首页 好协(北京)科技有限公呼叫中心专员网络招聘方案司



好协(北京)科技有限公呼叫中心专员网络招聘方案司好协(北京)科技有限公呼叫中心专员网络招聘方案司 目录 摘要……………………………………………………………………………………2 Abstract ………………………………………………………………………………3 一、公司简介及招聘现状分析 ………………………………………………………4 ,一,公司简介………………………………………………………………………4 ,二,招聘现状分析…………………………………………………………………4 二、好协科技网络招聘流程设计……………………………………………………5 ,一,准备阶段…...

好协(北京)科技有限公呼叫中心专员网络招聘 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 司 目录 摘要……………………………………………………………………………………2 Abstract ………………………………………………………………………………3 一、公司简介及招聘现状分析 ………………………………………………………4 ,一,公司简介………………………………………………………………………4 ,二,招聘现状分析…………………………………………………………………4 二、好协科技网络招聘流程 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 ……………………………………………………5 ,一,准备阶段………………………………………………………………………5 ,二,实施阶段………………………………………………………………………5 ,三,评估阶段………………………………………………………………………7 三、总结……………………………………………………………………………… 8 参考文献………………………………………………………………………………8 后记……………………………………………………………………………………8 附表一:工作说明书…………………………………………………………………9附表二:人员需求申请表……………………………………………………………12 附表三:招聘广告 …………………………………………………………………14 附表四:提问范围要点 ……………………………………………………………16 附表五:录用通知………………………………………………………………… 17 附表六:员工薪酬结构表 …………………………………………………………18 Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materials, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 摘 要 随着我国市场经济的持续发展~中小企业尤其是私营企业已经成为国民经济的重要组成部分~而由于中小企业生存的大环境及自身发展的制约因素众多~人力资源的发展已经落后于企业整体发展的需要。企业的发展根本取决于人~而人的发展其基石主要在于人力资源供给~人力资源数目及配比的不均衡直接导致企业不能够合理的发挥人才的作用~更甚者还会造成现有人才的流失。因此调整企业人才配比~制定合理的人才配比策略~通过各种渠道增加人才的基数~再培养和发掘适合企业发展并能帮助和促进企业进步的优秀人才~成为企业人力资源管理的一项重要任务。然而~目前在很多中小企业中~员工的招募工作开展的异常艰辛~企业付出了大量心血~招募到合适的员工仍然非常的困难。因此~目前需要解决的当务之急是如何拓宽招聘渠道招募适合企业发展需要的人才。 本设计将对好协,北京,科技有限公司呼叫中心专员网络招聘的具体流程进行设计~进而对企业的招聘流程进行相应规范~使好协科技的人才招聘 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 更加科学化~进而更好的调整企业的人才结构配比~为公司的正规化进程助力。 关键词:呼叫中心专员、网络招聘、流程设计 Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materials, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 好协(北京)科技有限公司呼叫中心专员网络招聘流程设计 Abstract With the continuous development of China's market economy, SMEs in particular the private sector has become an important part of the national economy,And because small and medium enterprises survive their own development environment and numerous constraints,Human resource development has lagged behind the needs of the ov erall development of the enterprise. Fundamental for the