首页 商业物业的招商手段与招商类型



商业物业的招商手段与招商类型商业物业的招商手段与招商类型 招商作为企业的一种经营手段,已经普遍被使用。可是在研究招商面临的各种问题时,只想找出其中的规律和特点,却不对招商的内涵进行抽象与理论的研究,就会很容易被招商过程中的一些表面现象所迷惑,使企业在解决招商过程中的问题时,不能有一个全局的观念,只能头疼医头,脚疼医脚,结果真正地陷入了招商的困局。 1、招商到底是什么, 在讨论招商问题的时候,人们对招商概念的理解是不同的。在对招商进行相互探讨时,每个人都会根据自身经验提出理解的观点,就会经常会出现“鸡同鸭讲眼碌碌”的局面。 那么招商到底...

商业物业的招商手段与招商类型 招商作为企业的一种经营手段,已经普遍被使用。可是在研究招商面临的各种问题时,只想找出其中的规律和特点,却不对招商的内涵进行抽象与理论的研究,就会很容易被招商过程中的一些表面现象所迷惑,使企业在解决招商过程中的问题时,不能有一个全局的观念,只能头疼医头,脚疼医脚,结果真正地陷入了招商的困局。 1、招商到底是什么, 在讨论招商问题的时候,人们对招商概念的理解是不同的。在对招商进行相互探讨时,每个人都会根据自身经验提出理解的观点,就会经常会出现“鸡同鸭讲眼碌碌”的局面。 那么招商到底是什么呢, 招商是企业一种经营手段,这种手段根据企业的经营范围、类型、角色的不同而不同。根据企业的经营范围,可以分为商业、餐饮、医药、能源、环保、教育等不同主题的招商;根据企业的类型,可以分生产型企业、销售型企业、服务型企业招商;根据企业的角色,可以分为招商主体和被招商对象等。 招商是企业一种商务活动,在招商过程中,需要大量的商务工作,这其中包括对大的宏观经济形势的分析,对行业发展的判知,对所在区域经济状况的了解,对市场需求和对消费趋势的把握;在招商过程中,需要对被招商企业进行了解,同有关人员进行沟通和谈判,对关键性部门和人物进行公关,就双方共同关心的许多问题例如价格、付款条件等进行反复磋商,直至 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 的签订等一系列的商务工作。 招商是一种采购活动,生产型或商业企业为了获得更低成本,在采购其上游供应商提供的产品或服务时,经常采用向公众发布集中采购公告的方式进行招商。例如前段时间四川“长虹”公司向社会公布的40亿的集中采购 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 。 招商是一种营销活动,企业在招商之前,必须对市场需求有所了解,并根据市场状况制定相应的产品策略、市场策略、价格策略、广告策略等;根据制定的Therefore, physicians were practising this profession requires not only medical expertise as a basis, but also to learn to apply for emergency medical techniques and methods to save a patient's life. These rules apply to the emergency department medical specialist the first 3 years of training. (For example, master, doctoral graduates, and residency can be reduced to 2 years), training goals through 3 years of basic training, the trainees master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills, ability to achieve independent diagnosis and treatment of common acute and severe. To master common symptoms differential diagnosis of acute; master classification of emergency patient's condition; be familiar with first aid techniques and methods commonly used; the basic right and an independent common emergency first-aid treatment. Read books about emergency medicine; knowledge of clinical research methods, seamless integration of clinical practice, writes with a certain level of reports and reviews of medical records. Second, standardized training methods trainees to take part in specialist training standard set theory course, Rotary range should focus on emergency medicine, high risk should appear in the acute and severe Department Web-oriented, taking into account their relevant specialties. Wheel arrangement in clinical departments: emergency medicine (including emergency ICU) 15 months, related disciplines of emergency medicine rotation for 21 months. Detailed 各种策略,制定产品计划、销售计划、广告计划等,并对供应商、分销商、广告商进行合作招商。可以说,招商活动始终伴随着对企业、产品、服务、品牌的营销。 招商是一种推广活动,它需要对企业的宣传,对产品或服务的推广,对企业品牌和产品或服务品牌的张扬,需要挖掘出企业、产品或服务的独到卖点,需要创造出新颖的概念,需要采用建立样板示范、广告宣传,新闻炒作、公关活动、媒体整合、招商手册等各种推广手段。 综上所述,招商的真实内涵应该是:企业为了自身生存和发展的需要,通过招商手段,整合与企业相匹配的各种社会资源,这些资源包括资金、产品、服务、渠道、信息、人才、品牌、专业技术、经验等,寻找良好的合作企业,谋求共同的发展。 2、招商的战略、策略与计划 今天是一个战略联盟的时代,是一个战略制胜的时代。一个企业在进行招商之前,必须确立招商的战略。 招商战略,必须依据企业的发展战略和目标、企业的经营策略(市场策略和营销策略)来确定。不同企业有不同的发展战略和目标,招商战略是完全不同的,而不同的招商战略,招商的对象、目标和程序也是完全不同的。例如,一个在建的商业物业,在进行招商工作时,经常可以看到一些企业,由于对本企业发展战略和目标没有一个清晰的思路,所以开始招商后具有很大的盲从性,经常会从房地产开发商变成了商业经营者,这期间除了一部分客观的原因外,企业的发展战略不清晰是一个重要的原因。所谓企业发展战略不清晰,主要表现在对自己是房地产开发商还是商业经营者的战略定位不清晰,招商工作是“骑着毛驴走着瞧”。