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七下英语作文精选(2)七下英语作文精选(2) 1.亲爱的朋友, 初一英语下各类作文范文 我叫莎莉。我来自中国。我想在澳1.Dear friend, 大利亚有一位笔友。我今年14岁。在 My name is Sally.I am from China.I want a pen pal in 我家里我没有兄弟姐妹。我在学校最Australia.I am 14 years old.I have no brothers or sisters in 喜欢的科目是科学,因为我觉得它很my family.My favorite subject ...

七下英语作文精选(2) 1.亲爱的朋友, 初一英语下各类作文范文 我叫莎莉。我来自中国。我想在澳1.Dear friend, 大利亚有一位笔友。我今年14岁。在 My name is Sally.I am from China.I want a pen pal in 我家里我没有兄弟姐妹。我在学校最Australia.I am 14 years old.I have no brothers or sisters in 喜欢的科目是科学,因为我觉得它很my family.My favorite subject in school is science, 有趣。在周末我喜欢弹钢琴和打篮球。because I think it’s very interesting.I like playing the piano 你呢,你会写信来告诉我有关你自己and playing basketball on weekends.How about you? Can 的情况吗, you write and tell me about yourself? 此致,莎莉 Yours, 2.我最喜欢的动物是猫。在我家里我Sally 有一只猫。她的名字叫咪咪,我认为2.My favorite animal is a cat.I have a cat in my family.Her 她来自中国。她两岁了。她喜欢每天name is Mimi, I think she is from China.She is two years 吃鱼。她是那种懒惰,但她很可爱。old now.She likes to eat fish every day.She is kind of lazy, 放学后我喜欢和它一起玩。 but she is very cute.I like playing with it after school. 3.去年夏天,我去了海滩。我的假期3.Last summer I went to the beach.My vacation was pretty 很不错。我坐公共汽车去那里,我的good.I went there by bus and my bus trip was 公交出行很令人放松。海滩非常漂亮。relaxing.The beach was very beautiful.It was sunny, cool 阳光普照,凉爽和潮湿。人们都很友and humid.the people were friendly and the food was 善,食物很可口。我很喜欢我的假期,delicious.I enjoyed my vacation very much and I hope to 我希望再去那里。 go there again. 4.描写方位的短文 4.我的家就在中心街。在中心街,有My home is on Center Street.On Center Street, there is a 一家餐厅,一个邮局和一个图书馆。restaurant, a post office and a library.The post office is 邮局在图书馆和餐厅之间。邮局对面between the library and the restaurant.Across from the 是一个公用电话。公用电话的旁边是post office is a pay phone.A bank is next to the pay 一家银行。超市在第五大道。酒店在phone.The supermarket is on Fifth Avenue.A hotel is in 超市的前面。 front of the supermarket. 5.今天是星期天.特纳一家正在家里. 他们正在做不同的事情。特纳先生正5.It is Sunday.The Turners are staying at home.They are 在洗他的车。特纳夫人正坐在桌子旁doing different kinds of things.Mr Turner is washing his 边。她正在喝茶.Bob正讲电话。南希car.Mrs Turener is sitting at the table.She is drinking 正坐在游泳池附近.她正在注视着狗tea.Bob is talking on the phone.Nancy is sitting near the 游泳.他们正过一段愉快的时光。 pool.She is watching the dog swimming.They are having a good time. 6.这是星期天的早晨.我的母亲和我去 公园。有很多很多人在公园里。有些6.It’s Sunday morning.My mother and I are going to the 孩子正在跑步。一只狗正在追赶他们。park.There are a lot of people in the park.Some children 四名妇女正坐在那里,她们在聊天。are running.A dog is running after them.Four women are 三位老人正站在一棵大树下。他们正sitting there They are talking.Three old men are standing 在看孩子。许多年轻人在跳舞。每个under a big tree.They are watching the children.Many 人都过得很愉快。我们也正享受着一young people are dancing.Everyone is having a good 段愉快的时光。 time.We are having a good time, too. 1 7.早上好~下面是在世界上一些大的7.天气预报的短文 城市的天气报告。北京多云。非常冷,Good morning ! Here’s the weather report for some big 所以当你出去时要穿保暖的衣服。纽cities in the world.Beijing is cloudy.It’s very cold, so wear 约阳光明媚,但在下午有一阵强烈的warm clothes when you go out.It is sunny in New York , 风。悉尼将是阴雨天气但很热。后天but there’s a strong wind in the afternoon.It will be rainy 将是晴朗的天气.今天的天气报告就in Sydney but very hot.The day after tomorrowwill be 是这些。谢谢收听。 sunny.That’s the weather report for today.Thank you for listening. 