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3d英文快捷键(3D English shortcut key)


3d英文快捷键(3D English shortcut key)3d英文快捷键(3D English shortcut key) 3d英文快捷键(3D English shortcut key) 3D modify the command panel inside the command in English and Chinese 1111,,,, File New Reset reset Open "open" Save "save" Save As "save as" Save selected "save options" XRef Object...

3d英文快捷键(3D English shortcut key)
3d英文快捷键(3D English shortcut key) 3d英文快捷键(3D English shortcut key) 3D modify the command panel inside the command in English and Chinese 1111,,,, File New < New Construction > Reset reset Open "open" Save "save" Save As "save as" Save selected "save options" XRef Objects "external quoted object" XRef Scenes "external reference scenarios" Merge merger Merge Animation "merge animation action" Replace "replace" Import "input" Export "output" Export Selected "select output" Archive Archive Summary Info abstract information File Properties "file properties" View Image File "display image file" History "history" Exit exit 2222,,,, Edit < Menu > Menu > Undo or Redo "cancel / redo" Hold and fetch "reserved / quoted" Delete < delete > Clone cloning Select All "all options" Select None "empty choice" Select Invert "reverse selection" Select By "reference selection" Color color choice Name "name choice" Rectangular Region "rectangle selection" Circular Region "circle selection" Fabce Region "continuous point selection" Lasso Region "lasso selection" Region: "regional choice" Window contains Crossing intersection Named Selection Sets "named choice set" Object Properties "object properties" 3333,,,, Tools "tools, tools and tools" Transform Type-In keyboard input transformation Display Floater "window display floating dialog box" Selection Floater "selector float dialog box" Light Lister: list of lights Mirror mirror objects Array array Align "alignment" Snapshot snapshot Spacing Tool "spacing distribution tool" Normal Align "normal alignment" Align Camera "camera alignment" Align to View "window alignment" Place Highlight "placed high light" Isolate Selection "isolation selection" Rename Objects "Rename objects" 4444,,,, Group Group group Ungroup "undo group" Open open group Close < closed group > Attach "attachment." Detach "separation" Explode "disperse group" 5555,,,, Views Undo View Change/Redo View change "undo / redo window changes" Save Active View/Restore Active View "save / restore the current window" Viewport Configuration "window configuration" Grids grid 家〈显示栅格命令〉显示网格 激活主电网〈活跃原始栅格命令〉 网格物体〈活跃栅格物体命令〉 激活栅格〈栅格及视窗对齐命令〉 〈视窗背景〉视口背景 更新背景图像〈更新背景〉 重置背景变换〈重置背景变换〉 显示变换Gizmo〈显示变换坐标系〉 〈显示重橡〉显示鬼影 