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新天利12 楼施工组织设计1


新天利12 楼施工组织设计1新天利12 楼施工组织设计1 库尔勒北城小区12#住宅楼 建设单位: 新疆新天利房地产开发有限公司库尔勒分公司 监理单位: 新疆建工监理工程有限公司库尔勒分公司 编制单位: 巴州众翔建设工程有限责任公司109项目部 编 制 人: 审 核 人: 审 批 人: 编制时间: installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part...

新天利12 楼施工组织设计1
新天利12 楼施工组织设计1 库尔勒北城小区12#住宅楼 建设单位: 新疆新天利房地产开发有限公司库尔勒分公司 监理单位: 新疆建工监理工程有限公司库尔勒分公司 编制单位: 巴州众翔建设工程有限责任公司109项目部 编 制 人: 审 核 人: 审 批 人: 编制时间: installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: before 目 录 一.工程概况 ............................................................................................... 5 二. 施工部署与布置 ............................................................................. 21 三.施工准备 工作计划 幼儿园家访工作计划关于小学学校工作计划班级工作计划中职财务部门工作计划下载关于学校后勤工作计划 ........................................................................... 22 四.分部分项工程施工方案 .................................................................. 28 五.施工进度计划及保证措施 ............................................................... 74 六(质量目标及保证措施 .................................................................... 76 七(安全生产技术措施 ......................................................................... 80 八(文明施工管理措施 ......................................................................... 86 九(环境保护措施 ................................................................................. 91 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o2 编 制 依 据 1、农二师设计院有限责任公司设计施工蓝图 2、建设工程有关的现行施工、验收规范及建筑 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 (1)建筑地基与基础工程施工验收规范(GB50202-2002) (2)砌体工程施工质量验收规范(GB50203-2002) (3)混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范(GB50204-2002) (4)屋面工程质量验收规范(GB50507-2002) (5)建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准(GB50300-2001) (6)建筑地面施工质量验收验收规范(GB50242-2002) (7)建筑装饰装修工程质量验收规范(GB50210-2002) (8)建筑给水排水及采暖工程施工质量验收规范(GB50242-2002) (9)建筑电气工程质量验收规范(GB50303-2002) 3、《安全检查标准JGJ59—99》 4、建筑工程承包 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 5、相关的质量环境保护法规 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the3 工程概况总体简介 序号 项目 内 容 1 工程名称 天利?北城花园12#住宅楼 2 工程地址 库尔勒市天山西路北城小区院内 3 建设单位 新疆新天利房地产开发有限公司库尔勒分公司 4 设计单位 农二师设计院有限责任公司 勘察单位 巴州基安岩土工程勘察设计有限责任公司 5 监理单位 新疆建工监理工程有限公司库尔勒分公司 6 质量监督单位 库尔勒市质量安全监督站 7 施工单位 巴州众翔建设工程有限责任公司 8 合同范围 结构、室内外装修、水暖、电、卫安装 9 合同性质 施工总承包 10 合同工期 2011年5月1日-2011年10月31日共计180天 安全伤亡事故为0,重伤月事故控制在0.5‰以内,轻伤月11 安全、环境目标 事故频率控制在2.4‰以内噪音、污水和粉尘排放达标。 结构工程:合格 12 质量目标 竣工工程:合格 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o4 一.工程概况 1.1工程简述 本工程位于库尔勒市天山西路北城小区院内。本工程为12#住宅楼工程,总建筑面积为5799.4平方米。质量标准:工程施工质量达到验收合格标准。开工日期:2011年5月1日,竣工日期:2011年10月31日,工期为180天。 1.2建筑设计内容 1.2.1设计概况 本项目工程项目为住宅楼属于居住建筑,位于库尔勒市天山西路北城小区院内。工程建筑等级属三类,建筑耐火等级?级,抗震设防烈度七度,屋面防水等级为?级,结构型式为砖混结构。耐久年限50年。 1.2.2各分部工程设计说明工程法做:屋面:(由上而下) , 4厚自带保护层SBS改性沥青防水卷材一道; , 30厚C25细石混凝土找平层; , 1:6水泥焦渣找2%坡,最薄处30厚; , 100厚EPS板保温层;类; , 沥青玛路碲脂一道; , 钢筋混凝土屋面层.外装修 , 颜色及材料详立面图(保温做法详新06J108图集)。 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the5顶棚做法 , 涂料顶棚:详新02J01-棚-1-棚1(楼梯间及地下室刷白色内墙乳 胶漆,其余部分板底石膏腻子刮平)楼地面做法 , 水泥砂浆地面:详新02J01-地-1-地3(用于公共部分); , 地暖楼面:详机关报02J01-楼-12-楼40(用于房间楼面,取消面层); , 地暖楼面:详新02J01-楼-12-楼41(用于厨房卫生间楼面,取消面层);内墙面做法:详新02J01-内-2-内7(楼梯间表面刷白色内墙乳胶漆,其他房间取消乳胶漆面层)门窗 , 门窗的选用:详见门窗表; , 门窗的安装:应符合门窗图集规定;门中立口,窗外立口; , 木门的油漆:除定型产品外,其它木制门油漆,均为乳白色调和漆罩面(中等做法)具体操作工序和注意事项详见产品说明书; , 门窗节点大样参见厂家节点大样,加工订货时,厂家应根据地区基本风压值和建筑高度核算门窗风压强度; , 各类门窗产品均须有国家或自治区建设主管部门颁发的合格证明,防火门、防盗门产品应有消防局、安全局销售许可证; , 一层窗外口加铁棚做法详新02J3-68-2,焊接在墙面预埋件上,出墙200宽; mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o6 , 门窗口护角为M10水泥砂浆展面200(即各边100),高度与门窗口同高。楼梯栏杆与扶手 , 楼梯踏步面层为水泥砂浆,楼梯栏杆做法详新02J6-10,栏杆高900,栏杆间距110,楼梯扶手为D50钢管,栏杆水平段长度大于500时,高度为1050mm;楼地面说明 , 卫生间的楼地面标高均低于同层楼地面15mm,并以斜面过度,坡度为1%,坡向地漏; , 管道穿楼板时采用预埋套管法,套管应高出楼面50mm; , 管道与套管之间用沥青麻丝填塞严密,出楼面部分1:1水泥砂浆填实抹光。防潮、防腐、除锈处理 , 所有与砖、砼、砌体接触的木板均在接触面涂防腐油一道; , 所有露明铁件,除注明外均刷防锈漆一道,面层刷灰铅油两道。其它说明 , 室内护角:阳角均用M10水泥砂浆,厚度与相邻墙面抹灰相同,高度:墙体阳角为2000,门作洞口角高度大于2000者为2000,不足者与洞口员高,室内阳角做成圆弧状,R=5,边长为100,饰面材料同相邻墙面; , 设备、电气的墙体留洞详设备,电气施工图,在墙面上的详见结构施工图; , 阳台设晾衣架,用户自理; specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the7 , 本说明如有收、疏漏与不明确之处,请与设计人共同研究处理; 1.2.2 住宅楼节能设计依据 , 《民用建筑节能设计标准(采暖居住建筑部分)》JGJ26-95 , 《民用建筑节能设计标准(采暖居住建筑部分)新疆维吾尔自治区实施细则》ZJJ001-1999。 , 依据《关于转发巴州地区民用建筑执行65%建筑节能标准和可再生能源规模化应用实施方案的通知》巴政办发(2008)128号文件要求执行节能指标;各种成品建材注 , 外门可采用成品非可视电子对讲门,并应提供保温性能检测报告,必须满足Ki?2.5W/(m2?K)的要求; , 外窗的气密性能不应低于《建筑外窗气密性能分级及其检测方法》GB/T7107-2002中规定的4级; , 如窗墙面积比超过规定偻值时,应进地权衡判断,使建筑物耗热量指标达到规定要求; , 门、窗框与墙体之间的缝隙,应采用聚氨酯发泡剂、聚氯乙烯泡沫塑料等软质保温村料堵封;并用嵌缝密封膏密封; , EPS板容重18~22kg/m3,导热系数?0.041(m2?K)。 , 根据保温层厚度通过查相关标准图集、热工计算、利用建筑节能和分析件获得传热系数Ki值; , 外墙每三层设一道岩棉防隔离带,做法详10CJ16-16页。 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o8 1.3 结构设计总说明 1.3.1 基本数据 , 本工程位于库尔勒市天山西路南侧,东邻巴州四运家属区,西邻工四团二十连及市物资回收仓库;,采用砖混结构形式,地下一层,地上六层;室内外高差1000mm,建筑物高度(室外地面至主要屋面板的板顶)为19.000m; , 场地抗震设防烈度为7度,设计基本地震加速度值为0.15g,设计地震分组为第二组; , 本工程建筑抗震设防类别为丙类,建筑结构安全等级为二级; , 本工程主体结构混凝土环境类别为一类,室外构件混凝土环境类别为二b类; , 地基基础设计等级为丙类; , 本工程施工质量控制等级为B级; , 本工程设计基准期为50年,合理使用年限50年; 1.3.2建筑场地及自然条件 , 场地土类别为?类; , 基础位于第?层角砾层,地基承载力特征值350KPa; , 地基土标准冻结深度为0.63m; , 根据地质报告可不考虑地下水对建筑物的影响; , 根据地质报告本工程不具备地震液化特征; 1.3.3 地基基础 , 基础应落在未扰动的角砾层上,基槽开挖时,不应扰动土的原状结 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the9 构,机械开挖时应按有关规范要求进行,坑底保留200mm厚的土层用人工开挖,避免超挖; , 基底若特殊土层,如井坑、墓穴、杂填土、人防地道等必须通知设计人员作专项地基处理。 , 基槽检验,应按工程地质报告和设计人员要求进行检验并须有勘察与设计人员参加,验槽合格后方可施工。 , 基槽开挖与基础施工应连续,严重晒槽及人为跑水灌槽。 , 毛石混凝土基础:混凝土强度等级C25(毛石最大粒径不大于300且不大于构件最小尺寸1,3)。 1.3.4墙体工程 , 墙平面位置、标高、墙厚墙垛、门窗洞口等尺寸,均参照建施图施工。 , 地下室砖墙(除后砌墙外)用强度等级MU10的普通砖和强度等级M10的水泥砂浆砌筑,1,3层用强度等级MU10的多孔砖和强度等级M10的混合砂浆砌筑,4,5层用强度等级MU10的多孔砖和强度等级M7.5的混合砂浆砌筑,6层用强度等级MU10的多孔砖和强度等级M5的混合砂浆砌筑。 , 后砌砖墙(用于地下室)普通砖强度等级MU10,水泥浆强度等级M5.0;后砌加气砼砌块,用强度等级为M5.0的混合砂浆,容重不大于7.0KN/m3的加气块,后砌加气块墙沿墙高每隔900,1000设一道60厚混凝土配筋带,内配2Φ6通长筋颁分布筋为Φ6,300,配筋带遇洞口时断开,配筋带混凝土强度为C20; , 房屋两端外山墙、单元墙,均不宜开施工洞口,如必须开洞时,洞 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o10 口上应另加钢筋混凝土过梁,洞口两侧应预埋水平拉结筋,钢筋伸入每边墙体不得少于500?,每半砖墙厚设1φ6,沿洞口高度每6层砖设一道。严禁在上述墙体上剔洞口。 , 底层和顶层墙体洞口处防处理措施详新06G605-11第31、32页,遇构造柱时钢筋锚入构造柱内 , 顶层两端山墙第一个开间的内、外纵墙全高设2φ6拉结筋,竖向间距200,遇构造柱错入构造柱时错入构造柱内。 1.3.5钢筋混凝土工程 , 现浇混凝土构件,未注明的混凝土强度等级为C20,GZ、现浇板的 混凝土强度等级为C20,钢筋类别ΦHPB235,ΦHRB335,ΦHRB400; , 预埋件的锚筋应采用HPB235级、HRB335级钢筋,严禁采用冷加工 钢筋。 , 所有外露铁件均应除锈涂红丹两道,刷防锈漆两道。 , 凡图中表示通长的钢筋,可根据实际情况切断接头,但构件上部钢 筋只能在跨中L,3范围接头下部筋只能断于支座内,钢筋接头宜采用焊接,若采用搭接,必需满足钢筋混凝土有关的搭接长度要求。 , 对于外比较复杂的构件及节点,施工时均应通过放样来确定模板尺 寸及钢筋长度。 , 浇筑混凝土前,应配合各专业施工图,检查有关预留钢筋、埋件、 孔洞是否安妥善,以免事后打洞处理。 1.3.6 现浇板工程 , 现浇混凝土板厚为100mm时支座负筋下分布钢筋为Φ6,200,(当 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the11 板厚为120-140时分布钢筋为Φ6,150);现浇板板底短跨方向钢筋置于下排,板面短跨方向钢筋置与上排。 , 现浇板支撑于梁上或墙上长度为:中间支座不小于板厚和120mm,边支座不小于240mm; , 现浇板内主筋应锚入梁或墙内,板底钢筋应伸至梁或墙中心线(边板伸至板端),且锚固长度不应小于板厚及5d,d为受力筋直径; , 跨度?3.0m(双向板时取短跨)的屋面板和跨度?4.0m的楼面板未配筋板面配置双向温度收缩钢筋;板厚<120mm时每方向配φ6@200,板厚130mm-150mm时每方向配φ6@150。 , 轻质隔墙位置下未设梁时,应沿墙方向在板底附加2 14钢筋,钢筋锚入两端梁内或墙内的长度应满足纵向受拉钢筋的最小锚固长度的要求。 , 悬挑构件悬挑长度大于1.2m时端部起拱0.6%,梁跨度大于6m板跨度大于4米者跨中按0.3%起拱。 , 现浇板中预埋设备电气管管径不宜大于板厚的1,3,且板面上下至管壁不小于25mm。 , 现浇板上留洞应与基它各专业核对无误后方可施工;对于洞宽小于300时可按各专业图纸提供的位置预留,但结构的板筋不得截断,钢筋应在洞边绕过;洞宽大于300mm且小于1000mm的洞口将被切断的钢筋总面积的1/2各布于洞口两侧,且每侧?2φ12位于板底上排,每侧?2φ14的位于板底下排。 1.3.7抗震构造措施 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o12 , 构造柱平面布置及截面配筋庆基础平面图,构造柱与墙体连接及钢筋锚固搭接做法详新06G605-1图集3-8页,构造柱边墙体无法砌筑时打同标号素混凝土,构造柱与墙连接处应砌成马牙磋,沿墙高每隔500mm设2φ6水平钢筋; , 各层圈梁平面布置及截面配筋详各层结构平面图,圈梁节点做法详新06G605-1第9-14页,楼层未设圈梁处沿墙体周边加强筋做法详该图集第15页,当过梁同圈梁重叠且洞口宽不大于2100时,圈梁兼过梁做法详新06G605-1第16页。 , 各层楼梯间设封闭圈梁,圈梁顶标高同各层楼面标高,截面及配筋见大样。 , 屋顶女儿墙抗震柱平面布置间距要求详新06G605-1第17页,有构造柱的地方,构造柱应延伸至女儿墙顶。 , 所有抗震构造均参照新06G605-1施工。其它构造措施 , 本设计未考虑冬季,雨季施工。 , 采用的钢材、水泥、砖、石等材料、必须符合国家规定的质量标准、施工工艺、工程的质量标准,必须符合国家规定的各项施工验收规范。 , 钢板采用Q235,HPB235钢筋采用E43XX焊条,HRB335级钢筋采用E50XX焊条。 , 在底层窗台下砌体灰缝内的加强筋做法详该图集第31页。在顶层和底层的窗台标高处沿纵横墙设通长的水平现浇钢筋混凝土带,断面和配筋大样详见大样。 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the13 , 不应在截面长边小于500的承重墙体和独立柱内埋设管线,墙体中不应设水平穿行暗管或预留水平沟槽,不得打凿墙体和在墙体上开凿水平沟槽,墙中竖向暗管须预埋。 , 悬臂构件必须在砼强度达到100%设计强度,且抗倾覆部分砌体施工结束后,方可拆除支撑。 , 构造柱,基础梁、砼基础等兼做防雷接地时,其有关纵筋必须焊接,双面焊缝长度L? 5d。 , 顶层端部两个开间洞口小于1000mm,或2100mm?洞口宽度?2400mm时洞口两侧均按新06G605-1设边框。 , 六层楼梯间沿墙每隔500mm设2φ6通长钢筋和φ4分布短筋平面内点焊组成的拉结网片;其它各层楼梯间休息平台处设100高钢筋混凝土带。 1.4 水暖设计说明 1.4.1 采暖设计计算参数 , 采暖室外计算参数:冬季采暖室外计算,13?;冬季室外平均风速:2.3m/s; , 采暖室内设计温度:卧室、客厅、餐厅:tn=20? ;卫生间:tn=22?厨房:tn=17?; , 辐射地板表面平均温度:客厅、厨房、餐厅:tb=26?;卫生间:tb=30?;厨房:tb=27?; 1.4.2 围护结构热工计算参数:(依据建筑作法,s,0.3) 玻璃窗:采用框双玻璃钢窗 K=3.0W/(m2.?) 外墙:采用240空心砖外墙+45mm K=0.68W/(m2.?) mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o14 地下室顶板:采用50mm聚苯板保温 K=0.55W/(m2.?) 屋面:建筑屋面+100mm聚苯板 K=0.45W/(m2.?) 1.4.3 采暖系统热源 , 每户由与室内空气运行不相关的燃气壁挂锅炉供应低温热水(55/45?)后,供每户热水采暖使用。系统形式; , 本工程为壁挂炉(用户自理)地面辐射采暖系统,热源采用与室内空气不相关型户用燃气壁挂炉(采暖,生活二用炉)提供55/40?低温热水,供本工程地面采暖使用。一户一机一系统,每户设分、集水器引出五个支路由埋设在地板下的加热盘管向各房间供暖。 , 管材:地面加热盘管采用交联聚乙烯管(PEX-C),使用条件分级四级,公称壁厚?1.9mm。S值6.3加热盘管管径均为φ1620。壁挂炉至分、集水器间的管道采用热镀锌钢管(GB/T3091-2001),丝接。 1.4.4 通风系统 , 住宅厨房及卫生间均设防回流子母风道的排气竖井。卫生间通风器选用WTB-110型,风量130m3/h,功率29W,安装高度:距离板底100mm。 1.4.5 低温热水地板辐射施工说明 , 覆铝箔聚苯板保温层的密度应不小于20kg/m2,苯板铺设完后应平整,无凹凸现象。 , 联聚乙烯管(PEX)用塑料卡钉直接固定在聚苯板上,每隔300~400mm设一个卡钉,拐弯处适当加密,暗埋盘管严禁有接头,安装前要检查管内 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the15 是否有杂物、灰尘,否则及时清除。管材施工完后要保证无划痕、破损现象。 , 填充材料采用C25豆石混凝土,豆石粒径5~12mm。其中应加防龟裂剂JD504,填充混凝土时应在盘管带压(0.6MPa)时进行,轻轻捣固并找平,混凝土凝固后方可泻压。对于面积较大的地板,超过30m2左右应设?8mm宽的伸缩缝;在与内外墙、柱等垂直构件交接处应设不间断的伸缩缝。缝中应填高发泡聚乙烯泡沫塑料。厚(8~10mm),高60mm。 , 分、集水器采用铜制分、集水器,其上各环路支管阀门均采用铜球阀。 , 在加热盘管及铜制分、集水器施工完毕后,进行水压试验,压力为0.6MPa(或工作压力的1.5倍)并稳压60分钟以上。降压不大于0.05MPa为合格。 , 卫生间等潮湿房间必须做两层隔离层,做法详大样。门口处均设止水墙。 , 分、集水器进出口铺设盘管时,盘管距临外墙面第一圈为100mm,第二、三圈均为150mm,其后按设计间施工。 , 供暖系统使用时,供水温度不宜骤然升高,初始供水温度应控制在比当时环境温度高10?左右,最高水温不宜超过32?,循环两天后逐日升温3?,直到55?为止,并以?55?水温正常运转。非采暖季节应充满水保养。 , 凡未说明处,均应按国家标准《建筑给水排水及采暖工程施工质量验收规范》(GB50242-2002)进行施工。 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o16 1.4.6 给排水设计范围及工程概况 , 本工程设计内容包括:给水系统,排水系统,排水系统,灭火器设置,热水系统。 给水系统 , 本工程自备水源压力0.30MPa,供水管网管径DN50,本工程最高日用水量45.3m3/d,最大小时用水量5.29m3/h,系统所需压力为0.28MPa。 , 给水系统自备水源管网直供。 排水系统 , 本工程污、废水采用合流制。室内污废水重力自流排入室外污水管;施工说明 管材 , 生活冷热给水管均采用PP-R管,热熔连接。管材压力等级:冷水S5系列(1.0MPa),热水S2.5系列(2.0MPa)。 , PPR管外径与公称直径对照表 以称直径(DN) 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 冷水用S5系列 20?2.0 25?2.3 32?2.9 40?3.7 50?4.6 63?5.8 75?6.9 PP-R管管径 (外径?壁厚) 热水用S2.5系列 20?3.4 25?4.2 32?5.4 40?6.7 50?8.9 63?10.5 75?12.5阀门及附件 , 生活冷热给水管上采用PP-R管专用截止阀,工作压力为0.4MPa。 , 水表前后采用PP-R管专用闸阀,工作压力为0.6MPa。 , 止回阀:生活给水引入管上安装普通止回阀。 , 附件:卫生间内采用铝合金地漏,箅子均为镀铬制品,地漏水封高 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the17 度不小于50mm,洗衣机处地漏为洗衣机专用地漏。 1.5电气施工设计说明 1.5.1 设计范围 , 本工程设计包括红线内的以下电气系统: , 220V/380V配电系统; , 建筑物防雷; , 建筑物接地系统及安全措施; , 有线电视系统; , 电话及网络布线系统(不涉及网络设备); , 220V/380V配电系统; , 本建筑属于三类住宅建筑; , 负荷分类及容量; , 三级负荷,其住宅照明容量为43.2KW; 1.5.2供电电源 , 本工程从小区就近变电所引来一路220V/380V电源,供给本楼照明负荷用电,进线电缆从建筑物侧墙直埋引入,进入侧墙上的配电总箱内,埋深为室外地面下1m。照明,插座均由不同的支路供电,所有插座回路均设漏电断路器保护。 1.5.3 设备安装 , 进户配电总箱落地安装,距地面1.8m安装,单元电表箱在配电间落地安装基础高为200mm。 , 住户配电箱底边距离地面1.4m嵌墙暗装。 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o18 , 除注明外,开关距地1.4米暗装,卫生间内开关、插座选用防潮、防溅型面板;有淋浴、浴缸的卫生间内开关、插座需设在2区以外。 1.5.4 导线选择及敷设 , 进线选用VV22-1KV聚氯乙烯护套铜芯铠装电力电缆;照明干线选用BV-500V聚氯乙烯绝缘铜芯导线,所有干线均穿SC钢管墙及楼板暗敷;照明支线选用BV-500V聚氯乙烯绝缘铜芯导线,所有支线均穿RPE塑料管暗敷。 , 楼内强弱电配线见各层平面及系统图中标注,穿管管径除图中标注外,还应根据平面图中实际根数及线径,参考图集〈〈新02D1-2〉〉配管线管路较长或有弯时应适当加装拉线盒,两个拉线点之间距离应符合以下要求;对无弯的管路不超过30m;两个拉线点之间有一个弯时,不超过20m;两个拉线点之间有两个弯时,不超过15m;两个拉线点之间有三个弯时,不超过8m。 , 电气施工应配合土建施工提前预埋管线,其管线穿越基础对应留套管。 1.5.5 建筑物防雷 本工程经防雷计算,外部不需设防雷设施,建筑物电子信息系统的雷电防护等级为D级,本工程在进户配电内设浪涌保护器(SPD),其技术参数详下表: specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the19 型号 名称 设计参数 J45-E100/4-02 计算机信号电涌保护器 网络标称电压6v,设备耐压25v,浪 涌电流1.0KA(8,20us) MJ-10 程控电话电涌保护器 网络标称电压110v,设备耐压500v,浪 涌电流1.0KA(8,20us) HZD-B 电源电涌保护器 设备耐压6KV,标称放电电流60KA(8/20us) , 未防雷电波侵入,入户端电缆埋地长度不应小于15m,埋地深度为地面下1m。 1.5.6接地及安全 , 进户中性一做重复接地,且接地电阻R,1欧姆,实测不满足要求时,增设人工接地极。 , 凡可导电的金属外壳,而当绝缘破坏有可能呈现电压的一切电气设备金属外壳均应可靠接地。本工程接地型式采用TN-C-S系统,电源在进户线处做重复接地,并与弱电系统接地共用接地极。 1.5.7有线电视系统 , 干线电缆选用SYWV-75-9穿SC25管,支线电缆选用SYWV-75-5穿RPE20管,沿墙及楼板暗敷,用户电视插座暗装,底边距地1.4m。 1.5.8 电话系统 , 市政电话电缆先由室外引入信息间总配线箱间,在由总配线间引至各层用户家居信息箱,再由住户信息箱跳线给户内的每个电话插座。 , 电话电缆及电话线分别选用HYA和HBYV型。 1.5.9 网络布线系统 , 由室外引入楼内的数据网线选用2芯非屏蔽多模光纤,穿金属管埋地暗敷。 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o20 , 网络设备配线柜在信息间内落地明装,计算机插座选用RJ45超五类型,与网线匹配,底边距地0.3m暗装。 二. 施工部署与布置 2.1现场条件说明 , 本工程施工场地位于北城小区院内场地类别为?类。施工电源和水源已接入施工现场,其电力容量和给水容量可满足临时用电和临时用水需要,施工区通讯设施齐全,完全能满足施工通讯指挥的需要。 2(2现场平面布置 , 本施工总平面图是依据设计总平面图及现场情况进行布置。结合现场场地实际情况,施工现场在平面布置上兼顾考虑安全、文明施工管理的需要。总体平面布置原则:根据现有的场地条件,合理安排现场的物资加工、必要的办公用房、周转材料堆放及临设用地。 施工临时设施设备表 名称 结构型式 面积(?) 备注 门卫室 彩板房 15 办公室 彩板房 50 木工房 钢管 25 钢筋工棚 钢管 45 厕所 砖木 22 搅拌机 钢管 12 水泥库房 砖木 60 砂石料场 砖砌围护 80 围墙 轻质钢板 600 2.1.1施工现场水、电布置详见附图《施工总平面图》。 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the21 2.1.2施工道路 车辆从大门进入,从大门至搅拌机场地修一条4米宽的车道。详见附图《施工总平面图》 , 现场除设置办公室、材料库房外,还增设厕所等。 , 工地所有围墙采用不少于2米高的钢板隔墙,实行全封闭施工,现场所有材料严格按施工平面布置图及建设部门标准布置。 2.3施工现场平面(详施工总平面图) 三.施工准备工作计划 3.1施工技术准备 3.1.1收到图纸后立即组织有关人员熟悉工程设计内容并认真做好图纸会审工作,做好图纸会审记录。 3.1.2编制切实可行的施工组织设计,及时上报公司和监理部门审批,并做好分项工程的技术交底工作。 3.1.3 编制施工预算,并根据预算和进度计划编制材料供应计划,落实供货渠道。提前做好原材料的试验工作。 3.1.4高程引测与定位器具配置:经纬仪、水准仪各一台,两把50米钢尺。进行测量仪器的检验,按施工组织设计布设要求,接收坐标点和水准点等测控点,进行闭合复测工作及轴线控制桩的埋设与保护。 3.1.5为保证工程顺利进行,确保工程质量,提前做好可行的工程进度计划,制定工程细部作法和克服质量通病的措施与方法。 3.2 材料、机械设备的准备: 3.2.1因本工程的需要,我公司或购或调了一批性能良好的施工机械, mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o22 配合本工程施工,有关本工程机械设备的需用计划详下表。 序号 机具名称 型号规格 单位 数量 出厂日期 用途 备注 1 挖掘机 CAT-350B 台 1 2007 基础土方 2 运输车 5t 辆 8 2005 土方开挖回填 自卸车 3 装载机 MZ-50 台 1 2004 回填 4 电动打夯机 HZD200 台 1 2008 回填夯实 5 塔式起重机 QTZ-40 台 1 2008 垂直运输 6 门架升降机 1.5t 台 1 2009 装修垂直运输 7 搅拌机 JL350 台 1 2010 搅拌、砂浆 8 插入式振捣器 ZN50 台 4 2010 浇筑砼 9 平板振动器 PZ—50 台 2 2009 浇筑砼 10 木工用电锯 ML292F4 台 1 2009 木工制作 11 圆盘锯 5KW 台 1 2009 木工开料 12 电焊机 BX6-250 台 1 2006 钢材焊接 15 钢筋切断机 YS90L-2 台 1 2007 切断钢筋 16 钢筋弯曲机 GW6-40 台 1 2007 钢筋加工 17 钢筋调直机 GT4/8 台 1 2008 钢筋调直 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the23 3.2.2 本工程主要材料需用量详下表。 