首页 ASTM A416A416M-05 预应力混凝土用未涂层的7股钢绞线的标准规范

ASTM A416A416M-05 预应力混凝土用未涂层的7股钢绞线的标准规范


ASTM A416A416M-05 预应力混凝土用未涂层的7股钢绞线的标准规范ASTM A416A416M-05 预应力混凝土用未涂层的7股钢绞线的标准规范 [ 1]预应力混凝土用未涂层的7股钢绞线的标准规范 ASTM A416/A416M-05 本标准印发的是修订的A416/A416M标准,后面的数字表明标准发行时间或最新的的修订时间,圆括号中的数字表明上次修订时间,设成上标的数字标明是从修订后编辑上的改变。 本标准已被国防部相关机构批准采用。 1、 范围 1(1 本规范 包含两种和两个级别的7股未涂层的用于预应力混凝土的钢绞线。这两种钢绞线分别是低松弛的和应力全释放的(普通松...

ASTM A416A416M-05 预应力混凝土用未涂层的7股钢绞线的标准规范
ASTM A416A416M-05 预应力混凝土用未涂层的7股钢绞线的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 规范 [ 1]预应力混凝土用未涂层的7股钢绞线的标准规范 ASTM A416/A416M-05 本标准印发的是修订的A416/A416M标准,后面的数字表明标准发行时间或最新的的修订时间,圆括号中的数字表明上次修订时间,设成上标的数字标明是从修订后编辑上的改变。 本标准已被国防部相关机构批准采用。 1、 范围 1(1 本规范 包含两种和两个级别的7股未涂层的用于预应力混凝土的钢绞线。这两种钢绞线分别是低松弛的和应力全释放的(普通松弛)。低松弛钢绞线被称为标准型,应力释放的钢绞线一般不予以提供除非特别需要,或者购买者和生产者有协议。250级和270级都有最小的强度要求分别是1725(ksi)MPa和1860MPa(270ksi),各以其级别命名。 (2在英制体系和SI体系中两者的指标都认为是标准的,在本文内,英制指标1 出现在括号内。由于两种体系的指标并不是完全等价的,因此,各自的体系必须独立使用。混合使用两种指标可能导致使用本规范时没有一致性。 1(3提供者要求使用的预应力钢绞线应用于地下锚定装置时要特别要求15.2mm(0.6-in)直径的钢绞线。 2、参考引用文件 [2]2(1 ASTM 标准 A370 钢制品机械试验的标准试验方法及定义。 A981 评估预应力地下锚定装置用270级未涂覆15.2mm(0.6in)直径预应力钢绞线结合强度的标准试验方法。 E328 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 和结构件的应力松弛试验 。 2(2美国军用标准 [3]MIL-STD-129 可以装载和存贮产品的标记规定 [3]MIL-STD-163 可以装载和存贮的钢厂出产钢产品 2(3美国联邦标准 FED-STD。NO.123出厂产品的标记规定(国内机构) 3、术语 At present, we would like to take the opportunity of maintaining party member's progressiveness education activity, to strengthen and improve the Office itself. First, to strengthen ideological building, forge basic quality. Ideology construction is the important content of the construction of the contingent of cadres. Government offices at all levels to put ideological construction in construction from start to finish top of the effort to forge a political reliability, faith, quality excellent cadres. To strengthen the sense of political. For the Office, is to insist on responsibility and consistency under, firmly implement the Party Central Committee and the State Council's policies and decisions indicates that premise, "two guarantees". Is to ensure that the municipal party Committee and the implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the municipal government. Municipal Government made major policy decisions, we must unswervingly carry out, inspection tells us this is not a political problem, at this point, every one must unequivocally. Second, ensure that the views and uninterrupted. To prevent and correct "below, above difficult to hear calls for" obstruction of, really know what grass-roots do, what are people thinking, to provide government leaders with timely, accurate, and reliable information for decision-making. To strengthen the overall situation. At present, development is the overall situation of the work of the city, any organization, any sector, any person can deviate from this Centre. The County (district), the Office should focus on the big picture, from their workPractical, departments, functions, characteristics, and find its location, clear focus and direction of the work, enhance work initiative, highlights the important role of the Office in the serving, integrated services play in the overall coordination function, embody the work level. To strengthen the consciousness of lifelong learning. To strengthening learning, timely "charging", put strengthening politicale and flexibility, and strive to achieve both the overall situation, careful and thoughtful and methodical, grasp a sense of propriety. Secondly, we should further improve the meeting. Make great efforts to streamline Conference under transactional activities and leaders, so leaders can free up more time to catch events, about events. On the subject of well-chosen, check the material carefully for the Conference, the whole process of the Conference services, standardization of work. Third, we should further improve the logistics service. Carefully implement Premier Wen Jiabao "management, security, service, clean, efficient, consistent, become" directives, according to deepen reform, strengthen management and serve the overall interests, team cohesion, improve service, increase efficiency goals, to scientific management and social services as direction, intensify administrative reform, and gradually establish a highly efficient, well-coordinated and standardized logistics management system. Efforts to reduce administrative costs, strengthen the management of funds, assets, and standard position-related consumption, perfect reception system for organs and provides powerful protection and quality of life for workers and staff services. Third, strengthening quality, top-notch, image and strengthen the system of Government Office construction is not only a hub for the work of the Office, is the image "window". If your Office work, poor image, not only affects theSector as a whole, but will also affect the overall image of the Governmentemployment, business, money" as the core, conscientiously the public of important matters and human, financial, material, notOff deepening public content. To build a long-term mechanism of open Government to ensure open government institutionalization, standardization and regularization. According to the arrangements of the Municipal Government this year to full implementation of first asking duty system in the city and a handle system, 12 pilot departments of the Municipal Government to determine, in accordance with the pilot scheme, seriously implement Exchange in early April; the County (district) and the pilot departments should formulate as soon as possible practical implementation of the program, at both the city and county level in full swing in the first half. 8, solid and meticulous, improved efficiency, daily Government Affairs Services. Coordination, meetings, logistics, hospitality, daily routine work, large width, not finely, which do not put in place, will affect the proper functioning of the global work of the Government. Therefore, the Office will, do have to be careful and meticulous, careful planning, sure. One is to further improve the integrated coordination. Focus on coordinating relations between party committees and administrative departments, coordinating every aspect of left and right, up and down. Each idea before work, integrated, organized and busy but orderly; coordination process to scientific method, pay attention to the global, organic unity principlapplication reliability, avoid blind construction. To speed up the network integration, information integration, network interconnection, sharing of information resources. This year, County (district) Government Office services network to achieve broadband connectivity with the Government Office network; has not been connected to the Office network with the city municipal government departments, networking ready to, to access government office network before the end of April. Application of information technology should be placed in a prominent position, strengthening the information technology training for administrative staff, expedite the implementation of electronic document processing, the lead in the use of computer drafting, approval, issuance of official documents, as soon as possible to promote paperless and online transmission of official documents, improving the application level of the completed system. To develop and improve security measures, establish and perfect rules and regulations, implementation of the accountability system, enhance Government Web sites maintenance and network security management. To increase the intensity of work, completed the 2005 task statement of system of Government Administration informatization construction in the city. 7, results-oriented, results, further deepening the open government. This year, national and provincial public affairs work on a number of new requirements, the city also has the further development of open defined specific tasks. System of government offices are the County (district) and sectoral public affairs focal points of the work of, must come from the transformation of government functions and optimizing the development environment, set the height of the image of the Government, effective public affairs work in hand, grabbed a success. To open Government to the Government sector agencies, units and vertical management units development extends to advance on village affairs, and strive to achieve full coverage without gaps. To adhere to the "right tostrengthening the work of letters and calls. Pay attention to the working methods, to appeal to the masses to patiently listen to reflect and appeal, proactive in explaining and understanding hasty blind, simple and crude, to inflame the situation. Rational asked for the masses ... And the approach of the groups petitioning the norms, the "territorial management, hierarchical accountability" principle, competent leadership for the first time to rush to the scene, coordinated in a timely manner, pay special attention to urge implementation, weak mediation cannot be called to accountability. The County (district), the Office of the Department to improve the system of complaint letters and calls reception, determined person in charge, to strengthen organization and leadership of the work of letters and calls, and do its utmost to resolve the problem at the grass-roots, in particular, to do well in Beijing on petitioners of quanfan, lead work. To strengthen communication, to straw, tendency and major issues concerning social stability, to report the first time municipal government. 