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大学语文说一门课大学语文说一门课 《大学语文》课程说课设计-说一门课 基础部 郭孔生 一、说《大学语文》课程的性质、任务和重要地位 大学语文的开设,是从传承古典文学、传统文化的精粹,弥补中学语文社会实践能力教学的不足而来。而且是全校大一新生的公共基础课,它是集工具性、基础性、审美性、人文性、创新性和人生哲理性于一体的课程,是中国传统文化为主体的文化与文学的主要载体之一,凝聚着深厚的人文精神与科学精神。本学科作为培养健全的大学生的合力因素之一,旨在通过教学,提高大学生的语文水平(阅读、写作、赏析),提升其人文精神、科学精神、...

大学语文说一门课 《大学语文》课程说课 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 -说一门课 基础部 郭孔生 一、说《大学语文》课程的性质、任务和重要地位 大学语文的开设,是从传承古典文学、传统文化的精粹,弥补中学语文社会实践能力教学的不足而来。而且是全校大一新生的公共基础课,它是集工具性、基础性、审美性、人文性、创新性和人生哲理性于一体的课程,是中国传统文化为主体的文化与文学的主要载体之一,凝聚着深厚的人文精神与科学精神。本学科作为培养健全的大学生的合力因素之一,旨在通过教学,提高大学生的语文水平(阅读、写作、赏析),提升其人文精神、科学精神、审美能力、鉴赏能力和创新能力,拓展其观察世界的视野、挖掘其认识世界的深度。因此,大学语文学科具有相当的时代性。大学语文教学内容中“文化文明常识”的要求,也是为了满足中国社会转型背景下强化大学人文教育这一要求而提出的一个新概念。其主要内容是:用现代社会的共通文明精粹来观照大学语文。具体表现在教学某一个经典篇目的过程中,除了文字、文学、传统文化以外,也把现代文明作为考量的价值 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 。当然更为重要的是,要明白民族国家、个人权利、文化批判、价值 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 和理性态度等现代文明的核心概念。 语文是人们用来交流思想的工具,是人们处理好日常生活和人际关系的需要,更是提高全民族素质的需要,尤其在提高学生的综合素质方面起着极为重要的作用。因此,高职教育必须坚持其基础性。多年来一直呼唤人文教育的杨叔子说,人文教育具有基础性地位,科学教育只有与人文教育相通相融,才能使受教育者的科学素质与人文素质浑然一体,培养出“全人”,即全面发展和主动发展的人。当前,高职院校的学生很少接触人文科学方面的知识,很少受到中华民族传统文化的教育,不少大学生对人类的文化遗产知之甚少,对中华民族的悠久days of Drudge, illness increased, he Chong soon Fatt said: "it seems that I'm not dead to Japan soldiers tortured to death, and it certainly can not go home alive, even with small Japan fight and get it over, if you have the opportunity to get away." When shipping via Shun Tang Qiao, when river water needs, siazhen hard to pull the boat oars, and urgent steps on the ship's rail, a small wooden boat overturned on the spot, the ship upside down, ship arms into the river bottom, brought the ship 2 Japan failed to come out of the water, and siazhen were also sacrificed. 1 Zhang Shun in the little boat, panic, jumping on the River Bank and escaped. (11) Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada fishing-Japanese soldier remains one day in April 1939, active in Wuzhen, anti-Japanese forces of Zhu Xi Xin Cheng, Yan Tomb, Tao Yuan min Yi Shen Zhuang Yang side of the village, this encounter with a group of Japanese soldiers, engaged in a fierce gun battle. 3 soldiers heroically battle Zhu Xi forces, remains fell into the Shen Zhuang Yang. Zhu Xi troops in pursuit of the Japanese, and no time to salvage the soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada 2 people until the local villagers shot away, to the Yang side, Yang was found in the remains of soldiers, the two hurried back home to take out the tools and hit the 3 bodies and flood, and made a deal. The next day, Zhu Xi troops transported soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada stories initiative to salvage the remains of soldiers affected by the anti-Japanese forces and local people of praise. (12) Shen Yuezhen shipped guns the end of 1938, on a dark night, rain falling, sleepy town streets, there are several shadows into a goddess. Soon, large landowners of Zhong Shaomei back door a few times, the door opened, son of Zhong Shaomei put them in. That shadow 历史文化缺乏应有的了解,特别是缺乏中华民族所特有的文化艺术和情操品格的熏陶,致使学生的整体文化修养下降。