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庐隐的《恋爱不是游戏》.doc庐隐的《恋爱不是游戏》.doc 庐隐 (Lu Yin)的 《恋爱不是游戏》 Love is Not a Game ~season 1~ 原文: 没有在沉浮的人生中,翻过跟斗的和尚,不能算善知识; 没有受过恋爱洗礼的人生,不能算真人生。 译文: A Buddist monk without having experienced ups and downs in the sea of mortals will have no claim to true wisdom. Likewise ,one who ...

庐隐的《恋爱不是游戏》.doc 庐隐 (Lu Yin)的 《恋爱不是游戏》 Love is Not a Game ~season 1~ 原文: 没有在沉浮的人生中,翻过跟斗的和尚,不能算善知识; 没有受过恋爱洗礼的人生,不能算真人生。 译文: A Buddist monk without having experienced ups and downs in the sea of mortals will have no claim to true wisdom. Likewise ,one who has never gone through the baptism of romantic love will have little genuine knowledge of life. 学习: 1.“浮沉的人海中”译为ups and downs in the sea of mortals,其中ups and downs=vicissitudes(胜败、兴衰),the sea of mortals=the sea of living. 2.“不能算善知识”理解为“没有资格称为智者”,译为will have no claim to true wisdom. claim 有“(对某事物的)权利,要求权,所有权”的意思。 have a...claim to/on sth. , have claims to/on... 对……具有提出要求的权利 如: He has a rightful claim to the property;it was his mother?s. 这产业曾是他母亲的,他对其拥有合法的所有权。 译文中用的是have no claim to,原意是“对……没有提出要求的权利”,现在理解为“没有资格称为……”。 3.likewise(副词) *同样地,照样地 如: I told him to watch me and do likewise. 我叫他仔细看着我,并且照样做。 在这里do likewise是“照样做,做一样的事”。 *也,另外,又 如: Her second marriage was likewise unhappy. 她的第二次婚姻也不幸福。 *( 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示感觉相同) 我也是,我有同感 如: „Let me know if you need any help.? „Likewise.? “你要是需要帮助就告诉我。” “你也一样。” 庐隐 (Lu Yin)的 《恋爱不是游戏》 Love is Not a Game ~season 2~ 原文: 和尚最大的努力,是否认现世而求未来的涅槃,但他不曾了解现世,他又怎能勘破现世,而跳出三界之外呢, 译文: Buddhist monks exert every effort to renounce this life in favour of future nirvana. But without a full knowledge of this life, how could they see through the vanity of human society and make a clean break with this mortal world ? 学习: 1.exert *运用,行使,施加 如: He exerted all his authority to make them accept the plan. 他利用他的所有权让他们接受这个 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 。 The moon exerts a force on the earth that causes the tides. 月球对地球的吸引力引起潮汐。 *exert yourself 竭力,努力 如: In order to be successful he would have to exert himself. 他必须努力才能成功。 exert every effort “做出最大的努力,竭力” 2.renounce *声明放弃,宣布放弃 如: to renounce a claim/title 放弃要求/头衔 *宣布与……决裂,宣布摒弃 如: to renounce war 不再发动战争 *宣布断绝与……的关系 如: He had renounced his former associates. 他已经宣布与过去的伙伴拆伙。 3.knowledge *知识,学问,学识 如: He has a wide knowledge of music and painting. 他在音乐和绘画方面知识渊博。 *知晓,知悉,了解 如: The film was made with the Prince?s full knowledge and approval. 这部影片是在王子充分了解和认可的情况下拍摄的。 4.“涅槃”是佛经用语,指信教者经过长期“修道”所达到的最高境界。后世也称僧人现实为“涅槃”(又称“入 灭”或“圆寂”。)英语称之为nirvana,源雨印度梵语。 5.“勘破现世”理解为“看破红尘”, 译为see through the vanity of human society. see through sb/sth 看透,识破某人/某物 如: We saw through him from the start. 一开始我们就识破他了。 6.“跳出三界”中的“三界”也是佛教用语,指“众生所住的世界”,现按“与现世一刀两断”的意思把“跳出三界”译为make a clean break with this mortal world. 庐隐(Lu Yin)的 《恋爱不是游戏》 Love is Not A Game ~season 3~ 原文: 而恋爱是人类生活的中心,孟子说:“食色性也。”所谓恋爱正是天赋本能;如一生不了解恋爱的人,他又何能了解整个人生, 译文: Romantic love is the core of human life. Mencius says,"The desire for food and sex is nature."In other words,love is innate. If one remains a lifelong stranger to love,how can he thoroughly understand life? 