6, based on applications, standardized management, and steadily promoting the construction of e-Government. To adhere to the "demand-oriented, to promote development, planning, collaborative construction, resource sharing, security and confidentiality" construction principles, continue to build and improve the "three networks and a stock" hub of Government information system framework and application, integrated network platform and building a unified e-government information resources in the city, actively promoting the construction of e-Government in a pragmatic way. In construction, it is necessary to invest to ensure construction and combine technology and 3(1 适合本规范条目的定义 3(1(1 线、股——一一个中心钢丝被六个钢丝紧密围起来的一组钢丝,捻距为钢绞线公称直径的12到16倍。(参见GB/T5224-2003第7页) 3(2 讨论——捻制方向可能为左或右,然而,不同捻制方向的钢绞线不能拼接在一起。 4、订货内容 4(1按照本标准订货的7股低松弛应力或应力松弛(普通松弛)钢绞线应包括以下内容: 4(1(1数量(米制[英尺]) 4(1(2钢绞线直径 4(1(3钢绞线等级 4(1(4钢绞线种类 4(1(5包装 4(1(6使用的ASTM的标准及其出版年份 4(1(7如果有的话,其他特别的要求 注释1:一个典型的订货描述如下:25600m[84000英尺],13mm[0.5英寸],1860级[270]低松弛钢绞线,其中3600米[12000英尺]是不卷的,符合ASTM A416/416M-()的标准。 5、材料和产品 5(1原材料——原材料应使用碳钢,当被拉成钢丝、制造成纲绞线、热处理后,能拥有本标准规定的属性和特点。 5(2钢丝——钢绞线用钢丝是冷拉光圆钢丝。 注释2:钢绞线是七条钢丝组合成的,生产出来只是为了物理上机械力学的属性要求,所有或单个钢丝的化学属性对于钢绞线的应用不是有要求的,热胀相同性的性质也不是必须保持的。有可能不同热处理的钢丝用在同一个钢绞线卷上,对 钢丝情况的调查是在包装时的,由生产商进行和 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 。 5(3处理——制成钢绞线后,低应力松弛的钢绞线应该进行一个持续的热处理过程,以求达到规定机械性能。对于应力完全释放标准的钢绞线,热处理是必要的,在应力松弛过程产生的短暂颜色变化被认为是正常的,是这种钢绞线处理完成的表现。 6(机械力学性能 At present, we would like to take the opportunity of maintaining party member's progressiveness education activity, to strengthen and improve the Office itself. First, to strengthen ideological building, forge basic quality. Ideology construction is the important content of the construction of the contingent of cadres. Government offices at all levels to put ideological construction in construction from start to finish top of the effort to forge a political reliability, faith, quality excellent cadres. To strengthen the sense of political. For the Office, is to insist on responsibility and consistency under, firmly implement the Party Central Committee and the State Council's policies and decisions indicates that premise, "two guarantees". Is to ensure that the municipal party Committee and the implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the municipal government. Municipal Government made major policy decisions, we must unswervingly carry out, inspection tells us this is not a political problem, at this point, every one must unequivocally. Second, ensure that the views and uninterrupted. To prevent and correct "below, above difficult to hear calls for" obstruction of, really know what grass-roots do, what are people thinking, to provide government leaders with timely, accurate, and reliable information for decision-making. To strengthen the overall situation. At present, development is the overall situation of the work of the city, any organization, any sector, any person can deviate from this Centre. The County (district), the Office should focus on the big picture, from their workPractical, departments, functions, characteristics, and find its location, clear focus and direction of the work, enhance work initiative, highlights the important role of the Office in the serving, integrated services play in the overall coordination function, embody the work level. To strengthen the consciousness of lifelong learning. To strengthening learning, timely "charging", put strengthening politicale and flexibility, and strive to achieve both the overall situation, careful and thoughtful and methodical, grasp a sense of propriety. Secondly, we should further improve the meeting. Make great efforts to streamline Conference under transactional activities and leaders, so leaders can free up more time to catch events, about events. On the subject of well-chosen, check the material carefully for the Conference, the whole process of the Conference services, standardization of work. Third, we should further improve the logistics service. Carefully implement Premier Wen Jiabao "management, security, service, clean, efficient, consistent, become" directives, according to deepen reform, strengthen management and serve the overall interests, team cohesion, improve service, increase efficiency goals, to scientific management and social services as direction, intensify administrative reform, and gradually establish a highly efficient, well-coordinated and standardized logistics management system. Efforts to reduce administrative costs, strengthen the management of funds, assets, and standard position-related consumption, perfect reception system for organs and provides powerful protection and quality of life for workers and staff services. Third, strengthening quality, top-notch, image and strengthen the system of Government Office construction is not only a hub for the work of the Office, is the image "window". If your Office work, poor image, not only affects theSector as a whole, but will also affect the overall image of the Governmentemployment, business, money" as the core, conscientiously the public of important matters and human, financial, material, notOff deepening public content. To build a long-term mechanism of open Government to ensure open government institutionalization, standardization and regularization. According to the arrangements of the Municipal Government this year to full implementation of first asking duty system in the city and a handle system, 12 pilot departments of the Municipal Government to determine, in accordance with the pilot scheme, seriously implement Exchange in early April; the County (district) and the pilot departments should formulate as soon as possible practical implementation of the program, at both the city and county level in full swing in the first half. 8, solid and meticulous, improved efficiency, daily Government Affairs Services. Coordination, meetings, logistics, hospitality, daily routine work, large width, not finely, which do not put in place, will affect the proper functioning of the global work of the Government. Therefore, the Office will, do have to be careful and meticulous, careful planning, sure. One is to further improve the integrated coordination. Focus on coordinating relations between party committees and administrative departments, coordinating every aspect of left and right, up and down. Each idea before work, integrated, organized and busy but orderly; coordination process to scientific method, pay attention to the global, organic unity principlapplication reliability, avoid blind construction. To speed up the network integration, information integration, network interconnection, sharing of information resources. This year, County (district) Government Office services network to achieve broadband connectivity with the Government Office network; has not been connected to the Office network with the city municipal government departments, networking ready to, to access government office network before the end of April. Application of information technology should be placed in a prominent position, strengthening the information technology training for administrative staff, expedite the implementation of electronic document processing, the lead in the use of computer drafting, approval, issuance of official documents, as soon as possible to promote paperless and online transmission of official documents, improving the application level of the completed system. To develop and improve security measures, establish and perfect rules and regulations, implementation of the accountability system, enhance Government Web sites maintenance and network security management. To increase the intensity of work, completed the 2005 task statement of system of Government Administration informatization construction in the city. 7, results-oriented, results, further deepening the open government. This year, national and provincial public affairs work on a number of new requirements, the city also has the further development of open defined specific tasks. System of government offices are the County (district) and sectoral public affairs focal points of the work of, must come from the transformation of government functions and optimizing the development environment, set the height of the image of the Government, effective public affairs work in hand, grabbed a success. To open Government to the Government sector agencies, units and vertical management units development extends to advance on village affairs, and strive to achieve full coverage without gaps. To adhere to the "right tostrengthening the work of letters and calls. Pay attention to the working methods, to appeal to the masses to patiently listen to reflect and appeal, proactive in explaining and understanding hasty blind, simple and crude, to inflame the situation. Rational asked for the masses ... And the approach of the groups petitioning the norms, the "territorial management, hierarchical accountability" principle, competent leadership for the first time to rush to the scene, coordinated in a timely manner, pay special attention to urge implementation, weak mediation cannot be called to accountability. The County (district), the Office of the Department to improve the system of complaint letters and calls reception, determined person in charge, to strengthen organization and leadership of the work of letters and calls, and do its utmost to resolve the problem at the grass-roots, in particular, to do well in Beijing on petitioners of quanfan, lead work. To strengthen communication, to straw, tendency and major issues concerning social stability, to report the first time municipal government. 