首页 全面建设小康社会统计监测指标体系(1)



全面建设小康社会统计监测指标体系(1)全面建设小康社会统计监测指标体系(1) 附件1 全面建设小康社会统计监测指标体系 权 重 标准值 监 测 指 标 单 位 (%) (2020年) 一、经济发展 29 1.人均GDP 元 12 ?31400 2.R&D经费支出占GDP比重 , 4 ?2.5 3.第三产业增加值占GDP比重 , 4 ?50 4.城镇人口比重 , 5 ?60 5.失业率(城镇) , 4 ?6 二、社会和谐 15 6.基尼系数 , 2 ?0.4 7.城乡居民收入比 以农为1 2 ?2.80 8.地区经济发展差异系数 %...

全面建设小康社会统计监测指标体系(1) 附件1 全面建设小康社会统计监测指标体系 权 重 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 值 监 测 指 标 单 位 (%) (2020年) 一、经济发展 29 1.人均GDP 元 12 ?31400 2.R&D经费支出占GDP比重 , 4 ?2.5 3.第三产业增加值占GDP比重 , 4 ?50 4.城镇人口比重 , 5 ?60 5.失业率(城镇) , 4 ?6 二、社会和谐 15 6.基尼系数 , 2 ?0.4 7.城乡居民收入比 以农为1 2 ?2.80 8.地区经济发展差异系数 % 2 ?60 9.基本社会保险覆盖率 , 6 ?90 10.高中阶段毕业生性别差异系数 % 3 =100 三、生活质量 19 11.居民人均可支配收入 元 6 ?15000 12.恩格尔系数 , 3 ?40 13.人均住房使用面积 平方米 5 ?27 14.5岁以下儿童死亡率 ‰ 2 ?12 15.平均预期寿命 岁 3 ?75 四、民主法制 11 16.公民自身民主权利满意度 , 5 ?90 17.社会安全指数 , 6 ?100 五、文化教育 14 18.文化产业增加值占GDP比重 % 6 ?5 19.居民文教娱乐服务支出占家庭消费支出比重 % 2 ?16 20.平均受教育年限 年 6 ?10.5 六、资源环境 12 21.单位GDP能耗 吨标准煤/万元 4 ?0.84 22.耕地面积指数 % 2 ?94 23.环境质量指数 % 6 =100 说明:?人均国内生产总值、居民人均可支配收入、单位GDP能耗按2000年不变 价计算。?因目前城镇调查失业率统计数据还没有对外公开使用,可暂用城镇 登记失业率代替。农村居民人均可支配收入暂用农村居民人均纯收入代替。 附件2 《全面建设小康社会统计监测指标体系》 指标解释及计算方法 一、人均GDP 国内生产总值,GDP,是指一个国家,或地区,所有常住单位在一定时期内生产活动的最终成果。对于地区~GDP中文名称为“地区生产总值”。人均GDP是指一定时期内按常住人口平均计算的GDP。计算公式为: 人均GDP=GDP?年平均常住人口 资料来源:统计部门国民经济核算资料。 二、R&D经费支出占GDP比重 指一定时期,通常为一年,科学研究与试验发展,简称R&D,经费支出占同期GDP的比重。计算公式为: R,D经费支出占GDP比重,R,D经费支出?当年GDP×100% 研究与试验发展( R& D) 指在科学技术领域~为增加知识总量、以及运用这些知识去创造新的应用进行的系统的创造性的活动~包括基础研究、应用研究、试验发展三类活动。 资料来源:统计部门科技统计资料。 三、第三产业增加值占GDP比重 指第三产业增加值占国内生产总值,GDP,的比重。 anesthesiologists training primarily for clinical skills training, training in both teaching and research. (Note: for non-professional Web-Department of anesthesia outside the operating room, which are not required to complete the number of disease cases, individual training base can be set according to the specific circumstances, to meet basic requirements for Web purposes) (A) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: General Surgery, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of most common illnesses, general surgery and general surgery commonly used medical methods of imaging diagnosis. Familiar 三次产业划分是: 第一产业:农业,即农林牧渔业,。 第二产业:工业,包括采矿业、制造业、电力燃气及水的生产和供应业,、建筑业。 第三产业:服务业,除第一、第二产业以外的其他各业,。 计算公式为: 第三产业增加值占GDP比重 = 第三产业增加值 ? 国内生产总值×100% 资料来源:统计部门国民经济核算资料。 四、城镇人口比重 指城镇人口数量占总体人口数量的比重。计算公式为: 城镇人口比重=城镇人口?人口总数×100% 城镇人口有几种口径的统计数据~本指标使用的是人口普查中按城乡划分标准统计的城镇人口数。 资料来源:统计部门人口资料。 五、失业率(城镇) 失业率是指某时点,期,失业人口与同时点,期,经济活动人口,即劳动力,之比。失业率,城镇,是通过调查城镇失业人数计算出来的。 计算公式为: 失业率=某时点,期,失业人口?同时点,期,经济活动人口×100% 这里~失业是指16岁以上的城镇常住人口中~有劳动能力、调查期间未参加社会劳动、当前有就业的可能并正在以某种方式寻找工作的人员。这是国际通行的失业统计定义。也是国家统计局与原劳动部于1995年联合确定的统计定义。失业人数与失业率均可计算时点指标和时期指标。但由于失业现象的变化在短期内是渐变的~因此两类指标差别不大。目前国际上和我国一般使用的是时点指标。公式中的失业人口数是指调查失业人数~而不是登记失业人数。 资料来源:统计部门人口资料。 六、基尼系数 是反映居民收入分配差异程度的指标。它的经济含义是:在全部居民收入中~用于进行不平均分配的那部分收入占总收入的比重。因此~基尼系数最大为“1”~最小等于“0”。前者 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示居民之间的收入分配绝对不平均~即100%的收入被一个人占有了,而后者则表示居民之间的收入分配绝对平均~即每个人的收入完全相同。一般情况下~基尼系数处于0和1之间。 基尼系数计算方法通常有两种:一种是直接法~另一种是几何法。 ,?,直接法计算公式: nn xx,,,ji,,11jiG,2(1)nnu, anesthesiologists training primarily for clinical skills training, training in both teaching and research. (Note: for non-professional Web-Department of anesthesia outside the operating room, which are not required to complete the number of disease cases, individual training base can be set according to the specific circumstances, to meet basic requirements for Web purposes) (A) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: General Surgery, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of most common illnesses, general surgery and general surgery commonly used medical methods of imaging diagnosis. Familiar xi其中~G为基尼系数~n为被调查人数~为第i个被调 u查者的收入~为所有被调查者的平均收入。 ,?,几何法计算公式: SA,,2GSAS,AB SA其中~G为基尼系数~表示洛伦兹曲线L和直线OC SAB,围成的面积,如图1,~表示?ODC的面积。 