首页 许国璋英语第一册课文、语法、对话文本



许国璋英语第一册课文、语法、对话文本许国璋英语第一册课文、语法、对话文本 许国璋英语第一册课文、语法、对话文本 第二课 a pen pens a map maps a pet pets a spade spades a letter letters 一支钢笔 钢笔(复数) 一张地图 地图(复数) 一只宠物 宠物(复数) 一把锹 锹(复数) 一封信 信(复数) 第三课 This is a pen. Is this a pen? That is a pencil. Is that a pencil? This is a...

许国璋英语第一册课文、语法、对话文本 许国璋英语第一册课文、语法、对话文本 第二课 a pen pens a map maps a pet pets a spade spades a letter letters 一支钢笔 钢笔(复数) 一张地图 地图(复数) 一只宠物 宠物(复数) 一把锹 锹(复数) 一封信 信(复数) 第三课 This is a pen. Is this a pen? That is a pencil. Is that a pencil? This is a desk. Is this a desk? That is a table. Is that a table? This is a disc. Is this a disc? That is a tape. Is that a tape? 这是一支钢笔。 这是一只钢笔吗, 那是一支铅笔。 那是一只铅笔吗, 这是一张课桌。 这是一张课桌吗, 那是一张桌子。 那是一张桌子吗, 这是一张唱片。 这是一张唱片吗, 那是一盘磁带。 那是一盘磁带吗, 第四课 Is this a pen? Yes, it is. It is a green pen. It that a pencil? Yes, it is. It is a red pencil. Is this a desk? No, it isn't. It is a table. Is that a pick? No, it isn't. It is a spade. These are desks. Are these tables? No, they aren't. They are desks. Those are knives. Are those pencils? No, they aren't. They are knives. 这是一支钢笔吗, 是的。 这是一支绿色的钢笔。 那是一支铅笔吗, 是的。 那是一支红色的铅笔。 这是一张课桌吗, 不,不是。 它是一张桌子。 那是一把镐吗, 不,不是。 它是一把锹。 这些是课桌。 这些是桌子吗, 不,不是。 它们是课桌。 那些是刀子。 那些是铅笔吗, 不,不是。 它们是刀子。 第五课 一、课文 What is this? It is a book. What are these? They are books. What is that? It is a notebook. What are those? They are notebooks. I am a student. We are students. You are a teacher. You are teachers. He is a farmer. They are farmers. She is a doctor. They are doctors. Is he a farmer? Yes, he is. Is she a nurse? No, she isn't. She is a doctor. Are you students? Yes, we are. Are they students? No, they aren't. They are teachers. 这是什么, 它是一本书。 这些是什么, 它们是书。 那是什么, 它是一个笔记本。 那些是什么, 它们是笔记本。 我是一名学生。 我们是学生。 你是一名教师。 你们是教师。 他是农民。 他们是农民。 她是医生。 她们是医生。 他是农民吗, 是的,他是。 她是护士吗, 不,她不是。她是医生。 你们是学生吗, 是的,我们是。 他们是学生吗, 不,他们不是。他们是教师。 二、语法 人称代词 单数 复数 第一人称 I (我) we (我们) 第二人称 you(你) you (你们) 第三人称 he (他) they (他们) 第三人称 she(她) they (她们) 第三人称 it (它) they (它们) 动词be的人称变化 I am we are you are you are he is they are she is they are it is they are 第六课 一、课文 Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! Good night! Good-bye! Open your books. Let's open our books. Close your books. Let's close our books. Read the text. Let's read the text. Write down the sentence. Let's write down the sentence. AN ENGLISH LESSON Mr Smith: Good morning, everybody. Students: Good morning, Mr Smith. Mr Smith: Please open your books. Let's read the text. (The students read the text.) Mr Smith: Now, let's have dictation. 早上好! 下午好! 晚上好! 晚安! 再见! 翻开书。 让我们翻开书。 合上书。 让我们合上书。 朗读课文。 让我们朗读课文。 抄写句子。 让我们抄写句子。 一堂英语课 史密斯: 大家早上好。 学 生: 早上好,史密斯。 史密斯: 翻开书,我们来朗读课文。 (学生朗读课文。) 史密斯: 现在我们进行听写。 二、语法 人称代词的主格和宾格 英语人称代词有两种形式:主格和宾格。作主语时用主格,作宾语时用宾格。 单数 复数 主格 宾格 主格 宾格 第一人称 I me we us 第二人称 you you you you 第三人称 he him they them 第三人称 she her they them 第三人称 it it they them 祈使句 祈使句 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示命令或请求,例如: Sit down! (坐下!) Open your books, please. (请把你们的书打开。) 祈使句的句末通常用句号,为了加强语气也可以用惊叹号。在表示客气的请求时,常加上please (请);加在前面时带重音,加在后面不带重音,书写时前面加一个逗点,例如: Please read the text.(请读课文。) Close your books, please.(请把你们的书合上。) 祈使句的否定式是在前面加 do not 或don’t (不要,别)构成的,例如: Don’t open your books.(别把你们的书打开。) 还有一种祈使句是以 let us 或 let’s (让我们)开头的,它表示建议别人和自己一道来做某事,例如: Let’s have dictation.(咱们来做听写吧。) Let’s read the text.(咱们来读课文吧。) 第七课 一、课文 — Have you any brothers? — Yes, I have two brothers. — Have you any sisters? — No, I haven't. — Has Jane any brothers and sisters? — She has three sisters, but she has no brother. — Have the Jacksons any children? — Yes, they have two sons and a daughter. MY HOME My home is in Shanghai. My father is a teacher. My mother works in a nursery. My father teaches physics. My mother also teaches. She teaches children to sing and speak clearly. I have a brother and a sister. I am eighteen, my brother is eleven, and my sister is seven. My brother and my sister go to school. I am in my first year at college. I like my subject and I work very hard. — 你有兄弟吗? — 我有两个兄弟。 — 你有姐妹吗? — 我没有。 — 简有兄弟姐妹吗? — 她有三个姐妹,没有兄弟。 — 杰克逊夫妇有子女吗? — 有的,他们有两儿一女。 我的家 我家在上海。我父亲是一位教师,我母亲在一家托儿所工作。父亲教物理;母亲也教课,教孩子们唱歌、说话要口齿清楚。 我有一个弟弟、一个妹妹。我18岁,弟弟11岁,妹妹7岁。弟弟妹妹都上学,我念大学一年级。我喜欢我的专业,学得很用功。 二、语法 词类 英语的词按照意义、词形变化和句法作用等方面的特点可以分为十类: 1. 名词(noun - n.- 缩写,下同):名词是人、事物 以及抽象概念等的名称,例如:girl,desk, English等。 2. 冠词(article):冠词是附属于名词的一种虚词, 它帮助说明名词的意义。英语共有两个冠词:不 定冠词a(an)和定冠词the。 3. 代词(pronoun - pron.):代词是用以代替名词的 词类,例如:I,they,this等。 4. 形容词(adjective - adj.):形容词是表示人或 事物的形状、性质、状态等的词。例如:good, little 等。 5. 数词(numeral - num.):数词是表示数量和次序 的词。例如:two,first(第壹)等。 v.):动词是表示人和事物的行为或 6. 动词(verb - 状态的词,例如:open,sleep等。 7. 副词(adverb - adv.):副词是在句中修饰动词、 形容词或其他副词,以说明状态、性质和程度等 的词,例如:down,very等。 8. 介词(preposition - prep.):介词是表示名词或 代词与其他词的关系的虚词,例如:in,on,at 等。 9. 连词(conjunction - conj.):连词是连接词与 词、词组与词组、句子与句子的虚词,例如: but,and等。 10.感叹词(interjection - interj.):感叹词是表 示说话时惊奇、喜悦等感情的词,例如: Oh(啊) 等。 英语中的词,所属词类不同,形态变化有时也会随之不同,学习单词时必须注 意它的词类和词形变化。另外,一个词在英语中属于某词类,译成汉语却不一 定用同一词类,必须注意避免按字直译。 句子成分 一个句子由若干成分组成,这些成分叫做句子成分。句子成分依照在句中 的作用分为:主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语等。一般句子都必须有主语和谓语;主语表示所说的是谁或是什么,谓语对主语加以说明,表示它所做的动作或所 处的状态。主语和谓语是句子的主要成分。例如: 主语 谓语 We study (学习) and work. 有些谓语是由系动词和另一个词(或词组)构成的,和系动词一起构成谓语的这个词(或词组)叫做表语,例如: 主语 谓语 He is a student. (系动词) (表语) 一个句子除了主语和谓语外,还常常有其他成分: 宾语: 用来完成动词的意思,表示动作的对象,例如: I study English. Read the text. 定语: 用来修饰一个名词或代词。例如: I have a red pencil. 状语: 用来修饰动词、形容词或副词,例如: Does she work hard(努力)? 英词各个句子成分在句子中都有比较固定的位置,一般只有一定词类的词才能 作一定的句子成分。 动词 have 的人称变化 I have we have you have you have he has they have she has they have it has they have 第八课 一、课文 This is our classroom. There is a blackboard in our classroom. There are two doors and four windows in it. There are many desks and chairs. There are some pictures on the wall. There is a wall calendar near the windows. And there is a TV set near the blackboard. Is there a map on the wall? Yes, there is. Is there a clock on the wall? No, there isn't. Are there many desks and chairs in the room? Yes, there are. Are there any tables in the room? No, there aren't. OUR CLASS There are six classes in Grade One. We are in Class Five. Our class is not very big. There are fifteen students in it. Among them there are seven boys and eight girls. Liu Yang is our monitor and he is from Shanghai. We work very hard. We help each other. 这是我们的教室。 教室里有一块黑板。 教室里有两扇门和四扇窗户。 有很多课桌和椅子。 墙上有几幅画。 靠窗有一本挂历。 黑板旁有一部电视机。 墙上有张地图吗? 是的,有一张。 墙上有只挂钟吗? 不,没有。 房间里有很多课桌和椅子吧? 是的,有很多。 房间里有餐桌吗? 不,没有。 我们班 一年级有六个班,我们在五班。 我们班不算很大,共十五名学生,其中有七名男生、八名女生。刘扬是我们的班长,他是上海人。 我们学习很努力,大家互相帮助。 二、语法 含有引导词 there 的句子 英语表示某处有某人某物时常用带引导词 there 的句子,例如: There is a picture on the wall. There are fifteen students in our class. 这里 picture 和 students 是主语,is 和 are 是谓语,on the wall 和 in our class 是状语。如果主语是单数,用 there is; 如果主语是复数,则用 there are。 there is,there are 在句中无语句重音。 肯定式 There is a book on the desk. There are some books on the desk. 否定式 There isn’tanybookonthedesk. There is no book on the desk. There aren’tanybooks on the desk. There are no books on the desk. 疑问式及简略答语 Is there a book on the desk? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. Are there any books on the desk? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t. 物主代词 my(我的) our(我们的) your(你的) your(你们的) his(他的) their(他们的) her(她的) their(她们的) its(它的) their(它们的) 第九课 一、课文 How many classes are there in Grade One? There are five. How many students are there in Class Three? There are fifteen. How many boys are there in your class? There are seven. How many girls are there in your class? There are eight. — Who is he? — He is our monitor. — What is his name? — His name is Liu Xinwen. — How old is he? — He is twenty. — Where is he from? — He is from Shanghai. — Who is she? — She is my classmate. — What is her name? — Her name is Zhang Yin. — How old is she? — She is nineteen. — Where is she from? — She is from Beijing. MY FRIEND Sally is my friend. She is nineteen. She is from New York. She studies Chinese. She works hard. She likes singing and dancing. She is good at sports, too. Everybody says she is a good student. 