements into Disciplinary provisions. Not one pace reachs the designated position, focusing on in line with reality, pragmatic and effective. After the revision of major changes, major changes in the < code > and < rule > modified and needs to grasp several key problems (a) < code > < code > adhere to according to regulations governing the party and party with morals in combination, for at the present stage, the leadership of the party members and cadres and Party members in existing main problems of self-discipline, put forward principles, requirements and specifications, showing Communists noble moral pursuit, reflected at all times and in all over the world ethics from high from low 5 common requirements. One is closely linked to the "self-discipline", removal and no direct relation to the provisions of . the second is adhere to a positive advocate, "eight prohibition" 52 are not allowed to "about the content of the" negative list moved into synchronization amendment < cases >. Three is for all the party members, will apply object from the leadership of the party members and cadres to expand to all Party members, fully embodies the comprehensive strictly required. The fourth is prominent key minority, seize the leadership of the party members and cadres is the key, and put forward higher requirements than the ordinary Party members. Five is to simplify, and strive to achieve concise, easy to understand, easy to remember. The revised < code > is the ruling Party since the first insists on a positive advocate forAll Party members and the self-discipline norms, moral declaration issued to all members of the party and the National People's solemn commitment. > < criterion of a clean and honest administration consists of 4 parts, 18, more than 3600 words. After the revision of the < code >, a total of eight, 281 words, including lead, specification and Party member cadre clean fingered self-discipline norms, etc. Part 3 members low-cost clean and self-discipline, the main contents can be summarized as "four must" "eight code". Lead part, reiterated on ideal and faith, fundamental purpose, the fine traditions and work style, noble sentiments, such as "four must" the principle of requirements, strong tone of self-discipline, The higher request for 6 and supervised tenet, the foothold in permanent Bao the party's advanced nature and purity, to reflect the revised standards requirements. Members of self-discipline norms around the party members how to correctly treat and deal with the "public and private", "cheap and rot" thrifty and extravagance "bitter music", put forward the "four norms". Party leader cadre clean fingered self-discipline norms for the leadership of the party members and cadres of the "vital few", around the "clean politics", from civil servant of the color, the exercise of power, moral integrity, a good family tradition and other aspects of the leadership of the party members and cadres of the "four norms" < > < norm norm. "The Party member's self-discipline norms" and "party members and leading cadre clean fingered self-discipline norms," a total of eight, collectively referred to as the "eight". "Four must" and "eight" of the content from the party constitution and Party's several generation of leaders, especially Xi Jinping, general secretary of the important discussion, refer to the "three discipline and eight points for attention" statements, and reference some embody the Chinese nation excellent traditional culture essence of epigrams. (2) the revised regulations, the main changes in the revised Regulations > to fully adapt to the strictly requirements, reflects the according to the regulations governing the law of recognition of deepening, the realization of the discipline construction and Jin Ju. < rule > is party a ruler, members of the basic line and follow. And the majority of Party members and cadres of Party organizations at all levels should adhere to the bottom line of thinking, fear discipline, hold the bottom line, as a preventive measure, to keep the party's advanced nature and purity. 1, respect for the constitution, refinement and discipline. Revised < rule > from comprehensive comb physical constitution began, the party constitution and other regulations of the Party of Party organizations and Party discipline requirements refinement, clearly defined in violation of the party constitution will be in accordance with regulations to give the corresponding disciplinary action. The original 10 categories of misconduct, integration specification for political discipline, discipline, honesty and discipline masses Ji Law and discipline and discipline and other six categories, the content of < rule > real return to Party discipline, for the majority of Party members and listed a "negative list. 7 2, highlighting the political discipline and political rules. > < Regulations according to the stage of the discipline of outstanding performance, emphasizing political discipline and political rules, organization and discipline, in opposition to the party's leadership and the party's basic theory, basic line, basic program and basic experience, the basic requirement of behavior made prescribed punishment, increase the cliques, against the organization such as violation of the provisions, to ensure that the central government decrees and the Party of centralized and unified. 