资料来源:统计部门城乡住户调查资料。 七、城乡居民收入比 指城镇居民人均可支配收入与农村居民人均可支配收入之比,以农村为1,。计算公式为: 城乡居民收入比=城镇居民人均可支配收入?农村居民人均可支配收入 资料来源:统计部门城乡住户调查资料。 八、地区经济发展差异系数 是指各地区经济发展水平,人均国内生产总值,的差异系数。计算公式为: n12()PCYPCY,,ii,1nV,,PCY PCYPCYi其中n为辖区内地区个数~为地区i的人均GDP~ V,为n个地区的平均人均GDP。地区经济发展差异系数反映 V,的是各地区之间经济发展差异情况~值越大~各地区之间经济发展差异程度越大~反之亦然。 资料来源:统计部门国民经济核算资料。 九、基本社会保险覆盖率 指已参加基本养老保险和基本医疗保险人口占政策规定应参加人口的比重。计算公式为: 已参加基本养老保险的人数已参加基本医疗保险的人数基本社会保险覆盖率,,,,50%50%应参加基本养老保险的人数应参加基本医疗保险的人数 基本社会保险主要包括基本养老保险、基本医疗保险、失业保险、工伤保险和生育保险等五项~其中基本养老保险、基本医疗保险最为重要~所以在计算基本社会保险覆盖率时只计算基本养老保险和基本医疗保险的覆盖率。 资料来源:劳动和社会保障部门统计资料或统计部门劳动保障统计资料。 十、高中阶段毕业生性别差异系数 指高中阶段毕业生性别比与同年龄段人口性别比之比。计算公式为: 高中阶段毕业生性别比高中阶段毕业生性别差异系数,,100% 同年龄段人口性别比 anesthesiologists training primarily for clinical skills training, training in both teaching and research. (Note: for non-professional Web-Department of anesthesia outside the operating room, which are not required to complete the number of disease cases, individual training base can be set according to the specific circumstances, to meet basic requirements for Web purposes) (A) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: General Surgery, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of most common illnesses, general surgery and general surgery commonly used medical methods of imaging diagnosis. Familiar 说明:? 高中阶段包括高中和中等职业教育。而高中又包括普通高中和成人高中,中等职业教育又包括普通中专、成人中专、职业高中、技工学校。由于技工学校统计资料中不分性别~所以高中阶段分性别统计暂不包括技工学校。 ?目前高中阶段毕业生年龄约18岁左右。在计算同年龄段人口性别比时用17、18、19岁三个年龄段的性别比代替。 资料来源:教育部门统计资料或统计部门教育统计资料。 十一、居民人均可支配收入 根据城镇居民人均可支配收入、农村居民人均可支配收入以及城、乡常住人口比重加权平均计算。 城镇住户可支配收入是指居民家庭可以用来自由支配的收入。它是家庭总收入扣除交纳的所得税、个人交纳的社会保障费以及调查户的记帐补贴后的收入。计算公式: 城镇住户可支配收入=家庭总收入,交纳所得税,个人交纳的社会保障支出,记帐补贴 农村住户可支配收入是指农村住户获得的经过初次分配与再分配后的收入。可用于住户的最终消费、非义务性支出以及储蓄。计算公式: 农村住户可支配收入=农村住户总收入,家庭经营费用 支出 ,税费支出,生产性固定资产折旧,财产性支出,转移性支出 ,调查补贴 人均可支配收入=城镇居民人均可支配收入×城镇人口比重+ 农村居民人均可支配收入×,1,城镇人口比重, 资料来源:统计部门城市和农村住户调查资料。 十二、恩格尔系数 指居民用于食品消费的支出占消费性支出,城镇,或生活消费支出,农村,的比重。食品支出是指居民用于主食、副食、其他食品以及在外饮食的支出总和。计算公式为: 恩格尔系数=,城镇居民食品支出?消费性支出×100%,×城镇人口比重+,农村居民食品支出?生活消费支出×100%,×,1,城镇人口比重,。 资料来源:统计部门城市和农村住户调查资料。 十三、人均住房使用面积 指城镇人均住房使用面积和农村人均钢筋砖木结构住房面积的加权平均。计算公式为: 人均住房使用面积=城镇人均使用面积×城镇人口比重+ 农村钢筋砖木结构人均住房面积×,1,城镇人口比重, 城镇人均住房建筑面积:指城镇居民按人平均的现有住房的建筑面积。现住房计算总建筑面积时以房屋产权证或租赁证为准。建筑面积可按使用面积乘以1.33计算得出。 农村人均钢筋、砖木结构住房面积:指农村居民按人平anesthesiologists training primarily for clinical skills training, training in both teaching and research. (Note: for non-professional Web-Department of anesthesia outside the operating room, which are not required to complete the number of disease cases, individual training base can be set according to the specific circumstances, to meet basic requirements for Web purposes) (A) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: General Surgery, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of most common illnesses, general surgery and general surgery commonly used medical methods of imaging diagnosis. Familiar 均的钢筋混凝土结构和砖木结构住房的室内面积。房屋面积从内墙线算起~不包括房屋结构,如墙、柱,占用的面积~多层建筑按各层面积总和计算。钢筋混凝土结构是指房屋的梁、柱、承重墙等主要部分是用钢筋混凝土建造的。砖木结构是指梁、柱、承重墙等主要部分是用砖、石和木料建造的。 资料来源:统计部门城市和农村住户调查资料。 十四、5岁以下儿童死亡率 指每千名活产婴儿从出生到满5岁时的死亡概率。 资料来源:卫生部门统计资料。 十五、平均预期寿命 指一个人口群体从出生起平均能存活的年龄,岁,。平均预期寿命是根据分年龄死亡率~通过编制生命表得到的。由于需要分年龄死亡数据~为了保证分年龄死亡数据的代表性~必须从规模较大的调查中获得死亡数据。我们可以利用10年一次的人口普查和5年一次的1%人口抽样调查获得的死亡数据计算平均预期寿命。其余年份的数据采取根据联合国推荐的平均预期寿命在各阶段提高幅度~参考年度1‰人口变动情况抽样调查数据进行推算~以此对指标执行情况进行监测和 评价 LEC评价法下载LEC评价法下载评价量规免费下载学院评价表文档下载学院评价表文档下载 。 资料来源:统计部门人口统计资料。 十六、公民自身民主权利满意度 指公民对自身的政治、经济和文化权益得到切实尊重和 保障的满意程度。 十七、社会安全指数 是一个合成指数~表示社会安全的状态。指一定时期内~社会安全的几个主要方面,社会治安、交通安全、生活安全、生产安全等,的总体变化情况。其中~社会治安采用万人刑事犯罪率指标,交通安全采用万人交通事故,含道路交通、水上交通、铁路、民航等,死亡率指标,生活安全采用万人火灾事故死亡率指标,生产安全采用万人工伤事故死亡率指标。计算公式为: 2000年全国万人刑事犯罪率2000年全国万人交通事故死亡率社会安全指数,,,,40w1当年本地万人刑事犯罪率当年本地万人交通事故死亡率 2000年全国万人火灾事故死亡率2000年全国万人工伤事故死亡率,,,,ww23当年本地万人火灾事故死亡率当年本地万人工伤事故死亡率 当年本地交通事故死亡人数w,,601当年本地各类安全生产事故死亡人数其中:~ 当年本地火灾事故死亡人数w,,602当年本地各类安全生产事故死亡人数~ 当年本地工矿商贸企业事故死亡人数w,,603当年本地各类安全生产事故死亡人数 资料来源:法院、公安、安全生产管理部门统计资料。 