许多理工科专业的学生毕业后在文学艺术修养、语言表达能力、文字书写质量等方面可以说没有达到应有的水平。学生不管将来从事什么工作,高尚的道德修养,良好的文学素质,高雅的审美情趣都对他的事业都会有很大的帮助。语文课程在这方面的作用至关重要,在学生专业课学习之余,应多开设一些诸如演讲、辩论、口语与表达、文学名著欣赏、诗词欣赏、电影欣赏、中国文化等选修课和讲座,并运用新的现代化教学手段进行教学,使学生学出兴趣,学到知识,提高综合素质。 二、说高职学生的学习现状。 传统语文教学模式影响学生语文能力的提高受应试教育的影响,受升学率指挥棒的引导,绝大多数学生围绕升学考试转,语文教学从小学到初、高中一直保持着“注释,导读”的范文讲解模式,教师绞尽脑汁,学生下足苦功,结果大多是死记硬背得来的知识,学生灵活驾驭知识的能力较差。到了大学,语文教学也是教师苦口婆心,学生无动于衷,教师的教与学生的学完全脱节,导致语文教学犹如戴着镣铐在小圈子里跳舞,僵化刻板,沉重压抑,缺乏活力和新鲜感。尽管教育界大力倡导素质教育,整个教学氛围有了极大的变化,也取得了许多成效,但是几十年来形成的教学模式积重难返,在一定程度上影响着学生的学习与教师的教学。 学生的语文学习状况不容乐观高职院校的学生来源主要是高中毕业生、职高生和中专生,他们的语文学习现状大致存在以下几方面的问题:(1)文史知识了解不够。相当一部分学生对于古代文学、现代文学、当代文学、外国文学的作家和作品不能联系起来,搞不清楚作家所处的年代。(2)文学鉴赏能力较低。对诗歌、小说、戏剧等文学作品不能够多层次、多角度地认识。(3)文言文知days of Drudge, illness increased, he Chong soon Fatt said: "it seems that I'm not dead to Japan soldiers tortured to death, and it certainly can not go home alive, even with small Japan fight and get it over, if you have the opportunity to get away." When shipping via Shun Tang Qiao, when river water needs, siazhen hard to pull the boat oars, and urgent steps on the ship's rail, a small wooden boat overturned on the spot, the ship upside down, ship arms into the river bottom, brought the ship 2 Japan failed to come out of the water, and siazhen were also sacrificed. 1 Zhang Shun in the little boat, panic, jumping on the River Bank and escaped. (11) Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada fishing-Japanese soldier remains one day in April 1939, active in Wuzhen, anti-Japanese forces of Zhu Xi Xin Cheng, Yan Tomb, Tao Yuan min Yi Shen Zhuang Yang side of the village, this encounter with a group of Japanese soldiers, engaged in a fierce gun battle. 3 soldiers heroically battle Zhu Xi forces, remains fell into the Shen Zhuang Yang. Zhu Xi troops in pursuit of the Japanese, and no time to salvage the soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada 2 people until the local villagers shot away, to the Yang side, Yang was found in the remains of soldiers, the two hurried back home to take out the tools and hit the 3 bodies and flood, and made a deal. The next day, Zhu Xi troops transported soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada stories initiative to salvage the remains of soldiers affected by the anti-Japanese forces and local people of praise. (12) Shen Yuezhen shipped guns the end of 1938, on a dark night, rain falling, sleepy town streets, there are several shadows into a goddess. Soon, large landowners of Zhong Shaomei back door a few times, the door opened, son of Zhong Shaomei put them in. That shadow 识浅薄。对一些简单的文言句子也不能翻译成现代汉语。(4)写作能力较差。