首页 国道205线滨州黄河公路大桥工程标书



国道205线滨州黄河公路大桥工程标书国道205线滨州黄河公路大桥工程标书 随同标书送交的文件 A1 初步的施工方案 1.1编制依据及编制原则 1.1.1 编制依据: (1)国道205线滨州黄河公路大桥工程第一合同段投标邀请书。 (2)国道205线滨州黄河公路大桥工程第一合同段项目专用文件。 (3)国道205线滨州黄河公路大桥工程第一合同段施工图。 (4)国道205线滨州黄河公路大桥工程施工招标标前会议纪要。 (5)国道205线滨州黄河公路大桥工程招标文件补遗书。 (6)公路工程国内招标文件范本(1999年版) (7)我方人员现场...

国道205线滨州黄河公路大桥工程标书 随同标书送交的文件 A1 初步的施工 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 1.1编制依据及编制原则 1.1.1 编制依据: (1)国道205线滨州黄河公路大桥工程第一 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 段投标邀请书。 (2)国道205线滨州黄河公路大桥工程第一合同段项目专用文件。 (3)国道205线滨州黄河公路大桥工程第一合同段施工图。 (4)国道205线滨州黄河公路大桥工程施工招标标前会议纪要。 (5)国道205线滨州黄河公路大桥工程招标文件补遗书。 (6)公路工程国内招标文件范本(1999年版) (7)我方人员现场调查及踏勘情况。 (8)国家及交通部现行路基、桥涵施工规范及劳动定额、验收标准等。 (9)我局现有的路基、桥涵等方面的施工综合实力。 1.1.2 编制原则 (1) 统筹组织、超前安排、网络控制、确保重点、确保工期。 (2) 采用先进的施工技术及施工工艺,努力提高机械化、标准化施工水平。 (3) 科学合理安排各项施工程序,采用平行流水作业,组织连续均衡、紧凑、有序的施工。 (4) 建立健全质量保证体系,强化施工过程的质量控制,精心施工,确保工程达到优良标准。 (5) 做好施工过渡,确保现有沟河及道路的畅通。 (6) 加强安全管理及环境保护,做到文明施工。 (7) 恪守合同,讲求信誉。 1.2 工程概况 国道205线滨州黄河公路大桥(以下简称“滨州大桥”)是205国道滨州至博山高速公路的主要组成部分,是交通部提出的2000年前重点建设的“两纵两横、三个重要路段”之一的北京至上海公路在山东境内的重要补充,是连接环渤海经schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 济圈与长江三角洲经济圈间最便捷的陆路通道的重要组成部分,滨州大桥是全段的重点控制工程,它的修建对促进京津冀鲁地区与苏沪浙地区的经济联系,将起到十分重要的作用。 滨州黄河公路大桥北起滨州西苏学官附近国道220线,南至淄博市高青县赵店镇省道319线,与滨博高速公路淄博段相接,滨州黄河公路大桥按照《公路工程技术标准》(JIJ001,97)进行设计,计算行车速度为120公里,小时。南北引线采用双向四车道、全封闭、全立交、全部控制出入的高速公路标准设计,路基宽度28米。主桥为42+42+300+300+42+42米PC斜立桥,全宽27.5米。北、南引桥分别为6孔×42米和16孔×42米PC连续箱梁,全宽27.5米。 路线所经主要河流有小开河等。 1.2.1 地形地貌 路线通过地区位于鲁北平原的东部,整体地势呈南高北低,由西南向东北倾斜。鲁山横贯滨州地区西南部边缘,邹平县摩珂顶是本区最高点,海拔826.8米(黄海高程,下同);沾北县北部沿海区是最低点,海拔0,2米左右。黄河、小清河自西向东流经全境。由于受黄河决口改道和小清河泛滥及北部海潮内侵的影响,造成了鲁北地区深积过程和背景相当复杂,但总体上形成了岗坡和洼地相间排列为主的地貌格局。 在地貌上,路线通过地区为黄河冲洪积平原洼地区,主要受黄河决口的影响,发育缓平坡地和决口冲积扇(裙)形地,地势转向东北倾斜,地面坡度在1/8000,1/10000左右,海拔在20米以下。绝大部分上部地层是一套较纯的全套第四系冲洪积层。根据地貌形态特征及其成因类型,路线经过的地貌单元黄河冲积平原,地势平坦,地面高程10米左右,由第四系细粒土组成,埋深大于70米。 滨州黄河大桥的桥头接线所处地带较低洼,且相对平坦,河、沟渠纵横,由于受地上河黄河径流及引黄灌溉的影响,局部地表长年积水,其主要地段地下水与自然地平相对高差较小,春夏雨季在,米以内,秋冬两季在1,1.5米之内,局部有沼泽地和水稻田。 1.2.2 地质 (,)地层 区域上发育有前震旦系、古生界寒武系,奥陶系、新生界第三系和第四系,schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 中国交通资料网 中生界仅零星出露,区域内以新片代地层分布最为广泛,受黄河等多泥砂河流的冲积作用,区域内沉积了全套巨厚的新生代地层,其表层为第四系冲洪积层,表层以下基层之上成分比较杂乱,总体上以第三系红土、砂砾岩为主,是典型的炔型凹陷盆地河流相沉积类型。区内新生代地层系海相、湖相和河流相碎屑互层沉积,含有丰富的有机质,具有良好的生油条件。 勘区主要出露的第四系近代沉积层,其种类众多,冲积、洪积均有分布,广泛覆盖于老地层之上,其中以冲洪积层分布最为广泛,其岩性组成主要是松散的粉细砂层和亚粘土,底部夹贝壳层。勘区地基土由第四系堆积的粘质土、粉质土、砂质土及少许有机质土组成。该类岩组分布稳定,厚度深,变化小。其结构松散,承载力偏低。 大桥区域地质揭示第,层饱和亚砂土为液化土层;路基部分未见液化土层。 (,)构造 勘区的构造背景复杂,大地构造位置处在新生代凹陷东南部,滨州地区以广饶,齐河大断裂为界,分为南北两个不同的二级构造地质单元。广饶,齐河断裂,走向北东80?,断层面向北倾斜,倾角60 ?,向深处逐渐变缓。 (,)地震 历史上,路线所经区域都发生过地震,但总的说来,具有震级小、强度弱、频度低的特征。滨州黄河公路大桥桥位区地震基本烈度为,度,区域稳定,适合公路建设。 1.2.3 水文及水质 勘区地下水主要含水层根据其含水层的不同可分为黄河冲洪积含水层和黄河冲积含水层。地下水的主要补给源为大气降水地表径流,其补给动态存在着季节和年际变化。地下水空间分布受地形地貌、地层岩性、含水层厚度及地质构造等诸多因素制约,决定了地下水的分布规律,但总体上讲其分布和地层岩性大体对应。经钻揭露,勘察期间桥位区地下水静止水位埋深为0.90,3.20米,其余路段地下水静止水位埋深为2.0米左右。 以路沿线地区地下水水质总体上较好,天然水的化学性质比较稳定,多年平均矿化度小于0.5克,升,PH值在7.4,7.96之间,水质为低矿化水。 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasona免责声明:中国交通资料网所有资料都来源于本站论坛和个人投稿,版权归发帖及投稿者所有,本站不对ble. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 其内容的正确性或可靠性负责,如有侵权行为请及时与我们联系。 地下水的水质由于含水层的不同存在一定的差异,浅层、深层地下水水化学类型以重碳酸型为主。根据《公路混凝土工程环境水侵蚀性技术标准》,该地区地下水对混凝土工程物没有侵蚀性。适用于工程和生活用水。 1.2.4 气象 (,)气温 公路所经地区属温带季风型大陆气候,主要特点是:春季多风少雨,气候干燥,气温回升快;冬季雨水稀少,气候干燥。年平均气温11.7?,12.9?,年极端最低气温和年极端最高气温很少突破,20?和40?,但气温振幅较大。一月份气温最低,,月份气温最高。,月份平均气温在,4.4?,3?之间,,月份平均气温在26?,26.6?。冰冻期一般在12月初至交年,月底,最大冰厚0.2米,0.25米;黄河冰冻期一般在,月初至,月中旬,平均实际封冻天数33天。 (,)降水 由于受大陆位置、气候条件影响,水文气象的时空公布比较复杂。多年平均年降水598毫米。其中,至,月份降水456.1毫米,占全年降水量的76.3,,各月降水中,以,月至,月最大,为338.5毫米,占汛期(,、,、,月)降水量的74.2,,占全年降水量的56.6,。暴雨(日降水量大于或等于50毫米)日数年平均1.3至2.5天,最多达3至9天,黄河北降雨天数多于黄河南。 (,)风 公路所经地区年平均风速为2.6,4.6米,秒,月平均风速,月最大,为3.3,5.9米,秒;各季平均风速以春季最大,为3.3,3.5米,秒。各季最大风速为18.7,27.0米,秒,风向多为东北风或西北风。黄河以南地区为18.7,21.0米,秒,黄河以北地区为20.7,27.0米,秒。年最多风向因受季风和大陆环境影响而不同,多为东南,南,频率8,10,。 (,)冰雹 区域冰元天气一般为2,3年一遇,在,,11月均有冰元天气出现的可能,集中出现在,月中旬,,月下旬;平均降雹持续时间大多在10,15分钟,最大积雹深度一般不到,厘米,最大冰雹直径为10,30毫米,罕见大冰雹直径达100毫米;桥位区域成灾冰雹机遇一般是10,20年一遇。 (,)雷暴 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 中国交通资料网 区域平均年雷暴日数为29.1天,最多年份为46天,最少年份为15天,主要集中在夏季,占全年总数的77,;平均雷暴 初日一般在4月10 日前后,平均雷暴终日一般在9 月30日前后;一天中下午到傍晚是雷暴出现最多的时段,14,21时出现次数最多,尤其是15,16时,9,12时是现雷暴最少时段。 (6)雾 区域平均年雾日为17.4天,以冬半年4个月雾日最多,占全年总数的56,;从一天中雾的分布时段来看,各月均以0时,9时出现较多,其中又以,时,,时最多;从雾持续时间来看,大于12小时的雾很少出现,年平均仅0.8次,4小时的占总次数的2,3左右。 (7)冰凌 黄河下游,凌汛严重,封河时形成冰塞,开河时形成冰坝,冰水漫滩。 1.2.5 筑路材料和运输条件 本工程所用筑路材料主要来自外地,如石料、石灰、水泥来自淄博、济南、潍坊、邹平、莱芜等地。砂料来自青州、临朐、莱芜等地。钢材可从莱芜钢铁公司、济南钢铁公司和首都钢铁公司等购进。木材靠当地木材公司供应,部分钢绞线可由省内外采购。煤粉灰主要来源于淄博。沿线区域内道路多为县、 乡、村道路,路况一般。 沿线电网除油田电网外,还有农用电网,社会电网供电需自行与当地供电部门协商解决。 1.2.6 设计概况见<<主要技术指标表>> (附表1-1) 第一章 设备、人员动员周期和设备人员的搬运方法 1.劳动力、机械设备的调遣 本合同段技术种类多、施工量大、标准要求高,工期较紧,我局中标后,将在全局范围内抽调富有桥梁、路基、路面施工经验的管理人员、业务骨干、技术人员组成精干、高效的项目经理部,分别从富阳、徐州、安庆等地抽调富有路桥施工经验的施工队伍及相应的土方施工机械、路面施工机械、桥梁施工机械,充分发挥我局专业化、机械化的综合施工能力,在合同协议书签订10天内到达施工现场。投入的劳动力资源见“劳动力人员动态 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 图”(附图1)。拟投入本合schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasona免责声明:中国交通资料网所有资料都来源于本站论坛和个人投稿,版权归发帖及投稿者所有,本站不对ble. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 其内容的正确性或可靠性负责,如有侵权行为请及时与我们联系。 同的主要施工机械见投标书附表“B11”,拟投入本合同试验、测量、检测仪器设备见投标书附表“B12”。 所有大型机械设备均采用火车、汽车联合运输,小型机具设备采用汽车运输,到达现场。 2.材料供应 本合同钢筋、水泥、钢绞线等主材,经试验合格后用于工程施工。工程开工前,编制全合同段主材供料计划表,并编制季度、月供应计划,以及时供货,保证工程正常施工。 工程所有材料均自行采购,工程开工前先编制本合同段材料总体供应计划,报监理工程师审批后实施,所有用于工程施工的原材料均要有出厂合格证,并在现场做抽样试验,不合格的材料不得用于本工程施工。 由于滨州地区建筑材料比较匮乏,施工用砂、碎石、水泥、钢材等材料均需从外地供应,汽车运输至现场。 3. 施工组织机构: 我局中标后,将根据该项目的特点及“项目法”施工的具体要求,在全局范围内抽调富有高速公路施工经验的管理人员及业务骨干,迅速组成精干高效的“滨州黄河公路大桥项目经理部”作为该项目驻现场的指挥机构,全面负责、组织、指挥全过程施工,并与业主、监理工程师、设计单位密切配合,搞好施工组织协调及保障工作。项目部下设施工技术部、安全质量部、测试计量部、物资供应部、机械设备部、计划部、财务部等职能部门,项目部下辖土方机械化施工一队、土方机械化施工二队、桥涵施工一队、桥涵施工二队、桥梁工程队及后期上场的路面基层施工队和沥青路面施工队,负责该标段各项施工任务的完成,组织机构详见投标书“B06”《中铁十四局滨州黄河公路大桥项目经理部组织机构框图》。 项目经理由我局懂经营、会管理、有丰富经验的优秀项目经理担任,项目经理是本合同段的全权代表、主管本标段的全面工作,对本标段的各项工作负全责;副经理主要负责现场生产管理;总工程师负责工程技术和质量管理,各部门将根据分工做好各自的工作。 4. 上场队伍的资源配置及任务划分 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 中国交通资料网 在队伍选择上充分考虑了技术、管理素质及施工经验,该桥共投入的桥涵、桥梁施工队均先后承担过多座高架桥、高速公路互通立交,并以全优的成绩受到了建设单位的表彰,具有同类桥梁的施工经验。土方、路面施工队也是我局刚下场负责高速公路工程施工的专业队伍。多年来我局在桥梁、路面施工方面已积累了丰富的经验。我们有雄厚的实力,善打硬仗。根据该项目的施工特点,队伍配置突出了专业化特点,各队拟配置资源如下: 4.1 土方机械化施工一队 土方机械化施工一队共有100人,主要负责K0+000~K5+000段路基土方填筑及滨州互通立交的土方填筑,根据所承担任务的性质和工程量,主要配备机械设备有装载机4台,挖掘机5台、推土机4台,压路机8台,平地机2台,自卸车30辆。 4.2 土方机械化施工二队 土方机械化施工一队共有170人,主要负责K5+000~K9+490段路基土方填筑,软基处理,根据所承担任务的性质和工程量,主要配备机械设备有装载机4台,推土机4台,挖掘机5台,压路机9台,平地机3台,自卸车40辆。 4.3 桥涵工程一队 桥涵工程一队180人,桥梁施工所需各工种齐全,综合施工能力较强,下设下部工程施工分队、制梁分队、架梁分队,拌和分队。该队在本项目中主要负责K5+000以北的桥梁(含滨州互通立交)、涵洞的施工以及滨州互通立交内砼拌和站的砼供应和此处预制厂梁体预制工作。该预制厂主要生产K5+000以北桥梁上部预制梁。配备的主要设备有回旋钻机8台,汽车吊4台,5T自卸车6台,挖掘机1台,预制厂跨径12m吊重为20T龙门吊2台,砼拌和楼一座(利勃海尔拌和站两台),砼运输车4辆,砼输送泵3套,钢筋加工设备4套,预应力张拉设备4套,160kw、120kw发电机各2台。 龙门吊结构图见附图2 4.4 桥涵工程二队 桥涵工程二队共有130人,下设下部工程施工分队、制梁分队、架梁分队,拌和分队。该队在本项目中主要负责K5+000以南的桥梁、涵洞的施工以及schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasona免责声明:中国交通资料网所有资料都来源于本站论坛和个人投稿,版权归发帖及投稿者所有,本站不对ble. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 其内容的正确性或可靠性负责,如有侵权行为请及时与我们联系。 K9+100左侧拌和站的砼供应和K8+850处左侧预制厂梁体预制工作。该预制厂主要生产K5+000以南桥梁上部预制梁。配备的配备的主要设备有回旋钻机10台,汽车吊4台,5T自卸车6台,预制厂跨径12m吊重为20T龙门吊2台,砼拌和楼一座,砼运输车4辆,钢筋加工设备4套,预应力张拉设备4套,160kw、120kw发电机各2台。 4.5 引桥施工队 桥梁施工队共有130人,下设桩基施工分队,墩台施工分队,现浇连续梁施工分队,主要负责滨州黄河公路大桥北引桥的6孔42米连续梁的施工。配备的主要设备有KQ—2500旋转钻机3台,HZ150回旋钻机9台,混凝土运输车4辆,混凝土输送泵2套,塔吊1台,震动打桩锤2个,25T汽车吊2台,张拉设备8套,钢筋加工设备2套,配备160kw、120kw发电机各2台,以备应急使用。 4.6 路面施工一队(120人) 路面施工一队共有120人,该队负责本标段的底基层、基层施工任务。拟主要配备的机械设备有300T/h稳定土厂拌设备1套,自卸车10台,压路机6台,摊铺机2台。在南、北岸分别设立底基层、基层拌和站。 4.7 路面施工二队 路面施工二队共有100人,该队主要负责本标段的沥青砼面层的施工。