关键时候〈显示时间键〉 阴影选择〈选择亮显〉 显示依赖性〈显示关联物体〉 匹配相机视图〈相机与视窗匹配〉 现场〈增加场景缺省灯光〉添加默认灯光 重画所有视图〈重画所有视窗〉 激活所有贴图〈显示所有贴图〉 停用所有的地图〈关闭显示所有贴图〉 更新〈微调时实时显示〉在旋转阻力 自适应退化开关〈绑定适应消隐〉 专家模式〈专家模式〉 六六六六、、、、 创建〈〈〈〈创建创建创建创建〉〉〉〉 〈 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 图元〉标准原语 箱〈立方体〉 锥〈圆锥体〉 球〈球体〉 岩石圈〈三角面片球体〉 缸〈圆柱体〉 管〈管状体〉 环面〈圆环体〉 金字塔〈角锥体〉 平面〈平面〉 茶壶〈茶壶〉 扩展几何体〈扩展图元〉 〈多面体〉海德拉 环面纽结〈环面纽结体〉 〈斜切立方体〉槽盒 槽筒〈斜切圆柱体〉 油罐〈桶状体〉 胶囊〈角囊体〉 主轴〈纺锤体〉 L型〈L形体按钮〉 〈导角棱柱〉球棱柱 c-extrusion〈C形体按钮〉 环形波〈环状波〉 软管〈软管体〉 棱镜〈三棱柱〉 形状〈形状〉 线〈线条〉 文本〈文字〉 电弧〈弧〉 圆〈圆〉 甜甜圈〈圆环〉 椭圆〈椭圆〉 螺旋〈螺旋线〉 〈多边形〉多边形 矩形〈矩形〉 第〈截面〉 明星〈星型〉 灯〈灯光〉 目标聚光灯〈目标聚光灯〉 自由聚光灯〈自由聚光灯〉 目标平行光〈目标平行光〉 定向光〈平行光〉 泛光灯〈泛光灯〉 天窗〈天光〉 目标点光源〈目标指向点光源〉 自由点光源〈自由点光源〉 目标区域的光〈指向面光源〉 IES天空〈IES天光〉 太阳光〈IES阳光〉 阳光和日光〈太阳光及日光系统〉系统 相机〈相机〉 自由摄像机〈自由相机〉 目标摄像机〈目标相机〉 颗粒〈粒子系统〉 暴雪〈暴风雪系统〉 〈粒子阵列系统〉阵列 PCloud particle cloud system Snow snowflake system Spray "splash system" Super Spray super jet system 7777,,,, Modifiers Selection Modifiers "select modifier" Mesh Select "mesh selection modifier" Poly Select "polygon selection modifier" Patch Select "patch selection modifier" Spline Select "spline selection modifier" Volume Select "volume selection modifier" FFD Select "free deformation selection modifier" NURBS Surface Select "NURBS surface selection modifier" Patch/Spline Editing "patch / spline modifier": Edit Patch "patch modifier" Edit Spline "spline line modifier" Cross Section cross section modifier Surface surface modifier Delete Patch "delete patch modifier" Delete Spline "delete spline modifier" Lathe lathe modification Normalize Spline "normalization spline modifier" Fillet/Chamfer "round cut and bevel modifier. Trim/Extend "trim and extension modifiers" Mesh Editing "surface editing" Cap Holes "top hole editor" Delete Mesh edit mesh object editor Edit Normals edit normals editor Extrude extrusion editor Face Extrude "surface tension editor" Normal < normal editor > Optimize "optimization editor" Smooth "smoothing editor" STL Check < STL check editor > Symmetry symmetric editor Tessellate embedded editor Vertex Paint vertex shader editor Vertex Weld vertex welding editor Animation Modifiers "animation editor" Skin "skin editor" Morpher variant editor Flex flex editor Melt "melting editor" Linked XForm "linked reference Transformation Editor" Patch Deform "patch deformation editor" Path Deform "path deformation editor" Surf Deform "surface deformation editor" * Surf Deform "space deformation editor" UV Coordinates "mapping axis coordinate system" UVW Map < UVW texture editor > UVW Xform "UVW mapping reference Transformation Editor" Unwrap UVW "unfold texture editor" Camera Map "camera texture editor" * Camera Map environment