8.吉姆的家有三个人。格林先生是他8.描写人物的短文 的父亲。他体重,他蓄短直发。他戴There are three people in Jim’s family.Mr.Green is his 着眼镜。他正在看电视。他的母亲是father.He is heavy and he has short straight hair.He 格林夫人。她中等身材。她长着卷曲wears glasses.He is watching TV.His mother is 的头发。她正打扫房间。吉姆非常瘦。Mrs.Green.She is of medium height.She has curly hair.She 他正在玩球。他们都很高兴。 is cleaning the room.Jim is very thin.He is playing with the ball.They are all happy. 9.我是莎莉。我每天都很忙。我家有 太多的规则。我不得不在每天早上六9.I am Sally.Every day I am very busy.I have too many 点起床。我必须在7:00吃我的早餐。rules in my house.I have to get up at six o’clock every 我放学后不能见我的朋友.我不能在morning.I have to eat my breakfast at 7:00 o’clock.I can’t 上学的夜晚看电视。我必须在10点前meet my friends after school.I can’t watch TV on school 睡觉。在周末,我要打扫我的房间。nights.And I have to be in bed by 10:00 o’clock.On 然后我洗我的衣服,再后来我去少年weekends, I have to clean my room.Then I have to wash 宫学吉他。我爱音乐。不过,我在家my clothes.Later I have to go to the Children’s Palace to 里却不可以听音乐.我从来没有任何learn the guitar.I love music.But I can’t listen to music at 乐趣。我的生活如此乏味。我能做些home.I never have any fun.My life is so boring.What can I 什么, do ? 10.今天我去了故宫博物院。这很酷。10. 日记 出纳日记账表格下载出纳日记账表格二年级日记200字以上坚持写日记的英文笑猫日记读书分享 Thursday, August 1st 然后我去了长城。真是太棒了。有许 Today I went to the Palace Museum.It was 多人在那里。在下午,我参观了天安cool.Then I went to the Great Wall.It was fantastic.There 门广场。那里有许多美丽的花.真是太were many people there.In the afternon, I visited Tian’an 棒了。我去了北京胡同。这真是有趣。Men Square.There were many beautiful flowers.It was 我度过一段很愉快的时间。 really great.I went to a Beijing Hutung.It was really fun.I had a good time there. 11.珍妮有一个忙碌的周末。上周六上 午,她在家里做她的功课和练习说英11.描写周末的短文 Jenny had a busy weekend.Last 语。在星期六下午她看了电视,打了Saturday morning, she did her homework and practiced 网球。到了晚上,她去看了电影。星speaking English at home.She watched TV and played 期天早上,她打扫了自己的房间,并tennis on Saturday afternoon.At night, she went to the 到沙滩上去玩.在星期天下午,她去拜movies.On Sunday morning , she cleaned her room and 访她的朋友并逛了商店.昨晚她举办went to the beach.On Sunday afternoon, she visited her 了一个聚会。 friends and went shopping.She had a party last night. 2 12描写各类规则的短文 12.这是我们的班规。我们不能在上课Here are our class rules.We can’t arrive late for class on 日迟到。我们必须每天穿干净的衣服。weekdays.We have to wear clean clothes every day.We 我们不能在走廊里跑跳.我们必须在can’t run in the hallways.We have to eat and drink in the 饭厅吃喝。我们必须每天打扫教室。 dining room.We have to clean our classroom every day. 13..今天我们去了一个夏令营。天气很13.We went to a summer camp today.The weather was 好。山真的很漂亮。我们在那里唱歌great.The mountains were really beautiful.We had great 和跳舞很有乐趣。我们带的食物和饮fun singing and dancing there.We had a lot of food and 料很多。因此,我们有一个丰盛的午drinks with us.So we had a big lunch.I ate two hamburgers 餐。我吃了两个汉堡包和一些橙汁。and some orange juice.my friends all enjoyed their lunch 我的朋友们都非常喜欢他们的午餐。very much.It was so nice eating in the open air。I was 好在露天吃真不错。我真的很累,但really tired but I had a good time. 我很快乐。 14.介绍一下你和你的家人的业余爱好,以及周末是怎14.这是我的家庭。我家有四口人。他样度过的,字数至少60字。 们是我的爸爸,妈妈,妹妹和我,我This is my family.There are four people in my family.They 们都喜欢去爬山。在周末,我们通常are my father, mother, sister and I.We all like to go to the 去爬山。下雨的时候,我们呆在家里,mountains.On weekends, we usually go to the 看电视期,阅读书籍或打牌。我们通mountains.When it rains, we stay at home, watch TV, read 常过得很快乐。我有一个幸福的家庭。