6, based on applications, standardized management, and steadily promoting the construction of e-Government. To adhere to the "demand-oriented, to promote development, planning, collaborative construction, resource sharing, security and confidentiality" construction principles, continue to build and improve the "three networks and a stock" hub of Government information system framework and application, integrated network platform and building a unified e-government information resources in the city, actively promoting the construction of e-Government in a pragmatic way. In construction, it is necessary to invest to ensure construction and combine technology and 6(1在ASTM A370(钢制品机械试验的标准试验方法及定义)的附录A7中,描述了机械性能的测试方法,低应力松弛试验则应按照E328 (材料和结构件的应力松弛试验)的规定进行。 6(2钢绞线的断裂强度应符合表1的要求 表1 破断力要求 钢绞线的横断面 钢绞线直径破断拉力(KN)每1000米钢绞钢绞线编号 上钢的面积 (mm) 不小于 线质量(Kg) 2(mm) 250级(1725MPa) 6 6.4 40 23.2 182 8 7.9 64.5 37.4 294 9 9.5 89 51.6 405 11 11.1 120.1 69.7 548 13 12.7 160.1 92.9 730 15 15.2 240.2 139.4 1094 270级(1860MPa) 9 9.53 102.3 54.8 432 11 11.11 137.9 74.2 582 13 12.7 183.7 98.7 775 13a 13.2 200.2 107.7 844 15 15.24 260.7 140 1102 6(3屈服力以在荷载下1%的延伸来衡量,对于低应力松弛的钢绞线最低要求的屈服应力是其破断拉力的90%,对于应力完全松弛的钢绞线要求是85%,见表2。(可以比较国标) 表2 屈服力要求 1%伸长时的最低屈服力要求 钢绞线公称直 (KN) 钢绞线编号 初始荷载(KN) 径(mm) 低松弛 完全松弛 250 6 6.4 4 36 34 8 7.9 6.5 58.1 64.7 At present, we would like to take the opportunity of maintaining party member's progressiveness education activity, to strengthen and improve the Office itself. First, to strengthen ideological building, forge basic quality. Ideology construction is the important content of the construction of the contingent of cadres. Government offices at all levels to put ideological construction in construction from start to finish top of the effort to forge a political reliability, faith, quality excellent cadres. To strengthen the sense of political. For the Office, is to insist on responsibility and consistency under, firmly implement the Party Central Committee and the State Council's policies and decisions indicates that premise, "two guarantees". Is to ensure that the municipal party Committee and the implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the municipal government. Municipal Government made major policy decisions, we must unswervingly carry out, inspection tells us this is not a political problem, at this point, every one must unequivocally. Second, ensure that the views and uninterrupted. To prevent and correct "below, above difficult to hear calls for" obstruction of, really know what grass-roots do, what are people thinking, to provide government leaders with timely, accurate, and reliable information for decision-making. To strengthen the overall situation. At present, development is the overall situation of the work of the city, any organization, any sector, any person can deviate from this Centre. The County (district), the Office should focus on the big picture, from their workPractical, departments, functions, characteristics, and find its location, clear focus and direction of the work, enhance work initiative, highlights the important role of the Office in the serving, integrated services play in the overall coordination function, embody the work level. To strengthen the consciousness of lifelong learning. To strengthening learning, timely "charging", put strengthening politicale and flexibility, and strive to achieve both the overall situation, careful and thoughtful and methodical, grasp a sense of propriety. Secondly, we should further improve the meeting. Make great efforts to streamline Conference under transactional activities and leaders, so leaders can free up more time to catch events, about events. On the subject of well-chosen, check the material carefully for the Conference, the whole process of the Conference services, standardization of work. Third, we should further improve the logistics service. Carefully implement Premier Wen Jiabao "management, security, service, clean, efficient, consistent, become" directives, according to deepen reform, strengthen management and serve the overall interests, team cohesion, improve service, increase efficiency goals, to scientific management and social services as direction, intensify administrative reform, and gradually establish a highly efficient, well-coordinated and standardized logistics management system. Efforts to reduce administrative costs, strengthen the management of funds, assets, and standard position-related consumption, perfect reception system for organs and provides powerful protection and quality of life for workers and staff services. Third, strengthening quality, top-notch, image and strengthen the system of Government Office construction is not only a hub for the work of the Office, is the image "window". If your Office work, poor image, not only affects theSector as a whole, but will also affect the overall image of the Governmentemployment, business, money" as the core, conscientiously the public of important matters and human, financial, material, notOff deepening public content. To build a long-term mechanism of open Government to ensure open government institutionalization, standardization and regularization. According to the arrangements of the Municipal Government this year to full implementation of first asking duty system in the city and a handle system, 12 pilot departments of the Municipal Government to determine, in accordance with the pilot scheme, seriously implement Exchange in early April; the County (district) and the pilot departments should formulate as soon as possible practical implementation of the program, at both the city and county level in full swing in the first half. 8, solid and meticulous, improved efficiency, daily Government Affairs Services. Coordination, meetings, logistics, hospitality, daily routine work, large width, not finely, which do not put in place, will affect the proper functioning of the global work of the Government. Therefore, the Office will, do have to be careful and meticulous, careful planning, sure. One is to further improve the integrated coordination. Focus on coordinating relations between party committees and administrative departments, coordinating every aspect of left and right, up and down. Each idea before work, integrated, organized and busy but orderly; coordination process to scientific method, pay attention to the global, organic unity principlapplication reliability, avoid blind construction. To speed up the network integration, information integration, network interconnection, sharing of information resources. This year, County (district) Government Office services network to achieve broadband connectivity with the Government Office network; has not been connected to the Office network with the city municipal government departments, networking ready to, to access government office network before the end of April. Application of information technology should be placed in a prominent position, strengthening the information technology training for administrative staff, expedite the implementation of electronic document processing, the lead in the use of computer drafting, approval, issuance of official documents, as soon as possible to promote paperless and online transmission of official documents, improving the application level of the completed system. To develop and improve security measures, establish and perfect rules and regulations, implementation of the accountability system, enhance Government Web sites maintenance and network security management. To increase the intensity of work, completed the 2005 task statement of system of Government Administration informatization construction in the city. 7, results-oriented, results, further deepening the open government. This year, national and provincial public affairs work on a number of new requirements, the city also has the further development of open defined specific tasks. System of government offices are the County (district) and sectoral public affairs focal points of the work of, must come from the transformation of government functions and optimizing the development environment, set the height of the image of the Government, effective public affairs work in hand, grabbed a success. To open Government to the Government sector agencies, units and vertical management units development extends to advance on village affairs, and strive to achieve full coverage without gaps. To adhere to the "right tostrengthening the work of letters and calls. Pay attention to the working methods, to appeal to the masses to patiently listen to reflect and appeal, proactive in explaining and understanding hasty blind, simple and crude, to inflame the situation. Rational asked for the masses ... And the approach of the groups petitioning the norms, the "territorial management, hierarchical accountability" principle, competent leadership for the first time to rush to the scene, coordinated in a timely manner, pay special attention to urge implementation, weak mediation cannot be called to accountability. The County (district), the Office of the Department to improve the system of complaint letters and calls reception, determined person in charge, to strengthen organization and leadership of the work of letters and calls, and do its utmost to resolve the problem at the grass-roots, in particular, to do well in Beijing on petitioners of quanfan, lead work. To strengthen communication, to straw, tendency and major issues concerning social stability, to report the first time municipal government. 