camera texture editor Cache Tools "capture tool" Point Cache "point capture editor" Subdivision Surfaces "surface subdivision" MeshSmooth "surface smoothing editor" HSDS Modifier "Hierarchical Subdivision editor" Free Form Deformers "free form deformation tool" FFD 2 x 2 x 2/FFD 3 x 3 x 3/FFD 4 x 4 x 4 free deformation tools 2 x 2 x 2/3 x 3 x 3/4 x 4 x 4 FFD Box/FFD Cylinder "free deformation tool for box and cylinder" Parametric Deformers "parameter deformation tool" Bend bending Taper "taper" Twist "twist" Noise "noise" Stretch zoom Squeeze press Push "push" Relax relaxation Ripple "ripple" 波〈波浪〉 斜〈倾斜〉 片〈切片〉 球化〈球形扭曲〉 影响区域〈面域影响〉 格〈栅格〉 镜〈镜像〉 取代〈置换〉 器〈参考变换〉 保存〈保持〉 表面〈表面编辑〉 材料〈材质变换〉 通过元素〈元素材质变换〉材料 位移近似〈近似表面替换〉 〈NURBS面编辑〉NURBS编辑 表面选择〈NURBS表面选择〉 曲面变形〈表面变形编辑器〉 位移近似〈近似表面替换〉 辐射改性剂〈光能传递修改器〉 细分〈细分〉 细分〈超级细分〉 八八八八、、、、 性格〈〈〈〈角色人物角色人物角色人物角色人物〉〉〉〉 创建角色〈创建角色〉 破坏性〈删除角色〉 锁定/解锁〈锁住与解锁〉 插入字符〈插入角色〉 保存角色〈保存角色〉 骨制工具〈骨骼工具〉 设置蒙皮姿势〈调整皮肤姿势〉 假设皮肤造成〈还原姿势〉 皮肤的构成模式〈表面姿势模式〉 九九九九、、、、 动画〈〈〈〈动画动画动画动画〉〉〉〉 〈反向动力学〉IK解算器 嗨,求解〈非历史性控制器〉 〈历史性控制器〉HD解算器 IK肢体解算器〈反向动力学肢体控制器〉 splineik求解〈样条反向动力控制器〉 约束〈约束〉 附加约束〈附件约束〉 表面约束〈表面约束〉 路径约束〈路径约束〉 位置约束〈位置约束〉 链路约束〈连结约束〉 注视约束〈视觉跟随约束〉 方向约束〈方位约束〉 变换约束〈变换控制〉 链路约束〈连接约束〉 位置/旋转/缩放〈PRS控制器〉 〈变换控制脚本〉转换脚本 〈位置控制器〉位置控制器 音频〈音频控制器〉 贝塞尔〈贝塞尔曲线控制器〉 表达〈表达式控制器〉 线性〈线性控制器〉 运动捕捉〈动作捕捉〉 噪声〈燥波控制器〉 数(TC〈TCB控制器〉 反应器〈反应器〉 春天〈弹力控制器〉 脚本〈脚本控制器〉 XYZ〈XYZ位置控制器〉 附加约束〈附件约束〉 路径约束〈路径约束〉 位置约束〈位置约束〉 表面约束〈表面约束〉 〈旋转控制器〉旋转控制器 注:该命令工十一个子菜单菜单具体同位置控制器。 比例控制器〈比例缩放控制器〉注:该命令工十一个子菜单菜单具体 同位置控制器。 添加自定义属性〈加入用户属性〉 线参数〈参数绑定〉 线参数〈参数绑定〉 参数对话框〈参数绑定对话框〉布线 让〈创建预视〉预览 查看预览〈观看预视〉 〈重命名预视〉重命名预览 十十十十、、、、 Graph Editors "chart editor, chart editor, chart editor, chart editor" Track View-Curve Editor "trajectory window curve editor" Track View-Dope Sheet "trajectory window drawing chart editor" NEW Track View "new track window" Delete Track View "delete track window" Saved Track View "existing trace window" New Schematic View "new observation window" Delete Schematic View Saved Schematic View display window Eleven eleven eleven eleven,,,, Rendering "rendering, rendering, rendering" Render rendering Environment "environment" Effects effect Advanced Lighting "advanced lighting" Render To Texture "texture rendering" Raytracer Settings "ray tracing settings" Raytrace Global Include/Exclude "ray tracing selection" Activeshade Floater "active render window" Activeshade Viewport "active rendering window" Material Editor "material editor" Material/Map Browser "material / texture browser" Video Post "video post production" Show Last Rendering "display last render picture" RAM Player "RAM player" Shiershiershiershier,,,, Customize < user defined user defined user