development of enterprises depends on the person,The cornerstone of human development, mainly in the supply of human resources, The number of human resources and the direct result of the uneven ratio of enterprise can not reasonably play the role of talent, Worse still, it will result in the loss of the existing talent. So adjust the ratio of enterprise talent, The ratio of talent to develop a reasonable strategy,Through various channels to increase the talent base,Further develop and explore for enterprise development and to assist and promote b usiness growth talents.Human resource management as an important task.However, Pr and medium enterprises,Present in many small and medium enteresent in many small prises,Recruitment of staff difficult to carry out the anomalies,Companies pay a lot of effort,To recruit the right people is still very difficult,Therefore,Need to address the most urgent task now is to broaden the recruitment channel for companies to recruit the talent development needs. The design will addressBeijing Science and Technology Co., Ltd.hoosy’s Talent online recruitment process to design the specific. Then on the corresponding business processes regulate the recruitment,To make personnel recruitment system so that more scientific, Then better adjusted ratio of personnel structure of enterprises, Help formalize the process for the company. Keywords:call center officer ,Network Recruitment ,Process Design. Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materi3 als, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 好协(北京)科技有限公司呼叫中心专员网络招聘流程设计 一、公司简介及招聘现状分析 (一)公司简介 好协(北京)科技有限公司成立于2010年,专业销售运动鞋、休闲鞋、帆布鞋、旅游鞋、篮球鞋、皮鞋、童鞋。 以顾客至上、服务先行、尊重人才重于商业利益,是好协科技最大色特。好协科技认为,坚持价值底线,拒绝利益诱惑,坚持以专业创造价值的核心理念,能从市场获取公平回报;致力于规范、透明的企业文化建设和专业的发展模式是好协成功的基石。好协科技始终遵循以下价值理念:核心理念:专业创造价值。企业战略:立足实体经济。企业使命:坚持核心理念、企业战略与顾客至上、服务先行基础上,成为中国最大最专业的电子商务销售平台(鞋类供应商),满足大众消费者广泛需求。企业精神:创新、高效、团结,和谐 好协科技着力营造和谐稳定的发展环境,努力做到创新、高效,团结,和谐,实现上下和谐、内外和谐、行内和谐。在市场竞争中,好协科技以全新的服务形象,从让客户满意提升到让客户感动;在服务环境、服务态度、服务流程、服务质量、服务效率上,形成特色服务优势;在人才使用上倡导健全能者上、平者让、庸者下的选人、用人、育人的人才机制,建立健全岗位靠竞争、职位靠能力、收入靠贡献的考评考核机制,有机地发挥企业文化的特殊作用,形成“学习是待遇,培训是福利,服务是本能”的现象,从而实现人力资源向人力资本的转化,继而从根本上形成企业的竞争优势. (二)人力现状分析 好协(北京)科技有限公司是一家2010年新成立的公司,属于电子商务行业,这个行业虽然是新兴的行业,但是也已经形成了一套特有的人才体系,从规模上讲,好协科技确实距行业 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 差距甚远,不仅在人才方面存在巨大的缺口,也在人力方面存在巨大的需求。