首页 国内外安全食品供给动机影响因素研究现状及实证研究



国内外安全食品供给动机影响因素研究现状及实证研究国内外安全食品供给动机影响因素研究现状及实证研究 日期:2011-03-15 来源:《世界农业》2010年第2期 陈炳钿 郑庆昌 摘要:近年来,由于食品安全事件不断爆发,人们对食品安全问题日益关注。猪肉是中国居民的主要肉食品,其安全生产问题与人们的生活息息相关。为此,本文从无公害猪肉生产入手,在国内外有关安全食品供给动机影响因素研究的基础上,对生猪养殖户选择无公害生产意愿及行为的影响因素进行理论与实证分析。本文通过采用问卷调查的方式获得福建省生猪养殖户的相关数据,然后利用二元Logistic回归分析模型。对生猪...

国内外安全食品供给动机影响因素研究现状及实证研究 日期:2011-03-15 来源:《世界农业》2010年第2期 陈炳钿 郑庆昌 摘要:近年来,由于食品安全事件不断爆发,人们对食品安全问题日益关注。猪肉是中国居民的主要肉食品,其安全生产问题与人们的生活息息相关。为此,本文从无公害猪肉生产入手,在国内外有关安全食品供给动机影响因素研究的基础上,对生猪养殖户选择无公害生产意愿及行为的影响因素进行理论与实证 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 。本文通过采用问卷调查的方式获得福建省生猪养殖户的相关数据,然后利用二元Logistic回归分析模型。对生猪养殖户进行无公害生猪养殖意愿的影响因素进行实证分析,以期得出具有普遍意义的规律,为政府决策提供依据,并作为其他省份发展无公害生猪养殖的参考。 一、国内外对安全食品供给动机的影响因素研究现状 当前国内外对于安全食品供给动机影响因素的研究已经很多,虽然各个学者研究安全食品供给动机的影响因素的侧重点不同,但从中可以总结出影响安全食品供给动机的因素主要有:企业的规模及其组织、企业管理、食品安全规制、企业声誉、领导者的作用、食品质量安全契约、政府监管、市场激励等方面。 (一)国外关于安全食品供给动机影响因素的研究 1(规模、组织及市场结构的影响 安全食品供给动机问题是近十多年来国外的研究热点。很多学者都从不同方面进行了论述。Shavell(1987)认为,企业对其生产的产品质量的控制能力、对生产的产成品的鉴别能力、对市场的垄断或控制能力等很大程度上依赖于企业的规模及其组织,因此企业对安全产品的供给动机会受到其规模、组织及其市场结构的影响。 2(市场驱动与公开的食品安全规制影响 Caswell(1998)提出,生产者在生产加工过程中不违反食品质量安全标准等规制的“公开动机”和售后承担食品质量安全责任、保证产品与企业声誉等“私人动机”是质量安全生产的动力源泉。Bredahl等(1998)认为,市场驱动和公开的食品安全规制是食品生产者加强产品质量 安全管理 企业安全管理考核细则加油站安全管理机构环境和安全管理程序安全管理考核细则外来器械及植入物管理 与控制的两个最主要的动因,其中市场驱动主要表现为产品质量安全性在use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting record-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of 消费者中的声誉提高可以驱动产品生产效益的上升,透明、公开的食品安全 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 与规定将促使生产者加强产品生产加工质量的过程管理,承担产品质量安全责任。Caswell(1998)和Buzby等(1999)也提出了企业质量管理的动机模型,认为企业安全生产的动机主要源于食品质量的售前要求以及售后惩罚措施。售前要求有投入标准、加工标准、产品性能标准、信息要求、销售或服务条件要求、使用条件要求;售后惩罚措施主要以责任的形式出现,通过法律体系要求企业承担生产不合格食品给消费者带来的损失。 3(企业管理与战略的影响 Annandale(2000)的研究认为,企业对安全产品的供给动机受企业管理、战略的影响,其中的决定因素是:组织学习、规制类型、利益相关者的影响、强制力度、公司文化等。Starbird(2000)和Henson(2001)的研究发现,食品供应者是受市场驱动和食品安全规制来实施食品安全管理,即除了因违反规制要受到惩罚或承担责任外,能在消费者中提高企业信誉并由此带来收益也是促使企业提供安全产品的主要动机。 4(供应链中的力量作用及机制影响 运用供应链管理理论研究安全食品供给动机的影响因素。Hennessy等(2001)论述了在安全食品的供给中食品产业的领导力量的作用及机制。Weaver等(2OO1)和Hudson(2001)基于交易成本经济学和不完全契约理论,对治理结构中的纵向契约协作和纵向一体化机制及其对食品安全供给的影响进行理论分析和实证检验,认为行为主体间通过默认或签订契约等来提高对未来交易继续进行可能性的预期有利于食品的安全供给。 