对于通知、启示、个人 简历 个人简历下载免费下载简历模版总经理简历下载资料员简历下载资料员简历下载 等这些最基本、最简单的文体,写作上不是格式不对、行文不流畅、表达不清楚,就是错别字和病句很多。除这些问题之外,高职院校学生还有一个认识问题,许多学生认为学了十几年汉语,不过如此,到大学没有必要再学语文了。 重理轻文现象严重高职院校理工科专业较多,由于学校的性质,多数院校不重视文科教学,尤其是将语文学科置于可有可无的位置,对语文的多功能性认识不足。语文是学习各门功课的基础和工具,在人的学习和工作乃至一生中,发生着润物无声、不可或缺的作用。由于认识上的偏差,加之有相当一部分人认为高职院校的学生毕竟上过高中或中专,语文基础尚可,无须耽搁有限的时间挤压专业课的学习,这种偏见潜移默化地影响着学生学习语文的兴趣。 三、说《大学语文》的教材及主要教学参考书 教材:徐中玉、齐森华主编 《大学语文》,第九版,华东师范大学出版社 ,2008年4月,是普通高等教育“十一五”规划教材。教学参考书:徐中玉主编 《大学语文》,第九版,上海:华东师范大学出版,2008年。 四、说《大学语文》课程教学的基本要求 要求我们教师在教学过程中,要树立“大语文观”或“人文语文观”。以文化、文明为参照背景,以文学为主线,贯通史哲,综合交叉,开阔视野。以人为本,认识到人不同于其他物种;崇尚理性,坚信世界的样态与人的理性形态是一致的;科学态度,强调精致的观念和逻辑思想;批判精神,注重分析;符号能力,语言是抵达世界的工具;理想主义,追求真善美的观念。 days of Drudge, illness increased, he Chong soon Fatt said: "it seems that I'm not dead to Japan soldiers tortured to death, and it certainly can not go home alive, even with small Japan fight and get it over, if you have the opportunity to get away." When shipping via Shun Tang Qiao, when river water needs, siazhen hard to pull the boat oars, and urgent steps on the ship's rail, a small wooden boat overturned on the spot, the ship upside down, ship arms into the river bottom, brought the ship 2 Japan failed to come out of the water, and siazhen were also sacrificed. 1 Zhang Shun in the little boat, panic, jumping on the River Bank and escaped. (11) Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada fishing-Japanese soldier remains one day in April 1939, active in Wuzhen, anti-Japanese forces of Zhu Xi Xin Cheng, Yan Tomb, Tao Yuan min Yi Shen Zhuang Yang side of the village, this encounter with a group of Japanese soldiers, engaged in a fierce gun battle. 3 soldiers heroically battle Zhu Xi forces, remains fell into the Shen Zhuang Yang. Zhu Xi troops in pursuit of the Japanese, and no time to salvage the soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada 2 people until the local villagers shot away, to the Yang side, Yang was found in the remains of soldiers, the two hurried back home to take out the tools and hit the 3 bodies and flood, and made a deal. The next day, Zhu Xi troops transported soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada stories initiative to salvage the remains of soldiers affected by the anti-Japanese forces and local people of praise. (12) Shen Yuezhen shipped guns the end of 1938, on a dark night, rain falling, sleepy town streets, there are several shadows into a goddess. Soon, large landowners of Zhong Shaomei back door a few times, the door opened, son of Zhong Shaomei put them in. That shadow 注意大学语文在文化、文明的梳理功能,帮助学生对所学的知识进行一番梳理,使学生对中国文学和西方代表性作品发展的全貌有个系统的粗略了解。在陈述性知识的基础上,注意提炼评价性知识;在工具性知识落实中注意实现修养性知识。努力提高学生的自学能力。进一步提高阅读能力的基础上进行必要的写作训练,强调读、思、写结合,书面学生与实践体悟结合,但注意与应用写作课程相区别。 积极采用多媒体辅助教学,讲解、演示、讨论并重,努力开发学生思维,鼓励学生创新,给学生提供读书 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 、登台演讲的机会,将课堂学习情况与课外学习效果结合起来对学生进行成绩评价。 五、说《大学语文》课程中关于学生能力培养要求 1、基础知识要求。在高中语文的基础上,巩固和深化学生理解运用祖国语言文字的能力,尤其是他们的书面及口头表达水平,以适应经济建设的需要 。