相对于自己的发展目标来讲目前的人员配备和质量都远远不能满足发展速度的需要。 目前公司有六个部门将近40人,各个部门均处于人才紧张的状态,尤其是支持部门客户服务部和品牌中心下的图片处理部门,是人才缺口最大的部门。近期的人才招聘重点也都侧重于这两个部门。呼叫中心目前的配置为六人,主要承担客户的电话咨询和在线咨询工作,办理客户下单及退换货工作,处理订单调整Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materials, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 好协(北京)科技有限公司呼叫中心专员网络招聘流程设计 工作,并协助产品部门做图片处理的工作。虽然在各部门中人员比重相对较大,但仍然不能满足提倡工作的需要。 公司也在通过各种途径解决这一块的人员缺口,针对这一职位的技术含量和重要性的要求,我选择主要的招聘渠道有校园招聘、公司内部人员推荐、现场招聘会及网络招聘等形式。作为一家电子商务企业,利用网络资源相对来说是一种即经济,又相对熟悉的途径,所以我选择的招聘途径主要是网络招聘,因此下面我将就呼叫中心专员的网络招聘探讨相关流程的规范化设计,以期在公司成立的初期阶段在这刚面可以有一个好的基础。 二、呼叫中心专员网络招聘流程设计 (一)准备阶段 准备阶段包括三个方面:岗位分析、岗位说明书、制定招聘 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 。这主要是要求人力资源部门联合相关用人部门进行人员招聘的需求分析,明确需要补充人员的岗位“呼叫中心专员”。明确“呼叫中心专员”这一岗位的性质、特征和要求。制定呼叫中心专员的招聘计划,提出切实可行的人员招聘策略。 对于呼叫中心专员这一职位,根据其现在的状态,设计了岗位说明书(见附表一)。在进行招聘活动之前要再次审阅岗位说明里是否有随公司变革需要修改的部分,并进行跟进。 由用人部门填写“人员需求表”,基本要求应根据跟进过的岗位说明书填写。交人力部门审核。(见附表二) 人力资源部门对人力需求及资料进行确证,综合平衡,并对有关费用进行计算,提出是否受理的具体建议,报送主管经理审批。 (二)实施阶段 实施阶段主要包括招募、筛选和录用。即第一步选择合适的网络资源,发布招聘信息;管理简历;进行笔试、面试等筛选类测试;发放录用通知书。 1、招聘渠道的选择 针对目前公司刚刚起步的现状和呼叫中心专员在公司整体战略中所占位置的重要性以及招聘难度,我们选择了网络招聘为其主要招聘渠道,而且在网站的选择上选择了相对资金占用量较小的网站,具体是相关行业招聘网站、猎头网站、综合性网站,进行招聘广告的发布,针对呼叫中心专员的招聘网站是58同城、精英前程等。 Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materi5 als, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 2、呼叫中心专员招聘广告设计 呼叫中心的招聘广告应包含广告要求言简意赅,目的明确,醒目具有吸引力。负责设计的人员是设计部门的同事。 根据发布平台的不同要求,招聘广告的发布内容也不相同。核心点包括一下几方面: (1)广告内容:企业情况;企业招聘的条件;应聘方法;广告时限。 (2)依据:与工作相关的知识背景;工作技能、工作经验、个性品质、身体素质的要求。(具体广告范例参见附表三) 3、发布招聘信息管理 (1)发布频率:根据各网站人才招聘专业程度、招聘效率、信息更新频率和与我网站的专业对接程度订制或定期发布,具体在58同城上是顶置信息7天左右为一个招聘信息,精英前程则根据每次签订的合同期不同来具体确定。 (2)发布信息管理:根据公司实际情况定期更新发布内容,加强与各网络猎头公司的联系,与各个企业HR 的横向联系改进发布内容。关注其他业内企业在招聘时所跟进的信息,根据国家政策实时更新招聘信息。 、简历管理 4 简历管理包括两个方面:简历收集和简历的筛选。 简历收集又包括 (1)简历收集: ? 经各邮箱邮寄。 ? 直接从网站导出人才简历表格。 (2)纸质简历: ?各应聘者自己将简历邮寄至公司。 ?公司直接保存有相对有价值的简历建立人才资料库。 简历筛选: (1)根据公司具体的岗位要求及简历信息筛选各岗位合适人才组成人才库。 (2)定期根据不同时期的岗位需求更新筛选条件,更新人才库。 (3)筛选出近期需要面试的简历进行电话预约面试。 5、面试管理 面试的主要参与者主要有两方面组成: Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materials, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 好协(北京)科技有限公司呼叫中心专员网络招聘流程设计 (1)招聘方:招聘主管、呼叫中心部门主管及其他相关部门负责人。 (2) 应聘方:前来参加面试的人员。 面试的开始阶段招聘方应从应聘者预料到的问题开始发问,然后过渡到其它问题,以消除应聘者的紧张情绪。如工作经历、文化程度等等。 