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信达雅之烦恼信达雅之烦恼 何谓“信”“达”“雅”, 它是由我清末新兴资产阶级启蒙思想家严复提出的,他在《天演论》中的“译例言”讲到:“译事三难:信、达、雅。求其信已大难矣,顾信矣不达,虽译犹不译也,则达尚焉。” “信”指意义不背原文,即是译文要准确,不歪曲,不遗漏,也不要随意增减意思;“达”指不拘泥于原文形式,译文通顺明白;“雅”则指译文时选用的词语要得体,追求文章本身的古雅,简明优雅。 Faithfulness requires a translation that expresses the same meanin...

信达雅之烦恼 何谓“信”“达”“雅”, 它是由我清末新兴资产阶级启蒙思想家严复提出的,他在《天演论》中的“译例言”讲到:“译事三难:信、达、雅。求其信已大难矣,顾信矣不达,虽译犹不译也,则达尚焉。” “信”指意义不背原文,即是译文要准确,不歪曲,不遗漏,也不要随意增减意思;“达”指不拘泥于原文形式,译文通顺明白;“雅”则指译文时选用的词语要得体,追求文章本身的古雅,简明优雅。 Faithfulness requires a translation that expresses the same meaning with original textual. it means that the replacement should not only be accurate, but also be equivalent to the source in the meaning. Expressiveness requires a translation without ambiguity in the meaning, but the sentence structure of original textual can be ignored. Elegance refers to the appropriation of governing words when translating. The elegance of the original textual should be kept by a simple but gracious representation. 世说新语(这是小标题) 江雪 千山鸟飞绝 万迹人踪灭 孤舟蓑笠翁 独钓寒江雪 译文一 Fishing in snow Form hill to hill no bird in flight; Form path to path no man in sight; A lonely fisherman afloat; Is fishing snow in a lonely boat. 许渊冲的译制是《江雪》的英译中最有名的版本之一,被称为“诗译英法惟一人”的许老,在《江雪》这首诗的英译上已经展现出大师级别的风范。不仅最大限度保留了诗歌诵读时的音律美,还用含蓄的笔触传达了原作的深邃意境。 译文二 River snow These thousand peaks cut off the flight of birds; On all the trails, human tracks are gone. A single boat-boat-hat-an old man! Alone fishing chill river snow. 不得不说,中文古诗的押韵规则对于外国译者而言简直有如一道无法跨越的鸿沟。当“孤舟蓑笠翁”被翻译成“A single boat-boat-hat-an old man!”(还外加感叹号) 也许很难传达 出原作中幽冷僻静和傲岸清高吧。 译文三 River snow A hundred mountains and no birds, A thousand paths without a footprint, A little boat, a bamboo cloak, An old man fishing in the cold river snow. 出生于1881年的美国诗人Witter Bynner ,虽然不可避免的依然会受到地域和历史条件的约束,可凭借自己对诗歌的天赋,使得这首出自他笔下的《江雪》译本仍能保持属于诗歌的韵味。 Ode to the west wind是雪莱“三大颂”诗歌中的一首,写于1819年。这首诗是诗人“骄傲,轻捷而不驯的灵魂”的自白,是时代精神的写照。 Ode to the west wind, which written in 1819, is one of shelley’s three famous poems. It is the white confession of the poet’s pround, soft and untamed spirit, and a reflection of the spirit of the time as well. Ode to the west wind 5 Make me thy lyre, even as the forest is: What if my leavers are falling like its own! The tumult of thy mighty harmonies Will take from both a deep, autumnal tone, Sweet though in sadness. Be thou, Spirit fierce, My spirit! Be thou me, impetuous one! Drive my dead thoughts over the universe Like withered leaves to quicken a new birth! And , by the incantation of this verse, Scatter, is from an unextinguish’d hearth Ashes and sparks, my words among mankind! Be through my lips to unawaken’d earth The trumpet of a prophecy! O Wind, If Winter comes , can Spring be far behind 译文一(郭沫若 译) 请把我作为你的瑶琴如像树林一般, 我纵使如败叶飘飞也将无妨~ 你雄浑的和谐的交流 会从两者得一深湛的秋声, 虽凄切而甘芳。 严烈的精灵哟,请你化成我的精灵, 请你化成我——你个猛烈者哟~ 请你把我沉闷的思想如像败叶一般, 吹越乎宇宙之外促起一番新生; 请你用我的诗句作为咒文, 把我的言辞散布人间, 如像从未灭的炉头吹起热灰火烬~ 请你从我的唇间吹出醒世的警号~ 严冬如来时,哦,西风哟,阳春宁尚迢遥, (郭沫若抛开原诗格律不管,在译文中根据行文重建了一套格律,用词古雅,传奇神 韵,更具有中国传统文化色彩。他认为翻译作品要有创作精神寄寓在里面,主张在精神理解 原文的基础上,将原作品的表现和内涵幻化成自己的东西) 译文二(王佐良 译) 让我做你的竖琴吧,就同森林一般, 纵然我们都落叶纷纷,又有何妨~ 我们身上的秋色斑烂, 好给你那狂飚曲添上深沉的回响, 甜美而带苍凉。 给我你迅猛的劲头~ 豪迈的精灵,化成我吧,借你的锋芒, 把我的腐朽思想扫出宇宙, 扫走了枯叶好把新生来激发; 凭着我这诗韵做符咒, 犹如从未灭的炉头吹出火花, 把我的话散布在人群之中~ 对那沉睡的大地,拿我的嘴当喇叭, 吹响一个预言~呵,西风, 如果冬天已到,难道春天还用久等, (有意识的再现原诗格律,原韵完全一致,在句式上强调诗句的平直顺畅,诗句间开 合以及跨行处较少,反映了原诗的风貌。