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内科学名词中英文对照表综述整理于网络 医护英语博客 email :sibara@163.com ★肺炎 pneumonia ★肺血栓栓塞症 pulmonary thromboembolism ★PTE ★★严重急性呼吸综合征 severe acute respiratory symptom ★SARS ★★慢性阻塞性肺疾病 chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases ★★COPD ★长期家庭氧疗 long-term domiciliary oxygen therapy ★LTOT ★...

整理于网络 医护英语博客 email :sibara@163.com ★肺炎 pneumonia ★肺血栓栓塞症 pulmonary thromboembolism ★PTE ★★严重急性呼吸综合征 severe acute respiratory symptom ★SARS ★★慢性阻塞性肺疾病 chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases ★★COPD ★长期家庭氧疗 long-term domiciliary oxygen therapy ★LTOT ★支气管哮喘 bronchial asthma BA 寂静胸沉默胸 silent chest ★支气管激发试验 bronchial provocation test BPT ★支气管舒张试验 bronchodilatation test BDT 特发性间质性肺炎 idiopathic interstitial pneumonia IIP ★肺出血-肾炎综合征 Goodpasture syndrome 胸腔积液 pleural effussion ★原发性支气管肺癌 primary bronchogenic carcinoma 肺癌 lung cancer ★类癌综合征 carcinoid syndrome ★肺上沟癌 pancoast cancer ★睡眠呼吸暂停综合征 sleep apnea syndrome SAS ★★呼吸衰竭 respiratory failure RF 通气/血流比例失调 ventilation-perfusion mismatch ★★肺性脑病 pulmonary encephalopathy 动脉血气分析 arterial blood gas analysis 科赫现象 Koch phenomenon 霍纳综合征 Horner syndrome 胸膜反应 pleura reaction 比奥呼吸 Biot's respiration 无创正压通气 non-invasive positive pressure ventilator NIPPV 耐甲氧西林的金黄色葡萄球菌 methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus MRSA 肺脓肿 lung abscess 支气管扩张 bronchiectasis 肺结核 pulmonary tuberculosis ★TB ★全程督导短程化学治疗 directly observed treatment short-course DOTS 纯蛋白衍化物 purified protein derivative PPD 异烟肼 Isoniazid ★INH H 利福平 Rifampicin ★RFR R 吡嗪酰胺 Pyrazinamide ★PZA Z 乙胺丁醇 Ethambutol ★EMB E 链霉素 Streptomycin ★SM S 肺心病 pneumocardial disease PHD ★★慢性肺源性心脏病 chronic pulmonary heart disease 乳酸脱氢酶 lactate dehydrogenase ★LDH 腺苷脱氨酶 adenosine deaminase ★ADA 癌胚抗原 carcinoembryonic antigen ★CEA 气胸 pneumothorax ★伴癌综合征 paraneoplastic syndrome 急性肺损伤 acute lung injury ALI ★★急性呼吸窘迫综合征 acute respiratory distress syndrome ★★ARDS ★多器官功能障碍综合征 multiple organ dysfunction syndrome ★MODS ★原发综合征 primary complex/ Ranke's complex ★气道高反应性 airway hyperreactivity AHR ★反应性气道功能综合征 reactive airway dysfunction syndrome RADS ★右中叶综合征 right middle lobe syndrome 重症监护病房intensive care unit ★ICU 冠心监护病房 coronary care unit ★CCU 心脏监护病房 cardiac care unit ★CCU ★★心力衰竭 cardia failure/ heart failure/ myocardial failure CF HF ★心功能不全 cardia insufficiency/cardiac inadequacy ★充血性心力衰竭 backward failure /backward heart failure/ congestive cardiac failure/ congestive heart failure CCF CHF 心功能障碍 functional disturbance/ functional impairment 美国心脏病学会 American College of Cardiology ACC 美国纽约心脏病学会 New York Heart Academy NYHA ★射血分数 ejection fraction ★EF ★心脏指数 cardiac index ★CI 肺小动脉楔压 pulmonary arteriole wedge pressure PAWP ★肺毛细血管楔压 pulmonary capillary wedge pressure ★PCWP 左室舒张末压 left ventricular end-diastolic pressure LVEDP 血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂 angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor ★★ACEI 触发活动 triggered activity 后除极 after-depolarization ★窦房结恢复时间 sinoatrial recovery time ★SNRT ★校正的窦房结恢复时间 corrected sinoatrial recovery time CSNRT ★窦房传导时间 