提问范围应主要包括与呼叫中心工作相关的知识背景、应聘者具备的工作技能、工作经验、个性品质、身体素质的表现。具体在这些方面:个人习惯、心态、信念、意欲、语言。(具体提问要点见附表四。) 结束面试阶段需要给应聘者提问的机会。不管录用与否,应在友好气氛中结束,不急于下结论。 6、 总结面试结果,发放录用通知 下发录用通知前总结面试结果,具体步骤如下: (1)人事部门与用人部门探讨理想候选人,统计名单交人力部门相关负责人。 (2)刷新人才库,将本次录用与未录用的 )总结面试经验及近期人才市场状况形成面试总结书面形式文件。 (3 下面发放录用通知书: (1)实操人员:人力部门负责人员或招聘主管 (2)发放途径:?电话通知?电邮通知?快递通知 (3)通知内容:通知中规定工资福利待遇、上班时间、近期工作内容安排等内容。(具体录用通知及一同发放的员工薪酬结构表参见附表五、六) 7 、履历审查、体检等 履历审查,在聘用重要职位时需慎重处理,必要时审查原单位真实性,原主管评价,经历证明等等。 (三)评估阶段 评估阶段主要包括成本效益评估、数量质量评估、信度效度评估,这其中成本效益评估是衡量招聘效率的重要指标来进行着重分析 1、成本效益评估 这项评估中主要对单位有价值的评估结论是招聘成本与成本效用评估。 招聘成本主要包括招聘总成本与单位成本,招聘总成本则主要包括直接成本和间接成本。招聘的直接成本主要包括招募费用,选拔费用,安置费用,差派费用,招待费用等等。间接成本则主要包括内部提升费用,工作活动费用。 Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materi7 als, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 名称 计算方法 招聘总成本 直接成本 + 间接成本 招聘单位成本 招聘总成本 / 实际录用人数 招聘的成本效用评估包括总成本效用评估、招募成本效用评估、选拔成本效用分析、人员录用成本效用分析 名称 计算方法 总成本效用 录用人数 / 招聘总成本 招募成本效用 应聘人数 / 招聘期间的费用 选拔成本效用 被选中人数 / 选拔期间的费用 人员录用效用 正式录用人数 / 录用期间的费用 2、数量与质量评估 数量评估主要是指录用员工数量的评估,其主要指标为: (1)录用比=录用人数 / 应聘人数 * 100%; (2)招聘完成比=录用人数 / 计划招聘人数 * 100%; (3)应聘比=应聘人数 / 计划招聘人数* 100%。当招聘完成比大于等于100%说明数量上完成或超额完成任务,当应聘比比例越大招聘信息发布效果越好。 质量评估是绩效考核方法,主要指标是录用比,应聘比等。 三、总结 企业管理者对于人才的认识决定了企业的基础与未来,怎样挖掘人才、识别人才、用好人才、留住人才是一个有长远抱负的企管人公司规划的重要组成部分,作为一个刚刚起步的小型企业,如何招聘人才是企业正常运营的当务之急,呼叫中心是该企业的两大核心重点支持部门之一,呼叫中心专员又是组成呼叫中心重要细胞,如何保证人员质量可以满足企业发展的需要,这在公司发展的道路上的作用不可忽视。网络招聘作为新型招聘渠道的成熟运营体制已经被千千万万企业所关注并着力使用,网络公司的便利条件在于便利的招聘条件,除“员工介绍”这种途径外,最重要的莫过于网络招聘了,也希望能够通过这个课题的设计研究规范出一个呼叫中心专员的网络招聘流程,为今后公司的正规化运营及发展作出有利的建献。 Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materials, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 好协(北京)科技有限公司呼叫中心专员网络招聘流程设计 参考文献 ,1,巴克纳尔/大滝令治 人力资源管理 格致出版社 2009.7 ,2,彼得?切斯/罗伯特?J?托马斯/伊丽莎白?卡拉奇 人才驱动的组织 上海交通大学出版社 2008.5 ,3,普费弗 人力资源方程式 清华大学出版社 2004.6 ,4,威廉?乔伊斯组织变革 人民邮电出版社 2009.3 ,5,纳班提恩 优势何在 中信出版社 2005.9 Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materi9 als, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 后记 三年的时光很快就要结束了,毕业设计成了我们最后一份作业。虽然大学生活就这样结束了,但我们学习的路还很长,走出大学校门我们又将站在一个新的原点,重新起跑,一切又将重新开始。 几个月来,导师渊博的学识、严谨的治学态度、以及他给我的支持与鼓励将使我终生难忘,我所取得的每一点成绩都与导师的热情关怀和精心指导是分不开的,至此毕业设计完成之际,向导师致以衷心的感谢和崇高的敬意。 Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materials, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 好协(北京)科技有限公司呼叫中心专员网络招聘流程设计 附表一: 工作说明书 一、岗位资料 岗位名称:呼叫中心专员 岗位编号:crm8610 岗位人数: 10名 所属部门/科室: 呼叫中心 直属上司职位: 呼叫中心副主管 临时替代岗位: 文员/前台 可轮调岗位: 物流专员/平面助理/商务助理/行政助理 可升迁岗位: 呼叫中心副主管 二、岗位在组织中的位置 呼叫中心副主管 物流专员 平面助理 呼叫中心专员 无 三、汇报程序及督导范围 直接汇报对象: 呼叫中心副主管 直接督导 0 个岗位,共 0 人 四、岗位职责 职责表述: 相关表单(反馈渠工作标评价方 工作内容描述 道) 准 法 职 准确熟练的掌握业务知识,介绍产品及 责 服务条理清晰。 一 通过电话主动热情帮助客户订购产品, 正确地按照客户的需求下订单。 Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materi11 als, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 职责表述: 在自己职能范围内,积极的解答客户的 职 咨询和各类问题,及主动向客户推荐新 业务。 责 二 受理的每通电话按标准正确分类工单, 工单录入时达到准确及详细 职责表述: 根据部门具体需求,协助其他项目 职 责 及时并准确的反馈客户提出的各种问 三 题与建议 五、权限范围 ? 代表公司为客户解决问题 ? 操作后台系统、处理订单细则 ? 协助其他部门工作 六、使用设备 Crm办公电脑一台及呼叫中心系统 七、任用资格 受教育程度:中专及以上学历 年龄:不限 经 验: 有呼叫中心或相关服务行业工作经验者优先考虑 基本技能:普通话标准,声音动听,打字速度快,具备良好的沟通能力 基本素质:有良好的服务意识,工作耐心细致 特殊要求:性格开朗,能接受轮班工作制和承受较大的工作压力 ,有团队合作精神 八、业务接触对象 Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materials, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 好协(北京)科技有限公司呼叫中心专员网络招聘流程设计 公司外: 网站客户 公司内(部门内): 呼叫中心其他职员、产品中心职员、财务中心职员、行政部门职员、技术中心职员 九、绩效考核标准 考评要素 考评指标 权重% 数据来源 考评部门 考勤 60 考勤系统 行政部 过程性指标 80% 电话监听成绩 40 技术录音系统 呼叫中心 接听量 70 数控系统 呼叫中心 结果性指标 20% 接听好评率 30 数控系统 呼叫中心 加分项 特殊好评 技术录音系统 呼叫中心 减项 投诉 技术录音系统 呼叫中心 合计 Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materi13 als, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 附表二: 人 员 需 求 申 请 表 申请日期: 要求到岗日期: 需求职位名称 呼叫中心专员 空缺人数 3 隶属部门 呼叫中心 ?离职补缺: ?替换人员: ?岗位调动: 申 请 原 因 ?业务发展扩编,现有编制: 人 ?新增职位,须附《工作说明书》 职 位 要 求 项 目 最低要求/底限水平 项 目 最低要求/底限水平 性别 ?不要求 ?要求:__ 行业背景 ?不要求 ?要求:_______________ 基本 工作 年龄 ?不要求 ?要求:______________ 工作年限 ?不要求 ?要求:_______________ 期望 经验 ?不要求 ?要求:薪酬 跳槽频率 ?不要求 ?要求:__小于5次 _______________ ?不要求 ?要求:熟练使用一般办学历 ?不要求 ?要求:中专及以上 电脑水平 教育 必备 公软件_ 背景 技能 专业 ?不要求 ?要求:_ 外语水平 ?不要求 ?要求:_______________ 优 先 条 件 尽量女士 其他补充要求 工 作 要 求 职位描述 任职要求 1、准确熟练的掌握业务知识,介绍产品及服务清晰条理。 2、通过电话主动热情帮助客户订购产品,正确地按照客户的1、中专及以上学历,有呼叫中心或相关服务行业工作经验者需求下订单。 优先考虑 3、在自己职能范围内,积极的解答客户的咨询和各类问题,2、普通话标准,声音动听,打字速度快,具备良好的沟通能及主动向客户推荐新业务。 力 4、受理的每通电话按标准正确分类工单,工单录入时达到准3、有良好的服务意识,工作耐心细致 确及详细 4、性格开朗,能接受轮班工作制和承受较大的工作压力 5、根据部门具体需求,协助其他项目。 5、有团队合作精神 6、及时并准确的反馈客户提出的各种问题与建议; 部门负责人: 部门经理 年 月 申报意见 日 属地人力负责人: 部门总监 年 月 意 见 日 Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materials, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 好协(北京)科技有限公司呼叫中心专员网络招聘流程设计 签字: 总经理意见 年 月 及批复 日 注:1)填写电子版《人力需求申报表》时,所有内容请放在一页内,不要另起它页,随意更改页数和版式。 