一年级有几个班? 有五个班。 三班有多少学生? 有十五名学生。 你们班有几名男生? 有七名。 你们班有几名女生? 有八名。 — 他是谁? — 他是我们班长。 — 他叫什么名字? — 他叫刘新文。 — 他多大了? — 他20岁了。 — 他是什么地方人? — 他是上海人。 — 她是谁? — 她是我的同学。 — 她叫什么名字? — 她叫张荫。 — 她多大了? — 她19岁了。 — 她是什么地方人? — 她是北京人。 我的朋友 萨利是我的朋友。她十九岁。她是纽约人。她学中文。她学习刻苦。她喜 欢唱歌与跳舞。她也擅长体育运动。大家都说她是个好学生。 二、语法 名词的单数和复数形式 英语中名词有单数和复数两种形式,如:a pencil (一枝铅笔), three pencils( 三枝铅 笔), many pencils (许多枝铅笔)。 英语名词的复数形式一般是在单数形式后加词尾-s 构成,例如: pen pens peasant peasants 在以 “s”,“sh”,“ch”,“o“结尾的词后加-es。 例如: class classes brush brushes bench benches tomato tomatoes 在以“辅音字母+y”结尾的词后先变 y 为 i,再加es。例如: family families secretary secretaries 词尾 -(e)s 的读音如下: (a)在清辅音后读作[s], maps [m*ps] desks [desks] (b)在浊辅音及元音后读作[z], pens [penz] rooms [rumz] windows [#wind2uz] chairs [t152z] (c)在[s] [z] [1] [t1] [d3] 后面读作[iz], classes [#kl4:siz] benches [#bent1iz] brushes [#br71iz] pages [#peid3iz] 注意:末尾的[t][d]加词尾 -(e)s后成为破擦音[ts] [dz],例如: students [#stju:d2nts] spades [speidz] 少数名词有特殊的复数形式,例如: man men woman women (妇女) [#wum2n] [#wimin] child children knife knives [naivz] 基数词1-20 1. one 11. eleven 2. two 12. twelve 3. three 13. thirteen 4. four 14. fourteen 5. five 15. fifteen 6. six 16. sixteen 7. seven 17. seventeen 8. eight 18. eighteen 9. nine 19. nineteen 10. ten 20. twenty 第十课 一、课文 What time is it? It is six o'clock. What time is it? It is a quarter past six. What time is it? It is half past six. What time is it? It is twenty to seven. When do you get up? We get up at six. When do you have breakfast? We have breakfast at seven. When do you have lunch? We have lunch at twelve. When do you have supper? We have supper at six. When do you go to bed? We go to bed at ten. A DIALOGUE — Do you have English classes every day? — Yes, we do. — How many English classes do you have in a week? — We have fourteen classes. — Do you have your classes in the morning? — Well, most of them are in the morning. But on Tuesday we have two classes in the afternoon. 现在几点钟? 6点。 现在几点钟? 6点1刻。 现在几点钟? 6点半。 现在几点钟? 差20分7点。 你们什么时候起床? 我们6点起床。 你们什么时候吃早饭? 我们7点吃早饭。 你们什么时候吃中饭? 我们12点吃中饭。 你们什么时候吃晚饭? 我们6点吃晚饭。 你们什么时候睡觉? 我们10点睡觉。 对话 — 你们每天都有英语课吗? — 是的,每天都有。 — 你们一周有多少英语课? — 有十四节。 — 你们是在上午上课吗? — 嗯,大部分课都在上午,不过星期二我们有两节课在下午。 二、语法 时刻表示法 英语表示时刻的方式如下: 1) 如果是整钟点,就用“钟点数+o'clock”这个形式(o'clock常可省去),例 如: It is five o'clock. 现在是5点钟。 She gets up at six (o'clock).她6点起床。 2) 如果带分钟数,又不超过半小时,则用:“分钟数+past+钟点数”这个形 式,这里past 是“过”的意思,表示“几点过几分”,例如: five past two 2点5分 a quarter past seven 7点1刻 half past eight 8点半钟 3) 如果后面的分钟数超过半小时,则用“分钟数+to +钟点数”这个形式, 这里to是“到”的意思,表示“几点差几分”,例如: five to nine 8点55分(9点差5分) ten to twelve 11点50分(12点差10分) a quarter to seven 6点3刻(7点差1刻) 注意:表示“在某时刻”,用介词at,例如: at six, at a quarter to six。 第十一课 一、课文 THE DAYS OF THE WEEK There are seven days in a week. They are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. — Do you do homework every day? — Yes, we do. — What do you do on Monday? — We read the text. — What do you do on Tuesday? — We copy sentences from the text. — What do you do on Wednesday? — We do spelling exercises. — What do you do on Thursday? — We review English grammar. — What do you do on Friday? — We do grammar exercises. — What do you do on Saturday? — We review the whole lesson. Spring is gay with flower and song, Summer is hot and the days are long, Autumn is rich with fruit and grain, Winter brings snow and the New Year again. 星期 一星期有七天,即星期日、星期一、星期二、星期三、星期四、星期五和星期 六。 — 你们每天都做家庭作业吗, — 是的,我们每天都做。 — 你们星期一干什么, — 我们阅读课文。 — 你们星期二干什么, — 我们抄写课文里的句子。 — 你们星期三干什么, — 我们做拼写练习。 — 你们星期四干什么, — 我们复习英语语法。 — 你们星期五干什么, — 我们做语法练习。 — 你们星期六干什么, — 我们复习整课书。 春光明媚,鸟语花香, 夏日炎炎,夜短昼长, 秋天丰收,谷果满仓, 冬飘瑞雪,新年在望。 二、语法 1.动词的时态 在英语中,不同时间发生的动作或情况,要用不同的动词形式表示,例如: He is a student. (他现在是学生。) He was a worker. (他过去是工人。) 上面is, was原是一个动词,意思是“是”,在表示“现在是”的时候用i s,在表示“过去是”时用was。 动词这种表示不同时间的动作或情况的形态, 称为时态。时态是英语动词的一个重要特征,学习时要特别注意。 2.一般现在时 一般现在时表示: 1) 经常性的动作: We get up at six.(指每天如此) He works in a factory.(指他的职业) 2) 现在存在的情况或状态: She is a nurse. There is a map on the wall. 这个时态除第三人称单数外,都用动词原形表示。第三人称单数要加词尾 (e)s。(e)s词尾的加法和名词复数词尾的加法相同,即: 1) 一般情况下加s,例如:live?lives, work?works 2) s在s,sh,ch,o后面加es,例如: dress?dresses wash?washes teach?teaches go?goes 3)以“辅音字母+y”结尾的动词,先变y为i,再加es,例如: study?studies carry?carries 但以“元音字母+y”收尾的动词却不这样,直接加s,例如:play?plays -(e)s词尾的读音规则是: 1) 在[s] [z] [1] [t1] [d3] 后面读 [iz],例如: dresses [#dresiz] teaches[#ti:t1iz] judges[#d37d3iz](判断) closes[#kl2uziz] washes[#w01iz] 2) 在清辅音后读[s],例如: likes[laiks] helps[helps] 3) 在浊辅音及元音后读[z],例如: sings[si9z] goes[g2uz] studies[#st7diz] 注意:末尾的[t][d]加词尾(e)s后成为破擦音[ts][dz],例如: writes[raits] reads[r:dz] 一般动词一般现在时的肯定式、否定式和疑问式 肯定式: I(You) work here. He(She) works here. We(You/They) work here. 否定式: I (You) don’t work here. He(She) doesn’tworks here. We(You/They)don’tworkhere. 疑问式: Do I(you) work here? Does he(she) work here? Do we(you/they) work here? 动词be一般现在时的肯定式、否定式和疑问式 肯定式: I am a student. You are a student. He(She) is a student. We(You/They) are students. 否定式: I am not a student. You aren't a student. He(She) isn't a student. We(You/They) aren't students. 疑问式: Am I a student? Are you a student? Is he(she) a student? Are we(you/they) students? 注意:(1)一般现在时的否定式有两种构成法。一般动词的否定式是在动词前加“助动词do (does) + not”构成,后面动词要用原形,例如: They do not (don't) go there every day. here. She does not (doesn't) study do not 和does not 在口语中缩合为don't 和doesn't。 动词be 的否定式是在后面加not 构成。are not和 is not在口语中缩合为aren't 和isn't。 (2)动词have的疑问式有两种构成方法。如果表示“占有”,“所有”,则用Have you...?这个形式,例如: Have you a red pencil? (Yes, I have.) Has she any sisters? (No, she has no sisters.) 如果have用在have supper(吃晚饭),have a rest(休息)等常用词组中,则用Do you have...? 这种形式,例如: Do you have supper at six? (Yes, we do.) Does he have a shortrest after lunch? (No,he doesn't.) have的否定式也同样有have (has) not 和do (does)not have两种。have not 和has not 在口语中缩合为haven't和hasn't。 3.一般问句 就某一情况是否是事实提出疑问,可以用一般问句。这种问句一般现在时的结构是:助动词do(does),主语,动词原形,其他部分。例如: Do you study here? Yes, I do. Does your father work in a factory? No, he doesn't. 如果谓语中包含有动词be,则将它放在主语前面,例如: Are you a first year student? Yes, I am. Is your sister a nurse? No, she isn't. 如果谓语是there is (are),则将它的语序颠倒,例如: Is there a map on the wall? No, there isn't. Are there any factories in the commune(公社)? Yes, there are. 这种问句用升调,回答时先说Yes或No,再给简略回答。 4.名词所有格 在表示“贝蒂的父亲”,“我姐姐的丈夫”这种意思时,我们常可以在Betty,(my)sister这种名词后加 's(apostrophe s),来表示所有关系,例如: Betty's father my sister's husband Chairman Mao's works 这里带's的形式称为名词所有格。如果这个名词带有复数词尾(e)s,则只加“'”,例如: workers' families teachers' reading room 但不带(e)s词尾的复数名词仍要加 's,例如: children's books women's dresses 一般说来,只有表示有生命东西(特别是人)的名词,才能用这种形式表示所有关系。表示无生命东西的名词,通常用带of的短语表示所有关系,例如: students of new China the monitor of Class Five teachers of our school 但某些表示时间的名词也可以用所有格。例如: today's newspaper (今天的报纸) the week's work (这星期的工作) yesterday's meeting (昨天的会议) 第十二课 一、课文 THE SEASONS There are four seasons in a year. March, April and May make the spring season. June, July and August make the summer season. September, October and November make the autumn season. December, January and February make the winter season. Near the North Pole there are two seasons: winter and summer. The winter nights are long. For more than two months you can't see the sun, even at noon. The summer days are long. For more than two months, the sun never sets, and there is no night. In the tropics there are also two seasons: a rainy season and a dry season. 四季 一年有四季。三、四、五月是春季,六、七、八月是夏季,九、十、十一月是秋季,十二、一、二月是冬季。 靠近北极的地方一年只有两季:冬季和夏季。冬季夜长,两个多月里即便是在中午也见不着太阳。夏季日长,两个多月里太阳一直不落,没有夜晚。 赤道地区一年也只有两季:雨季和旱季。 二、语法 第十三课 一、课文 A DAY AT COLLEGE Wang Qing gets up very early. He dresses, washes, and goes out to do exercises in the fresh morning air. Then he has breakfast. For most of the morning he attends lectures or practises his English. After class he reads in the library or reviews his lessons. Lunch is at twelve. After lunch Wang Qing takes a nap. In the afternoon he does his homework and reads the newspaper. Then he has an hour for sports. He runs round the track or plays ball games. After supper he often goes for a walk in the college gardens. Sometimes he listens to the English broadcast. In the evening he prepares his lessons. He goes to bed at half past ten. 