sino-atrial conduction time ★SACT ★★病态窦房结综合征 sick sinus syndrome ★SSS ★固有心率 inherent heart rate ★IHR 阵发性室上性心动过速 paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia ★★PSVT 房室结内折返性心动过速 A-V nodal reentry tachycardia ★AVNRT 房室折返性心动过速atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia ★AVRT 急性心房纤颤 acute middle lobe syndrome 永久性房颤 permanence middle lobe syndrome 白大衣性高血压 White coat hypertension ★预激综合征 pre-excitation syndrome WPW综合征 Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome 室性心动过速 ventricular tachycardia VT 室颤 ventricular fibrillation VF ★尖端扭转 torsades de pointes TDP 房室传导阻滞 atrioventricular block ★AVB ★阿-斯综合征 Adams-Strokes syndrome 心室夺获 ventricular capture ★CB 室性融合波 ventricular fusion beats ★VFB 植入式心脏复律除颤器 implantable cardioverter and defibrillator ★ICD 射频消融 radiofrequency ablation RFCA ★★心脏骤停 cardiac arrest 无脉性电活动 pulseless electrical activity PEA 房缺 atrial septal defect ★ASD 室缺 ventricular septal defect ★VSD 动脉导管未闭 patent ductus arteriosus ★PDA 埃勃斯坦畸形 Ebstein anomaly 法洛四联症 tetralogy of Fallot; Fallot tetrad 艾森曼格综合征 Eisenmenger syndrome 原发性高血压 essential hypertension/primary hypertension 继发性高血压 secondary hypertension/symptomatic hypertension ★高血压脑病 hypertensive encephalopathy ★高血压危象 hypertensive crisis ★心内膜下心肌梗死 subendocardial myocardial infarction 马凡氏综合征 Marfan syndrome ★心脏压塞 cardiac tamponade 肾素-血管紧张素 -醛固酮系统 rennin- angiotonin- aldosterone system ★★RAAS ★★胰岛素抵抗 insulin resistance ★IR ★体重指数 body mass index ★BMI 钙通道阻滞剂 calcium /channel blocker; calcium channel inhibitor; ★CCB 血管紧张素Ⅱ受体 阻滞剂 angiotensinⅡreceptor blocker ★ARB 动脉粥样硬化 artherosclerosis ★AS ★★冠状动脉性心脏病 coronary heart disease ★CHD 冠状粥样硬化性心脏病 coronary atherosclerotic heart disease 缺血性心脏病 ischemic heart disease ★★急性冠脉综合征 acute coronary syndrome ★ACS ★不稳定型心绞痛 unstable angina ★UA ★非ST段抬高心肌梗死 ★NSTEMI ★ST段抬高心肌梗死 ★STEMI ★★变异型心绞痛 prin zmetal’s (variant) angina ★★心肌梗死 myocardial infarction ★心室重塑 ventricles remodeling 乳头肌功能失调或断裂 dysfunction or rupture of papillary muscle 心室壁瘤 cardiac aneurysm ★心肌梗死后综合征 postinfarction syndrome / Dressler’s syndrome 尿激酶 Urokinase ★UK 链激酶 Streptokinase ★SK 重组组织型纤维蛋白溶酶原激活剂Recombinate tissue –type plasminogen activator r-tP 血管再通 vascular recanalization 心肌血流重建 myocardial revascularization ★★经皮冠状动脉腔内成形术percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty ★★PTCA 冠状动脉内支架置入术 intracoronary stening CASI 经皮冠状动脉介入治疗percutaneous coronary intervention ★PCI 感染性心内膜炎 infective endocarditis EI ★扩张型心肌病 dilated cardiomyopathy DCM ★肥厚型心肌病 hypertrophic cardiomyopathy HCM 限制型心肌病 restrictive cardiomyopathy RCM ★致心律失常型右室心肌病arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy ★ARVC ★Beck 三联征 Beck triad 触发激动 triggered activity 经皮穿刺球囊、肺动脉瓣(二尖瓣)成形术percutaneons ballon pulmonary (mitral) valvuloplasty PBP(M)V 心率变异 heart rate variability 心血管神经症 cardiovascular neurosis 幽门螺杆菌 Helicobacter pylori ★H.pylori 胃食管反流病 gastroesophageal reflux disease GERD 门静脉高压症 portal hypertension Mallory-Woiss综合征 Mallory-Woiss syndrome Barrett食管 Barrett oesophagus 胃炎 gastritis 壁细胞抗体 parietal cell antibody PCA 内因子抗体intrinsic factor antibody IFA ★★消化性溃疡 