6, based on applications, standardized management, and steadily promoting the construction of e-Government. To adhere to the "demand-oriented, to promote development, planning, collaborative construction, resource sharing, security and confidentiality" construction principles, continue to build and improve the "three networks and a stock" hub of Government information system framework and application, integrated network platform and building a unified e-government information resources in the city, actively promoting the construction of e-Government in a pragmatic way. In construction, it is necessary to invest to ensure construction and combine technology and 9 9.5 8.9 80.1 75.6 11 11.1 12 108.1 102.3 13 12.7 16 144.1 136.2 15 15.2 24 216.2 204.2 270 9 9.53 10.2 92.1 87 11 11.11 13.8 124.1 117.2 13 12.7 18.4 165.3 156.1 13a 13.2 20 180.1 170.1 15 15.24 26.1 234.6 221.5 6(3(1使用校准后的的最小度量不大于0.0001mm的引申计进行测定。 6(4伸长——使用的标距不小于600mm,在荷载下的总伸长率不能小于3.5%。实际中,总伸长率中有可能被屈服延伸率影响而加上这个1%的屈服延伸率或着达到屈服后夹片间钢绞线的移动。这个百分比是可以在新的夹片间标距基础上算出来的。(这一句话翻译的不专业,相当于标距因屈服延伸重新产生了新的标距,此时应该按照新标距计算总拉伸率) 6(5松弛性能——低松弛钢绞线在初始应力是70%的最小破断拉力要求时,经过1000h的在6.5.1—6.5.7描述的情况下,松弛损失不能大于2.5%,施加80%的最小破断拉力后,松弛损失不得超过3.5%。 6(5(1如果有必要,松弛性能可以有厂家提供同级类似钢绞线的测试报告。 6(5(2试验件的温度保持在20?2?。 6(5(3试验件在松弛试验前不得被施加荷载。 6(5(4初始荷载在3-5分钟内施加完,标距保持不变,荷载施加1分钟后开始记录松弛值。 6(5(5在荷载施加前,不允许对试件施加过压力。 6(5(6测试过程需要1000小时或者至少200个小时,假设200个小时可以为1000个小时的松弛值提供外推数值。 6(5(7测试的标距为钢绞线公称直径的至少60倍,如果这样的标距超过了伸长仪或测试机器的容许,可以以40倍公称直径的标距代替。 7(尺寸和允许偏差 7(1钢绞线的尺寸以米制[英尺]的公称直径表示。中间的钢丝的直径要比其余六At present, we would like to take the opportunity of maintaining party member's progressiveness education activity, to strengthen and improve the Office itself. First, to strengthen ideological building, forge basic quality. Ideology construction is the important content of the construction of the contingent of cadres. Government offices at all levels to put ideological construction in construction from start to finish top of the effort to forge a political reliability, faith, quality excellent cadres. To strengthen the sense of political. For the Office, is to insist on responsibility and consistency under, firmly implement the Party Central Committee and the State Council's policies and decisions indicates that premise, "two guarantees". Is to ensure that the municipal party Committee and the implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the municipal government. Municipal Government made major policy decisions, we must unswervingly carry out, inspection tells us this is not a political problem, at this point, every one must unequivocally. Second, ensure that the views and uninterrupted. To prevent and correct "below, above difficult to hear calls for" obstruction of, really know what grass-roots do, what are people thinking, to provide government leaders with timely, accurate, and reliable information for decision-making. To strengthen the overall situation. At present, development is the overall situation of the work of the city, any organization, any sector, any person can deviate from this Centre. The County (district), the Office should focus on the big picture, from their workPractical, departments, functions, characteristics, and find its location, clear focus and direction of the work, enhance work initiative, highlights the important role of the Office in the serving, integrated services play in the overall coordination function, embody the work level. To strengthen the consciousness of lifelong learning. To strengthening learning, timely "charging", put strengthening politicale and flexibility, and strive to achieve both the overall situation, careful and thoughtful and methodical, grasp a sense of propriety. Secondly, we should further improve the meeting. Make great efforts to streamline Conference under transactional activities and leaders, so leaders can free up more time to catch events, about events. On the subject of well-chosen, check the material carefully for the Conference, the whole process of the Conference services, standardization of work. Third, we should further improve the logistics service. Carefully implement Premier Wen Jiabao "management, security, service, clean, efficient, consistent, become" directives, according to deepen reform, strengthen management and serve the overall interests, team cohesion, improve service, increase efficiency goals, to scientific management and social services as direction, intensify administrative reform, and gradually establish a highly efficient, well-coordinated and standardized logistics management system. Efforts to reduce administrative costs, strengthen the management of funds, assets, and standard position-related consumption, perfect reception system for organs and provides powerful protection and quality of life for workers and staff services. Third, strengthening quality, top-notch, image and strengthen the system of Government Office construction is not only a hub for the work of the Office, is the image "window". If your Office work, poor image, not only affects theSector as a whole, but will also affect the overall image of the Governmentemployment, business, money" as the core, conscientiously the public of important matters and human, financial, material, notOff deepening public content. To build a long-term mechanism of open Government to ensure open government institutionalization, standardization and regularization. According to the arrangements of the Municipal Government this year to full implementation of first asking duty system in the city and a handle system, 12 pilot departments of the Municipal Government to determine, in accordance with the pilot scheme, seriously implement Exchange in early April; the County (district) and the pilot departments should formulate as soon as possible practical implementation of the program, at both the city and county level in full swing in the first half. 8, solid and meticulous, improved efficiency, daily Government Affairs Services. Coordination, meetings, logistics, hospitality, daily routine work, large width, not finely, which do not put in place, will affect the proper functioning of the global work of the Government. Therefore, the Office will, do have to be careful and meticulous, careful planning, sure. One is to further improve the integrated coordination. Focus on coordinating relations between party committees and administrative departments, coordinating every aspect of left and right, up and down. Each idea before work, integrated, organized and busy but orderly; coordination process to scientific method, pay attention to the global, organic unity principlapplication reliability, avoid blind construction. To speed up the network integration, information integration, network interconnection, sharing of information resources. This year, County (district) Government Office services network to achieve broadband connectivity with the Government Office network; has not been connected to the Office network with the city municipal government departments, networking ready to, to access government office network before the end of April. Application of information technology should be placed in a prominent position, strengthening the information technology training for administrative staff, expedite the implementation of electronic document processing, the lead in the use of computer drafting, approval, issuance of official documents, as soon as possible to promote paperless and online transmission of official documents, improving the application level of the completed system. To develop and improve security measures, establish and perfect rules and regulations, implementation of the accountability system, enhance Government Web sites maintenance and network security management. To increase the intensity of work, completed the 2005 task statement of system of Government Administration informatization construction in the city. 7, results-oriented, results, further deepening the open government. This year, national and provincial public affairs work on a number of new requirements, the city also has the further development of open defined specific tasks. System of government offices are the County (district) and sectoral public affairs focal points of the work of, must come from the transformation of government functions and optimizing the development environment, set the height of the image of the Government, effective public affairs work in hand, grabbed a success. To open Government to the Government sector agencies, units and vertical management units development extends to advance on village affairs, and strive to achieve full coverage without gaps. To adhere to the "right tostrengthening the work of letters and calls. Pay attention to the working methods, to appeal to the masses to patiently listen to reflect and appeal, proactive in explaining and understanding hasty blind, simple and crude, to inflame the situation. Rational asked for the masses ... And the approach of the groups petitioning the norms, the "territorial management, hierarchical accountability" principle, competent leadership for the first time to rush to the scene, coordinated in a timely manner, pay special attention to urge implementation, weak mediation cannot be called to accountability. The County (district), the Office of the Department to improve the system of complaint letters and calls reception, determined person in charge, to strengthen organization and leadership of the work of letters and calls, and do its utmost to resolve the problem at the grass-roots, in particular, to do well in Beijing on petitioners of quanfan, lead work. To strengthen communication, to straw, tendency and major issues concerning social stability, to report the first time municipal government. 