拟主要配备的机械设备有160T/h的砼厂拌设备1套,自卸车10台,压路机4台,摊铺机2台,沥青洒布车2辆。 5 . 施工队伍布置 5.1项目经理部设在 滨州互通附近的杜店镇,驻地采用租用民房。 5.2 土方机械化施工一队设在滨州互通立交内,生产及生活房屋自建。 5.3 土方机械化施工二队设在K7+000,生产及生活房屋自建。 5.4 桥涵施工一队设在K3+500附近的线路左侧,生产及生活房屋自建。 5.5 桥涵施工二队设在K8+850处线路右侧,房屋自建。 5.6 引桥施工队设在k9+100附近的线路右侧,生产及生活房屋自建。 5.7 路面施工一队设在k5+000附近的线路左侧,生产及生活房屋自建。 5.8 路面施工二队设在k13+000附近的线路左侧,生产及生活房屋自建。 施工队伍布置详见“施工总平面布置图”(表4)。 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 中国交通资料网 第二章 临时工程 2.1 施工队伍驻地建设 本合同段施工队伍驻地除项目经理部租用民房外,其余除设在永久征地范围内的土方机械化施工一队外,驻地均需临时租地,搭设临时房屋,累计征地28亩。施工队伍驻地平面布置图(附图3) 2.2 施工便道、便桥: 根据招标文件及现场考察情况,考虑路基填筑和路面施工的需要,本合同段在线路左侧修筑贯通全线的施工便道,各取土场和该施工便道之间除利用既有公路外,修整和修建临时便道,共计新修便道15KM,另在兰家总干渠设40米钢便桥一座。 2.3 预制厂 第一预制厂设在滨州互通立交内,第二预制厂设在K8+850处左侧,两个预制场共设先张预应力台座8条生产线,每条生产线一次可生产3片空心板梁。每个预制场制梁台座两侧设有龙门吊走行轨道,起重设备为自行设计的跨径12m的龙门吊2台,用以组拆模板,混凝土入模,吊梁出模和移梁。轨道为碎石道渣轨枕式。 预制场平面布置图见附图4 2.4 水泥砼拌合站 本合同段共设拌合站两处,分别位于: 2.4.1 在滨州互通立交内,设置自动计量砼拌和站,拌和站为 2台利勃海尔组成,主要供板梁预制和滨州互通立交以及K5+000以北中、小桥下部工程使用。 2.4.2 在北接线K9+100处主线左侧,配备BETOMLX1.0R自动计量强制式拌和机一座,主要供第二预制场、K5+000以南中、小桥下部工程、以及滨州黄河大桥北引桥砼供应。拌和站布置图见附图5 2.5 基层拌和站 底基层、基层拌和站拟设置在第二预制厂内,配备WDB300稳定土拌和设备。 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasona免责声明:中国交通资料网所有资料都来源于本站论坛和个人投稿,版权归发帖及投稿者所有,本站不对ble. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 其内容的正确性或可靠性负责,如有侵权行为请及时与我们联系。 2.6 沥青拌和站 沥青摊铺拟在整个线路基层完成以后统一施工,拌和站设在南接线,占地30亩。沥青拌和站见附图6 3. 临时用电 本标段临时设施较多,用电量较大,拟主要采用地方高压供电,需在第一预制厂附近设一台300KVA变压器,在第二预制场附近设500KVA变压器一台,在南引线设一台200KVA的变压器,共引入高压电线长度500m,同时需架设临时低压电力线路2km。中、小桥施工等零星用电均采用160KW、120KW、75KW发电机解决。 4. 施工用水 本合同段施工用水全部采用经试验合格的地下水。对用水量较大的预制厂、 3拌和站,拟打深水井,在厂区建容量60的蓄水池,并埋设输水管道,共设蓄m 水池4个。大、中桥附近亦设置深水井供给施工用水,以上共计打深水井6座,ф50mm输水管道2000m。 5. 临时通讯 项目部对外通讯设程控电话一部,传真机一台,群式对讲机15台,在项目部设立总台,各队、拌合站、预制厂设对讲机,与项目部随时保持联系。 6. 临时用地 2 为方便施工、需租用土地73868用于生产、生活设施的建设。临时用地图m 见附图7。 临时工程数量见“临时工程数量表”(附表1—2)。 第三章 主要工程项目的施工方案、施工方法 1. 路基工程 本标段路基全长约9.812KM,全部为填筑路堤,路堤填筑162万立方米,平均运距约2.5公里,高填方主要集中在北引桥桥头附近。最大填土高度约15m,路面宽度28米,路基填高H<8M时坡度为1:1.5;路基填高H >8M时,8M以上采用1:1.5,8M以下采用1:1.75,中间设1米的变坡平台。 路堤基底大部分位于平坦地段,地质情况为第四系粘性土夹粉细砂。个别地段存在不良地质情况,施工时要作相应处理。 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 中国交通资料网 1.1 施工方案、施工顺序 根据本标段工程数量的分布和工期要求,路基填筑的顺序先填筑路基高度大于5米的地段,以保证路基超载预压的时间。路基工程拟安排2个土方施工队伍施工,2001年4 月 1日开工,2002年6月30日完工。在开工前及时清理场地,按照施工组织设计配备挖掘机、推土机、自卸汽车、压路机及测试设备等,开工前陆续进场,同时,永临结合做好排水系统,避免地表水对路基产生危害。 对零星分散土方工程采用小型机械设备施工,其余路基采用大型机械化施工,用挖掘机挖装,自卸汽车运输,大功率推土机整平,重型振动压路机碾压。机械成区段配套设置,实行机械化一条龙施工,并结合我局土方施工的成功经验,路堤填筑实行“三阶段、五区段、九流程”的施工工艺,使施工质量严格控制在规范要求的范围内,确保优质。 组织有关技术人员,全面熟悉核对施工图纸,充分了解设计意图,核对地形及地质资料;组织调查土源,落实土方调配方案;参加业主组织的由设计单位进行现场交接桩;进行贯通中线测量,复测线路控制网及高程网;组织路基填筑施工技术交底,办理开工报告。 1.1.1 填筑试验 (1) 室内试验 根据现场土源状况,现场取样,进行室内土质 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 ,采用重型击实试验的方法,确定填料的最佳含水量、最大干密度及满足设计要求的含水量的变化范围,用以指导路堤填筑过程中的控制。 (2)现场试验 选择有代表性的一段路堤作为试验段,进行压实工艺标准试验。根据试验室确定的最佳含水量、最大干密度及上场的机械特征,用不同型号的压路机,采用“正交试验法”进行压实试验,确定不同压路机、不同压实厚度相应的最佳含水量、最大干密度,从而给出不同压实厚度相应的最佳机械组合和施工控制参数,用以指导大面积路堤填筑。同时对地基进行碾压试验。 1.1.2路堤填筑的施工工艺 (1)基底处理 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasona免责声明:中国交通资料网所有资料都来源于本站论坛和个人投稿,版权归发帖及投稿者所有,本站不对ble. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 其内容的正确性或可靠性负责,如有侵权行为请及时与我们联系。 首先划分作业区段,划分作业区段的原则是保证施工互不干扰,防止跨区段作业,每一作业区段200m,并插状态标识牌标识。其次进行基底处理, (2)分层填筑 按横断面全宽纵向水平分层填筑压实方法施工。每层铺筑厚度不超过规范规定和试验段所确定的松铺厚度,根据自卸车容量和路基断面计算堆土间距,做成方格网控制松铺厚度。为了保证边坡压实质量,填筑时路基两侧应各加宽0.4,0.5m,并撒灰线控制边线。 (3)铺摊平整 使用推土机进行平整,控制层面无显著的局部凸出。平整面做成1,4%的横向排水坡。为有效控制每层虚摊厚度,初平时用检测仪控制每层的虚铺厚度。 (4)洒水晾晒 本标段填料含水量过大,可采用取土坑挖沟拉槽降低水位和用推土机松土器拉松晾晒相结合的方法或将填料运至路堤摊铺晾晒。 (5) 碾压夯实 碾压前要向压路机司机进行技术交底,其内容包括碾压起讫范围,压实遍数,压实速度等。 采用大吨位重型压路机进行压实,压实顺序从路基两侧向中间叠压,先慢后快,先静压后振动的操作程序进行碾压。横向行与行之间的重叠面应不小于0.3m,两填段间纵向重叠面应不小于1m。 边坡压实采用挖掘机改装的夯实设备进行边坡夯实。 (6)密度检测 检查碾压区段是否压实均匀,填筑层厚度是否超过规定厚度。 路基填土压实的质量检验随分层填筑碾压施工分层检测。施工中应采用先进的核子密度湿度仪及环刀法进行检测,并作对比试验,以提高检测的可靠性,准确性和迅速性。 路基每层填筑压实质量达到设计及验收规范要求后,方进行下一层填筑施工,否则下达质量不合格通知单,要求重新压实,直至合格为止。 (7)路基整修 包括路基面的排水横坡、平整度、边坡整修等内容。路基整修严格按照设schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 中国交通资料网 计结构尺寸进行,对于加宽部分在整修阶段人工挂线清刷夯拍。 (8)路堤基床施工 基床表层中不得夹带有粒径较粗的石块或其它硬质土块。基床全宽应填筑同一类的土,并分层碾压密实。 (9)高填方路段的堆载预压 路堤填筑高度大于5m的路段在填筑至设计标高后,继续堆土不少于2米,保持预压10个月以上,使路基尽快沉降完成。预压时,设置沉降观测标,定期进行观测。 (10)施工中应注意以下几点: 碾压效果的控制因素是含水量、碾压吨位和遍数,为调整含水量,现场配洒水车跟踪洒水,核子密度仪跟踪检测密实度。加强测量控制以保证路基宽度及边坡形状符合设计要求。 m,并适当放坡,以防坍塌影响至 要做好取土坑的维护,取土距用地界至少1 取土界以外的道路及房屋,要注意留好取土坑内排水坑,以保证取土坑积水及时排除,取土坑用完后,要按设计要求进行处理。 路基填土根据含水量情况尽量做到随填、随摊、随压,并设置2-3%横坡以便排水良好,需要晾晒的填土,在合格后要尽快予以压实,尤其是雨季施工更要注意。 路堤填筑施工工艺流程图详见表5—1。 1.1.3 桥涵及其它构造物处填土的压实 高速公路投入营运使用后,往往在桥头或其他构造物处存在跳车现象,这不仅影响行车速度、行车的舒适性和安全性,而且容易使桥台、台背、桥头伸缩缝以及连接的路面结构遭到破坏,因此施工中充分注意该处的填筑施工。为了保证回填质量,借鉴我单位在高速公路构造物两端回填施工技术措施的经验,作如下要求: (1) 回填材料。台后搭板下及涵侧按设计要求填筑石灰土。 (2) 填筑范围。按照规定台背填土顺路线方向长度,顶部为距翼墙尾端不小于台高加2M;底部距基础内缘不小于2M;涵洞填土长度每侧不小于2倍孔径长schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasona免责声明:中国交通资料网所有资料都来源于本站论坛和个人投稿,版权归发帖及投稿者所有,本站不对ble. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 其内容的正确性或可靠性负责,如有侵权行为请及时与我们联系。 度。 (3) 路基与预留回填段结合面的处理。台后回填土与路堤连接处挖成台阶,然后再分层填筑压实。 (4) 构造物回填时必须分层填筑,两边对称进行,每层虚铺厚度控制在15CM为宜。圆管涵涵体下侧无法用机械压实的部位,要求人工斜向捣实。回填过程中要顺路基方向形成3,的横坡,以防雨水沿构造物的外壁向下渗透,而影响回填质量。 (5) 压实机具。压路机达不到的地方,采用小型机动夯实机具如手扶振动压路机、重型蛙式打夯机、小型汽锤等辅助机械压实紧密。 (6) 压实度要求。每层的密实度要比同层次的路基密度提高2个百分点。从填方基底或涵洞顶部至路床顶面均为95%。 (7) 加强现场管理,对于构造物回填这一类隐蔽工程,容易产生质量事故,必须重视旁站监理,认真查验填料质量,严格控制填筑厚度,及时抽验压实度。 1.1.4 过湿土的技术处理 本标段路基填土数量多,根据现场踏勘和设计资料,部分取土场天然含水量较高,对含水量偏大的土方,为保证工程质量,加快施工进度,土方施工除严格执行路基施工规范外,还要视具体情况采取以下技术措施: 1 排水措施:取土坑外侧挖通往附近河沟的纵向排水沟,以便于取土坑内积水及时排除,保持土源的相对干燥。 2 降水措施:当取土较深,土层含水量增大时,拟采取降水措施,即在取土坑内挖设纵横降水沟,将土场分成间距50m的单元,沟底位于取土深度以下1.0m,用抽水机将渗水强排至附近河渠内,起到降低土层水位的作用。 3 填土厚度的控制:为便于填土的晾晒,填土厚度要严格控制,最大虚铺厚度要控制在25cm以内,保证压实厚度小于20CM。 4 为便于填土的晾晒,取土场取土时,每次用推土机刮起8—10cm晾晒,待晾晒合格后进行路基填筑。 1.1.5 水塘、苇塘、泥沼段的处理 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 中国交通资料网 沿线水塘、泥塘、苇塘、泥沼底部分布有1.0M左右的淤泥,其承载力低,填筑路基前视情况采取围堰、抽水、清淤并采用5%石灰土换填处理措施, 1.1.6 软弱地基路段处理 本合同段有部分路段处于软基地段,设计采用粉喷桩进行处理,拟投入8台PH—5A、PH—5B粉喷钻机,沿桩号一定间距排开横向逐桩打设。水泥罐车布置于便道一侧。粉喷桩施工的主要工序包括:测量放样,钻机对中,下钻钻进,提升喷粉,下钻复拌,移动钻机,桩头处理等七个步骤。 (,)测量、放样 按照基础平面图及粉喷桩位座标进行测量放线,用经纬仪、钢尺定出每排桩位轴线和逐桩中心,并用白灰和木桩作醒目标记,以免损坏。 (,)钻机对中 对每排桩横向按顺序编号,钻机逐桩施钻,不得遗漏。配套检查进场钻机、空压机和喷灰系统,对水泥电子秤和深度标尺及空压机压力表进行标定,合格后方能使用。移动钻机,使钻头正对准桩中心,偏差不得大于5mm。为便于施工,桩中心由孔边所设的控制桩交叉拉线确定。用水平尺检查钻机底座水平;用锤球校正钻架的垂直度,使其偏差在1.5,以内。施工中操作人员必须根据底座上的水平尺来调节底座水平。现场技术员对钻机直径进行检查,并认真填写检验记录。现场施工人员须明确桩位编号及所对应的桩长,并作好记录。 (,)下钻钻进 启动搅拌机,钻机0.5m后打开蝶形阀,直喷压缩空气,以防钻进时堵塞喷灰口,同时可借助压缩空气减少负载扭短,使钻进顺利。钻机钻进过程中,将软土在原位置要尽量切碎,以利于同水泥粉均匀搅拌。钻机搅拌速度与土含水量有关系,含水量愈低,则应降低钻进速度。至设计高后停止进尺。原位搅拌,,,分钟现场施工人员填写钻进记录,并要求现场负责技术员签字认可。在施工中遇到较硬的土层下沉困难时,需报监理工程师,要求采用适量冲水,批准后,方能冲水下沉。如在钻进中碰有石块,在石块较大不能被钻头叶片挤走的情况下,请求修改桩长和补桩或其它措施,此措施须经监理工程师批准。 (,)提升、喷粉 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasona免责声明:中国交通资料网所有资料都来源于本站论坛和个人投稿,版权归发帖及投稿者所有,本站不对ble. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 其内容的正确性或可靠性负责,如有侵权行为请及时与我们联系。 各钻机依据正常工作时单位时间喷粉量,按照每延米喷入水泥的要求确定搅拌机的提升速度,并须经现场技术负责人及监理工程师签字认可。将电子秤显示屏置零,钻机原位反向旋转,启动水泥发送装置等水泥料送出到达喷口时开始提升(等待时间一般控制在30S左右)。钻头必须严格按照监理工程师签认后的速度提升,依据设计图纸对于桩深在6m以上和以下时,水泥的掺入比不同。当喷桩提升到桩深6m时,降低提升速度到第二个掺入此所对应的值,以满足设计喷粉量和保证桩的质量,当空压机、钻机出故障大修后,钻头提升速度重新计算,燕经监理工程师认可。钻头提升至设计标高加20cm后,关闭水泥发送装置用压缩空气吹尽输送管道内的余灰。钻机原位旋转以待复搅。 提升,喷粉过程中,必须严格按照以下措施工作以确保粉喷桩体强度和均匀性。,、施工时应有专人负责成桩记录。详细记录每根桩位置、编号、喷粉深度、停灰面标高、钻进速度和提升速度及喷粉量。原始记录应详细、完善。发现问题及时纠正或采取补救措施;,、发送水泥时不允许发生断灰现象,派专人组织运送。在进灰口设置网筛,以防水泥硬块堵输灰管道;水泥使用前,须抽样检查,试验合格后报监理工程师批准方能使用。,、严格控制喷灰量和提升速度,以保证桩体内每一深度都得到充分拌和。每延米平均水泥用量与设计值误差不得大于?5kg;,、施工中须检验钻架的垂直度和平台的平整度,确保成桩质量。 (,)复搅 根据计算,桩在,,,处受力较大,为保证强度,按设计要求,对桩长5m范围复搅拌。正向开动搅拌机,钻头下沉到设计桩顶5m下后,搅拌机反向旋转,按喷粉要求的速度提升钻头。桩顶搅拌约,分钟后停止搅拌,缓缓地将钻头提出地面。 (,)桩头处理 钻机移走后,应将桩头处用水泥土回填夯实。为促进桩体凝固提高强度,在桩处洒水养生,不能扰动桩处土。当桩体施工完成至少14天后方可进行路基的原地面清理和填前的压实工作。 (,)施工注意事项 A、施工场地必须平整,清除地表,地下及空中一切障碍。当表面低洼时用粘土夯实。在坡面上施工中,要保证机械基础的稳定。 