peptic ulcer ★胃溃疡 gastric ulcer ★GU ★十二指肠溃疡 duodenal ulcer ★DU 非甾体抗炎药 non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug ★NSAID ★Zollinger-Ellison综合征Zollinger-Ellison syndrome 胃癌 gastric carcinoma ★皮革胃 linitis plastica 肠结核 intestinal tuberculosis 结核性腹膜炎 tuberculous peritonitis ★★炎症肠病 inflammatory bowel disease ★IBD ★溃疡性结肠炎 ulcerative colitis ★UC ★克罗恩病 Crohn's disease ★CD ★中毒性巨结肠 toxic megacolon ★功能性胃肠病 functional gastrointestinal disorder 功能性消化不良 functional dyspepsia FD ★★肠易激综合征 irritable bowel syndrome ★IBS ★★肝硬化 hepatic cirrhosis ★★肝肺综合征 hepatopulmonary syndrome ★★肝肾综合征 hepatorenal syndrome HRS 颈静脉肝内门体分流术 trans-jugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt TIPS 原发性肝癌 primary carcinoma of the liver ★★肝性脑病 hepatic encephalopathy HE 重症急性胰腺炎 severe acute pancreatitis SAP ★上(下)消化道出血 upper(low) gastrointestinal hemorrhage 尿路感染 urinary tract infection ★★急性肾衰竭 acute renal failure ★★慢性肾衰竭 chronic renal failure CRF ★急性肾小管坏死 acute tubular necrosis ATN 持续性肾替代治疗 continuous renal replacement therapy CRRT ★IgA肾病 IgA nephronia; IgA nephropathy IgAN ★肾病综合征 nephrotic syndrome NS ★急性肾小球肾炎 acute glomerulonephritis; acute nephritis ★急进性肾小球肾炎 rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis RPGN ★慢性肾炎 chronic glomerulonephritis ★隐匿型肾炎 asymptomatic glomerulonephritis ★糖尿病肾病 diabetic nephropathy DN ★狼疮性肾炎 lupus nephritis LN ★尿道综合征 urethral syndrome ★无症状细菌尿 symptomless bacteruria 造血干细胞 haemopoietic stem cell HSC ★★缺铁性贫血 iron deficient anemia ★IDA ★★巨幼细胞贫血 megaloblastic anemia MA ★★再障 aplastic anemia ★AA 溶贫 hemolytic anemia HA ★骨髓增生异常综合征myelodysplastic syndrome ★MDS ★蚕豆病 favism 阵发性睡眠性血红蛋白尿paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria ★PNH ★白血病 leukemia 急性白血病 acute leucemia ★AL 慢性白血病 chronic leukemia ★CL ★绿色瘤 chloroma 完全缓解 complete remission CR ★★特发性血小板性减少性idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura ITP 紫癜 血管性血友病 von Willebrand disease vWD ★★弥散性血管内凝血disseminated inravascular/intravascular coagulation DIC 造血干细胞移植 haemopoietic stem cell transplantation HSCT ★巨人症 gigantism 肢端肥大症 acromegaly ★★弥漫性毒性甲状腺肿(Graves 病) Graves disease ★★GD ★T3型甲亢 T3 hyperthyreosis 甲状腺功能减退症 hypothyroidism ★低T3综合征 euthyroid sick syndrome ESS ★呆小病(克汀病) cretinism ★亚急性甲状腺炎 subacute thyroiditis ★桥本甲状腺炎 Hashimoto’s thyroditis HT ★库兴(氏)综合征 Cushing’s syndrome ★原发性醛固酮增多症 primary aldosteronism ★慢性肾上腺皮质功能减退症chronic adrenocortical hypofunction ★艾迪生氏病 Addison’s disease ★★糖尿病 diabetes mellitus ★★DM ★糖耐量减低 impaired glucose tolerance ★IGT 自我监测血糖 self-monitoring of blood glucose SMBG ★★黎明现象 dawn phenomenon ★★Sobogyi现象 Sobogyi phenomenon ★糖尿病酮症酸中毒 diabetic ketoacidosis ★DKA ★高渗性非酮症糖尿病昏迷hyperosmolar nonketotic diabetic coma ★★代谢综合征 metabolic syndrome MS 低血糖症 hypoglycemia 高脂血症 hyperlipidemia ★类风湿关节炎 rheumatoid arthritis RA ★★系统性红斑狼疮 systemic lupus erythematosus SLE ★干燥综合征 Sjogren's syndrome ★SS ★阿托品化 atropinization ★类风湿因子 rheumatoid factor RF 有机磷中毒迟发性脑病organophosphate poisoning tardive cerebropathia 有机磷中毒中间型综合征organophosphate poisoning intermediate type syndrome__
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