6, based on applications, standardized management, and steadily promoting the construction of e-Government. To adhere to the "demand-oriented, to promote development, planning, collaborative construction, resource sharing, security and confidentiality" construction principles, continue to build and improve the "three networks and a stock" hub of Government information system framework and application, integrated network platform and building a unified e-government information resources in the city, actively promoting the construction of e-Government in a pragmatic way. In construction, it is necessary to invest to ensure construction and combine technology and 个钢丝的直径大根据表3。 表3 中间钢丝与其余钢丝的直径关系 钢绞线公称直 钢绞线编号 中间钢丝和其余钢丝的最小直径差(mm) 径(mm) 250级 6 6.4 0.025 8 7.9 0.038 9 9.5 0.051 11 11.1 0.064 13 12.7 0.076 15 15.2 0.102 270级 9 9.53 0.0508 11 11.11 0.0636 13 12.7 0.0762 13a 13.2 0.0762 15 15.24 0.1016 7(3直径的允许偏差 7(3(1所有250级标准的钢绞线,公称直径尺寸允许偏差?0.4mm。 7(3(2所有270级标准的钢绞线,公称直径尺寸允许偏差+0.65,-0.15mm。 7(3(3由于单个钢丝直径不同和钢绞线直径在规定误差范围内引起的在横截面面积和单位应力上的差别不能成为被拒绝的理由。 7(4 特别说明的是低松弛和应力完全释放的公称直径19mm的钢绞线可能被使用,假设破断拉力是给定的,则屈服力按照6.3规定,其它指标类似。 8(工艺、完成及外观 8(1接缝 8(1(1除非购买者特别允许,在任何长度内,不允许出现钢绞线接缝或接头。 8(1(2在钢绞线的单根钢丝生产过程中,焊接只允许出现在最后的热处理前,或者在最后热处理的过程中,例如:专门的或者控制的冷却。这样在经过第一次拉拔后钢丝上将没有焊缝出现,除非如8.1.3的假设。 At present, we would like to take the opportunity of maintaining party member's progressiveness education activity, to strengthen and improve the Office itself. First, to strengthen ideological building, forge basic quality. Ideology construction is the important content of the construction of the contingent of cadres. Government offices at all levels to put ideological construction in construction from start to finish top of the effort to forge a political reliability, faith, quality excellent cadres. To strengthen the sense of political. For the Office, is to insist on responsibility and consistency under, firmly implement the Party Central Committee and the State Council's policies and decisions indicates that premise, "two guarantees". Is to ensure that the municipal party Committee and the implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the municipal government. Municipal Government made major policy decisions, we must unswervingly carry out, inspection tells us this is not a political problem, at this point, every one must unequivocally. Second, ensure that the views and uninterrupted. To prevent and correct "below, above difficult to hear calls for" obstruction of, really know what grass-roots do, what are people thinking, to provide government leaders with timely, accurate, and reliable information for decision-making. To strengthen the overall situation. At present, development is the overall situation of the work of the city, any organization, any sector, any person can deviate from this Centre. The County (district), the Office should focus on the big picture, from their workPractical, departments, functions, characteristics, and find its location, clear focus and direction of the work, enhance work initiative, highlights the important role of the Office in the serving, integrated services play in the overall coordination function, embody the work level. To strengthen the consciousness of lifelong learning. To strengthening learning, timely "charging", put strengthening politicale and flexibility, and strive to achieve both the overall situation, careful and thoughtful and methodical, grasp a sense of propriety. Secondly, we should further improve the meeting. Make great efforts to streamline Conference under transactional activities and leaders, so leaders can free up more time to catch events, about events. On the subject of well-chosen, check the material carefully for the Conference, the whole process of the Conference services, standardization of work. Third, we should further improve the logistics service. Carefully implement Premier Wen Jiabao "management, security, service, clean, efficient, consistent, become" directives, according to deepen reform, strengthen management and serve the overall interests, team cohesion, improve service, increase efficiency goals, to scientific management and social services as direction, intensify administrative reform, and gradually establish a highly efficient, well-coordinated and standardized logistics management system. Efforts to reduce administrative costs, strengthen the management of funds, assets, and standard position-related consumption, perfect reception system for organs and provides powerful protection and quality of life for workers and staff services. Third, strengthening quality, top-notch, image and strengthen the system of Government Office construction is not only a hub for the work of the Office, is the image "window". If your Office work, poor image, not only affects theSector as a whole, but will also affect the overall image of the Governmentemployment, business, money" as the core, conscientiously the public of important matters and human, financial, material, notOff deepening public content. To build a long-term mechanism of open Government to ensure open government institutionalization, standardization and regularization. According to the arrangements of the Municipal Government this year to full implementation of first asking duty system in the city and a handle system, 12 pilot departments of the Municipal Government to determine, in accordance with the pilot scheme, seriously implement Exchange in early April; the County (district) and the pilot departments should formulate as soon as possible practical implementation of the program, at both the city and county level in full swing in the first half. 8, solid and meticulous, improved efficiency, daily Government Affairs Services. Coordination, meetings, logistics, hospitality, daily routine work, large width, not finely, which do not put in place, will affect the proper functioning of the global work of the Government. Therefore, the Office will, do have to be careful and meticulous, careful planning, sure. One is to further improve the integrated coordination. Focus on coordinating relations between party committees and administrative departments, coordinating every aspect of left and right, up and down. Each idea before work, integrated, organized and busy but orderly; coordination process to scientific method, pay attention to the global, organic unity principlapplication reliability, avoid blind construction. To speed up the network integration, information integration, network interconnection, sharing of information resources. This year, County (district) Government Office services network to achieve broadband connectivity with the Government Office network; has not been connected to the Office network with the city municipal government departments, networking ready to, to access government office network before the end of April. Application of information technology should be placed in a prominent position, strengthening the information technology training for administrative staff, expedite the implementation of electronic document processing, the lead in the use of computer drafting, approval, issuance of official documents, as soon as possible to promote paperless and online transmission of official documents, improving the application level of the completed system. To develop and improve security measures, establish and perfect rules and regulations, implementation of the accountability system, enhance Government Web sites maintenance and network security management. To increase the intensity of work, completed the 2005 task statement of system of Government Administration informatization construction in the city. 7, results-oriented, results, further deepening the open government. This year, national and provincial public affairs work on a number of new requirements, the city also has the further development of open defined specific tasks. System of government offices are the County (district) and sectoral public affairs focal points of the work of, must come from the transformation of government functions and optimizing the development environment, set the height of the image of the Government, effective public affairs work in hand, grabbed a success. To open Government to the Government sector agencies, units and vertical management units development extends to advance on village affairs, and strive to achieve full coverage without gaps. To adhere to the "right tostrengthening the work of letters and calls. Pay attention to the working methods, to appeal to the masses to patiently listen to reflect and appeal, proactive in explaining and understanding hasty blind, simple and crude, to inflame the situation. Rational asked for the masses ... And the approach of the groups petitioning the norms, the "territorial management, hierarchical accountability" principle, competent leadership for the first time to rush to the scene, coordinated in a timely manner, pay special attention to urge implementation, weak mediation cannot be called to accountability. The County (district), the Office of the Department to improve the system of complaint letters and calls reception, determined person in charge, to strengthen organization and leadership of the work of letters and calls, and do its utmost to resolve the problem at the grass-roots, in particular, to do well in Beijing on petitioners of quanfan, lead work. To strengthen communication, to straw, tendency and major issues concerning social stability, to report the first time municipal government. 6, based on applications, standardized management, and steadily promoting the construction of e-Government. To adhere to the "demand-oriented, to promote development, planning, collaborative construction, resource sharing, security and confidentiality" construction principles, continue to build and improve the "three networks and a stock" hub of Government information system framework and application, integrated network platform and building a unified e-government information resources in the city, actively promoting the construction of e-Government in a pragmatic way. In construction, it is necessary to invest to ensure construction and combine technology and 8(1(3在钢绞线的生产过程中,在假设每45米仅有一个接缝的情况下,允许一个钢丝上有一个粗大的焊缝。 