同时也为培养学生阅读、鉴赏、分析、评价古今中外的优秀作品的能力,为学习专业课打下一个阅读、理解、分析、写作能力的扎实基础。 2、素质要求。通过传承祖国优秀文化的精华,更好地塑造学生的高尚情趣、宽广情怀;使他们具有较高的文化审美能力和较为宽阔的文化视野;发展健康个性,形成健全人格,以适应变化繁复的现代社会,肩负为祖国为人类服务的重任。 3、实践操作要求。培养面向基层和服务一线的、有较高文艺鉴赏水平、写作水平、人文素质的高等技术应用型专门人才,使其具备走向工作岗位的基本素质。 六、说《大学语文》课程理论和实训教学内容 days of Drudge, illness increased, he Chong soon Fatt said: "it seems that I'm not dead to Japan soldiers tortured to death, and it certainly can not go home alive, even with small Japan fight and get it over, if you have the opportunity to get away." When shipping via Shun Tang Qiao, when river water needs, siazhen hard to pull the boat oars, and urgent steps on the ship's rail, a small wooden boat overturned on the spot, the ship upside down, ship arms into the river bottom, brought the ship 2 Japan failed to come out of the water, and siazhen were also sacrificed. 1 Zhang Shun in the little boat, panic, jumping on the River Bank and escaped. (11) Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada fishing-Japanese soldier remains one day in April 1939, active in Wuzhen, anti-Japanese forces of Zhu Xi Xin Cheng, Yan Tomb, Tao Yuan min Yi Shen Zhuang Yang side of the village, this encounter with a group of Japanese soldiers, engaged in a fierce gun battle. 3 soldiers heroically battle Zhu Xi forces, remains fell into the Shen Zhuang Yang. Zhu Xi troops in pursuit of the Japanese, and no time to salvage the soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada 2 people until the local villagers shot away, to the Yang side, Yang was found in the remains of soldiers, the two hurried back home to take out the tools and hit the 3 bodies and flood, and made a deal. The next day, Zhu Xi troops transported soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada stories initiative to salvage the remains of soldiers affected by the anti-Japanese forces and local people of praise. (12) Shen Yuezhen shipped guns the end of 1938, on a dark night, rain falling, sleepy town streets, there are several shadows into a goddess. Soon, large landowners of Zhong Shaomei back door a few times, the door opened, son of Zhong Shaomei put them in. That shadow 课程理论的教学主要是通过记叙文、议论文、诗歌、小说等体裁的经典名篇进行分析讲解。课程实训的教学则主要是通过在课堂上努力激发学生思维,鼓励学生创新,给学生提供多一点课堂提问、读书报告、登台演讲、书面练习的机会(书面练习当然可以是写作文,也可以是思考题)旨在训练学生的阅读能力,欣赏能力、思考能力、分析能力、写作能力。如:讲《冯谖客孟尝君》这一篇课文的时候,我在讲解课文的时代背景的时候让学生了解战国时代养士用士的历史风貌。在阅读课文中学习了课文刻画人物欲扬先抑,人物形象与事件内容同步展现的特点。而在分析人物的时候让学生学习了冯谖高瞻远瞩,深谋远虑的战略眼光。另外,在钱财的实际运用上,我们要学会:“让钱财为我们工作,而不是为了钱而工作~”这种与传统完全不同的思维,在写作训练上,为了让学生思考“如何让钱为自己工作”,我会让学生写一写《假如我有100万》,为了锻炼学生高瞻远瞩的战略眼光,我会让学生写一写《探讨我们现在所学专业5年或10年后的总体走势》,为了培养学生宽容博大的胸襟,我会让学生写一写《宰相肚里能撑船是怎么实现的》„„ 总之,我会通过一切可能的途径去激发学生创新思维,培养学生一种敢为天下先的开拓精神,多给学生提供课堂提问、读书报告、登台演讲、书面练习等等锻炼他们听、说、读、写的机会。 七、说《大学语文》课程的教学环节的安排、教学环境的要求、教学方式方法、习题与作业。 (一)、教学环节: 教学环节主要包括课堂教学、课堂训练、课堂笔记、课下作业和辅导答疑、教学后记。 