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[训练]商务英语7 8-businessenglish_第七八单元


[训练]商务英语7 8-businessenglish_第七八单元[训练]商务英语7 8-businessenglish_第七八单元 商务英语 /接待外国商旅 热情接待 Meeting a Buyer at the Airport Howard是Active Sports的业务部主任,通常国外的买主来台北谈生意即由他负责。Tom Chambers是一位美 国的大客户,今日来台洽谈业务,Howard亲自去接机。 英文正文 T: Howard! Great to see you again! H: Good to see you too, Tom. How was the ...

[训练]商务英语7 8-businessenglish_第七八单元
[训练]商务英语7 8-businessenglish_第七八单元 商务英语 /接待外国商旅 热情接待 Meeting a Buyer at the Airport Howard是Active Sports的业务部主任,通常国外的买主来台北谈生意即由他负责。Tom Chambers是一位美 国的大客户,今日来台洽谈业务,Howard亲自去接机。 英文正文 T: Howard! Great to see you again! H: Good to see you too, Tom. How was the flight? T: Good. No holdups at the airport, and the flight was comfortable. I was able to take a nap on the way over. H: Good. Do you have any jet lag? T: No, not now. I adjusted to the time difference while I was in Korea and Hong Kong, so I'll be all right. H: That's good. I always get bad jet lag when I travel. T: Hmm. So, how is your wife doing, Howard? H: She's doing fine, thank you. And how is the family? T: Fine, thanks. My wife wanted me to say thank you for your gift last time. She liked the jewelry box very much. H: Oh, it was nothing. I'm glad she liked it. T: Hmm. I heard you had a typhoon recently. H: Yes, but it wasn't too serious. The weather forecast for the next few days looks good, so we don't need to worry about it. T: Wonderful. I was hoping to get some exercise and go sightseeing. Will we have enough time? H: Sure. Your schedule is very flexible. The only firm appointments are to spend a day at the factory tomorrow, and a half day at the office on Wednesday. T: Hmm. What are some good places to see in Taiwan? Last time I only visited Window on China, but I thought it was really very interesting. H: This time we can go see the National Palace Museum, and Snake Alley. T: Hmm. Sounds very exciting. H: And we can take you shopping before you leave. T: Great. It's good to be here, Howard. And it's really good to see you again. H: It's good to have you too, Tom. 中文翻译 T: Howard~真高兴再见到你~ H: 我也很高兴见到你。这趟飞得还顺利吧, T: 很好。在机场没有延误,这一路也很舒适。我还在飞机上睡了一会儿呢~ H: 那好~会不会还不太适应时差, T: 现在不会。我在韩国、香港的时候,就渐渐适应时差了,所以应该没有时差问题。 H: 那就好。像我每次旅行都很难适应时差。 T: 嗯...那嫂夫人最近好吗? H: 很好,谢谢。你的家人都好吗, T: 很好~谢谢。我太太要我代她谢谢你上回送的礼物,她很喜欢那个珠宝盒。 H: 噢,小意思,她喜欢就好。 T: 嗯...听说你们这里最近有台风, H: 是有,但只是轻度台风。未来几天的天气预测看来很好,我们大可不必担心天气。 T: 好极了。我想运动运动,也想去观光一下,我们有时间吧, H: 当然。你的行程很有弹性,唯一排定的是明天要待在工厂一天,星期三则要在公司待上半天。 ...台湾有那些好地方可以观光,上回我只去过„锦绣中华?,那里很好玩。 T: 嗯 H: 我们可以挑一天去故宫博物院,再去华西街瞧瞧。 T: 嗯...听起来很棒。 H: 你回去之前,我们还可以去逛街买东西。 T: 好极了。真高兴来这里,Howard,更高兴能再见到你。 H: 你能来真好,Tom. 短语解说 holdup 耽搁,延迟 "hold up"原为动词词组,是„妨碍、阻止?之意("hold"有„拘留;束缚?的解释)。该词组可转换当名词,解释为„耽搁,延误?,注意当名词时,两字合为一字。 Because of holdups in traffic, we were late for work.因为塞车所以我们上班迟到了。 take a nap 小憩;睡一会儿 "nap"有„假寐、小睡?的意思。需要注意的是这个词组的动词用"take"或"have"。"have / take a nap",指睡的时间很短。 Do you usually take a nap in the afternoon?你有午睡的习惯吗, jet lag 时差不适 "jet"是指„喷射机?,"lag"有„迟滞;落后?之意。"jet lag"是复合名词,指坐长程飞机到了某地,而不能适应当地时差的感觉;若以"bad"置于之前来形容,则强调„很难?适应时差。 After arriving in New York, Mr. Yang had bad jet lag, and needed to sleep late. 到达纽约后,杨先生因无法适应时差,都要到很晚才能睡。 adjust to... 适应… "adjust"有„调整;使适应?的意思;"adjust to"后加名词词组则是„适应某事(人)?之意。 It took Wayne almost a year to adjust to army life.Wayne 花了将近一年的时间才适应军中生活。 worry about 担心…,为…着急 "worry"即是„担忧,烦恼?的意思,为某件事操心则用介系词"about"连接名词词组;"about"亦可用"over"代换。 If sales can go up 10 percent this year, we won't worry about our financial status next year. 如果今年的销售业绩能再提高一成,那我们就不必担心明年的财务状况。 go sightseeing 去观光,参观名胜风景 "sight"原有景色、奇观的解释;"sightsee"是动词,游览、观光的意思。"go+V-ing"是惯用语,表去从事某项活动。如"go hunting",去打猎;"go swimming",去游泳;"go jogging",去慢跑。 The couple went sightseeing in London on their honeymoon.这对新婚夫妻渡蜜月时,到伦敦去观光。 句型总结 ? 很高兴再见到您 1. Great to see you again. 2. I'm glad to see you. 3. It's a pleasure to see you again. 与分别多时的朋友重逢时,我们通常会表达„很高兴再见面?的意思。这句话的主词"It's"被省略,这种情形在口语中经常出现。"great",可用"nice"或"good"代换。 ? 你太太最近好吗, 1. How is your wife doing? 2. How is everyone in your family? 3. May I ask how Mr. / Mrs. ... Is? 问候对方家人的近况,是礼貌和表示亲近的做法,最常见的句型是以"How is (are)..."开头的问句;"How is (someone) doing?”并非询问„某人做得如何,?而是„近来可好,?的意思;这是美式口语的惯用法。像"How're you doing?"就是问„你好吗,?。 ? 我想我们可以… 1. I was hoping we could... 2. I thought we might... 3. I'd like to suggest that we... 这是提议、表示愿望的句型;子句"we could..."中所提到的事即为希望能达成的事。"I was hoping..."是表达一种客气、婉转的建议语气。 欢畅洗尘 Softening Up the Client with Food 有朋自远方来,当然要热情款待。Howard请Tom在一家高级餐厅吃海鲜,在座的还有生产部的经理Rita Wang。在享受美食之际,还要记得推销产品呢~ 英文正文 T: This seafood dish is so delicious. It tastes like shrimp and some kind of fruit. What's in it? H: You're right; it's shrimp, and the fruit is pineapple. How do you like the sweet and sour fish? T: Real gourmet food; really melts in your mouth. Here, we've finished eating this side of the fish, so let me turn it over. R: Wait a second, Tom. It's bad luck to turn the fish over. We have a superstition here that if you turn the fish over, maybe the next boat or airplane you're on will turn over too! T: Well, I don't think I want that to happen! Thanks for telling me. So, do you follow any sports? R: Yes. Howard and I watched a couple of basketball games from America last week. Michael Jordan is really unbelievable! H: He's a very skillful player, and a clever businessman too. He must make much money on those tennis shoe endorsements he does. T: Right. And I hope we can do the same with our latest line of sports equipment. By the way, can you tell me what the latest news is on our tennis rackets? R: We've made some modifications to the handle, so it's easier to hold on to. We've also designed a whole new look for the racket. These rackets are going to be top of the line. H: I believe the new look will make customers notice them more, and the high quality will keep them happy. R: Maybe we can get Jimmy Connors to endorse them! T: That would be great, but let's not get carried away. When will I see the rackets? H: We're going to the factory tomorrow. You'll see them and a few other products. Let's drink a toast to the new rackets. Bottoms up! 中文翻译 T: 这道海鲜真是美味,好像是虾和水果,这里头有些什么, H 没错,里面有虾,那你吃到的水果是菠萝。这道糖醋鱼好吃吗, T: 道地的美食,味道好极了~我们这一面的鱼吃完了,来,让我把它翻过来.... R: 等一下,Tom,把鱼翻面是不吉利的。我们有个迷信说,如果你把鱼翻面,那表示你下一回搭的船或飞机也 就有可能翻掉~ T: 我可不希望发生这种事,谢谢你告诉我~喔,你们最近有没有看什么球赛, R: 有啊~Howard和我上星期看了好几场美国篮球赛呢~Michael Jordan真神哪~ H: 他是技巧高明的球员,也是聪明的商人。他替那些网球鞋作广告,就赚了不少钱。 T: 对,希望我们最新的运动器材也能赚大钱;那我们的网球拍有何最新消息, R: 我们改良了把手的部分,使它更容易握牢。还替球拍设计了全新风貌~这些新球拍将会是市场上最高级的产 品。 H: 我相信全新的外观会更吸引顾客的注意,优良的品质则会让他们满意~ R: 或许我们能找Jimmy Connors作广告呀~ T: 那是不错,但先别扯远了~我什么时候可以看到球拍, H: 明天早上我们会去工厂,你就可以看到球拍和其它的产品。来,敬咱们的新球拍。干杯~ 短语解说 melt(s) in your mouth 十分美味 "melt(s) in one's mouth"是个十分常用的成语,其字面解释为„入口即化?,引申而有„食物美味可口,风味绝佳?的意思。 My mother could cook food that would melt in your mouth. 我母亲煮的菜真是好吃。 turn over 翻转;翻倒 "turn"当动词可解为„翻、转、更变?等意;"turn over"这个词组的意思与"turn"的解释相似,可作„翻面(身);转身;翻覆?等解释。 The demonstrators damaged a bus and turned over a police car. 示威者破坏了一辆巴士,而且还把一辆警车推翻。 the latest line 最新的产品 "the latest"是指„最近的,最新的?;"line"原有„路线、方向?等意,在此指„商品线;商品?,等于"product line"。这个实用词汇与下面一个-- "top of the line"均是在推销产品时必用的字眼。 Our latest line of CD players can play five CDs in a row without changing them. 本公司最新的CD播放机可连续播放五张CD,不必换片。 top of the line 最高级的(产品) "top"当名词是„顶端?之意,而这个词组的字面解释为„生产在线最高层的产品?,即形容„品质最佳,最高级的产品?。 Most people agree that Rolex watches are top of the line. 大多数人都认为劳力士表为表中精品。 get carried away 离题太远;被冲昏了头 "carried away"是形容词词组,意指„激动得失去理智?;"get"等于"be"或"become";整个表达语是指因某事反应过度,被冲昏了头。原动词词组"carry away"是指„使得意忘形?。 A: The stock market is going up! Why don't we invest all of our money? B: Don't get carried away. The stock market may soon go down and we could lose a lot of money. A: 股市正在攀升~我们何不把全部的钱都投下去,~ B: 别做梦了~股市可能很快下跌,到时候就损失惨重啰。 bottoms up 干杯 "bottom"是„底部?之意,"bottoms up"就是„底朝天?,亦即把杯里的酒喝光。这是在应酬、宴客时常用的词组。 Congratulations on your promotion, Bob! Bottoms up, everybody! 恭喜你升官了,Bob~各位,干杯~ 句型 TOP? 总结 ? 爱看运动比赛吗, 1. Do you follow sports? 2. Do you keep up with sports? 3. Are you a (big) sports fan? 西方人相当热爱运动,所以有关各种球赛结果、运动明星的动向都是常提起的话题之一。"follow sports"是美式口语:„注意球赛,观看运动比赛?之意,"follow"在此解释为„注意?。 ? 我们做了些改良 1. We've made some modifications. 2. Some adjustments have been made. 3. We've revamped the old model. 商品必须因迎合市场需求,或追求更高品质,而适时修正改良;在介绍产品时,尤其是对老顾客推销新产品,更要强调这一点。"make modification(s)"就是„做了改进、修正?;用完成时句型,表示„已经改进?了。 ? 为…喝一杯 1. Let's drink a toast to... 2. I'd like to make a toast to... 3. I propose a toast to... 在宴客、饭局中举杯敬酒是必然之事。"toast"一字可当动词和名词,意思是„敬酒?。"Let's..."可用在提议、建议时,若要更客气,则可用"I'd like to..."代替。以下两句为较正式说法。 参观工厂 Visiting a Factory 招待外来买主不可或缺的主要节目之一,就是去参观工厂。在工厂生产的运作过程中,买主们多少可以从机器设备、工人态度中预见将来产品的水准。 英文正 文 Howard: Tom, you remember Mr. Kao, our factory director? Tom: Of course. Good to see you again, Mr. Kao. Mr. Kao: Good to see you, Mr. Chambers. I welcome you to our factory. T: Thank you. Howard told me you've been changing the factory. K: Yes. We make many things better now. H: We've been able to improve our production methods since the last time you were here. We changed from batch production to flow production. T: That's sure to improve your efficiency and productivity. K: We have computers helping us as part of the production system. H: Right. The computer system helps us to check the productivity. Let us show you around the factory, so you can get a good idea of how things work. T: Everything looks great. I'm happy to see that working conditions have gotten much better. The workers must be happier. K: Yes, so they work better. H: That's another reason productivity has shot up. Here, let's look at some samples of the new tennis rackets. T: Hmm. The weight and balance are good. I like the new handle. Compared to the ones I saw in Korea and Hong Kong, these are much more durable. H: What do you think about the design? T: The new design looks good too. These will sell like hotcakes. K: I'm glad to hear that. H: I am too. Well, we'll start rolling on these very soon, so we can begin shipping in a month or so. T: That's great, but we still have to talk about a few things before I can decide if I want to make an order. H: Of course. Let's get something to eat, and then we can go back to Taipei to talk things over. 中文翻 译 H: Tom,还记得我们的厂长,高先生吧, T: 当然。高先生,很高兴再见到你。 K: 很高兴见到你,Chambers先生。欢迎你来参观。 T: 谢谢你。Howard跟我说,你们改革了工厂。 K: 是,我们改善了许多地方。 H: 我们改进了生产方式;从你上次来至今。我们把分批生产的方式改为大量生产。 T: 这样必定能促进效率和生产力。 K: 我们现在还有计算机加入生产系统。 H: 对,我们的计算机系统协助检查生产力。让我们带你四处看看,你也好了解一下工厂的作业情形。 T: 好极了,我很高兴见到工作环境改善了这么多。工人们一定比以前愉快。 K: : 对,他们工作更带劲。 H: 这也是生产力为何激增的原因之一。来,看看新球拍的几个样品。 T: 嗯,重量与平衡度都不错。我喜欢这个新握把;跟我在韩国和香港看到的比起来,这些球拍更牢固。 H: 新的设计呢, T: 新款式也很棒,这批球拍应该会造成抢购。 K: 很高兴听你这么说。 H: 我也是。