校园一日 王清起得很早。他穿好衣、洗完脸,就走到室外,在清爽的晨风中做早操,然后去吃早饭。 上午的大部分时间他听课或者练习英语,课后他到图书馆看书,或者复习功课。 12点吃午饭,饭后王清休息一会儿。下午他做作业、看报纸,随后有一小时的体育活动时间,他或者沿跑道跑跑步或者打打球。 晚饭后他常常去学校花园里散步,有时还收听英语广播。晚上他预习功课,10点半睡觉。 二、语法 ,(特殊问句 问“谁„„”,“什么„„”,“在哪里„„”等这一类的问句叫做特殊问句。这种问句以疑问词开头,用降调。 疑问词有两类,一是疑问代词,一是疑问副词。疑问代词有:who, whom (who 的宾格),whose(谁的),what, which (哪一个)等。疑问副词有:when, where, how, why(为什么)等。 特殊问句的语序在多数情况下和一般问句是一样的,只是疑问词和它所修饰的名词或形容词要放在句首。例如: When does Wang Ching get up? (比较:Does Wang Ching get up at six?) Where do they come from? (比较:Do they come from Shanghai?) What do you do after lunch? (比较:Do you take a short rest after lunch?) How do you like the film? (比较:Do you like the film?) What language does she study? (比较:Does she study German?) Which class is he in? (比较:Is he in Class Five?) How many pictures are there on the wall? (比较:Are there any pictures on the wall?) Whose textbook is this? (比较:Is this your textbook?) 如果疑问词表示的是主语,或是修饰主语,这时问句一般用陈述句语序,例如: Who lives in this room? (比较:Li Ying lives in this room.) How many comrades live in this room? (比较:Four comrades live in this room.) ,(对各种句子成分提问举例: 例 A:Wang Ching reviews his English lessons in the reading room every evening. (1)对主语提问: Who reviews his English lessons in the reading room every evening? (2)对谓语提问: hat does Wang Ching Wdo every evening? (3)对宾语提问: What does Wang Ching review every evening? (4)对定语提问: What lessons does Wang Ching review every evening? (5) 对状语提问: When does Wang Ching review his English lessons? Where does Wang Ching review his English lessons? 注意:(1)对主语提问时一般用陈述句语序,不加助动词。 (2)对其他句子成分提问时要加助动词,后面的动词要用原形。 (3)对定语提问时,它所修饰的词要跟着一起提到前面来。 例 B:The teacher's room is on the second floor. (1) 对表语提问: Where is the teacher’sroom? (2)对定语提问: Whose room is on the second floor? ,(基数词 导学 英语基数词不算难。第一步学会 1—100; 第二步学会 1,000—1,000,000; 第三步学会 年份的读法。 努力学之可也。 表示数目的词称为基数词,英语中的基数词,最基本的是下面这些: 1 one 11 eleven 2 two 12 twelve 20 twenty 3 three 13 thirteen 30 thirty 4 four 14 fourteen 40 forty 5 five 15 fifteen 50 fifty 6 six 16 sixteen 60 sixty 7 seven 17 seventeen 70 seventy 8 eight 18 eighteen 80 eighty 9 nine 19 nineteen 90 ninety 10 ten 100 one(a)hundred 1’000 one(a)thousand 10’000 ten thousand 100’000 one(a)hundred thousand ’000’000 one(a)million 1 其他表示数目的词都由这些词构成,例如: 23 twenty-three 459 four hundred and fifty-nine 1,003 one thousand and three 12,386 twelve thousand three hundred and eighty-six 650,000,000 six hundred and fifty million 注意:(1) 二十以上的数字在个位与十位之间要用连字符号(-);三位以上的数, 在十位之前(如无十位则在个位之前)要加and,例如: twenty-three; four hundred and fifty-nine (2) 以-teen 收尾的数词有两个重音,以-ty收尾的数词只第一音节有重音, 例如: thirteen ,#82:#ti:n,, twenty ,#twenti, (3) 注意:hundred, thousand, million 等词在具体的数字中一般都不加复数 词-s,例如: two hundred students, five thousand people, six million copies(册) (4) 年份读法: 1961 nineteen sixty-one 1949 nineteen forty-nine 1917 nineteen seven-teen 1905 nineteen hundred and five (或nineteen o five) ,(非人称it It可以用来表示时间、季节、天气,在句子中作为主语,称为非人称it,例如: It is eight o'clock in the morning. It is autumn now. It is hot in summer. It often rains here. 三、对话 MY HOME — Where is your home? — It is in Shanghai. — Oh, do you live near the steel works? — Yes, my father is a steel worker there. — And what does your mother do? — She works in a nursery. — Have you any brothers and sisters? — Yes, two brothers and a sister. My elder brother is in the army. My younger brother is at school. My sister is a nurse at a hospital in Hangzhou. 我的家 — 你的家在哪里, — 在上海。 — 噢,你住得离钢铁厂近吗, — 近,我父亲就是钢铁厂的工人。 — 你母亲是做什么的, — 她在幼儿园工作。 — 你有兄弟姐妹吗, — 有,我有两个兄弟和一个姐姐(妹妹)。我哥哥在部队,弟弟在上学。我姐姐(妹妹)在杭州的一家医院里当护士。 第十四课 一、课文 A LETTER TO A FRIEND Beijing October 21, 1961 Dear Liying, How time flies! This is already my seventh week at college. We are very busy here and life is very interesting. There are so many new things to learn. We have English lessons every day and I like them very much. We also study Chinese and World History. After class we have all kinds of activities. Sometimes we work on the college farm. On Saturday afternoon we usually have our class meeting. Sometimes we listen to a report. On Saturday evening there is a film or a dance. Autumn is the best season in Beijing. The days are warm and sunny. We are planning an outing for next Sunday. How are you? Are you still busy with the harvest? Please write to me soon and tell me about your life as a teacher. Yours ever, Wu Ming 给朋友的一封信 亲爱的丽英: 时间过得真快!现在是我上大学的第七周了。我们这儿很忙,生活也很有意思,有那么多的新东西要学。我们每天都有英语课,我很喜欢它。另外我们还学习汉语和世界史。 课后我们开展各种活动。有时去校办农场劳动。星期六下午通常是开 班会 初三期末考动员班会考试后心理调适班会暑假期间安全主题班会九年级下学期开学班会考前心理辅导主题班会 ,有时也听报告。星期六晚上不是有电影就是有舞会。 秋天是北京最美的季节,每天都暖融融的,充满阳光,我们正筹划下星期天出去郊游呢。 你怎么样?还在忙着秋收吗?请快快写信告诉我你当教师的生活。 朋友:吴明 1961年10月21日于北京 二、语法 ,(特殊问句 问“谁„„”,“什么„„”,“在哪里„„”等这一类的问句叫做特殊问句。这种问句以疑问词开头,用降调。 疑问词有两类,一是疑问代词,一是疑问副词。疑问代词有:who, whom (who 的宾格),whose(谁的),what, which (哪一个)等。疑问副词有:when, where, how, why(为什么)等。 特殊问句的语序在多数情况下和一般问句是一样的,只是疑问词和它所修饰的名词或形容词要放在句首。例如: When does Wang Ching get up? (比较:Does Wang Ching get up at six?) Where do they come from? (比较:Do they come from Shanghai?) What do you do after lunch? (比较:Do you take a short rest after lunch?) How do you like the film? (比较:Do you like the film?) What language does she study? (比较:Does she study German?) Which class is he in? (比较:Is he in Class Five?) How many pictures are there on the wall? (比较:Are there any pictures on the wall?) Whose textbook is this? (比较:Is this your textbook?) 如果疑问词表示的是主语,或是修饰主语,这时问句一般用陈述句语序,例 如: Who lives in this room? (比较:Li Ying lives in this room.) How many comrades live in this room? (比较:Four comrades live in this room.) ,(对各种句子成分提问举例: 例 A:Wang Ching reviews his English lessons in the reading room every eveni ng. (1)对主语提问: ho reviews his English lessons in the reading room every evening? W (2)对谓语提问: What does Wang Ching do every evening? (3)对宾语提问: What does Wang Ching review every evening? (4)对定语提问: What lessons does Wang Ching review every evening? (5) 对状语提问: When does Wang Ching review his English lessons? Where does Wang Ching review his English lessons? 注意:(1)对主语提问时一般用陈述句语序,不加助动词。 (2)对其他句子成分提问时要加助动词,后面的动词要用原形。 (3)对定语提问时,它所修饰的词要跟着一起提到前面来。 例 B:The teacher's room is on the second floor. (1) 对表语提问: Where is the teacher’sroom? (2)对定语提问: Whose room is on the second floor? ,(基数词 导学 英语基数词不算难。第一步学会 1—100; 第二步学会 1,000—1,000,000; 第三步学会 年份的读法。 努力学之可也。 表示数目的词称为基数词,英语中的基数词,最基本的是下面这些: 1 one 11 eleven 2 two 12 twelve 20 twenty 3 three 13 thirteen 30 thirty 4 four 14 fourteen 40 forty 5 five 15 fifteen 50 fifty 6 six 16 sixteen 60 sixty 7 seven 17 seventeen 70 seventy 8 eight 18 eighteen 80 eighty 9 nine 19 nineteen 90 ninety 10 ten 100 one(a)hundred 1’000 one(a)thousand 10’000 ten thousand 100’000 one(a)hundred thousand 1’000’000 one(a)million 其他表示数目的词都由这些词构成,例如: 23 twenty-three 459 four hundred and fifty-nine 1,003 one thousand and three thousand three hundred and eighty-six 12,386 twelve 650,000,000 six hundred and fifty million 注意:(1) 二十以上的数字在个位与十位之间要用连字符号(-);三位以上的数, 在十位之前(如无十位则在个位之前)要加and,例如: twenty-three; four hundred and fifty-nine (2) 以-teen 收尾的数词有两个重音,以-ty收尾的数词只第一音节有重音, 例如: thirteen ,#82:#ti:n,, twenty ,#twenti, (3) 注意:hundred, thousand, million 等词在具体的数字中一般都不加复数 词-s,例如: two hundred students, five thousand people, six million copies(册) (4) 年份读法: 1961 nineteen sixty-one 1949 nineteen forty-nine 1917 nineteen seven-teen 1905 nineteen hundred and five (或nineteen o five) ,(非人称it It可以用来表示时间、季节、天气,在句子中作为主语,称为非人称it,例 如: It is eight o'clock in the morning. It is autumn now. It is hot in summer. It often rains here. 三、对话 WEATHER — What's the weather like in your hometown? — It's very nice. It's usually warm and sunny in spring and autumn. — Does it often rain there? — Yes, it does, especially in summer. — Is it very cold in winter? — No, it isn't. It seldom snows there. 