5(企业的质量声誉机制的影响 运用信息不对称理论研究安全食品供给动机的影响因素。Grossman(1981)认为,对 经验 班主任工作经验交流宣传工作经验交流材料优秀班主任经验交流小学课改经验典型材料房地产总经理管理经验 品,尽管消费者每次购买时信息不完全,通过信誉机制形成一个独特的高质量高价格的市场均衡而不需要通过政府来解决食品安全问题,可以取得与市场信息充分状态下一样的结果。Shapiro(1983)研究了无限重复博弈情况下企业的质量声誉的形成机制,认为如果能够确保维持高质量而带来的未来收益,企业就不愿意榨取其声誉。 (二)国内关于安全食品供给动机影响因素的研究 国内对于安全食品生产、供给动机的影响因素研究较少,规范研究尚有待进一步展开。 use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting record-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of 1(市场信息不对称及机会主义倾向 周应恒、霍丽明(2003)认为,食品市场存在的信息不对称以及机会主义倾向是造成食品质量安全供给不足的主要原因,政府改善食品质量安全管理与控制、增加公共物品的供给是必要的。王华书(2004)研究表明,在市场发育不完善的情况下,因市场信息不对称,农产品未能实现优质优价是农户为确保高产而经常超量施用化肥和农药的原因,这也是中国不安全食品供给的根源。 2(供给中的纵向协作及其影响机制 张云华等(2004 )从交易成本、风险和不确定性、消费者需求与企业质量声誉等角度,分析了安全食品供给中纵向协作的必要性,并建立了一个简化的两阶段食品质量安全契约模型。 3(强制性控制因素及市场激励因素 白丽(2005)提出,不同规模的企业提高食品安全的动机不相同,并认为企业食品安全行为的影响因素均可以分为强制性控制和市场激励两种,强制性控制既可能是“事前”的,如政府针对产品、生产流程等颁布的管制规范和标准;也可能是“事后”的,如通过法律诉讼以惩罚的形式,要求企业给予赔偿。市场激励则包括生产成本降低、产品质量提高、市场份额扩大等与企业市场竞争力相关的各项激励因素。 综上所述可以看出,国外学者对食品安全供给动机影响因素的研究起步较早,理论比较成熟。国内研究刚刚起步,在研究视角上,大多数学者对食品安全供给动机影响因素的研究尚属描述性研究,基于实地调查数据并采用数量分析方法的实证研究至今仍比较欠缺。 二、意愿因素的分析框架与问卷假设 假定生猪养殖户符合“经济理性人”的基本假设,其进行无公害安全生产追求预期收入的最大化。那么哪些因素会影响他们无公害养殖的决策?这些因素各自的影响力大小如何?他们之间的相互关系又是怎样的?只有明确关键的影响因素,才能有针对性地采取措施,激励养殖户进行无公害生猪养殖。 (一)分析框架 生产者作为一个理性人,追求的目标是经济效益的最大化,其愿意进行无公害生猪养殖use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting record-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of 是多种因素综合作用的结果。归纳起来大致可分为外部因子和内部因子两类(图1)。 (二)问卷假设 根据上述理论分析框架和各类指标的具体阐述,本研究将结合企业、市场、政府和媒体4个主体及各主体下的变量进行相关分析,并从中选出相关性强的变量进行模型构建。为此,本文提出如下假设:影响生猪养殖户进行无公害生产意愿的因素主要包括:政府部门的监管力度;监管部门严格监管下养殖户的行为选择,即监管效度;政府经济补贴对申请无公害养殖场的重要程度;消费者对猪肉制品的接受程度;消费者在能区分无公害猪肉和普通猪肉情况下的消费选择,即消费者识别;当地媒体对无公害猪肉的宣传情况;相关突发事件爆发对猪肉市场的影响;养殖场的规模;社会责任在无公害养殖动力的重要程度;从众心理对养殖场申请无公害的影响;持续进行无公害养殖对于提高养殖场名声和得到消费者认可的情况。这些因素对于养殖户决定进行无公害生产决策都是有影响的,只是影响的作用方向和程度不同。 三、生猪养殖者选择无公害生产意愿的计量经济分析 (一)意愿调查的数据来源 福建省畜牧业特别是生猪产业发展较快,从2000年调入生猪300多万头转变为2008年调出生猪300多万头,在短短的几年时间内实现了由全国生猪主销省向外调省的转变,成为全国生猪规模养殖化较高的省份。近几年福建省肉猪出栏头数、猪年底头数、猪肉产量排在全国第16位左右,处于中等水平,生猪产业发展水平与经济发展水平相适应。