days of Drudge, illness increased, he Chong soon Fatt said: "it seems that I'm not dead to Japan soldiers tortured to death, and it certainly can not go home alive, even with small Japan fight and get it over, if you have the opportunity to get away." When shipping via Shun Tang Qiao, when river water needs, siazhen hard to pull the boat oars, and urgent steps on the ship's rail, a small wooden boat overturned on the spot, the ship upside down, ship arms into the river bottom, brought the ship 2 Japan failed to come out of the water, and siazhen were also sacrificed. 1 Zhang Shun in the little boat, panic, jumping on the River Bank and escaped. (11) Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada fishing-Japanese soldier remains one day in April 1939, active in Wuzhen, anti-Japanese forces of Zhu Xi Xin Cheng, Yan Tomb, Tao Yuan min Yi Shen Zhuang Yang side of the village, this encounter with a group of Japanese soldiers, engaged in a fierce gun battle. 3 soldiers heroically battle Zhu Xi forces, remains fell into the Shen Zhuang Yang. Zhu Xi troops in pursuit of the Japanese, and no time to salvage the soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada 2 people until the local villagers shot away, to the Yang side, Yang was found in the remains of soldiers, the two hurried back home to take out the tools and hit the 3 bodies and flood, and made a deal. The next day, Zhu Xi troops transported soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada stories initiative to salvage the remains of soldiers affected by the anti-Japanese forces and local people of praise. (12) Shen Yuezhen shipped guns the end of 1938, on a dark night, rain falling, sleepy town streets, there are several shadows into a goddess. Soon, large landowners of Zhong Shaomei back door a few times, the door opened, son of Zhong Shaomei put them in. That shadow 1、课堂教学:教师通过讲解分析作家、作品,使学生了解文学常识,掌握必要的文学知识,解决难点问题。 2、课堂训练:根据教学内容,加强学生的口头和文字练习,提高学生阅读、理解、鉴赏和表达能力。 3、课堂笔记:学生做好随堂笔记,作为课下学习的资料。建议任课教师定期抽查。 4、课下作业:为确保教学质量和效果,本课程要求教师至少一学期布置作业3次。学生必须按照要求完成每次作业。 5、辅导答疑:教师可以通过上网或现场为学生辅导解惑。 6、教学后记:教师应及时收集学生反馈信息,将其作为教学资料以备后用。 (二)教学环境: 本课程采用课堂讲授、自学以及诗文朗诵、演讲、观看电教影视片等多种教学方法。 需适当运用现代化教学手段,如多媒体教室。 (三)教学方式方法:积极采用多媒体辅助教学,讲解、演示、讨论并重,努力开发学生思维,鼓励学生创新,给学生提供读书报告、登台演讲的机会,将课堂学习情况与课外学习效果结合起来对学生进行成绩评价。 因为大学语文课的性质和特点,决定了其与其他学科课程在教学上有着较大差异,而且大学语文靠的是以情动人,以形象感人,以睿智启迪人,以优美的语言熏陶人,这就更教师更讲究形象思维,发散性思维,更讲究融汇古今,更讲究days of Drudge, illness increased, he Chong soon Fatt said: "it seems that I'm not dead to Japan soldiers tortured to death, and it certainly can not go home alive, even with small Japan fight and get it over, if you have the opportunity to get away." When shipping via Shun Tang Qiao, when river water needs, siazhen hard to pull the boat oars, and urgent steps on the ship's rail, a small wooden boat overturned on the spot, the ship upside down, ship arms into the river bottom, brought the ship 2 Japan failed to come out of the water, and siazhen were also sacrificed. 