我们会很快生产这些新球拍,所以大约一个月后就可以送货。 T: 很好,不过我们得再谈一谈,在我决定下订单之前。 H: 那当然。咱们先去吃点东西,然后回台北再商量。 短语解 说 batch / flow production 分批,大量生产 这两个名词是专指工厂生产的方式。"batch production":„分批生产?,指工厂接到一批货的订单后,就完全投入生产此订单所要求的数量,待出货完后,再生产下一张订单之货;"flow production"等于"mass production":„大量生产?,指全工厂的生产设计是针对长期地大量生产一项或特定几项的货品,以连续地制造产品,减低制造成本。 show one around 带某人逛逛(某处) 这个词组特指„带人看看四周环境?而言。若需指出将去参观的地名,则直接加在"around"的后面。"around"有„四面八方;到处?的意思。 We hired a tour guide to show us around Bangkok, it was great fun. 我们雇了一位导游带我们逛曼谷市,非常好玩。 get a (good) idea of 对…有(较清楚的)认识、瞭 "get an idea of something"意思是„认识、了解某事?。在"idea"前加形容词"good"、"better"等字,表示了解的程度。 I wanted to get a better idea of how Japanese business works, so I went to visit some Japanese companies. 为了想更清楚了解日本企业的工作方式,我去拜访了几家日本公司。 shoot up 激增 "shoot"这个动词是„射出;强劲有力地飞出?的意思;"shoot up":„速地上升?;商场中经常用来形容价钱暴涨。 Oil prices have shot up because of the Gulf crisis. 由于波斯湾危机,油价已经急速上涨。 sell like hotcakes 抢购热烈 这个词组依字面的解释为„卖得像热烧饼一样好?;这个词组的来源是指在寒冬里,有人提着刚出炉的烧饼上街去卖,立刻有很多人抢着买。用这个俚语来形容商品销售情况热烈是一个有趣的说法。 "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" sold like hotcakes. They were all sold out when I got to the store. „忍者龟?漫画一下子就被抢购一空~我到书店的时候,它们都卖完啦~ start rolling (on) 开始(做…) 这个说法其实就等于"start"、"begin"—„开始?的意思。但它含有„以系统化的方式,或花费心力地去开始做一件事?的暗示。要指出将去做的事件,则以介词"on"来连接。 We have to start rolling on this project next week or it will be late. 我们下星期一定得开始着手做这件案子,否则就来不及了。 句型总 结 ? 我们一直在改进… 1. We've been able to improve... 2. We've put a lot of effort into improving... 3. We've been working to improve... 对商场上往来对象表示自己不断求新求进的态度或事实时,可用此句型。以现在完成式"We've been..."强调从上回到目前这段时间内的情形;"be able to"是说„能够?,表示努力去做;"improve",„改进、变好?的意思。 ? 那(将)必然会… 1. That's surely going to... 2. I'm sure that will... 3. That's sure to... 对某事表示肯定、支持的态度时可用。这句话本身的意思是对某事未来的情况加以肯定;故当他人提议、预想一 件事,自己亦同意其说法时,即可使用此简单明确的句型。 ? 与…相比,这些… 1. Compared to..., these are (more)... 2. These are more... Than... 3. Those aren't as ... As these. 这是做比较时的典型句法。"compared to..."即是指„在与某物比较之下…?;这个词组不仅可放在句首,亦可放在 主词之后。例如,我们也可说"These are more expensive, compared to those."。 参观故宫 A Trip to the Museum 台湾拥有世界一流的博物馆--故宫,收藏了中国历代的各类古玩珍藏及艺术品,请来访的外籍商客前往故宫参观, 必成为一件宾主尽欢的雅事。 英文正 文 Howard: Here we are. This is the National Palace Museum. What are you especially interested in seeing? Tom: It's hard to say. In fact, I know very little about Chinese art and history. But can you give me some details about this building? H: It's built in the classical Chinese style, with a curved roof. T: What are those little statues on the roof? H: In the old days they were used to cover the nails that held the roof together, because the roofs were made of wood. Nowadays, the statues are just for decoration. T: That's the same style roof as on the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial and the Concert Hall, right? It seems like I've seen it before. H: Right. The styles are the same, but as you can see, the colors are different. The Museum is yellow, which stands for the emperor. T: Hmm. How did the Museum get such a large collection? H: This art collection was the emperors'. But it was taken over by the Nationalists in 1924. T: How old is the collection? H: Some of the bronze pieces go back to the 17th century B.C., but the collection itself was set up by the first emperor of the Sung dynasty over a thousand years ago. T: Over a thousand years? Incredible! Let's go inside. I can't wait to check it out! H: OK. You know, most of the collection here was put together during the Ching dynasty. So, what did you think? T: I was impressed with the landscape paintings, and all the jade carvings. That jade cabbage just can't be beat! H: Yeah, the colors were so realistic, and it was so carefully carved. What else did you like? T: I really liked the calligraphy. I wish I could understand what it said. The writing was beautiful. H: I'm glad you enjoyed it. 中文翻 译 H: 就是这儿了,我们的故宫博物院。你对什么特别有兴趣呢, T: 很难讲。老实说,我对中国艺术及历史所知不多;能否先告诉我有关这幢建筑, H: 这是古式的中国建筑,有弧线型的屋顶。 T: 那屋顶上的小雕像是做什么的, H: 在古时候,那些雕像就是用来遮住木头上的钉子。因为当时的屋顶都是木头做的。而现在,它们只是用来当 装饰。 T: 这些屋顶都是一样的,和中正纪念堂、国家音乐厅的相同,对吧,我感觉似曾相识。 ?是代表皇帝的颜色。H: 没错。建筑风格是一样的,不过你看它们的颜色不同。故宫是黄色的,因为„黄 T: 嗯...故宫又是如何得到这么大批的古董珍藏, H: 这些古董珍藏原属历代皇帝所有,但在1924年由国民军接收。 T: 收藏的年代有多久了, H: 有些铜器品可远溯至公元前十七世纪,但真正开始建立收藏规模的是宋朝第一位皇帝,距现在有一千多年了。 T: 一千多年以上,不得了~咱们快进去瞧瞧~ H: 好。这里大部份的收藏品是在清朝时期整理集中的。怎么样, T: 山水画和所有的玉雕作品最令我印象深刻。那颗„玉白菜?真是举世无双~ H: 是啊,它的色泽逼真,而且雕工实在细腻。你还喜欢什么, T: 我还喜欢中国书法,但愿自己能看懂那些字;书法真是美妙。 H 很高兴你有收获。 短语解 说 It's hard to say 这很难说 请注意这是一个表达意思的惯用语,并非词组。这句话中"hard"等于"difficult":„困难的?;用于自己无法明确回答问题或下断论时。可当一个句子来用,也可当句子开头语,后面用"that"来连接子句。 Since I don't know much about Mr. Tang, it's hard to say that he would be a good partner. 我对谭先生这个人并不很了解,所以很难说他是否会是一个好的合伙人。 stand for 象征;代表 这个词组的解释有„表示,象征,代表?。另外,也可解释为„为某理想、主义)…而奋战?。 This Chinese character stands for double happiness, and can often be seen at a wedding. 这个中国字代表双喜的意思,经常可在婚礼上看到。 take over 接收,接管 这个词组是指„接收职权、接掌事业?,若指工作上接管某人业务,则可说成„继任(某职)?。 Jim will take over my job while I'm on vacation. 我去度假时,Jim会接管我的工作。 set up 建立,安排 "set up"等于"establish"(建立),或"arrange"(安排),为一常用词组。 We must set up a sound working system in this company. 我们必须建立公司内健全的工作制度。 put (something) together 聚集,组合 这个词组的字面上解释为—„放在一起?,即有„汇集;聚合?的意思;由于它也暗示着有组织地把东西聚合在一起,因此又可解释为„整理组合?。 We shall put things together and come out with a final decision at today's meeting. 今天的会议里我们必须整理所有的线索,并达成决议。 can't be beat 无人可及,世上之最 这是美式口语用法。"beat"是„击倒、打败?;"can't be beat"字面上是说„不可能被超越、被打倒?,引申有„世界最好、最突出?之意。 As you can see, the new model of our multifunction copy machine can't be beat. 您应该看得出来,我们的多功能复印机是举世无双的。 句型总 结 ? 你能否解释… 1. Can you give me some details about... 2. Can you tell me more about... 3. Could you explain to me about... 向他人询问某件特别事物可用此句。句中"give some details"就是„提供一些详细 说明 关于失联党员情况说明岗位说明总经理岗位说明书会计岗位说明书行政主管岗位说明书 ?的意思。注意问句用"Can",是属于平辈朋友间的口气,若要客气些,则用"Could"。介词"about"之后的名词词组即是所要询问的事物。 ? 太令人惊奇了~ 1. Incredible! 2. (It's) amazing! 3. (That's) fantastic! 这是表达惊讶的赞叹语法;省略了主词、动词,以一个形容词代表完整句子,有加重语气的意味。这种用法十分普遍,像许多人经常在表达无法接受、太过惊讶的态度时说"Impossible!"来代替"It's impossible."即是一例。 ? 我等不及要(去)… 1. I can't wait to... 2. I hope to... 3. I'm looking forward to... 表达对某件尚未发生的事不胜向往、期待的心情,即可用此句型。字面上的解释是„我不能等…?,也就是„等不及?之意。注意"to"之后一定要加原型动词,表示极想去做的那件事。 上健身房 Exercising at a Gym 西方人通常较偏好运动,有时客户会主动要求安排运动、打高尔夫球的休闲活动。事实上,运动时的轻松气氛,可使洽谈商务达到意想不到的好效果。 英文正 文 Howard: Looking good, Tom! You can lift a lot of weight! How about thirty more kilos? Tom: Thirty more! No way! I'm not Arnold Schwarzeneggar! H: Ha, ha... What do you think about the facilities here? T: Hmm. Not bad. Weight machines, rowing machines, sauna, hot tub. Everything we need. I can't complain. H: Let's go to the hot tub. We can talk more easily there. T: Good idea. Let's take a break. I'm pretty tired after all this hard work. H: Tom, we have a small problem with the factory work, and I think you should know about it. T: Go ahead, I'm listening. H: Well, you know the price of oil has gone up, so it's more expensive to ship materials. And because of that, factory production costs have also gone up. T: What are you getting at? H: Well, we're going to have to raise our prices. T: I'm afraid I'm not very happy about that, Howard. We've been doing business with you because your prices are more competitive than those in Korea and Hong Kong. H: When it rains, we all get wet, Tom. Prices in Korea and Hong Kong have to go up as well. T: That's true, but maybe oil prices will go down soon. H: I really don't believe they may go down very soon. T: Wait, wait. If we keep our prices low, we could attract customers away from our other competitors. H: But that's impossible! Even if bigger companies lower their prices to fight us, they'll be taking too big a chance. They won't last long and neither will we. T: Hmm. We'll have to think about this some more. Right now, I just want to relax. H: OK. Let's settle this later at the office. 中文翻 译 H: Tom,看起来很不错嘛~你可以举很重哦~再加30公斤, T: 再加30公斤,别想了~我又不是阿诺史瓦辛格~ H: 哈哈…~你觉得这儿的设备怎么样, T: 嗯...还不错~有举重机、坐卧健身车、三温暖和热水池,应有尽有,没得挑剔了。 H: 去泡泡热水池吧,这样可以轻松地聊聊。 T: 好主意~该休息一下了,做了这些运动我蛮累的。 H: Tom,我们在工厂方面有点小问题,是你应该知道的。 T: 你说,我在听。 H: 因为油价上涨,运原料的费用就增加了;由于这个原因,生产费用自然跟着上涨。 T: 你的意思是说…, H: 唔,我们必须提高价钱了。 T: Howard,我恐怕无法苟同,我们会一直和你们做生意,就因为你们产品的价钱比韩国和香港的更有竞争性。 H: Tom,大势所趋,大家都一样。韩国、香港也会提高。 T: 这倒是实话,不过,油价可能很快就下跌。 H: 我不认为油价会跌。 T: 等一下,你听我说。如果我们维持低价位,就可以从竞争者那边引来更多的顾客。 H: 那不可能啊~而且就算大的公司降价来对抗我们,也得冒很大的险,他们无法长期低价,我们也不能。 T: 嗯,这个问题需要多想想。现在嘛,我只想轻松一下。 H: 好。我们过两天到办公室再谈这个问题。 短语解 说 No way! 不可能;免谈~ 这个用语等于"in no way",„绝不?的意思;"no way"是美式俚语中直接表达否定意思的惯用语,语气坚定。这个说法的字面解释像中文常讲的„门儿都没有~?。 Working on the weekend for 10 hours?! No way! 周末要加班10个小时?!免谈~ I can't complain. (对…)无法挑剔;(对…)非 "complain",抱怨;这个口语说法的字面解释虽是„我无法抱怨~?,而实际上它是表示对某事物感到十分满意。这个说法是以反面否定来强调正面意思。 A: How's the job? B: I can't complain. It's difficult, but interesting. A: 工作如何, B: 我蛮满意的,虽然不简单但是很有趣。 take a break 休息一下 "break"在此解释为„休息、中止?,等于"rest";是宣布暂时中止活动的实用词组。注意动词除用"take"外,还可用"have"。 Let's take a break. We've been working for six hours. 我们休息一下吧~已经连续工作了六个小时了。 go ahead 继续下去;开始做事 这个词组的意思是„往前走;继续去做?;但在口语中经常是回答别人询求允许时的用语,等于„好~?;也可用来鼓励、催促他人去做某事:„请(…);去…?。"ahead",在前方。 When Lisa was away, Rick went ahead with the project. 当Lisa不在的时候,Rick就继续做那个案子。 go up / go down 涨价,降价 "go up"这个动词词组,有„上升?的意思,在商业圈中经常指价钱的涨扬。相反词为"go down",„降跌?。 Everything went up except salaries. 什么都涨就是薪水不涨。 take (too big) a / the chance 冒(太大的)险 "take a / the chance"这个词组的字面解释为„抓住一,这个机会?,引申有为„冒险一试、碰碰运气?的意思。需要注意的是"too big a chance"为加重语气,强调高度的危险性。 Let's take the chance and accept the order. 我们就冒一次险,接下那张订单吧~ 句型总 结 ? 您的意思是…, 1. What are you getting at? 2. May I ask what you mean exactly? 3. What are you trying to say? 这句话为较不正式的口语说法;当弄不清说话者的意思,或想要求更确定的解释时,即可用此句话。"get at"这 个词组在这里是„表达,说出?的意思。 ? 我们必须涨价 1. We're going to have to raise our prices. 2. Our prices have gone up. 3. We've been forced to increase our prices. 商品的价钱常随着物价的波动而变,因此,在负责行销业务时告知别人有关„商品涨价?的句型十分常用。"be going to have to"是说„将要,必须,不得不?的意思。 ? 我恐怕无法苟同 1. I'm afraid I'm not very happy about this. 2. I'm afraid I can't accept that. 3. I'm sorry, but I can't agree. 在商谈中常有条件不符、意见不合的情况,但如何婉转地告知对方否定的意见,是十分重要的。以"I'm sorry that..." 或"I'm afraid that..."做开头的间接句,都有使语气缓和的作用。 达成 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 Final Negotiations 在外国客户来谈生意时,通常会把最重要的谈判安排在对方离开前的一两天。由于双方一起游玩了几天,想扳起 面孔谈生意就比较不好意思了。通常都会圆满达成交易的。 