8(1(4当特别要求“无缝”时,要提供一个没有焊缝的钢绞线,这时钢绞线可以按照8.1.3的要求进行连续的生产。 8(2生产好的钢绞线在直径上是一致的,可以与商业应用的好钢绞线惯例不一致。 8(3当钢绞线在没有被抓住的情况下切断时,钢丝不能离开位置,如果离开,可以用手复原,这时认为钢绞线仍是合格的。 8(4钢绞线不能被涂抹油脂。轻微的生锈,可以假设它是不足以生成肉眼可见的坑洼的。因此不能被拒绝。 4注释3:对于预应力钢丝生锈程度的评估是在SASON中提供的。 9(样品 9(1试验用样品从每盘钢绞线任何一端截取都是可以的,任何包含一个钢丝接头的钢绞线都被丢掉,并截取一个新的样品。 10(试验频率 10(1一个样品代表18Mg[20t]钢绞线,试验 检测 工程第三方检测合同工程防雷检测合同植筋拉拔检测方案传感器技术课后答案检测机构通用要求培训 破断拉力,屈服力,和延伸率。 11(审查 11(1如果需要外部审查,生产厂家将提供给代表购买者的审查者认为的所有合理的条件以满足物资能满足本规范要求。所有的试验和审查都要在产品运输前的地方进行。除非是同意在订货的时间,否则将认为是对工作不必要的干涉。 注释4:购买者应该声明:在下定单时是要求还是放弃审查。 12、拒绝接受 12(1任何样本的测试与本规范要求不符都将作为该样品所代表的一批材料被拒绝接受的依据。 12(2这批材料将被重新检测,从每一卷或每个包装中取一个样品进行检测,挑选出不合格的材料。 12(3如果对最初的检测结果有合理的怀疑,并认为此钢绞线能满足本规范的要求,那么将从相同的盘里选取两个样品进行试验,则任何一个样品的失败将是该钢绞线被拒绝接受的证据。 13(证明书 13(1如果放弃其他的检测,那么生产厂家对其物资根据本条款的合格检测将作At present, we would like to take the opportunity of maintaining party member's progressiveness education activity, to strengthen and improve the Office itself. First, to strengthen ideological building, forge basic quality. Ideology construction is the important content of the construction of the contingent of cadres. Government offices at all levels to put ideological construction in construction from start to finish top of the effort to forge a political reliability, faith, quality excellent cadres. To strengthen the sense of political. For the Office, is to insist on responsibility and consistency under, firmly implement the Party Central Committee and the State Council's policies and decisions indicates that premise, "two guarantees". Is to ensure that the municipal party Committee and the implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the municipal government. Municipal Government made major policy decisions, we must unswervingly carry out, inspection tells us this is not a political problem, at this point, every one must unequivocally. Second, ensure that the views and uninterrupted. To prevent and correct "below, above difficult to hear calls for" obstruction of, really know what grass-roots do, what are people thinking, to provide government leaders with timely, accurate, and reliable information for decision-making. To strengthen the overall situation. At present, development is the overall situation of the work of the city, any organization, any sector, any person can deviate from this Centre. The County (district), the Office should focus on the big picture, from their workPractical, departments, functions, characteristics, and find its location, clear focus and direction of the work, enhance work initiative, highlights the important role of the Office in the serving, integrated services play in the overall coordination function, embody the work level. To strengthen the consciousness of lifelong learning. To strengthening learning, timely "charging", put strengthening politicale and flexibility, and strive to achieve both the overall situation, careful and thoughtful and methodical, grasp a sense of propriety. Secondly, we should further improve the meeting. Make great efforts to streamline Conference under transactional activities and leaders, so leaders can free up more time to catch events, about events. On the subject of well-chosen, check the material carefully for the Conference, the whole process of the Conference services, standardization of work. Third, we should further improve the logistics service. Carefully implement Premier Wen Jiabao "management, security, service, clean, efficient, consistent, become" directives, according to deepen reform, strengthen management and serve the overall interests, team cohesion, improve service, increase efficiency goals, to scientific management and social services as direction, intensify administrative reform, and gradually establish a highly efficient, well-coordinated and standardized logistics management system. Efforts to reduce administrative costs, strengthen the management of funds, assets, and standard position-related consumption, perfect reception system for organs and provides powerful protection and quality of life for workers and staff services. Third, strengthening quality, top-notch, image and strengthen the system of Government Office construction is not only a hub for the work of the Office, is the image "window". If your Office work, poor image, not only affects theSector as a whole, but will also affect the overall image of the Governmentemployment, business, money" as the core, conscientiously the public of important matters and human, financial, material, notOff deepening public content. To build a long-term mechanism of open Government to ensure open government institutionalization, standardization and regularization. According to the arrangements of the Municipal Government this year to full implementation of first asking duty system in the city and a handle system, 12 pilot departments of the Municipal Government to determine, in accordance with the pilot scheme, seriously implement Exchange in early April; the County (district) and the pilot departments should formulate as soon as possible practical implementation of the program, at both the city and county level in full swing in the first half. 8, solid and meticulous, improved efficiency, daily Government Affairs Services. Coordination, meetings, logistics, hospitality, daily routine work, large width, not finely, which do not put in place, will affect the proper functioning of the global work of the Government. Therefore, the Office will, do have to be careful and meticulous, careful planning, sure. One is to further improve the integrated coordination. Focus on coordinating relations between party committees and administrative departments, coordinating every aspect of left and right, up and down. Each idea before work, integrated, organized and busy but orderly; coordination process to scientific method, pay attention to the global, organic unity principlapplication reliability, avoid blind construction. To speed up the network integration, information integration, network interconnection, sharing of information resources. This year, County (district) Government Office services network to achieve broadband connectivity with the Government Office network; has not been connected to the Office network with the city municipal government departments, networking ready to, to access government office network before the end of April. Application of information technology should be placed in a prominent position, strengthening the information technology training for administrative staff, expedite the implementation of electronic document processing, the lead in the use of computer drafting, approval, issuance of official documents, as soon as possible to promote paperless and online transmission of official documents, improving the application level of the completed system. To develop and improve security measures, establish and perfect rules and regulations, implementation of the accountability system, enhance Government Web sites maintenance and network security management. To increase the intensity of work, completed the 2005 task statement of system of Government Administration informatization construction in the city. 7, results-oriented, results, further deepening the open government. This year, national and provincial public affairs work on a number of new requirements, the city also has the further development of open defined specific tasks. System of government offices are the County (district) and sectoral public affairs focal points of the work of, must come from the transformation of government functions and optimizing the development environment, set the height of the image of the Government, effective public affairs work in hand, grabbed a success. To open Government to the Government sector agencies, units and vertical management units development extends to advance on village affairs, and strive to achieve full coverage without gaps. To adhere to the "right tostrengthening the work of letters and calls. Pay attention to the working methods, to appeal to the masses to patiently listen to reflect and appeal, proactive in explaining and understanding hasty blind, simple and crude, to inflame the situation. Rational asked for the masses ... And the approach of the groups petitioning the norms, the "territorial management, hierarchical accountability" principle, competent leadership for the first time to rush to the scene, coordinated in a timely manner, pay special attention to urge implementation, weak mediation cannot be called to accountability. The County (district), the Office of the Department to improve the system of complaint letters and calls reception, determined person in charge, to strengthen organization and leadership of the work of letters and calls, and do its utmost to resolve the problem at the grass-roots, in particular, to do well in Beijing on petitioners of quanfan, lead work. To strengthen communication, to straw, tendency and major issues concerning social stability, to report the first time municipal government. 6, based on applications, standardized management, and steadily promoting the construction of e-Government. To adhere to the "demand-oriented, to promote development, planning, collaborative construction, resource sharing, security and confidentiality" construction principles, continue to build and improve the "three networks and a stock" hub of Government information system framework and application, integrated network platform and building a unified e-government information resources in the city, actively promoting the construction of e-Government in a pragmatic way. In construction, it is necessary to invest to ensure construction and combine technology and 为接受此物资的证据。