首页 学校生活饮用水卫生安全管理办法



学校生活饮用水卫生安全管理办法学校生活饮用水卫生安全管理办法 大英国志双语学校生活饮用水卫生 管 理 办 法 为加强学校生活饮用水工作,规范生活饮用水卫生管理,保障广大师生的身体健康和生命安全,根据《生活饮用水卫生监督管理办法》及教育部、卫生部颁发的《学校卫生工作条例》等有关法规,结合我校实际,制定本规定。 一、校内一切生活饮用水必须符合国家生活饮用水卫生标准。 二、供水管水人员管理 1、二次供水管水从业人员上岗前须经培训考核、体检,取得《从业人员培训合格证》和《身体健康证》。 2、落实卫生行政部门和相关部门要求,供水管水从业人员...

学校生活饮用水卫生 安全管理 企业安全管理考核细则加油站安全管理机构环境和安全管理程序安全管理考核细则外来器械及植入物管理 办法 大英国志双语学校生活饮用水卫生 管 理 办 法 为加强学校生活饮用水工作,规范生活饮用水卫生管理,保障广大师生的身体健康和生命安全,根据《生活饮用水卫生监督管理办法》及教育部、卫生部颁发的《学校卫生工作条例》等有关法规,结合我校实际,制定本规定。 一、校内一切生活饮用水必须符合国家生活饮用水卫生标准。 二、供水管水人员管理 1、二次供水管水从业人员上岗前须经培训考核、体检,取得《从业人员培训合格证》和《身体健康证》。 2、落实卫生行政部门和相关部门要求,供水管水从业人员每年进行一次体检和卫生知识培训。 三、供水设施卫生管理 1、供水设施周围应保持环境整洁,进、出水管应在相应位置,防止产生水流短路和死水区。 2、保持良好的排水条件,泄空管和溢流管的出口不得直接与排水管道相连接,保证在任何情况下污水不能通过溢流管等流入水池内, 3、保持供水设施正常,设施与饮水接触表面保证外观良好,光滑平整,不会对水质造成影响。 position for future reference. Installation using special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of ? 0.10MM, qualified before the official lifting. Hoisting of the rotor dynamic and static clearance should be measured, rotors check clearance to prevent rotor colliding. stationary blade carrier, diaphragm and sealing upper cylinder on the inside and install the mounting bolts, bolts and bolt holes in the surface should be coated with molybdenum disulfide. Follow the manufacturers stamp marked to install good sealing ring and spring. Check the sealing ring and spring plate, shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Bolt: ... Measurement with measurement tools, special tools, temporary connection bolts and connection tool equipped and in good condition. The rotor shaft to have fixed, such as thrust, bearing plates fixed installation, in case of wear of the rotor is too large. The coupling gasket check measurements: measured data processing according to gasket, clean the coupling gasket surface clean and Burr-free, check the coupling gasket thickness data, shim thickness deviation of ? 0.02mm, parallel degree deviation of ? 0.02mm. Coupling temporary bolts ready: preparing 4-8 bolt diameter coupling bolt hole diameter 0.5-1.0mm. shaft coupling General requirements in both the relative position of the flange according to the manufacturer's mark, if there is no mark, two flange scoop bias complement each other and take care of the bolt hole alignment, hit the mark as basis for alignment and coupling is finally being joined. Each measurement in the two couplings along 4、规范设置透气管,水箱入口设有不锈钢盖板,应高于水箱入口5厘米以上并加锁。通气管、溢流管应设有不锈钢网罩,防止昆虫爬入水池。 5、对储水池、水箱等设施,每半年进行全面清洗、消毒一次。 四、各部门要对师生员工开展相关生活饮用水卫生安全常识的宣传教育,引导他们养成不喝生水的良好习惯,提倡喝开水。 五、坚持开展除“四害”常规工作,确保师生员工的饮水安全。 六、生活饮用水二次供水卫生管理 1、学校配备专职人员,负责生活饮用水卫生管理工作及供水设备维护保养工作。 2、直接从事供管水的人员必须经卫生知识培训和取得体检合格证后方可上岗工作,并每年进行一次健康检查。 3、生活饮用水卫生管理专职人员要经常观察饮水设施内外部的卫生和水质情况,及时清除污垢,保证师生员工生活饮用水的干净和卫生。 4、供管水人员要保证生活饮用水水质不受到污染,并有利于清洗和消毒。各类蓄水设施要加强卫生防护,定期清洗、检验(每学期进行一次清洗,一次水质检验),并加盖上锁,做到密封,杜绝二次污染。 5、清洗各类蓄水池时学校校长要严格监督清洗情况,提醒清洗人员注意安全。清洗、消毒完成后,要检查一切正常,方可供水使用。 6、要对饮用水设施进行维护和必要的保养,确保供水设施的完好正常使用。购买涉水材料时,要索取卫生许可批件。检修生活饮用水设施时,严禁使用卫生不合格产品,以防水污染,并做好维修记录。 