3, adhere to strict discipline in the law and discipline In front, Ji separated. Revised < Regulations > adhere to the problem oriented, do Ji separated. Any national law existing content, will not repeat the provisions, the total removal of 79 and criminal law, repeat the content of the public security management punishment law, and other laws and regulations. In the general reiterated that party organizations and Party members must conscientiously accept the party's discipline, die van comply with national laws and regulations; at the same time, to investigate violations of Party members and even criminal behavior of Party discipline and responsibility, > < Regulations distinguish five different conditions, with special provisions were made provisions, so as to realize the connection of Party discipline and state law. 4, reflect Wind building and anti-corruption struggle of the latest achievements. < rule > the party's eighteen years implement the spirit of the central provisions of the eight, against the requirements of the "four winds" and transformation for disciplinary provisions, reflecting the style construction is always on the road, not a gust of wind. In the fight against corruption out of new problems, increase the trading rights, the use of authority relatives profit and other disciplinary terms. Prominent discipline of the masses, the new against the interests of the masses and ignore the demands of the masses and other disciplinary terms and make provisions of the disposition and the destruction of the party's close ties with the masses. Discipline to protect the party's purpose. 8 of these regulations, a total of three series, Chapter 15, 178, more than 24000 words, after the revision of the regulations a total of 3 series, Chapter 11, 133, 17000 words, divided into "general" and "special provisions" and "Supplementary Provisions" Part 3. Among them, add, delete, modify the provisions of the proportion of up to nearly 90%. 1, the general general is divided into five chapters. The first chapter to the regulations of the guiding ideology, principles and scope of application of the provisions, highlight the strengthening of the party constitution consciousness, maintenance the authority of Party Constitution, increase the party organizations and Party members must abide by the party constitution, Yan Centralized centralized, would examine at all levels of the amended provisions implementing and maintaining Party discipline, and consciously accept the party discipline, exemplary compliance with national laws and regulations. The second chapter of discipline concept, disciplinary action types and effects of the regulations, will be a serious warning from the original a year for a year and a half; increase the Party Congress representative, by leaving the party above (including leave probation) punishment, the party organization should be terminated its representative qualification provisions. The third chapter of the disciplinary rules of use prescribed in the discipline rectifying process, non convergence, not close hand classified as severely or heavier punishment. "Discipline straighten "At least eighteen years of five years, these five years is to pay close attention to the provisions of the central eight implementation and anti -" four winds ". The fourth chapter on suspicion of illegal party disciplinary distinguish five different conditions, with special provisions were made provisions, to achieve effective convergence of Party and country 9 method. < rule > the provisions of Article 27, Party organizations in the disciplinary review found that party members have committed embezzlement, bribery, dereliction of duty dereliction of duty and other criminal law act is suspected of committing a crime shall give cancel party posts, probation or expelled from the party. The second is < Regulations > Article 28 the provisions of Party organizations in the disciplinary review But found that party members are stipulated in the criminal law, although not involved in a crime shall be investigated for Party discipline and responsibility should be depending on the specific circumstances shall be given a warning until expelled punishment. This situation and a difference is that the former regulation behavior has been suspected of a crime, the feeling is quite strict, and the latter for the behavior not involving crime, only the objective performance of the provisions of the criminal code of behavior, but the plot is a crime to slightly. < Regulations > the 29 provisions, Party organizations in the discipline review found that party members and other illegal behavior, affect the party's image, the damage to the party, the state and the people's interests, we should depend on the situation Seriousness given disciplinary action. The loss of Party members, seriously damaging the party's image of behavior, should be given expelled from the party. At this article is party member is in violation of the criminal law outside the other illegal acts, such as violates the public security administration punishment law, customs law, financial laws and regulations behavior. The fourth is < cases > Article 32 stipulates, minor party members and the circumstances of the crime, the people's Procuratorate shall make a decision not to initiate a prosecution, or the people's court shall make a conviction and exempted from criminal punishment shall be given within the party is removed from his post, probation or expelled from the party. Party members and crime, sheets were fined in accordance with For acts; the principal Ordinance amended the provisions of the preceding paragraph. This is the new content, in order to achieve Ji method effective convergence. Five is < > the thirty third article 10 of the provisions, the Party member due to an intentional crime is sentenced to criminal law (including probation) sheets or additional deprivation of political rights; due to negligence crime and was sentenced to three years or more (excluding three years) a penalty, shall give expelled punishment. Due to negligence crime is convicted and sentenced to three years (including three years) in prison or be sentenced to public surveillance, detention, shall in general be expelled from the party. For the individual may not be expelled from the party, should control Approval. This is followed and retained the original > < Regulations the provisions of punishment party authorization rules and report to a level party organizations. For is "party members with criminal acts, and by the criminal punishment, generally should be expelled from the party". The fifth chapter of probationary Party member of the discipline and discipline after missing members of the treatment and punishment decisions, such as the implementation of the provisions, clear the related party discipline and punishment decision made after, for duties, wages and other relevant alteration formalities for the longest time. 2, sub sub section will the original regulations of 10 categories of acts of violation of discipline integration revised into 6 categories, respectively, in violation of the punishments for acts of political discipline "in violation of discipline behavior of punishment" in violation of integrity of disciplinary action points "of violation punishments for acts of mass discipline" "the violation of work discipline, punishment" in violation of discipline of life behavior punishment "6 chapters. 