英文正 文 Tom: Alright, let's get down to business. We need to make some final decisions on the price of our soccer safety equipment, the tennis nets, and the new rackets. Howard: Right. Because of the size of your order, and our successful deals in the past, we'll offer you a 15% discount across the board. T: That's good, but since you've raised the price by 25%, we still have a price rise of 6.25%. H: Tom, we've talked about this, and you know the reason why already. T: Yeah, I know. It's OK for a low turnover item like tennis nets. But for soccer equipment and tennis rackets, we won't make much of a satisfactory profit. H: Prices will be rising everywhere because of the rise in the material costs. And the summer's coming, and you're really going to make a killing on all the soccer and tennis items. T: Yes, I know they're both summer sports. But what exactly are you suggesting? H: Well, it's been my experience that decreasing the mark-up will increase the turnover rate. T: I don't think that's feasible. We've always used a 22% mark-up on all items from Active Sports. H: If you keep it at 22%, you'll turn over the goods once, maybe twice a month. But if you lower it to 19%, you'll double your turnover rate. T: How can you be so sure about that? H: It has worked well for our other customers. As well, the rackets and soccer equipment will be in great demand in the summer season, as I said. T: I guess a 22% mark-up is a little high. However, the price rise will still be a shock to my boss. H: Tom, perhaps we can compromise on this. If you can lower your mark-up, we can give you a 17% discount. Your order is important to us. T: OK. I think you have yourself a deal. 中文翻 译 T: 好,我们来谈正事吧~我们得决定这几项产品的最后价格了:足球防护装备,网球球网及新网球拍。 H: 没错。基于你们的庞大订货量,以及我们双方良好的生意关系,我们决定全盘打个八五折。 T: 那好。不过这次价钱涨了两成半,就打八五折,我们还得负担百分之6.25的涨价。 H: Tom,我们已经谈过这一点,你也知道原因呀。 T: 我知道。但是像网球球网这种卖得慢的产品还过得去,可是像足球用品和网球拍,我们就赚不到好利润了。 H: 你要知道原料上涨影响了整个市场,所有厂商都得涨价。而且马上就是夏天,你们正好在足球网球用具上大 赚一笔~ T: 嗯,我知道足球跟网球都是夏天的运动,那你的意思是…, H: 根据我的经验,只要把售价利润降低自然就薄利多销。 T: 我可不认为。所有Active的运动用品我们一直是以22%的利润来标价的。 H: 维持22%,一批货要一个月或半个月才能卖掉;但若是把利润率降到19%,营业额就会加倍。 T: 你怎么这么有把握, H: 我们其它的客户就是这样才赚钱。而且,网球拍和足球用品的需求量将会很大,如同我说了,在夏季时。 T: 也许22%是高了点;不管怎么说,我老板要知道你们涨价,还是会很惊讶~ H: Tom,我们就互相让一让吧。你们降低标价利润,我就给你打八三折,这份订单对我们很重要。 T: 好~那我想就这么说定了! 短语解 说 get down to 开始认真做 这词组是指„开始做某件事?;想转移话题谈正事或做正事时即可说:"get down to business"或"get down to work"。"to"在此为介词,后面要接名词或动名词。 We have a lot of important work to do, so let's get down to the main problem. 我们都还有很多重要的事要做,所以就直接来谈主要的问题吧。 across the board 全面的;一律的 "board"有„板子;会议桌?等意思;"across"是„横过?;"across the board"这个副词词组之意为影响到所有的人、事,即可说成„面地、全盘地?。 The boss raised prices across the board on the latest products. 老板把最新产品的价格全面提高。 high / low turnover 容易,不容易卖出的 "turn over"为动词词组,原意„翻转?;在商业上则指某商品的出售额达到了某个数量(或被卖完)。同字名词"turnover",意即„总销售量?。而"high / low turnover"为形容词词组,是指„高,低流动量的?,引申指货品„好卖?或„不好卖?。 Computers are low turnover items, but software is high turnover. 计算机硬件销售速度较慢,但软件则快。 make a killing 赚大钱 这是美式俚语的说法,强调„突然间赚了大钱?;"killing"在此是指„大成功、大赚钱?,这个说法等于课文中另一个词组"make a profit",赚大钱。此两个词组就等于"make much money",只是口气都比这个说法强烈。 Steve bought another car yesterday, because he made a killing in the stock market last month. Steve昨天又买了台车,因为上个月玩股票大捞了一笔~ mark-up 标价所含利润 "mark up"这个动词词组原意为„划上标记;订定价钱?,而同字所变成的名词"mark-up",则是指商人在为商品订定出售标价时所暗含的利润,也就是„贩卖一件商品既能获取的盈利?。 What do you think a good mark-up on these shoes would be? 你认为这些鞋子的标价利润应订多少, in (great) demand 被(大量)需要 "in demand"是指某事物„被需要?。这个词组经常用来形容市场对某产品反"demand"在此为名词,意思是„需求?。 应热烈,供不应求的现象。加上"great"更有加强语气的效果。 These T-shirts are in great demand. We need to order more now. 这些,恤买的人很多,我们得赶快再订一些。 句型总 结 ? 根据我的经验 1. It's been my experience that... 2. According to my experience,... 3. Experience shows that... 实际的商场上,个人所累积的经验经常是重要的判断根据。这个句子开头语所强调的是„长期以来的经验?;现在完成式表达从以前到现在这一段时间内的情形。 ? 或可相互妥协 1. Perhaps we can compromise on this. 2. Can we meet halfway on this? 3. Why don't we compromise on this? 为留有谈判的空间,表示让步时,常使用较不肯定的句型(如"perhaps")或疑问句,试探对方的反应。这类句型所表示的让步只是一项提议,而非最后的决定。"compromise",„妥协、折衷?,为此句中的关键词。 ? 就这么说定了~ 1. I think you have yourself a deal. 2. Then it's settled. 3. It's a deal. "deal"在此是指„协定?。在商谈达成协议的那一刻,通常会以„好,就这么说定了~?类似的句子向对方表示结束协商时的畅快感。本句话的口气轻松亲切;相形之下,以下的两个短句就较坚定、干脆。"deal",„决定?。 机场送别 Saying Farewell 在做成买卖,又尽兴观光、购物之后,Tom就要回美国了。Howard至机场送行,临行前,还送给他一幅中国书法作为纪念,深受他的喜爱;而Tom也邀请Howard在圣诞节去玩。 英文正 文 Tom: All my bags are checked in. I'm all set to go. Howard: I'm sure you're very excited to go home after such a long business trip. T: I sure am. So, we'll be expecting the first shipment in less than a month? H: Yes, that's right. They'll be there in no time. T: Good. Tell Ms. Kao at the factory to keep up the good work. And I'm sure the products are going to sell very well. H: We hope so! It's always good to work with you, Tom. I want to thank you for placing such a big order with us. You won't be disappointed. T: I'm sure I won't. I really appreciate all of your hospitality. H: It was my pleasure. And I'd like to give you a little something to take home. Let me unroll it. T: This is beautiful! Chinese calligraphy. What do these characters mean? H: They mean long life. I remembered you liked calligraphy at the National Palace Museum, so I thought you might like it. T: That's very nice of you. Where did you get it? It's not a print. H: No, it's an original. My father's friend is a calligrapher, and I had him make it for you. His name and the date are on the bottom. T: Hmm. I'll hang it in my office. But I feel bad I didn't get you anything. H: Don't worry about it. It's a token of my appreciation for your business and friendship. T: If you have time around Christmas, please come to visit my family. I'll be able to show you around our city. H: Thanks for the invitation. And please give my regards to your wife. T: You do the same. Well, I'd better go. Thanks again for everything. H: Take care, and have a nice flight. 中文翻 译 T: 我的行李都送进去了,看来是没问题了。 H: 出差这么久,终于要回家了,我想你一定很高兴。 T: 那当然。那我们能在一个月内收到你们的第一批货,对吧,~ H: 没错,货很快就会运到。 T: 很好。请告诉工厂的高女士继续努力,我相信这批货一定会卖得很好。 H: 希望如此~Tom,和你们合作总是很愉快。谢谢你下了这么大的订单,你一定不会失望的。 T: 这点我相信。我真的很感激你的招待。 H: 乐意之至。对了,我有样小东西想送你,让我把它打开。 T: 好漂亮~是中国书法~这上面写的是什么意思, H: 长命百岁;我记得上次去故宫,你特别喜欢书法,所以,我想你可能会喜欢这个。 T: 真细心~你从那儿弄来的?这还不是复制的呢。 H: 没错,这可是真迹。我父亲的朋友是书法家,所以我请他帮你写一幅;他的名字和日期都在下面。 T: 嗯...我回去要把它挂在办公室。不过,真不好意思,我什么也没送你。 H: 别放在心上~这是向你表示我们在生意及友谊上的一点意思。 T: 如果你圣诞节前后有空,欢迎到我家来玩,我可以带你在我们那儿四处看看。 H: 谢谢你的邀请。请代我问候嫂夫人。 T: 你也代我问候一声。好,我得走了,再次谢谢你们的招待。 H: 请保重~祝你一路顺风~ 短语解 说 check in 登记 "check in"向某处„登记?之意;课文中的"check in",是指至机场内的航空公司柜台登记划位并把行李交给地勤人员。这个词组用得较多的时候是在指向饭店、旅馆登记住宿。 We need to check in at the hotel desk to get our keys. 我们必须在旅馆柜秮办理登记,才能拿钥匙。 be all set 准备好了 "set"当形容词,原本就有„准备好的?之意;"all set"是比较口语的用法。这个词组即等于"be ready";意指„一切都准备妥当,没有问题了?后面可加上"to+V."表示准备好去做某事。 The factory is all set to produce the new product line. 工厂都已准备好了,可以开始生产新的产品线。 in no time 很快地,不久 这是十分常用的口语,相当于"quickly","very soon"。需要注意的是另外看起来相像却有全然不同意思的词组:"in time"是„及时?,"on time"是„准时?,用法不要搞错。 Traffic is good today. We'll get to the office in no time. 今天的交通很流畅,我们很快就可以到达办公室了。 keep up 继续 "keep up"在此的解释为„保持不衰退,维持水准?;另外,这个词组亦可作„持续不停?之意,等于"keep on"。 The quality of these products is getting us a good reputation in the market. We shall keep up the good work. 这些产品的品质使我们渐渐在市场上打开名声,我们要继续维持这个水准~ a token of one's appreciation 代表感谢心意 这是一个经常在馈赠礼物时对收受者所说的话。"token"是指代表某事物的„象征?;"appreciation",感激。若是送东西给亲密的朋友以表情意,就可说"This is a token of my love."。 We sent her flowers as a token of our appreciation. 我们送花给她,以表达我们的感激。 give one's regards to... 代某人向…问候致意 这个词组是请别人代你向他人问候致意时所用;"regard"当名词本作„关心?讲,在此词组中一定要用复数"regards",指„请安,问候?之意。注意动词用"give"。 When you see Mr. Jones, please give my regards to him. 你看到Jones先生,请代我问候他。 句型总 结 ? 十分感激款待 1. I really appreciate all of your hospitality. 2. Thanks for being so hospitable. 3. Thank you for taking care of me here. 出外做客,让人热诚招待,通常就会以这句话来表达感激之意。"hospitality"是指„对待来客的殷勤与照顾?;"all of" 有强调意味,指„各方面的照顾?。 ? 有件小东西送您 1. I'd like to give you a little something (to take home). 2. Here's something for you. 3. Please accept this with my thanks. 这句话通常用于赠礼的场合。"would like to"就是"want to"之意,但语气上客气得多;"a little something"是谦虚 的说法,指自己所送之礼物为„一件小东西?。 ? 保重~一路平安~ 1. Take care, and have a pleasant flight / trip. 2. Good luck, and enjoy your flight. 3. I hope you have a safe trip home. 不论中外的习俗,友人前往远方时,通常会说„一路平安?、„旅途愉快?等话。"Take care"是一般话别时所用的口头 语,即„保重~?;"have a pleasant flight / trip"就是祝人„旅途愉快?。"pleasant",是„愉快的?,可用"nice"、"good" 等表类同意思的字代替。 面对新客户 An Unexpected Client Ms. Wrigley是来东南亚寻找供应厂商的买者,她主动找上Active Sports,表示对他们的产品有兴趣。面对首度 接触的客户,Richard Yang带着准备好的资料,前去赴约。 英文正 文 Mr. Wrigley: I'm happy to have this chance to meet with you, Mr. Yang. I'm in Taiwan looking for possible suppliers. Howard: I see. Well, it's very nice to meet you, Ms. Wrigley. How has your visit to Taiwan been so far? W: I must say the products in Taiwan have improved very much in the past ten years. You've really been keeping an eye on quality. H: Yes. At our company, quality control is very important. We want to keep customers happy. W: Active Sports is getting a solid reputation for having top of the line products. Could you tell me a little about your background? H: Sure. We've been in business about five years now. We started out by making safety equipment for many sports, and then branched out into other sports products. W: What are some of the other sports products you're making? H: Nets for tennis and badminton, and also rackets and balls for many different sports. Are you interested in anything in particular? W: We're particularly interested in your line of rackets. H: Let me give you this information to look over. Here are our catalogues, brochures, price lists, and a few magazine articles complimenting our products. W: Thanks very much. I'll read these, but I'd like to get in touch with my office in the States first. H: Fine. Ms. Wrigley, if you don't mind, I'd like to know how you feel about our products, compared with others in Taiwan. W: I feel your designs aren't very eye-catching, but your quality is the best I've seen so far. H: I'm happy to hear about the quality, and I can tell you we're working on a whole new look for our products. I really hope we can do business with you, Mr. Wrigley. W: So do I. I appreciate your time. 中文翻 译 W: 杨先生,非常高兴能有机会认识你。我此次来台湾是想找可能合作的供货商。 H: 喔~我也很高兴认识您,Wrigley女士。那到目前为止,您有何收获, W: 我得承认台湾的商品在过去十年来进步了很多,你们的确在品质上下了功夫~ H: 是的。在我们公司,品管就非常重要;我们得让顾客满意~ W: Active Sports的高品质产品已有了相当的信誉。能否请您简短地谈一下贵公司的背景, H: 当然。我们创业至今有5年的历史,开始是以生产多种安全器材为主,然后逐渐扩展出其它的运动产品。 W: 你们现在还生产那些其它的运动产品, H: 有网球和羽毛球用的网以及多种球拍和各类的球。您特别需要某项产品吗, W: 我们对贵公司的球拍系列特别有兴趣。 H: 那么让我给您些数据做参考,有目录、小册子、价目表和一些称赞我们产品的杂志文章。 W: 非常感激。我会看一看,在和美国公司联络后,我们再谈。 H: 好的。Wrigley女士,如果您不介意,我想知道您在比较了我们和本地其它的产品后,有何感想, W: 我个人认为贵公司产品的外观设计并不十分醒目,但品质却是我所仅见最好的。 H: 很高兴听到您这么说,而且我们也已着手重新设计产品外观。Wrigley女士,我衷心希望能和您做生意。 W: 我也是,谢谢您。 短语解 说 keep an eye on 注意…,对…下功夫 这个词组的字面解释为„使眼睛不离…?,引申为„对某事、人十分注意,下功夫?。介词"on"之后的名词词组即是需要注意、小心的事物。 We're keeping an eye on the stock market and waiting for a chance to sell. 我们一直留意股市的发展,等待机会抛售。 quality control 质量管理 产品在上市前都必须先经过品管,以确定所有产品的品质维持相同及一定的水准;唯有重视品管的厂商才能在竞争中建立信誉。"