因此,笔者选择经济发展情况良好,而生猪养殖产业又具有典型代表性的福建省作为研究对象,研究其生猪养殖户进行无公害生产情况,以期得出具有普遍意义的规律,为政府决策提供依据,并作为其他省份发展无公害生猪养殖的参考。 本研究所使用的数据来自于福建闽科饲料有限公司、福建丰泽农牧饲料有限公司、广东集能生物科技开发有限公司等7家公司, 由100多位销售业务人员在福建省各个县市进行的问卷调查,调查员基本是大专以上学历。在样本选择时,为了提高覆盖面,问卷的发放涉及福建省各市,并根据各地区猪场数量、猪场规模及猪场分布密度来确定各地区的问卷数量。对养猪户的调查都是通过被访问者自填问卷,调查员负责解释其不明白之处的方式,以确保use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting record-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of 问卷的质量。本次调查从2009年7月初开始,8月初结束,共发放问卷1 100份,收回问卷926份,回收率84(2,,除去漏答关键信息以及出现明显错误的问卷91份,最终获得有效问卷835份,问卷有效率90(2,。 (二)模型的建立 为了检验上述假设,明确养殖户参与无公害生产意愿各影响因素的影响程度及其显著性,本文建立了生猪养殖户选择无公害生产意愿的计量经济模型,应用调查数据进行了计量分析。根据以上假设,模型可以用下面的函数表示: 其中,V为随机干扰项。各个变量的具体含义如表1所示。 (三)计量经济模型估计结果 本研究利用SPSS15(0统计软件(采用二元Logistic回归分析模型,将因变量的取值限制在[0,1]之间,并通过最大似然估计法对其回归参数进行估计,其结果见表2。 (四)模型估计结果分析 1(政府监管力度 政府监管力度对生猪养殖户选择无公害生产意愿在1,的水平上显著,其相关系数的符号为正,说明政府对生猪养殖场的监管越严格,对违规养殖场的惩罚力度越大,生猪养殖户越愿意选择无公害生产。政府监管力度每提高一个单位,生猪养殖户选择无公害生产的意愿提高1(334倍。 2(政府监管效度 政府监管效度对选择无公害生产意愿在1, 的水平上显著,其相关系数的符号为正,说明政府监管部门对无公害生猪养殖场的监管效果越好,即对无公害生猪养殖场严格监管下,use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting record-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of 生猪养殖户的机会主义行为减少越多,养殖户越愿意选择无公害生产。政府监管效度每提高一个单位,生猪养殖户选择无公害生产的意愿就提高2(421倍。 3(政府经济补贴对无公害养殖场申请的重要性 当前政府对生猪养殖户的补贴标准为养殖场的规模越大、环保水平越高,其补贴额也越高,尚未对无公害项目进行专项补贴。因此,政府的补贴并不会推动生猪养猪户选择无公害生产,反而可能因生产成本高和潜在的认为不受政府重视的意识,而不进行无公害生猪生产。政府经济补贴对无公害生猪养殖场申请的重要程度对生猪养殖户选择无公害生产意愿在1,的水平上显著。政府越是对所有猪场进行全面补贴(不考虑是否无公害),养猪户越是不愿意进行无公害生产。 4(消费者对猪肉制品的接受程度 消费者对猪肉制品的接受程度未能通过检验,说明它并不是影响生猪养殖户无公害生产意愿的重要因素。但其相关系数的符号为正,说明消费者对猪肉制品的接受程度越高,生猪养殖户越愿意选择无公害生产。由于中国猪肉加工一体化趋势还未形成,生猪养殖户与猪肉加工企业一般是彼此独立的,生猪养殖户与猪肉加工企业之间没有契约约束,因此消费者对猪肉制品的接受程度对猪肉加工企业影响较大。而对生猪养殖户来说,由于缺乏契约约束,责任可追溯性差,其进行违规生产的机会主义成本较小,因此消费者对猪肉制品的接受度对其进行质量安全控制的影响不大。 5(消费者能轻易区分无公害猪肉和普通猪肉时的消费选择 消费者能轻易区分无公害猪肉和普通猪肉时的消费选择未能通过检验,说明它不是影响生猪养殖户无公害生产意愿的重要因素。但其相关系数的符号为正,说明当消费者能轻易区分无公害猪肉和普通猪肉时,选择真正的无公害猪肉的比例越高,生猪养殖户越愿意选择无公害生产。猪肉属于信任品,但消费者无法直接辨认无公害猪肉,加上中国认证体系尚未完善,所以现阶段消费者还无法轻易区分无公害猪肉与普通猪肉。因此,能轻易区分无公害猪肉与普通猪肉的前提假设下其选择在现阶段对生猪养殖户无公害生产意愿影响不大。 6(当地媒体对无公害猪肉的宣传情况 当地媒体对无公害猪肉的宣传情况对生猪养殖户选择无公害生产意愿在10,的水平上显著,说明媒体对无公害猪肉的宣传情况对生猪养殖户无公害生产意愿有一定的影响,但影use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting record-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of 响不大。