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 中国交通资料网 B、每根桩开钻后必须连续施工,严格控制喷灰时间和停止时间,不得间断。严禁在水泥灰尚未达到喷灰口的情况下提升钻杆,以确保粉喷桩的有效长度和成桩质量。在每个桩位开始钻进,应使用慢档,以免钻机振动摇晃,进一尺深度后改换中档操作。开始喷粉前,贮灰罐内的贮灰量应不小于一根桩的用灰量加50kg,否则不得进行喷粉作业。 C、如遇停电,机械故障等原因,喷粉中断时,应及时记录中断深度,在12小时内采取补喷处理措施,并将补喷情况填写于施工记录内。补喷重叠段应大于100cm。如超过,,小时,应采取补桩措施补桩。 D、及时复核桩位,以防止桩位偏移。 E、对使用的钻头直径定期检查,其磨损量不得大于1cm。 粉喷桩施工工艺流程图见表5—2 1.1.7 大堤压力灌浆施工 材料 (,)土料 滨州黄河大桥北引桥线路通过黄河大堤,路基填筑前,需对大堤进行加固,方案采用压力灌浆。灌浆土料选择中粉质壤土,其颗粒组成应符合有关要求。土料内不应掺有杂草、树根、树枝、砖、石、混凝土、干硬粘淤土等杂质,否则应进行过筛。 (,)水、 选用清洁的地下水。 (,)泥浆 泥浆容重应控制在1.5,1.6克,立方厘米,灌浆时,若超出允许范围,应及时进行调整,泥浆容量可用比重计法或称重法测定。 施工要求 (,) 施工准备 开工前,测绘灌浆堤段的典型横断面图,做好土、水源的调查,合理布置施工现场,做到有计划地堆放土料,制定出施工计划报监理工程师批准。 (,) 施工设备的选择 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasona免责声明:中国交通资料网所有资料都来源于本站论坛和个人投稿,版权归发帖及投稿者所有,本站不对ble. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 其内容的正确性或可靠性负责,如有侵权行为请及时与我们联系。 A、锥孔机具选用机械化性能较高的地质钻机。 B、灌浆机应选手主泵为离心式泥浆泵的灌浆机组,出浆量以20立方米,小时左右为宜。如采用其他泵型须经试验鉴定后方可使用。 C、灌浆管路选用耐高压的较胶管,主管道为五,七层夹布胶管。承受压力不小于7公斤,立方厘米,支管道为三,四层夹布胶管,承受压力不小于4.5公斤,立方厘米。 (,) 锥孔 灌浆锥孔应按梅花形布置在堤顶上,纵向孔距为3米,横向行距为,米。锥孔前,应清除堤顶虚土杂草等,锥孔后,应及时用小木桩封孔,以免杂物堵塞锥孔,影响灌浆质量。如在锥孔过程中遇到坚硬异物不能进尺时,应分析原因,经监理工程师批准后方可在孔位附近重新锥孔并将废孔灌浆封孔。 (,) 灌浆 灌浆前,应检查灌浆插管及灌浆孔有无堵塞现象,发现堵塞及时处理,灌浆孔堵塞严重者应在原孔伴重新进行锥孔。插管插入锥孔后应将周壁封堵严密,以免泥浆沿管壁向上冒出。灌浆管插入堤身的长度应大于,米。灌浆机出口和灌浆插管上端均安装压力表,其标值为:出机口:,,10公斤,平方厘米(,,1mpa),插管为:,,,公斤,平方厘米(,,0.6mpa)。施工中压力不宜过大,孔口持续进浆压力一般控制在1.5公斤,平方厘米,最大不超过20公斤,平方厘米,在每孔灌浆初始(30秒)由于进浆少,孔口压力可以加大,但最大不宜超过,公斤,平方厘米。 灌浆终孔标准。遇有下列情况之一者即可进行终孔处理。 ,、灌浆孔持续进浆,孔口压力达到最大控制压力,公斤,平方厘米; ,、灌浆孔口进浆压力达到1.5公斤,平方厘米后,再持续,,,分钟; ,、堤顶、堤坡或堤脚以外出现裂缝并开始冒缝; ,、单孔灌入土方已达1.5立方米以上,孔口压力仍未达到1.5 公斤,平方厘米,并出现缓慢升高突然下降的现象,应停止灌浆。 ,、不进浆,即孔口压力超过,公斤,平方厘米不进浆,暂停,分钟后再灌时,孔口压力仍超过,公斤,平方厘米不进浆者。 特殊情况处理: schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 中国交通资料网 ,、串孔:即一孔灌浆时,泥浆从附近孔中冒出,此时可暂停灌浆,用木塞将冒浆孔堵严后再继续灌浆; ,、沿管壁向上冒浆。此时可暂关闭插管阀门,用钢钎等工具将管周围捣实封好后再行灌浆; ,、不进浆。管路或插管堵塞,可将插管拔出,排除堵塞后插入孔中再灌;管路及插管畅通,压力较低,达不到,公斤,平方厘米,应采取措施提高压力至,公斤,平方厘米以上; ,、塌陷。即灌浆时堤顶或堤身某部位发生塌陷,如无泥浆冒出,继续灌浆至终孔;如有泥浆冒出,应暂停灌浆,并将塌陷处翻填处理。停,,,天后再锥孔进行复灌; ,、堤顶局部鼓起,此时可停止灌浆做好终孔处理。若某一段大堤超过50%的孔有该现象发生,可以加大插管深度至1.5米以上; ,、低压力进浆。若孔口压力稳定在某一低压力值(小于0.6公斤,平方厘米)持续进浆灌入土方(实土)大于1.5立方米,此时可适当加大泥浆容重至1.6吨,立方厘米,集中灌注,直至终孔。3--5天后再锥孔复灌。 2. 二灰土底基层施工 本合同段底基层采用20CM厚的二灰土,其配合比为石灰:粉煤灰:土=1:3:6,石灰质量应符合国家标准规定的III级生石灰技术标准,粉煤灰中SiO 2 AlO和FeO的总含量大于70%,粉煤灰的烧失量不应超过20%。二灰土底基2323 层采用混合料采用WDB300A型、300T/H拌合站集中拌合,自卸汽车运输,摊铺机摊铺,压路机碾压密实。 其工艺流程为:准备下承层?施工放样?运送摊铺集料?稳定土厂拌?运输?摊铺?碾压?接缝和调头处处理?养生 底基层施工工艺流程图(表5—3) 详细施工工艺见路面底基层施工方法的建议(B2) 3. 水泥稳定碎石基层 本合同段基层采用34CM厚水泥稳定碎石,水泥稳定碎石基层采用集中厂拌法,分两层施工,施工前进行混合料配合比设计,报监理工程师审批,进行试验schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasona免责声明:中国交通资料网所有资料都来源于本站论坛和个人投稿,版权归发帖及投稿者所有,本站不对ble. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 其内容的正确性或可靠性负责,如有侵权行为请及时与我们联系。 段试验,混合料采用WDB300A型、300T/H拌合站集中拌合,自卸汽车运输,两台摊铺机一前一后成梯队式摊铺,压路机碾压密实。 施工工艺流程:准备下承层?施工放样?混合料拌制?混合料运输?摊铺?碾压?养生。 施工工艺流程见表5-4“水泥稳定碎石基层施工工艺框图”。 详细施工工艺见路面基层施工方法的建议(B2) 4. 桥梁工程施工方案 4.1施工准备 施工前,按技术规范要求对图纸、施工现场进行详细核查, 编写实施性施工组织设计,报有关单位审批,同时做好施工驻地、水、电等临时工程准备工作; 作好引桥和主桥的连测及各结构物施工测量工作。根据需要对控制点及水准点进行加密。 根据施工进度,准备充足合格的各种工用材料,合理安排施工进度, 加强对周转性材料的周转使用工作。同时依据进度要求时调配各种机具的进场计划, 使用前进行调试工作,确保机械性能良好。 4.2施工方案 桥梁工程主要包括滨州黄河公路大桥引桥和沿线中小桥梁及滨州互通立交。其中引桥为6×42M预应力连续箱梁,沿线各中、小桥主要为装配式先张预应力空心板梁桥,滨州互通立交为现浇连续箱梁,桥梁基础均为钻孔灌注桩基础。 桥梁总体施工方案为:引桥范围内地质分层黄河淤积的砂土层和粘土层,钻孔较深,多在100米以上。钻孔施工拟采用KQ—2500和HZ150型旋转钻机成孔;沿线中、小桥梁钻孔桩采用回旋钻机成孔。由于各中、小桥位置比较分散,板梁预制采用集中预制后,再用拖车运至桥位处,按照运梁距离最近和交通便利的原则,全线共设置预制场两个。成品梁遵循边生产边架设的原则,按照路基填筑的方向提前完成。滨州互通立交和大马家分离立交中的现浇连续梁采用满堂支架,对于跨路的部分采用梁式支架,不影响公路畅通。 滨州黄河公路大桥北引桥位于河滩上,设计墩身较高,为满足砼施工和模 板、机具吊装的需要,在桥梁左侧拼组走行式塔吊一台。该桥桩基、承台砼采用输送车运输,墩身及梁体砼采用砼运输车,浇注采用输送泵至工作面。 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 中国交通资料网 4.3 施工工艺 4.3.1 钻孔灌注桩施工 滨州黄河公路大桥北引桥处于河漫滩上,成孔深,桩径较大,对钻机及其钻进过程工艺要求较高,且桩身的破冰体位于河床以下,给施工带来一定的难度。为避免施工过程中,汛期受水浸的影响和便于浇注过程中钻机和罐车的顺利摆开;漫滩上钻孔桩施工时采用筑岛,筑岛尺寸定为30×10m,高度为,m,分层碾压成型,确保密实,以保证钻机钻进过程中的稳定性。承台施工采用明挖的方法,墩身采用钢管脚手架作为施工支架。 钻孔桩施工工艺流程图见表5—5 承台的施工工艺流程图见表5—6 详细施工工艺见大桥基础施工方法的建议(B1) 4.3.2 北引桥现浇连接箱梁施工 滨州黄河大桥北引桥采用6孔42m一联的现浇预应力连续箱梁,箱梁高度为 2.3m。根据引桥的实际情况和以往施工经验,支撑系统采用梁式支架,箱梁浇注分两次,第一次底板和腹板,第二次顶板。 ,、支撑系统: 连续梁的支撑系统,除满足承载力要求外,更重要的还必须保证均匀性、整体性,防止起不均匀变形。根据实际管截和地形情况及桥梁的高度,选用钢管桩(Φ60cm)作支承桩,其上放置贝雷片作为承重梁,形成支架。支架在墩身处的支撑为在承台上用军用墩搭设支架。另外墩身上设置预埋铁件,锁住军用墩支架和贝雷片。钢管桩支撑每处设置,根,横向间距为3m,纵向为2.5m,钢管桩打入土中约10m,插打钢管桩时应保证是垂直度,以增加其受力效果,地面以上的钢管桩要加斜撑,减少自由度,具体详见现浇连续梁施工梁式支架图(附图8)。 ,、支架预压: 支架预压是为避免支架的不均匀沉陷,而引起梁体线型失控和砼产生裂纹等。预压即是对支架施加不小于梁体重量的荷载,使支架预先完成非弹性变形,并通过支架预压确定支架的预拱度。其步骤为: (,)搭架架式支架,支架各部分应联接牢固,按支架设计图。 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasona免责声明:中国交通资料网所有资料都来源于本站论坛和个人投稿,版权归发帖及投稿者所有,本站不对ble. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 其内容的正确性或可靠性负责,如有侵权行为请及时与我们联系。 (,)加载设计 模板加固好后,用中,60浮箱加水对模板按设计要求进行全面预压,解除模板与方木、贝雷片与钢务以及地基等部分非弹性压缩,再次测控检查模板底标高,作好梁的预拱度。 梁的预拱度S,S,S,S,S,S,,,,, S——结构自重,,,汽车荷载挠度 , S——支架在荷载作用下的弹性压缩 , S——支架在荷载作用下的非弹性压缩,由预压取消 , S——钢管桩非弹性沉陷量,由试验提供数量 , S——由砼收缩及温度变化而引起的挠度 , 预压完成预拱度调好后,即铺设宝丽板,板缝以透明胶带纸粘贴。 (,)加载作业 ,、在立好的钢模上平铺5cm厚砂子,目的是使水箱作用于钢模上的荷载均布,接近砼施工时产生荷载效果。 ,、在砂子上紧放水箱,布满一孔支架。 ,、加载预压,在该断面上沿砼施工方向,注水加载,先向较低处水箱注水,再向中间水箱注水,最后向较高处水箱注水,加载速度与砼浇注速度相近。 ,、测试: 分别测每次加载过程中,水箱底模板下沉量、钢管桩的位移量、变形量,同时也要测出卸载恢复量。 ,、测试时间:满载条件下历时,天。 (,)支架连续预压 当第一段支架预压完成后,用塔吊把水箱移至下一相邻预压段。注水预压第二段支架、观察,测试各预压值。当预压完成按上述方法再移至下一预压段,依次对全桥支架进行预压。 , 模板 系用组合钢模内衬宝丽板。为了使梁体尺寸准确,内外角膜采用特制钢角膜,其它用组合小平模。平模选用钢板厚2.5mm的标准钢模及配件,由于钢模直接承受砼、钢筋和施工动荷载,所以它必须有足够的强度和刚度。模板按照由一schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 中国交通资料网 端向另一端排列,遇特殊情况由木模调整,模板下垫10×10方木,按照45cm、60cm、75cm三种间距布置,分别适用于长90cm、120cm、150 cm三种钢模,是为了保证每块钢模至少有两个支点。 为了保证砼的质量和外观美,钢模上铺宝丽板等材料。 ,、模板加固 连续梁两侧是悬臂翼缘板,为立模方便,沿梁纵向设立木支架10×10cm方木,扒钉连接,木支架随梁翼缘弯化而变化,翼缘板顶设拉丝架固,模板之间按配置要求,采用相应连接件连接加固,板下方木定位。 ,、预拱度的设置 按预压试验和理论计算最终确定预留拱度,按二次抛物线布置,跨中最大。 ,、桥梁支座的安放 (,)清理墩、台支座位置处的砼表面或支座垫石表面,使其光滑、平整、清洁,以保证全部面积上压力均匀。 (,)检查垫石顶面标高是否与图纸相符,允许偏差?5mm。 (,)安装前对各滑移面用丙酮或酒精仔细清洗干净,其它部件也应洗净。 (,)安装支座除标高符合要求外,还应保持两个方向水平,其四角高差不得大于1mm。 (,)支座上各个部件纵横向必须对中,当安装温度与设计温度不同时,纵向支座各部件错开的距离必须与计算值相等。 (,)安装纵向活动支座时,上下导向挡块必须保持平行,交叉角不得大于,分。 (,)支座中心线按设计中心线准确对位。 (,)支座按设计要求安放好后,墩、台顶乘余空间用木模调整,木模下垫砂箱,为拆模方便。 (,)安装好的支座任何时候不得扰动。 ,、钢筋的制定 (,)钢筋的质量 钢筋应无灰尘、无有害的锈蚀,无分散锈皮、油漆、油脂或其它杂质。每schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasona免责声明:中国交通资料网所有资料都来源于本站论坛和个人投稿,版权归发帖及投稿者所有,本站不对ble. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 其内容的正确性或可靠性负责,如有侵权行为请及时与我们联系。 批钢材应有工厂试验报告、质量证明、对钢筋受损表面其截面积的减少不大于,,,微弯钢筋可机械和人工进行调直,对轻微浮锈要进行除锈处理,每批钢筋都必须在试验合格,经监理批准后方可使用。 (,)钢筋的制作成型 连续梁钢筋由加工厂加工成型,钢筋加工厂内需设置钢筋操作台、配备卷扬机、弯筋机、切割机等,并做好在雨天施工保证措施。 ,、钢筋的下料:依照设计图纸中各种型号钢筋的设计长度,结合弯成不同角度的钢筋伸长值进行划线下料,同时就整体连续梁钢筋需根据所进钢材的长度、同一种规格型号的钢筋设计的不同尺寸,以及钢筋接头在受拉区同一截面不超过25,,受压区不得超过其总面积的50,的标准,统一考虑下料。 ,、钢筋的弯曲成型:钢筋的弯曲均应在操作平台和弯筋机上进行,对所下的钢筋料在弯起点和平台上划线标志,也可在平台两端各设置卡盘,手工操作。不同的钢筋弯曲时应注意确定钢筋的板桩位置和板距,先从中部做起,将末端弯钩作为最后一个程序。操作弯筋机时也要注意,根据钢筋弯曲部分的图纸要求芯轴直径应随钢筋大小更换,末端弯钩2.5d,弯起钢筋5d。对复杂的弯曲钢筋都应进行试弯一根,然后检查其弯曲形状、尺寸是否和设计要求相符,方可再进行成批生产。 ,、钢筋的焊接和骨架:连续梁的钢筋焊接长度长、数量大,为保证钢筋的焊接质量,需对焊工进行操作培训、考核实行内部的持证上岗,并对每条焊缝进行检查,对钢筋的抗拉强度和冷弯均按照一定的频率进行抽检,采用槽钢限位方法保证焊接后的钢筋在同一轴线上。骨架钢筋的焊接特别要注意其焊接中的变形和具体钢筋位置尺寸的准确,每个钢筋厂都应用砼制作一个骨架焊接平台,按照骨架设计尺寸在平台上放大样,并预埋能够固定骨架的型钢,来严格控制骨架的具体尺寸,骨架焊接顺序应先点焊,宜由骨架的中间向两边,对称地向两端进行,并应先焊下部后焊上部,每条焊缝应一次成功,相邻焊应区分对称地跳焊,不可顺序方向连续施焊。 (,)钢筋骨架的运输和吊装 连续梁钢筋骨架的运输采取人力搬运和吊车装两种方法。人力搬运时应切切注意钢筋的长度不宜大于25m,以防搬运中自身产生的变形。当梁的高度较高schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 中国交通资料网 采用吊车吊装时,要安排好先后吊装的顺序,为防骨架弯曲变形可采用槽钢或,字钢作成简易扁担梁吊装。 (,)钢筋的绑扎、波纹管的安装 当支座模板安设好,经检查各部尺寸及标高符合要求后,便可进行钢筋绑所。 在模板上按设计图中各种型号钢筋尺寸进行划线、编号放样时要从中心线向两端量出。然后按照各种型号钢筋位置、散料,其顺序从里向外,从下向上,按穿插就位的先后放置,避免乱放,散料时应注意钢筋接头按施工规范错开,减 #少断面接头的含量。绑扎均采用20铁丝,基本上使用一面顺扣法,但在一定间隔处配用兜扣和十字花扣的绑扎,应先骨架后底、顶板、钢筋的保护层采用有铁丝固定的塑料垫块。在下部钢筋绑扎完成经检查合格后,安放成孔内模,并固定,第一次浇注砼达到设计要求,安放顶模,然后再绑扎上部钢筋。 