证明书包括条款编号、发布的年期,如果有的话还包括修订的文字。 13(2当订货单上需要时,生产厂家将提供对每个等级及尺寸钢绞线的代表性的荷载—延伸曲线。 13(3当提供7股钢绞线的弹性模量时,计算弹性模量的横截面面积也需要被提供。 13(4材料测试报告、调查证明、类似的从EDI运输中心打印的文件可以作为具有同等效力的证明文件的一部分。EDI的文件的内容必须满足涉及到ASTM标准的要求,同时符合购买者与生产厂家之间的 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 协议。虽然缺少签名,ASTM组织承认EDI报告对此负责。 注释5:在此涉及到的工业定义:EDI是计算机与计算机之间交换的商业信息, ASTM中类似的格式如 SATM ASC X12。 在 14包装与标志 14(1钢绞线应该被包装成卷盘或着不卷,小圆的直径最小为610mm,除非购买者特别允许,卷盘或者非卷的长度应该在购买时确定好,运输过程中,钢绞线应该被保护好以免损伤,每盘卷好包装的或者没卷包装的要有两块系好的标示盘表明长度、尺寸、类型、等级、ASTM A416/A416M,生产厂家的名字以及编号。 一个标示盘要放在运输时不容易丢失的地方,比如无卷包装的中心,另一个放在外面以容易辨认。 14(2仅对于政府获得的——在合同或订单里,对于直接供给政府的,要按照MIL-STD163的要求包装。这个要求作为专用条款写在合同里,表明这类物资的运输要符合符合Fed-Std.NO123关于国内机构和MIL-STD163军事机构的要求。 15 关键词: 15(1 预应力混凝土,七股,钢绞线、钢丝 补充要求 补充要求是只适用于预应力地下锚定装置用270级未涂覆15.2mm(0.6in)直径预应力钢绞线或类似的,需要在订货是时特别说明。这些要求并不适合预应力混凝土。 S1结合强度 S1.1根据A981测试的值应该提交给购买者———————— S1.2(省略) At present, we would like to take the opportunity of maintaining party member's progressiveness education activity, to strengthen and improve the Office itself. First, to strengthen ideological building, forge basic quality. Ideology construction is the important content of the construction of the contingent of cadres. Government offices at all levels to put ideological construction in construction from start to finish top of the effort to forge a political reliability, faith, quality excellent cadres. To strengthen the sense of political. For the Office, is to insist on responsibility and consistency under, firmly implement the Party Central Committee and the State Council's policies and decisions indicates that premise, "two guarantees". Is to ensure that the municipal party Committee and the implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the municipal government. Municipal Government made major policy decisions, we must unswervingly carry out, inspection tells us this is not a political problem, at this point, every one must unequivocally. Second, ensure that the views and uninterrupted. To prevent and correct "below, above difficult to hear calls for" obstruction of, really know what grass-roots do, what are people thinking, to provide government leaders with timely, accurate, and reliable information for decision-making. To strengthen the overall situation. At present, development is the overall situation of the work of the city, any organization, any sector, any person can deviate from this Centre. The County (district), the Office should focus on the big picture, from their workPractical, departments, functions, characteristics, and find its location, clear focus and direction of the work, enhance work initiative, highlights the important role of the Office in the serving, integrated services play in the overall coordination function, embody the work level. To strengthen the consciousness of lifelong learning. To strengthening learning, timely "charging", put strengthening politicale and flexibility, and strive to achieve both the overall situation, careful and thoughtful and methodical, grasp a sense of propriety. Secondly, we should further improve the meeting. Make great efforts to streamline Conference under transactional activities and leaders, so leaders can free up more time to catch events, about events. On the subject of well-chosen, check the material carefully for the Conference, the whole process of the Conference services, standardization of work. Third, we should further improve the logistics service. Carefully implement Premier Wen Jiabao "management, security, service, clean, efficient, consistent, become" directives, according to deepen reform, strengthen management and serve the overall interests, team cohesion, improve service, increase efficiency goals, to scientific management and social services as direction, intensify administrative reform, and gradually establish a highly efficient, well-coordinated and standardized logistics management system. Efforts to reduce administrative costs, strengthen the management of funds, assets, and standard position-related consumption, perfect reception system for organs and provides powerful protection and quality of life for workers and staff services. Third, strengthening quality, top-notch, image and strengthen the system of Government Office construction is not only a hub for the work of the Office, is the image "window". If your Office work, poor image, not only affects theSector as a whole, but will also affect the overall image of the Governmentemployment, business, money" as the core, conscientiously the public of important matters and human, financial, material, notOff deepening public content. To build a long-term mechanism of open Government to ensure open government institutionalization, standardization and regularization. According to the arrangements of the Municipal Government this year to full implementation of first asking duty system in the city and a handle system, 12 pilot departments of the Municipal Government to determine, in accordance with the pilot scheme, seriously implement Exchange in early April; the County (district) and the pilot departments should formulate as soon as possible practical implementation of the program, at both the city and county level in full swing in the first half. 8, solid and meticulous, improved efficiency, daily Government Affairs Services. Coordination, meetings, logistics, hospitality, daily routine work, large width, not finely, which do not put in place, will affect the proper functioning of the global work of the Government. Therefore, the Office will, do have to be careful and meticulous, careful planning, sure. One is to further improve the integrated coordination. Focus on coordinating relations between party committees and administrative departments, coordinating every aspect of left and right, up and down. Each idea before work, integrated, organized and busy but orderly; coordination process to scientific method, pay attention to the global, organic unity principlapplication reliability, avoid blind construction. To speed up the network integration, information integration, network interconnection, sharing of information resources. This year, County (district) Government Office services network to achieve broadband connectivity with the Government Office network; has not been connected to the Office network with the city municipal government departments, networking ready to, to access government office network before the end of April. Application of information technology should be placed in a prominent position, strengthening the information technology training for administrative staff, expedite the implementation of electronic document processing, the lead in the use of computer drafting, approval, issuance of official documents, as soon as possible to promote paperless and online transmission of official documents, improving the application level of the completed system. To develop and improve security measures, establish and perfect rules and regulations, implementation of the accountability system, enhance Government Web sites maintenance and network security management. To increase the intensity of work, completed the 2005 task statement of system of Government Administration informatization construction in the city. 7, results-oriented, results, further deepening the open government. This year, national and provincial public affairs work on a number of new requirements, the city also has the further development of open defined specific tasks. System of government offices are the County (district) and sectoral public affairs focal points of the work of, must come from the transformation of government functions and optimizing the development environment, set the height of the image of the Government, effective public affairs work in hand, grabbed a success. To open Government to the Government sector agencies, units and vertical management units development extends to advance on village affairs, and strive to achieve full coverage without gaps. To adhere to the "right tostrengthening the work of letters and calls. Pay attention to the working methods, to appeal to the masses to patiently listen to reflect and appeal, proactive in explaining and understanding hasty blind, simple and crude, to inflame the situation. Rational asked for the masses ... And the approach of the groups petitioning the norms, the "territorial management, hierarchical accountability" principle, competent leadership for the first time to rush to the scene, coordinated in a timely manner, pay special attention to urge implementation, weak mediation cannot be called to accountability. The County (district), the Office of the Department to improve the system of complaint letters and calls reception, determined person in charge, to strengthen organization and leadership of the work of letters and calls, and do its utmost to resolve the problem at the grass-roots, in particular, to do well in Beijing on petitioners of quanfan, lead work. To strengthen communication, to straw, tendency and major issues concerning social stability, to report the first time municipal government. 6, based on applications, standardized management, and steadily promoting the construction of e-Government. To adhere to the "demand-oriented, to promote development, planning, collaborative construction, resource sharing, security and confidentiality" construction principles, continue to build and improve the "three networks and a stock" hub of Government information system framework and application, integrated network platform and building a unified e-government information resources in the city, actively promoting the construction of e-Government in a pragmatic way. In construction, it is necessary to invest to ensure construction and combine technology and S1.3(省略) S1.4(省略) 关于修改的总结 A01委员会针对本次修订的规范和上次修订的规范(A416/A416M-02)相比可能影响规范使用的不同部分的位置已经列出如下 修改表1、表2、表3 定义13a的编号。 [1]:本规范是ASTM委员会对A系列规范包括钢、不锈钢、相关合金进行调整的基础上, A01.05对钢制品加强的直接调整。 是委员分会 现行规范于2005年6月1日通过,2005年7月发行,最早开始于1957年,上次修订时间2002年,修订号是A416-02。 是 [2]:对于参考的ASTM标准,可以访问ASTM网站:www.astm.org或者 发送邮件到service@astm.org联系ASTM客户服务,关于ASTM年度报告中的卷册信息,请参考ASTM网 站的标准文件目录。 [3]:*******************************************(没翻译出来)大意是指,美国军方 同意采纳的标准 [4]:指一篇论文。发表在“预制/预应力混凝土”期刊第22卷第三册(1992年5-6月刊,25-30页)可以在芝加哥的预制/预应力混凝土研究所复印。 第 At present, we would like to take the opportunity of maintaining party member's progressiveness education activity, to strengthen and improve the Office itself. First, to strengthen ideological building, forge basic quality. Ideology construction is the important content of the construction of the contingent of cadres. Government offices at all levels to put ideological construction in construction from start to finish top of the effort to forge a political reliability, faith, quality excellent cadres. To strengthen the sense of political. For the Office, is to insist on responsibility and consistency under, firmly implement the Party Central Committee and the State Council's policies and decisions indicates that premise, "two guarantees". Is to ensure that the municipal party Committee and the implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the municipal government. Municipal Government made major policy decisions, we must unswervingly carry out, inspection tells us this is not a political problem, at this point, every one must unequivocally. Second, ensure that the views and uninterrupted. To prevent and correct "below, above difficult to hear calls for" obstruction of, really know what grass-roots do, what are people thinking, to provide government leaders with timely, accurate, and reliable information for decision-making. To strengthen the overall situation. At present, development is the overall situation of the work of the city, any organization, any sector, any person can deviate from this Centre. The County (district), the Office should focus on the big picture, from their workPractical, departments, functions, characteristics, and find its location, clear focus and direction of the work, enhance work initiative, highlights the important role of the Office in the serving, integrated services play in the overall coordination function, embody the work level. To strengthen the consciousness of lifelong learning. To strengthening learning, timely "charging", put strengthening politicale and flexibility, and strive to achieve both the overall situation, careful and thoughtful and methodical, grasp a sense of propriety. Secondly, we should further improve the meeting. Make great efforts to streamline Conference under transactional activities and leaders, so leaders can free up more time to catch events, about events. On the subject of well-chosen, check the material carefully for the Conference, the whole process of the Conference services, standardization of work. Third, we should further improve the logistics service. Carefully implement Premier Wen Jiabao "management, security, service, clean, efficient, consistent, become" directives, according to deepen reform, strengthen management and serve the overall interests, team cohesion, improve service, increase efficiency goals, to scientific management and social services as direction, intensify administrative reform, and gradually establish a highly efficient, well-coordinated and standardized logistics management system. Efforts to reduce administrative costs, strengthen the management of funds, assets, and standard position-related consumption, perfect reception system for organs and provides powerful protection and quality of life for workers and staff services. Third, strengthening quality, top-notch, image and strengthen the system of Government Office construction is not only a hub for the work of the Office, is the image "window". If your Office work, poor image, not only affects theSector as a whole, but will also affect the overall image of the Governmentemployment, business, money" as the core, conscientiously the public of important matters and human, financial, material, notOff deepening public content. To build a long-term mechanism of open Government to ensure open government institutionalization, standardization and regularization. According to the arrangements of the Municipal Government this year to full implementation of first asking duty system in the city and a handle system, 12 pilot departments of the Municipal Government to determine, in accordance with the pilot scheme, seriously implement Exchange in early April; the County (district) and the pilot departments should formulate as soon as possible practical implementation of the program, at both the city and county level in full swing in the first half. 8, solid and meticulous, improved efficiency, daily Government Affairs Services. Coordination, meetings, logistics, hospitality, daily routine work, large width, not finely, which do not put in place, will affect the proper functioning of the global work of the Government. Therefore, the Office will, do have to be careful and meticulous, careful planning, sure. One is to further improve the integrated coordination. Focus on coordinating relations between party committees and administrative departments, coordinating every aspect of left and right, up and down. Each idea before work, integrated, organized and busy but orderly; coordination process to scientific method, pay attention to the global, organic unity principlapplication reliability, avoid blind construction. To speed up the network integration, information integration, network interconnection, sharing of information resources. This year, County (district) Government Office services network to achieve broadband connectivity with the Government Office network; has not been connected to the Office network with the city municipal government departments, networking ready to, to access government office network before the end of April. Application of information technology should be placed in a prominent position, strengthening the information technology training for administrative staff, expedite the implementation of electronic document processing, the lead in the use of computer drafting, approval, issuance of official documents, as soon as possible to promote paperless and online transmission of official documents, improving the application level of the completed system. To develop and improve security measures, establish and perfect rules and regulations, implementation of the accountability system, enhance Government Web sites maintenance and network security management. To increase the intensity of work, completed the 2005 task statement of system of Government Administration informatization construction in the city. 7, results-oriented, results, further deepening the open government. This year, national and provincial public affairs work on a number of new requirements, the city also has the further development of open defined specific tasks. System of government offices are the County (district) and sectoral public affairs focal points of the work of, must come from the transformation of government functions and optimizing the development environment, set the height of the image of the Government, effective public affairs work in hand, grabbed a success. To open Government to the Government sector agencies, units and vertical management units development extends to advance on village affairs, and strive to achieve full coverage without gaps. To adhere to the "right tostrengthening the work of letters and calls. Pay attention to the working methods, to appeal to the masses to patiently listen to reflect and appeal, proactive in explaining and understanding hasty blind, simple and crude, to inflame the situation. Rational asked for the masses ... And the approach of the groups petitioning the norms, the "territorial management, hierarchical accountability" principle, competent leadership for the first time to rush to the scene, coordinated in a timely manner, pay special attention to urge implementation, weak mediation cannot be called to accountability. The County (district), the Office of the Department to improve the system of complaint letters and calls reception, determined person in charge, to strengthen organization and leadership of the work of letters and calls, and do its utmost to resolve the problem at the grass-roots, in particular, to do well in Beijing on petitioners of quanfan, lead work. To strengthen communication, to straw, tendency and major issues concerning social stability, to report the first time municipal government. 6, based on applications, standardized management, and steadily promoting the construction of e-Government. To adhere to the "demand-oriented, to promote development, planning, collaborative construction, resource sharing, security and confidentiality" construction principles, continue to build and improve the "three networks and a stock" hub of Government information system framework and application, integrated network platform and building a unified e-government information resources in the city, actively promoting the construction of e-Government in a pragmatic way. In construction, it is necessary to invest to ensure construction and combine technology and
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