quality control"经常以"Q. C."的形式出现。 The factory has good quality control. The first product made was as good as the last one. 那家工厂有十分优秀的品管,所生产的第一件产品和最后一件的品质是一样好。 a solid reputation 卓著的信誉 "solid"是坚固的意思,„一个坚固的名声?就是指一个组织或个人在传统上所建立及拥有的好名声、可信赖度。 BMW cars have a solid reputation for not breaking down and being a pleasure to drive. BMW的车向来因零故障使得开车成为乐趣,而享有卓越盛名。 branch out 扩大范围、领域 "branch",原指„分支、分部?,在此为动词用法,"branch out"即形容事业像树枝般„向外扩充,发展?。 The book firm has decided to branch out into selling tapes and CDs. 这家图书公司决定扩展业务,一并销售录音带和CD。 get in touch with 和…联络 "touch"是„接触?之意,"get (be) in touch with A"即指„和A取得(有)联络?;而相反的„和A失去联络?的说法则是"get (be) out of touch with A"。 Our manager was anxious to get in touch with your representative. 我们经理急着跟你们的业务代表联络。 I appreciate your time. 谢谢(对方花时间) 这是非常实用的客套用语,意思就等于"Thank you very much.",但显得客气得多。在商谈结束前不管是否谈成生意,都应礼貌性地感谢对方拨出时间和你见面。"appreciate",感谢。 Thanks for helping me with this project. I appreciate your time. 谢谢你拨出时间来帮助这项 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 。 句型总 结 ? 请您谈谈贵公司, 1. Could you tell me a little about your (company's) background? 2. May I ask you for some information about your company? 3. Could you give me some background on your company? 从背景资料中,有助于了解对方(公司)整个的状况;由于是初次见面,只需知道个大概,所以加上"a little";另外,用"Could you..."开头,表示客气。 ? 这些数据供您参考 1. Let me give you this information to look over. 2. These documents will give you some idea of our background. 3. I'd like to give you these materials to read over. 对于有可能成为买主的顾客,提供产品的相关数据可以使对方更了解你的产品。"Let me...",有表提议的意思;"look over",„浏览、检视?。 ? 希望和贵公司合作 1. I really hope we can do business with you. 2. We'd like to work with you in the future. 3. I look forward to doing business with you. 在商谈接近尾声,却未达成具体结果时,可以此句重申己方的热望,并暗示未来让步的可能性。"I really hope..."是强调„非常期望能…?;"do business with",„与…做生意?。 价格磋商 Further Contact Ms. Wrigley在看过有关Active Sports的产品相关数据后,再度和Richard会面,希望就不满意的部分互相协调沟通。 英文正 文 Howard: Did you have a chance to look over the information I gave you, Mr. Wrigley? Wrigley: Yes, I did. As I said before, your level of quality is very high. However, I'm afraid I can't accept these prices. H: I see. No offense, but if you want good quality, you have to pay for it. W: That's true. However, with this line of tennis rackets, you have stiff competition against you. H: In what way? W: Well, although your competitors' products are not as good as yours, they're cheaper and more attractive, which will bring in quicker profits in the short term. H: Our products have sold very well in the North American market so far. W: Uh-huh, but your new rackets are not well-known, and the look isn't attractive enough. So the higher prices may push away customers. H: Let me get this straight. You feel that our rackets won't easily attract new customers because of the high price and the design? W: That's right. Though I understand you have a solid line, I have to look for a dependable profit. H: I see. If your order is large, we could offer you a bulk discount. W: I really think it would be better at first for you to sell this new line of rackets at a lower price. H: I don't think that's feasible. We've already had an unexpected rise in materials costs. The price isn't very flexible. How big an order are you thinking of? W: Probably around a thousand items to begin. At the prices you gave me, a fifteen percent discount would be good. H: Would you consider ten? W: I'll tell you what. Let me take your samples back to my boss. We'll think it over and contact you later. 中文翻 译 H: Mr. Wriglley,您是否有机会看过上次我给您的那些资料, W: 看了。如我先前说的,贵公司产品的品质非常好,然而,恐怕我无法接受这个价钱。 H: 我懂了。请别介意我直说,如果您要好的品质,就得付一点代价。 W: 这倒是真的。不过,这组网球拍的价钱使得市场上的竞争对你们很不利。 H: 怎么说, W: 虽然竞争者的产品不如你们的好,但是比较便宜,也比较好看,这样在短期内能很快地获得利润。 H: 可是到目前为止,我们产品在北美的市场一向销得很好。 W: 嗯,但你们这个新球拍名气不大,外观也不够吸引人,所以高价位会让顾客却步~ H: 更清楚地说,您觉得我们的球拍不容易吸引新顾客是因为价钱和外观设计, W: 是的,尽管我知道贵公司拥有高品质的产品,但我还得顾及可靠的利润。 H: 我了解。如果您大量订购,我们就依大量订货打折。 W: 我认为你们还是先以低价位来卖这批新球拍比较好。 H: 我不认为这样可行;原料的价格已经突然上涨,所以这个价钱的弹性不大。您想订多少, W: 开始大概一千支左右。若依您上回说的价钱打八五折,那就值得考虑。 H: 打九折,您看怎么样, W: 这样子吧,让我把这些样品带回去给我老板,等我们讨论过了,再和您联络。 短语解 说 stiff competition 强烈竞争 "stiff"有„严厉的;僵硬的?意思;"stiff competition"是形容竞争之激烈,经常用来指„商场如战场?的情形。 The Olympics this year will have stiff competition because they are allowing professional athletes to compete. 今年的奥林匹克运动会将出现激烈的竞争,因为他们准备让职业的运动员参赛。 in the short / long term 在短,长期内 "term"是指„一段期间?,在前面加上"short / long"即为„短期(程),长期(程)?。 In the short term, our profits will be high, but I'm afraid that may change if we aren't careful. 短期内我们会有高利润,但如果不多注意,情势恐怕会变。 get it / this straight 弄清楚某事,直说 "straight"原意是„直的?,引申有„明白的、清楚的?意思;这个词组的字面解释是„要把事情弄直?,也就是要„弄清楚、说明白?。"Let me get this straight",是想再确定一下说话者的意思,可说成„让我(们)把话说清楚…?。 Let me get this straight. You want the first samples by next week, and the first shipment by October, right? 让我确定一下,您要在下星期拿到第一批样品,并且在十月份收到第一批货,对吗, bulk discount 优厚的折扣 "bulk"原指„大量?;"bulk discount"这词组是指大批购货时,卖主所给的较高折扣,也可引申为„优厚折扣?。 If you buy two hundred, we can give you a bulk discount. 如果你订货两百件,我们可以给你优厚的折扣。 I'll tell you what. 这么说吧~那这样吧~ 这是一个美式的口语用法,表示说话时的一种建议的口气。通常在与人讨论事情或谈条件,想要提出决定性的建议时,即可以用这个表达语做开头。 I'll tell you what. Let's wait for the samples, then make our decision in the morning. 我看这样吧~让我们等样品来了之后再下决定。 think (something) over 考虑,再想过 这个动词词组的字面解释是„再想一次?,引申为„仔细考虑?之意。同样以"over"与动词结合成词组的还有"look over"、"read over",均含有„认真再想想、再看看?的意思。 Please think it over and give me your decision in the morning. 请你考虑清楚,明天早上把答案告诉我。 句型总 结 ? 没有恶意…,但… 1. No offense, but... 2. Please don't get me wrong, but... 3. Don't take this the wrong way, but... 不同意他人说法,或甚至想批评其论点,却不愿得罪对方,可以"No offense"做开头语,表明自己以下所说的话可能会不中听,但又非说不可;通常"No offense"后面的句子以"but"开头。"offense",„攻击、冒犯?。 ? 我不认为这可行 1. I don't think that's feasible. 2. I'm afraid I can't accept that. 3. No can do. 这句话的语气较强烈,在商谈中,此句型常用来表示不同意对方的条件。"I don't think +肯定句"这样的句型表示 否定了后面所陈述的事情、意见。 ? 您是否考虑…, 1. Would you consider...? 2. Is it possible to...? 3. How about...? 在商业谈判中有所要求、建议时,语气通常是客气的;句子以"Would you consider...?"开始,表示尊重对方的想 法。"consider",„认真考虑?,动词后所接的名词词组即为提出的条件。 接待技师 Receiving Minor Guests 由国外总公司派来的技术人员、机件指导人员,通常由国内的子公司负责接机、招待膳宿、安排交通,但并不刻 意排定旅游及其它豪华娱乐。如何能不另花力气,亦使得来客拥有愉快的异国经验,请看Active Sports 的Jill 如何招待今日前来的三位技术员。 英文正 文 Jill: Gentlemen, on behalf of our company, I'd like to welcome you to Taiwan. My name is Jill Lee. Leo: Nice to meet you, Miss Lee. I'm Leo Burns, and this is Gordon Weaver. J: I'm happy to meet you all. Please, call me Jill. I'd like to take a few moments to tell you about your schedule here. Today through Friday you'll be pretty tied up at the factory. Bob: How far is the factory, and how are we getting there? J: A car will pick you up at 8:00 a.m., it's about a 45-minute drive to the factory, lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00, and you'll be back to your hotel by 6:00. L: So, we'll be back in time to check out the nightlife! J: Yes, and when you do, here's some useful information. L: Good. This is our first time here; we don't know the city at all. J: Here are a map of the city, and a list of restaurants and clubs, and a list of common expressions in Mandarin Chinese. Gordon: Thanks. Will it be difficult for us to get around, since we can't speak Chinese? J: Not really. Many people can speak a little English, but to play it safe, you should keep the name of your hotel written in Chinese for the taxi drivers. B: How about tipping? How much is common? J: Actually, you aren't expected to tip in most places, except in international hotels. G: What are some good places for shopping? J: Taipei has many night markets and bazaars for inexpensive gifts. One thing you should remember is that you are expected to bargain by writing down your offer, and having the shop owner write down his. G: Should we use cash? J: Yes, because most places only accept NT dollars. B: We're really looking forward to seeing some of the city. J: I'm sure you'll enjoy yourselves. If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know. 中文翻 译 J: 两位,我谨代表公司欢迎你们到台湾来。我叫Jill李。 L: 很高兴认识妳,李小姐。我是Leo Burns,这位是Gordon Weaver。 J: 很高兴认识两位,叫我Jill就可以了。我想花几分钟告诉两位此次在台北的行程,从今天到星期五,你们都得待在工厂。 B: 工厂离这儿多远,我们怎么去呢, J: 早上八点有专车接你们,约四十五分钟的车程。午餐时间从十二点到一点;晚上六点钟以前回到旅馆。 L: 那我们刚好回市区看看这里的夜生活。 J: 没错,我这儿还有一些实用的参考数据。 L: 太好了~这是我们第一次来,完全不了解此地的情形。 J: 这儿有一张市区地图、餐厅和俱乐部名单,和一张中文常用语的说法。 G: 谢谢。那会不会因为我们都不会讲中文而难以和别人沟通, J: 不见得,很多人都会说一点英文。但为了安全起见,最好还是备有旅馆的中文名字给出租车司机看。 B: 那小费怎么给,一般是付多少呢, J: 事实上,大部份的时候是不必付小费的。除了在国际大饭店。 G: 哪里是逛街买东西的好地方, J: 台北有很多夜市和购物区可买到平价的礼品。千万得记住,买东西要杀价,把出价用写的,再叫老板写出他的价钱。 G: 我们应该用现金吗, J: 是的,大部份的地方都只收新台币。 B: 我们真的很希望能在台北多看看。 J: 我相信你们会玩得很愉快~如果有需要我帮忙的地方,请直说。 短语解 说 on behalf of 代表 "behalf",是„利益;支持?之意,通常出现在"on behalf of"这个词组里,意为„代表某方?。请注意同字用于"in behalf of"这个词组,则解释成„为了…的利益?。 I'll speak to Mr. Henderson on behalf of our manager. 我将代表经理和Henderson先生会谈。 be (all) tied up 很忙;没有空闲 这是美式俚语的用法,源自动词词组"tie up"—„绑紧?;用过去分词"tied up"当形容词,引申为„太忙而无法分身?;加上"all"是为了加重语气。请注意这个词组当作形容词的写法,并没有合成一个字。 Sorry I didn't call you, but I was tied up at the office. 很抱歉没打电话给你,我在办公室太忙了~ check out 看看;查访 "check"当动词原就有„检查、审视?的解释,"check out"比较口语的翻译是„去瞧瞧,一探究竟?。除此之外,这个词组尚有„离去;借出?等意思。 The boss wants to use a different factory, so let's go to Hsinchu to check one out. 老板想换一家工厂,咱们就去新竹看一家吧~ get around 四处走动;有社交经验 这个词组有两层意思,如在此解释为„在某地到处看看,熟识环境或人们?;另外,亦可用来强调社交关系方面,即中文所讲的„吃得开;交际好?。 John gets around a lot, so he knows a lot about New York. John去过很多地方,所以他对纽约蛮熟悉的。 play it safe 为了安全起见;顾及安全 这个表达语就是指做某件事很谨慎,不涉及任何危险。通常这个词组之后会加注一些建议,来表达能真正顾及安全的方法。 We're not sure about that product, so we'd better play it safe and not invest too much. 我们还不确定那项产品的好坏,所以为了安全起见,还是别投资太多。 be expected to 应该 "expect",„期盼?之意;这个表达语的字面解释为„被(大家)希望去做…?,即中文„应该?的意思;此用语后一定接原形动词,表示所该做的事情或该有的情况。 You are not expected to come after midnight. 你不应该在午夜过后拜访别人。 句型总 结 ? 我想说明一下行程 1. I'd like to take a few moments to tell you about your schedule. 2. Let's quickly go over your schedule. 3. Let's take a look at your schedule. 这是接待客户常用的句子;"I'd like to"是客气用法,"take a few moments"指花很短的时间;"schedule"即„时间表?。 ? 千万记得… 1. One thing you should remember is... 2. Please keep in mind that... 3. You must remember that... 提醒别人特别注意某件事的时候,可以用这句话;中文的意思是„千万记得要…?。句子以"one thing"做主词而非"you",是刻意强调的用法。也可用以下说法,但语气皆不及原句强烈。 ? 需要帮忙,请直说 1. If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know. 2. Don't hesitate to ask if you need anything. 3. Let me know if you need anything. 这也是招待访客时经常用的一句话。"please let me know",听起来诚恳客气,能让听者觉得说话者是愿意帮忙的。你也可以用以下的说法,只是语气不如上句客气,适用于平辈及朋友间。 商务英语 /用英语做简报 开场白 Opening a Presentation Daphne所属的公司,为 EarthSound 拟定了一份打入台湾市场的行销企划。待众人坐定之后,Daphne带着从 容和悦的神情,起身上台开始了这场简报。 