1 Zhang Shun in the little boat, panic, jumping on the River Bank and escaped. (11) Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada fishing-Japanese soldier remains one day in April 1939, active in Wuzhen, anti-Japanese forces of Zhu Xi Xin Cheng, Yan Tomb, Tao Yuan min Yi Shen Zhuang Yang side of the village, this encounter with a group of Japanese soldiers, engaged in a fierce gun battle. 3 soldiers heroically battle Zhu Xi forces, remains fell into the Shen Zhuang Yang. Zhu Xi troops in pursuit of the Japanese, and no time to salvage the soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada 2 people until the local villagers shot away, to the Yang side, Yang was found in the remains of soldiers, the two hurried back home to take out the tools and hit the 3 bodies and flood, and made a deal. The next day, Zhu Xi troops transported soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada stories initiative to salvage the remains of soldiers affected by the anti-Japanese forces and local people of praise. (12) Shen Yuezhen shipped guns the end of 1938, on a dark night, rain falling, sleepy town streets, there are several shadows into a goddess. Soon, large landowners of Zhong Shaomei back door a few times, the door opened, son of Zhong Shaomei put them in. That shadow 灵感和激情,更讲究胸怀锦锈,口吐珠玑。 所以我觉得,更为重要的是大学语文的教师一定要认识到:大学语文的具体授课方式方法是不拘一格。可以点线结合,讲练结合,精读泛读结合,课内课外结合。 但是因为大学语文作品多,课时少,故不能完全按逐篇讲解分析的教学模式。解决这个矛盾,可采用“理论+规律+实训”的教学模式,即把文学欣赏的基本理论和规律引入教学,给学生以阅读欣赏文学作品的基本方法,通过对不同作品的独特优美的语言的品味,来理解作品的思想内容和人物形象,通过实际训练来提高学生的听、说、读、写等各方面的综合能力。 比如课堂上对某经典作品进行分析,然后举一反三,融会贯通,链接起一批作品。有的可按主旨链接,有的可按作家链接,有的可按名著链接,有的可按文体或艺术特色链接,或按人物形象或朝代更替进行作品链接,形成一个个小专题式的教学模式。 (四)习题与作业 作业分两类:一类是平时课堂提问,督促学生重视素质的积累过程;二类是每两到三周布置1次书面练习,可以是写作文,也可以是思考题,旨在训练学生的阅读能力,欣赏能力、思考能力、分析能力、写作能力。 八、说《大学语文》的课程考核 采取平时成绩与期末考试相结合的方式。 平时成绩——作业、考勤、课堂回答问题等占总成绩的40%,考试——总分days of Drudge, illness increased, he Chong soon Fatt said: "it seems that I'm not dead to Japan soldiers tortured to death, and it certainly can not go home alive, even with small Japan fight and get it over, if you have the opportunity to get away." When shipping via Shun Tang Qiao, when river water needs, siazhen hard to pull the boat oars, and urgent steps on the ship's rail, a small wooden boat overturned on the spot, the ship upside down, ship arms into the river bottom, brought the ship 2 Japan failed to come out of the water, and siazhen were also sacrificed. 1 Zhang Shun in the little boat, panic, jumping on the River Bank and escaped. (11) Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada fishing-Japanese soldier remains one day in April 1939, active in Wuzhen, anti-Japanese forces of Zhu Xi Xin Cheng, Yan Tomb, Tao Yuan min Yi Shen Zhuang Yang side of the village, this encounter with a group of Japanese soldiers, engaged in a fierce gun battle. 