像商业物业这样的项目,如果是房地产开发商的战略定位,招商的首要对象是商业经营者,尤其是知名的商业企业,伴随商业经营者的进入,对商业的整体规划和设计,对商业经营模式的确定、对入驻商家的引入必然是水到渠成的事;如果是商业经营者的战略定位,首先是商业业态的确定,然后是商业人才的招聘或商业合作伙伴的选择,再其次是进行商业的规划和设计、商业模式的确定,最后是Therefore, physicians were practising this profession requires not only medical expertise as a basis, but also to learn to apply for emergency medical techniques and methods to save a patient's life. These rules apply to the emergency department medical specialist the first 3 years of training. (For example, master, doctoral graduates, and residency can be reduced to 2 years), training goals through 3 years of basic training, the trainees master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills, ability to achieve independent diagnosis and treatment of common acute and severe. To master common symptoms differential diagnosis of acute; master classification of emergency patient's condition; be familiar with first aid techniques and methods commonly used; the basic right and an independent common emergency first-aid treatment. Read books about emergency medicine; knowledge of clinical research methods, seamless integration of clinical practice, writes with a certain level of reports and reviews of medical records. Second, standardized training methods trainees to take part in specialist training standard set theory course, Rotary range should focus on emergency medicine, high risk should appear in the acute and severe Department Web-oriented, taking into account their relevant specialties. Wheel arrangement in clinical departments: emergency medicine (including emergency ICU) 15 months, related disciplines of emergency medicine rotation for 21 months. Detailed 对入驻商家的招商。 招商策略,应该根据企业的经营策略来确定。不同的经营策略,对招商的区域范围、招商的目标客户、招商网络的选择是完全不同的。例如,对于招商区域范围的选择,一定要看区域市场的成熟度。这方面,麦当劳、肯德基的成功经验可以给国内企业一定的借鉴,麦当劳、肯德基在国内的扩张,实质是一种以特许加盟形式进行的品牌招商模式,它们对加盟企业的选择,有一整套的程序和 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ,其中当地区域的消费能力是一个重要的考核指标,因为市场存在的客观条件,是保证加盟企业生存和发展的必要条件,如果当地区域市场不够成熟,麦当劳、肯德基则不会在该区域发展加盟企业。相对于国内的企业,动不动就全国布点,号称在几年之内发展几千家加盟企业的做法,麦当劳和肯德基从投资的角度看要成熟的多。 招商计划是招商策略的具体 实施细则 工程地质勘察监理实施细则公司办公室6S管理实施细则国家GSP实施细则房屋建筑工程监理实施细则大体积混凝土实施细则 。它包括招商之前的准备内容,如管理团队的建立、市场调查、市场分析、区域选择、目标市场定位、招商对象的基本条件的决策、产品或服务价格的确定和广告诉求的策划等;招商之中的具体操作内容,如招商的目标、商务洽谈的程序、客户的沟通记录与拜访计划、标准合同的设计、招商资料的制作、广告与公关的推广计划、媒体的整合计划、展会的展示内容设计、论坛的主题内容、招商的管理;招商的后期跟踪管理内容,如客户信用的管理、客户关心的维护、客户信息的沟通、招商内容的调整等。 3、招商的类型 从招商环节企业的关系来看,包括招商主体企业和招商对象;从招商主体与招商对象的关系来看,包括上游企业和下游企业。 根据招商主体的招商模式看,招商主要可以分为以下几种类型: 1)项目合作招商 项目合作招商是指企业为了提高整体经营业绩和获得竞争优势,专注于自身的核心业务(具有优势创新能力的部分),在其获得了某个项目时,将非核心业务通过招商的方式外包给其他企业。这种招商模式的一个典型情况如:一个高新技术企业获得一项企业ERP系统集成的项目,由于该企业的核心竞争能力是ITTherefore, physicians were practising this profession requires not only medical expertise as a basis, but also to learn to apply for emergency medical techniques and methods to save a patient's life. These rules apply to the emergency department medical specialist the first 3 years of training. (For example, master, doctoral graduates, and residency can be reduced to 2 years), training goals through 3 years of basic training, the trainees master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills, ability to achieve independent diagnosis and treatment of common acute and severe. To master common symptoms differential diagnosis