其相关系数的符号为正,说明当地媒体对无公害猪肉的宣传力度越大,无公害猪肉的知名度越高,消费者对无公害猪肉的需求越大,生猪养殖户越愿意选择无公害生产。 7(相关突发事件的爆发对猪肉市场的影响 相关突发事件的爆发对猪肉市场的影响对生猪养殖户无公害生产意愿在1,的水平上显著,其相关系数的符号为正,说明相关突发事件爆发后,媒体的宣传力度越大,效果越好,消费者越是信任媒体,其对猪肉市场的影响就越大,生猪养殖户就越愿意选择无公害生产。当媒体的宣传效度很高时,相关突发事件的爆发对猪肉市场的影响就很大,就会引起政府加强食品安全监管,消费者也会更注重食品安全,对无公害猪肉的需求也越大,这些都会促使养殖户进行无公害生产。 8(养殖场规模大小 养殖场规模大小即猪场母猪存栏头数,其对生猪养殖户选择无公害生产意愿在1,的水平上显著,相关系数符号为正,说明养殖场规模越大即猪场有越多的母猪,生猪养殖户越愿意选择进行无公害生产。一般来说,政府监管部门由于受人力、物力、财力的限制,会优先选择规模较大的养殖场进行监督检查,且规模越大,投入成本和退出壁垒越高,生猪养殖户机会主义行为的成本和风险会越大,生猪养殖户越愿意选择无公害生产。 9(社会责任在无公害生猪养殖动力中的重要程度 社会责任在无公害生猪养殖动力中的重要程度对生猪养殖户无公害生产意愿在5,的水平上显著,其相关系数的符号为正,说明了生猪养殖户的社会责任感较强,越愿意进行无公害生产,在进行生猪养殖时也越会注重环境保护,自觉进行质量安全控制。以保证猪肉品质。社会责任在生猪养殖户无公害生产的动力中的重要程度越高,说明了其社会责任意识越强,越愿意进行无公害生产。 10(从众心理对生猪养殖户申请无公害养殖场的影响程度 从众心理对生猪养殖户申请无公害养殖场的影响程度对生猪养殖户无公害生产意愿在5,的水平上显著,其相关系数的符号为负,说明当生猪养殖户越认为从众心理对其申请无公害养殖场的影响大,反而越不愿意选择无公害生产。当生猪养殖户认为大家都去申报了是其申请无公害养殖场的首要原因,说明了生猪养殖户并不是真正地愿意选择无公害生产,而是迫于群体的压力,这会导致生猪养殖户申请成功后,并不按照无公害生产标准进行生产,use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting record-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of 机会主义行为可能性较大。 11(持续进行无公害养殖,能否显著提高养殖场名声,得到消费者认可 此项对生猪养殖户无公害生产意愿在1,的水平上显著,其相关系数的符号为正,说明生猪养殖户越认为持续进行无公害生猪养殖能显著提高养殖场名声,越愿意进行无公害生产。当生猪养殖户认为进行无公害生产能显著提高养殖场名声,得到消费者认可,就会为了树立自身的形象以获得长远利益和扩大销售量,采取必要措施进行质量安全控制,提高猪肉质量。无公害生猪养殖影响养殖场名声的程度每提高一个单位,养殖户选择无公害生产的意愿就提高2464倍,无公害生猪养殖影响养殖场名声的程度对生猪养殖户选择无公害生产意愿的影响较大。 四、无公害生猪养殖推进机制设计政策建议 (一)政府应对不同规模的生猪养殖企业设计不同的无公害养殖推进机制 根据上文分析,养殖户规模的大小不同、政府的扶持和监管的手段效果不同,对其进行无公害生猪养殖的决策有不同的影响。因此,政府在进行推进机制的设计时,应当根据不同规模的生猪养殖户采取不同的措施:对规模以上的企业加强引导和宣传,鼓励企业进行无公害生产,重视荣誉表彰,以激励强化其社会责任;对中等规模的企业,以政府补贴及市场价差作为促进其进行无公害生产的重要措施;对于小规模的企业,则引导其进行合并、联盟等扩大生产规模,获得规模效益。 (二)政府可以根据无公害生猪养殖各个环节设计完整的推进 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 严格无公害生猪养殖企业的认证和考核制度;严格规范无公害生猪养殖过程中,养殖企业对无公害种猪的认定、无公害饲料的使用,兽医兽药的管理、屠宰环节等相关环节的管控制度,同时降低检测成本;对于违规企业要严厉处罚,建立市场禁入制度和信誉制度。此外,要重视服务、引导和提升等方面的职能,对生猪养殖户进行无公害生产给予多方面支持。 (三)政府应在养殖企业品牌建设方面给予支持与引导 无公害生猪养殖企业品牌建设的有序竞争环境有赖于政府的作为,政府应加强服务,支持企业品牌建设,对企业品牌建设的引导,制定政府层面的品牌化战略。在管理层面,建立与完善农产品创品牌的管理体系,建立科学的品牌农产品认证体系。