首页 清明节“追主忆红色历史,放飞雏鹰梦想”实践活动方案



清明节“追主忆红色历史,放飞雏鹰梦想”实践活动方案清明节“追主忆红色历史,放飞雏鹰梦想”实践活动方案 桐庐县圆通小学 “追忆红色历史,放飞雏鹰梦想” 主题实践活动方案 一、活动标题:“追忆红色历史,放飞雏鹰梦想” 二、学校:桐庐县圆通小学 三、活动目的: 中华民族自古就有祭奠先贤、缅怀英烈的优良传统。为了更好的深入推进革命传统教育,不断增强以爱国主义为核心的民族精神,进一步弘扬民族传统美德,桐庐县圆通小学自4月1日——4月30日,历时一个月时间,通过开展“追寻英烈的足迹”为主题的系列实践活动,缅怀革命先烈,继承革命遗志,引导同学们以实际行动表达对革命先...

清明节“追主忆红色历史,放飞雏鹰梦想”实践 活动方案 关于团建活动方案关于感恩节活动方案关于团建活动方案歌咏比赛活动方案革命传统教育主题班会活动方案 桐庐县圆通小学 “追忆红色历史,放飞雏鹰梦想” 主题实践活动方案 一、活动标题:“追忆红色历史,放飞雏鹰梦想” 二、学校:桐庐县圆通小学 三、活动目的: 中华民族自古就有祭奠先贤、缅怀英烈的优良传统。为了更好的深入推进革命传统教育,不断增强以爱国主义为核心的民族精神,进一步弘扬民族传统美德,桐庐县圆通小学自4月1日——4月30日,历时一个月时间,通过开展“追寻英烈的足迹”为主题的系列实践活动,缅怀革命先烈,继承革命遗志,引导同学们以实际行动表达对革命先烈的敬仰和追思,加强学生的爱国主义教育和革命传统教育,培养他们爱祖国、爱人民、爱家乡、爱生活的热情,教育学生不忘革命先烈,树立远大理想,磨练顽强意志,练就过硬本领,珍惜幸福生活,立志报效祖国的愿望和决心。 四、活动时间:2013年4月1日——4月30日 五、活动地点:桐庐凤凰山烈士陵墓、桐庐长征之路 六、参加人员:全体同学 七、活动内容: (一) 清明节“追忆红色历史,放飞雏鹰梦想””主题实践活动正式 启动:组织全体五年级同学开展祭扫烈士陵墓活动。(4月1日) 活动过程: 1.聆听烈士陵园工作人员介绍烈士生平。 2.全体师生三鞠躬。 3.少先队员敬献花圈。 4.少先队员敬献自己制作的小白花。 5.学生代表讲话。(五3班学生一名) 整队返校。 (二)、开展“追忆红色历史,学习英雄故事”(4月5日——4月15日) 41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (E) the style, modified to work in a more important position. Style success hard work to XING Xiang. We want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat must carry forward the action, working hard in fine style, advancing the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption, and create a good political environment and political environment. Will continue to consolidate the party's mass line and educational practice, conscientiously implement the Central eight provision, vigorously carry forward the fine style of combining theory with practice, close ties with the. In accordance with the "three-three" requirements " "Multinationals," physical presence "where officers, officers, and not an accident as an important standard to appraise the cadres and promote party discipline and self-discipline, pragmatic commitment and undertaking, and strive for the pragmatic and clean. Third, this year's work will focus on full duty of due diligence and promote development at the same time, this year should focus on the following priorities: (a) strengthening and improving party building, constantly enhance the party's construction of scientific level of successful realization of the development goals this year lies in the party 1.利用班队课学习中国红军长征历史,了解红军长征的艰难险阻和战士们不 怕牺牲、不畏艰辛、积极乐观的长征精神。 2.学习英雄故事 3(通过毛泽东诗词赏析,体会红军长征不畏艰辛,勇往直前的战斗精神。 (三) 、重走红军路,感悟新生活 组织六年级同学到桐庐的红军路——岭源,重走红军走过的路,寻访 当地的老红军,了解当年经过桐庐的红军战士和革命烈士当年的战斗 历程。缅怀革命先烈,继承烈士遗志。激发学生热爱祖国、热爱家乡 的热情,珍惜今天幸福生活的来之不易。 1( 活动形式 : 由电视台《春江少儿》栏目牵头,与我县兄弟学校的同学一起在校长、 正副班主任的带领下组织六年级部分同学和全体大队委员到我县红军之路开 展“重走红军路,感悟新生活”主题实践体验活动。 2(活动过程: (1)全体同学在“红军路”石碑前背诵毛泽东同志的《七律 长征》,体会 长征路上的种种艰难险阻和中国共产党的万般豪情壮志。 (2)聆听桐庐县新四军研究会的三位老爷爷讲述当年红七军团的红军经过 桐庐的情况。 (3)从岭源出发,一路听老爷爷讲述红军故事,一路参观遗址、一路背诵 长征诗篇,一路演唱红军歌曲。 (4)翻山越岭,亲身体验红军之路。 八、活动成效与小结 桐庐县圆通小学 清明节“追忆红色历史,放飞雏鹰梦想”主题实践活动小结 本次活动学校领导高度重视,以学校书记为首的德育小组和少先队大队部对本次活动进行了统一布置,制定方案,大力宣传,营造氛围,开展了以“追寻英烈的足迹”为主题的系列实践活动。4月1日,学校大队部组织全体五年级同学到凤凰山烈士陵园祭扫烈士墓。