of acute; master classification of emergency patient's condition; be familiar with first aid techniques and methods commonly used; the basic right and an independent common emergency first-aid treatment. Read books about emergency medicine; knowledge of clinical research methods, seamless integration of clinical practice, writes with a certain level of reports and reviews of medical records. Second, standardized training methods trainees to take part in specialist training standard set theory course, Rotary range should focus on emergency medicine, high risk should appear in the acute and severe Department Web-oriented, taking into account their relevant specialties. Wheel arrangement in clinical departments: emergency medicine (including emergency ICU) 15 months, related disciplines of emergency medicine rotation for 21 months. Detailed 技术,不具备企业管理和业务流程设计的能力,就会通过项目合作招商的模式同某家管理咨询企业合作,共同完成该项目。 2)供应商招商 企业在生产或经营过程中,需要同上游的相关企业合作才能从事生产或经营活动,在这种情况下进行的招商活动就是供应商招商。这种招商模式的典型情况如大型超级市场在经营过程中,根据自己的商业规划对大量的上游生产企业、销售企业进行招商;又如生产型的企业,在生产过程中需要大量的上游企业提供各种配套产品和服务,通过招商的模式(如集中采购、招投标方式)进行企业的选择。 3)产品或服务的分销商招商 产品或服务的分销商招商是指生产型企业为了保证产品的销售,需要营销的中介机构——分销企业的合作,通过分销企业的营销渠道将产品卖给消费者,运用招商选择合适的分销企业。这种招商模式的典型情况,如绝大多数生产企业为了能更有效地推动生产的产品进入目标市场并实现销售,都必须同分销商打交道,分销商凭借其关系网络、经验、专业知识以及活动规模,比生产企业做得更出色。为了获得优秀分销商的支持与服务,会通过招商模式进行分销商的选择。 4)特许加盟的品牌招商 特许加盟的品牌招商是指具有品牌知名度的企业,利用自己成熟的企业经营模式,通过输出品牌和经营模式的方式,在不同的区域招募特许加盟企业,扩大企业的经营范围和经营能力,运用招商活动选择合适的特许加盟企业。这种招商模式的典型情况,如零售企业为了占领和扩大市场份额,通过建立全国性的特许加盟店,迅速发展在全国的业务扩张能力。为了保证特许加盟店能够成功,通过招商的模式对加盟企业进行资质选择。 5)募集投资资金招商 企业为了生存和发展,通过出让企业的股权、管理权、专利技术等方式,向社会募集投资资金,运用招商活动吸引投资人投资的方式就是募集投资的资金招商,通常称作“招股”或“引入风险投资”。这种招商模式的典型情况,如中小Therefore, physicians were practising this profession requires not only medical expertise as a basis, but also to learn to apply for emergency medical techniques and methods to save a patient's life. These rules apply to the emergency department medical specialist the first 3 years of training. (For example, master, doctoral graduates, and residency can be reduced to 2 years), training goals through 3 years of basic training, the trainees master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills, ability to achieve independent diagnosis and treatment of common acute and severe. To master common symptoms differential diagnosis of acute; master classification of emergency patient's condition; be familiar with first aid techniques and methods commonly used; the basic right and an independent common emergency first-aid treatment. Read books about emergency medicine; knowledge of clinical research methods, seamless integration of clinical practice, writes with a certain level of reports and reviews of medical records. Second, standardized training methods trainees to take part in specialist training standard set theory course, Rotary range should focus on emergency medicine, high risk should appear in the acute and severe Department Web-oriented, taking into account their relevant specialties. Wheel arrangement in clinical departments: emergency medicine (including emergency ICU) 15 months, related disciplines of emergency medicine rotation for 21 months. Detailed 科技企业在研制出一项核心的技术之后,希望通过引进风险投资资金,使这项科技成果实现产业化和市场化,并获得相应的经济效益。为了获得风险投资资金的支持,通过招商模式进行科技成果的推广和企业需求的宣传,这种情况在深圳的“高交会”上就可以看到。 