健全农业创品牌的法律、法规体系,加大打假保品牌力度。 use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting record-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of (四)政府注重对媒体的舆论引导,帮助主流媒体树立公信力 政府必须通过营造宽松的话语环境来恰当影响媒体,重点是对媒体宣传报道的着力点,以及一些违法信息的披露,政府应在系统提高食品安全的目标下进行引导。由于食品安全是民众关注的焦点,加上这个领域的专业性比较高,媒体的报道很容易在社会上形成舆论风波,甚至造成社会的恐慌。同时,恶意炒作的假新闻,使得民众对新闻报道的真实性存在疑惑,社会消息传播不流畅, 民众对于事实的不理解和混乱,容易形成社会的动荡,尤其是对食品安全这样一个与民众生活息息相关的领域,要建立惩治机制,增加造假风险与成本。 1.食品安全法律法规体系 这些法律法规的最终解释权的主体不一,导致一方面互相冲突,另一方面又留有监管空自,严重影响了法律法规的实施,同时,相关法律法规的修订明显滞后,不适应形势发展的要求。 2.食品安全标准体系 虽然我国制定了一系列有关食品安全的标准,但许多标准一方面缺乏统一性,交叉、重复多,配套性差;另一方面又存在较多空白,同时,一些标准标龄过长,时效性差,缺乏科学性与可操作性。 3.食品安全监管体系 从现阶段看,我国依法履行食品安全监管职责的行政机关约有20个,部门过多使得各部门之间的职责不清,对食品安全的监管很混乱。 4.食品安全监测体系 我国尚末完善科学、统一、高效的食品安全监测体系,食品安全监测资源分散在多个食品安全监管部门,部门从属性强,资源共享性差,难以有效地为食品产业链各个环节提供高效技术监督服务。 5.信息交流体系 目前,我国还没有建立透明、统一、高效的信息交流体系。食品安全信息交流体系应建立在政府公务网体系内,包括食品安全信息管理、发布和沟通的渠道畅通,方便快捷,多层次、多方位的食品安全信息交流平台。食品安全监管部门分别掌握和发布食品安全信息,导致部门信息网络建设重复,资源浪费,信息来源混乱、滞后、甚至出现矛盾,缺乏权威性(秦富 王秀清,2003)。 6.科技支撑体系 目前,我国科技支撑体系建设方面落后于国际先进水平,远不能适应当前食品安全监管的需要(陈锡文 邓楠,2004)。 以上两方面是有关食品安全问题发生的一些重要的原因。然而,食品安全监管体系的不健全,企业社会责任意识的普遍缺乏到底是怎样形成的,监管部门人员的监督不力以及食品生产企业的不作为之间又是否存在某些联系,本文将从博弈论的角度阐述这一问题。 三、分析模型的理论框架及本文的相关假设 本文用博弈模型来分析食品安全政策在实施过程中的相关利益群体的得失,从而对政策的实施效果进行评价,提出相关的解决办法。 (一)经济政策博弈的要素及特征 食品安全政策从目标的制定到政策工具的选择,从政策的实施到政策效应及政策调整,实际上是政策制定主体与政策作用对象行为相互作用和理性决策的结果,是在完全信息情况下use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting record-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of 的一个动态博弈的过程。完全信息动态博弈的要素及特征概括如下: 1.政策博弈的参与者——政策的制定者和政策的调节对象 经济政策的制定者通常是政府主管部门;而政策的调节对象即政策的接受者或作用对象,可以是地方政府或者某一利益集团。当政策制定者从一定的目标出发制定一项经济政策公布并实施后,政策的调节对象就会从自身利益出发,在政策实行前或实行过程中相应地采取对策,相应地作出理性或近乎理性的选择。这样必然引起政策效果的变化,如果政策的制定者发现或者预见到这种反应或变化,他就会在下一次制定政策时有所改变,或有针对性地进行政策调整,于是新的政策又公布于众,公众又重新作出反应,如此循环不断往复。因此,经济政策的制定者与调节对象实际上进行的是一场“一对一”或“一对多”的博弈,每一方都有自己的策略集。有多方当事人参与,且其行为是相互影响的。 2.经济政策博弈中的支付(或赢得)——政策制定者或政策调节对象的目标函数或收益函数 经济政策博弈中的各方当事人,代表着不同的利益主体,他们有各自不同的目标函数或利益目标。政策制定者往往更关心社会稳定,经济增长和就业以及政治问题等,政府在制定政策目标时所依据的总是部分人的价值判断或意愿。所以政府只能代表某些利益集团的利益,不可能代表和反映所有人的利益或目标。然而,社会各个利益集团之间利益的不一致性的必然结果是博弈(谢识予,2002)。 3.政策博弈的结果——政策效应 一项经济政策能否达到政策制定者所设定的目标或预期效果,往往不取决于政策制定者本身,因为经济政策博弈参与者之间的行为是相互作用,相互影响的。