在用词方面有其传神一面,具有强烈的动感,善用 形象词语,同时采用了一些口语化表达方式,通俗易懂) 我的名字叫…(这是小标题) 红楼梦 本名《石头记》 目前为止《红楼梦》整本的翻译只有两版,一版是英国牛津学者和他的女婿翻译的《The Story Of The Stone》,另一版是中国翻译家杨宪益和他夫人翻译的《The Dream of Red Mansions》 So far, three are only two English editions of 红楼梦. One is which is translated by a british soholar of oxford and his son-in-low. The other , is the work of Xianyi Yang and his wife’s. 水浒传 最早是赛珍珠在20世纪20年代中后期的《All Men Are Brothers》,即“四海之内 皆兄弟”。目前市面上的英译本通常是《The Water Margin》 或《Outlaws of the Marsh》 两个版本。 The earliest English version of it is written by pearl s. buck in the late of 1920s. she named it . Its Chinese meaning is that “四海之内皆兄弟”.for the time being, the common English versions of it on the market are and . 围城 “围城”取自法国谚语,将婚姻比作被围困的城堡,城外的人想冲进去,城里的人想 逃出来。钱钟书在解释书名时指出,家就像一座围城,城外的人想进去,城里的人想出来。 书中主人公“走进”了这座“围城”,但终究没找到幸福。译名《Fortress Besieged》完 全保留了原文的象征。 Fortress besieged takes from a French proverb. It compared marriage as a besieged castle. The people on the outside of the castle want to break into it while those who are in it would like to get out. When explaining the book’s name, Zhongshu Qian pointed out that family was also a besieged city. People living in outside want to enter in it while citizens want to get out. The main character of the book has done what he wanted to do, but he falted to get his happy in the end. The translated name of the book maintains the symbolic meaning exactly of the original work. 骆驼祥子 最早的《骆驼祥子》英译本是20世纪40年代,一个叫Evan King的美国人翻译而成, 取名为《Rickshaw Boy》。而中国第一个英译本是在1979年出版的,定名为《Camel Xiangzi》 。“Rickshaw Boy”简明扼要,蕴涵了一种文化的含义。“Camel Xiangz”则更忠实于原 文。 The earliest English version of it is translated by an American in the 1940s, whose name is Evan King. He named it. The first English version translated by Chinese people, named,came out to the market in 1976. the former translated name is concise and to the point, equipped with a literature meaning, but the latter is more faithful to the source. 倾城之恋 英文翻译成“Love in a Fallen City”,即“破城之恋”。香港在张爱玲看来或许是一座破 城,这便是张爱玲在非殖民思想上的一个隐喻,十分冷峭。 In ailing zhang’s opinion, hongkong may be a fallen city. This is a rather cold metaphor adopted by zhang on the basis of non-colonial principle thoughts. Gone with the Wind 玛格丽特 米切尔的《Gone with the Wind》称得上是有史以来最经典的爱情巨著之一,广 为人知的两种翻译是《飘》与《乱世佳人》,《飘》取自恩斯特 道森的诗“I have forgot much,Cynara !Gone with the wind” 而《乱世佳人》则是为电影版而专门起的。 Margaret mitchell’s is one of the most classical love works through history. And there are two famous translations of it. One is piao飘, and the other one is 乱 世佳人. The former one took form the poem” I have forgot much,Cynara !Gone with the wind”,while the latter is dedicated named for its movie. Wuthering Heights 19世纪英国女作家艾米莉 勃朗特的小说《Wuthering Heights》被译为《呼啸山庄》, Wuthering 一词是英国约克郡的方言,意为weathering(风吹雨打),而汉语的“呼啸” 正是风雨大作发出的声响。 直译是《伍塞林高地》 Wuthering heights is the novel of Emily bronte who was an English authoress in the 19 century. The Chinese version of it is called 呼啸山庄. The word”wuthering” comes from the dialect of Yorkshire, and it means weathering. A la recherché du temps perdu 普鲁斯特的不朽巨著《A la recherché du temps perdu》,译者和论者都比较多。有的钟情于《思年华》,有的青睐《追忆似水年华》 有的心仪《寻找失去的时间》,有的垂青《追寻逝去的时光》 了不起的字幕组(这是小标题) 伊甸园(YDY)字幕组 代表作《老友记》 《越狱》 《CSI》 老牌美剧字幕组,认可度广,粉丝忠诚度高。 人人(YYeTs)字幕组 代表作《生活大爆炸》 《美国偶像》 影响范围大,速度与翻译质量兼顾。翻译风格活泼,双语字幕特别突出。 破烂熊字幕组 代表作《神探夏洛克》 《唐顿庄园》 精准的翻译和对剧集的选择是其在众多 字幕组中最为独特的标志。 謦灵风软(FRM)字幕组 代表作《豪斯医生》 《实习医生格蕾》 风软字幕组最早以翻译医务类型片扬名,发展壮大过程中一度成为主导字幕组之一 TLF(the last fantasy)字幕组 代表作《耶鲁大学开放课程》 《哈佛大学开放课程》 成立于21世纪初,以高质量翻译和元老地位闻名。目前以翻译美剧,公开课与纪录片知名。
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