首页 三年制中职《英语》教学大纲 2011年修订

三年制中职《英语》教学大纲 2011年修订


三年制中职《英语》教学大纲 2011年修订三年制中职《英语》教学大纲 2011年修订 三年制中职 《英语》教学大纲 徐州机电工程高等职业学校 基础部 二0一一年八月 1 三年制中职《英语》教学大纲 适用专业 中职各专业 学 时 44-152 学 分 2.4-8.4 第一部分 课程说明 课程代码:110303-1 课程名称:英语 使用教材:《英语》第一册(江苏省中等职业学校试用教材),江苏教育出版社。 开课学期:第一、二学期 课程类型:公共基础课程 课程的性质和任务: 英语是世界通用语言之一,是国际交流的重要工具。随着社会的...

三年制中职《英语》教学大纲 2011年修订
三年制中职《英语》教学大纲 2011年修订 三年制中职 《英语》教学大纲 徐州机电工程高等职业学校 基础部 二0一一年八月 1 三年制中职《英语》教学大纲 适用专业 中职各专业 学 时 44-152 学 分 2.4-8.4 第一部分 课程 说明 关于失联党员情况说明岗位说明总经理岗位说明书会计岗位说明书行政主管岗位说明书 课程代码:110303-1 课程名称:英语 使用教材:《英语》第一册(江苏省中等职业学校试用教材),江苏教育出版社。 开课学期:第一、二学期 课程类型:公共基础课程 课程的性质和任务: 英语是世界通用语言之一,是国际交流的重要工具。随着社会的发展进步随着社会生活和经济日益全球化,各行各业对英语也都提出了不同程度的岗位要求。中等职业教育英语课程是中等职业学校各专业学生必修的一门公共基础课程。 本课程的任务是:使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和基本技能,培养学生在日常生活和职业场景中的英语应用能力;培养学生的文化意识,提高学生的思想品德修养和文化素养;为学生的职业生涯、继续学习和终身发展奠定基础。 本门课程与其他课程关系:本课程与其他课程都是培养高质量专门人才的重要途径。本课程主要通过发展学生自主学习和合作学习的能力,形成有效的英语学习策略,培养学生的综合语言运用能力,从而为其他学科相关的学习打下一定的语言基础,为真正培养出既具有一定文化素养和理论基础,又有扎实的专业知识和运用能力,具有创新和自我发展能力的专业人才服务。 第二部分 课程设计思路 为了体现课程改革的指导思想,为了适应中职教育逐步走向大众化的发展趋势,适应社会对人才的多样化需求和学生对英语教育的不同期待,三年制中职英语课程的教学 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 由基础模块构成。 基础模块是中职各专业学生必修的基础性内容,教学时数为128,144学时。目的是使学生获得基本的英语语言能力,形成积极向上的学习态度、灵活多样的学习策略以及跨文化交际意识和能力,为终身学习奠定基础。 第三部分 课程教学目标 中等职业学校英语课程要在九年义务教育基础上,帮助学生进一步学习英语基础知识,培养听、说、读、写等语言技能,初步形成职场英语的应用能力;激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生学习的自信心,帮助学生掌握学习策略,养成良好的学习习惯,提高自主学习能力;引导学生了解、 2 认识中西方文化差异,培养正确的情感、态度和价值观。 第四部分 教学内容及要求 一、教学内容及要求 基础模块的教学要求分为基本要求和较高要求两个层次,学校根据所在地区、学制、专业等实际 情况选择教学要求的层次,并要积极创造条件,争取达到较高要求。 1. 基本要求 (1)听 能根据简单课堂教学用语做出反应; 能利用关键词捕捉简单信息(如姓名、电话号码、职业等); 能听懂日常生活中的简单会话和职业场景中的简单指令。 (2)说 能给出简单的要求和指令; 能借助肢体语言进行日常会话; 能简单描述个人和日常生活情况; 能进行简单交际。 (3)读 能抓住阅读材料的中心意思,找出细节信息; 能读懂简单的应用文,如请柬、 通知 关于发布提成方案的通知关于xx通知关于成立公司筹建组的通知关于红头文件的使用公开通知关于计发全勤奖的通知 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 格等; 能读懂常见 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 材的简短阅读材料。 (4)写 能填写简单的表格(如:个人信息、问卷等); 能写简单的个人介绍; 能用简单句描述事物、表达看法。 (5)语音 能朗读句子和短文,节奏、重音基本正确; 能借助国际音标和拼读规则读新单词; 能在交流中做到语音、语调基本达意。 (6)词汇 学习1700个左右单词(含九年义务教育阶段的词汇),同时学习200个左右习惯用语和固定搭配。 (7)语法 能理解教材要求的基本英语语法规则,在听、说、读、写、译中能正确运用所学语法知识。 2. 较高要求 (1)听 能根据日常生活和职业场景中的多步骤指令做出相应反应; 能理解所听日常交际对话的大意; 能借助图片、图像等听懂职业场景中的简单活动安排和会话。 (2)说 能给出多步骤的指令; 能通过询问解决交际中的疑惑; 能就日常生活及相关职业话题进行简单交谈; 能运用所学短语进行交际。 (3)读 能根据上下文和构词法猜测词义; 能根据文章信息进行简单的推理、判断; 3 能读懂常见题材的阅读材料。 (4)写 能根据提示或关键词转述课文大意; 能简要描述熟悉的事件和经历; 能根据范例,仿写应用文,如通知、电子邮件、个人履历等。 (5)语音 能根据语音、语调理解日常生活中说话者的意图; 能在交流中做到语音、语调达意。 (6)词汇 在基本要求的基础上继续学习200个单词,达到1900个;同时学习大约300个左右习惯用语和固 定搭配;能根据构词法自主扩展词汇量。 (7)语法 能理解并掌握教材要求的基本英语语法规则,在听、说、读、写、译中能正确运用所学语法知识。 二、教学内容课时计划的分配与教学内容进度计划的安排 (一)第一学期 序号 教学内容 课时分配 备注 1 2 Listening Unit1 Personal 2 2 Speaking identification3 3 Reading (???) 4 2 Writing&Grammar 5 2 Listening Unit2 Greetings 6 2 Speaking & introductions7 3 Reading (???) 8 2 Writing&Grammar 9 2 Listening 10 2 Speaking Unit3 Manners 11 3 Reading 12 2 Writing&Grammar 13 2 Listening Unit4 School 14 2 Speaking and school life15 3 Reading (??) 16 2 Writing&Grammar 17 2 Listening 18 2 Speaking Unit5 Everyday 19 3 Reading life 20 2 Writing&Grammar 21 2 Listening Unit6 Food and 22 2 Speaking drink 23 3 Reading (?) 24 2 Writing&Grammar 25 2 Listening 26 2 Speaking Unit7 Weather 4 27 3 Reading 28 2 Writing&Grammar 29 2 Listening Unit8 Shopping 30 2 Speaking (?) 31 3 Reading 32 2 Writing&Grammar 课时合计 72 注:1.教学周次根据教学班级实际理论课上课周次安排。2. 