政策效应实际上是经济政策博弈各方理性决策与选择的结果,它是一种博弈均衡。政策制定者可以通过事前承诺、建立信誉等努力达到自己的目标,而政策的承受者也可以通过“学习”和“预期”来选择自己的行动。 4.动态博弈——经济政策的稳定性、一致性及政策调整 在不同的时期,政策制定者的政策目标不同,所选择的政策工具及其侧重点也不同。而政府的经济政策是否具有稳定性、前后时期是否保持一致性,以及政策将如何调整等,都将引起其他当事人的不同反应,从而产生不同的政策效应。当政策制定者发现实际的政策效果与既定的目标不一致时,或当前的政策选择在当初看起来是最优的而现在不是最优时,他就要调整政策。因而,宏观经济政策通常具有“时间不一致性”。相应地,由于预期的作用,社会公众的对策及选择也将发生变化(简?莱恩,2004)。从经济政策操作的实际过程看,他实际上是一个动态博弈的过程;从博弈的信息结构及特征类型看,经济政策博弈更多地是一种“非同时行动的重复博弈”。 5.博弈规则——制度 制度安排通常以立法的形式或其他强有力的约束形式规定下来,经济政策博弈必须在既定的制度框架内进行,制度对参与博弈的双方都有约束力,参与者在既定的制度框内进行自我约束和策略地行事。因此制度实际上是“游戏规则”。游戏的规则不同,当事人的策略选择就不同,博弈的结果就自然不同。如果制度安排不合理或是非效率的,经济政策就很难实现其目标,即使实现了既定的目标,代价也可能很大,因为制度安排是经济政策工具发生作用的前提。从某种意义上来说,制度往往比博弈本身更重要。实际上许多制度规定本身就是一种政策工具。政府为了更有效地达到某种政策目标,经常进行政策调整。因此,要获得更有效的、稳定的博弈均衡结果,制度变迁和制度创新就必不可少(姚海鑫,2001)。 (二)本案例中参与博弈的各个利益主体 1.政策的制定者——政府主管部门 政府主管部门制定有关食品安全政策的出发点是为了保证消费者的利益,保证社会的稳use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting record-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of 定。 2.政策的执行者——食品监管机构 作为政策的执行者,所涉及的利益关系十分复杂。这一利益集团是直接与其他各方接触的一方,因此,作为整个过程的中间环节和纽带,他具有非常多的策略选择,不同的策略选择所能够给它带来的利益是不同的。首先,作为食品安全生产的直接管制者,食品监管机构官员可以通过控制发放质量、安全监测合格证,拥有大量的寻租机会,由于安全合格证可能非常有利可图,因此就吸引了大量的钱用来寻租。同时,作为政治官员,他们又有着享受国家待遇的利益。这样,这一利益集团所进行的策略选择,实际上是在考虑了风险、经过一番收益—成本分析之后,在寻租与可能承担的风险之间比较后进行的抉择。 3.政策的直接作用对象——食品生产厂商 他们作为政策的直接作用对象,政策给他们带来的利益得失最直接,效果也是最显著的。为了自身的利益,他们并不会被动的接受并主动实施政府主管部门的政策。这一集团需要在实施政策与通过寻租改变政策或政策实施的效果之间所涉及的利益大小进行抉择。完全按照国家颁布的标准法规行事会增加企业的成本,影响生产的进度等等;然而,不实施的话,就需要花费成本,通过寻租,影响政策的直接执行者,改变政策的实施效果。这样,他们的决策是在两者中选择成本最小的。 4.政策执行效果的直接承受方——消费者 作为食品安全的直接受害者——消费者,是对本身利益并无选择权利的弱势群体。他们只能够对食品监管机构的监测结果作出反应,从而去影响食品生产厂商,因此,在博弈的过程中,他们没有选择策略的余地或机会。所以,实际上他们并没有真正参与到博弈的过程中去,他们只是其它利益群体的策略选择的被动接受者和跟随者。 (三)本文的三个理论假设 1.食品生产厂商:他们在博弈过程中始终追求利润最大化原则。 他们只对本企业的利润感兴趣,追求短期利润最大化是他们的目标,然而,诸如长远发展、社会公德等道德因素相对处于次要地位,只要是对企业的利润或收入有益的事情,他们都可以去做甚至可以铤而走险。 2.监测机构官员:他们在博弈过程中追求自身利益最大化。 作为食品安全政策标准的监管者,他们一方面要对政府主管部门即政策制定者负责,还要对消费者负责。在通过对生产厂商的监管过程中,他们会在自己的利益得失之间作出抉择,追求自身利益的最大化是他们的行为准则,这里也抛开了道德因素。 3.政府主管部门——政策的制订者:他们的策略选择只是追求消费者的健康安全和社会的稳定。 他们的目的就是消除食品的安全隐患,食品生产厂商的策略选择对他们的政策制订不产生影响。也就是说,生产厂商不能够通过给政策制订者好处来影响政府主管部门政策的制订。 