十八、文化产业增加值占GDP比重 指文化产业增加值占国内生产总值的比重。 “文化产业”被界定为:为社会公众提供文化、娱乐产品anesthesiologists training primarily for clinical skills training, training in both teaching and research. (Note: for non-professional Web-Department of anesthesia outside the operating room, which are not required to complete the number of disease cases, individual training base can be set according to the specific circumstances, to meet basic requirements for Web purposes) (A) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: General Surgery, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of most common illnesses, general surgery and general surgery commonly used medical methods of imaging diagnosis. Familiar 和服务的活动~以及与这些活动有关联的活动的集合。文化产业的范围包括提供文化产品、文化传播服务和文化休闲娱乐等活动~还包括与文化产品、文化传播服务、文化休闲娱乐活动有直接关联的用品、设备的生产和销售活动以及相关文化产品的生产和销售活动。根据各类文化活动的特征和同质性~将全部文化产业活动划分为9大类别:?新闻服务,?出版发行和版权服务,?广播、电视、电影服务,?文化艺术服务,?网络文化服务,?文化休闲娱乐服务,?其他文化服务,?文化用品、设备及相关文化产品的生产,?文化用品、设备及相关文化产品的销售。 计算公式为: 文化产业增加值占GDP比重 =文化产业增加值?国内生产总值×100% 资料来源:统计部门。 十九、居民文教娱乐服务支出占家庭消费支出比重 指居民用于文化、教育、娱乐方面的服务性支出占家庭消费支出的比重。 居民文教娱乐服务支出:是指居民用于教育和文化娱乐方面的支出~包括商品和非商品支出的总和。家庭消费支出:指居民用于家庭日常生活的全部支出~包括食品、衣着、家庭设备用品及服务、医疗保健、交通和通讯、娱乐教育文化服务、居住、杂项商品和服务等八大类。计算公式为: 居民文教娱乐服务支出占家庭消费支出比重=城镇居民文教娱乐服务支出占家庭消费支出的比重×城镇人口比重+农村居民文教娱乐服务支出占家庭消费支出的比重×,1,城镇人口比重,。 资料来源:统计部门。 二十、平均受教育年限 指一定时期全国15岁及以上人口人均接受学历教育,包括成人学历教育~不包括各种非学历 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 ,的年数。计算公式为: PE,ii平均受教育年限, P 式中P为本地区15岁及以上人口~Pi为具有i种文化程度的人口数~Ei为具有i种文化程度的人口受教育年数系数~i则根据我国的学制确定。 资料来源:统计部门教育统计资料。 二十一、单位GDP能耗 指在一定时期内,通常为一年,~每生产万元国内生产总值,GDP,所消耗多少吨标准煤的能源。计算公式为: 能源消耗总量吨标准煤()单位能耗GDP, 国内生产总值()万元GDP() 注:GDP按2000年不变价计算。 资料来源:统计部门能源统计资料。 二十二、耕地面积指数 anesthesiologists training primarily for clinical skills training, training in both teaching and research. (Note: for non-professional Web-Department of anesthesia outside the operating room, which are not required to complete the number of disease cases, individual training base can be set according to the specific circumstances, to meet basic requirements for Web purposes) (A) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: General Surgery, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of most common illnesses, general surgery and general surgery commonly used medical methods of imaging diagnosis. Familiar 指 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 期耕地面积与基期耕地面积的比率。 计算公式为: 耕地面积指数=报告期耕地面积?基期耕地面积×100% 当耕地面积增加时~比率大于100%,当耕地面积减少时~比率小于100%。 资料来源:国土资源部门。 二十三、环境质量指数 环境质量是包括水环境、大气环境、土壤环境、生态环境、地质环境、噪声等环境要素优劣的一个综合概念。由于环境统计数据的限制~环境质量指数的计算目前暂由水环境、大气环境、绿化等环境要素构成~待条件成熟时~再加其他。环境质量综合指数包括:城市空气质量达标率、地表水达标率和国土绿化达标率。计算公式为: 环境质量指数,城市空气质量达标率,40%         地表水达标率国土绿化达标率       ,,,,40%20% 其中: 1.城市空气质量达标率:指辖区内城市全年空气质量良好以上天数,即空气污染指数API小于或等于100的天数,占总天数比例的平均值。 2.地表水达标率:指辖区内各地表水环境功能区断面全年监测结果均值按相应水域功能目标评价达标的断面数占总断面数的比例。计算公式: 辖区内各地表水环境功能区断面中全年水质达标的断面数地表水达标率,,100%辖区内各地表水环境功能区断面总数 3.国土绿化达标率:指辖区内森林覆盖率与目标值23% 的比率。计算公式: anesthesiologists training primarily for clinical skills training, training in both teaching and research. (Note: for non-professional Web-Department of anesthesia outside the operating room, which are not required to complete the number of disease cases, individual training base can be set according to the specific circumstances, to meet basic requirements for Web purposes) (A) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: General Surgery, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of most common illnesses, general surgery and general surgery commonly used medical methods of imaging diagnosis. Familiar anesthesiologists training primarily for clinical skills training, training in both teaching and research. (Note: for