序号 材料名称 规格 单位 数量 进场日期 备注 1 水泥 32.5 吨 800 2011.5.8 陆续进场 2 钢筋 ?、?级 吨 115 2011.5.22 陆续进场 3 3 碎石 5-40? M1300 2011.5.17 陆续进场 34 砂 中砂 M 2500 2011.5.17 陆续进场 5 大模板 1.5?厚 ? 1100 2011.6.10 模板专用 36 板方材 5?厚 M 130 2011.6.10 模板专用 7 钢管 ,50 吨 91 2011.5.17 陆续进场 8 粘土砖 多孔 万块 55 2011.6.20 陆续进场 3 10 商品砼 C20 m1500 2011.5.24 陆续进场 11 密目网 ? 3000 2011.6.15 陆续进场 3.3人员准备: 3.3.1为确保工程优质,按合同工期竣工,我公司组织高素质的施工队 伍。具体人员组织、进场、配置详图表。 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o24 人员组织配备表 序号 工种 基础 结构 装修 担负的主要工作内容 1 混凝土工 16 16 13 所有的现浇混凝土浇筑及普工工作 2 钢筋工 8 25 所有的钢筋制作、绑扎、安装及校正等 3 木工 20 30 所有的钢、木模板的支拆清理等 4 瓦工 10 20 围护墙及内隔墙砌筑等 5 架子工 4 12 12 建筑物内外脚手架的搭拆等 6 电焊工 2 2 钢筋竖向及水平焊接和预埋件焊接 7 抹灰工 25 所有内外墙抹灰及釉面砖、地板砖镶贴 8 涂料工 20 建筑物内外涂料及油漆 9 防水工 8 10 屋面及卫生间防水层施工 1 水暖工 2 5 10 所有的水暖及设备安装 0 1 电工 4 4 15 建筑电气安装及施工用电维修管理 1 1 装修工 40 建筑物的内外装饰 2 1 吊装工 2 4 2 材料、脚手架钢管垂直运输等 3 1 清理工 2 4 2 施工现场打扫卫生、洒水 4 1 小计 5 3.6 临时供水、供电用量计算及设置 3.6.1 用电量计算及设置 主要施工机具用电量详下表。 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the25 主要机械用电量表 序号 机具名称 型号规格 单位 数量 额定功率(KW) 备注 1 塔式起重机 QTZ-40 台 1 26 2 搅拌机 JL350 台 2 11?2=22 4 圆盘锯 台 1 3 5 电焊机 BX6-250 台 1 8 8 钢筋切断机 YS90L-2 台 1 3 9 钢筋弯曲机 GW6-40 台 1 3 10 钢筋调直机 GT4/8 台 1 12 11 门架升降机 1.5t 台 1 12 镝灯 飞利浦 部 2 3?2=6 13 合计 98KW 计算施工用电 电动机额定功率P=98 KW 1 照明用电取用电量的15%,则现场总用电量为(考虑80%的机械设备同时工作): P=1.05?(PK/cosφ,PK)?1.15?0.8 1122 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o26 K选用0.6, K选用0.6,K选用0.7,cosφ选用0.65 123 P=(98?1.15?0.8=90KW I=1000?K?P/?V?cosφ=1000?0.7?90/?380?0.75=130333 (A) 由于业主自有变压器足够负荷,所以电源从其低压接出使用。考虑输 2电距离,场内干线按导线截面容许电流选用120?BLX型铝芯橡皮线。PE 2线选用120?BLX型铝芯橡皮线。具体布线见施工总平面图。根据施工现场总平面图中各用电设备的位置、数量及现场情况,拟采用放射式与树干式混合的配电系统方式,由分配电箱到用电设备均采用放射式,以保证设备相互之间无干扰。施工现场共计分四路,第一路钢筋工棚,橡皮铜芯电缆,由总箱敷设到钢筋工棚由二极配电箱,分六路分别向钢筋工棚供电;第二路搅拌机棚,橡皮铜芯电缆,由总箱敷设到搅拌机棚二级配电箱,分五路分别向搅拌机站及楼上供电;第三路塔吊,橡皮铜芯电缆,由总箱敷设到塔吊二级配电箱,分二路分别向塔吊、镝灯供电;第四路木工棚,橡皮铜芯电缆,由总箱段敷设到木工棚二级配电箱,分四路向电锯、电刨供电。生活区用电单独从总箱敷设。 3.6.2 供水量计算及设置 施工用水量:按日用水量最大的浇筑混凝土量计算 q=K?Q?N?K/8?3600 1 1 112 33式中K=1.15 N=300L/m Q=60 m/台班 K=1.5 1112 q=1.15?60?300?1.5/8?3600=1.08L/S 1 管径D的计算(V=2L/S Q=q) 1 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the27 D== 0.026m 4Q/,,V,1000 考虑接水距离远,选用DN50的水管可满足要求。 3.7 信息及通信 3.7.1 项目部配备电脑,利用计算机建立数据库,对物资进场和需求计划进行有效控制,以保证工程需要。来往文件、资料以及技术方案、网络计划等应用计算机进行辅助管理。 3.7.2 为进行有效管理,项目部管理人员配备手机;各专业施工工长也要求配备手机。通过移动通讯工具提高工效。 四.分部分项工程施工方案 4.1 施工原则要求 4.1.1按照先地下后地上,先基础后主体,先主体后装修,先土建后安装,最后清理竣工的施工原则。将工程划分为基础、主体结构、内外装修和收尾竣工四个阶段。 基础:要抓好毛石混凝土浇筑这一主要工序。 主体结构:要按自下而上,分流水段施工的原则组织施工。 内外装修;要按先上后下,立体交叉作业的顺序进行施工。 收尾竣工:要抓紧,做好成品保护工作。 4.2 主要施工程序 4.2.1 基础工程施工程序 平整场地 定 位 挖 土 垫层混凝土 基础防腐 基础混凝土 基础回填土 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o28 地下室砌体 挡土墙混凝土 地下室梁、板 地下室外防腐 室外回填土 4.2.2 主体结构工程施工程序 放 线 墙体砌筑 柱、过梁、板模板 梁、板钢筋 放线 养护 柱梁板混凝土 4.2.3 装修工程施工程序 淋水外墙 外墙室外屋面 检验 抹灰 面砖 做法 内墙顶 楼地玻璃 立门墙面楼地水电竣工面基棚刮石 窗口 清理 层 抹灰面安装 膏腻子 面 面及门窗 砖 层 蓄水 上下水立扇安装 厕所防水 试验管电气穿 线 4.3 施工流水区段划分 A184.3.1 本工程以伸缩逢为界线划分区段进行流水作业。?,?轴(?,KCM1934?轴)为第A施工区段,?,?轴(?,?)为第B施工区段。设一台塔吊施工。按7天一层安排工序和组织施工。 4.4 检验批的划分 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the29 4.4.1按照《建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准》G50300-2001,本工程划分地基与基础、主体结构、装饰装修、屋面、给水排水及采暖、电气及节能七个分部。 4.4.2检验批根据本工程的质量控制点、施工工艺和工程量大及专业验收需要划分检验批。基础分一个施工段;一至6层划分为A、B两个施工段。 4.4.3地基与基础分部分项工程检验批划分表。 序号 子分部工程 分项工程名称 检验批数量 土方开挖 1 1 无支护土方 土方回填 2 安装 6 模板 拆除 6 原材料、加工 3 钢筋 2 混凝土基础 连接、安装 2 原材料配合比设计 5 混凝土 施工 5 现浇结构 5 3 地下防腐 涂料防腐层 2 合计 分项工程数量7,检验批数量37 4.4.4主体分部分项工程检验批划分表。 序检验批 子分部工程 分项工程名称 号 数量 安装 12 模板 拆除 12 原材料、加工 18 1 混凝土结构 钢筋 连接、安装 12 原材料配合比设计 12 混凝土 施工 12 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o30 现浇结构 12 配筋砌体 12 2 砌体结构 填充墙砌体 6 合计 分项工程数量8,检验批数量108 4.4.5装饰装修分部分项工程检验批划分表。 序号 子分部工程 分项工程名称 检验批数量 1 抹灰 一般抹灰 9 金属门窗安装 6 塑料门窗安装 6 特种门安装 6 玻璃安装 6 3 涂饰 水性涂料涂饰 7 4 细部 护栏和扶手制作与安装 1 合计 分项工程数量8,检验批数量45 4.4.6屋面分部分项工程检验批划分表。 序号 子分部工程 分项工程名称 检验批数量 保温层 1 找平层 1 1 卷材防水屋面 卷材防水 1 细部构造 1 合计 分项工程数量4,检验批数量4 4.4.7给水、排水及采暖分部分项工程检验批划分表。 序号 子分部工程 分项工程名称 检验批数量 1 室内给水系统 给水管道及配件安装 8 2 室内排水系统 排水管道及配件安装 8 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the31 卫生器具安装 6 3 卫生器具安装 卫生器具给水配件安装 6 卫生器具排水管道安装 6 管道及配件安装 6 4 室内采暖系统 系统水压试验 8 合计 分项工程数量7,检验批数量44 4.4.8电气分部分项工程检验批划分表。 检验批序号 子分部工程 分项工程名称 数量 电线导管、电缆导管和线槽敷设 7 电线、电缆穿管和线槽敷线 7 电缆头制作、接线和线路绝缘测试 7 成套配电柜、控制柜(屏、台)和动 1 电气照明安装 7 力、照明配电箱(盘)安装 普通灯具安装 7 开关、插座、风扇安装 6 建筑照明通电试运行 1 接地装置安装 1 2 防雷及接地安装 建筑等电位联接 1 合计 分项工程数量9、检验批数量44 4.5主要施工方法 4.5.1轴线定位放线 , 根据建设单位提供的蓝图、水准点及座标控制点确定本工程建筑物的位置,测定矩形平面测量控制网,利用已知点引高线测量控制线。再用经纬仪线引测建筑物的控制轴线,定设各主轴线的控制点,设置永久性?0.00标高标志。根据基础图和开挖深度,确定基坑开挖线并撒好灰线,轴 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o32 线控制点埋设在基坑开挖线以外的位置。所有轴线控制桩均设置在建筑物四周易于保存的位置,并加以固定保护,同时经常校核,防止意外破坏。 , 基坑施工完后,浇筑基础砼垫层,然后在垫层上测定建筑物各轴线、边界线、墙宽线和柱位线等。 , 根据基槽外的轴线控制桩,用经纬仪向基础垫层上投测建筑物主轴线,经闭合校核后,再详细放出细部轴线。作为基础施工控制的依据。 , 根据基础图以各主轴线为准,用墨线弹了基础施工中所需要的中线、边界线、墙宽线等。 , 首先检查各轴线控制桩有无错误和位移,再用经纬仪检查各轴线的投测位置(即基础的定位),然后再实量各大角和各轴线的相对位置,以防整修基槽时发生移动错位。另外,验线时还应检查槽底的标高。 , 根据建设单位或设计给定的水准点,在整个场地内统一测设控制水准点或?0.00水平线,保证各项工程标高的统一性。基坑和基础施工过程中将标高引测在龙门桩上,并做统一标记。?0.00以上的标高传递时,用水准仪将统一的?0.00标同引测并标于结构上,各处的标高线均由各处的起始标高线向直接量取,校测由下面传递上来的各水平线,误差控制在?3mm以内,抄平时用两条水平线进行校核。 4.5.2土方开挖 , 基槽开挖,应先进测量定位,抄平放线,定出开挖宽度,按放线分(段)挖土。基槽开挖应尽量防止对地基的扰动。采用机械开挖基坑(槽)时,为避免破坏基底土,在基底标高以上预留20cm人工清。运土进出基坑的道路,应尽量利用基础一侧或两侧相邻基础,使其互相贯通,作为车道。 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the33 , 弃土应及时运出,在基坑(槽)边缘上侧临时堆土或堆放材料以及移动施工机械时,堆土或材料应距挖方边缘1m以外,高度不宜超过1.5m,并应避免在已完基础一侧过高堆土会使基础、墙、柱歪斜而酿成事故。 4.5.3毛石混凝土基础 工艺流程:模板安装?铺混凝土?放毛石?铺混凝土?振捣混凝土?抹面?放置拉结石。 , 毛石混凝土的强度等级为C25。 , 施工时先浇筑200-300mm厚的一层混凝土,然后开始添加毛石,毛石的最大粒径不得大于300mm且不得大于基础构件最小尺寸的1/3;添加完一层毛石后,继续浇筑混凝土。 , 毛石的总用量不得超过总用量的25%。 , 毛石必须全部被混凝土包裹,不得露出基础表面。 4.5.4回填土 , 工艺流程:基底清理?检验土质?分层铺土耙平?打夯密实?检验密实度?修整找平验收。 , 填土前应将地坪上的垃圾等杂物清理干净 , 检验回填土方的质量有无杂物,粒径是否符合规定以及回填土的含水量是否在控制范围内,如含水量偏高,可采用翻松、晾晒或均匀掺入干料等措施,如含水量偏低,可采用预先洒水湿润等措施。 , 回填土应分层铺摊。每层铺土厚度应根据土质、密实度要求和机具性能确定,一般振动式打夯机每层铺土厚度为200-250mm每层铺摊后,随之耙平。 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o34 , 回填土每层至少打三遍,打夯应一夯压半夯,夯夯相接,行行相连,纵横交叉,并且严禁采用水浇使土下沉的所谓“水夯法”。 , 深浅两房心相连时,应先填夯深基础,填至浅基坑相同的标高时,再与浇基础一起填夯,如必须分段填夯时,交接处应填成梯形,梯形的高宽比一般粘下层错缝距离不少于1米。 , 基坑(槽)回填应在相对两侧或四周同时进行,基础墙两侧标高不可相差太多,以免把墙挤歪。 , 回填房心及管沟时,为防止管理中心线位移或损坏管道,应用人工先在管子两侧填土夯实,并应由管道两侧同时进行,直到管顶0.5m以上时,在不损坏管道的情况下,方可采用振动式打夯机夯实,在接口处,防腐绝缘层或电缆周围,应回填细粒料。 , 回填土每层填土夯实后,应按规定进行取样,测出干土的质量密度达到要求后,再进行下一层的铺土。 , 修整找平,填土全部完成后,应进行表面拉线找平,凡超过标准高程的地方,及时依线铲平,凡低于标准高程的地方,应补上土夯实。 4.5.5钢筋工程技术准备 , 由专业钢筋施工人员在图纸会审后进行钢筋抽样。专业钢筋工长根据构件配筋图,先绘出各种形状和规格的单根钢筋的简图并加以编号,然后分别计算钢筋下料长度和根数,制成钢筋抽样单。在设计图纸中,钢筋配置的细节问题没有注明时,按构造要求进行处理。配料计算时,考虑钢筋的形状和尺寸在满足设计要求的前提下要有利于加工安装。配料时,考 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the35 虑施工需要的附加钢筋。 , 钢筋抽样单经技术负责人签字认可后,由专业钢筋工长按工程进度向钢筋施工班组下达钢筋配料单,在钢筋加工房内统一制作成型。列入加工计划的配料单,将每一编号的钢筋制作一块料牌,作为钢筋加工的依据,并在安装中作为区别各构件和各种编号钢筋的依据。 原材料要求 , 进场钢筋应有出厂质量证明书和试验报告单,每捆钢筋应有标牌。对进场钢筋按规范的标准抽样做机械性能试验,合格后方可使用。钢筋加工过程中如发现脆断,焊接性能不良或机械性能不正常时,应进行化学成份检验或其他专项检验。钢筋的堆放 , 进场钢筋要堆放在现场指定的地点,钢筋堆放要分类进行挂牌标识,标识注明使用部位、规格、数量、尺寸等内容,钢筋标识牌要一致。 , 进场钢筋和加工好的钢筋应根据钢筋规格、型号、使用部位分别堆放枕木或砖砌的高30cm间距离2m的垄木,以避免污垢或泥土的污染。