56-72学时的尽可能按上表执行,带 “?”的教学内容是必修内容,如与72学时偏差过大,可作适当调整。3. 40学时的参照上表执行, 带“??”的是必修内容。4. 24-32学时的参照上表执行,带“???”的是必修内容。 序号 教学内容 课时分配 备注 1 2 Unit9 English Listening learning 2 2 Speaking (???) 3 3 Reading 4 2 Writing&Grammar 5 2 Listening Unit10 Relax, relax! 6 2 Speaking (???) 7 3 Reading 8 2 Writing&Grammar 9 2 Listening Unit11 What's your 10 2 Speaking line of business? 11 3 Reading (??) 12 2 Writing&Grammar 13 2 Listening Unit12 Social 14 2 Speaking customs 15 3 Reading (?) 16 2 Writing&Grammar 17 2 Listening 18 2 Speaking Unit13 Computers 19 3 Reading 20 2 Writing&Grammar 21 2 Listening Unit14 Health 22 2 Speaking (?) 23 3 Reading 24 2 Writing&Grammar 25 2 Listening 26 2 Speaking Unit15 Travel 27 3 Reading 28 2 Writing&Grammar 29 2 Listening 5 Unit16 Places 30 2 Speaking 31 3 Reading 32 2 Writing&Grammar 课时合计 72 注:1.教学周次根据教学班级实际理论课上课周次安排。 2.56-72学时的尽可能按上表执行,带“?” 的教学内容是必修内容,如与72学时偏差过大,可作适当调整。3.40-48学时的参照上表执行,带“? ?”的是必修内容。4. 20-32学时的参照上表执行,带“???”的是必修内容。 三、课程教学意见及要求 《英语》第一册 Unit1 Personal identification Listening: Students will be familiar with some useful words and expressions about personal identification. Speaking: Students can describe a person about his name, age, nationality/country, features, occupation and hobbies/likes. Reading: Students will get more expressions to talk about themselves their father, mother, brother and sister. Writing: Students can write a short passage about “My family” and “Our English teacher” with the given words and expressions. Unit2 Greetings and introductions Listening: Students will learn how to greet people , how to reply a greeting, how t introduce oneself/someone and how to respond to an introduction. Students will be able to greet each other and make introductions. Speaking: Reading: Students will know how manes are used in the United States. Writing: Students will have the ability to greet people. Unit3 Manners Listening: Students will be familiar with some situations about living. Speaking: Students will have the language ability to describe their families and houses. Reading: Students read the two letters and learn the layout of informal letters. Writing: Students try to use the past form of verbs correctly. They will have the ability to write something according to the pictures and information given. Unit4 School and school life Listening: Students will be familiar with some common expressions about school life. Speaking: Students will have the ability to talk about the buildings and other scenic spots on the campus. Reading: Students will have the ability to talk about the school. Writing: Students will have the ability to talk and write something about a school. Unit5 Everyday life Listening: Students will be familiar with some words and expressions about everyday life. Speaking: Students will have the language ability to describe something about everyday life. Reading: Through reading the passage, students will know something about the life of Americans. Writing: Students can use conjunctions correctly, can write a story using words and expressions give according to the pictures, and can write something about the topic "Everyday life" in their own words. Unit6 Food and drink Listening: Students will be familiar with some useful words and expressions about food and drink. They can make an order. 