non-professional Web-Department of anesthesia outside the operating room, which are not required to complete the number of disease cases, individual training base can be set according to the specific circumstances, to meet basic requirements for Web purposes) (A) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: General Surgery, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of most common illnesses, general surgery and general surgery commonly used medical methods of imaging diagnosis. Familiar anesthesiologists training primarily for clinical skills training, training in both teaching and research. (Note: for non-professional Web-Department of anesthesia outside the operating room, which are not required to complete the number of disease cases, individual training base can be set according to the specific circumstances, to meet basic requirements for Web purposes) (A) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: General Surgery, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of most common illnesses, general surgery and general surgery commonly used medical methods of imaging diagnosis. Familiar anesthesiologists training primarily for clinical skills training, training in both teaching and research. (Note: for non-professional Web-Department of anesthesia outside the operating room, which are not required to complete the number of disease cases, individual training base can be set according to the specific circumstances, to meet basic requirements for Web purposes) (A) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: General Surgery, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of most common illnesses, general surgery and general surgery commonly used medical methods of imaging diagnosis. Familiar anesthesiologists training primarily for clinical skills training, training in both teaching and research. (Note: for non-professional Web-Department of anesthesia outside the operating room, which are not required to complete the number of disease cases, individual training base can be set according to the specific circumstances, to meet basic requirements for Web purposes) (A) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: General Surgery, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of most common illnesses, general surgery and general surgery commonly used medical methods of imaging diagnosis. Familiar anesthesiologists training primarily for clinical skills training, training in both teaching and research. (Note: for non-professional Web-Department of anesthesia outside the operating room, which are not required to complete the number of disease cases, individual training base can be set according to the specific circumstances, to meet basic requirements for Web purposes) (A) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: General Surgery, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of most common illnesses, general surgery and general surgery commonly used medical methods of imaging diagnosis. Familiar anesthesiologists training primarily for clinical skills training, training in both teaching and research. (Note: for non-professional Web-Department of anesthesia outside the operating room, which are not required to complete the number of disease cases, individual training base can be set according to the specific circumstances, to meet basic requirements for Web purposes) (A) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: General Surgery, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of most common illnesses, general surgery and general surgery commonly used medical methods of imaging diagnosis. Familiar anesthesiologists training primarily for clinical skills training, training in both teaching