2)新增设的职位,需完整填写第二页的《职位说明书》,随《人力需求申报表》一并附上。已有职位的需求申请,则无需填写《职位说明书》。 Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materi15 als, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 附表三:招聘广告 好协(北京)科技有限公司,是由红门鞋城投资并组建,于2010年12月31号正式上线运营,网站致力于将现代电子商务模式与传统零售业进行创新性融合,以现代化网络平台和呼叫中心为服务核心,以先进的直效营销理念,配合完善高效的配送系统,成功实现无中间商,无店铺租金的经营模式,真正做到物美价廉,快捷便利的为消费者提供高品质的鞋类网络平台,在这里,你会感受到团队的力量;在这里,你会找到并实现你的梦想;在这里,你会有战斗的感觉;在这里,你会和我们一起,从一个起点走向另一个起点,从一个成功走向另一个成功~好协网购期待你的加入~ 岗位职责: 1) 接听客户服务热线,为客户提供标准化的业务咨询、业务引导、远程业务办理等基础服务,帮助客户解决购物过程中的疑问; 2) 收集客户对公司产品、服务等各方面反馈的信息,进行市场调查、交叉推广等; 3) 受理或转接客户投诉和建议,并跟踪处理结果,达成客户满意,以提高公司形象; 部门安排的其他工作 4) 任职资格: 1) 女性优先,20-40岁,专科以上学历,有相关从业经验者优先。 2) 普通话标准,懂粤语者优先。口齿清晰,语言组织具条理性,有亲和力,善于沟通; 3) 具良好的职业操守,耐心、热情、责任感强,有强烈服务意识,能承受一定的工作压力; 4) 良好的计算机操作能力,熟悉办公室软件 Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materials, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 好协(北京)科技有限公司呼叫中心专员网络招聘流程设计 招聘类别: 全职 更新日期: 2011-04-30 岗位类别: 客户咨询/服务/热线人员/年龄要求: 不限 呼叫中心 专业要求: 性别要求: 不限 工作地区: 北京市 户口所在不限 地: 要求行业: 计算机/IT行业 工作经验: 1年以上 要求学历: 专科及以上学历 外语语种: 无 招聘人数: 4人 计算机能不限 力: 提供月薪: 面议 请有意者在2011年5月14日前将简历发于我公司邮箱,该广告有效期至2011 年5月15日,欢迎来电咨询,联系电话,,,,,,, Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materi17 als, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 附表四:提问范围要点: 定义 提问范围 刺探问题 评价要点 ,有哪些体育爱好? 习惯 动作模式、生活、工作、勤奋、刻苦 ,您小时候在什么地方长大,到多大, 行为方式 成长的环境 ;父母的职业,经济状况,体力劳动的体 会, ,你觉得自己有哪些比较好的习惯, ,在最近半年内你曾遇到哪些挫折, 心态 心理状态 遇到问题及挫是否乐观、积,有没有被人误解或冤枉的时候, 折后的看法 极、主动 ;有没有受到领导的严厉批评, ,你怎么看待这些问题, ,小时候有过什么样的梦想, 信念 目标、理想、追求过的和正目标是否稳,做过哪些努力, 梦想、追求 在追求的 定,持久,和;对于你的未来有哪些打算, ,你认为人活一生应怎样才算有意义, 企业的需求能 否吻合, ,下班后你一般干些什么, 意欲 做事情的欲在空闲时间、意欲的强度、,最近对什么问题感兴趣, 望、事业心 无压力状态下 想不想干、很;如果你有自由选择的机会,你最愿意干什 么, 想还是一般。 ,你喜欢与什么样的人打交道, ,表达是否流语言沟通的技巧 人际关系 ,你害怕与什么样的人打交道, 畅, 方式 ;如果有一个人当面给你难堪你怎么办, ,是否恰当, ;用词是否准 确, ,是否善于倾 听, ,如何预知其 稳定性 Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materials, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 好协(北京)科技有限公司呼叫中心专员网络招聘流程设计 附表五 录用通知 ,,, 先生/女士: 您好~ 非常感谢您应聘我公司~经过慎重筛选,我公司已决定录取您到 好协(北京)科技有限公司 呼叫中心 部 呼叫中心专员 岗位任职,如体检结果达标,公司将正式录用。正式报到日期为 2011 年 5 月 20 日。 1、请提供与原单位的解除或终止劳动合同证明。 (1) 提供退工单、劳动手册原件(如有) 带好前公司开具的离、辞职证明 (2)注明档案、保险、公积金是否能够转入公司情况 (需提供社保转移凭证及个人公积金转出凭证) 2、在正式报到时,请将个人相关资料原件及复印件交我公司查验、备案,根据我公司有关规定,持假证者一经发现将立即终止试用。需携带个人相关资料明细如下: ,1, 一寸照片2张(背后注姓名、岗位及所属部门) ,2, 身份证原件及复印件(新版身份证需复印正反两面) ,3, 学历、资格、职称证明原件及复印件 ,4, 区级及以上医院办理的健康证或体检表(含肝功及血常规项目)原件 3、您的入职引导人是 ,,, 。 