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英语听力课程教学大纲英语听力课程教学大纲 《英语听力》课程教学大纲 课程编码:30613003 学分: 7 总学时:136 说 明 【课程性质】 《英语听力》为英语专业的专业必修课。 【教学目的】 通过专门、系统的听力技能训练,促进学生听力发展,为培养学生全面的英语交际能力奠定良好的听力基础。 【教学任务】 通过多种形式的训练,帮助学生初步克服听英语能力障碍,学生在完成听力教材学习之后应能达到通过英语专业四级考试听力部分的水平。 【教学内容】 使用《现代大学英语听力》教材,该教材既包括学习与生活的一般内容,也包括...

英语听力课程教学大纲 《英语听力》课程教学大纲 课程编码:30613003 学分: 7 总学时:136 说 明 【课程性质】 《英语听力》为英语专业的专业必修课。 【教学目的】 通过专门、系统的听力技能训练,促进学生听力发展,为培养学生全面的英语交际能力奠定良好的听力基础。 【教学任务】 通过多种形式的训练,帮助学生初步克服听英语能力障碍,学生在完成听力教材学习之后应能达到通过英语专业四级考试听力部分的水平。 【教学内容】 使用《现代大学英语听力》教材,该教材既包括学习与生活的一般内容,也包括文化、社会、时政、科技、历史、文学等方面的内容。教材的每册共有十五个单元,每册包括课堂听力(精听)和自主听力(泛听)两部分材料,每单元的课堂听力和自主听力的材料各长15-20分钟左右。教材按照不同主 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 安排单元,每单元供三周(6课时左右)使用。 【教学原则和方法】 教学原则:英语听力课作为英语专业学生英语基本技能培养的必修课程,要求在教学中要根据英语听力训练的基本规律,对学生进行各种听力训练,以教材为中心在课堂上进行训练的同时,必须为学生推荐各种课外听力材料,课内外相结合,贯彻交际性原则,侧重阶段性,以学生为中心,真正达到提高听力的目的。 教学方法:本课程采取小班授课、单元教学的方法,围绕教材,通过多种形式的训练(观看电视或电影、听写、复述、 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 、角色扮演、对话等),帮助学生初步克服听力障碍,听懂英语国家人士在一般社交场合的谈话和相当于中等难度的听力材料,能理解大意,抓住主要论点或情节,能根据所听材料进行分析,领会说话人的态度、感情和真实意图,并用英语简要地做笔记。充分调动学生的积极性,以学生练习为主,排除母语的干扰,课上精讲精练,课下个别指导。 【先修课程要求】 【学时分配】 学 时 安 排 序号 内 容 小计 理论 实验 习题 上机 课时 课时 课时 课时 1 第一册Unit 1- 15 6.5 21.5 28 2 第二册Unit 1- 15 7.5 28.5 36 3 第三册Unit 1- 15 7.5 28.5 36 4 第四册Unit 1- 15 7.5 28.5 36 总 计 29 107 136 【教材与主要参考书】 教 材:杨立民 《现代大学英语听力》 外语教学与研究出版社,2004年。 参考书:杨立民 《现代大学英语听力》 外语教学与研究出版社,2004年。 张民伦 《英语听力入门2000》 华东师范大学出版社,2000年。 张民伦 Listen This Way 高等教育出版社,1998年。 大纲内容 第一部分 第一册 【教学目的和要求】 教学目的:了解西方国家的政治、经济、文化与生活等,学习英语听力技巧与方法。 教学要求:1.掌握与每单元主题相关的一些词汇、词组、句型等。 2.能快速听懂有关时间、日期、数字和价格的表达。 3.能够判断出哪些是重要信息。 4.能听清口语当中的连读与缩略表达。 5.概括所听材料的大概意思。 6.学会边听边作笔记,并能列出纲要。 7.分清主要观点及支持观点。 8.能够通过上下文猜测词义。 9.掌握新闻英语的特点并了解国内外重大时事,如普选 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 、中东冲突、科 学常识、道德伦理观念、国际合作、全球问题等。 10.分清相关话题的优势与劣势问题。 【内容提要】 通过听英语对话、短文、故事、新闻等了解西方国家的大学生活、教育制度、人与动物和谐共存、业余爱好、国外公交系统、旅行、住房问题、城乡生活的利与弊、西方节日、家庭生活、饮食、购物、生活经历、生活方式、体育等,同时学习一些听力方法与技巧。 【教学重点与难点问题】 教学重点:相关词汇,快速听懂有关时间、日期、数字和价格的表达,概括所听材料的 大概意思,分清主要观点及支持观点,通过上下文猜测词义。 教学难点:判断重要信息与次要信息,识别口语当中的连读与缩略表达和有关时间、日 期、数字和价格的表达,掌握新闻英语听力技巧。 【复习思考题】 1.英语听力过程当中如何判断重要信息与次要信息, 2.英语听力过程当中如何提高数字辨别能力, 3.英语听力过程当中如何培养新闻英语的听感, 第二部分 第二册 【教学目的和要求】 教学目的:了解西方国家的政治、经济、历史、文化、生活等,学习英语听力技巧方法。 教学要求:1.掌握与每单元主题相关的一些词汇、词组、句型等。 2.能快速听懂有关数字的表达。 3.能对所听材料作比较,了解相同点和不同点。 4.能对说话人后面要说的话提前作以推测。 5.概括所听材料的大概意思。 6.学会边听边作笔记,理顺各种信息并能列出纲要。 7.在第一册基础上进一步分清主要观点及支持观点。 8.能够通过上下文猜测词义。 9.掌握新闻英语的特点并了解国内外重大时事,如美国经济、联合国日常事 务、中国的载人航天技术、流行性疾病等。 10.分清相关话题的原因与结果、优势与劣势问题。 11.练习听BBC和VOA标准英语新闻并能用批判的态度分析评价所听新闻。 12.能识别出不同说话人的声音以及他们的不同态度。 【内容提要】 通过听英语对话、短文、故事、新闻等了解西方国家的社会习俗、天气状况、社会问题、文学、教育、工作、人民、语言、历史、自然、地理、货币以及科学技术等,同时学习一些听力方法与技巧。 【教学重点与难点问题】 教学重点:相关词汇,能快速听懂有关数字的表达,概括所听材料的大概意思,比较异 同,分清主要观点及支持观点,能够通过上下文猜测词义,推测内容以及识别不同声音。 教学难点:相关话题的原因与结果、优势与劣势问题,有关数字的表达,内容推测以及 识别不同声音,掌握新闻英语听力技巧。 【复习思考题】 1.英语听力过程当中如何判断主要观点与支持观点, 2.英语听力过程当中如何提高推测信息能力, 3.英语听力过程当中如何增加新闻英语词汇, 第三部分 第三册 【教学目的和要求】 教学目的:了解西方国家的政治、经济、历史、文化与生活等,学习英语听力技巧方法。 