4、招商的规则 这里所说招商的规则,是指企业在招商过程中应该遵循的规律,是影响招商能否成功的关键因素,是招商的商业规则,是企业应该思考的问题和应该注意的事项,而不是在制度上或法律上应该遵循的条例。招商成功的启示主要表现在招商企业具备明晰的战略理由,采取恰当的交易结构和进行有效的谈判、沟通流程。具体来讲,包括以下八个方面的关键因素: 1)共同的目标 招商企业和招商对象之间有着共同的价值和目标。这些价值体现在企业的理念和文化上;目标主要体现在为市场提供优质的产品和服务,提供先进的技术,建立供应链的营销体系,降低企业的综合成本,获得更多的利润。未来的商业不再是公司之间的竞争,而是供应链之间的竞争。 2)双方的期望 招商企业和招商对象都有着进一步发展企业业务能力、增强企业的整体竞争能力的期望。通过合作,可以彼此补足各自能力和资源的不足;或可以获得重要的资产和独特的技术创新;或可以获得市场渠道;或可以共享市场的信息和数据;或改进产品和服务。 3) 双方的信任 招商企业和招商对象相互信任、相互依赖是招商成功的根本,缺少信任和依赖基础的招商是很难获得成功的。 4)双方能力的要求 招商企业和招商对象应该具备共同合作的能力,这种能力是维持相互合作关系,实现双方共同目标的基础。合作一方如果能力不足,应该尽快提高自己的能Therefore, physicians were practising this profession requires not only medical expertise as a basis, but also to learn to apply for emergency medical techniques and methods to save a patient's life. These rules apply to the emergency department medical specialist the first 3 years of training. (For example, master, doctoral graduates, and residency can be reduced to 2 years), training goals through 3 years of basic training, the trainees master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills, ability to achieve independent diagnosis and treatment of common acute and severe. To master common symptoms differential diagnosis of acute; master classification of emergency patient's condition; be familiar with first aid techniques and methods commonly used; the basic right and an independent common emergency first-aid treatment. Read books about emergency medicine; knowledge of clinical research methods, seamless integration of clinical practice, writes with a certain level of reports and reviews of medical records. Second, standardized training methods trainees to take part in specialist training standard set theory course, Rotary range should focus on emergency medicine, high risk should appear in the acute and severe Department Web-oriented, taking into account their relevant specialties. Wheel arrangement in clinical departments: emergency medicine (including emergency ICU) 15 months, related disciplines of emergency medicine rotation for 21 months. Detailed 力,合作另一方应该培养合作方的能力,例如零售业巨头沃尔玛进入中国之后,扶持了几千家供应商,提高这些企业的能力来满足自身市场的需要。 5)交易成本 招商企业和招商对象应该合理地分担未来的交易成本,而不是利用信息不对称的优势,让对方过多的、不合理的分担交易成本,这种短期利益的结果,使得一方由于成本过高,失去市场竞争能力而终结后期合作关系或随着合作的深入,了解了交易成本分担的不合理,必然会另外选择其他的合作伙伴。 为供应链创造价值应该是共同追求的价值理念。 6)关键人物 招商企业和招商对象在交流和谈判中,双方关键性领导人物对招商能否成功影响极大,因为他们是企业的代表。招商的成功与否同企业的人力资源水平息息相关,招商的竞争是人才的竞争,尤其是高层次人才的竞争。 关键性领导人物应该是一个高品质的、复合型的商务人才。 7)人际关系 招商企业和招商对象的人际关系的好坏是双方合作的基石,因为任何两家企业的合作,落到实处实际是两家企业相关人员之间的合作,通过定期拜访计划,建立沟通渠道,维护良好的人际关系,一定可以增加招商的成功率。 关系也是生产力。 8)加强沟通 招商企业和招商对象之间应该尽量减少信息的不对称,根据麦肯锡公司的调查,合作失败的原因有近50%都是由于沟通不到位。除通过广告、论坛、展会、推介会、谈判、招商手册等企业化的手段同潜在客户沟通外,还需要通过电话、拜访、接待、公关等人性化的手段加强沟通。 6、招商的操作 在招商过程中,尽管招商的企业类型、招商的内容、招商的对象和招商的类Therefore, physicians were practising this profession requires not only medical expertise as a basis, but also to learn to apply for emergency medical techniques and methods to save a patient's life. These rules apply to the emergency department medical specialist the first 3 years of training. (For example, master, doctoral graduates, and residency can be reduced to 2 years), training goals through 3 years of basic training, the trainees master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills, ability to achieve independent diagnosis and treatment of