四、博弈过程剖析 政策制订者与监测监管人员和生产厂商德博弈过程如下所示:政策的制订者首先根据食品安全现状和保护消费者利益的角度作出决策,并决定对监管人员实行严格的监督策略或宽松的监督策略,然后监测监管人员根据政策制订者的策略选择作出自己的抉择,也就是选择是寻租还是严格执法,最后食品生产厂商根据前面两者的策略作出自己的决策,按照标准生产还是违规生产。 监测机构官员的收益函数: Ux=a (不寻租时) U'x=a-c+d (严格监督,寻租时) U''x=a+d (不严格监督,寻租时) use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting record-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of 食品生产厂商的收益函数: Uy=b (标准生产时) U'Y=b+e-d (寻租,违规生产时) U''Y=b+e-f (不寻租,违规生产时) a:监管部门人员的正常收益。 b:食品生产厂商的正常利润。 c:主管部门对监管人员的惩罚。 d:寻租收益。 e:违规生产能够带来的成本节约。 F:监管人员对违规厂商的惩罚。 从上面的动态博弈模型可以看到:博弈过程一共可以产生八种策略集合,这八种策略集合实际上有几种是不可能存在的,为了分析清楚,先剔除一些不可能的策略集合。首先看严格监督,寻租,标准生产这个路线,在监管人员选择寻租的情况下,生产厂商是不会选择按照标准生产的,因为他们可以通过买通监管人员来节约生产成本来获取更高的利润,同理可以剔除不严格监督,寻租,标准生产这条路线。 然后,从其它的策略组合中寻找纳什均衡点。 1.若政策的制订者政府主管部门对监管人员严格监督时,监管人员的收益函数如下: Ux=a (不寻租时) U'x=a-c+d (寻租时) 这种情况下,监管人员就会在Ux与U'x之间做比较,若Ux,U'x他们就会选择对自己有 时,他们就会选择“寻租”作为自利的“不寻租”作为自己的策略。当Ux,U'x时,即-c+d,0 己的策略。 在监管人员作出自己的策略选择后,生产厂商会根据监管人员的策略选择作出自己的选择。 若监管人员选择了“不寻租”,食品生产厂商的收益函数如下: Uy=b (标准生产时) U''Y=b+e-f (违规生产时) 生产厂商会在Uy与U''Y之间比较大小来抉择,当Uy,U''Y时,即e-f,0,那么生产厂商就会选择按照标准生产,反之则选择违规生产。 若监管人员选择了“寻租”,食品生产厂商的收益函数如下: Uy=b (标准生产时) U'Y=b+e-d (违规生产时) 生产厂商会在Uy与U'Y之间比较大小来抉择,当Uy,U'Y时,即e-d,0,那么生产厂商就会选择按照标准生产,反之则选择违规生产。 2.若政策的制订者政府主管部门对监管人员不严格监督时,监管人员的收益函数如下: Ux=a (不寻租时) U''x=a+d (寻租时) 这种情况下,监管人员就会在Ux与U''x之间做比较,很显然Ux,U''x,所以监管人员的策略是“寻租”。 在监管人员作出“寻租”的策略选择后,生产厂商会据监管人员的策略选择来作出自己的选择。食品生产厂商的收益函数如下: Uy=b (标准生产时) U'Y =b+e-d (违规生产时) 生产厂商会在Uy与U'Y之间比较大小来抉择,当Uy,U'Y时,即e-d,0,那么生产厂use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting record-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of 商就会选择按照标准生产,反之则选择违规生产。 根据以上分析,可能存在的纳什均衡点总结如下: 政府主管部门对监管人员严格监督:若-c+d<0,则监管人员选择不寻租,生产厂商的选择为: e-f,0,选择违规生产。 e-f,0,选择按标准生产。 政府主管部门对监管人员不严格监督:由于a+d,a监管人员肯定选择寻租,生产厂商的选择为: e-d,0,选择违规生产。 e-d,0,选择按标准生产。 从以上的分析结果来看,e与d,e与f,d与c的大小决定着利益各方的策略选择,因此,政策的制定者可以通过人为的有意识地控制这些参数值的大小来影响他们的选择,从而达到政策制定的效果。显然,政府主管部门希望实现的肯定是“不寻租,按标准生产”这个结果。 达到这个结果的路径有两条:一条是政府主管部门选择不严格监督,监管人员肯定选择寻租,这时只要使e,d,生产厂商仍然会按照标准生产。另一条是选择严格监督,并使d,c,监管人员会选择不寻租,再使e,f,这时生产厂商会按照标准生产。 五、基本结论及相关建议 通过本文前面可能存在的纳什均衡点的分析,可以采取措施去影响政策实施的效果,最后达到期望的食品安全生产的目的: 1.