英文正 文 Good afternoon and thank you for coming today. My name is Daphne Fu, and I'm the Project Manager in Taipei for Jackson&Wang. I'm here today to present our firm's marketing plan, which is designed to introduce EarthSound's products to the wealthy Taiwan market. Our research shows that there are big profits waiting in Taiwan, so we're excited at the opportunities we see for EarthSound. I hope that some of our excitement will rub off on all of you. I'll start with a few facts and figures about the health and beauty products market in Taiwan. Next, I'll go over the standard types of advertising that have been successful for these products in Taiwan. Finally, I'll analyze current opportunities and give a few recommendations. A booklet of the marketing plan will be handed out after the presentation, and it will give you all the details. Because we all have tight schedules, I'd like to introduce the first point, the current state of Taiwan's health and beauty market... 中文翻 译 午安,感谢各位今天的莅临,我是Daphne傅,Jackson&Wang公司台北地区的项目经理。今天在这里向 各位说明本公司的行销企划,乃针对贵公司将产品打入富裕的台湾市场所拟定的。根据我们的调查,台湾市场潜 藏着丰厚的利润,因此对„天籁?的未来机会,我们感到十分兴奋,希望能把这种感觉传达给在座各位。 我首先会报告一些实际情况与数据,有关台湾健康美容用品的市场;然后,再说明典型的成功广告案例,有 关此类产品打入台湾市场的情形。最后,我会 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 目前的机会并提出几点建议。简报之后,我将发给各位一本关 于这份行销计划的报告书,里面写得非常详细。 我知道大家都很忙,我想就马上开始介绍今天简报的第一项主题:台湾健康美容用品的现况市场… 短语解 说 rub off on 沾到;感染 "rub" 原是„磨擦?的意思,而 "rub off" 则指„擦掉?;"rub off on"是美式用法,它的解释是„把(某物)擦掉,再把 它抹于另一件物品上?。引申有„将个人想法、行为影响了他人或把情绪感染给别人?的喻意。值得注意的是,这词 组是以事为主词,而不是人,请参考本文和下例。 Since you're new to the team, I hope some of my confidence will rub off on you. 你是这个团队的新进人员,希望我的信心能感染你。 go over 浏览;仔细检查 这个词组有两层意思:一是指把某个文件看过一下或事情讨论一遍,只要得到一个基本概念就好;另一个意思则是精密地审查。 Let's go over some ways to make our office more efficient. 让我们很快地讨论几个使办公室更有效率的办法。 hand out 分给 "hand"在此作动词,为„提交、递送?。"hand out"的意思是„散发;把东西分发给一群人?,采用被动式 "be handed out",主词为被发给的物品。名词为"handout",指„发下来的影印本、印刷品?等。 Extra paper will be handed out to students who need it during the examination. 考试时会把额外的纸张分给有需要的同学。 句型总 结 ? 说明简报目的 1. I'm here today to present our firm's marketing plan. 2. My purpose today is to present our firm's marketing plan. 3. My goal for this meeting is to present our firm's marketing plan. 4. The aim of this presentation is to present our firm's marketing plan. 5. The reason why I'm here today is to present our firm's marketing plan. 简报者一站上讲台,不论下面的听众是否知道今天的主题,都要先介绍简报的目的,这样不仅可以帮助听众了解下面要讲的内容,也是一个最普遍、正式的开场白。"I am here today to..." 就是个非常简洁实用的句型。 ? 逐项说明大纲 1. I'll start with... Next,... Finally,... 2. First,... Second,... Third (and last) 3. To begin with... Moving right along,... To close,... 4. I'll open with... Then I'll... And I'll wrap up with... 5. Step one is to... After that we'll... And our final step is to... 说明简报目的之后,接下来应该把简报的大纲按照顺序告诉听众,帮助听众掌握内容的架构。而介绍大纲的关键是要条理分明、次序清楚。例如课文里所用的 "I'll start with...(一开始是…)Next,...(接下来是…)Finally,...(最后是…)",就是一个很好的例子。 ? 进入正题 1. I'd like to introduce the first point - the current state of Taiwan's health and beauty market. 2. Now I'll go over the first point - the current state of Taiwan's health and beauty market. 3. Now I'll review the first point - the current state of Taiwan's health and beauty market. 4. Now I'm going to consider the first point - the current state of Taiwan's health and beauty market. 5. It's time to discuss the first point - the current state of Taiwan's health and beauty market. 在开始讨论不同的主题之前,还是要把该段内容的重点提一下,这样可以帮助自己和听众有条理地听和说。 I'd like to introduce..." 是个很普遍的句型,可以清楚的告知观众,就要进入某个主题了。"introduce" 是动词,„介 绍?的意思,后面所接的名词词组即为要被讨论的主题。"I'd like to" 是 "I want to" 的客气说法。 特别提 示 讲台之于演说者有如舞台之于演员。舞台上有些位置会使您成为观众瞩目的焦点;而有些位置却会让观众 视而不见。聪明的演说者应学习站在正确的角度上,以适当的位置面对您的观众。以下四个题目提供您„站的技 巧?。 ?如何‘站尽’上风 当演讲者做简报时,讲台放置的位置以中央前方效果较好, (1)True (2)False (1)讲台放置的位置以中央优于左右两旁,前方(靠近观众)胜于后方,左方又胜过右方。 在简报时,若是以演讲者为主,则屏幕位置应放置在演讲者的右后侧, (1)True (2)False (1)在简报时,屏幕放置在演讲者的右后侧就构成了„人为主,屏幕为辅?的效果。 在简报时,若是以屏幕为主,则屏幕位置应放置在演讲者的右后侧, (1)True (2)False (2)在简报时,若是屏幕位置放置在中央,则变为„屏幕重于人?。 在简报时,演讲者以45度的角度对着观众最为强势, (1)True (2)False (2)无论是您的右半边脸较好看,或是左半边脸较迷人,正面整个面对观众是最强势的位置,其次是正面75度角, 再而半侧面,背对则最弱。 使用视听器材 Using Visual Aids 做简报时,若能提供看得见的数据,再给观众一些具体可及的线索,那么这场简报就成功一半了。现在,Daphne 就准备了一些醒目有力的幻灯片来增强简报的效果。 英文正 文 I have prepared a short slide presentation to give you a picture of the Taiwan market. Please direct your attention to the screen behind me while I dim the lights. The Taipei area, with a population of six million people, is the trendsetter for the nation. As you can see from these photos of people in the business area, both men and women are very style-conscious. They have an eye for glamour and good looks, and are willing to spend money to get the look they want. This next slide shows the beauty section of a typical drugstore; lots of famous brands from Japan, Europe, and the States, plus a broad range of domestic brands. Gentlemen, this is without a doubt a competitive market. Moving on to Taipei's hairstyling salons... hmm, that slide seems to have been placed upside down. I'm sorry for the delay; it will only take a moment to flip the slide... There, that's better. As I was saying... 中文翻 译 我准备了一段简短的幻灯片简报,让各位对台湾市场有个了解。现在我把灯光调暗,请大家看我背后的屏幕。 拥有六百万人口的台北地区,是国内流行趋势的创造者。从这几张商业区人们的照片可以看出,不管男女都 很注重打扮,对魅力和美貌的看法也很独特,而且舍得花钱塑造自己想要的外表。下面这张是一家典型购物中心 的美容用品区,有数十种来自日本、欧洲和美国的名牌产品,以及各式的国产品。各位,毫无疑问地,这真是一 个竞争激烈的市场~ 接下来看看台北的发廊,咦,…这张幻灯片似乎放倒了。很抱歉,耽误一下,马上就好…好了,正如我刚才 所说的…。 短语解 说 style-conscious 注意打扮的 "style"有„时尚;风格;品格?之解释,在这里则偏向„流行(样式)?的意思。"conscious",„有自觉的?。这两个字 合成一个形容词,指„注意流行风尚的?,引申为„着重外表打扮的?。 She was so style-conscious; she read every fashion magazine she could find. 她非常注重打扮,每一本谈流行的杂志她都看。 have an eye for 对…有独到的眼光 "eye"的意思并不只有„眼睛?,也可指„眼光;观察力?,在此是指„欣赏事物的能力?,与"appreciation"同义。这个词组表示某个人对某方面的事物或人有独特而正确的鉴赏能力,能够看出别人所无法察觉的价值。而另一个用法相似的"have an ear for"意思是„对…音乐、声音)有独到的鉴赏力?。 When I was young, I had an eye for pretty girls. In fact, I became an expert on the subject. 我年轻的时候,对美丽的女孩有独到的眼光;事实上,我变成了这方面的专家。 without a doubt 毫无疑问 "doubt" 可当动、名词使用,意思是„疑问、怀疑?, "without"则是„没有?,合在一起是副词词组,表示„毫无疑问?。这个词组亦可代换成 "certainly" 或 "surely",但语气比这两个字强烈得多。 Without a doubt you have hepatitis--the blood test proves it. 你无疑是患了肝炎验血证实了这一点。 句型总 结 ? 请观众注意某处 1. Please direct your attention to the screen behind me. 2. Please focus on the screen behind me. 3. Now let's take a look at the screen behind me. 4. I'd like you to look at the screen behind me. 5. Could you please look at the screen behind me? 在开始放幻灯片或投影片等视听辅助器材之前,必须提醒在场的观众,请他们注意。"Please direct your attention to..." 是个直接又常用的说法。"direct" 当动词是说„将(注意力、目光)导引到…?,介词可用 "to"或 "at";"attention" 是„注意、用心?的意思。说话时常在这个词组前加 "please" 以表示礼貌。 ? 说明幻灯片的内容 1. As you can see from these photos of ... both men and women are style-conscious. 2. These photos of ... Indicate that both men and women are style-conscious. 3. These photos of ... Show that both men and women are style-conscious. 4. These photos of ... Prove that both men and women are style-conscious. 5. These photos of ... Highlight the fact that both men and women are style-conscious. 放影片时,应该一边说明影片的内容,帮助观众了解,但只要间歇说明即可,让观众也有时间自己看。"As you can see from..." 这个句型即是请观众注意眼前的影象,并把所要讲的话与影片相印证。"as" 在此当连接词,是„正如(你们所看到的…)?的意思。 ? 为失误道歉 1. I'm sorry for the delay; it will only take a moment to flip the slide. 2. I apologize for the technical difficulties; it will only take a moment to flip the slide. 3. Please pardon the error; it will only take a moment to flip the slide. 4. I'm sorry for the inconvenience; it will only take a moment to flip the slide. 5. I hope you will excuse the delay; it will only take a moment to flip the slide. 简报中使用视听辅助器材时,偶尔会发生些小问题,如果那个问题是在场者都察觉得到的,就应立即大方道歉。"I'm sorry for the delay." 这个说法就是直接表达歉意,因为耽误了观众的时间。"delay" 在这个句型中当名词,意思是„耽误时间?。 特别提 示 您相信„一张图胜于千言万语?吧?!事实上,图片不但和人一样能说话,有时还更具有说服力。因此简报如果能适时地佐以适当的视听媒体,必能将说明烘托得更精彩。以下介绍几种常用的辅助媒体,并分析其优、缺点。 ?如何选择视听媒体 演讲者的简报内容若较着重于文字、重点、标题或草图的交代时,较适合选择以白板作为简报媒体, (1)True (2)False (1)在简报时,若以白板作为简报媒体 优点: 1. 适用于交代文字、重点、标题或草图。 2. 使用简单,费用低廉。 缺点: 1. 报告者的个人技巧关系成败。 2. 无法表现实物或详图,真实感较低。 在简报时,演讲者以投影片作为简报媒体的优点为可以不关灯,在室内正常光线下展示投影片, (1)True (2)False (1)在简报时,以投影片作为简报媒体 优点: 1. 毋须关灯,在室内正常的光线下即可展示投影片。 2. 报告者可面对观众,与观众保持目光接触。 3. 操作简单,制作经济。 4. 可运用各种技巧突显重点或逐条解释。 缺点: 1. 无法投射不透明的图片,必须制作成透明的影片。 2. 放映的影像常有变形的现象。 在简报时,演讲者以幻灯片作为简报媒体的优点为可依目的组合幻灯片的顺序, (1)True (2)False (1)在简报时,以幻灯片作为简报媒体 优点: 1. 可依目的组合幻灯片的顺序。 2. 可放映高品质、有真实感的彩色图片。 3. 可加上音乐。 4. 制作并不困难。 缺点: 1. 幻灯片的顺序易于颠倒弄乱。 2. 制作费较高。 3. 放映时必须关灯,不方便观众作笔记。 演讲者的简报内容若较着重于连续动作的表达,则适合选择以录像带作为简报媒体, (1)True (2)False (1)在简报时,以录像带作为简报媒体 优点: 1. 适用于表现连续动作,可结合连续的动作与静态的图片。 2. 使观众有身临其境之感。 3. 操作放映相当容易。 缺点: 1. 棚内作业,制作费较高。 2. 不如投影片或幻灯片,可随时指出某一重点作说明。 3. 一般屏幕不适于大型演讲场合,只适用于观众人数较少时。 数据与数字 Figures & Numbers 一般来说,统计数字可以增加简报的可信度。而Daphne早就准备好以一连串的数字来说服他们;她成功的主要 因素之一就是能有效地运用各种统计数字与数据。 英文正 文 Most of Taiwan's hairstyling salons are full-service shops that have a regular customer base. Taken as a group, the salons have moderate buying power when it comes to beauty products. The money they spend makes up 13.5% of the total yearly sales for the industry. And the size of this market? Taiwan's twenty million people spent five-point-four billion U.S. dollars on beauty products last year or two hundred and fifty dollars per capita. Salons accounted for four-hundred million of this total. Breaking the figures down even further, five out of every eight dollars were spent by women. One half of the total was spent by people between the ages of nineteen and thirty-five. The last and most surprising statistic shows that teenagers spend the highest per capita total; at three-hundred twenty-three dollars, this is one-point-three times the total of the young adult market. 中文翻 译 台湾大部份的发廊都提供全套的服务,也有固定的客户群。整体看来,发廊在美容用品方面具有相当稳定的购买力,他们购买的费用占了美容用品业年营业额的百分之十三点五。 那么这个市场有多大呢,去年台湾二千万人总共花了五十四亿美元在美容用品上,也就是平均每人消费二百五十美元。而发廊的消费则占了这个总额中的四亿~把这些数字做进一步的分析,我们发现,每八元中有五元是女性花费的;消费这些总额二分之一的是十九岁到三十五岁的年龄层。最后一项,同时也是最让人惊讶的统计结果是,十几岁的少年少女每人每年的消费额竟然最高,达三百二十三元;是青年消费者的1.3倍。 短语解 说 make up 组(合)成;造成 "make up"这个动词词组有相当多的意思,如„弥补、修护、造成?,在本文中则指„造成?,可以用"compose"或"form""来代换。 Teenagers make up 30% of the market in Taiwan. 青少年占了台湾百分之三十的市场 account for 占(花费的)部分 "account"的意思是„计算?。"account for"可以做„解释;说明…的原因?,但在此处引申的意思则是„说明金钱是怎么花的;占花费的多少?,譬如每月开销的一半花在房租上,你就可以说:"Rent accounts for half of monthly expenditures." Taiwan accounts for 12% of all sales in Asia. 台湾占了整个亚洲地区销售额的百分之十二。 breaking (the figures) down 分析;分类 当你将一大堆数字分成小部分来分析,就是将它们"break down"—„分析;分类?。譬如把生活费区分为食、衣、住、行、医药费等,就是break down the figures on living expenses into food, shelter, education, medical bills, etc."。这个词组也可用来指„毁损?、„故障?。另外,"figures"通指经统计、计算而得到的数字。 After breaking the figures down, we found that the company wasn't in such poor financial shape. 分析这些数据之后,我们发现这家公司的财务状况并没那么糟。 句型总 结 ? 庞大数目的说法 1. 100 百 hundred 2. 1,000 千 thousand 3. 10,000 万 ten thousand 4. 100,000 十万 hundred thousand 5. 