common acute and severe. To master common symptoms differential diagnosis of acute; master classification of emergency patient's condition; be familiar with first aid techniques and methods commonly used; the basic right and an independent common emergency first-aid treatment. Read books about emergency medicine; knowledge of clinical research methods, seamless integration of clinical practice, writes with a certain level of reports and reviews of medical records. Second, standardized training methods trainees to take part in specialist training standard set theory course, Rotary range should focus on emergency medicine, high risk should appear in the acute and severe Department Web-oriented, taking into account their relevant specialties. Wheel arrangement in clinical departments: emergency medicine (including emergency ICU) 15 months, related disciplines of emergency medicine rotation for 21 months. Detailed 型各有差异,但却有着一个共同的特性,即将与许多不同类型、不同规模、不同区域的招商对象进行有效沟通,并使招商的投入获得最大的效益。对于一些成熟的企业或行业,例如特许加盟企业的招商,确实有着非常成熟的操作流程,且其操作已经微观到每一个具体的指标。 若从方法论的角度来讲,在招商的操作上也还是有一定的规律,总体来说,主要包括五个方面的操作。 1)大势把握 对于任何一个招商企业,都必须对企业招商的宏观市场环境包括经济环境、政治环境、技术环境、法律环境、社会与文化环境进行综合分析和研究;对企业招商的微观环境包括企业的战略、企业的管理、企业的生产能力、企业的竞争对手、企业的招商目标对象和最终消费市场进行综合分析和研究,把握招商环境的整体发展趋势,适度超前的制定企业的招商战略。 2)理念创新 21世纪经济发展的最大特征就是“差异”与“变化”,在这样的经济环境下,打破常规的发展思路,创新理念,建立市场差异壁垒,注重市场上的唯一性、权威性和排他性,才能构建企业自身的核心竞争能力,建立并不断地提升企业和产品的品牌。要“跳出招商做招商”,因为招商成功本身不完全在招商,而是企业的发展战略、企业的产品和服务、企业的管理、企业的品牌、企业的营销、企业的推广、企业的人才、企业的资金„„,这些都是至关重要的。今天,随着技术的快速更新与发展,企业只能专注于自身的核心业务,不可能在各个方向都维持相当的水平,企业的成长越来越依赖外部企业的支持。在高度竞争的市场中,为了增加市场的灵活性,提供最佳的服务,必须树立起“大联盟”、“供应链”的新的企业运作理念。 3)策略设计 在招商企业对大势把握和理念创新到位的前提下,集思广义,对招商的策略进行系统的、全局的和总体的设计,包括区域发展的策略、市场进入或扩张的策略、产品和服务的价格策略、目标市场的定位策略、招商推广的广告与公关策略、Therefore, physicians were practising this profession requires not only medical expertise as a basis, but also to learn to apply for emergency medical techniques and methods to save a patient's life. These rules apply to the emergency department medical specialist the first 3 years of training. (For example, master, doctoral graduates, and residency can be reduced to 2 years), training goals through 3 years of basic training, the trainees master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills, ability to achieve independent diagnosis and treatment of common acute and severe. To master common symptoms differential diagnosis of acute; master classification of emergency patient's condition; be familiar with first aid techniques and methods commonly used; the basic right and an independent common emergency first-aid treatment. Read books about emergency medicine; knowledge of clinical research methods, seamless integration of clinical practice, writes with a certain level of reports and reviews of medical records. Second, standardized training methods trainees to take part in specialist training standard set theory course, Rotary range should focus on emergency medicine, high risk should appear in the acute and severe Department Web-oriented, taking into account their relevant specialties. Wheel arrangement in clinical departments: emergency medicine (including emergency ICU) 15 months, related disciplines of emergency medicine rotation for 21 months. Detailed 人才的发展策略、销售的管理策略等方面。策略是招商的纲领性、指导性依据。 4)资源整合 在确定招商策略之后,需要整合企业内部和外部的各种资源。