学习: 1. core ?core作名词 *(苹果等的)果心,核儿 *物体的中心部分 如: the earth's core 地核 *最重要的部分,核心,精髓,要点 如: the core activities of the job 这项工作最重要的活动 *(参加某项活动的)一小群人 如: He gathered a small core of advisers around him. 他的周围团集了一帮谋士。 ?core作动词 去掉果心,去核儿 2. innate 天生的,先天的,与生俱来的 如: the innate ability to learn 天生的学习能力 3. be/remain a stranger to sth. (注意用的介词是to) “不熟悉某事,不习惯某事” 如: You can't always be a stranger to your environment. 你不能总是不习惯自己所处的环境。 remain/be no stranger to sth. (注意这里是no,不是not~~~)“熟悉某事,习惯某事,对……并不陌生” 如: He's no stranger to controversy. 他对争论见得多了。 庐隐 (Lu Yin)的 《恋爱不是游戏》 Love is Not a Game ~season 4~ 原文: 所以凡事都要从学习而知而能,只有恋爱用不着学习,只是到了相当的年龄,遇到合式(适)的机会,他和她便会莫名地恋爱起来。 译文: Man becomes capable through learning. But love is an exception. Boy and girl,when they are of age and meet at an opportune moment,will become mysteriously attached to each other. 学习: 1.be of age “成年; 足龄; 成熟(通常为十八或二十岁)发达, 充分发展”,在译文中are of age表示“到了相当的年龄”。 2.opportune *恰巧,恰当的,适当的 如: The offer could not have come at a more opportune moment. 那个职业提得正是时候。 *及时的,适时的 如: an opportune remark 适事的言辞 3.attached to *attached to sb/sth 依恋,爱慕 如: I?ve never seen two people so attached to each other. 我从未见过两个人如此形影不离。 *attached to sth 附属于,为……工作 如: The research unit is attached to the university. 这个研究单位附属于大学。 *attached to sth 所附的 如: Please complete the attached application form. 请填写所附申请表。 庐隐 (Lu Yin)的 《恋爱不是游戏》 Love is Not a Game ~season 5~ 原文: 实在的恋爱绝不是游戏,也不是堕落的人生所能体验出其价值的,它具有引人向上的鞭策力,它具有伟大无私的至上情操,它更是美丽的象征。 译文: True love is not a game.Nor can its value be appreciated by the morally degenerate. True love spurs one on to higher attainment.It embodies the supreme quality of selflessness, and is, above all, symbolic of beauty. 学习: 1.degenerate ?degenerate作动词 degenerate (into sth. ) 恶化,蜕变,衰退 如: The march degenerated into a riot. 示威游行变成了暴动。 ?degenerate作形容词 *堕落的,颓废的 如: a degenerate popular culture 颓废的大众文化 *(术语)退货的,简并的 ?degenerate作名词 堕落的人 2.spur ?spur作名词 *马刺,靴刺 *鞭策,刺激,激励,鼓舞 如: His speech was a powerful spur to action. 他的讲话很有鼓动力。 *山嘴,尖坡,支脉 *(公路或铁路的)支线,岔线 ?spur作动词 *spur sb/sth (on) (to sth/sb/to do sth.) 鞭策,刺激,激励,鼓舞 如: Her difficult childhood spurred her to succeed. 她艰辛的童年激励她取得成功。 *促进,加速,刺激(某事发生) 如: The agreement is essential to spurring economic growth around the world. 这项协议对促进世界经济增长是至关重要的。 *策(马)前进,(尤指用马刺)策(马)加速 3.embody *表现,体现,代表(思想或品质) 如: the principles embodied in the Declaration of Human Rights 体现在《人权宣言》中的原则 *包括,包含,收录 如: This model embodies many new features. 这种 型号 pcr仪的中文说明书矿用离心泵型号大全阀门型号表示含义汽车蓄电池车型适配表汉川数控铣床 有许多新特点。 4.supreme *(级别或地位)最高的,至高无上的 如: the Supreme Commander of the armed forces 武装力量的最高统帅 *(程度)很大的,最大的 如: She smiled with supreme confidence. 她充满自信地微微一笑。 庐隐 (Lu Yin)的 《恋爱不是游戏》 Love is Not a Game ~season 6~ 原文: 在一双男女正纯洁热烈爱着的时候,他和她的内心充实着惊人的力量;他们的灵魂是从万有的束缚中,得到了自由,不怕危险,不为利诱,他们是超越了现实,而创造他们理想的乐园。 译文: When a man and woman are deeply immersed in true love, they are full of amazing strength.Their souls are freed from all bondage. They are unyielding before threats and incorruptible before any promise of material gain. They transcend the reality to create an ideal paradise of their own. 学习: 1.immerse * immerse sb/sth in sth 使浸没于…… 如: He immersed his feet in water. 他把脚浸在水里。 *immerse yourself/sb in sth (使)深陷于,沉浸在 如: She immersed herself in her work. She was immersed in her work. 