钢筋的加工制作箍筋 , 箍筋采用人工和机械方式进行煨弯,钢筋切断机,切断后按不同的样式、型号、规格分别挂牌放置。 , 每个样式的箍筋先做一个样板,然后校核各部位尺寸及角度,无误后再批量生产。 , 箍筋应横平竖直,矩形和方形的转角应方正垂直,端头煨成135度 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o36 弯钩。弯钩的平直部分的长度应符合抗震的要求。主筋 , 主筋的加工制作按图示规格尺寸和规范的规定,端头的锚固应符合要求。I级光圆钢筋应有180度弯勾。 , 除箍筋以外的钢筋加工制作时多用机械加工制作。如切断机和弯曲机等。钢筋的绑扎布筋顺序 , 板先排主筋后排负筋,在楼板负筋下设置钢筋撑脚,以保证钢筋位置正确。梁先排纵筋,摆放有焊接接头的钢筋应符合规范规定。双排纵向受力钢筋处,两排钢筋之间垫以直径25mm的短钢筋,以保持其设计距离。板筋绑扎 工艺流程:清理模板?模板上画线?绑板下受力筋?绑负弯短钢筋 ; , 清扫模板上刨花、碎木、电线管头等杂物,用粉笔在模板上划好主筋,分布筋间距。 , 按画好的间距,先摆受力主筋,后放分布筋、预埋件、电线管、预留孔等及时配合安装。 , 底板上层筋及中层筋用凳筋架立,凳筋采用φ6钢筋间距1.0m?1.0m。 , 板中主筋遇?300洞不得切断,须绕洞而过,遇到300,洞时,按图纸大样,采取加筋补强措施。 , 现浇板支撑长度不得小于120,板上部负筋锚入筋力墙,内不应小 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the37 于20d。 , 单向板钢筋绑扎时,四周两行钢筋交叉点应每点扎牢,中间部分。每隔一根相互成梅花状扎牢,双向板主筋睥钢筋,必须全部钢筋相互交叉扎牢,注意相邻绑扎点的铁丝扣要成八字形绑扎。 , 平板钢筋的扣件不得提前绑扎完毕,应与楼层平板砼同步进行,以防扣铁踏坏,特别是雨蓬,等悬臂板,要严格格控制负筋位置。钢筋验收 根据设计图纸检查钢筋的钢号、直径,根数,间距是否正确,检查钢筋接头的位置及搭接长度是否符合规定。检查钢筋保护层厚度是否符合要求。检查钢筋绑扎是否牢固,有无松动现象。 4.5.6混凝土工程 本工程12#楼基础采用C25毛石砼;现浇板、梁柱为C20混凝土,其余未注明的混凝土强度等级均为C20混凝土。砼施工的准备阶段 本工程项目采用商品砼。商品砼要有相关资料,项目试验员对产品验证记录和项目对每样品种按数量及使用部位抽取样品试块,并送试验中心进行检测。对其质量进行等级评定。 , 砼浇筑申请,为保证砼浇筑前各道工度质量达到要求,砼在浇筑前,必须由项目施工技术员填写砼浇筑 申请书 入党申请书下载入党申请书 下载入党申请书范文下载下载入党申请书民事再审申请书免费下载 ,向监理机构报验,签证验收后,方或浇筑。由项目施工技术员负责对工人专项技术交底,施工员负责安排分包劳动力准备。 , 砼浇筑前项目技术负责人组织技术人员对钢筋工程隐蔽,模板工程 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o38 进行预检,预检合格后,经监理签证,砼方可浇筑。 , 砼浇灌前做好以下工作: , 根据工程结构特点,结合具体施工条件,现场合现选择机具设备并确定浇筑方案。 , 清除模板内垃圾和杂物,清除钢筋上的油污,木模应浇水湿润,但不应有积水,模板的拼缝应严密。 , 检查模板位置标高是否符合要求,支撑系统是否可靠,钢筋和预埋件位置是否正确,有无遗漏。砼工程浇筑阶段 工艺流程为: 作业准备 ? 材料计量 ? 运输 ? 浇筑 ? 振捣 ? 养护 ? , 梁,板砼浇灌采取从一端开始边铺砼边振捣边抹平,梁采用插入式振动器振捣,楼板先用振动棒初步捣实,再用平板振动器和滚筒进行碾压。现浇钢筋砼楼板表面质量及平整度按楼地面质量要求进行控制。表面拉毛,浇砼采用“赶浆法”连续向前进行。 , 施工缝:应一次浇筑完毕不得留设施工缝, , 梁、板施工缝位置宜沿着次梁方向浇筑楼板,施工缝应留设在次梁跨度的中间1/3范围内。 砼浇灌时采取以下措施: , 在浇筑工序中,严格控制砼的均匀性和密实性。浇筑砼时,防止产生分层离析。 , 要一直观察模板、支架、钢筋、预埋件和预留孔洞的情况。 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the39 , 砼浇灌应连续,如必须间歇,应尽量缩短间歇时间,间歇时间以不超过前层砼初凝凝结时间为原则,如超过规定时间按施工缝处理。 , 混凝土浇注时采用震动棒震动时,要震动均匀,采取采用快插慢拔的方法,避免震动不充分引起的蜂窝、麻面现象。 , 为防止砼发生离析现象,砼自高处倾落的自落高度不超过2m。 , 砼浇灌时各种派专人值班,随时观察模板,支架,钢筋,预留洞的情况,发现变形,位移应立即停止浇灌,并在已浇灌的砼初凝前修整完好。砼筑后的阶段 , 砼拆模在砼结构浇筑后,达到一定的强度,方可拆模,模板拆卸日期,应按结构特点和砼所达到强度来确定。 , 不承重人侧面模板,应在砼强度能保证其表面及棱角不应拆模而受损坏,方可拆除。 , 承重模板应在砼达到下列强度后方可拆除。 名称 结构跨度 设计强度等级% 跨度为2m不小于2m 50% 现浇板 跨度为2m至8m 75% 梁(跨度为8m及小于8m) 75% 梁 承重结构(跨度大于8m) 100% 跨度2m及小于2m 100% 悬挑板 跨度为2m以上 100% 已拆除模板及其支架结构应在砼达到设计强度后,才允许顾受全部计算荷载,施工时不允许超载使用,严禁堆放过量建筑材料。当承受施工荷载大于计算荷载时,必须核算加设临时支撑。砼养护 为了保证已浇筑好的砼在规定龄其内达到计要求的强度,并防止产生 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o40 收缩裂缝,必须认直做好养护工作。 , 为保证能达到设计强度,模板拆除后还应对砼表现一定的时间内浇水养护,应在砼浇筑完毕后12小时内进行,砼浇筑养护时间不得少于7天,对掺外加剂的砼,砼养护时间不得少于14天,浇水次数根据气温情况由施工员确定浇水次数。由砼班组指定专人养护,对气温超过25度时应在浇筑后12小时以内浇水养护,每天不少于3次,当气温超过25度时,应在浇筑6小时以内进行养护,养护次数每天不少于三次,并做好养护记录。砼试块留置 , 每一施工段的每一施工层,不同标号的砼每100立方,(包括不足100立方)取样不得少于2组抗压试块,并留适量同条件试块。 4.5.7 砌体工程 , 本工程?0.000以下为MU10烧结普通砖采用M10水泥砂浆砌筑,以上为MU10烧结多孔砖,M7.5混合砂浆砌筑。砖墙砌筑要点 作业准备 ? 砖浇水 ? 砌砖墙 ? 验评 工艺流程: , 开始砌筑时先要进行摆砖,排出灰缝宽度。摆砖时应注意门窗位置,砖垛对灰缝的影响,同时要考虑窗间的组砌方法; , 采用一块砖、一铲灰、一揉压的“三一”法进行砌筑,竖向灰缝采用挤浆法使其饱满;灰缝应横平竖直,水平和竖向灰缝宽度控制在10mm;水平灰缝的砂浆饱满度不得小于85%,竖缝要挤浆使其饱满,不得出现透明缝,严禁用水冲浆灌缝; , 砖墙转角处和交叉处应同时砌筑,不能同时砌筑又必须留置的临时 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the41 间断处应成斜槎,斜槎长度不小于斜槎高度的2/3;留槎的同时,按每500mm高每120墙厚放置一根 6拉结筋。门窗洞口的预埋水泥砖、铁件等采用预制砼构件,规格为240?120?90?。砖砌体施工主要技术措施 , 砌体工程以清水砖墙质量要求进行控制和自检,所有的丁砖砌筑,应选取长度一致(符合规范要求)的砖砌筑,采用双面拉线和“定人、 定尺、定线”的三定操作法,根据不同部位和不同工作量,确定专人施工,砌筑过程中三皮一吊、五皮一靠,把砌筑误差消灭在操作过程中;全部砖墙应平行砌起,砖层必须水平,砖层正确位置用皮数杆控制,构造柱与砌体用拉结筋2Φ6@500沿墙高拉结,伸入墙内1000,遇洞口切断,应先砌墙后浇构造柱。与构造柱连接的砖墙应砌成马牙槎,从每层柱脚开始,先退后进,如下图: 500 500 300 300 1000 4.5.8脚手架方案 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o42 本工程考虑到施工工期、质量、安全和合同要求,故在选择方案时,应充分考虑以下几点: , 架体的结构设计,力求做到结构要安全可靠,造价经济合理。 , 在规定的条件下和规定的使用期限内,能够充分满足预期的安全性和耐久性。 , 选用材料时,力求做到常见通用、可周转利用,便于保养维修。 , 结构选型时,力求做到受力明确,构造措施到位,升降搭拆方便,便于检查验收; , 综合以上几点,脚手架的搭设,还必须符合JCJ59-99检查标准要求,要符合相关文明标化工地的有关标准。 , 结合以上脚手架设计原则,同时结合本工程的实际情况,综合考虑了以往的施工经验,决定采用钢管落地脚手架。脚手架材料 , 钢管落地脚手架,选用外径48mm,壁厚3.5mm,钢材强度等级Q235-A,钢管表面应平直光滑,不应有裂纹、分层、压痕、划道和硬弯,新用的钢管要有出厂合格证。脚手架施工前必须将入场钢管取样,送有相关国家资质的试验单位,进行钢管抗弯、抗拉等力学试验,试验结果满足设计要求后,方可在施工中使用。 , 本工程钢管脚手架的搭设使用可锻铸造扣件,应符合建设部《钢管脚手扣件标准》JGJ22-85的要求,由有扣件生产许可证的生产厂家提供,不得有裂纹、气孔、缩松、砂眼等锻造缺陷,扣件的规格应与钢管相匹配,贴和面应平整,活动部位灵活,夹紧钢管时开口处最小距离不小于5mm。钢 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the43 管螺栓拧紧力矩达65N.m时不得破坏。如使用旧扣件时,扣件必须取样送有相关国家资质的试验单位,进行扣件抗滑力等试验,试验结果满足设计要求后方可在施工中使用。 , 搭设架子前应进行保养,除锈并统一涂色,颜色力求环境美观。脚手架立杆、防护栏杆、踢脚杆、底排立杆、扫地杆统一漆黄色,剪力撑统一漆红白相间色。 , 脚手板、脚手片采用符合有关要求。 , 安全网采用密目式安全网,网目应满足2000目,100cm2,做耐贯穿试验不穿透,1.6?1.8m的单张网重量在3kg以上,颜色应满足环境效果要求,选用绿色。要求阻燃,使用的安全网必须有产品生产许可证和质量合格证。 , 连墙件采用钢管,其材质应符合现行国家标准《碳素钢结构》(GB 700-88)中Q235A钢的要求。脚手架搭设流程及要求 , 落地脚手架搭设的工艺流程为:场地平整、夯实?基础承载力实验、材料配备?定位设置通长脚手板(做防腐)、底座?纵向扫地杆?立杆?横向扫地杆?小横杆?大横杆?剪刀撑?连墙件?铺脚手板?扎安全网。 , 定距定位。根据构造要求在建筑物四角用尺量出内、外立杆离墙距离,并做好标记;用钢卷尺拉直,分出立杆位置,并用记号笔点出立杆标记;垫板、底座应准确地放在定位线上,垫板必须铺放平整,不得悬空。 , 在搭设首层脚手架过程中,沿四周每框架格内设一道斜支撑,拐角除双向增设,待该部位脚手架与主体结构的连墙件可靠拉接后方可拆除。 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o44 当脚手架操作层高出连墙件两步时,宜先立外排,后立内排。其余按一下构造要求搭设。主杆基础 本工程脚手架地基础部位应在回填土完后夯实,地基承载能力能够满足外脚手架的搭设要求(具体计算数据参阅脚手架计算书)。立杆间距 , 脚手架立杆纵距1.5m,横距0.9m,步距1.8m;连墙杆间距竖直3.6m,水平4.5m(即两步三跨);里立杆距建筑物0.3m。 , 脚手架的底部立杆采用不同长度的钢管参差布置,使钢管立杆的对接接头交错布置,选择3米、6米钢管交错搭立,且要求相邻接头不应在同步同跨内,以保证脚手架的整体性。 , 立杆应设置垫木,并设置纵横方向扫地杆,连接于立脚点杆上,离底座20cm左右。 , 立杆的垂直偏差应控制在不大于架高的1,400。大横杆、小横杆设置 , 大横杆在脚手架高度方向的间距1.8m,以便立网挂设,大横杆置于立杆里面,每侧外伸长度为150mm。 , 外架子按立杆与大横杆交点处设置小横杆,两端固定在立杆,以形成空间结构整体受力。剪刀撑 脚手架外侧立面的两端各设置一道剪刀撑,并应由底至顶连续设置;中间各道剪刀撑之间的净距离不应大于15m。剪刀撑斜杆的接长宜采用搭 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the45 接,搭接长度不小于1m,应采用不少于2个旋转扣件固定。剪刀撑斜杆应用旋转扣件固定在与之相交的横向水平杆的伸出端或立杆上,旋转扣件中心线离主节点的距离不宜大于150mm。防护 , 脚手架外侧使用建设主管部门认证的合格绿色密目式安全网封闭,且将安全网固定在脚手架外立杆里侧。 , 选用大眼网搭社在每层低部,要求严密、平整。连墙件 , 脚手架与建筑物按计算书中连墙件布置要求设拉结点。楼层高度超过4m,则在水平方向加密。 , 拉结点在转角范围内和顶部处加密,即在转角l米以内范围按垂直方向每3.6米设一拉结点。 , 拉结点应保证牢固,防止其移动变形,且尽量设置在外架大小横杆接点处。 , 外墙装饰阶段拉结点,也须满足上述要求,确因施工需要除去原拉结点时,必须重新补设可靠,有效的临时拉结点,以确保外架安全可靠。脚手架的检查与验收 , 脚手架搭设完毕或分段搭设完毕,应按规定对脚手架工程的质量进行检查,经检查合格后方可交付使用。 , 高度在20m及20m以下的脚手架,应由单位工程负责人组织技术安全人员进行检查验收。高度大于20m的脚手架,应由上一级技术负责人随工程进行分阶段组织单位工程负责人及有关的技术人员进行检查验收。 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o46 验收时应具备下列文件: , 脚手架构配件的出厂合格证或质量分类合格标志; , 脚手架工程的施工记录及质量检查记录; , 脚手架搭设过程中出现的重要问题及处理记录, , 脚手架工程的施工验收报告。 , 脚手架工程的验收,除查验有关文件外,还应进行现场检查,检查应着重以下各项,并记入施工验收报告: , 构配件和加固件是否齐全,质量是否合格,连接和挂扣是否紧 固可靠; , 安全网的张挂及扶手的设置是否齐全; , 基础是否平整坚实、支垫是否符合规定; , 连墙件的数量、位置和设置是否符合要求; , 垂直度及水平度是否合格。 4.5.9装饰装修工程室内抹灰工程 , 作业条件:主体结构均已验收,检查合格,砼表面凿毛,处理或弹涂水泥胶浆粒;门窗和楼层预埋件及各种管道立管已安装完毕检查合格;脚手眼、门窗的缝隙已用水泥砂浆分层堵塞密实。砼面与砖面交接处钉好锌丝网。 , 工艺流程:浇水湿润基层?找规距,做灰饼?设置标筋?阳角做护角?抹灰层,中层灰?抹窗台板,踢脚板(或墙裙)?抹面层?清理。 基层处理要求 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the47 , 墙体,砼基层表面凸凹太多的部位,事先要进行剔平或用1:3水泥砂浆补齐,表面太光的剔毛,或用1:1水泥浆掺10%的107胶薄抹一层,表面砂浆污垢,油漆等事先均应清除干净(油污严重时,应用浓度为10%的碱水洗刷),并洒水湿润。 , 门口与立墙交扫处用水泥砂浆或水泥混合砂浆(加少量麻刀)嵌填密实,窗口与墙身交接处用发泡材料嵌填密实。 , 墙面的脚手孔洞应堵塞严密,水暖,通风管道通过的墙洞和楼板洞,以及凿剔墙后装的管道处必须用1:3水泥砂浆堵严。 , 不同基层材料(如砌体与砼结构)相接处应铺设金属网,搭缝宽度从缝边起每边不得小于10cm。