教学要求:1.掌握与每单元主题相关的一些词汇、词组、句型等。 2.学会表达自己的喜好与厌恶。 3.跟上说话人的思路。 4.能对说话人后面要说的话提前作以推测。 5.概括所听材料的大概意思。 6.学会边听边作笔记,理顺各种信息并能列出纲要。 7.在第二册基础上进一步分清主要观点及支持观点。 8.能够理解词汇隐含的意思及字里行间的意思。 9.掌握新闻英语的特点,理解新闻标题,并了解国内外重大时事,如枪支问 题、核武器问题、世贸组织谈判及联合国日常事务等。 10.理顺相关话题的原因与结果。 11.抓住议论的要旨。 【内容提要】 通过听英语对话、短文、故事、新闻等了解西方国家的高等教育、爱情与婚姻、电影电视、农业、医疗保健、广告、美术、计算机、生活的变化、商业、生活哲学、音乐、妇女地位等问题,同时学习一些听力方法与技巧。 【教学重点与难点问题】 教学重点:相关词汇,概括所听材料的大概意思,分清主要观点及支持观点,能够猜出 字里行间的意思,理顺相关话题的原因与结果,推测内容以及抓住议论的要旨。 教学难点:跟上说话人的思路,能够猜出字里行间的意思,推测内容,抓住议论的要旨, 掌握新闻英语听力技巧。 【复习思考题】 1.英语听力过程当中如何跟上说话人的思路, 2.英语听力过程当中如何理解新闻标题, 3.英语听力过程当中如何抓住议论的要旨, 第四部分 第四册 【教学目的和要求】 教学目的:了解西方国家的政治、经济、历史、文化与生活等,学习英语听力技巧方法。 教学要求:1.掌握与每单元主题相关的一些词汇、词组、句型等。 2.能辨别数字,尤其是大数字的表达。 3.能对说话人后面要说的话提前作以推测。 4.概括所听材料的大概意思。 5.学会边听边作笔记,能理顺各种信息,列出纲要,并作信息统计。 6.在第三册基础上进一步分清主要观点及支持观点。 7.能够理解词汇隐含的意思及字里行间的意思。 8.掌握新闻英语的特点,理解新闻标题,并了解国内外重大时事,如爆炸事 件、航天技术、全球问题、印度洋海啸、美国总统竞选活动等。 9.理顺相关话题的原因、进展与结果。 10.抓住议论的要旨。 11.掌握一些常用文学术语。 【内容提要】 通过听英语对话、短文、故事、新闻等了解西方国家的民族、环境保护、娱乐、文化遗产、工业、政治体制、农业、国际时事、文学、法律、媒体、商业、经济、科学技术等问题,同时学习一些听力方法与技巧。 【教学重点与难点问题】 教学重点:相关词汇,概括所听材料的大概意思,分清主要观点及支持观点,能够猜出 字里行间的意思,理顺相关话题的原因、进展与结果,统计信息、推测内容以及抓住议论的要旨。 教学难点:辨别大数字,能够猜出字里行间的意思,推测内容,抓住议论的要旨,掌握 新闻英语听力技巧。 【复习思考题】 1.英语听力过程当中如何辨别大数字, 2.英语听力过程当中如何作信息统计, 3.英语听力过程当中如何猜出字里行间的意思, 执笔人: 徐晓丹 审核人: 谢小童 《英语听力》课程考核大纲 【考核目的】 针对中国学生的薄弱环节——听力,本课程的考核目的在于督促学生多听、多练英语有声语言,通过考核检验自己在听力方面的不足之处,同时也为教师提供了反馈信息,使教师了解到自己在听力教学中的不足之处,从而不断摸索和思考,使听力教学逐渐走上更科学、更合理的轨道。 【课程学习的基础】 学生在学习该课程之前,需要达到2000左右的英语词汇量。在学习该课程的同时,还要陆续学习一些英语专业基础科目,包括综合英语、英语语音、泛读、英语口语、英语写作等,使学生在听、说、读、写四大英语技能上全面发展。以上课程学习基础除词汇外都不包括在考试范围之内。 【考核的内容范围】 考核的内容范围包括如何抓住核心内容词、如何借助语法词汇帮助理解、如何通过篇章结构帮助理解、如何抓住大意、如何预测与推断等等,具体内容包括数字、日期、及价格等的正确辨认、口语中的各种缩写形式以及一些语法现象、说话人的语气及态度、观点等。 【考核方法】 期末闭卷笔试,占60%,平时考核(出勤、作业、课堂表现)占40%。 【对 试题 中考模拟试题doc幼小衔接 数学试题 下载云南高中历年会考数学试题下载N4真题下载党史题库下载 的要求】 题型比例: 客观性试题占90%左右,包括单词连线题、填空题、单选题、判断题、听写题等,主观题占10%左右,包括回答问题等。 难度等级: 分为较易、中等、较难三个等级,大致的比例是20:60:20。 【考核的具体内容】 第一部分 第一册 知识点: 1.语音 2.词汇 3.语法 4.数字信息 5.相关背景知识 6.听力技巧 考核目标: 1(识记:(1)语音 (2)词汇 (3)语法 (4)听力文本材料 2(理解:(1)文章大意 (2)说话人的语气与态度 3(运用:(1)相关背景知识 (2)听力技巧 第二部分 第二册 知识点: 1.语音 2.词汇 3.语法 4.数字信息 5.相关背景知识 6.听力技巧 考核目标: 1(识记:(1)语音 (2)词汇 (3)语法 (4)听力文本材料 2(理解:(1)文章大意 (2)字里行间隐藏的意思 3(运用:(1)相关背景知识 (2)听力技巧 第三部分 第三册 知识点: 1.语音 2.词汇 3.语法 4.新闻标题 5.相关背景知识 6.听力技巧 考核目标: 1(识记:(1)语音 (2)词汇 (3)语法 (4)听力文本材料 2(理解:(1)文章大意 (2)字里行间隐藏的意思 (3)新闻热点问题 3(运用:(1)相关背景知识 (2)听力技巧 第四部分 第四册 知识点: 1.语音 2.词汇 3.语法 4.数字信息 5.新闻标题 6.相关背景知识 7.听力技巧 考核目标: 1(识记:(1)语音 (2)词汇 (3)语法 (4)听力文本材料 2(理解:(1)文章大意 (2)字里行间隐藏的意思 (3)新闻热点问题 3(运用:(1)相关背景知识 (2)听力技巧 【样题】 I. Match the following words with their English definitions. (连线题,每小题1分,共10分) 1. tuition a. the act of moving upward 2. abstention b. a type or a group of things having some features that are the same 3. perish c. prevent sth. from developing 4. ascent d. intentionally not casting one’s vote 5. verbal e. hot and wet in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable 6. category f. look like or be similar to sb. or sth. 7. humid g. teaching, esp. in small groups 8. skeleton h. spoken rather than written 9. resemble i. the framework of bones which support and protect your organs and muscles 10.suppress j. die or suffer destruction II. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the tape. (判断题,每小题2分,共20分) Passage 1 ____1. People need to take three showers a day in the humid and hot summer in Japan. ____2. Winter in Osaka is a shorter than that in England. ____3. Estuko thinks the countryside in Japan is more beautiful than that in England. ____4. Britain is mountainous and Japan is much flatter. ____5. Houses in Britain tend to be smaller and compact. Passage 2 _____1. There is only one folk dancing group in each city in the United States. _____2. Usually there are four men and four women in a folk dancing group. _____ 3. In square dancing, there are four people on each side of the square. _____ 4. A man usually speaks quickly to tell the dancers what they should do. _____5. People dance fast, therefore there is not much time for them to think of the instructions in the song. III. Fill in the blanks with what you hear on the tape. (填空题,每小题1分,共20分) 1 You got up very early every morning and went to school. You ____1____ books at school. You ____2____ pictures and ____3____things out of clay. You ____4____ milk every day and ate things that were good for you. Perhaps you __5___ plaits. Perhaps you ___6___ a kite. Perhaps you ____7____ abroad for your holidays. You can ____8___ photographs of yourself in the family album. They help you to ____9_____ the distant past. 2 General elections are being held today in Portugal with opinion polls suggesting that ____10____of the two main parties will obtain an absolute ___11____in Parliament. After eight years of government by the ____12_____, the election could produce a ___13____or a coalition government. Our ___14____in Lisbon says that there’s broad ___15____between the governing party and the _____16_____Socialists on many issues including European ___17____and economic ____18____. This convergence has reduced ____19____in the elections and the abstention rate could be ____20____. IV. Answer the following questions. (回答问题,每小题2分,共10分) Passage 1 1. What has intensified the debate about the use of genetic engineering in agriculture? ____________________________________________________________________ 2. What is the food supply situation in southern Africa? ____________________________________________________________________ 3. Does the UN have enough resources to provide food assistance? ____________________________________________________________________ Passage 2 4. What does GCSE stand for? And when will students take this exam? ____________________________________________________________________ 5. How many GCSE subjects will students study? ____________________________________________________________________ V. Dictation. (听写题,每小题2分,共10分) Americans know that ______________1_______________they need to lift their country, and today that is more true than ever. ____________2____________. Over half the new jobs created in the last three years have been managerial and professional jobs. _______________3_________________.Fifteen tears ago the typical worker with a college degree made 38 percent more than a worker with a high school diploma. ____________4_____________. Two years of college means a 20 percent increase in annual earnings. People who finish two years of college earn a quarter of a million dollars _____________5_______________. VI. Listening Comprehension. (选择题,每小题1分,共30分) In Section A, B and C you will hear everything once only. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your answer sheet. Part One Section A 1. Which is NOT true about the listener ? A. He works hard. B. He drinks a lot C. He smokes a lot . D. He is healthy. 2. How did the speaker feel when he heard the news? A(He was satisfied. B. He was annoyed. C. He was astonished. D. He was relieved 3. When does the next coach leave? A. At 9:10 B . At 9:15 C. At 9:20 D. At 9:05 4. The speaker thinks that Jane might have________. A. a better marriage B. a better career C. a better education D. a better family life. 5. What does the statement mean ? A. I am too happy to be helpful in any way. B. I am willing but unable to help you. C. I shall be very glad to offer my help. D.I promise to think about how to help you. 6. What does the statement imply? A. The man was wearing clean clothes. B. The man was wearing importer clothes. C. The man was wearing fanciful clothes. D. The man was wearing dirty clothes. 7. What does the speaker mean? A. I believe I can find you in other places as well. B. I had no idea that I could find you here. C. This is not the place for me to meet you. D. I believe that I can only find you in this place. Section B 8. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Salesman and customer. B. Doctor and nurse. C. Doctor and patient D. Patient and patient 9. What does the man think of his writing? A. Writing will not easy. B. Writing will be less difficult. C. Writing has been boring. D. writing has been enjoyable 10. What does the man think of his conversation? A. Cold is a kind of serious illness. B. Cold will go away quickly. C. You should go to see a doctor. D. You needn’t do anything about it. 11. What did the man assume previously. A. She would go to the bookstore. B. She would not go to the bookstore. C. She would go to the bookstore later. D. She would go to another bookstore. 12. What do we know about the flight? A. There will be a shore delay. B. There will be a long delay. C. The flight has been canceled. D. The condition is still uncertain. 13. What does the man say about Linder? A. She is forgetful. B. She is considerate C. She is forgiving. D. She is careless. 