强化企业社会责任动机 要加强企业的社会责任意识,使企业真正意识到企业社会责任对于企业品牌声誉的树立、企业长远发展的影响,以及企业责任建设在市场经济竞争中的重要性,从而积极主动地将企业责任作为企业战略发展的重要部署,实现企业与社会的良性互动。 2.加强企业信用体系建设,改变企业收益函数 食品生产厂商之所以铤而走险主要是因为用来寻租的付出小于所能够给他生产商品所带来的成本节约。然而,当完备的信用体系建立之后,企业付出的成本就不再只有经济利益,社会声誉等社会成本的付出大大地增加了企业的总成本,使得企业违背道德生产的总成本严重大于由此获得的投机收益。这样,即使政府主管部门没有非常严格的监督,卫生监管部门的监管不得力,生产厂商仍然会按照安全标准生产。 3.加大惩罚力度,改变监管人员的收益函数 加大惩罚力度,使得地方监管人员的寻租收益小于政府主管部门对寻租行为的惩罚,这样就会产生理想的政府期望出现的博弈均衡结果“严格监督,不寻租,标准生产”。 use it as a basis for project acceptance and handover project completion final accounts, if the employer, the design proposed engineering changes, resulting in rework, downtime, material waste, and so on, we give economic visa units out into the field, economic damage check. Signature recognition, Visa records in the hands of the economy and budget staff, as a basis for project completion final accounts of the original information. Engineering change documents are important components of technical documentation management, engineering and technical management and even an important part of the overall project management. Nineth section, and engineering meeting system assigned project head participate in owners and total contracting people recruiting of engineering meeting, understand engineering command on engineering specific progress, and requirements, situation, coordination solution engineering implementation process in the appeared of problem, coordination I company and the construction units Zhijian of construction progress, informed I company in implementation process in the appeared of technology problem, and quality problem and solution and the rectification of method, and means and completed of date. Formation meeting and at each meeting record-keeping system reporting to the company in a timely manner and through the construction of grass-roots teams. Tenth section, and construction technology low-down we by technology chief engineer is responsible for implementation related sector and the personnel, technology low-down work of purpose has two aspects: a is to clear by bear construction task of
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