天气 — 你家乡的天气怎么样, — 非常好,在春天和秋天通常都是温暖和阳光明媚的。 — 那里经常下雨吗, — 是的,特别是在夏天。 — 那里冬天非常冷吗, — 不,不很冷。那里冬天很少下雪。 第十五课 一、课文 A SERVICE CENTRE Look at this service centre. How busy everybody is! The man in the middle is mending shoes. At a counter on the right, a woman is showing an old man a towel and some soap. We see a girl at the door. She is going to do housework for the families in the neighbourhood. Two women are sewing by the window. One of them is making a shirt and the other is making a pair of trousers. The workers at the service centre help their neighbours in many ways. They play an important part in people's life. 服务中心 瞧这家服务中心,大伙儿多忙呀~ 中间这位男子正在修鞋,靠右边的柜台里,女售货员拿出毛巾和肥皂给一位老人看。还可以看见门口有一位姑娘,正准备去帮邻里各家做家务呢。 靠窗有两位妇女在做针线活儿,一个做衬衣,另一个补裤子。 服务中心的工人们在很多方面为四周邻居提供帮助,他们在人民生活中发挥着重要作用。 二、语法 1.现在进行时 现在进行时通常表示此时此刻或当前一个时期内正在进行的活动,例如: We are having an English class. (我们在上英语课。) She is reading today's newspaper. (她在看今天的报纸。) She is staying with her sister. (她目前在她姐姐家住。) 现在进行时由“助动词 be + 现在分词”构成,be 和主语在人称和数上要 一致。 现在进行时和一般现在时不同,前者表示正在进行的活动,后者表示经常性的活动,例如: They are working on the farm. (他们正在农场劳动。) They often work on the farm. (他们常常在农场劳动,但此时不一定在农场劳动。) Is she having supper? (她在吃晚饭吗?) Does she have supper at six? (她通常是6点吃晚饭吗?) 现在进行时的肯定式、否定式和疑问式 肯定式: I am reading. You are reading. He(She) is reading. We(You/They) are reading. 否定式: I am not reading. You aren't reading. He(She) isn't reading. We(You/They) aren't reading? 疑问式: Am I reading? Are you reading? Is he(she) reading? Are we(you/they) reading? 2. 现在分词的构成法 现在分词是由动词原形加词尾-ing 构成的: 1) 在一般情形下直接加-ing, 例如:reading, playing。 2) 以不读音的e 结尾的词,去掉e, 再加ing, 例如:come?coming, have?having 3) 以重读闭音节结尾,最后又只有一个辅音字母的词,双写这一字母,再加-ing, 例如:get ?getting, begin?beginning。 注意下面几种现在分词的读音: 1) studying ,#st7dii9,, carrying ,#k*rii9, 2) preparing ,pri#p52ri9, 3) singing ,#si9i9,, bringing ,#bri9i9, 3.“be going + 动词不定式”的用法 表示打算(预备)做某事,常可用 be going to 这个句型,例如: Are you going to take part in the parade? (你准备去参加游行吗?) I am going to write to her this afternoon. (我打算下午给她写封信.) When are they going to have the meeting? (他们准备什么时候开会?) 这里 go 已没有“去”的意思,而与后面的不定式一起构成谓语。“be going ”通常不重读。 注意:这种结构后面一般不用 go, come 等动词,若要表示“准备去”,“就要来”这类意思时,可以直接用这些动词的现在进行时,例如: I am going to town this afternoon. (我打算今天下午进城。) John is coming tomorrow. (John 明天就要来了。) 三、对话 IN THE COMPUTER ROOM — Is this your school computer room? Who are these people? — They are students of the Russian department. — What are they doing? — They are learning to use computers. — Do you often work here? — Yes, we work here once a week. We are all keen to learn modern techniques. 在计算机房 — 这是你们学校的计算机房吗,这些人是谁, — 他们是俄语系的学生。 — 他们在干什么呢, — 他们正在学习使用计算机。 — 你们经常来这儿学习吗, — 是的,我们每周在这里上一次课。我们都喜欢学习现代化的技术。 第十六课 一、课文 SUNDAY IN THE PARK It is Sunday. There are hundreds and hundreds of people in the park. Some are walking by the lake. Others are sitting on the benches and chatting. Over there, under a huge pine tree, a group of boys and girls are playing games. Nearby, an interesting game of chess is going on between two old men. Some people are watching. Near a flower garden, two white-haired grannies are knitting in the sunshine. Their grandchildren are playing on the grass. Not far off, some students are singing and dancing. It is Sunday in the park. Everybody is having a good time after a week of work and study. 公园里的星期天 今天是星期天,公园有成千上万的游人。他们有的在湖边漫步,有的坐在长凳上聊天。那边一棵大松树下一群孩子正在做游戏。旁边,一盘精彩的棋赛正在两位老人之间展开,有几个人正在观战。 在一处花圃旁,两位白发老太太在阳光下织毛衣,她们的孙子、孙女们在草地上玩耍。不远处,一群学生在唱歌、跳舞。 这就是公园里的星期天,一周的工作和学习之后,人人都玩儿得很开心。 二、语法 1. 反意问句 当提问的人有一定主见,但不完全肯定,需要问一下加以证实时,用反意问句。这种问句由两部分构成,前一部分是一个陈述句,后一部分是一个简短问句。如果前面肯定,后面就用否定形式。反之,如果前面否定,后面就用肯定形式。前后两者的谓语,在时态、人称、数上都要一致。回答方式和一般问句的答语相同。例如: Your room is on the second floor, isn't it? Yes, it is. (你的房间在三层,是吧? 是的。) You go there once a week, don't you? Yes, we do. (你们一星期去一次,是不是?是的。) Mary doesn't know French, does she? No, she doesn't. (Mary 不懂法文,对吧?对,她不懂法文。) Robert isn't coming, is he? No, he isn't. (Robert 不来了,是吧? 是的,不来了。) 2. Yes 和 No 的用法 英语 Yes 和 No 的用法和汉语习惯不同。英语不论是否同意问者的看法,只要答语本身是肯定的,就用 Yes;只要答语本身是否定的,就用 No。汉语则与之相反。 You aren't a first year student, are you? Yes, I am. (你不是一年级学生吧? 不对,我是一年级学生。) You aren't a second year student, are you? No, I am not. (你不是二年级学生吧? 对,我不是二年级学生。) 3. 序数词 表示数目顺序的词称为序数词。由“第一”到“第二十”的序数词列表如下: one first two second three third four fourth five fifth six sixth seven eventh eight eighth nine ninth ten tenth eleven eleventh twelve twelfth thirteen thirteenth fourteen fourteenth fifteen fifteenth sixteen sixteenth seventeen seventeenth eighteen eighteenth nineteen nineteenth twenty twentieth 注意:(1) 除 one, two , three 相应的序数词各为 first, second, third 以外,其他序数词都是在基数词后加上-th 构成。但必须注意上表中有# 的序数词(即 fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth 等词)的拼法和读音。 (2) 注意 twenty 以上整十位数序数词是将 -ty中的y变为i再加eth构成,它们的读音比相应的基数词多一个音节。如: thirty — thirtieth (由双音节变为三音节) (3) 注意第二十一等序数词的表示法: 第二十一: twenty-first 第二十三: twenty-third (4) 序数词前面一般要用定冠词 the, 例如: the second floor the twelfth week 注:凡编号的东西,都可以用基数词表示顺序,例如: Lesson Fifteen Page 135 Grade Three Room 204 Bus No.17 4. 介词短语的句法作用 介词和它后面的名词(即介词宾语)组成介词短语,例如 in the park, under a tree。介词的宾语如果是人称代词,则必须用宾格,例如 before him, to them。介词短语在句中可以用作: 1) 状语: They are planting trees by the lake. Our Party Secretary is talking with the students. 2) 定语: Those pictures on the right are very nice. How do you like your life at college? 3) 表语: Betty Brown's father is often out of work. (失业). The children are all in bed now. (孩子们都睡觉了。) 有些介词可和一个不及物动词构成短语,作用和一个及物动词一样,例如: What are you looking at? (你们在看什么?) What are you looking for? (你在找什么?) Who is looking after the children? (谁在照管孩子?) 三、对话 AT THE BUS-STOP — Hello, you're going to town, aren't you? — Yes, we're going to see an exhibition. What about you? — We're going to the park. — It's a fine day for an outing, isn't it? Are you going to be there all day? — No, some of us are going to a concert in the afternoon. — Well, I'm sure you'll have a good time. Oh, there comes the bus. Let's get ready. 在公共汽车站 — 你们好,你们是要进城去,对不对, — 对,我们要去看一个展览,你们呢, — 我们要去公园。 — 这是个出游的好日子,是不是,你们要在那儿玩一整天吗, — 不,下午我们有些人要去听一场音乐会。 — 嗯,我相信你们会玩得很好的。噢,车来了,咱们准备上车吧。 第十七课 一、课文 AN ANNOUNCENMENT Hello, everybody. I have a few things to tell you. Tomorrow afternoon there will be a talk on current affairs by a reporter from the People's Daily. He will speak about the situation in South Africa. In the evening he will give us a slide show. A Japanese student delegation will come to visit our school on Friday afternoon. ons about Japanese They will come to our class at 2 p.m. If you have any questi students' life, you can discuss with them when they come. One more thing: the day after tomorrow our class team will have a basketball match with Class Three. Let's all go and cheer for them. That's all. Thank you. 通知 关于发布提成方案的通知关于xx通知关于成立公司筹建组的通知关于红头文件的使用公开通知关于计发全勤奖的通知 同学们,我有几件事告诉大家。明天下午《人民日报》社有一位记者来做时事报告。他要谈一谈南非形势。晚上他要给我们演示幻灯片。 星期五下午一个日本学生代表团要来参观我们学校。下午两点钟他们来我们班。如果你们有关于日本学生生活方面的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 的话,他们来后,你们可以和他们讨论。 还有一件事:我们班后天同三班举行篮球比赛,请大家都去为他们加油。 要说的就是这些,谢谢大家。 二、语法 1. 一般将来时 一般将来时表示将来要发生的事情。 一般将来时由助动词 will (shall)加动词原形构成。 shall 用于第一人称, will 用于第二、三人称,例如: We shall have a report on current affairs next Saturday. The meeting will soon be over. There will be a football match tomorrow. 一般将来时的肯定式、否定式和疑问式 肯定式:I(We) shall go. You(He/She/They) will go. 否定式:I(We) shall not go. You(He/She/They) will not go. 疑问式:Shall I(we) go? Will you(he/she/they) go. will 也常用于第一人称。在口语中 will 常缩合为'll。shall not 和 will not 分别缩合为 shan't和 won't,例如: I'll wait for you at the bus-stop. She'll be here at five. We shan't be out tomorrow. They won't go home this week. 常与将来时连用的时间状语有 today (今天),this afternoon (今天下午), tonight (今晚), tomorrow (明天), the day after tomorrow (后天), tomorrow morning (明天早晨), this Sunday (本星期日), next week (下周), in a few days (months, years) (几天、几月、几年以后)等等。 注意 Shall I (we)...? Will you...? 的习惯用法: “Shall I (we)...?”是自己准备做某事,征求对方 意见 文理分科指导河道管理范围浙江建筑工程概算定额教材专家评审意见党员教师互相批评意见 时用的,相当于汉语中“我这样做好吗?”。例如: “Itisverycoldhere. Shall I close the window?” 