七、自备水源卫生管理 -t check measurements: measured data processing according to gasket, clean the coupling gasket surface clean and Burrgaske aft to have fixed, such as thrust, bearing plates fixed installation, in case of wear of the rotor is too large. The couplingmeasurement tools, special tools, temporary connection bolts and connection tool equipped and in good condition. The rotor shwith the sealing ring and spring plate, shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Bolt: ... Measurement ld be coated with molybdenum disulfide. Follow the manufacturers stamp marked to install good sealing ring and spring. Checke shouarrier, diaphragm and sealing upper cylinder on the inside and install the mounting bolts, bolts and bolt holes in the surfacynamic and static clearance should be measured, rotors check clearance to prevent rotor colliding. stationary blade ctor drotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of ? 0.10MM, qualified before the official lifting. Hoisting of the ro ng special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of theposition for future reference. Installation usifinally being joined. Each measurement in the two couplings alongoop bias complement each other and take care of the bolt hole alignment, hit the mark as basis for alignment and coupling is nufacturer's mark, if there is no mark, two flange sc1.0mm. shaft coupling General requirements in both the relative position of the flange according to the ma-8 bolt diameter coupling bolt hole diameter 0.5-rary bolts ready: preparing 4Coupling tempofree, check the coupling gasket thickness data, shim thickness deviation of ? 0.02mm, parallel degree deviation of ? 0.02mm. 2 1、学校自备水源周围半径30米内不得有污染源(包括渗坑或厕所、畜圈、垃圾堆及工业三废)。 2、井口要高出地面或密封,防止流水经地面倒灌入井,污染井水。 3、井口要加盖加锁,防止投毒等事件发生。 4、按时按要求对自备水源水质进行消毒、清洗并做记录,清洗人员必须经过健康体检,持证上岗。 九、学校另制订生活饮水突发污染事故应急处理预案,对生活饮用水水质污染或不明原因水质突然恶化及水源性疾病暴发等事件进行处置。 十、本规定由后勤处领导负责解释。 十一、本规定自公布之日起开始实施 大英国志双语学校 二?一四年八月二十八日 have fixed, such as thrust, bearing plates fixed installation, in case of wear of the rotor is too large. The coupling gasket ement tools, special tools, temporary connection bolts and connection tool equipped and in good condition. The rotor shaft tomeasurealing ring and spring plate, shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Bolt: ... Measurement with coated with molybdenum disulfide. Follow the manufacturers stamp marked to install good sealing ring and spring. Check the sbe diaphragm and sealing upper cylinder on the inside and install the mounting bolts, bolts and bolt holes in the surface should and static clearance should be measured, rotors check clearance to prevent rotor colliding. stationary blade carrier, namicshould be lateral raises and numerical deviation of ? 0.10MM, qualified before the official lifting. Hoisting of the rotor dy cial lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotorposition for future reference. Installation using spey being joined. Each measurement in the two couplings alongas complement each other and take care of the bolt hole alignment, hit the mark as basis for alignment and coupling is finallnufacturer's mark, if there is no mark, two flange scoop bi1.0mm. shaft coupling General requirements in both the relative position of the flange according to the ma-8 bolt diameter coupling bolt hole diameter 0.5-olts ready: preparing 4Coupling temporary bfree, check the coupling gasket thickness data, shim thickness deviation of ? 