例如:在区域发展策略的指导下,确定招商区域发展的基本约束条件,如人口、人均GDP、人均收入水平、人均消费指数、零售消费总额等;市场进入战略,市场成熟度,市场消费特性、市场竞争力状况、企业管理能力、企业资金能力等。需要说明的是,资源的整合,应该遵循企业的“长板效应”,即企业的发展以企业专注的核心能力为基准,不足的“短板”通过整合企业的外部资源来弥补企业的不足,从而使企业即获得战术性效益(更低的成本)又能战略性地提高企业地位。 5)流程的设计 在企业领导人的领导下,利用企业内部各部门的业务能力和外部资源专业化的知识和经验,从不同的角度规范招商的业务流程,最后形成招商企业特有的招商运作模式,它同企业的管理、产品、品牌、团队、人才一起形成企业核心竞争能力的一个重要组成部分。当然,确定的业务流程也需要不断的更新和修正,并不断地使用先进的技术来提高业务流程的效率和水平,例如客户管理系统(CRM)、企业资源计划(ERP)、供应链管理系统(SCM)等。 6)实施监理 招商的实施,首先要建立相应的组织机构,机构内应该有多方面的专业人才,包括行政管理、市场调研、广告与公关、业务与客户管理、产品服务等。如果企业招商区域的范围在全国,则还需设立区域的业务与客户管理机构;其次,要建立其招商的 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 ;再其次要确立同企业内部的相关部门的关系;还要制定招商政策、招商计划、招商执行的具体计划,如广告计划、媒体计划、促销计划、培训计划„„等。当然,市场是一个不断变化的环境,招商的策略、流程、模式、条件、广告诉求都将随着市场的变化而变化,这就需要一个部门对招商的情况进行分析,对客户的态度进行跟踪,对整个实施的过程进行监督、管理和控制,以保证招商高效率、高效益的运转,并对出现的问题提出最佳改正方案。 Therefore, physicians were practising this profession requires not only medical expertise as a basis, but also to learn to apply for emergency medical techniques and methods to save a patient's life. These rules apply to the emergency department medical specialist the first 3 years of training. (For example, master, doctoral graduates, and residency can be reduced to 2 years), training goals through 3 years of basic training, the trainees master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills, ability to achieve independent diagnosis and treatment of common acute and severe. To master common symptoms differential diagnosis of acute; master classification of emergency patient's condition; be familiar with first aid techniques and methods commonly used; the basic right and an independent common emergency first-aid treatment. Read books about emergency medicine; knowledge of clinical research methods, seamless integration of clinical practice, writes with a certain level of reports and reviews of medical records. Second, standardized training methods trainees to take part in specialist training standard set theory course, Rotary range should focus on emergency medicine, high risk should appear in the acute and severe Department Web-oriented, taking into account their relevant specialties. Wheel arrangement in clinical departments: emergency medicine (including emergency ICU) 15 months, related disciplines of emergency medicine rotation for 21 months. Detailed 7、如何利用招商中介 如果作为一家招商企业,完全利用企业内部资源进行招商还是寻求外部中介专业协助是一个值得深思的问题。 从目前国内招商企业的状况和市场环境的压力来看,增加外部专业服务的需求是发展的趋势。根据招商操作的过程,我们可以看出招商中介公司有许多类型:市场调查型企业、招商策划型企业、广告公司、公关顾问公司、会展公司、全方位服务型企业等。怎样选择和利用外部专业服务中介企业呢, 第一个至关重要的原则是要有一个清晰明了的目标,这将有助于确定选择标准和类型; 第二个是招商企业的规模和预算金额,它将决定寻找一个较大还是较小的中介企业; 第三个是招商企业的管理方式,它将确定寻找中介的类型,这点非常重要,一个作风严谨的招商企业很难选择较为活跃的中介企业; 第四是招商企业的最终决策层,它将决定是否能建立良好有序的关系的关键所在; 第五是招商企业的能力、经验和花费的时间,它将对寻找中介服务的水平和性质影响极大,一个普遍的原则是:招商企业的经理在某一专业领域的造诣越深,经验越丰富,招商中介的服务就会越好。原因是他在选择中介公司时更内行,情况介绍更有效,更能够对材料作出评估并使之有效的为招商企业服务; 第六是招商企业委托业务的内容,包括哪些内容和排除哪些内容在很多方面是非常重要的,如:如果是一个单一产品的招商企业,问题较简单,但如果是拥有大量不同产品组合和不同细分市场的招商企业,可能需要不同的中介企业彼此合作; Therefore, physicians were practising this profession requires not only medical expertise as a basis, but also to learn to apply for emergency medical techniques and methods to save a patient's life. These rules apply to the emergency department medical specialist the first 3 years of training. (For example, master, doctoral graduates, and residency