and research. (Note: for non-professional Web-Department of anesthesia outside the operating room, which are not required to complete the number of disease cases, individual training base can be set according to the specific circumstances, to meet basic requirements for Web purposes) (A) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: General Surgery, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of most common illnesses, general surgery and general surgery commonly used medical methods of imaging diagnosis. Familiar anesthesiologists training primarily for clinical skills training, training in both teaching and research. (Note: for non-professional Web-Department of anesthesia outside the operating room, which are not required to complete the number of disease cases, individual training base can be set according to the specific circumstances, to meet basic requirements for Web purposes) (A) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: General Surgery, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of most common illnesses, general surgery and general surgery commonly used medical methods of imaging diagnosis. Familiar anesthesiologists training primarily for clinical skills training, training in both teaching and research. (Note: for non-professional Web-Department of anesthesia outside the operating room, which are not required to complete the number of disease cases, individual training base can be set according to the specific circumstances, to meet basic requirements for Web purposes) (A) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: General Surgery, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of most common illnesses, general surgery and general surgery commonly used medical methods of imaging diagnosis. Familiar anesthesiologists training primarily for clinical skills training, training in both teaching and research. (Note: for non-professional Web-Department of anesthesia outside the operating room, which are not required to complete the number of disease cases, individual training base can be set according to the specific circumstances, to meet basic requirements for Web purposes) (A) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: General Surgery, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of most common illnesses, general surgery and general surgery commonly used medical methods of imaging diagnosis. Familiar anesthesiologists training primarily for clinical skills training, training in both teaching and research. (Note: for non-professional Web-Department of anesthesia outside the operating room, which are not required to complete the number of disease cases, individual training base can be set according to the specific circumstances, to meet basic requirements for Web purposes) (A) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: General Surgery, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of most common illnesses, general surgery and general surgery commonly used medical methods of imaging diagnosis. Familiar anesthesiologists training primarily for clinical skills training, training in both teaching and research. (Note: for non-professional Web-Department of anesthesia outside the operating room, which are not required to complete the number of disease cases, individual training base can be set according to the specific circumstances, to meet basic requirements for Web purposes) (A) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: General Surgery, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of most common illnesses, general surgery and general surgery commonly used medical methods of imaging diagnosis. Familiar anesthesiologists training primarily for clinical skills