抹灰施工 , 抹灰前对结构工程及其它配合工程项目进行检查处理。并找好规矩,即四角规方,横线找平,立线吊直,弹出准线和墙裙,踢脚板线。 , 先用托线板检查墙面平整垂直程序,大致决定抹灰厚度(最薄处一般不小于7mm ),再在墙 的上角各做一个标准灰饼(用打底砂浆或1:3水泥砂浆,也可用水泥:石膏灰:砂=1:3:9的混合砂浆,遇有门窗口垛角处要补做灰饼);大小5cm见方,厚度以墙面平整垂直决定,然后根据这两个灰饼用托线或锤挂垂直做墙面下角两个标准灰饼(高低位置一般在踢脚线上口),厚度以垂直以准,再用钉子钉在左右灰饼附近墙缝里,拴上小线挂好通线,并根据小线位置每隔1.2-1.5m上下加做若干标准灰饼。待灰饼稍干后,在上下灰饼之间抹上宽约10cm 的砂浆冲筋,用木杠刮平,厚度与灰饼相平,待稍干后可进行底层抹灰。 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o48 , 室内墙面,柱面的阳角和门洞口的阳角,用1:2水泥砂浆抹出护角,护角高度不低于2m,每侧宽度不少于50mm。 , 踢脚线,门窗贴脸板,散热器和管道等背后的墙抹灰腚在它们安装前进行,抹面接搓应顺平。 , 墙面阳角抹灰时,先将靠尺在墙角的一面用线坠找直,然后在墙的一面顺靠尺抹砂浆。 , 室内墙裙,踢脚板一般要比罩面灰墙面高出3-5mm,根据高度尺寸上弹线,把八字靠尺靠在线上用铁抹子切齐,修边清理。 4.5.10门窗安装工程门窗安装操作 工艺流程 弹线找规矩 ? 门窗洞口处理 ? 安装连接件的检查 ? 塑料门窗外观检查 ? 按图示要求运到安装地点 ? 塑料门窗安装 ? 门窗四周嵌缝 ? 安装五金配件 ? 清理 , 检查门窗洞口尺寸是否比门窗框尺寸大3cm,否则应先行剔凿处理。 , 按图纸尺寸放好门窗框安装位置线及立口的标高控制线。 , 安装门窗框上的铁脚。 , 安装门窗框,并按线就位找好垂直度及标高,用木楔临时固定,检查正侧面垂直及对角线,合格后,用膨胀螺栓将铁脚与结构牢固固定好。 , 嵌缝:门窗框与墙体的缝隙应按设计要求的材料嵌缝如设计元要求时用沥青麻丝或泡沫塑料填实。表面用厚度为5,8mm的密封胶封闭。 , 门窗附件安装:安装时应先用电钻钻孔,再用自攻螺丝拧入,严禁用铁锤或硬物敲打,防止损坏框料。 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the49门窗安装要点 根据设计图纸中门窗安装位置,尺寸和标高,以顶层六边线为准,用线坠将门窗边线下引,并在各层门窗口处划线标记,对个别不直的口边应剔凿处理。门窗水平位置应以楼层室内+50cm的水平线为准向上反量出窗下皮标高,弹线拉直,每一层必须保护窗下皮标高一致。根据划好的门窗定位线,安装窗框,并急时调整好门窗框的水平,垂直及对角线长度符合质量标准,然后用木楔临时固定。门窗的固定采用塑料膨胀螺检将门窗的铁脚固定在墙上。门窗固定后,应先进行隐蔽工程验收合格后及时按设计要求处理门窗与墙体间缝隙,一般采用弹性肿温材料分层填塞缝隙,外表面留5-8mm深槽口填嵌缝油膏。门窗扇和门窗玻璃应在洞口墙体表在装饰完工验收后安装,平开门窗在框与扇格架组装一墙 ,安装固定好后再安玻璃,即先调整好框与扇的缝隙,再将玻璃安入扇,并调整好位置,最后镶嵌密封条及必封胶。五金配件与门窗连接用镀螺钉,安装应结实牢固,使用灵活。门窗安装要求 项次 项目 质量要求 对角线长?2000mm,允许偏差3mm 1 对角线长度差 对角线长,2000mm,允许偏差3mm 2 垂直度 2.5 3 门窗横框水平 2 4 五金配件 齐全,位置正确使用灵活装配牢固 5 门窗表面 无严重创伤,光洁无污染物 6 密封情况 关闭时,扇与框间无明显缝隙 7 窗扇 天关灵无阻滞回弹和翘曲变形 4.5.11楼地面施工 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o50 本工程楼地面工程为贴砖地面,瓷砖甲方自理。施工单位施工为豆石混凝土毛地面。 4.5.12屋面工程工艺流程 保温层、找坡、基层清理 ? 涂刷基层处理剂 ? ? 卷材与基层表面涂胶 找平层施工 卷材铺贴 ? 卷材收头粘结 ? 卷材接头密封 ? 淋水试验 施工方法基层处理 基层应达到设计要求并清理干净。突出层面构筑物,预留孔洞,埋设件的位置和数理是否满足设计要求。对有质量缺陷的部位应及时校正、和整修,达到合格后,方可进行下道工序。找平层铺设 , 找平层的操作顺序转角,立面,平面。一般层面找平层先找坡,弹线,找好规矩,从女儿墙开始,待细部处理完成后再抹平面找平层。 , 层面找平层的坡度必须符合设计要求,内部排水的水落口周围应做成略低的凹坑。 , 施工应根据设计要求。测定标高,定点,找坡,然后拉挂排水坡度线,并且应贴灰饼,冲筋,以控制找平层的标高和坡度。细部处理 , 基层与突出层面构筑物的边接处以及基层转角处的找平层应作成为半径为100-150mm圆弧形或钝角。 , 建筑物的泛水檐处应作滴水线和止水条,找平层与檐口相接的转 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the51 角,应抹成光滑一致的圆弧形。 , 在垂直于檐口每隔4-6m处,用砂浆贴一根靠尺,从檐口直畅至屋 ,找好排水坡度,按规定设置分格缝。 , 为了保证松散材料保温层和水泥砂浆找平层的厚度均匀一致,宜先在保温层上铺设铺设铁丝网筛片,再摊铺水泥砂浆,取出铁筛片,刮平灰浆,然后分块压实。 , 找平层表面应压实平整,使排水坡度符合设计要求,待砂浆稍收水后,用木抹子压平;并要初凝后,终凝前进行二次压光,最后在终凝之前轻轻取出分格木条。 , 养护:常温条件下水泥砂浆终凝后,必须进行养护,养护时间不少于7d。基层处理剂的涂刷 , 涂基层处理剂前工首先检查找平层的质量和干燥程度并加以清扫,符合要求后才能进行,在大面积喷,涂前,应用毛刷对屋面节点,周边,拐角等部位先进行处理。 , 基层处理剂涂刷要薄而均匀,不得有空白,麻点,气泡,也可用机械喷涂。 , 基层处理剂涂刷后宜在当天铺完防水层,但也要根据情况灵活确定。屋面防水层施工总体要求 屋面工程必须安排在晴朗干燥季节,由专业施工队伍进行施工。 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o52技术准备及材料要求 防水材料为4mm厚SBS改性沥青防水卷材,进场材料必须具有材质证明和试验单。屋面施工应在基层完全干燥后进行,并将基层彻底清扫干净。屋面工程按构造层次逐层进行施工,各层做好隐蔽验收并办理相关资料,下层未验收通过不得进行上一层的施工。 严格检查卷材防水层下找平层的质量,对局部的凹凸不平、起皮、起砂,裂缝等质量缺陷进行认真修补。铺贴顺序与基本原则 , 同跨屋面卷材铺贴方向应根据屋面坡度或受震动情况而定。 , 当坡度小于3%时,应平行屋角贴,压边要顺水流方向,接头要顺主导风向。 , 每层卷材搭接宽度,长边应小于80mm,短边不应小于100mm, , 卷材施工要点: , 采用粘贴法铺贴; , 铺贴卷材采用搭接法,相邻两幅卷材的搭接缝应错开,平行于屋脊的搭接缝顺流水方向搭接,垂直于屋脊的搭接缝顺主导风各搭接。 , 防水层在泛水收头部位距屋面找平层最低高度不小于200mm,待大面铺贴完后,再对泛水和收头进行统一处理,铺贴卷材前,收头凹槽抹水泥砂浆,使凹槽宽度,深度一致,并顺直,整齐。 , 卷材铺贴时对准已弹好的粉线,在铺贴好的卷材上弹出搭接宽度线,第二幅卷材铺贴时,以此为准。每铺完一幅卷材,立即用干净而松软的长柄压棍从卷材一端顺卷材横向顺序滚压一遍,彻底排除卷材粘结层间 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the53 的空气。排除空气后,平面部位卷材用压棍从中间向两侧边移动滚压,使其粘贴牢固,排气彻底。平、立面交接处,先贴好平面,经过转角,由下往上粘贴卷材,轻沿转角压紧压实,不得拉紧,再往上粘贴,排出空气,用压棍从上往下滚压密实。卷材铺好压粘后,将搭接部位的结合面清除干净。屋面工程验收 屋面工程按构造层次由下而上,施工完一层即按施工及验收规进行自我验收,合格后进行隐蔽验收。每次检查验收的隐蔽工程项目,符合设计要求后,及时办理报验手续。上层施工必须待下层隐蔽验收合格并会报验后方可进行。检查找平层的厚度、平整度、坡度及防水构造节点处理的质量情况必须达到质量目标。各种防水层的原材料,制品配件必须符合质量标准,各防水层必须达到设计要求的抗渗性,强度和耐久性。屋面工程成品保护 , 专业班长在安排工作时要将成品保护纳入班组安装生产的一项重要内容。 , 每施工完一构造层,于施工点醒目的位置设置成品保护标识,并进行标识监督管理和记录。 , 屋面工程施工中,上层施工时对下层造成成品污染或破损,立即查明原因,制定处理措施及时处理完善。淋水试验 淋水前应先将排水口封好,然后淋水至泛水檐处,进行全面检查,如无渗漏,认可该房屋面防水层合格,并记录入档。 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o54 4.5.13外墙节能保温工程施工方案 施工工艺流程:基层墙体清理、验收及放线?裁切EPS板?配制EPS板专用粘接砂浆—?粘贴EPS板到墙体表面—?验收合格后,按布置图打孔—?安装固定件—?验收后,配制EPS板专用抹面砂浆—?抹EPS板专用面层砂浆并压入网格布—?干燥后,再抹EPS板专用面层砂浆—?结构缝处理、装填密封材料及涂抹密封膏—?整体修整后、验收—?面层涂料施工作业条件及要求 , 要进行EPS外保温墙面应进行找平基层,其平整度不宜大于3?/m。基层表面应光平、坚固、干燥、无油漆、涂料或其它有害的材料。 , 要粘贴EPS板外墙上的水落管、各种进户管线、一层防盗窗予埋件及其它予埋件。 , 施工脚手加工距墙面不应小于300?。 , 配制界面剂:采用EPS粘结胶母液与专用界面剂基料按1:2.5的比例,用专用机械边加边搅拌,直至界面剂胶浆均匀,粘稠度适当,十分钟后再一次进行搅拌。 , 刮界面剂:在聚苯板粘结面将拌好的界面剂均匀地刮0.5?厚(可用抹子操作),避免阳光直射,放置20分钟,使之定型。 , 施工应符合《建筑节能工程施工质量验收规范》中的有关规定。 , 拌合聚合物干粉砂浆:聚合物干粉砂浆在施工现场必须使用便携式搅拌机在搅筒内进行搅拌,先加水后用搅拌机搅拌均匀后即可,聚合物砂浆的水灰比以胶粘程度满足抹灰的和易性为准,在十分钟之后再进行搅拌,随拌随用,拌合好的砂浆必须用塑管在午防晒防水分蒸发覆盖,并在一小时之内用完,使用中不得加水,参考配比聚合物干粉砂浆。 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the55 , 涂抹聚合物干粉砂浆:在已刮过界面剂的EPS板上,按点框法(或可采用条粘法)布设粘结点,聚苯板边部满抹50?宽10?厚聚合物干粉砂浆,并留一道出气孔,当墙体不平时厚度适当增加,不得在聚苯板侧面涂抹砂浆,以粘结面积点40%为宜(不得低于30%)。 , 粘贴EPS保温板:EPS保温板要自下而上逐排沿水平方向依次粘贴,上下排铺粘贴,阴阳角处两块板应相互咬合,粘结厚度3-4?,粘贴时应用力揉动、均匀压力紧,及时打平聚苯板,或垫上木条,用橡皮榔头敲均匀平整压紧找平,聚苯板粘结固化时间至少2天。 , EPS保温板修补打磨:聚苯板粘结固化后对聚苯板接缝处用铁磨抹子做轻柔磨平,如有缝隙,可用相应宽度的聚苯板填塞间隙塞紧修平,小缝用聚合物砂浆勾平,最后用刷子清理碎屑。 , 用膨胀锚栓固定聚苯板,膨胀锚栓的固定必须每平方米1-4,膨胀锚栓固定需在聚苯板的结固定后进行。在使用膨胀锚栓时,可选用在锚栓配套的冲击钻用钻头在墙体上钻孔,孔的深度应比设计膨胀铆钉要锚固的深度深2-3?,否则在紧固膨胀铆钉没有相应的锚固力,膨胀锚拴在墙体内锚固深度至少为30?。 , 抹面层聚合物干粉砂浆胶浆并压入玻纤网格布:在已涂抹了界面剂的聚苯板其表面均匀涂抹一层聚合物砂浆,抹面砂浆的厚度必须一次性的抹够3?,面积略大于一块网格布的面积,然后贴网格布,横向贴网格布,从网格布中间先左右铺平后上下铺平,竖向贴网格布由中而先上下后左右,保证纵横筋绷紧,将玻纤网格布压入胶浆中,并充分压平,使其夹在砂浆中间,以遮盖网格布,使网格布隐约中可见为准,注意边涂抹边压入,防 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o56 止砂浆硬化无法压入,铺贴网格布遇有搭接时,必须满足横向100?,纵向80?的要求。罩面材料终凝前表面只需抹平,不必压光或收光,抹面层总厚度3-5?。门窗洞口、阴阳角、增强层部位、伸缩缝及装饰缝等具体做法,参照相关膨胀聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外温图集。 , 抹面层养护:由于面层很薄,水分极易挥发 ,抹面砂浆上铺后2小时就开始洒水养护,并连续养护3天以上。指定专人用喷雾器每天喷水不小于4次,至少养护3天。 , 饰面:7天后即可在罩面上进行表面装饰层施工。 , 做排气通道:为了防止聚苯板与墙面的空气隔层因受热等原因产生憋气、起鼓现象,要将空气间隔层连通,并在挑檐的下部,用塑料软管将空气间隔层与外部连通,便于排除憋气。成品保护 , 对施工完毕的保温墙体,不得随意开凿孔洞。如确实需要,应在安装物件后其周围应恢复原状。 , 应防止重物撞击墙面。 , 外墙外保温体系施工完成后,后续工序与其它正在进行的工序应注意对成品进行保护。 4.5.14给、排水工程施工方案室内给水管道施工 室内给水管道安装程序是,先安装房屋引水管,然后安装室内干管,立管和支管。引入管安装 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the57 , 挖管沟:管沟深按设计要求的给水管网埋深来确定,施工与室外管沟相同。 , 基础施工时,应按设计尺寸和要求预留孔洞。 , 引入管穿越基础的构造处理应符合设计和规范要求。 , 管道安装好后,引入管洞口空隙内应用粘土填补,外抹防水的水泥砂浆以防止室外雨水渗入。 , 引入管穿地下室墙壁时,应采取防水措施,不采取防水措施,将引起地下室渗水。 , 管道敷设前,焊接钢管埋地部位还要进行防腐; , 引入管敷设时应坡向室外给水管道,其坡度不应小于0.003,以便检查时排放存水; , 预埋管道施工完毕,在甩出地面的接口处作盲板,进行试水打压,经打压合格并经现场监理同意,方可进行回填。干管安装 , 先确定干管的标高、位置、坡度、管径等,正确地按尺寸埋好支架。 , 管子和管杆可先在地下组装,长度以方便吊装为宜,起吊后,轻轻落在支架上,用支架上的卡环固定,防止滚动。 , 干管安装后,要拨正调直,从管子一端看过去,整根管道都在一条直线上,干管的变径要在分出支管之后,距离心管有一定的距离,在等于大管的直径,但不能小于100mm。 , 干管安装后,再水平尺在每段上进行一次复核,防止局部管段有“塌腰”或“拱起”现象。 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o58立管安装 , 将吊线坠挂在立管的位置上,在墙面上弹出垂直线,立管根据该丝来安装。 , 根据墙面上的线主立管与墙面确定尺寸,可预先埋好立管卡。 , 立管卡只设一个管卡,通常设于1.5m-1.8m处,但注意要统一高度。 , 立管长度较长,如采用丝接时,可按图纸上所确定的立管管件,找出实际尺寸,尺寸记录在图纸上,先进行预级装,组装一经过调进,半立管的管段做好编号,再拆开运到现场组装。 , 明装立管沿墙柱垂直敷设,在墙角敷设时不应穿过污水池壁,以便检修,不得靠近小便槽设置,防止腐蚀。 , 暗装立管设在管道井或槽内,立管通过楼板时,应加套管高出地面10-20mm,楼板内不应设置立管接口。支管安装 , 在墙面上弹出支管位置线,但是必须在所接的设备安装定位后才可以连接。 , 支管以不小于0.002的坡度坡向立管,以便检查时放水。 , 支管明装沿墙敷设时,管外皮距墙面应20-25mm的距离。 , 卫生器具支管上给水配件的安装尺寸应符合设计要求。 管道检验 , 管内给水管试验压力不小于0.33MPa,生活饮用水和生产、消防合用的管道,试验压力为工作压力的1.5倍; , 支、吊、托架安装的位置应正确,埋设要平正,牢固,砂浆饱满, specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the59 但不应突出墙面,要与管道接触紧密,固定牢固。 , 管道连接采用热熔连接。 , 阀门安装:应坚固,严密。阀门中心线应与管道中心线垂直,操作机构要灵活,准确。 , 管道安装:明装横管不应有明显的弯曲,其弯曲值应符合质量标准。 , 防腐、油漆:管道及部件,件和各类型支、吊、托架的铁锈、污垢应涂除干净,明装,暗装和埋地管道的防腐、油漆应均匀,无漏刷。管道试压 , 室内管道安装完毕即可进行试压,试验压力不小于0.33MPa,生活饮用水和生活消防合用的管,试验压力为工作压力的1.5倍,但不得超过0.6MPa。 , 试压步骤: , 准备:将试压用的泵桶、管材、管件、阀件、压力表等工具准备好,并找好水源,压力表必须经过校验,其精度不得代于1.5级,且铅封良好。 , 接管:试压泵桶与系统接管。 , 试压:自来水不经泵直接往系统进水,同时将管网中最高处配水的阀门打开,以便排尽管中空气,等出水时关闭。 , 当管网中的压力和自来水压力相同,管网不再增压时(和网中压力与自来水压力平衡时),关闭进水阀门,同时开启加压泵阀门,由泵桶经加夺阀门往管网中增水加夺至试验压力(加压的速度应平衡均匀,不得太快太猛)后关闭加压泵阀门,稳压10分钟,压力降不大于0.05MPa,然后将试验压力降至工作压力作外观检查,以不漏不合格。 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o60 , 试压合格后,及时填写给水管系统试验记录 , 拆除:试压合格,将管网中的水排尽,同时半试验压力用的泵桶,阀件、管件、压力表等拆除,并卸下所有临时用堵头,装上给水配件。 oo, 试压时,环境温度应高于5C,若气温低于5C,则应采取防冻措施。试压合格后,应将系统内的存水排除干净。给水管道系统试验 先冲管道系统底部干管,后冲洗各环路支管,冲洗时水压应大于系统供水的工作压力。冲洗可结合饮用水管道消毒规定,先进行处理,即用每升水中20-30mg流离氯的水灌满管道,并在管中留置24小时以上。给水的通水试验 , 通水试验的作业条件,应达到通水试验的要求,检查给水系统供水,使其压力、水质符合设计要求,各配水点与排水系统接通,并可以向室外排水,给立管编号,并依次进行给水,检查各给水系统,设计要求同时开放的最大数量的配水点是否达到额定流量。 , 检查各配水点是否畅通,接口处有无渗漏。 , 按上述方法顺序对各给水消防立管系统进行通水试验,直至各系统通水试验全部完毕。经有关人员检查后将给水消防通水试验记录填写完整。室内排水管道施工工艺流程 安装准备 ? 预制加工 ? 干管安装 ? 立管安装 ? 支管安装 ? 卡件固定 ? 封口堵洞 ? 闭水试验 ? 通水试验预制加工 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the61 根据图纸要求并结合实际情况,按预留口位置测量尺寸,绘制加工草图。根据草图量好管道尺寸,进行断管。断口要平齐,用铣刀或刮刀除掉断口内外飞刺,外棱铣出15?角。粘接前应对承插口先插入试验,不得全部插入,一般为承口的3/4深度。试插合格后,用棉布将承插口需粘接部位的水分、灰尘擦拭干净。如有油污需用丙酮除掉。用毛刷涂抹粘接剂,先涂抹承口后涂抹插口,随即用力垂直插入,插入粘接时将插口稍作转动,以利粘接剂分布均匀,约30s至1min即可粘接牢固。粘牢后立即将溢出的粘接剂擦拭干净。多口粘连时应注意预留口方向。干管安装 首先根据设计图纸要求的坐标、标高预留槽洞或预埋套管。埋入地下时,按设计坐标、标高、坡向、坡度开挖槽沟并夯实。采用托吊管安装时应按设计坐标、标高、坡向做好托、吊架。施工条件具备时,将预制加工好的管段,按编号运至安装部位进行安装。各管段粘连时也必须按粘接工艺依次进行。全部粘连后,管道要直,坡度均匀,各预留口位置准确。安装立管需装伸缩节,伸缩节上沿距地坪或蹲便台70,100mm。干管安装完后应做闭水试验,出口用充气橡胶堵封闭,达到不渗漏,水位不下降为合格。地下埋设管道应先用细砂回填至管上皮100mm,上覆过筛土,夯实时勿碰损管道。托吊管粘牢后再按水流方向找坡度。最后将预留口封严和堵洞。立管安装 首先按设计坐标要求,将洞口预留或后剔,洞口尺寸不得过大,更不可损伤受力钢筋。安装前清理场地,根据需要支搭操作平台。将已预制好的立管运到安装部位。首先清理已预留的伸缩节,将锁母拧下,取出U型 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o62 橡胶圈,清理杂物。复查上层洞口是否合适。立管插入端应先划好插入长度标记,然后涂上肥皂液,套上锁母及U型橡胶圈。安装时先将立管上端伸入上一层洞口内,垂直用力插入至标记为止(一般预留胀缩量为20,30mm)。合适后即用自制U型钢制抱卡紧固于伸缩节上沿。然后找正找直,并测量顶板距三通口中心是否符合要求。无误后即可堵洞,并将上层预留伸缩节封严。支管安装 首先剔出吊卡孔洞或复查预埋件是否合适。清理场地,按需要支搭操作平台。将预制好的支管按编号运至现场。清除各粘接部位的污物及水分。将支管水平初步吊起,徐抹粘接剂,用力推入预留管口。根据管段长度调整好坡度。合适后固定卡架,封闭各预留管口和堵洞。器具连接管安装 核查建筑物地面、墙面做法、厚度。找出预留口坐标、标高。然后按准确尺寸修整预留洞口。分部位实测尺寸做记录,并预制加工、编号。安装粘接时,必须将预留管口清理干净,再进行粘接。粘牢后找正、找直,封闭管口和堵洞。打开下一层立管扫除口,用充气橡胶堵封闭上部,进行闭水试验。合格后,撤去橡胶堵,封好扫除口。排水管道闭水实验 排水管道安装后,按规定要求必须进行闭水试验。凡属隐蔽暗装管道必须按分项工序进行。卫生洁具及设备安装后,必须进行通水通球试验。且应在油漆粉刷最后一道工序前进行。 4.5.15电气工程施工方案 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the63穿线管预埋材料要求 进户线管采用钢管,室内穿线管采用PVC塑料管。钢管壁厚均匀,焊缝均匀,无劈裂、砂眼,棱刺和凹扁现象。管材需预先除锈刷防腐漆,刷过防腐漆的钢管较外表层完整剥落现象,并有产品合格证,锁紧螺母,外形完好无损,线扣清晰,并有产品合格证。护口要过完整无损,并有产品合格证,板安装孔与地线焊接脚齐全,并有产品格证。螺栓、螺丝、胀容螺栓、螺母、垫圈等应用镀锌件。作业条件 敷设暗管时,配合土建施工,现浇砼板内配管,在底筋绑扎完后,将管路敷设完毕。管路敷设时配合土建安装好预埋件,内部装修施工时,配合土建做好电气器具位置翻样图,并在顶板或地面弹出实际位置。操作工艺 敷设于潮湿场所的电线管接口、管子连接处应作密封处理,暗配的管路宜沿最近的路线敷设,并应减少弯曲,埋入墙或砼内的管孔子,表面净距不小于15 mm,进入落地电箱的电管,排列应整齐,管口应高出基础不小于50 mm,埋入地下的电管不宜宽穿过设备基础,在穿过建筑物基础时,应加保护管。线管暗敷方式 , 本工程配合砌墙立管时,预埋管放在墙中心,管口向上且堵好,为保证盒子平整,标高准确,将管先立偏高200 mm左右,然后将盒子稳好,再接短管。由顶板向下引管不宜过长,以达到开关盒四口为准,等砌隔墙, mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o64 先稳盒后接短管。 , 现浇砼楼板配管:先找灯位,根据房间四周墙的厚度,弹出十字线,将堵好的盒子固定牢,然后敷管。有两个以上盒子时,要拉直线,管进盒箱长度要适宜。每路每隔1m左右用铅丝绑扎牢。 , 现浇砼配管在底层钢筋绑扎后,上层钢筋未绑扎前,根据施工图尺寸位置配合土建施工。 , 竖向多根变梁时管外壁净距大于3cm,水平敷设多线管时水平间距大于2cm,各灯灯盒成排时要拉直线,如有超过3kg灯具时应埋好预埋件,配管时严格按图施工,弯曲度大于6d,切口平整,钢管采用套管连结,管口入盒时做好接地跨接,连成不煌的导体并与开关,插座时甩口位置正确,高度一致。 , 线管在预埋管线过长庆在中间增设过线盒,便于穿线。配管进入盒、箱处要顺直,在盒、箱内露出长度小于5 mm,用锁紧螺母固定管口,管子露出锁紧螺母的螺纹为2-4扣。 , 变形缝处理做法:变形缝两侧各预埋一个接线逄,先把管的一端固定在接线箱上,另一侧接线箱底部的垂直方向开长孔,其孔径长度宽度尺寸不小于被接入管直径的2倍,两侧连接好裣跨接地线。 施工应注意的问题 , 煨变处应避免出现凹扁过大或弯曲半径不够倍数的现象。 , 暗配管须按设计图要求及现场情况进行敷设管路。 , 避免预埋盒 、箱、支架、吊杆歪斜或者盒箱里进外出严重的剔凿,盒、箱出现空、收口不好,预留管口的位置不准确等。 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the65 , 电线管,在焊跨接地线时,避免将管焊漏,焊接不牢,漏焊,焊接面不够倍数。 , 暗配管路者塞配管后,应及时扫管,发现堵管及进修复,配管应及时把管口堵严实。管内穿绝缘导线安装材料要求 绝缘导线、导线的规格、型号必须符合设计要求并有出厂合格证,护口应根据管径的大小选择相应规格的护口,接线端子,应根据导线的根数和总截面选择相应规格的接线端子,辅助材料,粘塑料带、绝缘带、黑胶布,橡胶等。作业条件 管内穿线应在建筑物的结构及土建施工作业完成后进行。操作工艺导线选择 应根据设计图纸要求选择导线,应使用像胶绝缘导线,严禁使用绝缘导线,相线、零线及接地的颜色必须加以区分。穿带线 , 穿带线的目的是检查管路是否畅通,清扫管路,清除管路中的杂放物。 , 根据施工图设计对导线的规格、型号、相序进行核对。剪断导线时,导线的预留长度为15cm,配电箱内导线的预留长度应为1.5m,钢管在穿线前,应首先检查各个管口的护口,是否整齐,如有遗漏和破损,均应补弃 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o66 和更换。导线连接 导线连接应具备,导线接头不能增加电阻值,受力导线不能降低原机械强度,不能降低原绝缘强度。在导线做电气连接时,必须先削掉绝缘层再进行连接,再缠绝缘层,单芯铜导线直线连接采用绞接法,适用于4 mm及以下单芯线连接。将两线相互交叉,将两线芯居另一个芯线上缠绕5圈,剪掉余头,多股导线可采用与导线同材质且规范相应的接线端子。线路检查及绝缘摇测 接、焊、包全部完成后,应进行自检和互检,检查导线接、焊、包是否符合设计要求及有关施工验收规范及质量验评标准的规定吵符合规定时应立即纠正,检查无误后再将绝缘摇测。照明线路的绝级摇测一般先用500V,量程为0-500M的兆欧表,电气器具未安装前进行线路绝缘摇测时,首先将灯头内导线分工,干线和支线分工一人摇测,一人应及时读数并记录。质量标准 导线的规格,型号必须符合设计要求和国家标准的规定,照明线路的绝缘电阻值不小于1欧姆。管内穿线盒箱内清洁无杂物,护口、护线套管齐全无脱落,导线排列整齐,并留适当的作量、导线,连接牢固,包扎严密,绝缘良好,不伤线芯,检验方法,观察检查或检查记录。施工要点 , 在施工中存中的护口遗漏、脱落、破损及与管径不我们符等现象。 , 接头部分包扎不平整,不严密,螺旋接线钮松动和线芯外露及线路 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the67 的绝缘电阻偏低,。管路内可能进水或绝缘层受损。开关、插座安装材料要求 , 各型开关、插座、规格型号必须符保设计要求,并有出厂合格证。 , 塑料(台)板,应具有足够的强度,塑料(台)板应平整,无弯翘变形等现象,关有产品合格证。作业条件 , 各种管路,盒子敷设完毕,盒子收口平整。 , 线路的导线已穿好,并已做完绝缘摇测。 , 墙面的装饰,油漆等,内装修工作均已完毕。操作工艺清理 将盒子内残存的块剔掉,同时将其它杂物质一并清盒外。接线、开关接线 同一场所的开关切断位置应一致,操作灵活,接点接触可靠。电器、灯具的相线应经开关控制,开关距门口为150-200mm暗装,开关央板应端正、严整并与墙面平,。成排开关位置与灯位相对应,同一室内开关方向应一致,成排安装开关高度一致,高低差不大于2 m m,拉线、开关相邻间距一般不小于200 mm,单相两扎插座横装时面对插座时左零线、右相线,暗装插座距地面不小于30cm,同一室内安装插座高差不小于5 mm,成排安装的插座高低差不大于2 mm。低插座彩用安全型插座落地插座应有保护盖板。开关、插座安装 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o68 按接线要求,注意线芯不得外露,将盒内甩出的导线与开关或插座的面板连接好,将开关或插座推入盒内,对正盒,用螺丝固定牢固,固定时使用面板端正,并与墙面平齐。质量标准 , 插座接地,保护措施必须符合施工验收规范的有关规定,检验方法,观察检查和检查安装记录。 , 开关插座位置正确,盒子内清洁,无杂物,表面不变形,盖板紧贴建筑物的表面。开关切断相线,导线进入器具处绝缘或未伤线芯,插座的接地线不允许与工作零线混用。应注意的质量问题: , 开关、插座的面板不平整、不牢固,高度之关超范围。 , 开关未断相线,多灯房间开关与控制灯具顺序不对。 , 插座的相线、零线有计线压接混乱。 , 铁盒护口脱落或遗漏,面板已上好,但盒子预埋过深(大于2.5cm)。灯具安装材料要求 各型灯具型号、规格必须符合设计要求和国家标准的规定,灯内配线严禁外露,灯具配件齐全无各种损伤、变形、破裂等现象,并应有产品合格证,照明灯肯的导线其电压等级不应低于交流500V,采用钢管为灯具的吊管时,钢管内径不小于10 mm,花灯的吊钩其圆钢直径不小于吊挂销钉的直径,且不得小于6 mm,瓷接头应完好无损,所有配件齐全,支架必须根据灯具的重量选用相应规格的镀锌材料做成支架。 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the69作业条件 在结构施工中做好预埋工作,盒子口修好,木台、木板油漆完 ,对灯具安装有影响的模板,脚手架已拆除,顶棚,墙面的抹灰工作,室内装饰工作及地面清理工作均已结束。操作工艺 , 根据灯具的安装场所检查灯具是否符合要求,灯内配线符合设计要求及有关规定,穿入灯箱的导线在分支连接外不承受外应力和磨损,多股软线的端头需盘圈。 , 灯具安装完毕,且各条支路的绝缘电阻摇测合格后,方允许通电试运行。检查灯具的控制是否灵活,准确,开关灯具控制顺序相对应及吊扇的转向及调速开关是否正常。质量标准 , 灯具的规格、型号及使用场所必须符合设计要求和施工规范的规定,3kg以上的灯具,必须预埋吊钩或螺栓,预埋件必须牢固可靠,低于2.4m以下的灯具的金属外壳部应做好接地或接零保护。应注意的质量问题: , 成排灯具的中线偏差超出允许范围。 , 木台固定不牢,与建筑表面有缝隙。 , 法兰盘、吊盆、平灯口不在塑料(木)台的中心上。 , 吊链日光灯的吊链适用不当。 , 采用木结构明(暗)装灯具时,导线接普通塑料导线裸露。配电箱安装工程 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o70材料要求 铁制配电箱箱体应具有一定的机械强度,周边平整无损伤,油漆无脱落,一层底板为镀锌,厚度不小于1.5mm,箱内各种器具安装牢固、导线排列整齐,压接牢固,并且产口合格证。