4、您的薪资详见附件薪资结构表,相关劳动保险及福利按北京地区规定及公司规定执行。 5、试用期2个月。 6、员工工资卡为 北京农行 卡,如没有的,请及时办理;如银行更换,公司将另行通知。 7、报到地址:北京市丰台区南苑路66号,红门鞋城 B区2002 联系人:,,, 联系电话: ,,,,,, 好协(北京)科技 有限公司 2011年 5 月 10 日 Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materi19 als, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and 附表六: 员工薪酬结构表 员工姓名: ,,, 职 务: 公司 客服 部 呼叫中心专员 到职时间:2011 年 5 月 20 日 币种:人民币 转正后工资 税前年津贴补贴(元/月) 薪酬固定工资(元/年末绩效工资税前年现金收结构 月) (元/年) 午餐 交通 通讯 薪 入 金额 1500 3000 18000 300 无 无 24600 备注: 1、员工试用期工资为税前月工资的 80 %(期间差额不补发),税前月工资发放时间为次月12日。 2、年末绩效工资发放金额按员工工作时间、工作业绩及相关规定执行,发放时间为次年1月30日前。 3、津贴补贴(包括误餐、交通、通讯等)按照公司福利标准文件确定。 4、本表自到岗之日起执行,为劳动合同附件,具同等法律效力。 员工签字: 领导签字(盖章): Engineering change will bring about a series of problems, such as loss of rework, stoppage of enforced idleness, prepare materials, equipment, supplies, construction equipment, construction delay and budget changes, the budget of the project. Field staff should put an end to "change, watching instead of unfounded, no records". Change is inevitable but we must strictly implement the technologies approved system. So-called technology approved, is if need for design change Shi, must after about sector of full consultations, in technology Shang, and economic Shang, and quality Shang, and using function Shang, and structure strength Shang for full consider and technology review, then again wrote technology approved single, by units and design, and construction units about personnel signed recognized Hou, and design has equal effectiveness, is guide construction of according to. Without signing the nuclear order is invalid. Our problems must be approved after the signing of the construction unit, can be taken as a basis for construction. Units proposed changes, technology must be designed units approved, signed consent, make design changes Or the notice of change, we will be prepared according to the engineering and construction work of the proposed whether to accept comments. Drawing change notices and technology approved number of copies, should be the same number of copies issued to construction drawings. We have received technical approval form, will be issued to the person concerned in a timely manner, and
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