3, annex" Supplementary Provisions "clear authority making supplementary provisions of, cases of interpretative organ, as well as regulations implementation time and retroactivity etc.. 11 (3) learning understanding > < regulations needs to grasp several key problems The first problem -- about the violation of political discipline behavior > < new ordinance chapter 6 the political discipline column for the six disciplines, that is the main opposition to Party leadership and the opposition of the basic theory, basic line, basic program and basic experience, basic requirements of misconduct made provisions of the disposition, especially the eighteen since the CPC Central Committee put forward the Yan Mingzheng treatment of discipline and political rules requirements and practical achievements transformation for Discipline article, increase the false debate central policies, cliques, against the organization review, make no discipline of the principle of harmony terms. These are the party's eighteen years in comprehensive strictly Process combined with the practice of rich content. (1) false debate the central policies and undermine the Party of centralized and unified the problem is made in accordance with the provisions of the party constitution. Constitution in general programme requirements adhere to democratic centralism is one of the requirements of the construction of the party must adhere to the four cardinal. Application of this principle is not only the party the basic organization principle and is also the mass line in party life, it requires that we must fully develop inner-party democracy, respect for the dominant position of Party members, safeguarding the Party member democratic rights, give full play to the enthusiasm and creativity of the party organizations at all levels and Party members, at the same time, also must implement the right concentration, ensure the party's mission < the chaos in unity and concerted action to ensure that the party's decision to get quickly and effectively implementing. The Party Central Committee formulated the major principles and policies, through different channels and ways, fully listen to the party organizations and Party members of the opinions and suggestions, but 12 is some people face to face not to say back blather "" will not say, after the meeting said, "" Taiwan does not say, and nonsense ", in fact, not only disrupt the people thought, some causing serious consequences, the damage to the Party of the centralized and unified, hinder the central policy implementation, but also a serious violation of the democratic system of principles. There is no doubt that shall, in accordance with the Regulations > 4 Specified in Article 6 to give the appropriate punishment. For did not cause serious consequences, to give criticism and education or the corresponding tissue processing. (2) about the destruction of the party's unity < New Regulations > the forty eighth to fifty second article, to damage Party's unity unified and violation of political discipline, punishment situation made explicit provisions. Article 52 of the new "in the party get round group, gangs seek private gain, cliques, cultivate private forces or through the exchange of interests, for their own to create momentum and other activities to gain political capital, given a serious warning or withdraw from their party posts disposition; if the circumstances are serious, to give Leave a party to observation or expelled from the party. (3) on against the organization review of the provisions of the constitution, party loyalty honesty is party members must comply with the obligations. Members must obey the organization decision, shall not violate the organization decided encounters by asking questions to find organization, rely on the organization, shall not deceive the organization, against the organization. For example, after the investigation does not take the initiative to explain the situation, but to engage in offensive and defensive alliance, hiding the stolen money is against survey organization, is a violation of the behavior of political discipline. Article 24 of the original > < Regulations, although the provisions of the interference, hinder group review the behavior of the fabric can be severely or 13 Aggravated punishment, but did not put this kind of behavior alone as a discipline for qualitative amount of discipline. > < new regulations increase the Article 57, "anti organization review, one of the following acts, given a warning or serious warning; if the circumstances are relatively serious, giving removed from or placed on probation within the party post; if the circumstances are serious, give expelled from the party: (a) on supply or forged, destroyed, transfer, conceal evidence; (II) to prevent others expose, providing evidence Material; (III) harboring co personnel; (4) to the organization to provide false information, to hide the fact; (5) the him against the acts of the organization review. "< rule > add this clause to the Constitution requires more specific, the previous no punishment in accordance with the definite list and put forward clear punishment in accordance with. (4) about organizing or participating in superstitious activities as < Regulations > about engage in activities of feudal superstition obstruction of social management order" violations of Article 164 the provisions, but according to the original < rule > only in disrupting production, work, social life order The case to be disciplinary treatment, in other words, alone make the feudal superstition, organize or participate in the activities of feudal superstition of, does not constitute a violation. Which is not consistent with the requirements of our party's political party. > < new regulations in this change is, superstitious activities on the political discipline, increase the Article 58, is the organization of Party members, in superstitious activities included in violation of the negative list of political discipline deserves punishment, which and Party members should adhere to the correct political principle, political standpoint and viewpoint is consistent. 