books or play cards.We usually have a good time.I have a 我也爱他们。 happy family.And I love them. 15.国贸服装商店的销售~ 15.你有一家叫国贸服装的商店,请给自己写一则广告。 在大减价时快来国贸买你的衣服吧~ Guomao Clothes Store SALE! 我们店里有许多又好又便宜的衣服。 Come and buy your clothes at Guomao’s great sale! 我们出售只有25元的毛衣。你喜欢袜We have many nice and cheap clothes in the store.We sell 子吗,我们有一个非常好的价格的袜sweaters for only ?25.Do you like socks? We have socks at 子 - 只卖2元。裤子也很便宜了。他a very good price – only ?2.The pants are cheap, 们是20元。快来国贸服装商店为自己too.They’re ?20. 看看衣服吧~ Come and see for yourself at Guomao Clothes Store! 16.汤姆,南希,莉莉和杰克是我的好16.Tom, Nancy , Lily and Jack are my good friends.They 朋友。他们都喜欢看不同的电视节目。all love to watch different TV shows.Tom likes sports, so 汤姆喜欢运动,所以他喜欢体育节目。he likes sports shows.Nancy watches comedies and she 南希看喜剧,她喜欢情景喜剧。但莉loves sitcoms.But Lily can’t stand them.She just likes 莉受不了他们。她只是喜欢游戏节目。game shows.Jack doesn’t like sitcoms either.He enjoys 杰克也不喜欢情景喜剧。他喜欢谈话talk shows.So you know they are all TV shows fans. 节目。所以,你知道他们都是电视迷。 3 17.周末你想为全家准备一顿晚饭。介绍一下你和家人17.今天星期天。我要为我的家人做很晚饭想吃的食物。 好吃的晚饭。我煮什么,嗯,我的母 It’s Sunday today.I’m going to cook a nice dinner for my 亲会要一些饺子,蔬菜沙拉和冰淇淋。family.What will I cook? Well, my mother would like 我父亲喜欢吃米饭,牛肉和土豆。他some dumplings, vegetable salad and ice cream.My father would like rice, beef and potato.He wants to drink coffee, 想要喝咖啡。我想要一小碗羊肉和胡 too.I would like a small bowl of mutton and carrot 萝卜面。我的猫怎么样,嗯,他喜欢noodles.What about my cat? Well, he likes fish and 鱼和汤。所以我会为他做一些。 soup.So I’ll cook some for him. 18.从你拥有的物品中选出与之对应的五件填入表中,18.我们家有一只猫。我喜欢她,我经并写一篇短文描述一下你是如何看待它们的。要求:60 常跟她玩。事实上,她是我的好朋友。词左右。 ,, , , don’t , don’t like ,, can’t 我的背包太旧了,我不喜欢它。我想 love like mind stand 有一个新的。我有一个钱包。我妈妈skirt cat wallet backpack schooluniform 给我买了它。对它我无所谓,有时我 We have a cat at my home.I like her, and I often play with 把它带在身上。我不能忍受我的校服,her.In fact, she is my good friend.My backpack is too old, 但我平日里不得不穿它。我有一个五and I don’t like it.I want to have a new one.I have a 颜六色的裙子,我非常喜欢它。我喜wallet.My mother bought it for me.I don’t mind it and sometimes I take it.I can’t stand my school uniform, but I 欢所有漂亮的衣服。 have to wear it on weekdays.I have a colorful skirt, and I love it very much.I love all beautiful clothes. 19.我叔叔是警察。他每天上班早,很 19.假如你叔叔是一名警察。请根据提示词汇写一篇短晚才回来。有时,他帮助学生到对面 文,介绍一下你叔叔的情况。要求:条理清楚,语句通的街道上去。有时,他帮助迷路的人顺;不少于60词。提示词:early, late, help students go 们找到家。而在其他时候,他和小偷across, the lost people, find, fight with(打击), thieves, safe(安全的), busy, dangerous. 对打以保护家庭和人民的安全。他的 My uncle is a policeman.He goes to work early and comes 工作是繁忙和危险的,但那是为了人back very late every day.Sometimes he helps students go across the streets.Sometimes he helps the lost people find 民的利益。我的叔叔是伟大的。我很 their homes.And at other times, he fights with thieves to 喜欢他。 keep families and people safe.His job is busy and dangerous, but it’s good for people.My uncle is great.I like him very much. 20.汤姆有许多规则。他不得不在每天 早晨6:30起床。他不能看电视或玩电20.Tom has many rules.He has to get up at 6:30 every 脑游戏,在上学的夜晚。他必须每天morning.He can’t watch TV or play computer games on school nights.He has to do his homework every day.He has 做功课。他必须在十点前睡觉。他不 to be in bed by ten o’clock.He can’t eat outside.He has to 能在外面吃。他必须在下午6点回到be back home by 6:00 in the afternoon. 家。 4
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