6 Speaking: Students can ask about prices. They are also familiar with some useful words and expressions about food and drink in everyday life. Reading: Students can understand main idea of the text. They will get some information and language points form the text. Writing: Students can express food and drink with some measure words. Unit7 Weather Listening: Students will know how to describe different kinds of weather. Speaking: Students are required to be able to use what they have learnt, to improve themselves in speaking. Reading: Students will get some information about the weather in England, and know the difference between weather and climate. Writing: Students can write a passage with at least 10 sentences. Unit8 Shopping Listening: Students will get familiar with the names of ordinary goods, and the ways of asking their prices. Speaking: Students will get familiar with the ways of buying things and asking the price. Reading: Students get to know why supermarkets are becoming more and more popular. Writing: Students will have the ability to write about what they spend money on when they are on holiday. Unit9 English learning Listening: In this part students may get to know the problems they may have in their English learning and the ways to learn English well. Speaking: In this part, students will have more opportunities to practise expressing the problems they may have in their English learning and ways to learn English well. Reading: Students will know the ways of learning English well. Fill in the blanks with the subtitles given below. Writing: Based on what has been learnt in Listening, Speaking and Reading, now students can choose one of the topics to write a short passage with at least to sentences in their own words. Unit10 Relax, relax! Listening: Students will recognize the main idea of the listening material and know some expressions of pastime activities or hobbies. Speaking: Students are supposed to be able to talk about their pastime activities. They are supposed to be able to use some patterns to talk about their likes or dislikes for their pastime activities. Reading: Students will know some useful expressions concerning a football match, the gist of the whole passage, and the main idea of each paragraph. Writing: Students can show their likes and dislikes, be able to use the verb form "do +-ing" after the verbs such as hate, like, dislike, be fond of , be keen on, etc. to express their preferences, and be able to describe a football match. Unit11 What's your line of business? Listening: Students will get familiar with the expressions of different duties of the postman on the small island, such as empty the post boxes, deliver books and magazines, etc. Speaking: Students will be able to name some jobs in English, learn the way of asking for the information about people's jobs, and be able to talk about the duties of some jobs. Reading: Students will know what trouble Mr. Smith is facing, how Mr. Smith is feeling about being in danger of losing job, and know what Mr. Smith is planning to do if he loses his job. Writing: Students will learn the normal sentence order, S+V+O, practise different verb forms, such as "have/has +done, do+-ing", etc., and be able to write something about their future work. 7 Unit12 Social customs Listening: Students will get to know more of social customs in America. Speaking: Students can describe some pictures with the help of