14 the second question about organization and discipline violation behavior of democratic centralism is our The party's fundamental organizational system. < New Regulations > Chapter 7 "in violation of the behavior of organizational discipline punishment" mainly for violation of democratic centralism, contrary to the "four obey the discipline behavior for source classification rules. Increased not in accordance with the relevant provisions or requirements to the organization for instructions to report on major issues; do not report truthfully report about personal matters; falsify personal archives; hide before joining the party serious mistakes; leading cadres in violation of the relevant provisions of the organization, will participate in the spontaneous formation of the old Xiang, Alumni Association, comrades in arms; to obtain illegal country residence abroad or foreign nationality, illegal for private frontier Documents such as discipline terms. (1) on the report truthfully report personal matters in 2010 the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China office, office of the State Council introduced < provisions on issues related to the leading cadres to report personal >, is clear about the request, deputy division level and above leading cadres should truthfully report changes in my marriage and spouse, children, moved to the country (territory), practitioners, income, real estate, investment and other matters, for failing to report, do not report, concealed and unreported, according to the seriousness of the case, giving criticism and education, and to make a correction within a time limit, shall be ordered to make a check, the commandment Jiemian conversation, informed criticism or jobs, free Post processing, constitute violations, in accordance with the relevant provisions shall be given a disciplinary sanction. But since the original < Regulations > and there is no corresponding specific terms, the violation of the regulations, do not report, as a false report about personal matters, there is no corresponding disciplinary action terms, in practice it is difficult to operate. In this regard, in order to solve is not reported, as a false report about personal matters 15 asked censure, the new < Regulations > add the Article 67 of violation of personal matters related to reporting requirements, report truthfully report the clear punishment basis, making this kind of violation behavior is no longer free drilling for Exhibition on matters of personal checks to verify and supervision of cadres, discipline review provides a powerful discipline guarantee. (2) about the illegal organization, to fellow, alumni, friends of the war will < regulations stipulated in Article 68 of >, leading cadres of the party in violation of relevant provisions of the organization, will participate in the spontaneous formation of fellow, Alumni Association, comrade in arms to give the punishment according to the seriousness of the case. Here special needs note is three points: this provision for only the leading cadres ", reflecting the high requirements of leading cadres; second violation in 2002, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the central Organization Department and the The relevant provisions of the General Political Department jointly issued the < off in leading cadres not to participate in the initiative to set up "the villagers would be" alumni "" comrades in arms organization notice >. That is to say, to the spontaneous formation of fellow, Alumni Association, comrades in arms will constitute the premise of discipline is a violation of the provisions of this. The notification specified, leading cadres are not allowed to participate in the spontaneous incorporation of fellow, alumni, between comrades association would like the organization and shall not bear the sorority Human and the organizer shall not hold the corresponding position in the sorority; shall not borrow machine woven "network" and engage in kiss sparsely, round and round the gangs, but not "align" "Jieyi Gold Orchid" behavior. The third is to emphasize here that shall be organized to participate in the initiative to set up the villager, Alumni Association, comrades in arms. The so-called 16 spontaneous was established mainly means without registration. Therefore, Party members include leading cadres in the normal range of fellow, alumni, comrades in the party is not a violation of the rules of Party discipline. The three problem about integrity violations discipline Lian Jie discipline has been eighteen years clean government and anti The focus of the work of corruption. This Ordinance to amend, honesty and discipline this biggest adjustment, the new content, most of which prescribed by the original < criterion of a clean and honest administration > 8 ban and 52 are not allowed into the basic this part. (1) the central eight provisions of the spirit and requirements into < New > in the regulations of the party's eighteen years, central resolutely implement the provisions of the eight and pay close attention to the node and intensive briefing, on public funds, private bus, public funds tourism, gifts of public funds, the big parade and lavish weddings and festive, illegal payment allowances and subsidies, illegal construction of buildings such as the original masses reflects the