1,000,000 百万 million 6. 10,000,000 千万 ten million 7. 100,000,000 亿 hundred million 8. 1,000,000,000 十亿 billion 9. 10,000,000,000 百亿 ten billion 10. 100,000,000,000 千亿 hundred billion 11. 1,000,000,000,000 兆 trillion 12. 1,800 - Eighteen-hundred 13. 90,000 - Ninety thousand 14. 200,000 - Two-hundred thousand 15. 85,600,000 - Eight-five-point-six million 16. 7,000,400,000,000 - Steven-trillion four-hundred million 用英文说庞大的数目字时,为避免绕口,有两个简便的办法。第一,当详细数目字不是那么重要时,可使用整数来表达,譬如:"two million ninety-three thousand and two"(二百零九万三千零二)可以 "two million" 代替,把零头删除不说。另一种方式是以最大的单位做基准,用小数点的方式来表达,譬如把 "five-billion four-hundred million"(五十四亿)说成 "five-point-four billion",这样的表达方式比较简洁。另外请您注意:"billion", "trillion",在美语中为„兆?,而英式用法为百万的立方,即为„十万兆?。 美语用法是指„十亿?,而英式英语则为„兆?; ? 小数点和百分比 1. 0.32 - Oh-point-three-two 2. 0.7% -Zero-point-seven percent 3. 89% - Eighty-nine percent 4. 300% - Three-hundred percent 表达数据时,可尽量采用小数点 (decimals) 和百分比 (percentages),听者比较容易掌握。前面提过可以用 "point" 这个字来简化庞大的数目。但需注意的是,小于1的数目应该在 "point" 之前加上 "zero"(零)这个字,譬如0.90念成 "zero-point-nine";若大于1,就直接读出该数字,然后接 "point",例如 "two-point-three" (2.3)。百分比则大都用来表示比例关系,而且通常只有二位数,所以听者易记易懂。譬如 "thirteen-point-five percent" (13.5%),书写时数字后一定要加 "%" 这个符号。 ? 分数和比率 1. 5/8 - Five eights 2. 1/6 - A sixth 3. 2/3 - Two thirds 4. 4:5 - Four in five 5. 9:10 - nine out of ten 6. 10:1 - ten to one 7. 1000:1 - a thousand to one 分数和比率的用法在强调数据的对比时相当重要。用英文来表示分数时:分子以数目读出,分母则以序数读出;分子若大于1,分母则须加 "s",例如:1/2念成 "one second"或 "one-half",2/3念成 "two-thirds",3/4 则念成 "three-quarters"。复杂的分数通常可用关键词 "over" 来表达,如 123/456 要读成:"a (one)hundred twenty-three over four hundred fifty-six"。谈到比率时,若是要表达„某个数目之中的多少个?,有两种表达方式:"out of" 或 "in",譬如简报中的 "five out of eight" (5:8),或 "one in three" (1:3)。而若单纯强调„几比几?,则经常用 "to"。 特别提 示 投影片 (overhead transparencies) 虽是最常使用的视听媒体之一,但是一些制作上的基本原则未必人人懂得,因此不合 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 的投影片处处可见。不良或字体过小的投影片,彷佛对台下观众实施酷刑;或因为信息过多,使人抓不住重点。以下提供您一些投影片制作上的基本原则。 ?投影片制作要诀 投影片的制作宜采直式, (1)True (2)False (2)投影片宜采横式,勿用直放的格式。这是由于投影机放映台的尺寸,使得直式投影片有截头去尾之虞。 一张投影片,尽量表达一个概念, (1)True (2)False (1)一张投影片,一个概念。图样尽量不要多于三或四个。 投影片所显示的内容文字越多,表示准备越充份, (1)True (2)False (2)运用关键词或标题作提示。整体的文字越短越好,谨记"KISS"的原则("Keep it simply simple."——简洁扼要),一张投影片勿多过6行字,若为英文则每行不应超过6个字。 投影片投射在屏幕上的文字不宜太小,字体高度最少是1/4吋, (1)True (2)False (1)投射在屏幕上的字体高度最少是1/4吋(约0.6公分),随与台下观众之距离而定。与观众之距离:字体之高度,8呎(244公分):1/4吋(0.6公分);因此与观众之距离若为16呎(488公分),字体高度应为1/2吋(1.2公分)。 图表会说话 Diagrams 图表就像是„数字地图?,可以让看的人一目了然;成功的演说者应该就这些数字、图表加以诠释,让听众即刻掌握这些数字之间的关系比较。 英文正 文 The statistics I've just given show that Taiwan is definitely a youth-oriented market, and will remain so for another ten years. The companies that successfully target this segment have higher sales and larger market shares year in and year out. I've prepared a few diagrams showing which companies dominate the market, and the types of advertising they use to keep their sales. This bar chart shows the top four companies and their market shares: the American Jonny&Jammy company leads the pack with 29%, followed by the domestic firm, V08, at 21%. The Japanese MARUMI is next with 17%, and the French company, La-Rose, is last with 12%. The next chart, a pie graph, shows a breakdown of their advertising: the largest wedge at 62% represents TV commercials; a quarter of their budget goes to magazine and newspaper ads, and the remainder is for purchasing advertising and posters placed in shops where their products are sold. 中文翻 译 我刚才给各位的统计数字,说明了台湾的确是一个以年轻人为导向的市场,而且未来十年之内仍然会继续这 种状况。因此看准了并打进这个市场区隔的业者,就能每年达成较高业绩及市场占有率。我另外还准备了一些图 来说明是那几家公司主宰了目前的市场,以及这些公司运用那些广告来维持他们的业绩。 从这个条形图表可以看出四家最大的公司,以及他们的市场占有率。美国的Jonny&Jammy公司以百分之二 十九领先群伦,其次是国内的厂家V08,据有百分之二十一的市场占有率;再下来是日本的MARUMI,拥有百 分之十七;法国的La-Rose居末,占了百分之十二的市场。第二个图表是个圆形百分比图,显示这几家公司的 各类广告比重。比率最大的那个扇形是电视广告,占百分之六十二;报章杂志占了百分之二十五,其余的部份则 是促销广告和海报等…贴在产品销售卖场的部份。 短语解 说 youth-oriented 以年轻人为导向的 "youth"是„青少年人?的意思。基本上各年龄层的泛称有:"children"(小孩)、"teenagers"(青少年)、"adults" (成年人)和the elderly"(老年人)。"youth"包括"teenagers"和"adults"各一部分。"oriented",„以…导向的?的 意思,常与其它名词复合成形容词,如"customer-oriented"即表示„客户导向的…?。 I suggest youth-oriented commercials when we introduce the new cereal. 我建议推出新的麦片时,打以青少年为导向的电视广告。 year in and year out 每年;年复一年 "in"和"out"在这里是指„出?、„入?,也就是„来?、„去?的意思。„年来年又去?,给人一种连续不断的感觉,有强调的意 思。其实它就是指"every year"、"year after year"。 Year in and year out, Ven-Ven is a leader in creative advertising. 年复一年,文文公司仍是创意广告的龙头。 lead the pack 领先群伦 "pack"常用的意思是„包;捆?,如:"a pack of cigarettes"(一包香烟);但在这里是指„一群(人)?。整个词组原来是说有一群人在赛跑,其中一人超越了其它竞赛对手,居于领先(lead)地位。现在则只要是形容某人在团体中表现最好,就可以用这个词组。 Because she studied hard, she led the pack in the race to get into a good university. 她读书很用功,因此考试成绩比其它人好,进了好大学。 句型总 结 ? 图表的说法与用途 1. What we have here is a bar chart showing... 2. Our monthly sales are shown on this X/Y graph. 3. These three pie graphs each present... 4. The next diagram illustrates... 基本的图表通常有 "chart"、"graph" 和 "diagram"。这三个字在意义上原本有些微的差异,但现已互相通用了。图表的种类有很多,最常使用的几种是 "bar chart"„条形图?,"line chart"„曲线图?--又称 "X/Y graph"„X/Y坐标图?,以及 "pie graph"„圆形百分比图?。条形图使人容易看出单一方面的数目,譬如业绩;圆形百分比图则可以看出每一方面占整体的比率。X/Y坐标图能让人清楚地看出两个因素之间的关系,譬如„每月?的„业绩?。每提到一个图表时,要先说出该图表的种类或名称。 ? 指出图表某部份 1. The longest bar is... 2. This group of thin wedges shows... 3. The lowest point on the graph is.. 解释图表内容时,将每个部份所代表的数字或比率说出来即可。但解释百分比图时,也可加入每个项目彼此或与整体之间的关系,譬如 "the largest"「最多的…」及 "the remainder"„其余的…?。另外,在圆形百分比图中的每一部分都可以称为 "wedge"(扇形)或 "slice"(片),如 "the smallest wedge / slice shows..."。至于X/Y坐标图就比较复杂,并行线称为 "X axis"(X轴),垂直线称为 "Y axis"(Y轴),图上的任何 (X,Y)坐标都是一个 "point"(一点)。通常要指出曲线上某一点时,最好能明确地指出来,不然就要把X与Y轴所代表的事物明白讲清楚。 ? 说明图表的意义 1. This bar chart shows the growth in our sales. 2. Here is a graph showing the growth in our sales. 3. Each bar on the chart represents the growth in our sales. 4. The wedges on this pie graph illustrate the growth in our sales. 5. This diagram focuses on the growth in our sales. 说明图表的意义要简单明了,一句话就能让听众明白。例如课文中提到条形图时,立刻表明这张图分别代表 "the top four companies" 和 "their market shares"(这些称为图表的 "factor(s)");而看到圆形百分比图时,就 表示这张图 "shows a breakdown of their advertising..."。注意,表示整个图所代表的意义用动词 "show",而表 示图中各部分的要用 "represent"。 特别提 示 谈数字、谈统计,最高明的方法是化抽象为具象,将数字制成图表,让读者一眼看出数字的高下与其间的 关系。以下提供您三种不同的图表,并介绍其制图要点及用途。 ?如何以图像谈数字 条形图是以长度的高低表示数量的多寡, (1)True (2)False (1)条形图 制图要点:各长条的宽度一致,而以长度的高低表示数量的多寡。 用 途:多用于比较同一时间中各种不同的项目,或是某个项目在不同时间中 的变化。 限 制:比较的项目最好不要超过 8项。 圆形百分比图是以弧度的大小表示数量的多寡, (1)True (2)False (2)圆形百分比图 制图要点:以面积的大小表示百分比。 用 途:适用于表示某事项占全体的比例,例如巿场占有率。 曲线图较能精确地表示较复杂的信息,适用于归纳趋势, (1)True (2)False (1)曲线图 制图要点:用横坐标与纵坐标代表两项因素,再以二者为基础找到定点以联机, 说明变化的走向。 用 途:能很精确地表示较复杂的信息,适用于归纳趋势。 比较事实 Making Comparisons Daphne提供观众所需的背景数据后,便进入简报的核心阶段。她必须以专业者的眼光指出天籁在美国成功的销 售经验与在台湾所需的行销企划之间所存在的重要差异。 英文正 文 I know EarthSound has used all of these advertising methods successfully in the United States, and you may feel that what works in the States will work in Taiwan. This is definitely not the case. There are important differences between EarthSound's advertising and the advertising of successful companies in Taiwan. EarthSound's slogan is, "EarthSound - the healthy alternative for you and the environment," while V08's slogan is, "Thank you, V08, for making me beautiful." Why the difference? My calculations show that 85% of the American public believes they can do something to help the environment, but only 30% of Taiwan's people feel the same. America's politicians and its media have made people become aware of this issue. This has created a market for EarthSound's products. If Taiwan's politicians and media would do the same, then the people of Taiwan would be ready for EarthSound's advertising. This hasn't happened yet. 中文翻 译 我知道贵公司在美国已经非常成功地运用这几种广告,而且,各位也许会认为,这些广告在美国有效,在台 湾应该也一样。其实不然,贵公司的广告与刚才我提到的几家台湾当地成功的公司所做的广告有很大的不同。 天籁的口号是:“天籁——你和环境的健康选择”,V08的口号是:“V08,谢谢你把我变得美丽”。为什么会 有这样的差异呢,我的统计显示有85%的美国大众相信他们能做些有助于环境的事,但只有30%的台湾人会这 么想。美国的政客和媒体已让大众意识到环境的问题,这就为天籁的产品创造了市场。如果台湾的政客和媒体也 能做一样的事,那台湾人才会接受天籁的广告,但这还没有发生。 短语解 说 (be) aware of 注意;察觉;意识到 "aware"是个形容词,原意为?知道、晓得?,与of一起使用。"be aware of"的意思是指感觉到或注意到某一种情 况或气氛。同义的词组:"become aware of。 We should be aware of the financial risks before committing ourselves. 我们承诺之前应先注意财务上的风险。 be ready for... 准备好的;可以(做…)了 "ready"是形容词,意思为„准备好的?。"be ready for"即„有准备要做…?,引申有„对…是适合的?之意。简报中,Daphne 认为台湾人的环保意识还不够普遍,故"not ready for accepting"(还不能接受)天籁的广告词。 We should be ready for strong competition when we move into the Taiwan market. 移师台湾市场时,我们应该做好迎接激烈竞争的准备。 work 有效;成功;达到目的 "work" 一般的意思是„工作?(动词;名词);在这里是个口语用法,„有效;发挥功能?的意思,例如它在文中就是用来描述美国的广告词若原封不动搬到台湾就没办法„产生效果?。要注意的是,"work"用做„有效?的意思时,其主词一定是某事、物或某个办法,而不是人。 If your training program works in Hong Kong, it will work in Singapore. 你们的训练课程在香港若是有用,在新加坡也会有用。 句型总 结 ? 比较差异 1. There are important difference between (A) and (B). 2. There are great distinctions between (A) and (B). 3. There are obvious contrasts between (A) and (B). 4. We can see discrepancies between (A) and (B). 5. We find great differences between (A) and (B). 简报中要做一些比较时,最好提醒观众的注意,例如先说 "There are important differences between...and..."“…(之间)有很大的不同”,然后再说出不同之处。这个句型可以直接指出某两项事物有极大的差异;"differences",„差别?在此为复数,表示有多项不同点,并以 "important" 来形容,有强调差异性的作用;介词 "between" 之后加相比较的事物,并注意要用 "and" 来连结这两者。如果差异并不复杂,你甚至可以接着把它们条列出来。 ? 提出因果关系 2. If (the cause), then (the effect) 3. When (the cause) happens, (the effect) happens 4. When we do (the cause), (the effect) occurs 5. (The cause) caused (the effect) 6. (Effects) were all due to (the cause) 有果必有其因,简报中尤其要说明结果的来由,以服众人。"If..., then..."就是经常用来说明因果的句子。"If" 后面接表示原因的子句,"then" 后面接表示结果的句子。通常都是先说明原因再提到结果,这样比较合乎逻辑又易懂。但有时候为了强调,也可以先列出一连串的结果再说明造成的原因。 特别 TOP? 提示 投影片使用简便,无论在教学或是做口头报告,两相皆宜。但精美制作却不足以显其优点,还需使用者巧妙的运用,才能相得益彰。以下提供您放映投影片时应注意的事项。 ?投影片使用须知 在简报中,若暂时不使用投影片,应将投影机关掉, (1)True (2)False (1)结束一张投影片的说明或想将台下者的注意力转移到自己身上时,不要忘了将投影机关掉,莫让观众持续盯着屏幕的画面。 在简报中,应避免照着片子上的文稿宣读, (1)True (2)False (1)将小抄或提示写在投影片的纸框上,避免照着片子上的文稿宣读。 在简报中,可因需要直接在投影片上书写, (1)True (2)False (2)避免在投影片上涂鸦,利用白板或覆盖一张空白的投影片在原样上,再行书写。 在简报中,可用笔在投影片上指出须注意的部份, (1)True (2)False (1)请观众注意某一特定部份的要诀: 1. 以笔在投影片上指出须注意的部份,请勿用笔直接在屏幕指指点点。 2. 用纸或纸板遮盖投影片上不需注意的部份,逐项揭露待说明的部份。 3. 利用层层覆盖的技巧说明复杂的概念。将最基本的事项制成最底层的投影片,再将各附加部份制成投影片数张(最多可到4张)。说明时,先将最基本的投影片展示给听讲者,待说明至某部份时,则将有关此部份的投影片加覆在原片上。 展望未来 Forecast Daphne认为展望未来可以激励观众。她提出未来展望时,有两个目标:一是以逻辑的推理让理性的人信服;二是以高度的可能性来唤醒感性的人。现在,我们就来看看她对天籁未来发展的预测。 英文正 文 It's obvious that EarthSound will need to change its marketing strategy if it's to be successful in Taiwan. It will have to emphasize beauty and style more than health and the environment, but only in the first stages of the marketing campaign. Let me explain. Taiwan is a society on the move. As the economy expands and cities grow, people will face all the problems of a modern industrial society. In terms of environmental damage, people in Taiwan live with the same problems as people in Cleveland; and they're coming to the same conclusions. I predict that in two years, pollution will be the hottest issue in Taiwan. If EarthSound can establish itself now, it will be in a perfect position to profit from Taiwan's changing views. In fact, I believe that five years from now, EarthSound will be as successful in Taiwan as it is in the States, and for the same reasons; because it's the healthy alternative! 