回答可以是: “Yes, please.” 或: “No, pleasedon't.” “Will you...?” 是在提出建议、请求问对方是否愿意时用的,相当于汉语中“你愿意不?”。例如: “Iamgoing to the readingroom.Willyoucomewithme?” 回答可以是: “Yes, I will.” 或 “I am sorry. I can't.”(对不起,我不能去。)等。 2. 名词的种类 名词可以分为专有名词和普通名词两大类。China, Britain (英国), Brown 等是专有名词;专有名词以外的名词则是普通名词。普通名词又可分为可数名词和不可数名词。可以计数的名词如 woman, desk, family 等称为可数名词,有单数和复数两种形式。不可以计数的名词如 work, paper, weather 等称为不可数名词,一般没有复数形式。 3. 冠词基本用法 冠词分定冠词(the) 与不定冠词 (a, an) 两种。 1) 定冠词 the 在以元音开头的词前面读 [6i],在以辅音开头的词前面读[62] ,例如: the old woman, the classroom。 定冠词的意思接近指示代词 this, that, 表示后面名词所指的是某个或某些 特定的人或事物,可用于各种普通名词前面: Close the door, please. (指所在房间的门。) Please write the words on the blackboard. (指某几个特定的字和本教室的黑板。) He will speak about the situation in Africa. (指非洲而不是其他地方的形势。) 这种情况称为“特指”。在特指的情况下,无论是可数名词或是不可数名词,是单数名词还是复数名词,都需要加the。与特指相对,并不指某个(或某些)特定的人或事物的情况称为“泛指”。 2) 不定冠词 a 用于以辅音开头的词前面, an 用于以元音开头的词前面。例如: a lesson, an English lesson。 不定冠词是“一个”的意思,只能用在单数可数名词前面,表示某一类人或事物,以区别于其他类。例如: Will you give me a pencil? (指任何一枝铅笔。) She is an English writer. (指英国作家中的一个。) 3) 一件事物第一次提到时,如果它是可数名词单数,常用不定冠词,而再次提到它时却需要用定冠词,因为这时已经是特指了,例如: There will be a report on current affairs this afternoon. (第一次提到,泛指) In the evening we shall discuss the report. (第二次提到,特指) 4) 一些不用冠词的情况: a) 泛指的复数名词前不用冠词,例如: They are planting trees. These are books on history. b) 不可数名词用于泛指的时候不用冠词, 例如: They play an important part in socialist construction. It's lovely weather. This is nice paper. c) 在专有名词前一般不用冠词,例如: China, Beijing University (大学)。 但有些由普通名词构成的专有名词却要加定冠词: the People's Daily the Red Star (星) People's Commune d) 在某些习惯用法中不加冠词,例如: go to school (上学), go to town, at home, after class, go by bus, play football。 冠词的基本用法可以简单地归纳如下: 普通名词: 可数名词单数 Give me a book.(泛指) Give me the book.(特指) 可数名词复数 Give me some books.(泛指) These are books on history.(泛指) Give me the books.(特指) 不可数名词 Give me some paper.(泛指) This is nice paper.(泛指) Give me the paper.(特指) 专有名词:一般不用冠词,如: China, Brown。 某些由普通名词构成的专有名词多加 the, 如: the Red Star People's Commune。 三、对话 HOMEWORK FOR TODAY — What's our homework for today? — We'll copy the first two paragraphs of the text and also translate some sentences into English. — What shall we do for oral practice? — We'll ask each other questions on the text. — Shall we have listening tonight? — No, not tonight. We'll have it tomorrow evening. 今天的家庭作业 — 我们今天的家庭作业是什么, — 我们要抄写课文的前两段并且将一些句子翻译成英文。 — 口头练习是什么呢, — 我们要根据课文互相提问。 — 今晚要做听力练习吗, — 不,今晚不做,明天晚上做。 第十八课 一、课文 THE LIBRARY On our library door are two big signs: No Smoking No Littering Library Hours Monday through Friday: 8 a.m. — 10 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m. — 6 p.m. Sunday: 2 p.m. — 10 p.m. It is Monday. It is 8 o'clock. Many students are waiting for the library to open. This is not unusual during the examination week. Now the doors are open. The students walk in quietly. The library is always quiet even on very busy days. You are here in the library. You must obey library rules. You mustn't smoke. You mustn't litter the floor. You can borrow books from the library, but you can't borrow one without a library card. Sometimes you may want to borrow a book but you don't know its call number. You may ask the librarian to help you. He will be glad to help. 图书馆 图书馆门口有两张布告: 禁止吸烟 禁止乱扔废物 * * * 图书馆开放时间 星期一至星期五 上午8点-晚上10点 星期六 上午8点-下午6点 星期日 下午2点-晚上10点 今天星期一,现在是8点钟。许多学生正等着图书馆开门,这种情况在考试周里常能见到。门开了,同学们静静地走进去。图书馆里总是安安静静的,即使在人很多的时候。 你到了图书馆,就必须遵守图书馆的规定,不能吸烟,不能往地板上乱扔东西。 你可以在图书馆借书,但是没有借书证就借不到。 有时你可能想借某本书,但不知道它的书号,你可以找图书馆管理员,他会很乐意帮助你的。 二、语法 1. 情态动词 can, may, must can, may, must 是英语中最常用的几个情态动词。它们本身不表示动作,只是说明“能不能”,“可不可以”,“应该不应该”等等;表示动作的是它们后面的原形动词。 can, may, must 没有人称变化,在句子中通常不重读,但在句首或句末时却应重读。 1) can(重读,k*n,,弱读 ,k2n,)表示能力或可能性(即客观上是否允许),例如: Who can translate the sentence into English?(能力) Can you say that in English? Yes, I can(能力) I can come again tonight(可能性) can 的否定形式是 cannot,口语中多缩合为 can't。 2) may 表示“可以”,多用在问句中来征求对方的许可,在回答时多半不用它,以免显得不客气,例如: May I come in? Yes, please. May I borrow your pen? Certainly (当然). May (Can) we take the books out? Please don't. may 也可用在陈述句中,表示“许可”,例如: You may (can) go now. 在许多场合下 can 可以代替 may, 特别是在和较熟的人说话的时候。 3) must (重读,m7st,,弱读,m2st, )表示“必须”, “应该”,例如: We must speak more English.(我们应当更多地说英语。) You must all come early tomorrow morning.(你们明天上午都必须早来。) 在回答以must引起的问句时,否定的回答要用 needn't (不必),例如: Must we hand in the exercise books today? Yes, you must. No, you needn't. must 的否定形式是 must not, 常缩合为 mustn't,表示“不许可”“禁止”的意思,例如: You mustn't take the books out. (你们不准把书拿出去。) 注意:情态动词本身即可说明将来的情况,因此前面不要再加助动词 shall 或 will, 例如: May I do it tomorrow? We must go and cheer for our team this afternoon. 2. 不定代词 some, any, no some, any, no 是不定代词。some, any 是“一些”的意思; some 一般地用于肯定句, any 用于疑问句及否定句, 例如: Let's put up some new pictures. There aren't any pictures on that wall. Have you any questions? no 可用来代替 not any, 例如: I have no (= I haven't any) questions. There are no (= There aren't any) new words in this paragraph. 另外, some, any, no 还和 body, one, thing 构成合成代词: somebody anybody nobody someone anyone no one something anything nothing 和 some, any, no 一样,由 some 构成的合成代词通常用于肯定句, 由any构成的合成代词用于否定句和疑问句,由 no 构成的合成代词用于否定句, 例如: Somebody (= Someone) wants to see you. Can anyone (= anybody) answer the question in English? I don't know anybody in town. No one (= Nobody) will be here tonight. She is writing something for the wall newspaper. Does Robert know anything about it? I know nothing (= don't know anything) about it. 这些词用作主语时动词都用第三人称单数形式。 注: every 也可以构成这类合成代词: everybody, everyone, everything。 例如: We must get everything ready tonight. Everybody (= Everyone) wants to read that book. 三、对话 CLEANING — It's time to clean our room. We must do a good job. — Yes, we must. Let me clean the windows. I can do windows very quickly. — All right. Then I'll sweep the floor. Yang Ling can dust the desks and chairs and Wu Ying will take care of the radiators. — Those pictures are rather old. Let's take them down and put up some new ones. — That's a good idea. 扫除 — 是打扫咱们房间的时候了,我们一定要把它做好。 — 对,一定要做好。让我来擦玻璃吧,我能擦得很快。 — 好的。我来扫地。杨玲擦桌椅,吴英负责暖气片。 — 那些画太旧了,咱们把它们取下来,换上几张新的吧, 第十九课 一、课文 NIGHTINGALE Florence Nightingale came from a rich family and was very pretty. In her family, young girls usually spent their time going to parties until they married rich young men. But Florence found parties boring; she wanted to be a nurse. Finally, in 1850, when she was 30, her parents accepted her decision. So she went to study in a hospital in Germany. Then she was in charge of a nursing-home for women in London. Soon she was asked to go to the Crimea to take charge of the wounded soldiers. The conditions in the Crimean hospital were terrible. Forty per cent of the patients died. Certain beds seemed fatal: soldiers died in them after two days. Nightingale decided that this was because of bad drains, and insisted that the government do something about it. Workmen put in a proper drainage system and supplied pure drinking water. The death rate dropped to two percent. On her return to England people greeted Florence Nightingale as a heroine. She was an important force in the movement to reform hospitals and nursing in England. By 1900 unsafe hospitals and ignorant nurses were things of the past. 南丁格尔 弗罗伦斯•南丁格尔出身于富有家庭,相貌俊俏。在像她这样的家庭里,年轻女子总是把时间打发在舞会上,直到嫁给富家子弟。但是弗罗伦斯觉得舞会无聊;她想当护士。1850年她三十岁的时候,她父母终于接受了她的抉择。她这才得以到德意志的一所医院里学习。后来她在伦敦负责一家妇女护理院。不久就被派到克里米亚照顾伤员。 克里米亚医院的条件非常糟糕。百分之四十的病人在医院里死去。有些床位似乎是致命的:士兵在床上呆两天就死去。南丁格尔认为这是由于恶劣的排污状况引起的。她主张政府要设法改变这种状况。工人安装了合适的排水装置,提供纯净的饮用水。死亡率下降到百分之二。当她返回英国时,人们把弗罗伦斯•南丁格尔作为女英雄来欢迎。她是英国医院改革及护理运动中一个重要的推动力。到1900年,不保险的医院与无知的护士都不存在了。 二、语法 一般过去时 一般过去时是用来表示过去发生的事情或存在的情况的,例如: We worked in the countryside last month. (我们上月在乡下劳动。) Lu Hsun lived in this house forty years ago. (鲁迅四十年前曾住过这所房子。) I came to Peking in 1955. (我是1955年来到北京的。) She was in the army when I first met her. (当我第一次碰见她的时候,她在部队里工作。) 注意:即使刚刚发生的情况,通常也要用一般过去时,例如: She was here a moment (一会儿) ago. (她刚才还在这里。) I got the letter this morning. (我今天早上收到这封信。) 