为了让孩子们深切表达对烈士们的敬仰和缅怀,41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (E) the style, modified to work in a more important position. Style success hard work to XING Xiang. We want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat must carry forward the action, working hard in fine style, advancing the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption, and create a good political environment and political environment. Will continue to consolidate the party's mass line and educational practice, conscientiously implement the Central eight provision, vigorously carry forward the fine style of combining theory with practice, close ties with the. In accordance with the "three-three" requirements " "Multinationals," physical presence "where officers, officers, and not an accident as an important standard to appraise the cadres and promote party discipline and self-discipline, pragmatic commitment and undertaking, and strive for the pragmatic and clean. Third, this year's work will focus on full duty of due diligence and promote development at the same time, this year should focus on the following priorities: (a) strengthening and improving party building, constantly enhance the party's construction of scientific level of successful realization of the development goals this year lies in the party 在美术老的指导下,每个孩子都认真地亲手制作了敬献给烈士们的小白花,戴在胸前,以表敬意和哀思。 为了能使孩子们亲自感受、参与缅怀、祭奠先烈们。全体五年级同学在班主任老师组织和带领下,高举队旗,前去凤凰山革命烈士陵园进行祭奠。为使活动能最大限度的教育学生,继承先烈们艰苦朴素的优良传统,树立艰苦奋斗意识,整个活动采用步行的方式,经过40分钟来到桐庐凤凰山烈士陵园。很多孩子脑门上都渗出了汗水,但一路上孩子们没说一个苦字,排着整齐的队伍,还相互照应。到了烈士陵园,孩子们很快被庄严肃穆的氛围所感染。望着山上悬挂着“缅怀革命烈士”的横幅,高耸的革命烈士纪念碑,孩子们肃然起敬。聆听着工作人员的讲解,两个孩子抬着花圈,其它孩子有秩序的排队跟在后面,怀着崇敬而凝重的心绪齐聚烈士纪念碑前,对烈士们进行默哀、献花、鞠躬、敬献花圈、学生代表发言、等,向为实现民族解放、国家富强和人民幸福而壮烈牺牲的革命先烈们致以最深情的缅怀。而后,圆通的孩子们将自己亲手制作的小白花敬献在烈士墓碑前寄托哀思和对逝者的崇敬和感恩。他们肃立在烈士纪念碑前向烈士们表示:一定要继承先烈遗志、珍惜幸福生活、立志报效祖国。在山脚下,全体同学 再次仰望墓碑,深深的三鞠躬。 在清明节假期间开展的“网上祭英烈”活动中,同学们纷纷在中国文明在线开展网上留言,献花,表达对革命烈士的怀念之情。此次“网上祭英烈”活动,学校的师生通过各种途径来对英烈们寄托哀思和缅怀,采用学校集中组织活动与同学分散在家活动相结合。在学校里,同学们利用电脑信息课时间在教师指导下上网,撰写感言体会,献花留言。家里有上网条件的同学利用课余时间在家访问。学生们可以自由点击自己想要了解的相关内容,并向烈士们献上鲜花、鞠躬,在留言栏上留言,用这种新兴的祭奠形式表达对先烈的感恩与敬仰之情。同学们通过网上看一幅幅图片,听一个个故事,一段段解说,一组组画面,内心受到强烈地感染和震憾。有的同学在“网上祭先烈”活动中写到: 1.英烈们,在你们艰苦的奋斗下,我们的祖国繁荣昌盛,今天的美好生活是靠你们的鲜血换来的。我们现在要好好学习,将来成为祖国的有用之才,为国家作贡献。你们虽然牺牲了,但是你们的英魂永远屹立在所有人心中。 2(清明节,是我们中国的传统节日,它拥有世上十分珍贵的称号。每到清41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (E) the style, modified to work in a more important position. Style success hard work to XING Xiang. We want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat must carry forward the action, working hard in fine style, advancing the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption, and create a good political environment and political environment. Will continue to consolidate the party's mass line and educational practice, conscientiously implement the Central eight provision, vigorously carry forward the fine style of combining theory with practice, close ties with the. In accordance with the "three-three" requirements " "Multinationals," physical presence "where officers, officers, and not an accident as an important standard to appraise the cadres and promote party discipline and self-discipline, pragmatic commitment and undertaking, and strive for the pragmatic and clean. Third, this year's work will focus on full duty of due diligence and promote development at the same time, this year should focus on the following priorities: (a) strengthening and improving party building, constantly enhance the party's construction of scientific level of successful realization of the development goals this year lies in the party 明节,家家户户都会去扫墓,以表达自己对亲人的思念。周一,学校带领我们去凤凰山扫墓,我听着那些为了革命而牺牲的人们。眼眶有点湿润了。他们是为了老百姓今后的幸福生活不惜一切代价,献出了宝贵的生命。我敬佩你们,向你们致敬~ 在这次主题实践活动中,让孩子们印象特别深刻的是在桐庐电视台的组织下参加了“重走红军路,感悟新生活”为主题的体验活动。