can be reduced to 2 years), training goals through 3 years of basic training, the trainees master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills, ability to achieve independent diagnosis and treatment of common acute and severe. To master common symptoms differential diagnosis of acute; master classification of emergency patient's condition; be familiar with first aid techniques and methods commonly used; the basic right and an independent common emergency first-aid treatment. Read books about emergency medicine; knowledge of clinical research methods, seamless integration of clinical practice, writes with a certain level of reports and reviews of medical records. Second, standardized training methods trainees to take part in specialist training standard set theory course, Rotary range should focus on emergency medicine, high risk should appear in the acute and severe Department Web-oriented, taking into account their relevant specialties. Wheel arrangement in clinical departments: emergency medicine (including emergency ICU) 15 months, related disciplines of emergency medicine rotation for 21 months. Detailed 第七是招商企业委托业务的范围,选择一家中介仅在某一方面助企业一臂之力还是在调查、策划、广告、公关、展览等诸多方面应有建树,即一个“全方位服务”的中介企业,对实际的操作影响极大。 招商企业在具体选择中介企业的操作程序为: 准备介绍招商企业的企业背景,主要包括品牌、产品、服务的历史;对目前市场的认识和有关市场研究数据,对直接和间接竞争企业的介绍,以及有关前期和当前招商情况的招商活动; 采取多步骤的程序选择中介企业,包括观察、推荐、刊物介绍、查询目录、专家服务、咨询顾问等,并列出候选名单(原则上不超过6家); 审查候选中介企业,通过拜访每一位候选企业了解他们的技能、经验和水平,通过客户和查阅作品了解他们的业绩,通过市场表现和客户关系了解他们的品质和能力,同时还要了解他们的理财能力,最后通过严格审查作为招商策略的推荐作品,确定2-3家中介企业; 作出抉择,通过中介公司的项目组和关键人员,了解未来实际工作能力的情况;通过招商企业的各相关部门的综合审查,对中介企业进行评估,例如对广告公司的评估,其主要内容包括:招商对象的界定、提炼重点的能力、创意策略、媒体策略、媒体购买能力、服务费用、合作预期分析等,最后确定中介企业; 协议签订,一份书面协议包含许多内容,关键的部分应该有:合同期限、提供的服务内容、排他性条款、遵循的审批程序、沟通联系报告的事项、付款事项、支付条件、支持中介工作的责任、版权事宜、遵循国家法律的规定、终止条款等; 支付费用,可以选择的方式有固定服务费方式、工时成本方式、成本加利润方式、佣金与固定费用方式等;保持中介合作,为维护双方的关系需要投入大量精力和时间,融洽合作是十分重要的,主要的手段:礼貌待人、帮助中介获利、协调关系、增加沟通、同公司决策人见面、加强中介的信心、避免进入公司官僚制度环境、对认同的中介企业观点大力支持、恰当的任务内容等; 评估中介的业绩,根据招商工作的开展,定期对中介的工作业绩进行评估,Therefore, physicians were practising this profession requires not only medical expertise as a basis, but also to learn to apply for emergency medical techniques and methods to save a patient's life. These rules apply to the emergency department medical specialist the first 3 years of training. (For example, master, doctoral graduates, and residency can be reduced to 2 years), training goals through 3 years of basic training, the trainees master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills, ability to achieve independent diagnosis and treatment of common acute and severe. To master common symptoms differential diagnosis of acute; master classification of emergency patient's condition; be familiar with first aid techniques and methods commonly used; the basic right and an independent common emergency first-aid treatment. Read books about emergency medicine; knowledge of clinical research methods, seamless integration of clinical practice, writes with a certain level of reports and reviews of medical records. Second, standardized training methods trainees to take part in specialist training standard set theory course, Rotary range should focus on emergency medicine, high risk should appear in the acute and severe Department Web-oriented, taking into account their relevant specialties. Wheel arrangement in clinical departments: emergency medicine (including emergency ICU) 15 months, related disciplines of emergency medicine rotation for 21 months. Detailed 这样可以修正中介的方案或更换中介企业。 