relatively strong, "four winds" problem of the Resolute rectification. But original < Regulations > to eat and drink, super standard reception and no clear and specific expression, new < rule > will implement eight Central provisions of the spirit of the problem increased to "clean cheap self-discipline" chapter, clear to exceed the standard, beyond the scope of the reception or borrow machine eating and drinking etc. some in violation of the provisions of the spirit of the eight central relevant persons responsible for punishment, once the violation will be according to the < rule > severely punished, binding, enhanced significantly. One is to add Article 87, about to obtain illegal, hold, and the actual use of the sports card, golf ball cards and other consumer card. Illegal access to private clubs made the punishment provisions. The second is increase the Article 97, has made provisions of the disposition of illegal self pay or 17 spamming allowances, subsidies and bonuses. The third is added to the Article 99, on violation of super standard, beyond the scope of the reception or borrow machine eat and drink to make the provisions of punishment. The fourth is to increase the Article 101, on the management of conference activities in violation of the provisions made sanctions regulations. The fifth is the increased Article 102, for violation of office space management provisions made the punishment provisions. Six is to split the original < rule > Article 78, formed article 98, Article 100 of public Models of tourism, violate the provisions on the administration of the use of discipline of the bus through the list of made a more detailed provisions, apply more operational. Seven is increased the article 96, in violation of the relevant provisions of the, to participate in public funds to pay for dinner, high consumption of entertainment, fitness activities and public funds to buy gift, send gifts to make the provisions of the disposition. On the violation of the central provisions of the spirit of the eight, in addition to > < new regulations into "violation of honesty and self-discipline" misconduct outside, is different with the original < Regulations >, revised < rule > clearly defined not only to disposition of the directly responsible persons, but also dispose of collar Guide responsibilities. (2) increased trading rights, use of authority or position influence as relatives and close to profit violation of the terms of the < New Regulations > absorption < clean politics several guidelines > the relevant provisions spirit, increase the "negative list, including trading rights, the functions and powers or duties of influence as relatives and staff around profit. Increase Article 81" mutual use of office or authority ring for each other and their spouses, children and their spouses and other relatives, around 18 personnel and other specific relationship between the people to seek benefits engage in trading rights, given a warning or serious warning Sanctions; if the circumstances are relatively serious, giving removed from or placed on probation within the party post; if the circumstances are serious, shall be expelled from the party. Increase Article 82 "connivance, acquiescence to the spouse, children and spouse etc. relatives and staff around the effect of Party members and cadres personal authority or position for personal gain, if the circumstances are relatively minor, given a warning or a serious warning; if the circumstances are relatively serious, giving removed from or placed on probation within the party post; if the circumstances are serious, the given Expelled from the party. Party members and cadres of the spouses, children and their spouses does the actual work and get salary or although the actual work but to receive significantly beyond the same rank salary standard, Party members and cadres informed fails to correct, in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph. "(3) about the gifts, gifts misconduct from handling practices in recent years, engaged in official cadres received gifts, gifts problems more prominent. This has seriously affected the image of Party members and cadres, damaged the relations between the party and the masses, and is a hotbed of corruption, is really necessary for this kind of behavior to be disciplined. < rule > no on accepting gifts, gifts, Card consumption behavior to engage in simple "one size fits all", but the difference between the different separately. One is in accordance with the provisions of Article 83, accepting may affect the impartial enforcement of the official gifts, gifts, consumer cards to depending on the seriousness of the case shall be given disciplinary sanctions. That is to say, for may affect the fair execution of business gifts, gifts, consumer cards are not allowed to accept. 19 is in accordance with the provisions of Article 83, accepting was significantly higher than normal ceremony is still exchanges of gifts, gifts, consumer card to disciplinary action. This is new regulations that daily life is purely reciprocity, accepting the same thing, boys , fellow friends gifts, gifts, shopping cards, although and fair execution of business has nothing to do, also want to as the case shall be dealt with, the situation is obviously beyond normal reciprocity ". The so-called" reciprocity ", one is emphasizes the reciprocal in protocol. In other words is you to me how, I to you how, not only does not go. The second is to significantly exceeded the normal local economy level, customs and habits, economic capacity of individual gifts, gift value. Specific sanctions to according to the processing of a variety of factors to consider, as appropriate. The third is the root according to the provisions of Article 84," to Engaged in public service personnel and their spouses and children, children's spouses and other relatives and other specific relationship presented Ming Xianchao normal reciprocity of gifts, gifts, consumer card, if the circumstances are relatively serious, given a warning until probation. "In accordance with