为增加钢筋骨架整体性,绑扎牢固,增加点焊数量,采用表面平整光滑的砼垫块,以保证砼保护层厚度及表面美观,波纹管安装以底模为基准,按预应力筋曲线坐标定出相应位置,将定位钢筋焊在钢筋骨架上,用扎丝绑牢波纹管,当波纹管与钢筋位置发生矛盾时,在征得监理工程师同意后,调整钢筋位置,保证预应力位置准确,特别应使端头锚垫板与波纹管孔道中心保持垂直,波纹管的接头及喇叭口外要用胶布密封。 ,、砼施工 (,)浇注准备 ,、经常检查现场搅拌设备中的搅拌机、运输车、振动器等设备不要发生故障,为防偶然故障须备用机械和动力,保证砼梁连续浇注。 ,、修好浇筑连续梁附近场地和便道,保证泵车和输送车的正常运转。 ,、砼泵车的配管、脚手与作业人员通路的跳板,不能直接放到钢筋上,必须用支架和木马支撑。 (,)浇注前的各项检查 ,、检查模板按规定尺寸制作是否密贴,并保证拼装后模板不产生由于砼侧压力而引起变形部位螺栓连接的松劲。 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasona免责声明:中国交通资料网所有资料都来源于本站论坛和个人投稿,版权归发帖及投稿者所有,本站不对ble. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 其内容的正确性或可靠性负责,如有侵权行为请及时与我们联系。 ,、检查钢筋、支座、波纹管是否按设计图规定的截面位置布置,并确保在砼浇筑过程中不变位。 ,、检查模板是否涂抹了脱模剂,如底模掉落有木片、钢筋头、焊渣等异物,用压风机的高压风吹扫干净。 (,)砼配合比方案 为保证砼有良好的可泵性,对砼原料、配合比等都有严格的规定,对骨料的最大粒径级配、砂率、最低水泥用量都做了一定的限制,为保证砼和易性掺砼外加剂,其砼配合比方案如下: 目的:砼掺缓高效减水剂改善砼的初凝、终凝时间,以满足现浇桥在灌注过程中不会因支架弹性变形,造成梁体开裂以及适合砼的泵送要求。 ,、砼的设计技术要求: (,)砼的初凝时间,,,小时,终凝时间为,,,,小时。 (,)砼的坍落度为16,18cm,砼泵送具有可靠性。 (,)砼的三天强度要达到设计强度的,,,以上。 #,、原材料的选择:水泥525普通硅酸盐水泥;碎石最大粒径不得超过30cm,且级配良好;细骨料用中砂,外加剂为缓凝高效减水剂。 (,)浇筑程序: 砼灌注分段进行。详见《现浇连续梁施工程序图》附图9。 在砼浇注程序上采取两次浇注,第一次浇注底板与腹板,第二次浇注顶板,浇注时沿一端向另一端连续浇注,每孔浇注时先浇注墩顶部分,再浇注边上腹板,后浇注底板砼;以确保箱角处混凝土的密实,上层主要是顶板和翼板砼,箱室内模板拆除后,将周边砼清除干净凿毛,将钢筋按设计和规范要求整齐焊牢,最后封灌坚固密实。 (,)砼浇注:选用砼泵车浇灌,泵车机动性强,配有三节液压布料杆为20m,工作高度18m范围内,输送管直径为0.25m每小时输送量80方砼。 (,)振捣作业:本桥连续梁全部用泵车输送,配备数量足够的振捣能力高的振捣器,使其振动能力大于砼灌注能力。连续梁浇灌时,由专人统一指挥振动,配5,6名熟练振捣工,使用50型插入式振捣器时,垂直等距离插入到另一层中5,10cm左右,考虑到振动器的有效半径,其间距以不超过50cm为宜。 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 中国交通资料网 振动时间的控制,不仅要看到砼体积有些减少,而且要一直振捣至表面出现灰浆和水光,使砼达到均匀为止。 振动器捣固砼的层厚,采用20,30cm为宜。 振捣作业中应注意的事项: ,、缓慢抽拔插入式振动器,抽出,后不要留有空隙。 ,、现场有备用振动器,万一出现故障,可以迅速更换。 ,、振动器若直接触到布置在模板内的钢筋上,则会使钢筋绑扎松劲、脱落、不能保证钢筋的准确位置,所以不得利用振动器接触钢筋。 ,、对锚垫板下砼一定要认真振捣密实。 (,)砼的养护、拆模 砼浇注完后,对砼外露面,待表面收浆,凝固后即用塑料布、草袋覆盖,并经常在模板及草帘上洒水,在常温下不小于14昼夜。冬季用暖棚法养护。拆模后,梁体外露表面,立即喷洒两次养生液。 (,)施加应力 ,、钢铰线下料编束:在钢筋加工场地留60×5米的钢铰线加工区,整平地面,上铺10cm砼,在场地上按下料长度作出标记线,钢铰线用砂轮切割机切理成束,每1,1.5米绑扎一道扎丝,并挂牌标出长度及设计编号,按编号分类堆放,钢束堆放时要防止弯并有防雨措施。 ,、张拉设备校验:张拉设备在首次使用或发生下列任何一种情况时,应进行校验: (,)张拉过程中预应力钢丝经常出现断丝时; (,)千斤顶漏油严重时; (,)油压表指针不回零时; (,)调换千斤顶油压表时; 校验方法是在反力框架上安装千斤顶、压力传感器,测定千斤顶张拉力与油表读数关系式(或关系曲线)。 ,、预施应力前准备工作 (,)测试砼强度:砼试件随梁体同条件养护,当梁体砼强度达到设计强度schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasona免责声明:中国交通资料网所有资料都来源于本站论坛和个人投稿,版权归发帖及投稿者所有,本站不对ble. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 其内容的正确性或可靠性负责,如有侵权行为请及时与我们联系。 的80,时才允许预施应力。 (,)清洗预应力筋孔边:用高压风及水将孔道冲洗干净,清除孔道口及锚板的水泥浆及杂物。 (,)测定有关数据:张拉前对下列数据进行测定: 锚具的锚口摩阻系数;孔道摩阻损失;砼强度及弹性模量。 (,)计算钢铰线理论伸长值;钢铰线理论伸长值采用下式计算: (μθ+KL)ΔL=σL/Eg [1-e-/(μθ+KL)] K 式中σ——锚下控制张拉力(,a) k ,——计算截面至孔道端钢束长度(m) ,g——钢铰线弹性模量(,a) μ——孔道摩阻系数,取实测值 ,——孔道偏差系数,取实测值 ,、张拉方法:钢铰线张拉采用应力和伸长值控制,以张拉引伸量为主,误差必须小于,,,至,,,内。钢铰线的实际值应在初应力为10,时开始量测,但必须加上初应力以下的推算伸长值。 钢铰线的张拉顺序严格按照设计图规定的顺序,每束钢铰线采用两端张拉,张拉程序: ,?初应力(持荷2分钟)?σ(锚固) K ,、安全操作注意事项: 张拉时,千斤顶后面不得站人,以防预应力钢铰线拉断或锚具弹出伤人,高压油泵有不正常情况时,应立即停机检查;当钢铰线实测伸长值与理论计算值较差超过上述规定范围时,应停止张拉,查明原因;已张拉完尚未压浆的梁,严禁剧烈震动,以防预应力钢铰线裂断酿成重大事故。张拉程序详见《预应力张拉工艺流程图》表5—7。 ,、孔道压浆:压浆用水泥浆及外加剂应符合公路桥涵施工《技术规范》11.9条有关规定。 压浆前用“乙炔,氧气”切割锚具外多余钢铰线,切割时对锚头要水冷保护,再用无油质的压缩空气清洗孔道,接着用含0.01kg,升生石灰或氧化钙的水清洗,直到松散颗粒除去及清洁水排出,再用压缩空气吹干。水泥浆的拌制,压schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 中国交通资料网 注均应符合《技术规范》要求,水泥浆从拌制到压入孔道的时间间隔时间不得超过40分钟,在这个期间内应不断搅拌水泥浆。 ,、钢铰线接长:孔道压浆完后立即清净梁端水泥浆,清除锚垫板、锚具上的油污,接长钢铰线,用胶布封好喇叭管并固定,凿毛梁端砼。 (,)实现全桥的连续 按照上述操作方法施工其余段,连续梁当最后一段砼达到设计强度80,时,张拉压浆完成后,清洗梁端锚具和锚垫板,凿端面砼;绑扎钢筋,按设计位置立模封端。砼采用与梁体同标号,注意振捣密实。达到设计强度,拆除支架实现全板连续。 详见《现浇预应力连续箱梁施工工艺流程图》表5—8。 4.3.3 先张预应力空心板梁预制 本合同段先张预应力板梁有10M、13M、16M、20M等三种,其中10M先张预应力板梁有156片,13M有260片,6M 有260片,20M有78片;普通钢筋混凝土空心板78片。为保证预制梁质量,所有梁体均采用集中预制,本着少占耕地和减少梁体运距的原则,共设两个预制场,分别位于滨州互通立交内(第一预制场)和主线K8+850处线路左侧(第二预制场)。 第一预制场负责182片先张预应力空心板梁和234片普通钢筋砼空心板生产(K5+000以北),在滨州互通立交内制梁场设置4条先张梁生产线,每条生产线一次可生产3片梁,布置普通钢筋砼预制梁台座20个,浇砼、立模、移梁、存梁均采用龙门吊。第二预制场负责416片先张预应力空心板梁生产(K5+000以南),在滨州互通立交内制梁场设置4条生产线,每条生产线一次可生产3片梁。浇砼、立模、移梁、存梁均采用龙门吊。详见《预制厂平面布置图》附图4 (1)制梁台座 预制厂需清除表层耕植土,翻松25CM并掺8%石灰碾压密实,然后在其上铺5cm厚碎石整平,最后于其上浇5cm厚C砼。 20 预制台座:采用槽式台座、单根张拉工艺。台座传力柱采用钢筋砼结构,砼标号为C30,边部传力柱截面为40×60cm,传力柱内配ф16钢筋,并纵向设置箍筋,传力柱端部、纵向每间隔10.0M在传力柱底部设连接砼梁,将相邻传schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasona免责声明:中国交通资料网所有资料都来源于本站论坛和个人投稿,版权归发帖及投稿者所有,本站不对ble. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 其内容的正确性或可靠性负责,如有侵权行为请及时与我们联系。 力柱联为一体,确保张拉台座具有足够的强度,刚度和稳定性。张拉钢绞线位置与传力柱竖向中心重合。张拉台座两端设立防护墙,钢绞线张拉过程中操作人员应在钢绞线中心线两侧作业,其他非施工人员不得进入张拉区,确保施工安全。 台座采用30Mpa砼浇注而成,在台座两端1.5m范围内,利用垫木做柔性设计。台座下预留起梁穿束的预留孔槽。 (2)模板 底模拟采用台座上平铺8mm厚钢板,表面光洁平整,侧模采用特制大模板,其支架稳定性、结构适应性强,支架间距合理布置,支架间模板背肋设置,应满足强度、刚度、局部稳定性要求。内摸采用特制冲气胶囊,确保施工时尺寸准确,支撑牢固。 (3)振动设备选型及布置 为了保证梁体砼的密实度,我们拟采用侧振工艺,插入式振动棒辅助振捣。 62根据砼拌和物粒径与振动频率的关系及侧振力的计算公式: d,14×10/f P=4.9(Q+0.2Q+Q) 234 式中: d-碎石粒径; f-震动器频率; 2 P-每m模板的震动力(N); Q-每m侧模和震动器重量之和; 2 Q-每m梁段砼重量(kg); 3 Q-每m梁段的钢筋重量(kg); 4 通过计算,选用震动力570kg/台的B-15型附着式震动器,单层布置,间距1.5m;震动器频率为2950HZ。 (4)张拉设备的选型和校验 按照设计要求,钢铰线采用ASTM-A416-97a标准,270级φ12.7钢铰线,j b5标准强度R?1860Mpa,E=1.95×10Mpa。 yg 千斤顶:采用柳州市建筑机械总厂生产的YCQ25型千斤顶。 油泵:与千斤顶配套ZB-500型高压油泵。 4 油表:油表精度为1.5级,最大读数为60Mpa。 张拉设备使用前应进行对应式标定,以确定张拉时油表的读数。千斤顶使schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 中国交通资料网 用超过6个月或200次以上或在使用过程中出现下列不正常情况时应重新标定: ? 预应力钢丝经常出现断丝时; ? 千斤顶严重漏油时; ? 油表指针不回零时; ? 调换千斤顶油压表时。 (5)钢筋 钢筋采用加工场弯制、现场绑扎附以点焊成骨架方式,钢筋施工前应在底模上用黑线标出箍筋及主筋位置以保证钢筋位置准确。 (6)预埋件 伸缩缝预埋筋、防撞护栏锚固筋等预埋件使用辅助钢筋点焊固定。同时依图纸中泄水孔的设计位置,应在板梁上相应的位置预留出孔洞。 (7)伸长量的计算 为使张拉力控制准确,采用油表读数与伸长值双控法,伸长值ΔL按下式计算: ΔL= FL/AgEg k 式中: F-钢铰线张拉力; k L-钢铰线从张拉端至计算断面的长度; Ag-钢铰线束的计算面积; Eg-钢铰线弹性模量; 伸长量计算结果应报请监理工程师和设计院核查,在得到确定答复后,再进行张拉。 (8)钢绞线张拉 钢绞线下料采用砂轮切割机,不得使用电弧或气割。钢绞线下料长度为:张拉台座长度+两端横梁宽度+单侧锚固长度+单侧千斤顶工作张度+砂箱长度+30mm。 张拉千斤顶在张拉前应先与高压油泵、压力表配套进行校验,找出压力表与张拉力的关系方程,然后方可用于张拉。张拉采用一端锚固,一端张拉,张拉方schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasona免责声明:中国交通资料网所有资料都来源于本站论坛和个人投稿,版权归发帖及投稿者所有,本站不对ble. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 其内容的正确性或可靠性负责,如有侵权行为请及时与我们联系。 式为单根初调至初始应力、整体张拉设计控制应力。张拉程序为:0?初始应力(持荷2min)?σk(锚固)。 (9)砼施工 配合比的级配按砼标号由试验确定,经监理工程师批准。主要指标:初凝时间3-4小时,终凝时间6-8小时,坍落度8--12cm,3d强度90%以上。碎石最大粒径小于20mm。砼采用配料自动计量拌和楼拌制,运输车进行水平运输,梁场龙门吊机配吊斗布料。 砼振捣采用附着式振捣器为主,振动棒为辅,细钢筋人工插捣的方式。 砼插入式振捣时应防止碰撞底模及钢绞线。 砼顶面初凝前应进行多次镘刀抹光以消除裂纹,并于最后进行表面拉毛以利与未来桥面铺装砼的联接。 砼养护采用塑料布覆盖洒水养护方法,或冬季施工时蒸养。 (10)预应力钢绞线的放张 ? 梁体砼强度达到设计要求,并达到相应龄期后,方可放张,如设计无规定,砼强度不可低于设计强度的85%,且龄期不可少于5d,以确保梁体质量且保证规定的上挠度。 ? 在钢绞线张拉前将干燥的砂称量二份,装入沙箱并捣固压实,放入放张端传力柱与横梁之间,两侧沙箱要尺寸规格完全相同,否则造成锚具偏斜发生危险,放张时打开放砂孔使二个沙箱内的砂均匀缓缓流出,直到钢绞线放松,空心板梁慢慢起拱,放张时,发现梁起拱异常,应停止放砂,查明原因制定对策后重新放张,钢绞线放松后可以用乙炔割断,经封口整理后起吊出梁。 (11)移梁存放 成品梁由龙门吊纵移至存梁场暂时存放。经检查合格后,运至桥位处架设,架设采用大吨位吊车。 详见《先张预应力空心板梁预制工艺流程图》表5-9。 4.3.4 现浇箱梁施工 本标段滨州互通立交和大马家分离立交均采用钢筋混凝土现浇连续箱梁。施工时采用满堂脚手架(跨公路处采用梁式支架见附图10)一次搭架浇注,现浇箱梁施工工艺详见表5—10“现浇箱梁施工工艺流程图”。 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 中国交通资料网 (1)支架:支架采用满布式钢管支架,根据现场勘察,支架基础拟作如下处理:清除表层杂物,翻松20CM深地表土,填碎石掺5%石灰用压路机压实,压实度90%以上,桥墩台处认真夯实。做2%的横向排水坡。在其上面铺10CM厚砂砾作调平层。根据钢管间距铺设纵横方木,其上搭设钢管支架,单根钢管承载力为3吨,纵横向间距由计算确定。钢管高度按实际净高控制,支架上下端设置可调顶托和底托,支架纵横向顺直一致。为增强整体的刚度及稳定性,每隔一定的距离设置纵横向剪刀撑。支架顶部铺设方木,用以支承钢模板。 为保证砼浇注时,支架产生的挠度满足梁的设计要求,施工时对支架采用砂袋按梁重的80%进行预压,消除非弹性变形,浇注混凝土完成后至卸架,支架最大下沉不超过1.0CM。 在支架顶部铺组合钢模,在模板上放砂袋,砂袋总重为梁体总重的80%。 在模板上(按梁体两端、中部)位置设立观测点(可根据情况适当加密),达到总 压重的10%、30%、50%、和达到80%后,放置24小时,用水准仪检测各阶 段的标高变化,然后卸载后再次检查标高变化,以检测支架的弹性、非弹性 变形,借以控制梁体的线形变化。 (2)模板:由于箱梁底部暴露在外,为了提高其外观质量,箱梁底模组合 钢模内衬宝丽板,内外角模采用特制小钢模,其它用组合小钢模,箱梁内模 采用木模板,同时用木模对特殊的地方进行调整。 箱梁内模用木支架加固,同时内模与外模之间用拉杆连接。翼板和侧板 用钢支架作支撑,为防侧板受砼侧压力引起的破坏,钢支架外侧加设限位板, 每隔一定距离设置拉杆加固支撑。底模板的接缝处设置木螺栓,两木螺栓连 接以防错动。模板间隙用橡胶带堵塞,防止漏浆。 (3)钢筋绑扎 在铺好的底模上进行标高复核,轴线测设,并经监理复核后方可进行钢 筋施工。 钢筋施工时要注意砼垫块的放置,损坏的垫块要及时更换,确保钢筋有 足够的保护层。 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasona免责声明:中国交通资料网所有资料都来源于本站论坛和个人投稿,版权归发帖及投稿者所有,本站不对ble. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 其内容的正确性或可靠性负责,如有侵权行为请及时与我们联系。 (4)箱梁砼浇筑 箱梁分两次现浇,施工顺序为底板、腹板、然后顶板;顶板内模采用 5cm厚的水泥钢丝网板。底板设置直径为10cm厚的通气孔,施工时采用钢 管中插入木塞,底板浇筑后拔出木塞。 砼浇筑采用吊车配料斗浇注,用拌和站拌和。砼浇筑由一端到另一端, 逐跨进行浇筑。 砼振捣采用插入式振动棒振捣密实。 为了尽量减少砼的收缩裂缝,要求砼浇筑完成,收水结束后(顶板砼)砼 达到初凝即用土工布覆盖进行酒水养护。为了把箱体内的水能尽快排除不产 生附加荷载,在箱梁底板一般都设有泄水孔,在砼浇筑前要进行设置,泄水 管露出底板上口1cm即可,该孔要求穿通。 由于箱梁砼方量比较大,泵送砼掺加缓凝剂,初凝时间8小时。 在砼浇筑过程中要派专人观察模板钢筋的情况,一旦发现有模板漏浆、 走动、钢筋松动、变形、垫块脱落等现象要及时整改。 在砼浇筑过程中要有测量人员观测排架的沉降情况,做好记录。另外要 做足砼的试块。 (5)拆模板和支架 在箱梁达到设计强度后,采用吊车协助拆模板和支架。施工时要注意安全,地面要设专人了望,要用红白带拦出危险区域,不准非相关人员进入。 4.3.5 桥面铺装 (1)清除桥面杂物,凿除桥面浮浆层,用清水冲洗干净后,放线并绑扎桥面钢筋网。 (2)桥面施工采用导轨、振动梁及提浆滚筒。首先利用钢管或圆钢,依据铺装层顶标高制作导轨,以承受振动梁运行及保证桥面高程,并起到侧模作用。 (3)砼由拌和站拌制,用砼运输车从桥台上桥运至施工现场,使用平板式振动器搓平,利用振动梁刮平并振实,滚筒提浆,然后对砼表面进行抹平、压光、schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 中国交通资料网 拉毛处理。 (4)使用塑料薄膜覆盖并洒水养生。 4.3.6 防撞墙 防撞墙施工首先调整预埋筋,按钢筋施工要求接长钢筋,立好模板,安放预埋件浇注砼。砼的振捣一定要认真仔细,特别要注意底部砼容易出现蜂窝、麻面。模板采用定型钢模,分内外两种,其加固方法是在桥面上预埋钢筋,通过拉筋和支撑限位块固定。注意模板缝处要塞海绵条以防漏浆,预埋件的位置和标高必须用经纬仪和水平仪精确定位,并固定牢。 4.3.7 泄水管的安装 泄水管为桥面排水主要通道,在浇注上部结构时预留安装孔,在铺防水层前安装。泄水管顶面略低于桥面成碗口形,以利受水。 4.3.8伸缩缝安装 (1)在做好的沥青面上,放伸缩缝施工大样。 (2)用砼切割机,把沥青砼锯开,并把砼清除至伸缩缝安装的设计标高。 (3)把伸缩缝放在指定位置,调整标高。 (4)绑扎伸缩缝钢筋。 (5)把伸缩缝位置用空压机清理干净,灌注砼,振捣器振动,抹平表面并进行拉毛。 (6)用湿砂子覆盖养生,冬季用电热毯上盖棉被。 (7)安装温度宜为年平均气温时为最佳时间,当安装温度与设计温度相差较大时,按下式进行计算控制: B=3E/2+[(T-T)/2-T-8]αL h1 C=5+E/2+[(T-T)/2-T-8]αL h1 E—额定位移量; T—设计最高温度 h T—设计最低温度 1 T—安装温度 α—砼膨胀系数 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasona免责声明:中国交通资料网所有资料都来源于本站论坛和个人投稿,版权归发帖及投稿者所有,本站不对ble. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 其内容的正确性或可靠性负责,如有侵权行为请及时与我们联系。 L—缝距(cm) B—伸缩缝板宽 C—梁端缝 4.3.9 涵洞施工 (1)盖板涵施工 基础基坑开挖采用反铲挖掘机,人工配合清理基底,基底验槽合格后,回填砂砾垫层并压实,基础、支撑梁模板采用组合钢模,砼机械拌合,插入式振动棒及平板振动器联合振捣。砼浇筑完毕后,草袋覆盖,洒水养护。 钢筋砼盖板采用预制场集中预制,平板车运至工地,吊车吊装。涵基础、 台身施工中按设计做沉降缝,沉降缝必须保证垂直。 (2)圆管涵施工 圆管涵基坑开挖采用反铲挖掘机,人工配合清理基底,验槽合格后回填砂砾垫层,采用小型夯实机具夯实。基础模板采用组合钢模,砼机械拌合,插入式振动棒振捣,涵身基础分两次施工,先施工管底以下的平基,待管涵安装调直后再施工余下的弧形基础。钢筋砼圆管涵采用集中预制,平板车运至工地,吊车吊装就位,管节安装完毕后,进行防水层施工,人工两侧对称回填夯实。涵洞八字墙基础及墙身模板采用组合钢模,砼机械拌合,插入式振动棒振捣。 4.3.10 普通砼空心板梁预制 普通砼空心板梁除无预应力张拉,放张等工艺外,其余同先张预应力空心板梁施工工艺。 5. 沥青砼路面施工 5.1 施工方法 本合同的沥青混凝土路面采用沥青砼拌和站集中拌制混合料,大型自卸汽车运输,摊铺机全幅一次摊铺,压路机全幅一次碾压成型。拌和站拟设置在大桥的南接线,占地三十亩。 5.2 施工工艺流程 准备下承层?施工放样?备料、配合比设计?热拌沥青混合料拌制?运输?摊铺?碾压?整型?开放交通。 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 中国交通资料网 详细的施工工艺见对沥青混凝土施工方法的建议。(B3) 第四章 确保工程质量和工期的措施 1.质量目标及保证措施 1.1 质量目标 1.1.1本合同段质量目标是:创优质、争一流、创精品工程,分项工程检验合格率达100%,优良率达到95%以上,确保主体工程达到优良标准,确保工程达到省优、部优标准。 1.1.2根据质量目标,制订详细的创优规划措施,并在施工中认真组织落实好各项措施。加强施工过程中的质量控制,各方配合,重抓落实,确保创优目标的实现。 1.2质量措施 1.2.1按照国际ISO9002标准建立健全质量保证体系,严格按体系中规定的责权利要求运作,把质量管理的每项工作具体落实到每个部门、每个人身上,使质量工作事事有人管、人人有专职,办事有标准,工作有检查,使经理部的每个人都担负起质量责任。 1.2.2在全体施工人员中,定期组织质量教育,使他们明白工程质量关系到国家、单位及个人的切身利益,使之牢固树立“质量第一”的观念,变要我抓质量为我要抓质量,使得搞好工程质量成为职工的自觉行动。 1.2.3加强对职工的技术技能培训,提高职工的技术素质。在施工过程中针对工艺复杂、技术难度大的项目,如板梁预制、现浇连续箱梁、粉喷桩施工等,对职工进行专项技术培训,使他们掌握施工操作要点及质量控制要点,并在施工中严格按规范执行,以人的工作质量保证工程施工质量。 1.2.4加强对工程的自检工作。施工过程中严格推行“三检制”,工序交接必须有班组间的交接检查,上道工序不合格不能进入下道工序施工,班组合格后方能进行专项检查并填写质量检验评定表,所有工序在内部自检合格后,再请监理工程师检查,同意并签字后方可进行下道工序的施工,对监理工程师及设计人员提出的问题,应立即组织整改。 1.2.5建立工程质量岗位责任制。项目经理、副经理、总工程师、施技科长、schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasona免责声明:中国交通资料网所有资料都来源于本站论坛和个人投稿,版权归发帖及投稿者所有,本站不对ble. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 其内容的正确性或可靠性负责,如有侵权行为请及时与我们联系。 主管技术人员及其他科室相关人员、队长、副队长、队技术主管都要有相应的质量责任,项目经理对工程质量负有全面领导责任,主管施工的副经理对质量负有直接领导责任,总工对质量负有技术领导责任,质检工程师、主管技术人员对质量负有直接检查责任,队长及队技术主管对工程质量负有直接责任。为了加强对工程质量的管理,指挥部设专职质量检查工程师一名,队里设专职质量检查员一名,兼职质量检查员数名,可由施工班组长兼任,保证施工作业始终在质检人员的严格监督下进行,保证各工序一次验收合格率达100%,创优质工程。 1.2.6严格按照技术规范、施工工艺、监理要求组织施工,抓好路基填筑及桥梁施工质量,路基填筑严格执行“松铺三十,标尺拉线,纵留台阶,刷坡同步,控制大块,百米挂牌”的要求,确保路基的压实度、平整度及横坡度,保证路基边坡、涵洞回填、桥台填土的施工质量,消除台后回填土下沉、边坡下沉等质量通病。桥梁施工抓好砼混合料的计量,箱梁预制抓好钢绞线张拉、压浆等关键工序,注意砼外观质量,确保砼圬工表面光滑,色泽均匀,内实外美。钢筋焊接全部采用J502电焊条,严禁使J422焊条,同时保证搭接长度,焊缝的长度及焊缝连续饱满。 1.2.7完善质量定期检查及不定期抽查制度。项目部每月进行一次质量检查,在每月的中旬进行不定期的抽查,对发现的质量问题及质量隐患,限时整改,该返工的坚决责令返工。并对有关责任人进行经济处罚,决不姑息迁就,对质量好的单位和个人给预适当的奖励,在全项目范围内形成一个人人讲质量、人人抓质量的良好氛围。 1.2.8项目部对各队的计量实行一票否决权,对达不到验收标准要求的项目不计价,并责令其返工重做,对达不到优良工程标准的项目,按工程价款的95%计价,确保工程质量达到优良标准。 1.2.9 施工过程中积极推广采用新技术、新工艺、新材料、新设备,为工程质量的创优从技术上提供强有力的保障。按照公路施工“以设备保工艺,以工艺保质量”的原则,加大桥涵、隧道、路基施工设备的投入,提高工效,确保质量。 1.2.10工程开工前对施工班组进行技术交底,工中对操作人员讲解技术要求及验收标准,工程完工后及时进行验收检查,对钻爆作业、台背回填、预应力张拉、砼浇注等键工序实行技术员跟班作业制度,以加强对关键工序质量的监控。 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 中国交通资料网 1.2.11 测量工作实行三级复核制度,即先由施工队按设计放样,再由项目部测量人员复核,无误后最后报请监理工程师复查,确保桥涵、隧道、路基、结构物平面位置准确,结构尺寸正确,标高无误。 1.2.12严格把好原材料进场关。对钢材、水泥等主材必须要有出厂合格证,进入工地后同时要按规范要求对其质量进行分批抽检试验,对进入现场的砂、石料每批必须做抽验试验,抽验合格报请监理工程师并同意后方可用于工程施工,对不合格的原料立即清除出工地。 1.2.13配齐试验、检验设备,提高试验检测人员的素质,加强现场工序质量的检测力度。路基填土每层压实度,砼、砂浆配合比、钢材、水泥、外加剂等,必须按规范规定频率进行检验,使工序质量始终处在受控状态。 1.2.14 施工过程中大力开展全面质量管理活动及群众性的“QC”小组活动。通过“全员、全面、全过程”的质量教育及质量管理,使全体职工做到心中有质量,手中抓质量,结果看质量,通过群众性的“QC”小组活动及PDCA循环,确保施工质量稳步提高。 1.2.15正确处理好质量与进度的关系。施工过程中切不可只求进度不讲质量,必须在确保工程质量的前提下加快工程进度,在进度与质量出现矛盾时,进度必须服从于质量。 1.2.16施工过程中必须及时填写各种施工原始记录、中间申请报验单及变更设计资料,对已完分项工程及时进行质量评定,做到施工资料与工程进度同步,做好施工资料的归档及竣工文件的编制工作。 质量保证体系框图见“附图11”。 2. 工期保证措施 2.1 组织措施: 2.1.1成立精干的项目部,实行项目长负责制,项目部内设置强有力的工程管理系统,实施工程的全面宏观管理。 2.1.2进场施工的各个工程队,建立健全队长负责制,强化一线组织领导和指挥。项目部建立工期岗位责任制,确保实施性施工组织设计的实现;发扬铁道兵的光荣传统和作风,群策群力开展好目标管理,制定详细又科学合理的施工作schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasona免责声明:中国交通资料网所有资料都来源于本站论坛和个人投稿,版权归发帖及投稿者所有,本站不对ble. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 其内容的正确性或可靠性负责,如有侵权行为请及时与我们联系。 业计划,保持均衡生产,实现计划的最终时间目标。 2.1.3全处“一盘棋”,在人、财、物上确保本工程的施工需要,我处在江苏、安徽、广东拥有大型土石方、桥梁工程及隧道施工专业队伍,可根据本工程实际情况,组织精干队伍进场突击施工。 2.1.4加强工程调度指挥,做到一切行动听指挥,步调一致,齐抓共管。 2.2 劳动管理措施 2.2.1加强用工的计划性,实行定额用工。 2.2.2加强劳动定额管理,确保定额水平的完成。 2.2.3 组织好昼夜“三班倒”工作制度的正常落实,做到各工序的连续施工。 2.2.4领导跟班作业,及时发现并解决问题。 2.2.5发扬艰苦奋斗的作风,节假日照常施工。 2.3 技术保证措施 2.3.1优化施工组织设计,做到科学施工,信息反馈及时,适时调整和改进施工方案。 2.3.2组织采用平行流水作业方式,保证一环扣一环的施工程序。 2.3.3发挥技术管理的保障作用,细审核、严交底、勤检查、抓落实。 2.3.4专业技术工作者,要深入一线跟班作业了解情况,及时搞好技术交底,并做到发现问题及时解决。 2.3.5实行项目总工程师技术岗位负责制,对技术负总责,并行使技术否决权。 2.3.6积极推广采用“新材料、新技术、新工艺、新设备”等四新技术,从技术上保证项目工期目标的实现。 2.4. 物资保障措施 2.4.1加强物资采购人员的选配。 2.4.2按施工计划安排,确保材料按时到位。 2.4.3把握建筑的旺淡季特点,超前调查和预测市场供应情况,特别是季节性施工要做好材料的适量储备。 2.4.4严把材料质量关,彻底杜绝劣质材料进入施工现场。 2.5. 设备保障措施 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 中国交通资料网 2.5.1设备管理人员,要选配有较高的技术素质、较强的事业心和责任感的同志担任。 2.5.2加强设备的维修与保管,确保完好率和出勤率。 2.5.3加强现场设备的协调使用。 2.5.4根据工程进度,应超前考虑,专人落实各种设备的进场,做到随用随上,不误时间。 2.6 加强财务管理,合理使用工程资金。 2.6.1选配财务经验丰富的会计师,主持工程资金的筹集和合理使用。 2.6.2压缩非生产性开支,全力保障有限的资金用于工程和职工的工资发放上。 2.6.3积极与甲方联系,确保工程进度拨款不滞后,力争早到位,以便资金用于工程上周转。 2.6.4若资金紧张时,积极向上级主管单位反映,确保工程施工用资金。 7 处理好各种外部关系,争取良好的施工环境。 2. 2.7.1搞好与甲方、设计、监理的关系,紧紧依靠地方政府,加强合作,密切配合,确保工程的顺利进行。 2.7.2服从甲方协调,密切与本工程相关单位的合作与配合。 第五章 冬、雨季施工措施 1. 雨季施工措施 根据招标文件介绍,本地7--8月份为雨季、汛期,为保证工期不因下雨而耽误,特制定下述保证措施: 1.1临时工程安置施工以满足雨季施工生产为标准,全面考虑防水、排水、集水,并提前对各种怕潮湿设备进行防雨保护。 1.2施工中加强天气预测,与当地气象部门联系,建立联络通道,提前预防雨天,同时做好防雷击措施。 1.3做好雨季施工的各种物资准备,各种雨具、棚布、防水胶布、防滑靴等提前准备。 1.4 对于钢筋工程,设置防淤管棚,使之即使大雨亦可操作。 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasona免责声明:中国交通资料网所有资料都来源于本站论坛和个人投稿,版权归发帖及投稿者所有,本站不对ble. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 其内容的正确性或可靠性负责,如有侵权行为请及时与我们联系。 1.5 下雨时尽量不安排砼作业,但其他工序则尽力搭管棚进行施工。 大雨,必须准备足够的塑料布,保证能够全部1.6浇注连续箱梁一旦遇到 覆盖,确保质量。 2.冬季施工措施 为保证工程按期完工,结合该工程实际情况,需安排一部分工程项目在冬期施工,为确保各部分工程冬期施工质量,特制定如下冬季施工措施。 按规范规定,室外日平均气温连续5天以上稳定低于5?及日平均气温低于0?,即进入冬季施工期。 2.1 钢筋工程 2.1.1 搭棚、室内生火炉提高温度至5?以上,钢筋焊接与弯制均于棚内进行。 2.1.2 现场焊接时尽量选在白天中午气温较高时完成,并在现场焊接施工地点设置挡风防护设施。 2.2 砼工程 2.2.1 砼拌制采用蓄热法,采用材料加热方式(水泥除外)提高砼出盘温度,以适应运输浇筑工程中的热量散失,达到要求的入模养护温度。 2.2.2 砼采用保温法养护: (1)桩基:浇注完成后对孔口进行覆盖。 (2)承台:四周模板与基坑空隙处用稻草塞紧,砼完成后对承台表面使用塑料布罩严后上覆草袋。 (3)墩身:柱四周用塑料布裹扎,顶部再用40CM厚砂覆盖保温。 (4)台帽与墩帽:四周底部均用稻草填充裹扎后用塑料布缠绕,顶部用塑料布覆盖后上罩草被。 2.3 板梁预制工程 部分板梁安排在冬季施工,为此将采取如下措施: 2.3.1砼采用蓄热法施工同上,砼施工前用蒸气对台面进行预热。 