0.02mm, parallel degree deviation of ? 0.02mm. -k measurements: measured data processing according to gasket, clean the coupling gasket surface clean and Burrchec 3 和寨九年制学校生活饮用水 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 一、环境卫生管理 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 1、每天清扫蓄水池周围卫生,保持蓄水池周围环境清洁; 2、要时常检查供水设施周围有无污染物,如发现应立即清除并及时消毒。 二、供水卫生管理制度 1、认真执行供水管理法规。 2、认真执行供水卫生管理制度,每天清扫蓄水池周围卫生,保持工作环境清洁、整齐。 3、要认真执行水池清洗管理制度,严格监督清洗情况。 4、购买涉水材料时,要索取卫生许可批件。 5、检修生活水设施时,严禁使用卫生不合格产品,以防水污染,并做好维修记录。 6、如发现意外水污染时,按饮用水突发污染事故应急预案执行。要及时向领导 汇报 关于vocs治理的情况汇报每日工作汇报下载教师国培汇报文档下载思想汇报Word下载qcc成果汇报ppt免费下载 ,及时关闭相应供水阀门,并配合卫生部门调查,救治及其它工作。 四、蓄水池清洗制度 1、蓄水池每年至少清洗消毒检测两次。 2、清洗水箱时要提醒清洗人员工作安全。 3、检查一切正常后,方可使用。 free, check the coupling gasket thickness data, shim thickness deviation of ? 0.02mm, parallel degree deviation of ? 0.02mm. -t check measurements: measured data processing according to gasket, clean the coupling gasket surface clean and Burrgaske aft to have fixed, such as thrust, bearing plates fixed installation, in case of wear of the rotor is too large. The couplingmeasurement tools, special tools, temporary connection bolts and connection tool equipped and in good condition. The rotor shwith the sealing ring and spring plate, shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Bolt: ... Measurement ld be coated with molybdenum disulfide. Follow the manufacturers stamp marked to install good sealing ring and spring. Checke shouarrier, diaphragm and sealing upper cylinder on the inside and install the mounting bolts, bolts and bolt holes in the surfacynamic and static clearance should be measured, rotors check clearance to prevent rotor colliding. stationary blade ctor drotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of ? 0.10MM, qualified before the official lifting. Hoisting of the ro ng special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of theposition for future reference. Installation usifinally being joined. Each measurement in the two couplings alongoop bias complement each other and take care of the bolt hole alignment, hit the mark as basis for alignment and coupling is nufacturer's mark, if there is no mark, two flange sc1.0mm. shaft coupling General requirements in both the relative position of the flange according to the ma-8 bolt diameter coupling bolt hole diameter 0.5-rary bolts ready: preparing 4Coupling tempo4 和寨九年制学校 二?一一年八月二十六日 和寨九年制学校生活饮用水突发污染事故应急处理预案 为积极、有效应对可能发生的生活饮用水突发污染事故,高效、有序地组织开展事故调查、现场处理及救援等应急处置工作,最大限度地减轻或消除生活饮用水突发污染事故的危害,保障全体师生员工的身体健康与生命安全,维护学校正常的教学秩序和校园稳定,结合我校实际,特制定本预案。 一、组织机构及主要职责 为加强对生活饮用水突发污染事故应急处理工作的统一领导,高效、有序地组织开展各项应急处置工作,学校成立生活饮用水突发污染事故应急处理领导小组,负责统一领导、指挥、部署、协调各项应急处置工作。应急处理领导小组成员如下: 组 长:秦建山 学校副校长 副组长:张全国 学校总务主任 成 员:史万瑞 梁开泉 徐 贵 满登福 刘才年 翟德荣 黄兴虎 应急处理领导小组,主要负责组织学校生活饮用水突发污染事故的具体调查、处理、救援及上报工作,对学校生活饮用水突发污染事故的各项调查、处理、救援等工作。 二、应急处理 free, check the coupling gasket thickness data, shim thickness deviation of ? 0.02mm, parallel degree deviation of ? 