在单句中常与一般过去时连用的时间状语有: last night(week, month, year, Friday), yesterday, the day before yesterday (前天),yesterday morning(afternoon, evening), at that time, in 1921, before liberation (解放), an hour(two days, a few weeks, three years) ago, etc. 一般过去时是由动词的过去式表示的。大多数动词的过去式是动词原形加词尾 -ed 构成,这种动词称为规则动词。词尾 -ed 的加法如下: 1) 一般情况直接加ed: work?worked, play?played 2) 以 e 结尾的词只加d: live?lived, dance?danced 3) 以“辅音字母 + y”结尾的词,变 y 为 i 再加 -ed: study?studied, carry?carried 4) 以重读闭音节结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母的词,先将这字母双写, 再加 -ed: chat?chatted, plan?planned -ed 的读音规则是: 1) 在清辅音后一般读 [t]: looked [lukt], helped [helpt] 2) 在浊辅音及元音后一般读[d]: listened[#lisnd], borrowed[#b0r2ud] 3) 在[t],[d]后读[id]: planted[#pl4:ntid], handed[#h*ndid] 此外, 有很多动词不以末尾加 -ed 的方式构成过去时,这种动词称为不规则动词: 1) be 的过去式有 was, were 两个形式, was 用于第一、第三人称单数,其他情况用 were。动词过去式除be以外都没有人称变化。 2) 情态动词 can, may, must 的过去式分别为could[kud], might [mait] 和 must。 3) 其他已学过的不规则动词的过去式列表如下: begin?began bring?brought come?came do?did fly?flew get?got give?gave go?went have?had hear?heard keep?kept know?knew leave?left let?let make?made meet?met pay?paid put?put read?read[red] say?said[sed] see?saw set?set sing?sang sit?sat sleep?slept speak?spoke stand?stood sweep?swept take?took teach?taught tell?told write?wrote 一般动词一般过去时的肯定式、否定式和疑问式 肯定式: I(You/He/She/We/You/They) worked there. 否定式: I(You/He/She/We/You/They) didn’t work there. 疑问式: Did I(you/he/she/we/you/they) work there? 动词 be一般过去时的肯定式、否定式和疑问式 肯定式: I(He/She) was there. You(We/They) were there. 否定式: I(He/She) wasn't there. You(We/They) weren't there. 疑问式: Was I(he/she) there? Were you(we/they) there? 注: didn't 是 did not 的缩合形式,wasn't和 weren't分别为 was not 和 were not 的缩合形式。 三、对话 AFTER THE TEST — How did you do in yesterday's test? —Not very well, I'm afraid. I made a mistake in grammar and two spelling mistakes. I wasn't careful enough. — We all make mistakes. But we can learn from our mistakes, can't we? — How did you do? Did you get everything right? — I didn't make any mistakes, but my handwriting was poor. My teacher told me to pay more attention to that. 测验之后 — 昨天的测验你做得怎么样, — 恐怕不是很好。我语法上错了一处,还错了两处拼写。我不够细心。 — 我们都会犯错的。但从错误中能吸取教训,是不是, — 你做得怎么样,都做对了吗, — 我一个错都没有出,但是字写得太差了。老师让我多注意书写。 第二十课 一、课文 LADY GODIVA Godiva was the beautiful wife of the Lord of Coventry. She lived in the eleventh century. According to an old legend, the Lord taxed the people of Coventry heavily and unjustly. If they did not pay those cruel taxes, they were thrown into prison. Lady Godiva asked her husband to have mercy on the people, but her stony-hearted husband showed no pity. Again and again she asked him to be merciful, until at last, he answered jokingly, "I will do what you ask only if you will ride naked through the streets of Coventry at noon." Lady Godiva rode naked through the empty streets of Coventry the next day. Every door was closed and every window was shuttered. The Lord kept his promise, and lightened the burden of taxes that he laid upon the citizens. Only one man, a tailor, had watched Lady Godiva as she rode through the streets. He cut a small hole in the door of his house, and peeped through this hole. The legend says that he became blind, and he has been known ever since as Peeping Tom. 葛黛瓦夫人 葛黛瓦是考文垂勋爵的漂亮太太。她生活在十一世纪。 根据古老的传说,勋爵摊在考文垂人身上的税既重又不公平。如果人们付不出这些苛捐杂税,就会被投入监狱。 葛黛瓦夫人恳求丈夫给人们一些怜悯,但她的铁石心肠的丈夫毫不动心。她一遍又一遍地恳求她丈夫宽厚些,直到最终,他开了个玩笑说:“如果你在中午一丝不挂骑着马穿过考文垂的大街小巷,你要我干什么我就干什么。” 第二天葛黛瓦夫人一丝不挂骑着马穿过了空无一人的街道。家家门窗紧闭。勋爵未食前言,减轻了他加在市民头上的税负。 葛黛瓦夫人骑着马穿过大街时,只有一个裁缝偷看了。他在房门上挖了一个洞。透过洞眼,他窥视、偷看。据传说他(因此)成了个瞎子。从此后,他就得名“扒眼汤姆”。 二、语法 1.简单句、并列句和复合句 句子可以分为简单句、并列句和复合句: 1) 简单句: 一个句子如果只包含一个主谓结构就是简单句,例如: I must pay attention to my spelling. 有时句子虽长, 但只有一个主谓结构, 仍是简单句, 例如: Yesterday we went to an exhibition on the life and work of Lenin, the great revolutionary leader of the working class. 有时一个句子有两个(或两个以上)并列的主语或谓语, 也仍然是简单句, 例如: There he was a leader of the student movement and took an active part in revolutionary work. Both the teachers and the students were very active in physical labour. Comrade Yang and I often study together and help each other. 2) 并列句: 一个句子如果包含两个或更多的互不依从的主谓结构, 就称为并列句。例如: He was always close to the people, and the people loved him. I didn't make any mistakes in the test, but my handwriting was poor. Some are walking by the lake, others are sitting on the benches and chatting. 并列的各个部分(即各个主谓结构)称为分句。各个分句用并列连词(如 and, but 等)连接;在上下文紧密联系的情况下也可不用连词, 而以逗号隔开(如上面第三句)。 3) 复合句: 一个句子中, 如果有一个或更多的成分是主谓结构, 这个句子就称为复合句。例如: I hope (希望) you will help me with my grammar. (作宾语) He took full notes while he read. (作状语) My idea is that we go by bicycle. (作表语) 这种作为一个句子成分的主谓结构称为从句(以别于主句,即全句的主要部分)。按照句法作用的不同,从句又可分为主语从句、宾语从句、定语从句、状语从句、表语从句等等。 注:如果一个并列句中某一分句是一个复合句,这种句子称为并列复合句。例如: He was very busy, but he said he would come. 2. 状语从句 英语中带状语从句的复合句是很多的。状语从句有的表示时间,有的表示原因、条件等等,因此也可以分为时间状语从句、条件状语从句、原因状语从句等等,例如: 时间状语从句: 1) After he finished school there, he went to the University of Kazan. We lived in the peasants' homes when we were in the countryside. She was in Nanjing before she came here. Every time the cock began to crow, he would shout: “Getup, you lazy bones!” 2) 条件状语从句: If you have any questions, write them on a slip of paper. 3) 原因状语从句: He didn't come to class because he was ill. 此外还有“结果”“目的”等等状语从句。状语从句大多数都由从属连词(如after, when, because, if 等)引起。由这种词引起的主谓结构不能成为独立的句子,只能作状语从句。连词在句中一般不重读,但在句首可以重读。 在使用状语从句时要注意: 1) 状语从句本身结构必须完整, 不能没有主语, 例如: After he took the medicine, he felt better. (吃了药之后他就感到好些了。) Come again when you have time. (有空的时候请再来。) 2) 状语从句如在主句的后面,可以不必用逗号隔开;如在主句之前, 一般要用逗号。例如: It was already eight o'clock when we got home. When we got home, it was already eight o'clock. 3) 在时间和条件状语从句中不用“一般将来时”, 而以“一般现在时”代替它, 例如: I'll tell her about that when I see her. Take the medicine before you go to bed. We'll go to the Summer Palace tomorrow if it doesn't rain. 三、对话 LI MING IS ILL — Why isn't Li Ming here today? Is he ill? — Yes, he is. He has a cold. — Did he go to see the doctor? — Yes, he went to the clinic this morning. The doctor said he had a fever and gave him some medicine. — How does he feel now? — He feels much better. His temperature is down, but he still has a headache. — Tell him not to worry about his studies. We'll help him to catch up when he's well. 李明病了 — 李明今天为什么没有来,他病了吗, — 是的,他病了。他得了感冒。 — 他去看医生了吗, — 去了,他今天早上去了诊所。医生说他发烧了,给他开了些药。 — 现在他感觉怎么样了, — 他觉得好多了。他的体温降下来了,但是头仍然疼。 — 告诉他不要担心学习。他好了以后我们会帮助他赶上来的。 第二十一课 一、课文 A DAY OF HARVESTING (A Page from a Student’sDiary) October 24. Today we began harvesting. We got up at daybreak, and after an early breakfast we started off for the rice fields. We got there after half an hour's walk. The fields around us looked like a golden sea. I have never seen anything so beautiful! We worked side by side with the farmers. At first some of us were rather Soon we slow. The farmers showed us how to cut the rice and how to tie the bundles. learned to work faster. We worked in three groups. "Faster, faster! We mustn't fall behind the others!" That was the thought in everybody's mind. Evening came before we realized it. We put down our sickles and looked at each other. Our clothes were wet with sweat. On every face there was a smile. We harvested thirty mu altogether. That was not bad for the first day. But tomorrow we shall certainly do better - much better. 收割的一日 (学生日记一则) 10月24日 我们今天开始收割。天刚亮我们就起了床,早早吃过早饭,就动身去稻田。走了半个小时便到达那里。 周围的稻田像一片金色的海洋,我从来没看见过如此美丽的景象!我们同社员们并肩劳动。开始我们有些人干得很慢。农民教我们如何割稻子,如何打捆,我们很快就学会了,干得就快起来了。 我们分三组干活。“快一点,再快点!不要落到别人后面!”每个人心里都这么想。 不知不觉已是黄昏时分了,我们放下镰刀,你看看我,我看看你,衣服都被汗水湿透了,每个人的脸上都挂着笑容。 我们总共割了三十亩稻田,这在第一天算是不错的了。明天我们肯定会干得好些,更好些。 二、语法 1.不定式短语的句法作用 不定式或不定式短语可以担任种种句子成分,它可以用作宾语、状语、定语,也可以构成复合宾语,也可以作主语、表语: 1) 作宾语: 在某些动词(如like, want, decide, remember, begin, learn 等)后面常可用不定式短语作宾语,例如: We learned to do farm work there. Don't forget to turn off the light before you go. They decided to have a sports meet on June 5. 