2.3.2砼施工完成后,用木框及盖布制成暖棚罩于整个梁体,并使用通气管输入温热的饱和蒸汽,按静置、升温、恒温、降温四个程序对梁体进行蒸养。 2.3.3蒸气养护过程中拆除内模,拆除内模时仅在卸出模板时揭开暖棚两schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 中国交通资料网 端,以避免温度骤降。 2.3.4待同级养护试件达到设计强度90%以上,徐徐降温,除去小暖棚及外模之后将梁体置于大保温棚内。 2.3.5张拉作业时,棚内温度必须达5?以上。 2.4试件制备 无论砼还是压浆,均需置备多组试件以满足标养、同级养护及同级养护后与标准养护的对比实验需要。 2.5外加剂 经过试验,选用对钢筋、钢铰线无腐蚀作用的防冻剂,并在监理工程师同意的情况下方能使用。 2.6施工组织 2.6.1索要气象旬报、超前准备,避开寒流。 2.6.2砼作业尽量安排在白天进行。 2.6.3实验室专人负责检查气温、水温、砼入模温度,保温措施,不具备条件的坚决不予施工。 2.6.4对冬季需要的技术准备与物资准备提前做好,避免寒流来时手足无措。 第六章 安全保证体系及保证措施 安全管理是施工企业管理的一项重要内容。确保安全生产,防止事故发生,是企业全体职工的重要任务,是各级领导的主要职责。本合同段安全保证措施如下: 1. 建立健全安全管理机构的安全工作规章制度 成立强有力的领导班子,建立健全安全保证体系,领导挂帅,全员参加,安全长具体负责,组织实施对该项目的安全管理,保证工程安全贯穿施工全过程。 2. 加强安全生产教育,提高全员安全意识。重点进行四个方面的教育,即主人翁责任感和安全第一的教育,安全基本知识和技能教育,遵守规章制度和岗位标准化作业的教育;文明施工的教育。同时开展安全检查评比竞赛活动,激发全员安全生产的自觉性。 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasona免责声明:中国交通资料网所有资料都来源于本站论坛和个人投稿,版权归发帖及投稿者所有,本站不对ble. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 其内容的正确性或可靠性负责,如有侵权行为请及时与我们联系。 3( 根据工程特点,建立安全岗位责任制,逐级签订安全生产承包责任状,明确分工,责任到人。 4(每一工序开工前,做出详细的施工方案和实施措施,及时做好施工技术交底的安全注意事项。 5( 操作人员必须配戴安全帽,无安全帽者不得进入施工现场进行施工。 6( 抓好现场管理,搞好文明施工,经常保持现场管线整齐,灯明、路平、无积水。易燃物品仓库要设专人防守,危险区要设有栏杆和标志,备齐消防器材,并能防盗。 7( 生活区、加工场,要符合防水要求,切实做好防洪、防火、防中毒、防淹等工作,杜绝重大伤亡事故,减少一般性事故。 8( 加强施工用电管理,照明、高压电力线路的架设顺进,保证绝缘良好,施工中加强对机具、电器设备的检查和维修,各种施工机械和电器设备均设置漏电保护器确保用电安全,线路架设高度和照明度必须符合标准,严防行走运行机械损坏输电线路,造成机毁人伤。 9( 车辆要经常检修,保持完好,动力机械必须由考试合格并持有合格证的司机上岗,严禁非司机开车,严禁酒后开车。 10( 施工场地的油库、料库、发电站等临时设施,设置防护装置,防止雷击。 11(凡进入现场的人员,均要服从值班员指挥,遵守各项安全生产 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 ,正确使用个人防护用品,禁止穿拖鞋、高跟鞋或光脚进入施工现场。 12. 从施工技术角度,在编制实施性施工组织设计时,应有安全技术方面的内容,尤其是临时结构物要有安全技术方面的技术数据检测指标,确保有较高的安全系数。 13( 对所有参施人员配发安全帽,一律配带安全帽进场。 14( 高空作业系安全带,挂安全网,防人物落下。 张拉时,人不得站于施力方向,并与周围设岗防护。 15( 张拉时,人不得站于施力方向,并与周围设岗防护。 16.架梁防护措施,在技术上绝对有保证,定期检测,在梁的平移架设对位都要专人统一指挥。 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 中国交通资料网 17.做好防洪、防凌的工作,与黄河河务局密切联系,及时掌握汛情,凌情通 报。如遇特大洪水或筑临时围堰,或暂时撤离,减少损失,如遇冰害、冰坝, 可联系河务局防凌队,对冰坝采用爆破开凌,及早将水位降低。 18( 施工现场设工地医务所,出现紧急情况,应做好现场急救和保护工作,现场备应急车辆,以供急需。 19. 坚持经常和定期安全检查制度,及时发现事故隐患,堵塞事故漏洞,还要结合安全事故的规律和季节特点,重点查防触电、防火灾、防交通事故等措施的落实。对检查中发现的问题及时采取措施解决,并实行奖罚制度。 20(经常与当地政府联系,密切同当地群众的关系,征求意见,改进工作,严肃群众纪律,搞好路地联防,共同做好施工期间的安全工作。 详见《安全保证体系框图》附图12。 第七章 环境的保护措施及文明施工 1. 宗旨 文明施工的宗旨是:创全优工程,树样板工号,建标准化现场,争做文明职工。 . 措施 2 2.1成立环境保护领导机构,指挥部设环境保护委员会,项目长任主任,专职副书记任副主任,各科室领导及工程队长为成员,全面负责该工程施工期间的环境保护工作。 2.2广泛深入地进行环境保护和环境法教育,使做好环境保护工作和坚持文明施工自觉成为每个职工的行动。 2.3以醒目的标志封闭施工区域,并在区界挂以醒目整洁的环保标语和标牌。 2.4建好洗车场,对于进出市区、公路的车辆进行清洗,防止污染路面。 2.5认真安排好夜间施工项目,尽量减少机械噪间和禁止施工人员大声喧哗。 2.6施工期间,保证水渠的水流畅通,保证周围农田的灌溉用水和居民的生活用水。生产生活中的各种垃圾应按环保要求进行处理,不得任意排放。 2.7修建的临时工程应保证不对自然环境造成永久性的损害,并在工程完工后予以修复。 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasona免责声明:中国交通资料网所有资料都来源于本站论坛和个人投稿,版权归发帖及投稿者所有,本站不对ble. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 其内容的正确性或可靠性负责,如有侵权行为请及时与我们联系。 2.8施工人员的着装要整齐,严禁下河洗澡、抓鱼等。 2.9 沥青拌和站远离村庄,钻孔桩废浆、废渣要分别集中,沉淀处理,防止污染耕地、河道。 2.10 保持河道的水土,防止流失。 A2 初步的工程进度计划 1(工程进度的安排原则 (1) 先重要后一般,即先难后易的原则,兼顾各项工程的相互制约的关系,采取流水作业和交叉作业法施工,并充分考虑冬、雨季对施工的影响。 (2) 路基土方是本标段的工期重点,且高填方路段要进行超载预压,预压期不少于10个月,因此,为确保路基及时预压,高填方路段桥涵尽早安排施工,大中桥必要时先完成桥台,以便台后回填及路基填筑顺利进行。 (3) 大、中桥上部结构先张梁预制遵循路基填筑顺序提前预制、架设。 (4) 开工后15个月完成路基填筑,其中填筑高度5米以上的高填方必须在2001年11月30日以前完成。 (5)为保证路面工程质量,11月中旬至次年三月底不安排施工。 2(主要工期安排 总体工期:2001 年2月1日~2003年11月30日 比业主要求的工期提前2个月完成。各主要分项工程的施工时间安排如 下: (1) 施工准备 2001年2月1日~2001年3月31日 (2) 路基填筑工程 2001年4月1日~2002年6月30日 (3) 中、小桥工程 2001年4月1日~2002年11月30日 (4) 北引桥工程 2001年4月1日~2002年9月30日 (5) 滨州互通立交 2001年3月1日~2002年8月31日 (6) 底基层施工 2002年7月1日~2002年10月31日 (7) 基层施工 2002年11月1日~2003年6月30日 (8) 沥青路面 2003年7月1日~2003年10月31日 (9) 收尾配套工程 2003年11月1日~2003年11月30日 分项工期详见表7—1 :“滨州黄河公路大桥第一合同段工程进度网络计schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 中国交通资料网 划图”及表7—2“滨州黄河公路大桥第一合同段工程进度横道图”。 B1 大桥基础施工的建议 1 钻孔灌注桩施工 滨州黄河公路大桥北引桥处于河漫滩上,成孔深,桩径较大,对钻机及其钻进过程工艺要求较高,且桩身的破冰体位于河床以下,给施工带来一定的难度。为避免施工过程中,汛期受水浸的影响和便于浇注过程中钻机和罐车的顺利摆开;漫滩上钻孔桩施工时采用筑岛,筑岛尺寸定为30×10m,高度为,m,分层碾压成型,确保密实,以保证钻机钻进过程中的稳定性。 #1.1 北引桥,台施工方案 #滨州黄河大桥北引桥,台桩基设计为变截面,上部为d,2.5m,桩径下部为d,2.0m桩径,上部2.5m直径桩位于现河床以下约6m,施工时采用将土中的破冰体(d,2.70m,壁厚1cm的钢护筒)按设计位置,用120T振动锤打入至设计位置。为保证护筒下沉时的垂直度,在地面上设置型钢锚桩,定位用双层导向架与锚桩焊联,做为护筒下沉时的导向装置,同时,用全站仪跟踪观测,确保桩中心位置,待一个墩的全部护筒沉放完毕,拆除导向装置及锚桩,安放钻机,开始钻孔作业。 由于上部桩径较大,先用d,2.5m回旋钻机成孔,钻至截面变更处时,换用d,2.0来钻头继续钻孔,初换钻头时,应慢速钻进,钻进一段深度后,再逐渐增快。 对地上部分桩基采用接长钢筋笼、焊接接长钢护筒,施工上部桩基,钢护筒 作为破冰体不再拆除。 #1.2 北引桥1-5墩桩基施工方案 #-2,、北引桥1墩桩基直径为1.5m,上部20m设有破冰体,均位于河床面以下;施工时因直接打入20m钢护筒非常困难,拟采用以下方法施工,即先行用钻机按破冰体的直径进行常规钻孔,成孔至破冰体底部设计标高,移走钻机,用吊车起吊护筒沿孔壁逐节下沉护筒,护筒下沉到孔底后,再用振动锤将护筒震入土中,,,m,以固定护筒底脚,然后换用直径1.5m钻机成孔。 ,,、北引桥,,,墩桩基无破冰体,按常规法施工,施工时护筒直径采用1.7m,壁厚为 10mm,长度为2m,采用挖孔埋设,安放前用十字交叉线定出护筒schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasona免责声明:中国交通资料网所有资料都来源于本站论坛和个人投稿,版权归发帖及投稿者所有,本站不对ble. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 其内容的正确性或可靠性负责,如有侵权行为请及时与我们联系。 中心,孔底50cm范围内用粘土分层夯实,沉放时用经纬仪和锤球控制其中心和垂直度,要求桩中心和护筒中心偏差不大于5cm。护筒周围回填粘土时,要对称均匀分层夯实填筑。 1.3 钻孔施工工艺 , 主桥,,,墩采用的为群桩基础,为施工安全顺利,应按照一定的作业顺序,以减少不利荷载的发生。成孔拟采用潜水钻机KQ,2500及回旋钻机HZ-150型设备成孔,共投入KQ,2500型3台,HZ,150型设备6台。 ,.钻机钻进 钻机就位前,应对钻机进行检查,就位时要使钻机抱箍,下龙口中心与桩中心重合;潜水钻机就位时要使底盘铁门中心,钻杆中心,桩位中心重合。用锤放样桩对中,就位时要保持钻机摆放水平,钻机底盘的前后支腿下整好模梁及主纵梁,并搁置水平尺,随时观测及时调平。钻机运行中定期用仪器检测和校正,使钻机不产生位移和沉陷。钻机就位后,底座和端座平,在钻进运行中定期用仪器检测和校正,钻机不产生位移和沉陷。(回旋)钻机顶部的起吊滑轮,转盘中心和桩孔中心三者在同一铅垂线上,偏差不得大于,CM。 钻孔作业应分班连续进行,注意土层变化。钻机钻进过程中每进尺,,,现场技术员挥取一次渣样,判明土层;在土层变化或与地质报告有异时,应增加捞取的次数。现场技术人员应在记录表中作详细记录,以使与地质剖面核对。 潜水钻机泥浆循环方式采用泵举反循环;HZ150型钻机深80M以上用泵吸式反循环;80M以下用气举式反循环。 循环钻孔应采用减压钻进,钻机的主吊钩始终承受部分钻具的重力,而孔底承受的钻压不超过钻杆,钻头和压块重力之和的80,,以避免或减少斜孔、弯孔、扩孔现象。钻进时还需要注意: a、机架的基础要牢固,道轨一定要稳定,经常用水平尺检测并及时调整。 b、鉴于桩径大,成孔深,泥浆可采用膨润土造浆护壁。该泥浆比重小,粘度大,泥皮厚而致密,性能好。当进入粘土层后,利用自然造浆或加粘土。钻机钻进方式,在砂层内采用正循环,以下全部采用反循环。钻孔过程控制泥浆的比重不小于1.05-1.20,粘度T=17,20秒,现场进行比重粘度控制。 c、一个区段内共用钻孔用灰泥浆运至监理工程师指定的地方。 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 中国交通资料网 d、注意观察护筒下沉,及时接长护筒,防止护筒底部漏水,保持孔内水头高度不少于(2M)。 e、成孔后用检孔器检测成孔质量,检孔器直径为成桩直径,长度为,,,,(,为桩径)。 ,、终孔 钻孔完成后,提升钻机锥距孔底10,20cm进行清孔,采用换浆清洁孔。 清孔时应注意保持孔内水头,防止坍孔,清孔完毕后,孔口、孔中部和孔底提出的泥浆平均值应符合有关规范及设计要求,孔底沉淀满足设计规定或规范要求。 ,、安放钢筋 钢筋采用T506或,502焊条双面焊接,焊接长度不小于5d,另外接头须按规定50%错开,接头间距不小于1.3倍的搭接长度。钢筋焊接时,应保持两钢筋的东西线一致。当环境温度低于,,?时,钢筋焊接应在钢筋棚内进行,温度过低时就在棚内生炉以增加棚内温度。钢筋笼事先分节预制好,采用支架成型法,每节长约,,,,,。现场孔口接长下放。考虑到桩基深度较深,为缩短孔口操作时间,钢筋笼的接长采用搭接点焊,搭接长度为30d(d为钢筋长度),钢筋笼的接长时间控制在,小时内,以避免操作时间长,造成坍孔。 钢筋笼吊装时应防止钢筋笼变形。钢筋笼的起吊采用两点吊,第一吊点设在骨架底部,第二吊点设在骨架垂直后再移入桩孔内。钢筋笼按计设要求设置撑筋,保证钢筋四周有足够的保护层。另外,按要求逐节安装超声波检测管。 ,、灌注水下混凝土 换浆清孔后,将泥浆比重降到1.04,1.15左右,达到灌注标准。用测绳检查孔底沉渣,钢筋笼下放后,若沉渣超标,可以采用导管绑扎空压机气管,下到底吹气清渣,接着灌注混凝土。 导管采用直径30cm焊接钢管,拼接时,对管进行编号,并对管的长度进行记录;另外,务必使管轴顺直,内壁光滑。用空压机做水密、承压试验,用卷扬机做承拉试验。 漏斗为高1,2m,用5mm厚钢板焊成四棱锥形,漏斗与导管要用法兰盘连接。schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasona免责声明:中国交通资料网所有资料都来源于本站论坛和个人投稿,版权归发帖及投稿者所有,本站不对ble. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 其内容的正确性或可靠性负责,如有侵权行为请及时与我们联系。 剪球法下混凝土,待混凝土装满漏斗,就可剪球,剪球后泵砼应不间断地输送。 灌注水下砼前和灌注过程中须注意以下事项: ,、导管的接头要严密,必须每次逐个检查,以防漏水。用钻机吊装时,导管应位于井孔中央,并应有灌注砼前进行升降试验。安放时一定要保证导管的长度和记录导管拆除后的长度。另外,为防止提升过程中导管拉断,用一根,分钢丝绳兜住导管。 ,、开始灌注水下混凝土时,导管下口离桩底25,40cm为宜。当钻孔桩桩顶低于井孔中水面时,漏斗底口高出水面不宜小于4,6米。 ,、为防止钢筋笼上浮,在钢筋笼顶端用,,,根钢管套住钢筋笼的主筋上,采用反压阻止其上浮,上口钢筋主筋四周与护筒用钢筋焊牢,保证对中。另外对钢筋笼上部箍筋及支撑筋应加强。在砼面接近钢筋骨架时,宜使导管保持较大的埋深,并放慢灌注速度,以减少砼的冲击力;当砼进入钢筋骨架一定深度后(大约为,,,cm),应适当地提升导管,使钢筋骨架在导管下口有一定的埋深。 ,、随时检查混凝土顶面标高。推算导管的埋深并及时提升导管,一般控制导管埋深2,6m。 ,、桩头超灌砼比设计高程高0.5,1.0m。最后灌注时导管不要急于拆短,而要加大高度,增加混凝土压力,提高混凝土密实性,并且导管在1,2m内上下移动,产生捣实作用。 ,、配制砼的原材料,外加剂必须严格把关,材料出厂报告,材料试验,砼配合比实验合格,须经监理认可方能使用。在施工过程中,实验室工作人员须控制好砼坍落实(18,20cm)。 ,、灌注砼期间,宜配备水泵以及吸泥泵,高压射水管等设备,以保持井孔水头和及时处理灌注故障。 为了增加混凝土和易性,在砼中掺木钙减水剂;为保证灌注质量,砼中加入缓凝早强剂,延缓初凝时间,必须连续快速灌注,引桥每根桩的砼灌注应在10小时内完成。 1.4 钻孔灌注桩质量控制 ,、质量目标:严格执行交通部现行《公路桥涵工程施工技术规范》(JIJ044,89)及招标文件的有关规定,并满足设计要求,创优质工程。 