the given phrases and can tell how to make dumplings. Reading: Students will know some customs and good manners both at home and abroad. Writing: Students will have the ability to write a short passage about the Spring Festival and steps of making dumplings. Unit13 Computers Listening: Students will be familiar with some useful expressions about sending e-mail, surfing the Web, saving the file on a disk and so on. Students will have the language ability to deal with the trouble starting up the computer. Speaking: Reading: Students can tell what a computer virus is, why people get so afraid of it, and why Internet cafes have become great attraction to young people? Writing: Students can sent an e-mail and talk to their friends about surfing the Web, downloading some graphic files and sound files, and so on. Unit14 Health Listening: Students will get familiar with some expressions about common illness, such as headache, sore throat, bad cough, stomachache, flu, fever and so on. They can show their concern about someone who doesn't look very well. Speaking: Students can show their concern about other's health and give suggestions or advice to the person who has problem with his or her health. Reading: Students will get some ideas about the importance of health and some ways of keeping body healthy. Writing: Students will have th ability to describe symptom of some common illness and write a request for sick leave. Unit15 Travel Listening: Students will be familiar with some expressions about travel such as offering help, expressing intentions, traveling ways, traveling arrangements, travelling expense, etc. Speaking: Students will have the language ability to deal with travel such as talking about future tour plan, traveling experience and traveling arrangements. Reading: Students can tell people's purpose and reason why they travel to remote places. Writing: Students can talk to their friends about a tour arrangement, and write sentences about traveling experience. Unit16 Places Listening: Students will be familiar with some expressions about the size of a place and the features of a place. Speaking: Students will have the language ability to deal with the description of places. Reading: Students can tell geography and land features of the U. S. A. Writing: Students have the ability to deal with descriptions about places with the help of the information given. 第五部分 教学实施及考核与评价 一、教学实施 (一)教学建议 8 1. 教学要以学生为本,发挥学生的自主性,建立融洽的师生互动关系,培养学生积极的情感和态度,激发学习兴趣,鼓励学生积极尝试,勇于实践,体验成功,树立自信心。 2. 英语教学要注重培养学生语言综合应用能力,依据教学目标,结合教学内容与要求,设计符合学生实际、目的明确、操作性强、丰富多样的课内外教学活动。引导学生在完成任务的过程中,体验语言,培养技能,积极实践,提高语言综合应用的能力。 3. 教师要面向全体学生,因材施教。要尊重学生的差异,为其提供多种学习选择。对于基础较薄弱的学生要进行补偿教学,对学有余力的学生要进行拓展教学,适应学生的个性发展需求,使每个学生均学有所得。 4. 职业模块的教学要结合行业的实际需求,利用真实场景或设置虚拟场景,选择真实或实用的语言材料。 5. 教师要加强教学研究,积极参与教学研究活动,研究职业教育的英语教学规律,总结、交流教学经验。 (二)现代教育技术应用建议 1. 学校要为英语教学配备必要的音像视听设备和资料以及计算机、互联网等设施。 2. 教师要利用、开发教学资源,丰富教学内容、教学途径和手段;利用现有的广播电视、英语报刊、图书馆、视听室或电子阅览室等,为学生创造学习条件,拓宽学生学习和运用英语的渠道。 二、考核与评价 英语教学评价的目的是,通过对学生学习过程和学习成效的评价,及时向教师和学生提供反馈信息,帮助教师改进教学,促进学生发展。评价要注重诊断与指导功能,突出激励作用。 评价要坚持终结性评价和形成性评价相结合、定量评价与定性评价相结合、教师评价与学生自评、互评相结合。形成性评价可采用作业、测验、课内外活动等形式。终结性评价可采用听力测试、口试和笔试等形式,也可采用真实性任务。 考核要考虑职业教育的特点和英语课程的教学目标,注重考查学生实际运用语言的能力,兼顾策略、情感和学习态度等。形成性评价和终结性评价应在考核中分别占相应的比例。 负 责 人: 茌 庆 梅 参 与 人: 任 翠 菊 教研组讨论意见:__ 通 过__ 系 主 任 审 核: 杜 宗 辉 制 订 日 期:_ 2011年8月 9
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