Therefore, physicians were practising this profession requires not only medical expertise as a basis, but also to learn to apply for emergency medical techniques and methods to save a patient's life. These rules apply to the emergency department medical specialist the first 3 years of training. (For example, master, doctoral graduates, and residency can be reduced to 2 years), training goals through 3 years of basic training, the trainees master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills, ability to achieve independent diagnosis and treatment of common acute and severe. To master common symptoms differential diagnosis of acute; master classification of emergency patient's condition; be familiar with first aid techniques and methods commonly used; the basic right and an independent common emergency first-aid treatment. Read books about emergency medicine; knowledge of clinical research methods, seamless integration of clinical practice, writes with a certain level of reports and reviews of medical records. Second, standardized training methods trainees to take part in specialist training standard set theory course, Rotary range should focus on emergency medicine, high risk should appear in the acute and severe Department Web-oriented, taking into account their relevant specialties. Wheel arrangement in clinical departments: emergency medicine (including emergency ICU) 15 months, related disciplines of emergency medicine rotation for 21 months. Detailed Therefore, physicians were practising this profession requires not only medical expertise as a basis, but also to learn to apply for emergency medical techniques and methods to save a patient's life. These rules apply to the emergency department medical specialist the first 3 years of training. (For example, master, doctoral graduates, and residency can be reduced to 2 years), training goals through 3 years of basic training, the trainees master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills, ability to achieve independent diagnosis and treatment of common acute and severe. To master common symptoms differential diagnosis of acute; master classification of emergency patient's condition; be familiar with first aid techniques and methods commonly used; the basic right and an independent common emergency first-aid treatment. Read books about emergency medicine; knowledge of clinical research methods, seamless integration of clinical practice, writes with a certain level of reports and reviews of medical records. Second, standardized training methods trainees to take part in specialist training standard set theory course, Rotary range should focus on emergency medicine, high risk should appear in the acute and severe Department Web-oriented, taking into account their relevant specialties. Wheel arrangement in clinical departments: emergency medicine (including emergency ICU) 15 months, related disciplines of emergency medicine rotation for 21 months. Detailed
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