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 中国交通资料网 ,、开工前,首先组织测量人员对图纸的桩位进行复测和加密。 ,、施工前,施工技术负责人组织技术人员和施工管理人员仔细阅读设计文件,了解设计意图,明确施工技术重点难点,进行技术交底。 ,、施工过程中严格执行自检、互检、专职检查的三检制度,且内部监理行使否决权。 ,、实行工序交接制度,关键工序班组检验合格,经内部监理工程师检查,确认符合要求后,填写好检查记录,然后请监理工程师复验鉴定,才能进行下道工序施工。 ,、工序检查 (,)桩位放样检查,内部质检人员实地检查测量桩位并和墩中心成相互校核,总工复核签字,报监理检查。 (,)护筒埋设质量由工地技术员检查。 (,)钻机就位,由下部技术人员检测钻杆中心位置和钻头直径。报监理批准后方能开钻。 (,)钻进过程中,工地技术员检查钻孔并记录,巡视工地,严格按要求组织施工。 (,)成孔后,孔深、孔径、孔位倾斜度、泥浆指标等由技术员进行检测, 由内部监理最后检验。合格后再进行清孔。 (,)灌注水下砼前,应由技术员检查导管的气密性,试验室人员应对砼原材料质量进行检查。 (,)钢筋笼加工成型后,应由技术员按施工技术规范进行检测,后由内部监理检验。合格后,报监理工程师检验。 (,)灌注水下砼前工地施工负责人应对所需机械设备、材料、人员、电力供应,水位和气象,后勤服务通讯联络作全面了解和检查,安排妥当后,报监理批准,方可开盘。 (,)灌注桩基,必须有工地施工负责人,技术人员现场值班,由技术员测量孔深,决定导管提升和拆卸及终孔标高。出现异常应及时报告和处理,试验人员应自始至终对砼质量进行控制,保证灌注桩顺利进行。 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasona免责声明:中国交通资料网所有资料都来源于本站论坛和个人投稿,版权归发帖及投稿者所有,本站不对ble. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 其内容的正确性或可靠性负责,如有侵权行为请及时与我们联系。 ,、大孔径桩的质量保证措施 由于引桥桩径大,成孔深。为保证工程的万无一失,对此项工程应做到: (,)保证桩位准确。主桥桩位采用全站仪放样,分别在不同的基准点上对桩中心进行控制复测,确保准确。 (,)护筒埋设:用120T振动锤,设置导向架来保证护筒的垂直度和中心位置。 (,)保持桩的垂直度;处于漫滩上的钻孔桩开钻前,先将地基换填,分层夯实筑岛(高度为0.5,1.0m),保证钻机基础的坚实。钻机就位时,保持机座水平;钻进过程中,用仪器定期对桩位和钻机进行检测,如出现位移和沉陷,及时地调整和加;成孔后,用检孔器对桩孔进行检测,检测时保持检孔器中心和桩位中心一致。 (,)保证钻进顺利,机械进场后,先进行必要的检修,备置一部分急件,以保证钻进时的连续性。钻进过程中,检测人员应时刻对泥浆的几个指标进行检测,保证泥浆质量。现场负责人每进尺2m捞取一次钻渣取样,对于变化中的土层,应增加取渣的次数,要求负责人做好详细的记录,并和地质资料对照。 (,)导管 采用直径Φ30cm焊接钢管,接头处用法兰盘连接。钻机进场时,要求留有一套备用的导管。导管先拼接,用空压机作水密试验,用卷扬机对导管处接头做承拉试验,对导管的顺直和内壁的光滑进行检查,将导管编号,记下它们每节编号的长度。下导管时,记录所下导管的顺序、编号、每节长度及导管的总长度;拆卸时,现场技术人员应保持导管在砼中埋深2,6m。 2( 承台施工 滨州黄河公路大桥北引桥承台设计为分离式,尺寸为6.5×6.5×2.0(m),砼封底厚度0.5m。 ,、测量放样 测量人员根据控制点座标放出承台位置,根据地面标高和桩顶高可计算出实际开挖基坑上口的大小,开挖边坡根据土质而定。 ,、开挖基坑 由于承台大部分位于河床断面内,地下水丰富,个别地方积水多,开挖前,schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 中国交通资料网 可用水泵将积水排到工作面以外,用挖掘机,根据放样,对基坑实施开挖。 ,、承台底场地硬化 由于承台处在河床断面内。坑外水位高,渗水大,场地硬化前,水引流到四 #周30cm槽内,再用水泵抽出。承台底立即按设计要求浇筑20封底砼,为承台施工提供作业面。 ,、钢筋绑扎和水管布设 场地硬化达到一定强度后,可进行绑扎钢筋,钢筋骨架的焊接,绑扎、搭接要符合《公路桥涵施工技术规范》JTJ041,89有关规定。 由于承台浇柱是大体积砼浇注,在浇注时要考虑砼水化热对强度的影响,可在钢筋骨架中布设水管,采用循环水的方法,将砼凝固时产生的热量带走。 ,、模板安装 钢筋检查合格,就准备模板安装,承台模板采用组合钢模。模板必须有足够的强度、刚度和稳定性,并保证结构尺寸准确表面光洁,并不漏浆,模板安装前涂刷监理工程师同意的脱模剂;模板安装完毕后应对其平面位置,倾斜度顶部标高,节点联系及纵横向稳定性进行检查,合格后,方能浇筑砼。 ,、砼浇注 由于地面距承台底标高3—5m,所以砼浇注用溜槽,防止砼发生离析;又因承台体积大,砼方量多,所以砼浇注要有一定厚度、顺序和方向分层浇注,每层厚度30cm。承台拟分两次浇注。 另外,在浇注过程中,如果渗水严重,则连续用水泵抽水,保证水位在承台底模下,若不能控制,则采取防止措施。 ,、砼养护 混凝土浇筑完成初凝后,用草袋覆盖并洒水养护,养护期间经常保持表面湿润,在砼强度达到70,时,可拆除承重模板。 ,、土方回填 当砼达到强度时,为方便上部工程施工,要回填基坑,回填材料必须为能被压实的材料,回填时两侧同步进行。 3. 引桥墩身施工 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasona免责声明:中国交通资料网所有资料都来源于本站论坛和个人投稿,版权归发帖及投稿者所有,本站不对ble. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 其内容的正确性或可靠性负责,如有侵权行为请及时与我们联系。 北引桥墩身为独柱式墩,截面为椭圆形,变截面,墩身厚为1.8m,高15m左右。在上游水面设有破冰体。由于墩身较高,一次浇注垂直度不容易控制,为了保证施工质量,拟采用在承台上搭设钢管脚手架,分三次浇筑完成,每段5,6m,破冰体一次浇筑完成。 ,、测量放样、凿毛 用全站仪在承台上将墩身边线定出,并弹上墨线。再将这部分砼表面进行凿毛,冲洗干净,以保证墩身的质量。 ,、钢筋施工 钢筋进场后,经检验合格并经监理工程师认可后,在场地成型,然后运到现场进行绑扎。钢筋绑扎时,严格控制绑扎质量。主筋的接头错开布置,两接头间距不小于1.3倍搭接长度,在搭接长度区段内钢筋接头面积不大于其截面积的50,,双面焊缝长度不就大于5d(d为钢筋直径),单面焊缝长度不小于10d。钢筋的加工质量应满足规范要求。 钢筋绑扎好后,要在其上布置间距1m的垫块。垫块用与墩身砼标号相同的小石子砼制成,其厚度为净保护层的厚度。 ,、墩身模板 模板采用大块钢模板,在模板的上下设有工作平台,并设有上下爬梯,便于施工人员的操作及模板的拆、装。在安装模板前,首先要进行除锈,涂刷脱模剂。 模板的吊装利用设置在中央分隔带的塔吊起吊,就位后模板间用螺栓连接牢固,两侧模间采用对拉螺杆接紧,模的拼接要平整,严密不漏浆。 安装好后,分别在横桥向和顺桥向用仪器对其垂直度及轴线进行检查,并用导链校正直至合格,经监理工程师批准方可浇注砼。 ,、砼浇筑 砼采用输送泵直接泵入,采用水平层浇筑,每层厚度不大于30cm。用插入式振捣器振捣,振捣要均匀,间距不大于50cm。振捣时采用快插慢提的方式,以砼不再下沉,无明显气泡,泛浆为振好的标志。振捣中也应注意防止过振,而造成砼离析。 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 中国交通资料网 砼的养生采用土工布覆盖,洒水养生。 ,、下一级墩身的施工 在上一级施工完毕经监理工程师同意后,开始进行下一级的施工。具体施工与上所述基本相同,只是上一级的模板不拆除,下一级的模板直接放于其上,两极模板间用螺栓连接固定。 墩身施工时应预埋上部梁体现浇时的各种预埋件。 B2 路面底基层及基层施工方法的建议 1. 二灰土底基层施工 二灰土底基层采用混合料采用WDB300A型、300T/H拌合站集中拌合,自卸汽车运输,摊铺机摊铺,压路机碾压密实。 1.1 施工工艺 1.1.1 试验段 选择长度不为100M的试验段,确定拌和、摊铺、压实等设备配置; 测试其干容重、含水量,使混合料在最佳含水量时达到规定压实度的压实系数、压实遍数、压实程序的施工工艺。并报请监理工程师批准。 1.1.2 准备下承层 对下承层顶面的平整度、路拱横坡、宽度、高程、压实度、强度等进行验收检测,各项指标必须满足规范和设计要求。 1.1.3 施工放样 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasona免责声明:中国交通资料网所有资料都来源于本站论坛和个人投稿,版权归发帖及投稿者所有,本站不对ble. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 其内容的正确性或可靠性负责,如有侵权行为请及时与我们联系。 在下承层上恢复中线。直线段每20M设一桩,平曲线段每10M设一桩,并在两侧路肩边缘外设指示桩。 进行水平测量,在两侧指示桩上用明显标记出二灰土边缘的设计高。 1.1.4 混合料的拌和 根据已批准的配合比,石灰、粉煤灰按重量比例掺配,并以重量比加水。拌和时加水时间及加水量应有记录,以提交监理工程师检验 1.1.5 混合料的运输 采用15T-18T的自卸汽车运输,速度宜缓,控制在30KM/H以内,以减少不均匀碾压或车辙。保持装载高度均匀,以防离析,注意卸料速度、数量与摊厚度及宽度。 1.1.6 摊铺和整型 为保证平整度,拟采用摊铺机全幅一次进行摊铺,使混合料按要求的松铺厚度,均匀地摊铺在要求宽度上。 摊铺时混合料的含水量宜高于最佳含水量0.5,1.0%,以补偿摊铺及碾压过程中的水份损失。及时按规定的路拱进行整型。 1.1.7 碾压 混合料经摊铺和整型后,应立即在全宽范围内进行碾压。直线段,由两侧向中心碾压。每道碾压应与上道碾压相重叠,使每层整个厚度和宽度完全均匀地压实到规定的密实度为止。压实后表面应平整无轮迹或隆起,且断面正确,路拱符合要求。 碾压过程中,二灰土的表面始终保持潮湿。如表面水蒸发得快,及时补洒少量的水。 严禁压路机在已完成的或正在碾压的路段上“调头”和急刹车,以保证表面不受破坏。 1.1.8 养生 碾压完成后应立即进行养生。养生时间不应少于7d。养生方法可视具体情况采用洒水,或养生液等。养生期间应封闭交通。不通封闭时,须经schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 中国交通资料网 监理工程师批准,应将车速限制在15km/h以下,且应禁止重型车辆通行。 2. 水泥稳定碎石基层 本合同段基层采用34CM厚水泥稳定碎石,水泥稳定碎石基层采用集中厂拌法,分两层施工,施工前进行混合料配合比设计,报监理工程师审批,进行试验段试验,混合料采用WDB300A型、300T/H拌合站集中拌合,自卸汽车运输,两台摊铺机一前一后成梯队式摊铺,压路机碾压密实。 2.1 材料 2.1.1 水泥 采用普通硅酸盐水泥,不得使用快硬水泥、早强水泥,而应选用终凝时间较长的水泥,终凝时间应在6h以上。 所有水泥应取自监理工程师同意的产源,并按有关规定分批进行抽检试验,受潮、过期、不合格的水泥严禁使用。 2.1.2 水 水应洁净,不含有害物质。对可疑水源的水,应按JTJ056--84《公路工程水质分析操作规程》进行试验,未经临理工程师批准,不得使用。 2.1.3 碎石 A.集料的最大粒径不应大于31.5mm(方孔筛),压碎值不大于30%。 B.集料的颗粒组成及塑性指数应符合设计及规范要求。 C.集料中有机质含量不应超过2%,硫酸盐含量不应超过0.25%。 D.颗粒组成至少选用两种规格的集料配制而成,严禁使用“通料”。 2.1.4 外加剂 半刚性基层易产生收缩缩缝,影响路面质量;水泥终凝时间过短不利于施工安排,影响成型质量。因此,为最大限度地减少基层收缩裂缝和延长水泥终凝时间达到6h以上,则必须掺入合适的缓凝阻裂剂,其质量由业主中心试验室确认,一般掺量为水泥用量的3,4%。 2.2 混合料配合比设计 在工程开工之前,应首先在工地试验室通过试验设计几种混合料配合比,经驻地监理组审核后,报业主批准后,方可用于施工。 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasona免责声明:中国交通资料网所有资料都来源于本站论坛和个人投稿,版权归发帖及投稿者所有,本站不对ble. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 其内容的正确性或可靠性负责,如有侵权行为请及时与我们联系。 工地实际使用的水泥剂量可比室内试验确定的剂量适当增加,但最多不超过0.5%,并取得监理工程师的批准。 2.3 试验段 A.在试验段开始之前14d,应提出关于不同试验方案的完整的书面说明,送交监理工程师批准。 B.应在路幅的一侧车道上,选择长度不少于100M作为试验段。 C.试验段的目的:检验施工设备能否满足备料、拌和、摊铺和压实的施工方法、施工组织,以及一次施工长度的适应性,作为工程施工的控制依据。 D.测试其干容重、含水量,使混合料在最佳含水量时达到规定压实度的压实系数、压实遍数、压实程序的施工工艺。 E.试验应在监理工程师在场的情况下进行。试验段的试验结果应达到规定要求,并取得监理工程师批准。 F.如果试验段经监理工程师批准验收,则并入路幅之内,试验结果作为工程施工的控制依据。如试验路段不合格,应移出重做试验。 2.4 施工工艺 施工工艺流程:准备下承层?施工放样?混合料拌制?混合料运输?摊铺?碾压?养生。 2.4.1 准备下承层 A.对底基层顶面的平整度、路拱横坡、宽度、高程、压实度、强度等进行验收检测,各项指标必须满足规范和设计要求。 B.对于底基层的低洼和坑洞,应仔细填补并压实;搓板和辙槽,应刮除;松散处,应耙松洒水并重新碾压,达到平整密实。 C.应逐个断面检查下承层标高是否符合设计要求。 D.在槽式断面的路段,两侧路肩上每隔一定距离(5,10M)应交错开挖泄水沟(或做盲沟)。 2.4.2 施工放样 A.在底基层上恢复中线。直线段每20M设一桩,平曲线段每10M设一桩,并在两侧路肩边缘外设指示桩。 B.直线段每10M、平曲线段每5M设一边桩,进行水平测量。采用两侧钢丝作schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 中国交通资料网 为摊铺机行驶导向线和标高控制线。钢丝为扭绕式,直径6mm,钢丝安装拉力大于800N,每8m,10m间距设一钢丝支架,严格测量架上钢丝顶点标高,以确保基层顶面高程和平整度。 2.4.3 混合料的拌和 A.在拌和站集中厂料,采用WDB300A拌和机拌和。 B.根据已批准的配合比,水泥与集料按重量比例掺配,并以重量比加水。拌和时加水时间及加水量应有记录,以提交监理工程师检验。各成分的配比偏差应在下列范围之内: 集料 ?2% 重量比 水泥 ?0.5% 重量比 C.当进行拌和操作时,稳定料加入方式应能保证自始至终均匀分布于被稳定材料中。拌和机内的死角中得不到充分搅动的材料,应及时排除。 在拌和机的供应线上为抽取试样提供安全方便的设备。 D. 2.4.4 混合料的运输 A.采用大型自卸汽车运输,速度宜缓,控制在30KM/H以内,以减少不均匀碾压或车辙。 B.混合料在运输中应加以覆盖,以防水分蒸发。 C.保持装载高度均匀,以防离析。 D.应注意卸料速度、数量与摊铺厚度及宽度相适应。 E.拌和的混合料应尽快摊铺。 2.4.5 摊铺和整型 A.为保证平整度,拟采用两台摊铺机成梯队式布置全幅一次进行摊铺,使混合料按要求的松铺厚度,均匀地摊铺在要求宽度上。两台摊铺机前后相距5,8米,熨平板搭接30,50CM,全幅一起进行碾压。 B.摊铺时混合料的含水量宜高于最佳含水量0.5,1.0%,以补偿摊铺及碾压过程中的水份损失。 C.及时按规定的路拱进行整型。 2.4.6 碾压 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasona免责声明:中国交通资料网所有资料都来源于本站论坛和个人投稿,版权归发帖及投稿者所有,本站不对ble. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 其内容的正确性或可靠性负责,如有侵权行为请及时与我们联系。 A.混合料经摊铺和整型后,应立即在全宽范围内进行碾压。直线段,由两侧向中心碾压;超高段,由内侧向外侧碾压。每道碾压应与上道碾压相重叠,使每层整个厚度和宽度完全均匀地压实到规定的密实度为止。压实后表面应平整无轮迹或隆起,且断面正确,路拱符合要求。 B.碾压过程中,水泥稳定碎石的表面应始终保持潮湿。如表面水蒸发得快,应及时补洒少量的水。 C.严禁压路机在已完成的或正在碾压的路段上“调头”和急刹车,以保证水泥稳定碎石层表面不受破坏。 D.施工中,从加水拌和到碾压终了的延迟时间宜为2,3h,但最迟不得超过水泥的终凝时间。 