中文翻 译 显然地,天籁必须改变行销策略,如果它想在台湾成功。要强调„美丽与风格?,而不是„健康和环保?…不过,在行销活动的初步阶段才需要这样做。且听我的解释。 台湾是一个变动迅速的社会,随着经济的进步和都市的成长,人们将要面临所有现代工业社会的种种问题。就环境的破坏而言,台湾的民众与克里夫兰(Cleveland)的人有着相同的问题,而且他们最后的结论也会一样的。我预测,两年后台湾的环境污染问题会成为最热门的话题。如果天籁能于此时建立市场,则在台湾人观念逐渐转变之间,正好可以获利。事实上,我相信五年后天籁在台湾会像在美国一样成功,而且成功的理由相同;因为它是一个健康环保的选择。 短语解 说 come to a conclusion 获得结论 这是一个动词词组;"come to"在此可以做„达成;得到?解释,"conclusion"是名词—„结论?;"conclude"为其动词。这个词组是说随着事情的演变,终于有个结果,或有所定论。在本文中则是说台湾的居民最后还是会和克里夫兰的人一样,认为环保重于其它。 I hope we can come to a conclusion before the meeting is over. 我希望我们在会议结束之前能得到一个结论。 marketing campaign 行销活动 "marketing"是„行销?的意思,是指把产品推上市场("market")并让消费者购买的一切事务,如配销、广告等都是。"campaign"则是„(竞选)活动?的意思。另一个与商品行销有关的常用词组"sales promotion"-„促销?,则属于"marketing campaign"中的一种,主要目的是为了促进销售数量。 Our marketing campaign should be aimed at young working couples. 我们的行销活动应该针对年轻的上班夫妇。 environmental damage 环境破坏 "environment"是指围绕在我们四周的有形或无形的事物,本文中偏指大自然里原有的事物,如山岳、湖泊、河流等。"environmental"是它的形容词;"damage"是„伤害;损害?的意思。"environmental damage"这个名词词组目前使用得很广泛,指人类对自然环境的破坏。 Companies that are responsible for environmental damage can be fined by the government. 造成环境破坏的公司会受到政府罚款。 句型总 结 ? 转入另一个主题 1. In terms of environmental damage, people in Taiwan live with the same problems as people in Cleveland. 2. With regard to environmental damage, people in Taiwan live with the same problems as people in Cleveland. 3. In reference to environmental damage, people in Taiwan live with the same problems as people in Cleveland. 4. From the point of view of environmental damage, people in Taiwan live with the same problems as people in Cleveland. 5. As far as environmental damage is concerned, people in Taiwan live with the same problems as people in Cleveland. 论证事情时,通常由较广泛的主题出发,再逐步进入更具体的论点。"in terms of" 就是由大主题转入小论点 时用的转折词。课文里的简报者就是以 "in terms of" 这个句型告知观众,接下来要谈论的是现代工业社会问题 中的环境议题。"terms" 使用复数形,有„条件;说法?的意思;"in terms of" 可解释为„关于…;在…方面?。 ? 展望未来 1. I predict that in two years, pollution will be the hottest issue in Taiwan. 2. Our forecasts show that in two years, pollution will be the hottest issue in Taiwan. 3. We expect that in two years, pollution will be the hottest issue in Taiwan. 4. I anticipate that in two years, pollution will be the hottest issue in Taiwan. 5. We can foretell that in two years, pollution will be the hottest issue in Taiwan. 在正式专业的简报中,对未来前景的预估不仅重要,而且具关键性。"I predict that..."就是一个语意强烈而直 接的句型。使用这个句型,不但可以清楚地让听众知道接下来是个人的预测,同时表露说话者的信心。"predict" 是动词,后面常接 that+子句。同义字有 "forecast";"foretell",名词则是 "prediction"。 ? 表达个人意见 1. I believe that EarthSound will be as successful in Taiwan as it is in the States. 2. My opinion is that EarthSound will be as successful in Taiwan as it is in the States. 3. It is my belief that EarthSound will be as successful in Taiwan as it is in the States. 4. I think that EarthSound will be as successful in Taiwan as it is in the States. 5. I'm inclined to think that EarthSound will be as successful in Taiwan as it is in the States. 曾有人说“如果每一个叫我听他表达意见的人都付我一块钱的话,那我早成富翁了~”由此可知,每个人都有 自己的意见和看法,所以在传达个人观点时,要尽量强调自己的信心,否则不容易在听者心中留下印象。"I believe that..." 是表达个人意见的一个说法。"believe" 是„信仰;相信?的意思,用这样的开头语可表示本身对此看法非 常自信而坚定,有加强说服力的作用。"believe" 的名词是 "belief"。 特别提 示 幻灯片是商业正式简报中,最常用的视听媒体。生手上台最担心的就是,无法善用媒体,弄巧成拙地使得 视听器材成为简报的败笔。以下提供您放映幻灯片时应注意的原则。 当操作幻灯片时,可背对观众, (1)True (2)False (2)以遥控器控制放映,尽量站在能与观众保持目光接触的位置,避免站在房间后方。 使用幻灯片前,为了避免发生错误,最好事先预演一次, (1)True (2)False (1)使用幻灯片的技巧: 一、确定幻灯片依次序排妥放好。幻灯片正确的排放秘诀是: (1)在幻灯片的左下角做个记号。 (2)倒转 180度,使其上下颠倒,记号位于右上方,然后以此记号作为手指拿取的位置,放入匣中。让含感光剂 (也就是较不光亮)的一面朝向屏幕。 二、准备手电筒等照明工具,方便看提示或草稿。 三、幻灯片的编排着重变化,不妨以文字的标题,作为段落的开始。 四、每张幻灯片的说明越简洁越好。 五、事先预演一次。 六、一组幻灯片开始与结束的两张可采用全黑的片子,避免亮光刺眼。 提出重点与目标 Points & Targets Daphne在提供重要的背景资料后,选择以单刀直入的方式提出她对天籁在台湾的目标与计划;因为她深知唯有 精简的要点和明确的目标才能打动人心。 英文正 文 My point is that EarthSound needs to target two groups of consumers: adults and young adults. What's more, it should have two different advertising campaigns. The first campaign will be aimed at Taiwan's yuppies. These young professionals between the ages of 24 and 35 have sophisticated tastes. EarthSound should cater to their tastes when it first introduces its products. Beautiful models, expensive surroundings, and a feeling of high style all need to be part of every ad. You will find some examples in the booklet. However, this is just the beginning. Our major long-term goal is to make EarthSound the product of choice for consumers who care about themselves and the environment. To do this, we should set our sights on a younger market; people between the ages of 16 and 24. As I mentioned earlier, they spend a lot of money on beauty products, and they are Taiwan's future yuppies. 中文翻 译 我要强调的重点是,天籁应该以二个消费群为目标:成年人与青年人,而且还要准备二种不同的广告活动。第一种广告活动针对台湾的雅痞;这群年纪在二十四到三十五岁之间的年轻专业人士,都十分讲究品味。天籁初次引进产品的时候,应该注意迎合他们的品味。每一个广告中都应该有漂亮的模特儿,华贵的背景,并呈现出高格调的感觉。各位在小册子里可以找到这种广告的例子。 然而,那只是开始的时候。我们主要的长程目标是,让天籁的产品成为最佳选择,对那些在意自己也在意自然环境的消费者。要达到这一点,我们就应该把目标对准青少年,也就是年龄在十六到二十四之间的人。诚如我早先提过的,他们花在美容用品上的费用很大,而且他们也将是台湾未来的雅痞族。 短语解 说 aim at 以…为目标;目的在… "aim",当动词或名词皆可,„以…为标的?的意思,譬如„市场行销活动以青少年为目标?-- "The marketing campaign aims at youth."和„我的人生目标?--"my aim in life"。注意"aim"之后的介词一定要用"at"再加宾语。 I try to aim at success in everything I do. 我尽量在做每一件事时,都以成功为目标。 cater to 迎合(…爱好、需求) "cater"这个动词的意思原有„应…要求;迎合?的解释;是不及物动词,要加"to"或"for"才能接受词。在竞争的商场上,产品的最大特点之一就是要"cater to customers' tastes"(迎合顾客的品味)。 I think we ought to cater to retired people by keeping our price low. 我认为我们应维持低价以迎合退休族的需求。 set one's sights on 以…为目标 这个词组的字面解释为„将目光置于(看)某处?,引申之意为„把…当作目标?。"set"是„放置?;"sights"是„眼光;目力?;要注意这个词组的介词必须用"on"。 I agree that we should set our sights on improving efficiency. 我同意我们应当以改进效率为目标。 句型总 结 ? 提到关键重点 1. My point is that EarthSound needs to target two groups of consumers. 2. My thesis is that EarthSound needs to target two groups of consumers. 3. The crux of the matter is that EarthSound needs to target two groups of consumers. 4. What I'm saying is that EarthSound needs to target two groups of consumers. 5. What I'm getting at is that EarthSound needs to target two groups of consumers. 在提出关键性的重点时,需确定让观众知道现在要说的是精华,应当竖起耳朵来听。"my point is that..." 就 是一个可以直接达到这个目的的句型,"point" 在这里是名词,„重点?的意思。同时 "my point is that" 后面所叙 述的论点应尽量简洁,避免长篇冗文让听者抓不到重心。 ? 补充要点 1. What is more, it should have two different advertising campaigns. 2. In addition to this, it should have two different advertising campaigns. 3. Furthermore, it should have two different advertising campaigns. 4. Moreover, it should have two different advertising campaigns. 5. Plus, it should have two different advertising campaigns. 说完主要的重点之后,还有其它相关的要点必须补充时,说话者就须提醒听众下面所讲的是附属于前述的重 点。"What is more..." 就是具有表达重点补充功能的句型;这个表达语当副词使用,有„此外,再者?的意思,后 面要加逗点,然后再接句子。"more" 在此是„还有;更重要的?之意思。 ? 表明目标 1. Our major long-term goal is to make EarthSound the product of choice for consumers who care about the environment. 2. Our most important priority is to make EarthSound the product of choice for consumers who care about the environment. 3. The chief objective is to make EarthSound the product of choice for consumers who care about the environment. 4. One target to shoot for is to make EarthSound the product of choice for consumers who care about the environment. 5. One of our goals is to make EarthSound the product of choice for consumers who care about the environment. 确定了此次简报主要和次要的重点后,观众接着就会问:„那我们的目标是什么,?请注意,说明目标一定要明 确、简洁。此外,还可以在用字上加以修饰来达到强化的效果。"Our major long-term goal is..."(我们的长程目 标是 ...)就是很好的引导词,带领听众进入某个设定的目标。"major" 是形容词,„主要的?意思;"long / short-term" 即„长,短期(程)?。 特别提 示 上台作简报时,一旦遇上幻灯片放反或卡住的麻烦,总是给人不够专业或准备不周的印象。如果再加上无 法及时补救,一位急得满身汗的简报者与一群失去耐性的观众,就构成了第二波的灾难。以下提供您幻灯片使用 错误时的补救方法。 ?幻灯片卡住的处理 使用幻灯片时,若幻灯片卡住则应立即关闭电源开关, (1)True (2)False (2)幻灯片卡住 补救:1. 按"select"键(勿将电源开关关掉),让卡住的幻灯片跳出来。 2. 如果幻灯片无法跳出来,则先将开关关掉,将放置幻灯片的匣子拿起, 取出卡住的片子。 预防:避免使用边缘折到或翘起的幻灯片。 表达假定构想 Expressing Hypotheses 明确表达目标后,听众就准备接受你接着所要说明的任何构想。Daphne并未忘记此行的目的是为公司争取合约; 她的构想就是诱使„天籁?与她签约合作的饵。 英文正 文 If EarthSound were to win over this group of adults and young adults, it would have an excellent long term future in Taiwan. Let me give you an idea of how EarthSound ought to advertise to these young people. Imagine that what follows is the first in a series of television commercials. A group of Chinese students is visiting the States. Some American friends take them to a beautiful, wide open mountain wilderness. While camping by a lake, an American girl loans a Chinese girl her EarthSound shampoo, and explains why she uses it. "This shampoo is all natural, just like this lake and these mountains. It's the healthy alternative we need!" The Chinese girl uses it and, of course, her hair looks beautiful. As a going away gift, the American gives her Chinese friend a bottle of EarthSound shampoo. We recommend that future commercials feature this same Chinese girl. She will be EarthSound's "image" in Taiwan; a beautiful young woman who cares about keeping Taiwan beautiful. 中文翻 译 如果天籁能够赢得这个消费群的支持,那么你们在台湾长远的未来就大有可为。且让我向各位说明天籁应该 如何针对这群年轻的消费者做广告。我下面描述的就是一系列电视广告中的第一支,请各位想象一下。 一群中国学生到美国游览,美国朋友带他们到美丽而辽阔的山野去玩;当他们在湖边露营的时候,一个美国 女孩把一瓶天籁洗发精借给一个中国女孩,并解释为什么她会使用这个品牌的洗发精。她说:„这种洗发精正如 我们所处的湖光山色一般,是纯天然的。它就是我们所需要的健康选择?。这位中国女孩于是使用这瓶洗发精; 当然,她的头发看起来美极了。当成临别赠礼,那位美国女孩把一瓶天籁洗发精送给台湾来的朋友。我们建议日 后的广告就可以那位中国女学生做为主角。她将成为天籁在台湾的品牌形象,一位关怀台湾大自然之美的年轻漂 亮女孩。 短语解 说 win over 获得…的支持;争取…认同 "win" 是„赢;获胜?之意,但 "win over someone" 或 "win someone over" 却非„胜过某人?,而是„获得…的支持、 信任或称许?的意思;同时也引申有„劝诱某人加入己方势力之喻意?。 You will have to win over the whole committee. 你们得争取到全体委员的支持才行。 give someone an idea of 对某人说明…;把…告诉 "idea" 原意是„主意;思想?,在此是„概念;了解?的意思。这个常用的口语词组是说让某人对某件事有些认识和了 解;冠词 "an" 也可用"some"代替;介词"of"之后直接加要说明的事情。与它相似的另一个说法 "have an (some) idea of" ,则是(某人)„对…有些了解、认识?。 Let me give you an idea of why we must invest in buying new machines. 让我向各位说明为什么我们必须购买新机器的原因。 a series of 一连串的…;一系列的…;一套 "series" 这个词单复数同型,但即使是单数形态,也是代表复数的概念,必须用复数动词。凡是前后相关、具有 连续性的事物,都可以称为 "series" 。如„电视影集?就是 "television series" 。而 "a series of" 则用来指称数个 具有关联性的东西,例如: a series of ads„一系列的广告?。 He attended a series of important committee meetings. 他参加了一连串重要的委员会议。 句型 TOP? 总结 ? 提出构想 1. If EarthSound were to win over this group, it would most likely have an excellent future. 2. If EarthSound were to win over this group, it would have an excellent future. 