3 soldiers heroically battle Zhu Xi forces, remains fell into the Shen Zhuang Yang. Zhu Xi troops in pursuit of the Japanese, and no time to salvage the soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada 2 people until the local villagers shot away, to the Yang side, Yang was found in the remains of soldiers, the two hurried back home to take out the tools and hit the 3 bodies and flood, and made a deal. The next day, Zhu Xi troops transported soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada stories initiative to salvage the remains of soldiers affected by the anti-Japanese forces and local people of praise. (12) Shen Yuezhen shipped guns the end of 1938, on a dark night, rain falling, sleepy town streets, there are several shadows into a goddess. Soon, large landowners of Zhong Shaomei back door a few times, the door opened, son of Zhong Shaomei put them in. That shadow 为100分,占总成绩的60%。 (1)考试方式、时间 考试主要采取闭卷笔试、口试、撰写作文等方式。时间在新课结束之后。 (2)题型 文学基础知识填空题、选择题、简答题、篇章赏析题、论述题、作文题。 (3)内容分布所占比例 第一部分约30,,第二部分约30%,第三部分约20%,第四部分约为20%, (4)题目难易程度分布比例 容易题量约30%,中等题量约40%,较难题量约30%。 (5)考试的基本要求 大学语文测试旨在考核学生的五大功能:梳理与激活旧知识的功能,人文精神与道德情操熏陶的功能、改善思维品格的功能,建构文学史知识体系的功能、增强自学能力的功能,考核其阅读能力、欣赏能力、写作能力、口头表达能力的实际水平。 九、说《大学语文》的改革设想 针对专业实际,开设适当的语文选修课著名物理学家周培源在《自学成才要有文史知识》一文中曾着重指出:我国各行各业需要语文,继承和发扬我国优秀文化传统需要语文。中国科学院哲学社会科学部委员邓拓先生在《共同的门径》一文中指出:“其实,无论读书,做学问,进行研究工作,首先需要的本钱,还不是什么专门问题的知识,而是最一般的最基本的用来表情达意和思考问题的工具。这就是要学习和掌握语言文字和一般逻辑的知识。”学者的这些教诲必须铭days of Drudge, illness increased, he Chong soon Fatt said: "it seems that I'm not dead to Japan soldiers tortured to death, and it certainly can not go home alive, even with small Japan fight and get it over, if you have the opportunity to get away." When shipping via Shun Tang Qiao, when river water needs, siazhen hard to pull the boat oars, and urgent steps on the ship's rail, a small wooden boat overturned on the spot, the ship upside down, ship arms into the river bottom, brought the ship 2 Japan failed to come out of the water, and siazhen were also sacrificed. 1 Zhang Shun in the little boat, panic, jumping on the River Bank and escaped. (11) Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada fishing-Japanese soldier remains one day in April 1939, active in Wuzhen, anti-Japanese forces of Zhu Xi Xin Cheng, Yan Tomb, Tao Yuan min Yi Shen Zhuang Yang side of the village, this encounter with a group of Japanese soldiers, engaged in a fierce gun battle. 3 soldiers heroically battle Zhu Xi forces, remains fell into the Shen Zhuang Yang. Zhu Xi troops in pursuit of the Japanese, and no time to salvage the soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada 2 people until the local villagers shot away, to the Yang side, Yang was found in the remains of soldiers, the two hurried back home to take out the tools and hit the 3 bodies and flood, and made a deal. The next day, Zhu Xi troops transported soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada stories initiative to salvage the remains of soldiers affected by the anti-Japanese forces and local people of praise. (12) Shen Yuezhen shipped guns the end of 1938, on a dark night, rain falling, sleepy town streets, there are several shadows into a goddess. Soon, large landowners of Zhong Shaomei back door a few times, the door opened, son of Zhong Shaomei put them in. That shadow 记,并应以此指导和纠正我们的认识偏差。 