活动前,学校组织同学们学习了红军长征时期的诗歌进行背诵,感受中国红军长征路上的种种艰难险阻和中国共产党的豪情壮志。同时,还利用音乐课开展了红歌的学习活动,感受红军战士那不怕艰险,勇往直前的精神。 来到桐庐岭源境内的红军路,同学们聆听了县新四军研究会的三位老爷爷讲述红军经过桐庐境内的情况,了解当年红军北上的艰难,决定以自己的实际行动重走红军路,一路上,孩子们通过听红军故事、参观遗址,唱红歌,艰难的走了2个多小时,从中感悟到了红军路的艰难。通过这次体验活动,同学们进一步了解了烈士们为祖国为人民抛头颅、洒热血,不惜牺牲自己的生命的感人事迹,更深刻地体会到了先烈们那种坚贞不屈、英勇无畏的高贵品质和革命精神。由于时间的关系,在这次重走红军路的活动中,我们没有按 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 完成所有的体验活动,一些艰险的地段没有让孩子们继续往前走,一些遗址还没有参观,但是,通过这次活动,英雄们的感人事迹深深的感染、打动了学生,他们纷纷表示:要珍惜今天来之不易的幸福生活,并且用优异的成绩来回报党和祖国,以慰籍先烈的英灵。不能让烈士们的鲜血白流,要向英烈们学习,沿着先烈足迹,接过先烈手中的接力棒,继承先烈遗志,勤奋学习,奋勇拼搏,勇挑建设祖国的历史重担,为使中华民族傲然立于世界之林而贡献自己的力量。 41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (E) the style, modified to work in a more important position. Style success hard work to XING Xiang. We want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat must carry forward the action, working hard in fine style, advancing the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption, and create a good political environment and political environment. Will continue to consolidate the party's mass line and educational practice, conscientiously implement the Central eight provision, vigorously carry forward the fine style of combining theory with practice, close ties with the. In accordance with the "three-three" requirements " "Multinationals," physical presence "where officers, officers, and not an accident as an important standard to appraise the cadres and promote party discipline and self-discipline, pragmatic commitment and undertaking, and strive for the pragmatic and clean. Third, this year's work will focus on full duty of due diligence and promote development at the same time, this year should focus on the following priorities: (a) strengthening and improving party building, constantly enhance the party's construction of scientific level of successful realization of the development goals this year lies in the party 2013年杭州市中小学清明祭英烈优秀活动案例申表 学校名称(盖章): 活动标题 活动目的 活动时间 活动地点 参加人员 联系人 职务 联系电话 电子邮箱 活动过程、成效(可另附页): 反思总结: 41880, grass-roots masses of issues everything has responded, and the availability. (E) the style, modified to work in a more important position. Style success hard work to XING Xiang. We want to get rid of poverty and backwardness of the hat must carry forward the action, working hard in fine style, advancing the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption, and create a good political environment and political environment. Will continue to consolidate the party's mass line and educational practice, conscientiously implement the Central eight provision, vigorously carry forward the fine style of combining theory with practice, close ties with the. In accordance with the "three-three" requirements " "Multinationals," physical presence "where officers, officers, and not an accident as an important standard to appraise the cadres and promote party discipline and self-discipline, pragmatic commitment and undertaking, and strive for the pragmatic and clean. Third, this year's work will focus on full duty of due diligence and promote development at the same time, this year should focus on the following priorities: (a) strengthening and improving party building, constantly enhance the party's construction of scientific level of successful realization of the development goals this year lies in the party
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