3. If EarthSound were to win over this group, it should have an excellent future. 4. If EarthSound were to win over this group, it might have an excellent future. 5. If EarthSound were to win over this group, it can have an excellent future. 构想是对未来所做的一种理性假设。在英文上,„说明构想?和„解释因果?这两种句型看起来很相似,前者的说 法为 "If...would",而后者是 "If...then"。另外还有一个句型也可以用来表示你的构想,那就是 "If...should...", 但这个句型的假设语气比 "If...would..." 强烈,也就是说后者所述之事,真正发生的机率较小。请注意,"If...would / should..." 句型中,If子句使用过去时动词,would / should 后面则接原形动词。 ? 指示与建议 1. EarthSound (advice) ought to advertise to these young people. 2. EarthSound (obligation) must advertise to these young people. 3. EarthSound (advice) should advertise to these young people. 4. EarthSound (possibility) might advertise to these young people. 5. EarthSound (probability) most likely will advertise to these young people. 提出指示与建议的方式很多,其中最强烈的一种就是直接陈述必须做的事 (obligation);第二种是建议所该做的事,也就是劝导或忠告 (advice);最后一种则是带有可能性的预估 (prediction)。本课中所使用的就是一种劝告(advice);在这种口气下,"ought" 是最适当的字眼了。"ought" 是个助动词,与 "to" 连用,表示„应当…?,含有指示他人做某事的意味,但是比 "must" 和 "have to" 客气得多。 ? 提出议案 1. We recommend that future commercials feature this same Chinese girl. 2. We strongly urge that future commercials feature this same Chinese girl. 3. We advise that future commercials feature this same Chinese girl. 4. We suggest that future commercials feature this same Chinese girl. 5. We would recommend that future commercials feature this same Chinese girl. 通常在正式生意往来及专业职场中,委婉建议的口气会比坚决要求产生更具正面的影响力。像 "we recommend that..." 就是一个非常正式而客气的句型。值得注意的是,主词是 "we" 而不是 "I" ,表示说话者所提出的建议不是个人的想法,而是公司整体对此案的正式建议。"recommend",„推荐;建议?,但此词暗示所提出的建议是以经验为基础;意思比 "suggest" 和 "advise" 要强烈。 特别提 示 运用视听媒体做简报,除了需要有纯熟的技巧、充分掌握媒体之外,硬件的配合亦是关键之一。其中座位与屏幕的摆放,将会影响到台下观众的视线与听讲者的情绪。以下提供您在放映投影片及幻灯片时,屏幕与座位间的摆放原则。 ?屏幕与座位的安排 第一排座位与屏幕的距离,至少应相隔两个屏幕宽, (1)True (2)False (1)座位与屏幕的距离 第一排:至少与屏幕相隔两个屏幕宽,大约是10呎。 最后一排:与屏幕的距离不超过六个屏幕宽,大约是30呎。 注:一般屏幕宽约5呎 一般而言,屏幕的高度需离地约4呎, (1)True (2)False (1)屏幕的高度 屏幕的底端至少要与坐者的头部平高,也就是离地要有4呎,以避免过度的干扰。屏幕放得够高,后排观众才能看得清楚、完整。 总结简报 Concluding Daphne即将结束这一场简报了。总结对她而言是件轻松愉快的事情,因为只需遵循三个步骤。(1)重述主要的论 点与建议;(2)告知观众简报就要结束;(3)再次感谢在座观众的参与。 英文正 文 Coax the consumers of Taiwan into buying this image and you'll have them lining up to buy EarthSound's products. And, gentlemen, Jackson&Wang has a long and successful track record when it comes to coaxing the people of Taiwan! To sum up then, we feel that the Taiwan market is ready for EarthSound's unique line of products. Furthermore, we believe that EarthSound can win quick profits while, at the same time, build a customer base for the future. Achieving these goals will require a two step marketing campaign. The first step, aimed at adults, will be a traditional campaign focusing on high class and sophisticated style. The second step will be aimed at teenagers and young adults. For this group we'll gradually build EarthSound's image as the healthy alternative. I'd like to conclude with a simple reminder. When you started this company on a shoestring, skeptics claimed that you wouldn't find a market. You've proved them wrong in the States, and you'll prove them wrong in Taiwan! Thank you for your time and attention. Are there any questions? 中文翻 译 只要诱导台湾的消费者认同这个形象,他们就会排着队来抢购天籁的产品了~而各位,Jackson&Wang可 说是有非常丰富的成功经验,在诱导台湾民众购买产品这方面。 总括来说,我们认为贵公司独特的产品线进军台湾市场的时机已经来临了;而且我们也深信天籁除了能在短期内 赚取利润外,还能同时建立未来的顾客群。要达成这些目标,需要两阶段的行销活动。第一阶段是以成年人为目 标,进行传统行销活动,强调产品的高水平和精致的风格;第二个阶段则以青少年和青年人为目标,针对这层消 费群,我们则要逐步为天籁塑造一种„健康的选择?的形象。 最后,我想简单地提醒大家一件事,作为今天的结论。当贵公司以小资本创业的时候,有人带着怀疑的眼光说你 们会找不到市场。而今你们在美国当地已经证明当初那些人错了,日后你们也会在台湾证明他们是错的~非常感 谢各位抽空参加~有没有任何问题, 短语解 说 lining up (to buy...) 排着队(抢购…) "line up" 这个词组意思原是„排队?,但在本文中则有另一层引申的含意 形容某产品大受欢迎。这个美式口语的 用法是指因为有许多人涌入商店买某种东西,而大家不得不大排长龙等店员的服务;这种情形即表示某种产品十 分畅销。 I think we'll have people lining up to buy our products. 我想我们的产品会大受欢迎。 track record 记录;历史 "track" 原指„轨道、踪迹?,更具体的说是径赛中的跑道; "record" 是„记录?。由这两个名词合并在一起的复合名 词,原是指运动员比赛成绩的记录,现在则引申指一个人、一家公司、某项产品或计划过去成功或失败的记录。 EarthSound's products have an excellent track record in the States. 天籁的产品在美国有非常辉煌的过去。 on a shoestring 小资本额;有风险 这个词组是指„以最少的金钱、最低的投资额(去做某事)?。在商业生意上,若仅以小成本支持某件案子,通常 会有因投资额过低而无法完善筹备一切的感觉。所以这个词组有„最低投资金额?和„有风险?这两层意义。 "shoestring" ,„鞋带?;比喻不重要和脆弱。 EarthSound started on a shoestring because the founders couldn't find any investors for such a risky venture. 天籁以小资本额创业,因为创办人当初没办法为这个风险高的事业找到投资人。 句型 TOP? 总结 ? 重点式的总结 1. To sum up then, we feel that the Taiwan market is ready for EarthSound's unique line of products. 2. To summarize my main points, we feel that the Taiwan market is ready for EarthSound's unique line of products. 3. Let me sum up; we feel that the Taiwan market is ready for EarthSound's unique line of products. 4. To recap the chief points, we feel that the Taiwan market is ready for EarthSound's unique line of products. 5. To conclude, we feel that the Taiwan market is ready for EarthSound's unique line of products. 总结时,通常要简短重述这场简报的要点,再次加深听众对简报内容的印象。动词词组 "sum (something) up" 就是„总而言之;综合所有要点?; "To sum up" 放在句首,表示要对某件事做个总结,将长话短说。 "then" 是 口语用法,没有意义,相当于中文的„那么;就?。 ? 为简报做结语 1. I'd like to conclude with a simple reminder. 2. Allow me to conclude this presentation with a simple reminder. 3. I am going to bring this to a close with a simple reminder. 4. I'd like to finish with a simple reminder. 5. Finally, I'd like to wrap up with a simple reminder. 做结语时可发挥二种功用:一是正式结束一场简报;二是再度打动观众的情绪。课文中说话者以在座者公司 的光荣历史做为结论, 这是个很有技巧的方式,间接激励了听众的再战雄心。 "would like to" 是 "want" 的客 气说法。 "conclude" 是动词,„结论?的意思,"to conclude with" 是„以…做结论?之意。 ? 结束简报 1. Thank you for your time and attention. Are there any questions? 2. I appreciate the opportunity to speak to you. I invite you to ask some questions. 3. Thank you for having me here today. I'm sure some of you have questions. 4. It's been a pleasure speaking with you. At this time, I'd be happy to answer your questions. 5. Thanks for being here today. Any questions? 在简报结束之前,应当感谢观众。如果情况允许,也可以询问大家是否有疑问。"Thank you for your time and attention." 是一句在正式场合中,经常用来结束一段公开谈话的客套语。 "Thank you for..." 表示因某事感谢他人。 "attention" 是„注意(力)?的意思。"Are there any questions?" 是表示自己愿意回答听众问题的用句;若在简报之后有 "Q & A"时间,则可以此句话邀请台下听众开始发问。 特别提 示 上一单元我们谈过座位与屏幕间的距离,现在我们要介绍各种放映机摆放的基本常识,以及与屏幕相隔的距离。以下提供您在简报时,各种放映机与屏幕间的摆放原则。 ?放映机与屏幕距离 投影机的镜头要与屏幕成180度角,否则影像会变形, (1)True (2)False (2)投影机的镜头要与屏幕成90度角,否则影像会变形。正确的影片四角应成直角。 变形一: 影片左右变形 矫正方法:将投影机往横向移动,使得镜头与屏幕成90度角。 变形二: 影片上下变形 矫正方法:投影机往上仰与屏幕成90度角。或屏幕向下倾斜,与镜头成90度角。 标准镜头之投影机应与屏幕相距6呎, (1)True (2)False (1)各类放映机摆放的位置: 1. 标准镜头之投影机应与屏幕相距6呎。 2. 2〞×2〞幻灯片放映机与屏幕相距23呎。 3. 16厘米影片放映机应与屏幕相距27呎。 问答时间 Q & A Daphne此时面露微笑,不仅因为她知道在座的人对她这场简报很满意,而且也因为和善的笑容可以鼓励观众发问。 英文正 文 I see that Mr. Jacobs, VP for Marketing, has a question... That's a good question. Mr. Jacobs asked if any other companies are using EarthSound's environmental angle. I'm happy to say that no one else is using this angle. By being the first company to introduce this marketing theme to Taiwan's beauty industry, EarthSound will instantly stand out as something new. Do I see another question? Yes, Mr. Anderson. Mr. Anderson asked for some figures on what college students spend yearly on beauty products. I'm afraid I don't have those figures on hand at the moment. If you don't mind waiting until Monday, I'll be able to fax you those figures when I'm back in Taipei. I hate to call time here, but I know that all of you have another meeting in ten minutes. I'll be happy to meet any of you outside if you have further questions. Thank you once again. 中文翻 译 我看到行销部副总 Mr. Jacobs 有疑问… 这是个很好的问题,Mr. Jacobs问到,是否在台湾有其它的公司采用天籁的环保诉求。我很高兴告诉大家, 目前还没有人使用,由于贵公司是第一个将环保这项行销诉求引进台湾美容用品界的业者,因此能立即以观念新 颖而异军突起。 我还看见另一位有问题,是的,...Mr. Anderson。 Mr. Anderson想知道大专学生每年花费在美容用品上的数字统计。很抱歉,此刻我手边没有这些数据。如 果您不介意等到周一,我一回到台北就传真给您。 我实在很不愿意说时间己经到了,但我知道十分钟后各位还有另一个会要开。如果哪一位还有其它的问题, 我很乐意在外面为您解答。再次感谢各位~ 短语解 说 environmental angle 环境的观点 "angle" 原指„角度?,引申为„观点;看法?的意思,譬如"from different angles" „自不同的角度来看?。 "environmental" 原意是„环境的?,在这里特指„环境保护?而言。 "environmental angle" 是说„从环保的观点(强调产品的特色)?。 I agree that we'll be successful with the environmental angle. 我同意从环保的角度来强调产品,我们将会成功。 stand out 出类拔萃;引人注目 "stand" 意为„站立?, "out" 有„出来?的意思。所以"stand out" 字面意思是„站出来?,引申为„出类拔萃?或是„引人注 意?。由这个动词词组衍生的形容词-- "outstanding" ,通常解释为„非常优秀的;出众的?。 Among mystery writers, Agatha Christie stands out as a real master. 在所有的悬疑小说家里, Agatha Christie 是一位杰出的大师级人物。 on hand 在手边;随手可得;现有的 这是一个口语用法,字面解释为„在手上?,意指某物可随手取得使用之意。譬如手边的数据即 "information on hand" 。同义的词组为 "at hand" ,如„手边的书? "books at hand" 。 It's important to have all the facts you need for a presentation on hand when you begin. 在你开始做简报时,应该把所有需要的数据准备妥当,以便随手可得。 句型总 结 ? 转述观众的问题 1. Mr. Jacobs asked if any other companies are using the environmental angle. 2. Mr. Jacobs questioned if any other companies are using the environmental angle. 3. Mr. Jacobs inquired if any other companies are using the environmental angle. 4. Mr. Jacobs would like to know if any other companies are using the environmental angle. 5. Mr. Jacobs wondered if any other companies are using the environmental angle. 在面对 "Q&A" 时,每当观众提出一个问题,台上的说话者最好把问题重新整理再叙述一次,这样不仅方便 自己回答,同时也让其它人有机会再听清楚。以 " (Mr. Jacobs) asked if" 这个简单的句型来重述问题,是最直 接的说法。这样的句型可让人以问句的方式把原问题转述;如 Mr. Jacobs问的是 "Are there any other companies using EarthSound's environmental angle in Taiwan?",则可复述成 "Mr. Jacobs asked if any other companies are using..." 这样的直述句。 ? 无法回答问题时 1. I'm afraid I don't have those figures at the moment. 2. I'm not prepared to answer that question at the moment. 3. Regrettably, I can't give you a definite answer on that at the moment. 4. Unfortunately, I don't have that information on hand at the moment. 5. I'm sorry that I can't answer your question at the moment. 如果观众提出的问题是无法立刻回答的,就应该立刻承认,千万不要故作姿态或欺骗他们。事实上现在的观 众也了解,没有人应该知道所有的答案。一句简单的 "I don't know." ,并保证会尽快提出答案,就是最好的方 式。但一定要记得实现承诺。"I am afraid...",„我恐怕…?,是英语表达否定意味时常用来缓和语气的开头语。 ? 结束问答时间 1. I hate to call time here. 2. I regret that we are out of time. 3. I'm afraid that we have used up all of our time. 4. Unfortunately, we're out of time. 5. It's time to wrap things up. 准时结束简报也是做简报者应该注意的一项原则,就算观众反应热烈,也不见得就表示可以自动延长时间。以 "I hate to call time here, but..." 这样的说法来提出时间已到,是十分恰当的方法。"I hate to" 是表示„不得不…?; "call time" 则是口语用法,表示„时间到了?的意思。如果自己在这场简报完成之后,并不需要赶赴其它约会,则可向大家表示散会之后,还愿意个别回答大家的问题。 特别提 示 录像带最大的优点,就是能展现连续的动作,加强真实感与临场感。如果决定使用录像带做简报辅助,请不要忽略摆放录像机的位置与观众座位的安排。以下提供您录像机与座位间应注意的安排原则。 ?录像机与座位安排 第一排座位与电视屏幕至少要相隔7呎, (1)True (2)False (1)座位的安排 1. 第一排与电视屏幕至少要有7呎之隔。 2. 最后一排不要远过屏幕12倍的距离(如23吋电视,最后一排距屏幕不要 超出23呎)。 3. 最旁边的位置与中央线所成的角度不要多于45度。 4. 电视所放的高度要适当,莫让观众仰头的角度超出30度(这是指与平视视线所构成的角度)。 座位与影像的关系 1. 座位与屏幕的距离,屏幕尺寸×6 能看到详尽细节。 2. 座位与屏幕的距离,屏幕尺寸×10 能看到中等程度。 3. 座位与屏幕的距离,屏幕尺寸×12 只能看到大概程度。
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