the above provisions, gift giving significantly beyond the normal reciprocity, giver constitute the discipline. (4) on illegal trading of stocks or of other regulations of securities investment < > Article 88 is engaged in punishment regulation of camp and activity in violation of the relevant provisions on. Among them, 3 will" buying and selling stocks or in other securities investment "column as one of disciplinary cases Out. First need to be clear, > < regulations did not change the provisions of the Ordinance. The ordinance of the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 77 provisions "who, in violation of the provisions of the sale of stocks" is one of the violation, and at the beginning of the first paragraph of this article "violation of 20 against the relevant provisions of the" textual representation of the repeat revision. In, just from the legislative technique removed the "personal" in violation of the provisions, content and not to change the original provisions. Need to clear is, "buy or sell a stock or of other securities investment" refers to violation of the relevant provisions refers to in April 2001, the Party Central Committee, the State Council promulgated the On the work of the party and government organs staff's personal investment in securities if dry provisions >. According to the provisions of Article 3, use of work time, office facilities, the sale of stocks and securities investment fund belongs to illegal behavior. The fourth question, about the violation of the masses of the disciplinary actions < new regulations > would violate public discipline behavior of a single set of a class of restored "three rules of discipline and eight note" in the discipline of the masses of excellent traditional. < New Regulations > Chapter 9 "to violate the masses of disciplinary action", mainly the destruction of the party's close ties with the masses of misconduct made provisions on disciplinary; enrich and perfect the super standard, beyond the scope of Xiang Qun < All to raise fund and labor, in for involving the public affairs deliberately, chinakayao, in social security, policy support, disaster relief funds and materials and other matters assigned any kind and affectionate friends, obviously unfair acts against the interests of the masses of the disciplinary terms; increase the terms not in accordance with the provisions of the public party provided, government, factory and village (neighborhood) provided etc. violation of the people's right to know the behavior of the discipline. The fifth issue, on the violation of work discipline violation of work discipline added "negative list, including Party organizations carry out strictly Main responsibility for poor discipline terms. (1) the new party organization comprehensive strictly the main responsibility of the party does not fulfill the 21 or perform poor disciplinary terms < New Regulations > has a lead people to pay attention to the new terms, that is, in chapter ten "on the violation of work discipline behavior punishment" increase in the one hundred and fourteenth "party fail to perform comprehensive strictly the main responsibility of the party or to perform comprehensive strictly the main responsibility for administering the ineffective, resulting in serious damage or serious adverse effects, to the person directly responsible and the responsibility of leadership and give a warning or serious warning. The situation is serious, giving removed from their party posts or on probation Punishment. "Here the changes. For the first time, the main responsibility write < rule >. (2) new shall report does not report or false reporting discipline shall increase the 117 bar" in the higher level units to check to inspect the work or report to the parent unit, work report of shall report the matters do not report or do not report, cause serious damage or serious adverse effects of, to the person directly responsible and the responsibility of leadership, to give warning or a serious warning; if the circumstances are serious, giving removed from their party posts or placed on probation. "For example, during the tour visits to the region, the unit Members the obligation to the inspection teams to reflect the true situation, to conceal not reported or intentionally to the inspection teams to provide false information, causing serious damage or serious adverse effects of, the person directly responsible and the responsibility of leadership should be in accordance with the provisions of < rule > Article 117 to give the appropriate punishment. (3) the new not granted in accordance with the provisions of punishment, not according to the provisions of the implementation of disciplinary measures 22 violation of the provisions of Article 115 "Party organizations have one of the following circumstances, the direct leadership responsibility. Probation: members were sentenced punished, in accordance with the provisions give disciplinary action or in violation of state law Rules of behavior should be given disciplinary punishment and dispose of; disciplinary punishment by decision or complaint review the decision made, not in accordance with the provisions of the implementation decisions on punishment of the party, position, rank, and the treatment of the matters; Party members subject to disciplinary action, not in accordance with the cadre management authority and organizational relationships of by dispose of Party members to carry out education and supervision of daily management. "What needs to be pointed out is," cliff "demoted with cars, housing, secretary problem, implementation is not a discipline and party posts and ranks treatment by the organization department is responsible for the implementation, with cars, housing by the logistics department is responsible for the implementation of, Ji Commission responsible oversight responsibilities. The six questions, about the acts violating the discipline of life "in violation of discipline of life behavior punishment", mainly to "four winds" problems and a serious violation of social