0.02mm. -k measurements: measured data processing according to gasket, clean the coupling gasket surface clean and Burrchec have fixed, such as thrust, bearing plates fixed installation, in case of wear of the rotor is too large. The coupling gasket ement tools, special tools, temporary connection bolts and connection tool equipped and in good condition. The rotor shaft tomeasurealing ring and spring plate, shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Bolt: ... Measurement with coated with molybdenum disulfide. Follow the manufacturers stamp marked to install good sealing ring and spring. Check the sbe diaphragm and sealing upper cylinder on the inside and install the mounting bolts, bolts and bolt holes in the surface should and static clearance should be measured, rotors check clearance to prevent rotor colliding. stationary blade carrier, namicshould be lateral raises and numerical deviation of ? 0.10MM, qualified before the official lifting. Hoisting of the rotor dy cial lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotorposition for future reference. Installation using spey being joined. Each measurement in the two couplings alongas complement each other and take care of the bolt hole alignment, hit the mark as basis for alignment and coupling is finallnufacturer's mark, if there is no mark, two flange scoop bi1.0mm. shaft coupling General requirements in both the relative position of the flange according to the ma-8 bolt diameter coupling bolt hole diameter 0.5-olts ready: preparing 4Coupling temporary b5 1.统一部署。学校一旦发现生活饮用水水质污染或不明原因水质突然恶化及水源性疾病暴发事件时,应立即启动本预案。事故发生后,学校应急处理领导小组应紧急组织有关人员展开调查,了解情况,统一部署下一步的应急处置工作。 2.停止供水。生活饮用水污染事故发生后,学校生活饮用水卫生管理专职人员必须第一时间停止供水,保护好水源现场。在保证水质卫生安全质量的前提下采取其他临时供水途径,以保证师生员工正常生活饮用水问题,避免和减少水污染对师生员工身体健康造成的危害。 3.实施救治。生活饮用水污染事故发生后,学校必须第一时间对感染者实施应急救治。对病情较严重的感染者,由学校立即派员送往医院救治,并积极配合医院做好治疗工作,随时掌握医院救治动态,同时做好感染者的心理疏导工作。对需要实施隔离治疗的感染者,由应急办负责组织有关人员做好隔离期间相关工作。 4.依法 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 。发生生活饮用水污染事故后,应急办要依法立即如实向上级部门报告水污染事故状况。 5.现场调查。应急办组织有关工作小组和人员,配合上级部门迅速开展现场调查,查找污染原因及污染物,了解污染物的种类、性状、毒性及污染程度,掌握供水范围及接触人群身体健康危害程度等。 6.水质监测。学校生活饮用水卫生管理专职人员要积极配合疾病预防控制中心开展水质监测,科学采集水样和检测,快速找出主要污染物,及时掌握水质污染程度、污染趋势、水质动态变化规律。 7.消除污染。在现场调查和水质监测基础上进一步分析污染的扩散趋势,并在上级部门的指导下,制定科学的、行之有效的紧急控制与消除污染的方案,控制事态进一步的蔓延和扩大,严防水污染事故再次发生。 8.正常供水。当生活饮用水突发污染事故得以控制,污染原因消除后,必须重新进行水质检测,水质达到国家卫生标准后方可供水。 t check measurements: measured data processing according to gasket, clean the coupling gasket surface clean and Burrgaske aft to have fixed, such as thrust, bearing plates fixed installation, in case of wear of the rotor is too large. The couplingmeasurement tools, special tools, temporary connection bolts and connection tool equipped and in good condition. The rotor shwith the sealing ring and spring plate, shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Bolt: ... Measurement ld be coated with molybdenum disulfide. Follow the manufacturers stamp marked to install good sealing ring and spring. Checke shouarrier, diaphragm and sealing upper cylinder on the inside and install the mounting bolts, bolts and bolt holes in the surfacynamic and static clearance should be measured, rotors check clearance to prevent rotor colliding. stationary blade ctor drotor should be lateral raises and numerical deviation of ? 