14. What does the woman mean? A. She doesn’t believe he can do it. B. She agrees with the man. C. She expects to see him soon. D. She will go to library. 15. What does the man think of the woman’s choice of clothing? A. He thinks her choice is good. B. He thinks her choice is terrible. C. He doesn’t like the color. D. He doesn’t like the style. 16. Sam refused to take the job because______________. A. the working hours were unsuitable B. the job was well paid C. he had to do a lot of traveling D. the job was quite difficult 17. The man sounds________. A surprised B. ignorant C. humorous D. disappointed Section C 18.The UN resolution is about international efforts in tightening control on_______________________. A. terrorism activities B. terrorists’ networks C. weapons for terrorist D. funding for terrorism 19. What does the UN resolution specifically require states to do? A. To establish a financial network B. To revise their banking laws. C. To increase their police force D. To curb regional terror activities. 20. Although how many people were injured during the violence? A. 1 B. 2 C. 13 D. 14 21. How long has the violence lasted? A. For one day. B. For two days C. For the whole summer D. For one year. 22. After the terrorist attacks in the United States, insurance rates soared as much as________________. A 100% B 200% C.500% D.1000% 23. Eight foreign aid workers were arrested in Afghanistan because of their _____activities. A political B. espionage C. religious D. relief 24. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as one of the penalties? A. A fine B. Expulsion C. A jail term D. Death sentence 25 According to the report, how many people are HIV-positive? A. 22 million B. 36 million C. 25 million D. 58 million Part Two: Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions 26. Harry seems to be primarily concerned with _____ when talking about ideal career. A. money B. Robert’s job C. being a sailor D. Robert’s scholarship 27. Which of the following statement is NOT correct in describing Robert? A. He has his own idea about his future job. B. He has interest in his parents’ careers. C. He thinks Peter is not old enough to make his own decision. D. He is interested in the work itself rather than the money he gets from it. 28. Who is Peter? A. A friend. B. Nora’s brother. C. Another son in the family. D. Robert’s classmate. 29. What does Harry mean by saying “It’s wisest to decide in good time”? A. He thinks himself wise and his wife less wise. B. He wants his son to think about his future career in advance. C. He thinks Robert should make good decisions. D. He wants his son to be wise. 30. How do Robert’s parents think of his career plan? A. They heartily approve of it. B. They strongly oppose it. C. They don’t care about it. D. They have different ideas. 执笔人:徐晓丹 审核人:谢小童
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