morality, family virtue acts of misconduct made provisions on disciplinary, an increase of extravagant life, contrary to the social public order and good customs disciplinary terms. Worth mentioning is, > < Regulations in Article 150 about "adultery" "mistress (Cardiff) formulation in the new < rule > is removed, to expand the scope of Article 127 provisions" and others hair improper sexual relations, let face disciplinary action Wider more strict. Four, and earnestly do a good job in the < code > and < rule > implement system of life lies in execution. < code > and < Regulations > is 23 Party organizations at all levels of a strong constraint and all Party members follow. Learning and implementing the < code > and < rule > is party committees (party), commission for discipline, discipline inspection group), the majority of Party members and cadres of the common responsibility, must party caught together, the party one execution. () Party committees (party) and play and implement comprehensive strictly the main responsibility, pays special attention to the two party regulations learning cross penetration. One is to Adhere to the party constitution is fundamental to follow, and resolutely safeguard the authority of the Party Chapter. The second is to adhere to the problem oriented, to strictly political discipline and political rule moments in the first place. The third is to adhere to the discipline and rules quite in front must not allow the bottom line to break the discipline. The fourth is to seriously organize the study of propaganda and education, in the city party members to create a disciplined, about the rules of the strong atmosphere. (II) Commission for Discipline Inspection at all levels (Discipline Inspection Group) to an important basis for the revised two party regulations as, adhere to easily blame, strengthen supervision and enforcement And early method in combining Ji, increase accountability efforts. One is to two regulations within the party important basis, adhere to the party constitution duties, with strict discipline to maintain the constitution authority. The second is to adhere to high standards and keep the bottom line, adhere to Ji Yan in law and discipline, the discipline and rules quite in front, grasping grasping small, easily blame, comprehensive use of supervision and discipline of "four kinds of form" in the discipline embodies the strict requirements and care for the discipline, tighten up, Yan. According to discipline in accordance with regulations to carry out disciplinary review. Increase the violations punishment, clues can initiate an investigation on the trial of cases According to the discipline on the provisions of the proportion of processing and control manager maintains discipline. To focus on investigating non convergence, don't accept hand serious disciplinary violations at the same time, pay more attention to the general review of discipline 24 behavior, and gradually increase the lighter punishment. Four is to illuminate two party regulations, combined with the local district of the Department of party conduct Lianzheng to relevant laws and regulations system clean, timely research proposes to establish, change, waste release opinion, avoid conflict, and the fasten system of cage, and gradually formed not rot, not rot, not want to rot system and working mechanism. (3) the leadership of the party members and cadres should play an exemplary role. The rate of higher consciousness of the front of the Ordinance to lead practice self-discipline norms, leading to maintain discipline of seriousness and authority. One is the above rate, demonstration and guidance, take the lead in learning and mastering the < code > and < > the requirements and regulations, do the deep understanding, learning to use. The second is to play an exemplary role in abiding by discipline rate, take the lead in practicing self-discipline norms, firmly establish before the discipline are equal, the system has no privilege, discipline is no exception, and consciously do standards, require more strict measures more practical. Third is to consciously accept supervision, conscientiously participate in the democratic life and debriefing honesty responsibility, such as Real to the party organization to report personal matters, and to accept the supervision of the work and life of the normal, habits under the supervision of the exercise of power, to carry out the work. The fourth is to set an example for the strict enforcement of discipline. Leading cadres should take the lead in the maintenance of discipline of seriousness and authority, to dare to seriously, dare to struggle, dare to offend people, for misconduct not laissez faire, but do not indulge, not tolerate to ensure the party constitution of party compasses party put in place. (4) the majority of Party members and cadres to set high standards and hold the bottom line, consciously abide by the < code > and < rule >. One is to control the < standard > and < 25 cases >, tight Close connection with their own thoughts, practical work and life, efforts to solve the problems, to enhance the study and implement of the effectiveness and pertinence. The second is to establish a high standard and hold the bottom line, consciously in the self-discipline pursuit of high standards, strictly in the party away from the red line discipline, discipline, about the rules and know fear, distrust, the formation of the honor system, comply with the system, safeguard system of good habits. Regulations and discipline regulations of < < New Revision of the Communist Party of China clean fingered self-discipline criterion > and < Chinese Communist Party Disciplinary Regulations > is the Party Central Committee in the new situation to promote the comprehensive strictly root of the lift, the regulations of the party construction of keeping pace with the times. We should study and implement the Standards > and < > as the primary political task, adhere to the party constitution duties, adhere to the discipline of, Ji Yan in law, the full implementation