defined user defined > Customize custom user interface Load Custom UI Scheme "load custom user interface configuration" Save Custom UI Scheme "save custom user interface configuration" Revert to Startup Layout. Restore the initial interface Show UI "display user interface" Command Panel "command panel" Toolbars Panel "floating toolbar" Main Toolbar "main toolbar" Tab Panel tab panel Track Bar "trace bars" Lock UI Layout "locking user interface" Configure Paths "set path" Units Setup "unit settings" Grid and Snap Settings "grid and capture settings" Viewport Configuration "window configuration" Plug-in Manager plugin management Preferences parameter selection Shisanshisanshisanshisan,,,, MAXScript < < MAX script script > > New Script "new script" Open Script. Open script Run Script < running script > MAXScript Listener < MAX script editor > Macro Recorder "macro recorder" Visual MAXScript Editer "visual MAX script editor" Fourteen fourteen fourteen fourteen,,,, Help "help help help." User Referebce "user reference" MAXScript Referebce < MAX script reference > Utorials tutorial Hotkey Map "hotkey diagram" Additional Help "additional help" 3ds Max on the Web "3ds Max web pages" Plug plugin information Authorize 3ds Max "authorization" About 3ds Max "on 3DS MAX" 3DMAX modifier in Chinese and English -- modify the surface MESH SELECT grid selects POLY SELECT Polygon select PATCH SELECT Patch selection SPLINE SELECT FFD SELECT FFD selection for spline selection SELECT BY CHANNEL by channel selection SURFACE SELECT (NSURF SEL) NURBS surface selection PATCH/SPLINE EDITING patch / spline editing 编辑面片编辑面片 编辑样条编辑样条线 截面横截面 表面曲面 删除补丁删除面片 删除样条删除样条线 车床车削 规格化样条线法线 圆角、倒角圆角/切角 修剪/延伸修剪/延伸 可渲染样条可渲染样条线 扫扫描网格编辑网格编辑 删除网格删除网格编辑网格编辑网格 聚编辑多边形编辑 挤出挤出 脸上挤出面挤出 正常法线 光滑的平滑 锥倒角 轮廓倒角倒角剖面 细分细化 STL STL检查检查 盖孔补洞 vertexpaint顶点绘制 优化优化 多分辨率分辨分析 顶点焊接顶点焊接 对称对称 编辑法线编辑法线 可编辑多边形可编辑多边形 编辑几何编辑几何体 细分曲面细分曲面 细分置换细分位移 绘制变形绘制变形 转换转化 转聚转换为多边形 把补丁转换为面片 转为网格转换为网格 动画修改动画 信封编辑封套编辑 权重属性重量特性 镜像参数镜参数 显示显示 先进的参数高级参数 该变形器 变形变形器 颜色通道通道颜色图例 全局参数全局参数 频道列表通道列表 信道参数通道参数 先进的参数高级参数 Flex柔体参数参数 简单的柔体简章软体 权重和绘画权重和绘制 力和偏转力和导向器 先进的参数高级参数 先进的弹簧高级弹力线 熔体融化 链接器链接变换 面片变形面片变形 路径变形路径变形 曲面变形曲面变形 面片变形(WSM)面片变形(WSM) 路径变形(WSM)路径变形(WSM) 曲面变形(WSM)曲面变形(WSM) 皮肤变形蒙皮变形 皮肤包裹蒙皮包裹 皮肤包块蒙皮包裹面片 样条IK IK控制样条线控制 人属性承载器属性 紫外UV坐标改坐标修改器 贴图UVW贴图贴图坐标 展开Unwrap UVW UVW贴图坐标变换的UVW变换 mapscaler(WSM)贴图缩放器(WSM) mapscaler贴图缩放器 (OSM)相机地图摄影机贴图 相机地图(WSM)摄影机贴图(WSM) 表面贴图(WSM)曲面贴图(WSM) 投影投影 UVW贴图添加UVW贴图添加 清晰的UVW贴图清除UVW贴图 缓存工具缓存工具 点缓存点缓存 点缓存(WSM)点缓存(WSM) 细分曲面细分曲面 涡轮涡轮平滑 网格平滑网格平滑 HSDS修改HSDS修改器 自由变形自由形式变形 FFD修改器FFD修改 FFD盒/筒FFD长方形/圆柱体 参数化修改器参数修饰符 弯曲弯曲锥锥化
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