在某些动词如 tell, show, know, teach后还可以用“疑问词(how, what, when, where 等)+不定式(短语)”作宾语,例如: I’llshowyouhowtodoit. Can you tell me how to get there? Shedidn’tknowwhere to get the book. 2) 构成复合宾语: ask, tell, want, help 等后可以用“名词(代词)+不定式(或不定 在某些动词如 式短语)”作宾语,例如: They helped the peasants to get in the crops. The teacher asked Wang Ying to translate the sentence. Tell him not to worry about his studies. 在另一些动词(如let, see, make, watch 等)后面也可用这种结构,但不用“to”,例如: The Party secretary’swords made me think. One night Kao Yupao saw the landlord steal into the courtyard. The parents watched the children dance. 3) 作定语: 不定式短语可以用作定语,一般都紧跟在它所修饰的名词后面: The landlord gave the farmhands little to eat. Have you any questions to ask? It’stimetostart for the fields. 4) 作状语: She will come to see you this evening. They went there to see a basket ball match. 5) 作主语或表语: It is good to do morning exercises every day. (作主语) My idea is to do the work in small groups.(作表语) 2.介词用法小结 英语介词很多,每个介词又有很多用法,根据词义大体上可以归纳为三类。 1) 表示位置关系的介词,例如: in(在内): What is there in the desk? He will speak about the political situation in Africa. on(在上面): Put the knife on that table. The students’rooms are on the second floor. at(在某地点): Let’s meet at the bus stop. A table stands at the window. out of(出来): Some Pioneers are coming out of a park. into(进入): Let’s go into the auditorium. around(在周围): We are going to plant trees around the lake. behind(在后面): Who sits behind you? above(在上方): There is a picture above the blackboard. under(在下方): The children are playing under a huge pine tree. near(在附近): He is from a small town near Nanking. between(在两者中间): There is going to be a football match between our college team and the Peking University team. by(靠近,在旁): Come and sit by me. from(从,离): The park isn’t far from our school. to(到): Are you going to the concert on Sunday? : 2) 表示时间关系的介词,例如 in(在一段时间内): in the morning, in August, in winter, in 1961 (在一段时间后): in a few days, in two years on(在某一天等): on October 1, on weekdays, on Saturday evening at (在某时刻): at five o'clock, at a quarter to two, at that time, at dawn, at noon, at midnight after(在„„之后): after breakfast, after class, after a week of work before(在„„之前): before 12 o'clock, before Tuesday, before liberation for(延续多久): for an hour, for three hours and a half, for a year from...till或from...to(从某时起到某时止): from morning till night, from half past two to six o’clock 3)表示其他关系的介词,例如: with(和„„在一起): Who will go with me? for(为了,作„„之用): We study for the people. of(表示所有关系或部分与整体的关系): students of new China, some of you, three of them in(在„„中): Women play an important part in our socialist construction. besides(除了): Besides English newspapers, we have newspapers from many other countries. like(像): The people's commune is like the morning sun. about(关于): This is a story about Africa. 此外,介词常和其他词构成固定的词组,如go for a walk, go by bicycle, wait for, look for, listen to 等。这些应分别加以记忆。 三、对话 AFTER SUPPER — What time is it now, Zhang Ling? Will there be enough time for a bath? — Yes, I think so. It's half past six. There is still half an hour to go. But you'd better hurry up. Our study group is meeting at seven. — Don't worry. I'll be back in twenty minutes. Don't forget to turn off the light before you go. 晚饭之后 — 张玲,现在几点了,洗个澡时间还够吗, — 是,我想还够。现在是六点半,还剩半个小时。但你最好赶快,我们学习小组七点开会。 — 放心吧,我二十分钟内回来。你走之前别忘了关上灯。 第二十二课 一、课文 TOURISM Modern means of transportation, communication, advertising and credit have all played a part in the growth of a giant new industry, tourism. Tourism is a service industry. It does not sell a product that you can own but provides services on a temporary basis. The customer gets such things as a seat on a plane, a room in a hotel, and a chance to sit on a beach in the sunshine. Until modern times, a trip was often a long and difficult adventure. People had to travel by horse or camel or on foot. The first development in modern transportation was the steamship. More recently, automobiles and planes have made travel both faster and more convenient. Advertising has played a large part in the growth of tourism, when hotels and travel agencies began to advertise the attractions of different tourist areas, the airlines and other transportation companies advertised the low fares to reach them. Modern means of communication have enabled the travellers to reserve a plane seat or a hotel room from a long distance. And they can travel now and pay later by using their credit cards. All these means have become one of the features of modern life. 旅游业 现代交通、通信、广告以及信用手段对新兴的庞大的行业——旅游业的发展起到了作用。旅游业是一种服务业。它并不出售你可以拥有的产品,而是提供暂时的服务。顾客可以得到诸如飞机上的座位、旅馆里的房间以及在海滩晒太阳的机会。 直到近代,旅行还常常是个漫长而又艰难的历险。人们不得不靠着骑马、骑骆驼或步行去旅行。现代交通工具的首次飞跃是轮船。在最近些时候,汽车和飞机使旅行变得既快又方便。 广告业对旅游业的发展起了很大作用。当旅馆和旅行社做旅游胜地的广告时,航空公司和其他运输公司就做开了到达这些地方的便宜票的广告。现代通信手段使得游客可以从遥远的地方预定机座和旅馆房间。他们可以先旅行然后再用信用卡付帐。所有这些手段都形成了现代生活的特色之一。 二、语法 1. 现在完成时 现在完成时主要有三种用法: 1) 表示一个已经发生但对现在情况有影响的动作,例如: He has gone to town. 他进城去了。(说明他现在不在这里。) Someone has turned off the light. 有人把灯关了。(说明现在房里是黑的。) We have planted some trees around the building. 我们在楼周围种了些树。(说明现在房子的周围有树了。) 2) 表示从过去某时到现在这段时间中发生的事情,例如: We have learned six hundred words this term. 我们这学期学了600个单词。(说明学期开始到现在这段时期发生的事情。) They have built hundreds of houses in the past three years. 三年以来他们修建了千百座房子。(说明过去三年里发生的情况。) Great changes have taken place in China since liberation. 解放以来中国发生了巨大的变化。(说明从解放到现在发生的情况。) 3) 表示一个由过去某时继续到现在的动作或状态,例如: I have lived here for four years. 我在这里住四年了。 He has been in the People's Liberation Army since 1945. 他从1945年起就一直在人民解放军里。 注: 只有少数动词(如 live, work, study, wait , be 等)适用于第三种情况。 现在完成时是由“助动词have (has) 加过去分词”构成的。规则动词的过去分词和过去式形态相同,例如: 原形 过去式 过去分词 live lived lived study studied studied plan planned planned 不规则动词的过去分词有各种不同的形式。现将学过的不规则动词的过去式和过去分词形式列表如下: 原形/过去式/过去分词 be/was,were/been begin/began/begun bring/brought/brought build/built/built buy/bought/bought catch/caught/caught cut/cut/cut do/did/done eat/ate/eaten fall/fell/fallen feel/felt/felt forget/forgot/forgotten get/got/got give/gave/given go/went/gone have/had/had hear/heard/heard keep/kept/kept know/knew/known lead/led/led let/let/let pay/paid/paid make/made/made meet/met/met put/put/put read/read/read run/ran/run say/said/said see/saw/seen sell/sold/sold set/set/set show/showed/shown sing/sang/sung sit/sat/sat sleep/slept/slept speak/spoke/spoken spring/sprang/sprung stand/stood/stood steal/stole/stolen sweep/swept/swept take/took/taken teach/taught/taught tell/told/told write/wrote/written 2. 现在完成时和一般过去时的比较 一般过去时表示过去发生的事情,现在完成时也表示过去发生的事情,但两者 的着重点不同。一般过去时只表示过去发生的事情本身,不涉及与现在的关系;现 在完成时则强调过去某事对现在造成的影响,主要是在说明现在的情况。 现在完成时: I have seen the film. (说明对影片内容是了解的。) Who has opened the window? (窗子现在是开着的。) How long has she worked there? (问到现在为止工作了多久。) 一般过去时: I saw the film in Shanghai. (说明当时看电影的地点。) Who opened the window? (曾经有人打开过窗子,但现在可能又关上了。) How long did she work there? (问过去在那里工作了一段多长的时间。) 有时同一动作,由于说话目的不同,可能用不同的时态,例如: Have you had your breakfast? Yes, I have. Where did you have your breakfast? I had it in town. 谈的都是“吃早饭”这一动作,但前后用了两种时态,这是因为说第一句话时想到的是现在的情况(“如果还没有吃,就在这里吃。”),而后面那句只问及动作本身。 以上是两个时态的基本区别。另外,有时还可从时间状语的使用上来判断该用哪个时态。只要用了表示过去某一时间的状语,就一概不能用现在完成时,因为这些状语使我们想到的是过去的情况,而不是现在的情况。用现在完成时的句子,或是不包含时间状语,或是包含下面这类状语: 1) already, (not) yet, just, never, ever 等表示不定时间的状语: He has just come back from the Soviet Union. She hasn't finished her work yet. Have you ever seen that picture? 2) 表示包括现在在内的过去一段时间的状语,如: today, this morning, this week, since 1943,since liberation, for three months, for a long time, in the past few years 等: We have had two classes this morning. (说这话时还是上午。) They have been close friends ever since 1943. She has made great progress in the past few months. I haven't seen him for a long time. 注: have gone 指“到某地去了”(现在还在那里),如果说“去过某地,而现在已经回来”, 要用 have been 表示。例如: Where have you been? — I've been to the co-op. Has she ever been to Nanjing? — No, she hasn't. 现完成时的肯定式、否定式和疑问式 肯定式: I(You/We/They) have read it. He(She) has read it. 否定式: I(You/We/They) haven’t read it. He(She)hasn’treadit. 疑问式: Have I(you/we/they) read it. Has he(she) read it. 