0.10MM, qualified before the official lifting. Hoisting of the ro ng special lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of theposition for future reference. Installation usifinally being joined. Each measurement in the two couplings alongoop bias complement each other and take care of the bolt hole alignment, hit the mark as basis for alignment and coupling is nufacturer's mark, if there is no mark, two flange sc1.0mm. shaft coupling General requirements in both the relative position of the flange according to the ma-8 bolt diameter coupling bolt hole diameter 0.5-rary bolts ready: preparing 4Coupling tempofree, check the coupling gasket thickness data, shim thickness deviation of ? 0.02mm, parallel degree deviation of ? 0.02mm. -6 三、保障措施 1.组织机构保障。学校应急处理领导小组负责组织、指挥、协调与落实生活饮用水突发污染事故各项应急处置工作。应急办负责组织学校生活饮用水突发污染事故的具体调查、处理、救援及上报工作,积极配合上级部门对学校生活饮用水突发污染事故的各项调查、处理、救援等工作。 2.人力资源保障。学校根据教育部、卫生部颁发的《学校卫生工作条例》要求,学校配备生活饮用水卫生管理专职人员。生活饮用水卫生管理专职人员应具备高度的工作责任感,接受上级部门组织的生活饮用水突发污染卫生事故应急处理知识、技能的培训和演练,熟悉突发饮用水卫生事件的预防与控制知识,具有处理突发事件的快速反应能力。 3.财力和物资保障。学校安排必要的经费预算,为生活饮用水突发污染事故的应急处置工作提供合理而充足的资金保障和物资储备。 四、总结报告 应急办要认真做好生活饮用水突发污染事故应急处理的总结工作,分析事故应急处理过程中的经验教训,并提出改进措施,堵塞危及生活饮用水卫生安全的漏洞,为进一步做好今后生活饮用水的规范管理工作提供借鉴。 和寨九年制学校 二?一一年八月二十六日 have fixed, such as thrust, bearing plates fixed installation, in case of wear of the rotor is too large. The coupling gasket ement tools, special tools, temporary connection bolts and connection tool equipped and in good condition. The rotor shaft tomeasurealing ring and spring plate, shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Bolt: ... Measurement with coated with molybdenum disulfide. Follow the manufacturers stamp marked to install good sealing ring and spring. Check the sbe diaphragm and sealing upper cylinder on the inside and install the mounting bolts, bolts and bolt holes in the surface should and static clearance should be measured, rotors check clearance to prevent rotor colliding. stationary blade carrier, namicshould be lateral raises and numerical deviation of ? 0.10MM, qualified before the official lifting. Hoisting of the rotor dy cial lifting pole rotor rotor lift, box spirit level to check the rotor axis neck of Yang, on both sides of the rotorposition for future reference. Installation using spey being joined. Each measurement in the two couplings alongas complement each other and take care of the bolt hole alignment, hit the mark as basis for alignment and coupling is finallnufacturer's mark, if there is no mark, two flange scoop bi1.0mm. shaft coupling General requirements in both the relative position of the flange according to the ma-8 bolt diameter coupling bolt hole diameter 0.5-olts ready: preparing 4Coupling temporary bfree, check the coupling gasket thickness data, shim thickness deviation of ? 0.02mm, parallel degree deviation of ? 0.02mm. -k measurements: measured data processing according to gasket, clean the coupling gasket surface clean and Burrchec 7
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