training, training in both teaching and research. (Note: for non-professional Web-Department of anesthesia outside the operating room, which are not required to complete the number of disease cases, individual training base can be set according to the specific circumstances, to meet basic requirements for Web purposes) (A) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: General Surgery, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of most common illnesses, general surgery and general surgery commonly used medical methods of imaging diagnosis. Familiar anesthesiologists training primarily for clinical skills training, training in both teaching and research. (Note: for non-professional Web-Department of anesthesia outside the operating room, which are not required to complete the number of disease cases, individual training base can be set according to the specific circumstances, to meet basic requirements for Web purposes) (A) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: General Surgery, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of most common illnesses, general surgery and general surgery commonly used medical methods of imaging diagnosis. Familiar anesthesiologists training primarily for clinical skills training, training in both teaching and research. (Note: for non-professional Web-Department of anesthesia outside the operating room, which are not required to complete the number of disease cases, individual training base can be set according to the specific circumstances, to meet basic requirements for Web purposes) (A) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: General Surgery, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of most common illnesses, general surgery and general surgery commonly used medical methods of imaging diagnosis. Familiar anesthesiologists training primarily for clinical skills training, training in both teaching and research. (Note: for non-professional Web-Department of anesthesia outside the operating room, which are not required to complete the number of disease cases, individual training base can be set according to the specific circumstances, to meet basic requirements for Web purposes) (A) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: General Surgery, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of most common illnesses, general surgery and general surgery commonly used medical methods of imaging diagnosis. Familiar anesthesiologists training primarily for clinical skills training, training in both teaching and research. (Note: for non-professional Web-Department of anesthesia outside the operating room, which are not required to complete the number of disease cases, individual training base can be set according to the specific circumstances, to meet basic requirements for Web purposes) (A) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: General Surgery, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of most common illnesses, general surgery and general surgery commonly used medical methods of imaging diagnosis. Familiar anesthesiologists training primarily for clinical skills training, training in both teaching and research. (Note: for non-professional Web-Department of anesthesia outside the operating room, which are not required to complete the number of disease cases, individual training base can be set according to the specific circumstances, to meet basic requirements for Web purposes) (A) General Surgery 1. Rotary objective: General Surgery, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of most common illnesses, general surgery and general surgery commonly used medical methods of imaging diagnosis. Familiar
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