高职院校很多系部的领导都是理工科专业出身,加上教学理念缺乏更新,往往强调教人认识、掌握外部物质世界,而忽视了对学生进行“为何而生”的教育,仅仅致力于“何以为生”的本领的传授,注重适应,忽视超越。语文课程不受重视,有的理工类专业甚至根本就不开语文课程。在这种情况下,语文课程怎样适合学生的专业需要呢,就是要为专业服务,可以结合不同的专业开设不同类型的语文课程。如电子信息工程系的学生接触计算机的机会多,在办公室工作的可能性更大,在工作中除了操作计算机外,日常的公文处理和写作会经常用到,可以为他们开设应用文写作课程,经管系可以开设演讲与口才、公共关系等课程,机电工程系和建筑与艺术系可以开设口语训练方面的课程,如古典诗词欣赏、口语与交际等。 改革传统语文教学模式,努力提高语文教学质量。高职教育是为生产、建设、管理、服务第一线培养高等技术应用型专门人才的,这种人才要实现“零距离上岗”。但也要认识到高职教育更应重视学生综合能力的培养。随着社会经济、科技和教育的高速发展,大学教育从某种意义上已成为高层次的基础教育,既要“专”又要“博”,要把专业学习和全面提高人文素质有机地结合起来。缺乏起码的人文社会科学知识,不仅会影响日常的文化交流,而且必将影响思维能力的发展,使人的思维方式机械呆板,在本专业也不可能有大的发展。要改革传统的语文教学模式,把传授知识与培养人才结合起来,以古今中外的文学作品、美育思想影响新一代的高职学生,使他们不但学有专长、学有所用,而且学有所思、学有所感,培养美好的道德情操、审美观念与价值取向。 days of Drudge, illness increased, he Chong soon Fatt said: "it seems that I'm not dead to Japan soldiers tortured to death, and it certainly can not go home alive, even with small Japan fight and get it over, if you have the opportunity to get away." When shipping via Shun Tang Qiao, when river water needs, siazhen hard to pull the boat oars, and urgent steps on the ship's rail, a small wooden boat overturned on the spot, the ship upside down, ship arms into the river bottom, brought the ship 2 Japan failed to come out of the water, and siazhen were also sacrificed. 1 Zhang Shun in the little boat, panic, jumping on the River Bank and escaped. (11) Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada fishing-Japanese soldier remains one day in April 1939, active in Wuzhen, anti-Japanese forces of Zhu Xi Xin Cheng, Yan Tomb, Tao Yuan min Yi Shen Zhuang Yang side of the village, this encounter with a group of Japanese soldiers, engaged in a fierce gun battle. 3 soldiers heroically battle Zhu Xi forces, remains fell into the Shen Zhuang Yang. Zhu Xi troops in pursuit of the Japanese, and no time to salvage the soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada 2 people until the local villagers shot away, to the Yang side, Yang was found in the remains of soldiers, the two hurried back home to take out the tools and hit the 3 bodies and flood, and made a deal. The next day, Zhu Xi troops transported soldiers remains. Chen Jinhai, Wu Ada stories initiative to salvage the remains of soldiers affected by the anti-Japanese forces and local people of praise. (12) Shen Yuezhen shipped guns the end of 1938, on a dark night, rain falling, sleepy town streets, there are several shadows into a goddess. Soon, large landowners of Zhong Shaomei back door a few times, the door opened, son of Zhong Shaomei put them in. That shadow
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