她埋头工作。 2.strength *体力,力气,力量 如: He pushed against the rock with all his strength. 他用全力推那块石头。 *强度 如: the strength of a rope 绳子的强度 *毅力,坚强决心,意志力量 如: She has a remarkable inner strength. 她有非凡的意志力量。 *实力 如: Political power depends upon economic strength. 政治权利取决于经济实力。 *强烈程度,深度 如: the strength of public opinion 公众舆论的强烈程度 *优势,优点,长处 如: the strengths and weaknesses of an argument 一个论点的有力之处和薄弱之处 *强度,力度 如: the strength of the sun 太阳的强度 *浓度,浓淡程度 如: a range of beers with different strengths 各种度数不同的啤酒 *强弱(程度) 如: the strength of the dollar 美元的强弱 *人数多寡,人力 如: The strength of the workforce is about to be doubled from 3,000 to 6,000. 职工人数将翻一番,由3000人增加为6000人。 3.bondage *奴役,束缚 如: women?s liberation from the bondage of domestic life 女性从家庭生活束缚中的解脱 *性虐待癖 庐隐 (Lu Yin)的 《恋爱不是游戏》 Love is Not a Game ~season 7~ 原文: 在一双男女正纯洁热烈爱着的时候,他和她的内心充实着惊人的力量;他们的灵魂是从万有的束缚中,得到了自由,不怕危险,不为利诱,他们是超越了现实,而创造他们理想的乐园。 译文: When a man and woman are deeply immersed in true love, they are full of amazing strength.Their souls are freed from all bondage. They are unyielding before threats and incorruptible before any promise of material gain. They transcend the reality to create an ideal paradise of their own. 学习: 1.unyielding *坚定的,顽强不屈的,固执的 如: severe unyielding parents 严厉固执的父母 *不弯曲的,坚固的 2.incorruptible *廉洁的,不接受贿赂的 如: Bribery won?t work with him. He?s incorruptible. 贿赂对他不起作用。他为人清廉。 *不会腐蚀的,不可摧毁的 如: incorruptible will 不可摧毁的一致 incorruptible metal 不会腐蚀的金属 3.transcend *超过,超越(通常的界限) 如: kindness that transcends mere courtesy 超乎一般礼节性的深情厚谊 One can not see the thing in itself, because the mind does not transcend the phenomena.( Hilaire Belloc) 一个人永远不能认识事物自身的本质,因为思想无法超越现象。(西莱尔 贝洛克) *胜过,优于 如: Everyone knows that the speed of airplanes transcends that of ships. 人人知道飞机的速度快于轮船。 庐隐 (Lu Yin)的 《恋爱不是游戏》 Love is Not a Game ~season 8~ 原文: 不幸物欲充塞的现世界,这种恋爱的光辉,有如萤火微弱,而且“恋爱”有时适成为无知男女堕落之阶,使维纳斯不禁深深地叹息:“自从世界人群趋向灭亡之途,恋爱变成了游戏,哀哉~” 译文: Unfortunately, in this present world overflowing with material desires, this kind of true love is as rare as the feeble light of firelies.What is more, “love” sometimes even leads to moral degeneration on the part of ignorant men and women. Over this, Venus cannot help lamenting with a deep sigh, “Love has become a mere game ever since humanity set out on its way to extinction. O what a sad story!” 学习: 1.overflow ?overflow 作动词 *overflow with sth/overflow sth 漫出,溢出 如: That bath is overflowing. 浴盆溢水了。 *overflow with sth. 挤满了人 如: The streets were overflowing with the crowds. 街上到处挤满了人群。 *overflow into sth 扩展出界, 过度延伸 如: The meeting overflowed into the street. 开会的人一直排到了大街上。 ?overflow作名词 *容纳不下的人(或物) 如: A new office block was built to accommondate the overflow of staff. 新建了一座办公大楼以便容纳多出的员工。 *溢出,漫出,溢出的液体 如: an overflow of water from the lake 漫出的湖水 *溢流管 *溢出,上溢 2.feeble *虚弱的,衰弱的 如: a feeble old man 衰弱的老人 *无效的,缺乏决心的,无力的 如: a feeble attempt to explain 无力的试图解释 3.on the part of sb/on sb?s part 由某人所为,就某人而言 如: It was a very queer conduct on the part of Smith. 就史密斯而言,那是一个十分古怪的行动。 4.“ 而且„恋爱?有时适成为无知男女堕落之阶”理解成“„恋爱?有时导致无知男女堕落”,所以译为“love” sometimes even leads to moral degeneration on the part of ignorant men and women。
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