三、对话 SHOPPING — Hello, you two. Where have you been? — We've just been to the shop. — What did you buy? — I bought some envelopes and a bottle of ink. — How much is the ink? — Twenty-three cents. — I must go and get a bottle too. I've run out of ink. 购物 — 嗨,你们两个,去哪儿了, — 我们刚刚去商店了。 — 买什么了, — 我买了一些信封和一瓶墨水。 — 墨水多少钱一瓶, — 两毛三。 — 我也得去买一瓶。我的墨水用完了。 第二十三课 一、课文 TWO FRIENDS AND THE BEAR Two friends were travelling together through a forest. One of them said, "If we meet any wild beasts, I'll help you and you'll help me." "That's fine," said his friend, and they walked on. Suddenly a big bear ran out from behind a tree. The man who said he would help his friend at once got up a tree and hid himself among the leaves. The other man could not climb trees. So he threw himself on the ground, closed his eyes and pretended to be dead. The bear came up and sniffed at the man's head. It put its nose close to his mouth and ears. The man held his breath. The bear thought he was dead and walked away, touch dead men. for bears never When the bear was gone, and all was safe, the man in the tree came down. With a smile, he asked his friend, "What did the bear tell you when he put his nose so close to your ears?" "Well," said his friend, "the bear said, 'Don't trust those who leave their friends the moment they get into difficulty!'" 两个朋友和熊 两个朋友在一道旅行,穿过一座森林。其中一人说:“要是碰到野兽,我就帮助你,你也要帮助我。”“好的,”他的朋友说。接着,他们继续往前走。 突然,一只大熊从一棵树后面跑出来。那个说要帮助他朋友的人马上爬到树上,把自己藏在树叶丛里。另外一人不会爬树,于是便倒在地上,闭住眼睛装死。 熊走过来,闻闻这个人的头,又把鼻子凑近他的嘴和耳朵。这人屏住呼吸。熊以为他已经死去,便走开了,因为熊从来不碰死人。 熊走了,一切都平安无事了。树上的人爬了下来,他笑嘻嘻地问他朋友:“熊把鼻子凑到你耳朵旁,跟你说了些什么?” “噢”,他的朋友答道:“熊说,不要信任那些一遇困难就背弃朋友的人。” (摘自《伊索寓言》) 二、语法 选择问句 提出两种情况,需要弄清哪一种对,用选择问句,例如: Is he British or American? (他是英国人还是美国人?) 这种问句的语序和一般问句相同,并列的两部分用连词 or 连接起来,但须注意 or 连接的是句法作用相同的成分,例如: Are you going by boat or by bus? (状语) (I’mgoing by boat.) Do you want this book or that one? (宾语) (I want that one.) Is it an English film or (a) French (film)? (表语) (It’sanEnglish film.) Shall I keep the book or pass it on to (传给) Jack? (谓语) (Please pass it on to Jack.) 三、对话 IN THE DINING-ROOM — What are we going to have for lunch? — Fish, vegetables and egg soup. — Are we going to have rice or steamed bread? — Both, I think. And there'll be noodles too. — Shall I go and get the dishes? — Yes, please. And I'll get the bowls, spoons and chopsticks. 在饭厅 — 我们午餐吃什么, — 鱼、蔬菜和鸡蛋汤。 — 吃米饭还是吃馒头, — 我想都有吧。而且面条也有。 — 我去拿碟子吧, — 好的,我去拿碗、勺子和筷子。 第二十四课 一、课文 INSPECTOR HORNBERG VISITS A SCHOOL The classroom was very quiet. Outside, the leafless trees were white with the first snowfall. But not one pair of eyes strayed from the history books which twenty-five little girls were studying so earnestly. This was the year 1877, and the school was in Warsaw, Poland. A large part of Poland had been conquered by Russia. The Russian Tsar would not allow Polish children to study the history of their own country or even their own language. But here the teacher and her pupils were doing just that, although the Russians had spies everywhere in Warsaw. Among the children was Manya Sklodovska. She was a very bright pupil. She was deep in the book she was reading. Suddenly there came the faint sound of a bell. Manya listened fearfully. Was it the signal? Yes! Two long rings, two short rings. Every head came up. Quick hands grabbed all the Polish history books off the desks, and hid them away. The girls swiftly took sewing materials from their desks. They began to embroider little squares of cloth. The outer door opened. There stood Inspector Hornberg. Hornberg had been put in charge by the Russians of the private schools of Warsaw. He was a heavy man in a tight-fitting yellow and blue uniform. With him was Mademoiselle Sikorska, the head of the school. "We have two sewing classes a week, Mr. Inspector," explained Mademoiselle Tupalska, the teacher. "I read to the children while they work." "And what have you been reading to your pupils, Mademoiselle?" Inspector Hornberg demanded. She held up the book. "Russian fairy tales," she said. The inspector gave a grunt of approval. "Now," he said, "I should like to question one of your pupils." "Manya Sklodovska, please stand up," the teacher said quietly. Manya rose from her seat without a word, trying not to tremble. "Recite the Lord's Prayer - in Russian," Inspector Hornberg ordered. Manya recited the prayer in a low voice, careful not to show her feelings. "Now name the members of the Imperial Russian Family." Manya gave the names. "Now tell me," Hornberg demanded, "who is our ruler?" Manya's face went pale. She opened her mouth, but the words would not come. "So, my little Polish patriot, you do not wish to tell me who rules over us," the Russian inspector said. "Answer me!" "His Majesty Alexander?, Tsar of All the Russias," she said. But her voice was trembling. "That's more like it," Hornberg rose from his chair. "Now Mademoiselle Sikorska, I wish to visit one of the other classes." "Certainly, Mr. Inspector," Mademoiselle Sikorska answered. When the door had closed upon them, the schoolgirls began to stir. Without a word, the teacher put her arms around Manya and kissed her. Manya was in tears. 霍恩伯格督学查看学校 教室里鸦雀无声。窗外,一场初雪给光秃秃的树裹上了素装。25个小女孩正在认真地学习历史,没有一双眼睛离开课本。 这是1877年,波兰华沙的一所学校。当时波兰大部分地区已经被俄国占领。俄国沙皇不允许波兰儿童学习本国的历史,甚至不许他们学习本族语言。但是,此时此地老师和她的学生们正在学习波兰历史,尽管俄国人在华沙各处都有密探。 玛妮雅•斯克洛道夫斯卡就在这些孩子当中。她是一位非常聪明的学生,这时正在全神贯注地读书。突然,传来了微弱的铃声,玛妮雅惊恐地听着。这是那信号吗,是的~两长两短的铃声。 女孩子们个个都抬起头来,双手敏捷地从课桌上抓起波兰历史课本就藏了起来,然后迅速地从课桌里拿出缝纫材料,开始在小方布上绣花。 外面的门开了,霍恩伯格督学站在那里。 俄国人指派霍恩伯格负责华沙的私立学校。他笨重的身体紧裹在黄蓝相间的制服里。陪同他的是学校的校长,西科尔斯卡小姐。 “我们每周有两次缝纫课,督学先生,”老师图帕斯卡小姐解释说,“孩子们工作的时候,我就给她们读书。” “那么你刚才给你的学生读了些什么,小姐?”霍恩伯格督学严厉地问道。 她举起书本,说:“俄罗斯童话。” 督学咕哝着表示赞同。“那么,”他说,“我要问你的学生一些问题。” “玛妮雅•斯克洛道夫斯卡,请站起来,”老师平静地说。 玛妮雅默默地从座位上站起来,尽量克制不颤抖。 “背诵主祷文,要用俄语,”霍恩伯格督学命令道。 玛妮雅低声背诵了主祷文,谨慎地不流露自己的感情。 “说出俄帝国皇室成员的名字。” 玛妮雅说出了他们的名字。 “现在告诉我,”霍恩伯格命令道,“谁是我们的统治者?” 玛妮雅脸色变得苍白,她张开口,但没有讲出话来。 “那么我的波兰小爱国者,你还不想告诉我是谁统治我们,”俄国督学说。“回答我!” “全俄沙皇亚历山大二世皇帝陛下,”她说了,但是声音在颤抖。 这还差不多,”霍恩伯格从椅子上站起来。“西科尔斯卡小姐,我想去看 “ 看另外的班。” “请吧,督学先生,”西科尔斯卡小姐回答。 教室的门在他们身后关上了。女学生们开始活跃起来。老师默默无言地抱住玛妮雅,吻了吻她。玛妮雅的眼里噙着泪水。 二、语法 1(几种标点符号的基本用法 1. 一个句子末尾必须有一个句号(full stop), 问号 (question mark) 或惊叹号 (exclamatory mark)。问句后用问号,惊叹句后用惊叹号,其他情况用句号。例如: What do you see over there? What a beautiful city Beijing is! There are still five minutes to go. 注意:1) 英文句号要用实心点,不要用小圈。 2) 直接引语如果是问句或惊叹句,尽管后面跟有 he said 这样的话,仍然可以用问或惊叹号,例如: “AreyoufromtheSouth?”heasked. “Whatawonderful film this is!”sheexclaimed. 但引语如果是陈述句,则末尾不用句号,而用逗号,例如: “I'll be back in a minute,”hesaid. 3) 间接引语内的问句不要用问号。例如: He asked where that man was. 2. 逗号(comma) 用在句子中间,表示一定的停顿: 1) 用在位于句首的状语从句后。例如: When I got there, they were already in the fields. (比较They were already in the fields when I got there.) 2) 用在并列句内的分句之间。例如: We were rather slow at first, but soon we learnt to work faster. 3) 用在一个句子的各并列成分之间,例如: She bought a towel, some soap, a bottle of ink, a pair of socks and some envelopes.(连接并列的宾语) Tom jumped out of bed, put on his clothes, ate his breakfast and then went to school.(连接并列的谓语) 注意:最后两个并列成分间多用and 连接,一般不加逗号。 4) 用在同位语和插入语的前后,例如: Comrade Wang, head of the English Department, is going to speak to us tonight.(同位语) This book, I'm sure, will be a great success.(插入语) 5) 用在其他场合,例如: Yes, I was there. He was born on April 2, 1940. 注意: 汉语中逗号的使用比英语广泛,汉语用逗号收尾的地方,在英语中往往独立成句,末尾要用句号。例如: 今晚有电影,你去吗? There'll be a film tonight. (这时不能用逗号) Are you going? 这是一个星期六的下午,操场上有成千的学生,运动会就要开始了。 It was a Saturday afternoon. There were hundreds and hundreds of students on the sportsground. The sports meet was about to begin. (原文两处逗号,译文都用句号。) 2(大写规则 大写的主要规则如下: 1) 一个句子的第一个词一律要大写(指这个词的第一个字母,下同)。 2) 专有名词要大写,但里面的虚词(即冠词、连词、介词)一般不大写。例如: Long live the People's Republic of China! (the, of 不大写) 3) 由专有名词变来的形容词要大写。例如: Chinese, African 4) 书刊名称及文章标题要大写,但里面的虚词一般不大写。例如: U.S. News and World Report (and 不大写) 5) 诗歌和每一行第一个词要大写,不管这一行是否开始新的一句。 6) 月份及周日名称要大写,但四季名称不大写。例如: February, Tuesday (但 spring, summer不大写) 三、对话 (缺)
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