绝缘导线的规格型号必须符合设计要求,并有产品合格证。作业条件 , 随土建结构预留好暗装配电箱的安装位置。 , 预埋铁架或螺栓时,墙体结构应弹出施工水平线。 , 安装配电箱盘面时,抹灰及油漆应全部完成。操作工艺配电箱安装要求 暗装时底口距地1.4m,明装电表表板底口距地不小于1.8m。在同一建筑物内,同类盘的高度应一致,允许偏 差为10mm,配电箱、盘、带有器具的铁制和装有器具的门及电器的金属外壳均应有明显可靠的PE接地线,PE线不允许利用盒箱串接,垂直装设的开关等电器上端接电源,下端接负荷,横装者左侧接电源,右侧接负荷,开关位置应与支路相对应,其下面应标明路别,零线、接地线应有线排位置,配电箱上的导线应有黄(A相)、绿(B相)、红(C相)、蓝(N零线)、黄绿双色线(PE接地线)。 配电箱安装应牢固、平正,其垂直允许偏关为3m。质量标准 , 器具的接地,保护措施和其它安全要求,必须符合施工规范配电箱安装位置正确,部件齐全,箱体开孔合适,零线、地线汇流排连接,无绞 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the71 现象。油漆完整,盘内外‘清洁,箱盖、开关灵活,回路编号齐全,接线整齐。导线压接无松动,在同一端子导线截面,选用正确,线路走向合理,色标准确。支线变径小于1.2m,角钢及钢管接地体应垂直配备。 , 垂直接地体长度不应小于2.5m,其相互之间距一般不小于5m。 , 接地体埋设位置距建筑物不宜小于1.5m,遇到土质关的地方埋设 , 接地体时应换土,并分层夯实,当接地装置必须埋设在距建筑物出入口或人行道小于3m时,应采用均压带做法。接地体(线)的连接应采用焊接、焊接外焊缝应饱满并在足够的机械强度,不得有夹渣、咬肉、裂纹、虚焊、气扎等缺陷,焊接处的药皮弄净后,刷沥青,做防腐处理。 采用搭接焊时,其焊接长度如下: , 镀锌扁钢不小于其宽度的3倍,且至少3个棱边焊接,敷设前需调直镀锌圆钢焊接长度为其直径的6倍,并两面焊接,镀锌圆钢与镀锌扁钢连接时,其长度为圆钢直径的6倍。 , 按设尺寸位置,找好桩基组位置,把每组桩基四角钢筋搭接焊或深基础做接地,并标好位置,将底板钢筋搭接焊接好,再与主筋焊好连接板,清除药皮,并将主筋用色漆做好标记,以便于引出和检查,应及时请有关部门进行隐检,同时做好隐检记录。应注意的质量问题: 接地体埋深或隔距离不够,焊接面不够,药皮处理不干净,防腐处理不好,焊接面按质量达不到要求。利用基础、梁柱钢筋搭接面积不够,支架松动,压接螺栓小、扁钢不平,接地端子漏垫弹簧,压接处不锌板。调试运行 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o72 , 在电气安装全部完成后,进行通电调试运行。把各回路支路全部断开,先调试总柜后,摇测主干线绝缘组值满足设计要求后方能通电。 各个楼层由专人负责检查各出线口,线头有无遗漏,对各故障点查点原因,正确排除后运行2小时后观察电流表,电压表均在额定值内,检查各路支线电流,电压是否正常,有无发热现象,全部满足设计要求及规范要求后达到交工条件。 4.5.16低温辐射地板系统安装工程绝热层铺设:凿掉突出地面的砂浆块和砼块,并将地面清扫干净,绝热材料要铺设平整,接缝严密,在绝热材料上敷设无纺布基铝箔面层时,除允许将加热管固定在绝热层的塑料卡钉穿越外,不得有其它破损。按图纸要求进行放线并配管,同一通路的加热管在地面敷设时应保持水平,管材规格选用Φ20?2PE-RT地板辐射采暖管,管材标准为S5系列,外墙及伸缩缝处地暖盘管加密间距为150mm;其它为200,300?。盘管的弯曲半径不得小于8倍的盘管外径,且同一循环通路内不得有接头。采用专用断管工具断管,断口应平整,断口面垂直于管轴线。用塑料卡钉将加热管直接固定在绝热层上,固定点的间距为:直管段不大于700?;弯曲段不大于350?。加热管始末段出地面至连接配件的管段,应置在硬质套管中。集水器及分水器安装在与地暖管连接方便的地方,安装高度距地面200?。试压:按设计要求及规范规定进行水压试验,合格后,管道带 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the73 压进入下道工序即混凝土填充层的施工,土建完工后要进行二次试压,以保证管道的密闭性。 五.施工进度计划及保证措施 5.1 施工进度计划 5.1.1 施工进度控制图 详附图《施工进度计划》。 5.1.2 综合说明 本工程计划开工日期为2011年5月1日,竣工日期为2011年10月31日。我公司将抓紧技术、物资、机具和人员的准备和协调工作,确保工期。 5.2 施工进度保证措施 5.2.1 分段目标控制 施工准备阶段,主要完成生产、生活临建的搭设,生活机具的进场安装、技术准备、图纸会审、水准点、控制点的复核及周转材料的进场,提前半月申请砂浆及砼试配及各项工作的交接。此阶段不能占用有效工期。第一阶段:基础阶段2011年5月10日~6月25日,计划为45天;第二阶段:主体施工阶段2011年6月25日8月25日,计划为60天;第三阶段:内外装修、电气安装与水暖安装2011年8月11日~10月25日,计划为85天;第四阶段:验收阶段5天。水暖电气通讯安装工程穿插在其中施工,故不考虑占有关键工期。计划有效工期总计180天。 5.2.2 管理措施 , 及时编制月进度计划,进度控制措施。 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o74 , 所有统计必须做数据采集和统计,方法准确,表达清晰,对统计结果应认真分析和应用,以便及时纠正偏差和制定预防措施。 , 现场办公室张贴施工计划图或横道图与实际形象进度表,以便及时统计反馈工程形象进度。 , 质检员应将主要设计参数与实际参数适时统计填表张贴,以形象地监督进度动态变化。 , 在工程施工中,针对各分项工程计划进度制度执行情况和计划进度指标完成情况,按日对责任人进行奖罚。由施工队长依据情况提出奖罚要求,并填写进度奖罚通知单,项目经理签字,由财务人员具体实施。 , 自工程开工之日起,实行二级进度例会制度。项目部每十天,班组每五天召开一次进度例会。分别由施工队长汇报近期进度情况,存在的问题,尤其是分项工程过程控制中存在的问题,例会针对存在的问题,提出整改计划,包括:纠正措施,执行部分,完成时间。进度例会由项目经理、班组长一把手主持召开,进度问题整改计划由技术负责人签发,进度例会由资料员做好记录。 5.2.3 实施方案进度目标 按照招标文件提出180天工期,本公司计划按时完成,尽力提前交付使用。保证措施 , 组织强有力的项目管理班子,强化项目管理,进行项目法施工,实行项目经理负责制,对施工的全过程和土建与设备安装统一组织、同意协 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the75 调、统一管理,确保进度计划的实施。 , 加快施工准备工作,项目管理人员及施工队伍进场以较快的速度搭好各种临设和组织各种材料及施工机械的进场,为保证按时开工创造条件。 , 依照进度计划对原材料、成品、半成品提前两天进入施工现场,并立即现场抽样检验。若材料不合格,应立即重新采购,同时将原不合格材料拉出现场,保证合格材料按工期要求进场使用。 , 抓好施工准备工作,编制切实可行的施工准备计划,对施工准备工作建立严格的检查制度,及验收制度,使各项工作做到有计划、有分工、有布置、有检查,确保各项计划的实施。 , 采用先进的网络计划技术,强化生产调度,组织协调好土建与安装等专业之间的交叉施工,保证各主要进度控制点均在控制工期内完成。 , 充分发挥我公司技术装备优势,设备安装配齐各种施工机具和设备,提高机械化施工程度,改善劳动条件,提高生产效率,缩短工期。 , 采用先进科学技术和施工工艺,利用科学的施工手段来提高劳动生产力,加快施工进度,采用有效的技术措施,合理安排施工工期和充分利用节假日时间进行组织施工,以保持施工的连续性。 , 加强与建设单位、监理单位、设计单位间的密切配合服从地方政府主管部门的领导和监督,同心协力,把本工程优质、高速的建成。 六(质量目标及保证措施 6.1质量管理系统及质量控制目标 6.1.1质量目标 , 本工程总体质量目标为合格,为保证质量目标的实现并对质量体系 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o76 实行全面质量管理,现场设一名专职质检工程师负责施工过程中质量检查和控制; , 分项工程合格率100%; , 分部工程合格率100%; , 单位工程验收合格,技术资料、质保资料齐全。 6.1.2质量管理体系 项目经理:闫 超 技术员质检员安全员资料员 材料员机械员 刘 桥 翟仁强 鲁建军 陈兰芝 郑现生 张 华 模 钢 水 电 电 架 土 塔 砼 板 筋 暖 工 焊 子 建 吊 班 班 班 班 班 班 班 班 班 长 长 长: : 长: 长: 长: 长: 长: 长: : 刘 杨 徐 扬彭杨张刘 志曹 学 云德东维国 立 国宏 领 列 全 华 海 林 祥 施工操作工人 6.2质量保证措施 , 贯彻落实“建设工程质量管理条例”,明确质量责任严格施工全过程控制。本工程要结合工程实际,拟定专门质量计划和控制措施,把“建设工程质量管理条例”落实到位。 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the77 , 建立以项目经理为首的质量体系,把质量目标分解落实到各部门和施工队及管理人员头上,建立按分项工程和月、季度考核制度采取一系列行政和物质奖励,使全体职工齐心协力实现工程质量目标。 , 建立健全岗位责任制,明确各专业技术工作的内容及责任。 , 坚持高标准严要求,严格按照设计图纸和国家检验评定标准、规范、规程,必须抓好从材料采购、施工操作到竣工全过程的质量控制。 , 加强技术管理,严格执行技术 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 。施工前做好图纸会审关,正确领会设计意图,提前发现图纸错误。认真做好技术交底,按分部分项工程进行交底,施工中认真检查执行情况,做好隐蔽工程记录,全面开展质量管理活动,认真组织工程质量检验和评定,做好工程技术资料收集整理工作,质检员及时做好检查监督,核定分项工程质量等级情况,凡不合格的坚决不准转入下道工序,将一切工程质量隐患消灭在萌芽之中。 , 严格控制轴线和标高。设置定位桩和水准点,作为轴线、标高传递依据,并经常校核其准确性。每次放线完毕后必须经质检员验收签字,方可进行下道工序。轴线、标高误差必须在规范规定范围之内。 , 实行材料进场检验制度:优良工程必须要有优质的原材料做保证,因此必须严把材料采购关。 , 凡是经检验不符合要求的原材料,半成品、成品,不准用到工程上。 , 坚持采用名牌产品,质量过硬的厂家产品的原则。 , 严格见证取样制度,随时与监理人员取得联系,及时取样送检,并做好取送样记录及见证记录。 , 严格按技术操作规程施工,坚持“质量是干出来的,不是检验出来 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o78 的”这一思想,将质量事故消灭在施工过程中。 , 加强对执行配合比工作的检查,并做好记录。 , 各工种密切配合,严格按技术操作规范施工,在结构施工中,水暖、电气等工程应与土建工程密切配合,加强对模板、钢筋、轴线、标高、墙、板留洞尺寸,预埋件位置等关键部位的控制并设置专人负责此项工作。供水、供电、排水工程,应遵循先室外、后室内的施工顺序。 , 加强对质量通病的控制,建筑工程通常是重视大体,忽略细部,对施工通病注意不够,往往造成许多问题,影响使用功能。因此在施工中,必须结合工程特点,采取相应措施,杜绝和避免质量通病的发生。 , 加强并完善半成品、成品的保护工作。 , 加强各项资料的收集和管理。 6.3运用新技术措施 , 柱、梁施工均采用七层胶合板,保证柱角不漏浆,砼表面平整、光洁;梁柱接头采用定型模板,既保证梁柱接头的几何尺寸与外观,又处理好了施工缝接槎的问题。 , 整个梁板采用一次性施工,不留施工缝,保证工程质量。 , 竖向钢筋均采用电渣压力焊,既提高了焊接质量,又节约了钢筋。 , 本工程混凝土采用商品混凝土,可以缩短工期。混凝土入模使用布料车,提高了工效。 , 楼板混凝土表面拉毛,提高混凝土的观感。 , 加气砼块抹灰施工:在砌块墙面上滚素浆,不能漏滚,以表面起疙瘩,强度以手掰不动为准,然后抹第一遍灰,养护一周,在抹第二遍。此 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the79 法可避免干缩裂缝。 , 上、下水立管均做止水台。 七(安全生产技术措施 7.1 安全生产目标 , 项目部安全生产施工过程的安全伤亡事故为0,重伤月事故控制在0.5‰以内,轻伤月事故频率控制在2.4‰以内。 安全生产目标分解 安全伤亡事故为0 重伤月事故控制在0.5‰以内 轻伤月事故频率控制在2.4‰以内 模 钢 水 电 电 架 土 塔 板 砼 班 筋 暖 工 焊 子 建 吊 班 班 班 班 班 班 班 班 0 0 0 0 1‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ 7.2 建立项目经理部安全生产管理机构 建立以项目经理为组长,技术负责人、专职安全员为副组长,专业工长和班组长为组员的项目安全生产领导小组,在项目形成纵横网络管理体制(详见质量保证体系)。 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o80 7.3安全生产管理措施 7.3.2建筑物周边防护 该工程周边在-1.000上高度搭设钢管双排脚手架,其搭设标准按《建筑施工扣件式钢管脚手架安全技术规范》的具体要求搭设和防护。外脚手架使用前必须经项目负责人、项目技术负责人、安全员、施工工长、搭设班组进行逐层验收,合格签字挂合格牌后方可投入使用。其检验标准为《建筑施工安全检查评分标准》JGJ59-99内容逐条对照验收。凡保证项目中某一条达不到标准均不得验收签字,原则上谁同意使用谁负后果责任。 7.3.3“五临边”防护 本工程五临边防护:楼层边、屋面边、楼梯沿边的防护。五临边的防护至关重要,一点也不能马虎。因此,临边防护应按计划备齐防护栏杆和安全网,拆一层模板,清理一层,五临边设一道防护,其栏杆高度不少于1m,并用密眼网围护绑牢,任何人未经现场负责人同意不得私自拆除,项目要对违章纪行为制定严密的纪律措施。经项目负责人、项目技术负责人、安全员、施工工长、搭设班组进行验收。 7.3.4四口防护 本工程四口防护:楼层平面预留洞口防护以及通道口、楼梯口的防护。洞口的防护应视尺寸大小,用不同的方法进行防护。如边长大于25cm的通口,可用坚实的盖板封盖,作到钉平钉牢不易拉动,并在板上标识“不准拉动”的警示牌。大于150cm的洞口,洞边设钢管栏杆1m高,四角立杆要固定,水平杆不少于二根,然后在立杆下脚捆绑安全水平网二道(层)。栏杆挂密眼立网密封绑牢。其它竖向洞口如楼梯平台洞、通道口洞均用钢 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the81 管或钢管栏杆设门或栏杆,方法同临边。经项目负责人、项目技术负责人、安全员、施工工长、搭设班组进行验收。 7.3.5现场安全用电 , 主线执行三相五线制,在施工现场设总配电箱一个。 , 主线走向原则:接近负荷中心;进出线方便;接近电源;接近大容量用电设备;运输方便。不设在剧烈振动场所,不设在可触及的地方,不设在有腐蚀介质场所,不设在低洼和积水,溅水场所,不设在断层、滑坡、滚石、塌陷危险场所,不设在爆炸和火灾场危险的场所,不设在易燃物处。 , 现场施工用电原则执行一机、一闸、一漏电保护的“三级”保护措施。其电箱设门、设锁、编号,注明负责人。 , 塔吊、搅拌机和龙门架必须执行工作接地和重复接地的保护措施。 , 电箱内所配置的电闸、漏电、熔丝荷载必须与设备额定电流相等。不使用偏大或偏小额定电流的电熔丝,严禁使用金属丝代替熔丝。 , 现场电工必须是经过培训,考核合格持证上岗。 7.3.6机械安全防护 , 大型机械如塔吊、龙门架基础必须牢固。架体必须按设备说明预埋拉接件;架体要设防雷装置;其设备配件齐全,型号相符。其防冲、防坠联锁装置要灵敏可靠,钢丝绳、制动设备要完整无缺。设备安装完后要进行试运行,必须待几大指标达到要求后,才能进行验收签证,挂牌准予使用。 , 钢筋机械、木工机械、移动式机械,除机械本身护罩完善,电机无病的前提下,还要对机械作接零和重复接地的装置。接地电阻值不大于10 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o82 欧姆。 , 机械操作人员必须经过培训考核合格,持证上岗。 , 各种机械要定机定人维修保养,做到自检、自修、自维有记录。各种机械不准带病运行。 , 施工现场各种机械要挂安全技术操作规程牌。 , 各种起重机械和垂直运输机械在吊运物料时,现场要设人值班和指挥。 7.3.7施工人员安全防护 , 参加施工人员是经过安全培训,并考核合格持证上岗者。凡患有禁高症人员不得参加高空作业,企业将每月定期对高空作业人员进行身体健康检查。 , 施工人员必须遵守现场纪律和国家法令、法规、规定的要求,必须服从项目经理部的综合管理。 , 施工人员进入施工现场必须戴符合标准的安全帽,其配带方法要符合要求;进入 2m以上架体或施工层作业必须佩挂安全带。 , 施工人员高空作业禁止赤脚、穿拖鞋、硬底鞋和打赤膊施工。 , 施工人员不得任意拆除现场一切安全防护设施,如机械护壳、安全网、安全围栏、外架拉接点、警示信号等。如因工作需要,必须经项目负责人同意方可。 , 施工人员工作前不许饮酒,进入施工现场不准嬉笑打闹。 , 施工人员应立足本职工作,不得动用不属于本职工作范围的机电设备。 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the83 , 施工现场夏天给工人备足清凉解毒凉茶或盐开水。搞好食堂饮食卫生,不出售腐烂食物给工人餐饮。 7.3.8施工现场防火措施 , 项目建立防火责任制,职责明确。 , 按规定建立义务消防队,有专人负责,订出教育训练计划和管理办法。 , 重点部位(危险的仓库、油漆间、木库、木工车间等)必须建立有关规定,有专人管理落实责任,设置警告标志,配置相应的消防器材。 , 建立动用火审批制度,按规定划分级别,明确审批手续,并有监护措施。 , 一般建筑各楼层,非重点仓库及宿舍、食堂等处应有常规消防器材。 , 焊割作业应严格执行“十不烧”及压力容器使用规定。 , 危险品押运人员,仓库管理人员和特殊工种必须经培训和审证,做到持证上岗。 7.3.9项目安全事故处理 , 发生伤亡事故后,负伤人员或最先发现事故人员应立即报告领导,对受伤人员歇工满一月以上的事故,要填写“伤亡事故登记表”并应即时上报。 , 发生重伤事故和重大伤亡事故,必须立即将事故概况(包括伤亡人数、发生事故的时间、地点、事故原因)等用快速办法报告上级有关部门。 , 事故发生后,现场人员不要惊慌失措,要有组织有指挥,首先抢救伤员和排险,制止事故的扩大。 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o84 , 发生死亡、重大伤亡事故的项目应保护事故现场,因抢救伤员和排险必须移动现场构件时,要做好标记。 , 清理事故现场应在调查组确认无可取证,并充分记录后方可进行。不得借口恢复生产,擅自清理现场造成掩盖现场。 , 事故调查组在调查过程中,向项目有关人员了解情况和索取有关资料时,任何人不得拒绝。任何人不得阻碍、干涉事故调查组的下常工作。 , 认真执行事故调查组提出的防范措施的意见,完善各项安全防护措施。 , 对事故的处理,必须坚持四不放过的原则,作出严肃处理。伤亡事故处理工作应当在九十日内结案,特殊情况不得超过一百八十天,伤亡事故处理结案后,应当公布处理结果。 7.4安全检查 , 班组每天进行班前活动,由班长或安全员传达工长安全技术交底,并作好当天工作环境的检查,做到当时检查当日记录。 , 项目经理带队每星期一组织本项目安全生产的检查,记录问题,落实责任人,发签改通知,落实整改时间,定期复查,对未按期完成整改的人和事,严格按公司安全奖惩条例执行。 , 公司对项目进行一月一次的安全大检查。发现问题,提出整改意见,发出整改通知单,由项目经理签收,并布置落实整改人、措施、时间。如经复查,未完成整改,项目经理将受到纪律和经济处罚。 , 对于公司各部门到项目随机抽查发现的问题,对不执行整改的人和事,有权出据罚款通知单或向项目经理反映,对责任人进行当月奖金的扣 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the85 减。 , 公司对项目施工管理人员(包括项目经理)的安全管理业绩进行记录,工程完工后向主管部门提供证据,列入当事人档案之中。 八(文明施工管理措施 为加强精神文明建设和物质文明建设,维护市容整洁和城市安全,根据巴州建设工程现场文明施工管理办法,结合工程的地理环境和我们的资源,特对文明施工进行策划。使文明施工规范化、标准化,实现文明施工工地的目标。 8.1现场文明施工措施 8.1.1建立管理机构 , 成立以项目经理为组长的文明施工管理小组,制定奖罚制度,切实落实执行文明施工标准及奖罚制度。 , 制定文明施工责任制,实行分片包干管理(分两个责任区)责任到人,由各区责任人负责本区文明施工管理。建立健全施工计划管理制度 , 认真编制施工月、旬作业计划。 , 做好总平面管理工作,经常检查执行情况。 , 认真填好施工日志,建立单位工程工期考核记录。 , 合理安排施工程序,搞好安全生产。建立健全质量安全管理制度 , 严格执行岗位责任制,建立完善质量安全管理制度。 , 严格执行“三检”(自检、互检、交接检)制度和样板引路制度。 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o86 , 进场必须戴好安全帽,高空作业要配备安全带,安全网要按规定设置。 , 四口(通道口、孔洞口、楼梯口、电梯口)的防护必须完善。 , 各种机电设备要按规定接地;设置保险装置。 , 脚手架搭设完毕后经检查后方可使用。 , 现场电源必须按施工平面图设置, 严禁乱拉乱接电源。 , 加强现场消防工作, 现场的消防设备要按规定设置。严禁在现场生火。 , 特殊工种人员应进行培训, 经考试合格后可作业。 , 升降机、及其它施工设备必须按有关规章操作。 , 现场临时用电必须严格遵守《建筑工地现场供用电安全规范(JGJ46 —2005)》。建立健全现场技术管理制度 , 施工必须按照设计图纸、施工组织设计和方案进行施工。 , 施工前必须进行技术交底工作;公司对项目交底,项目对工长交底,工长对作业班组交底。 , 分项工程严格按照标准工艺施工,每道工序要认真做好过程控制。 , 建立健全现场材料管理制度 , 严格按照施工平面布置图堆放原材料、半成品、成品及料具。 , 砼构件、玻璃、门、窗等各种成品及半成品必须分类按规定堆放,做到妥善保管, 使用方便。 , 现场仓库内外整齐干净, 怕潮、怕晒、怕淋及易失火物品应入库保 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the87 管。 , 严格执行限额领料、材料包干制度. 及时回收落地灰、碎砖等余料。做到工完场清,余料要堆放整齐。 , 现场各类材料要做到帐物相符, 并要有质量征明, 证物相符。同时要进行标识。建立健全现场机械管理制度 , 现场机械必须按施工平面布置图进行设置与停放。 , 机械设备的设置和使用必须严格遵守《建筑机械使用安全技术规程(,,,,,-2001)》。 , 龙门架等垂直运输设备应做好避雷接地措施。 , 认真做好机械设备的保养及维修, 并做好记录。 , 设置专职机械管理人员, 负责现场的机械管理工作。 8.1.2施工现场场容要求 , 现场做到整齐、干净、安全,施工秩序良好。 , 现场做到五有、四净、三无、四清四不见、三好、四整齐。 , 现场施工道路必须保持畅通无阻,保证材料顺利进场。排水沟必须通畅,无积水,场地整洁,无施工垃圾。 , 及时清运施工垃圾,集中堆放。楼层垃圾用吊斗运下,严禁向楼下抛扔。集中的垃圾及时运走,以保持场容整洁。 , 为避免雨水、养护水从楼梯、电梯井等部位流向下一层。应设置挡水坎,组织有组织排水。 , 设冲水厕所,指定专人清理。 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o88 , 遵守国家有关环境保护的法规。采取有效措施控制各种粉尘、废气、废水、固体废弃物以及噪声振动对环境的污染及危害。 , 施工场地及道路定期洒水,降低灰尘对环境的污染。 , 现场出口设冲洗场,对进入车辆进行冲洗,防止将泥土带到道路上,污染城市道路。 , 施工现场不得熔化沥青或者焚烧油毡以及其它会产生有毒、有害烟尘和恶臭气体的物资。 , 对一些产生噪声的施工机械,采取隔声措施,减少噪声。 8.1.3 文明施工检查 , 检查时间安排:项目经理部每周对施工现场作一次全面的文明施工检查,公司每月对项目进行一次大检查。 , 检查内容:文明施工方案执行情况和达标情况。 , 检查依据:文明施工方案及公司文明施工、环境保护检查评分汇总表。 , 奖惩措施:为了鼓励先进,鞭策后进,对每次检查中得分好的进行奖励,做得差的进行惩罚并督促其改进。 8.1.4封闭式管理 , 封闭式轻钢围档,高度2m,外刷天蓝色面漆,提高观感效果。临街面眷写质量、安全等方面的宣传标语。 , 施工区与生活区分开。以利现场的场容管理、文明施工和安全管理工作。 8.1.5施工平面布置 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the89临时设施设计 , 现场办公室:制作成品活动彩板房。 , 场地硬化处理:施工场地均用120厚C20混凝土。 , 厕所:采用砖木结构建造。施工道路 车辆从大门进入,采取整个施工现场全部使用C20混凝土硬化的措施。详见附图《施工平面布置图》;大型施工机械布置 塔吊、搅拌机布置详见附图《施工平面布置图》;围墙、大门 门柱采用钢架外贴免漆板,周围刷红漆;大门采用角铁焊两开折叠全封闭门。刷红色油漆。材料堆场 , 钢筋原材、成型钢筋分别堆放在成型加工区的东面。 , 砌筑材料、装修材料零放在在建建筑物的背面。 8.1.6工程标志牌设计七牌两图 在大门左右两侧布置七牌两图。牌的规格1000*2000?,竖向布置,宋体,蓝底白字。其它标志牌 在大门口、生产区设导向牌。生产区设安全警示牌,会议室设组织机构、气象记录、工程形象进度等图表。 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o90 8.2卫生管理 , 厕所:厕所内地面、便池均抹灰,以利冲洗,并定期消毒。 九(环境保护措施 9.1环保目标 噪音、污水和粉尘排放达标。 9.2环境影响因素识别评价及重大环境因素的确定 , 确定本工程的重大环境因素:噪音排放(施工机械:挖掘机、装载机、打夯机、运输设备:翻斗车;电动工具:电锯、空压机、切割机、混凝土振捣棒、冲击钻;脚手架装卸、安装与拆除;模板支拆、清理与修复);运输遗撒(运输渣土);污水排放;废弃物的排放。 9.3噪音控制措施 施工场界噪声限值 土方阶段 — 昼间75dB,夜间55dB 标准值 结构阶段 — 昼间70dB,夜间55dB 装修阶段 — 昼间65dB,夜间55dB 8:00 — 0.00 为昼间 备注 0:00 — 8:00 为夜间 , 施工安排在8:00—0:00间进行,若因工艺等原因需连续施工,必须经过建设管理部门批准,取得合法夜间施工手续。 , 施工现场的木工棚、钢筋棚、搅拌机棚应做封闭处理。 9.4扬尘控制措施 , 工地门口必须有防止车辆带泥沙出场设施。在出口处设冲洗场。 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the91 , 施工场地全部进行硬化处理,其他为绿化。施工现场的办公区和生活区应当进行绿化和美化。 , 现场料具存放整齐,,细颗粒材料要入库或严密遮盖存放。 , 垃圾站应密闭,施工垃圾应当按照规定及时清运消纳,严禁随意抛撒。 , 搅拌机棚、水泥库房应封闭且应有喷雾除尘装置。 , 车辆运输砂石、土方、渣土和垃圾时,应当按照当地政府的有关规定不超载、严密覆盖,运输和卸运应防止遗撒。 , 现场设专人负责扬尘治理工作,配洒水设备对现场进行洒水降尘。 9.5 环境保护管理措施 9.5.1 废水排放处理措施 , 经市政部门批准后,施工污水排入市政污水管网。禁止未经沉淀处理的污水直接排入城市排水设施和河道。 , 现场搅拌机的污水及运输车辆的冲洗污水应先派入沉淀池,经沉淀后方可外排或二次利用,沉淀池应及时清理。 , 食堂设隔油池,生活污水经隔油池沉淀后排入污水管网,隔油池及时清理。 , 施工现场按要求设冲洗式厕所。 9.5.2 废弃物处理控制措施 , 临时和固定存放点均应设立醒目的标识,标明此处所存放的废弃物种类、名称等。 , 各个产生废弃物的单位应设置废弃物临时放置点,并应在临时存放 mensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeee diess: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam threasier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology proc mentislor is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirerder materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the coinstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to o92 场地配备有标识的废弃物容器。 , 有毒有害废弃物单独分类封闭存放,废电池与其他有毒有害废弃物分开存放。禁止在施工现场不得熔化沥青或者焚烧油毡以及其它会产生有毒、有害烟尘和恶臭气体的物资。 , 场内运输废弃物时,应保证不遗撒、不混放。 , 对废弃物的处理:委托有准运证件的单位运输,按国家有关法律、法规进行处理。 specification: beforee and ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical typnagement are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, as ma ing the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as wellmisattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design includmullions used to avoid installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the93
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