2.4.7 横向接缝处理 A.用摊铺机摊铺混合料时,中间不宜中断,如因故中断时间超过2小时,应设置横向接缝,摊铺机应驶离混合料末端。 B.人工将末端混合料弄整齐,紧靠混合料放两根方木,方木的高度应与混合料的压实厚度相同;整平紧靠方木的混合料; C.方木的另一侧用碎石回填约3米长,其高度应高出方木几厘米; D.将混合料碾压密实; E.在重新开始摊铺混合料之前,将碎石和方木除去,并将下承层顶面清扫干净; F.摊铺机返回到已压实层的末端,重新开始摊铺混合料; G.如摊铺中断后,末按上述方法处理横向接缝,而中断时间已超过2,3小时,则应将摊铺机附近及其下面末经压实的混合料铲除,并将已碾压密实且高程和平整度符合要求的末端挖成一横向(与路中心线垂直)垂直向下的断面,然后再摊铺新的混合料。 2.4.8 养生 碾压完成后应立即进行养生。养生时间不应少于7d。采用洒水养生或草袋覆盖洒水养生。养生期间应封闭交通。不能封闭时,须经监理工程师批准,并将车速限制在15km/h以下,且应禁止重型车辆通行。 2.4.9 气候条件 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 中国交通资料网 工地气温低于5?时,不应进行施工。雨季施工,应特别注意天气变化,勿使水泥和混合料受雨淋。降雨时应停止施工,但已摊铺的混合料应在雨前尽快碾压密实。 2.4.10 取样和试验 水泥稳定碎石混合料应在施工现场每天取样二次或每拌和1000t混合料取样一次,并按JTJ057--94《公路工程无机结合料稳定材料试验规程》标准方法进行含水量、水泥含量和无侧限抗压强度试验。在已完成的基层上每1000m随机取样3次,按JTJ051--93《公路土工试验规程》或JTJ057--94《公路工程无机结合料稳定材料试验规程》规定进行压实度试验,并检查其它项目。所有试验结果,均报监理工程师审批。 B3 沥青混凝土路面施工的建议 1. 沥青砼路面施工 1.1 施工方法 采用沥青砼拌和站集中拌制混合料,大型自卸汽车运输,摊铺机全幅一次摊铺,压路机全幅一次碾压成型。 1.2 施工工艺流程 准备下承层?施工放样?备料、配合比设计?热拌沥青混合料拌制?运输?摊铺?碾压?整型?开放交通。 1.2.1 准备下承层 A(对基层顶面的平整度、路拱横坡、路基宽度、高程、压实度、强度等进行验收检测,各项指标必须满足规范和设计要求,同时应检查并保证基层顶面无任何松散材料和软弱地点。浇洒透层沥青,待透层沥青完全下透后,用层铺法再喷洒封层沥青,然后进行沥青面层施工。 B(铺筑沥青混合料前,应检查确认工作面的质量。当工作面的质量不符合要求,或未按规定洒布透层、粘层、铺筑下封层时,不得铺筑沥青面层。 C(路缘、路沟、检查井和其它结构物的接触面上应均匀地涂上一薄层沥青,然后才能紧靠着这些接触面摊铺沥青混合料。 1.2.2 施工放样 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasona免责声明:中国交通资料网所有资料都来源于本站论坛和个人投稿,版权归发帖及投稿者所有,本站不对ble. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 其内容的正确性或可靠性负责,如有侵权行为请及时与我们联系。 A.在基层上恢复中线。直线段每20M设一桩,平曲线段每10M设一桩,并在两侧路肩边缘外设指示桩。 B. 进行水平测量。为保证沥青面层的标高,下面层摊铺厚度采用两侧钢丝引导的高程控制方式。钢丝为扭绕式,直径6mm,钢丝安装拉力大于800N,每8m,10m间距设一钢丝支架,严格测量架上钢丝顶点标高,以确保下面层的高程和平整度;中、上面层摊铺采用摊铺层前后保持相同高差的雪撬式摊铺厚度自动控制方式。 1.2.3 备料 沥青材料加热 A(沥青材料应采用导热油加热。 B(温度应调节到能使拌和的沥青混合料出厂温度符合表2的要求,并保证按均匀温度把沥青材料源源不断地从贮料器输送到拌和机内。 C(不应使用正在起泡或加热超过170?的沥青胶结料。 集料加热 A(集料应加热到能使沥青混合料出厂温度符合规范要求。 B(集料在送进拌和设备时的含水量不应超过1%。 C(烤干用的火焰应调节适当,以免烤坏和熏黑集料。 D(干燥滚筒拌和机出料时的混合料含水量不应超过1%(按AASHTO--110标准测定)。 1.2.4 混合料的拌和 (1)集料和沥青材料应按工地配合比公式规定的用量测定和送进拌和机。送入拌和机里的集料温度、在拌和机内及出厂的混合料的温度应符合表2的要求。 (2)把规定数量的集料和沥青材料送进拌和机后,应把这两种材料充分拌和直至所有集料颗粒都完全被均匀地裹覆,沥青材料也完全分布到整个混合料中为止。 对混合料拌和的均匀性随时进行检查,如果出现花白石子,应停机分析原因予以改进。其原因大致如下:(1)搅拌时间不够;(2)细颗粒矿料比例增大,特别是加入矿粉量增多;(3)沥青用量不够;(4)矿料或沥青加热温度不够。可能是其中一项原因,也可能是几项原因。 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 中国交通资料网 花白混合料不能出厂,必须废弃。 沥青面层混合料的拌和机应有贮料仓设备,拌好的沥青混合料从拌缸卸入提升小车,送入贮料仓中暂存,而后再卸入运料汽车内,贮料仓的贮料能力应至少60T。 1.2.5混合料的运输 (1)施工前对全体驾驶员进行培训,加强对汽车保养,避免运料途中汽车抛锚混合料冷却受损;装料时汽车应前后移动,避免混合料离析。 (2)从拌和机向运料车上放料时,应每卸一斗混合料挪动一下汽车位置,以减少粗集料的离析现象。 (3)沥青混合料运输车的运量应较拌和能力或摊铺速度有所富余,施工过程中摊铺机前方应有运料车在等候卸料。开始摊铺时在施工现场等候卸料的运料车不宜少于5辆。 (4)连续摊铺过程中,运料车应在摊铺机前10,30cm处停住,不得撞击摊铺机。卸料过程中运料车应挂空档,靠摊铺机推动前进,以确保摊铺层的平整度。 (5)沥青混合料运至摊铺地点后应凭运料单接收,并检查拌和质量。不符合规定温度要求,或已经结成团块、已遭雨淋湿的混合料不得铺筑在道路上。 1.2.6 混合料的摊铺 (1)混合料摊铺温度应根据沥青品种、标号、粘度、气候条件及铺筑层的厚度,经试验后确定,并符合表2的要求。施工气温低于10?时不宜摊铺。 (2)混合料应用沥青混凝土摊铺机在建好的基础上摊铺。为保证沥青面层的标高,下面层摊铺厚度采用两侧钢丝引导的高程控制方式。中、上面层摊铺采用摊铺层前后保持相同高差的雪撬式摊铺厚度自动控制方式。 (3)沥青混合料的摊铺厚度应为设计层厚乘以松铺系数;松铺系数应通过试铺碾压测定;也可按JTJ032--94《公路沥青路面施工技术规范》表7.6.8的规定采用(一般为1.15,1.35)。摊铺过程中应随时检查摊铺层厚度及路拱、横坡,并按规范由使用的混合料总量与面积校验平均厚度,不符要求时应根据铺筑情况及时进行调整。 (4)上下两层之间的横向接缝应错开1m以上。 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasona免责声明:中国交通资料网所有资料都来源于本站论坛和个人投稿,版权归发帖及投稿者所有,本站不对ble. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 其内容的正确性或可靠性负责,如有侵权行为请及时与我们联系。 (5)沥青混合料必须缓慢、均匀、连续不间断地摊铺。摊铺过程中不得随意变换速度或中途停顿。摊铺速度应根据拌和机产量、施工机械配套情况及摊铺层厚度、宽度按下式确定,并应符合2,6m/min的要求。 V=100Q?C/60D?W?T 式中 V--摊铺机摊铺速度,m/min; 3 D—压实成型后沥青混合料的密度,t/m; Q—拌和机产量,t/h; W--摊铺宽度,m; T--摊铺层压实成型后的平均厚度,cm; C—效率系数。根据材料供应、运输能力等配套情况确定,宜为 0.6,0.8。 在铺筑过程中,摊铺机螺旋送料器应不停顿的转动,两侧应保持有不少于送料器高度2/3的混合料,并保证在摊铺机全宽度断面上不发生离析。在熨平板按所需厚度固定后,不得随意调整。 (6)用机械摊铺的混合料,不应用人工反复修整。当出现下列情况时,可用人工局部找补或更换混合料: A.横断面不符合要求。 B.构造物接头部位缺料。 C.摊铺带边缘局部缺料。 D.表面明显不平整。 E.摊铺机后有明显的拖痕。 7)人工找补或更换混合料应在现场主管人员指导下进行。缺陷较严重时,( 应予铲除,并调整摊铺机或改进摊铺工艺。当属机械原因引起严重缺陷时,应立即停止摊铺。人工修补时,工人不宜站在热混合料层面上操作。 (8)多层沥青混凝土面层当下层受到污染路段,铺筑上层前应对下层进行清扫或冲洗干净,并宜浇洒粘层沥青。 1.2.7 压实 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 中国交通资料网 (1)压实后的沥青混合料应符合压实度及平整度的要求,沥青混合料的分层压实厚度不得大于10cm。 (2)应选择合理的压路机组合方式和碾压步骤,以达到最佳结果。沥青混合料压实采用钢筒式静态压路机与轮胎压路机或振动压路机组合的方式。压路机的数量应根据生产率决定。 (4)沥青混合料的压实应按初压、复压、终压(包括成型)三个阶段进行。压路机应以慢而均匀的速度碾压,压路机的碾压速度应符合下表的规定。 压路机碾压速度(km/h) 初压 复压 终压 压路机类型 适宜 最大 适宜 最大 适宜 最大 钢筒式压路机 1.5,2 3 2.5,3.5 3 2.5,3.5 5 轮胎压路机 3.5,4.5 8 4,6 8 1.5,2 5 4,5 4,5 2,3 5 振动压路机 静压 静压 振动 振动 静压 静压 (5)沥青混合料的初压应符合下列要求: a.初压应在混合料摊铺后较高温度下进行,并不得产生推移、发裂,压实温度应根据沥青稠度、压路机类型、气温、铺筑层厚度、混合料类型经试铺试压确定。 b.压路机应从外侧向中心碾压。相邻碾压带应重叠1/3,1/2轮宽,最后碾压路中心部分,压完全幅为一遍。当边缘有挡板、路缘石、路肩等支挡时,应紧靠支挡碾压。当边缘无支挡时,可用耙子将边缘的混合料稍稍耙高,然后将压路机的外侧轮伸出边缘10cm以上碾压。也可在边缘先空出空30,40cm,待压完第一遍后,将压路机大部分重量位于已压实过的混合料面上再压边缘,以减少向外推移。 c.应采用轻型钢筒式压路机碾压2遍,其线压力不宜小于350N/cm。初压后检查平整度、路拱,必要时予以适当修整。 d.碾压时应将驱动轮面向摊辅机。碾压路线及碾压方向不应突然改变而导致混合料产生推移。压路机起动、停止必须减速缓慢进行。 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasona免责声明:中国交通资料网所有资料都来源于本站论坛和个人投稿,版权归发帖及投稿者所有,本站不对ble. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 其内容的正确性或可靠性负责,如有侵权行为请及时与我们联系。 (6)复压应紧接在初压后进行,并符合下列要求: a.复压宜采用重型的轮胎压路机,也可采用振动压路机或钢筒式压路机。碾压遍数应经试压确定,不宜少于4,6遍,达到要求的压实度,并无显著轮迹。 b.当采用轮胎压路机时,总质量不宜小于15t。碾压厚层沥青混合料,总质量不宜小于22t。轮胎充气压力不小于0.5MPa,相邻碾压带应重叠1/3,1/2的碾压轮宽度。 c.当采用三轮钢筒式压路机时,总质量宜不小于12t,相邻碾压带应重叠后轮1/2宽度。 d.当采用振动压路机时,振动频率宜为35,50HZ,振幅宜为0.3,0.8mm,并根据混合料种类、温度和层厚选用,层厚较厚时选用较大的频率和振幅,相邻碾压带重叠宽为10,20cm,振动压路机倒车时应先停止振动,并在向另一方向运动后再开始振动,以避免混合料形成鼓包。 (7)终压应紧接在复压后进行。终压可选用双轮钢筒式压路机或关闭振动的振动压路机碾压,不宜少于两遍,并无轮迹。路面压实成型的终了温度应符合表3的要求。 8)压路机的碾压段长度以摊铺速度平衡为原则选择,并保持大体稳定。( 压路机每次应由两端折回的位置阶梯形的随摊铺机向前推进,使折回处不在同一横断面上。在摊铺机连续摊铺的过程中,压路机不得随意停顿。 (9)压路机碾压过程中有沥清混合料沾轮现象时,可向碾压轮洒少量水或洗衣粉,严禁洒柴油。轮胎压路机可不洒水,或在连续碾压一段时间轮胎已发热后停止向轮胎洒水。 (10)压路机不得在未碾压成型并冷却的路段上转向、调头或停车等候。振动压路机在已成型的路面行驶时应关闭振动。 (11)对压路机无法压实的桥梁、挡土墙等构造物接头、拐弯死角、加宽部分及某些路边缘等局部地区,应采用振动夯板压实。对雨水井与各种检查井的边缘还应用人工夯锤等补充压实。 (12)在当天碾压的尚未冷却的沥青混合料层面上,不得停放任何机械设备或车辆,不得散落矿料、油料等杂物。 1.2.8 整型 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 中国交通资料网 纵向接缝 本工程采用一台摊铺机单幅全宽一次摊铺,原则上不留纵缝,在加宽带采用梯队作业摊铺或机械无法摊铺部位,纵缝采用热接缝.施工时应将已铺混合料部分留下10,20cm宽暂不碾压,作为后摊铺部分的高程基准面,再最后作跨缝碾压以消除缝迹。 相邻两幅及上下层的横向接缝均应错位1m以上,采用垂直的平接缝。铺筑接缝时,可在已压实部分上面铺设一些热混合料使之预热软化,以加强新旧混合料的粘结。但在开始碾压前应将预热用的混合料铲除。平接缝应做到紧密粘结,充分压实,连接平顺。施工可采用下述方法: 在预定摊铺段的末端先撒一薄层砂带,再摊铺混合料,待混合料稍冷却后用切割机将撒砂的部分切割整齐后取走,用于拖布吸走多余的冷却水、待完全干燥后在端部洒粘层沥青接着摊铺,不得在接头有水或潮湿的情况下铺筑混合料。 2.8.4 从接缝处起继续摊铺混合料前应用3m直尺检查端部平整度,当不1. 符合要求时,应予清除。摊铺时应调整好预留高度,接缝处摊铺层施工结束后再用3m直尺检查平整度,当有不符合要求者,应趁混合料尚未冷却时立即处理。 横向接缝的碾压应先用双轮或三轮钢筒式压路机进行横向碾压。碾压带的外侧应放置供压路机停顿的垫木,碾压时压路机应位于已压实的混合料层上,伸入新铺层的宽度为15cm。然后每压一遍向新铺混合料移动15,20cm,直至全部在新铺层上为止,再改为纵向碾压。当相邻摊铺已经成型,同时又有纵缝时,可先用钢筒式压路机沿纵缝碾压一遍,起碾压宽度为15,20cm,然后再沿横缝作横向碾压,最后进行正常的纵向碾压。 做完的摊铺层的外露边缘应准确切到要求的线位。修边切下的材料及任何其它的废弃沥青混合料均应按监理工程师同意的方式从路上清除。 1.2.9.开放交通 任一沥青混合料结构层应待摊铺层完全自然冷却,混合料表面温度低于50?后,方可开放交通。但应限制交通量,以免破坏路面。 1.3 沥青混合料的温度控制 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasona免责声明:中国交通资料网所有资料都来源于本站论坛和个人投稿,版权归发帖及投稿者所有,本站不对ble. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 其内容的正确性或可靠性负责,如有侵权行为请及时与我们联系。 (1)沥青混合料的摊铺温度应符合表2的要求,并应根据沥青标号、粘度、气温、摊铺层厚度选用。 (2)当施工气温低于10?,不宜摊铺热拌沥青混合料。必须摊铺时,应采取以下措施: A.提高混合料的拌合温度,使其符合表2的低温摊铺温度要求。 B.运料车必须覆盖保温。 C.采用高密度的摊铺机。熨平板应加热。 D.摊铺后紧接着碾压,缩短碾压长度。 C1 确定投标人的法律地位和说明有关联合经营组成的副本 有关法律文件已附,无分包人。 临时工程数量表 附表1—2 序号 工程项目 单 位 数 量 备 注 1 驻地建设 M2 18676 占地28亩 2 施工便道 KM 9.8 泥结碎石处理 3 施工便桥 M 40 利用军用梁拼组 4 预制厂 个 2 占地10亩 5 拌和站 处 2 占地5亩 6 深水井 座 6 7 蓄水池 个 4 容积60M3 8 输水管道 M 2000 ф50MM schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 中国交通资料网 变压器 台 3 500KVA、300KVA 200KVA各一台 10 低压电力线 KM 2 11 基层拌和站 个 2 占地7.5亩 12 沥青拌和场 座 1 占地30亩 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasona免责声明:中国交通资料网所有资料都来源于本站论坛和个人投稿,版权归发帖及投稿者所有,本站不对ble. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 其内容的正确性或可靠性负责,如有侵权行为请及时与我们联系。
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