of supervision and discipline accountability responsibilities for coordination and promotion "four overall" strategic layout in XX District vivid practice to provide a strong guarantee. - Si Jian Wu, and effectively enhance the implementation of the implementation of the < code > < > The consciousness of General Secretary Xi pointed out that the party is in charge of the party, to manage the party; strictly, it can cure good party. Criterion > and < rule > keep pace with the times is our party to form a new potential strictly rules, to deepen understanding of the ruling law, is a comprehensive strictly, and strengthen the supervision within the party important grasper. Criterion > closely linked to the theme of self-discipline, self-discipline intensity-modulated, focusing on morality, for the majority of Party members and cadres set to see, feel the high standard, show the Communists noble moral sentiment; District Ordinance < < rule > the constitution of discipline integration into a political discipline, organization and discipline, honesty and discipline, discipline of the masses, work discipline, discipline, emphasize discipline, focusing on established rules, to draw the party organizations and Party members do not touch the bottom line. Party committees (party) to effectively strengthen the study and publicize the implementation of the < code > and < rule > the organization and leadership of criterion > and < > a full range, multi angle, deep publicity, the formation of study and publicize and implement the boom, in order to consolidate the development of good political environment to create a positive environment and atmosphere. The majority of Party members and cadres to strict requirements, the < rule > and < Ordinance cases > as a guide to action and behavior criterion, adhere to the moral standards and discipline of the bottom line, to maintain the discipline of worship and awe, learning, compliance, and maintain party discipline and rules of the model. The discipline inspection and supervision organs and cadres to the < code > and < > as the deepening of the "three", and strengthen supervision and discipline of accountability is important to follow correctly grasp the use of supervision and discipline of "four types", promote the comprehensive strictly in new roots. Strict discipline, adhere to the discipline and rules quite in front of the enterprise in the implementation of expensive to implement to execute. The discipline inspection and supervision organs to implement the < code > and < Efforts to investigate cases > as an opportunity, adhere to the party should manage the party strictly, serious performance of their duties to promote two regulations implementation. Change discipline concept. From the simple "investigation of illegal" to a comprehensive "stare at violate discipline"; from the business case to prosecute the big cases and timely solve the signs of tilt to. From the orientation to the normal supervision; from the tube "minority" to resist the "most". Guide Party members and cadres to seriously implement the < code > and < rule >, consciously abide by the political, organizational, honest people, work, life six discipline. Urge the leadership cadres sent to play an exemplary role, take the lead in strictly enforced. Relaxation and rest Strong wind is Su Ji, closely linked to the "four winds" prone to multiple, the masses reflect the strong important nodes and, glued to the four winds "new form, new trends, seriously investigate and deal with violations of the central eight provisions of the spirit, to increase the bulletin exposure intensity, the formation of Chajiu" four winds "loudly, continue to release and discipline must be strict signal. At the same time, extended supervision tentacles, through the development of the rural and fishery party conduct Lianzheng construction inspection, issued in a timely manner, Chajiu occurred in grassroots side of corruption and unhealthy, and earnestly safeguard the interests of the masses and social stability. The creativity and discipline. Grasp and make good use of the supervision and discipline of" four types ", to ensure the Promoting clues to lots of discipline and the law of the vacuum tube, strict together. Not only to the "less" and "very few" thorough investigation severely punished, but also the "most" to maintain zero tolerance trend through layers of conductive pressure, let the discipline about the rules for each party members and cadres consciously follow. At present, it is necessary to implement the "list" management, strictly follow the clues to the disposal of five standards, make the classification of disposal, dynamic cleanup. Zadok Party committees at all levels to implement the main responsibility, comprehensive use of disciplinary action and tissue processing and other means to effectively curb the commonplace, used to see do not blame the "small problem", not because of "practice" and "exception". Prominent Discipline characteristics, the problems of violation of discipline and rules into the focus of supervision and discipline and disciplinary review. At the same time, increase case double check the intensity, the serious problems of discipline violations or "four winds" ban but not absolutely, not only to be held directly responsible, but also held leadership responsibility; not only to pursue studies the main responsibility of the Party committee, and to pursue Commission for Discipline Inspection and supervision responsibilities and promote accountability to become the new norm. The implementation of supervisory responsibility. Maintain < code > and < rule > the seriousness and authority of the discipline and rules and truly become the party's ruler. Discipline as supervision within the party the specialized agency, we must strengthen the responsibility to act, adhere to the Impartial discipline accountability, earnestly will be strict discipline, discipline must be punished, and severely punish the acts in violation of rules and regulations.
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