首页 各种修辞手法的作用



各种修辞手法的作用各种修辞手法的作用 常见的修辞手法:比喻、比拟(分为拟人、拟物)、借代、夸张、对偶、排比、设问、反问(又名激问、反诘、诘问)、引用、反语、对比、反复、双关、联想、顶真、通感、互文、回环、移情等。 1(比喻: 它是用某一具体、浅显、熟悉的事物或情境来说明另一种抽象、深奥、生疏的事物或情境的一种修辞方法。 比喻由三部分构成:〈1〉本体、〈2〉喻体、〈3〉比喻 (比喻和拟人最大的不同在于比喻含有喻体,拟人没有。) 作用:将表达的内容说得生动具体形象,给人以鲜明深刻的印象,根据事物的相似点,用具体、浅显、常见的...

各种修辞手法的作用 常见的修辞手法:比喻、比拟(分为拟人、拟物)、借代、夸张、对偶、排比、设问、反问(又名激问、反诘、诘问)、引用、反语、对比、反复、双关、联想、顶真、通感、互文、回环、移情等。 1(比喻: 它是用某一具体、浅显、熟悉的事物或情境来说明另一种抽象、深奥、生疏的事物或情境的一种修辞方法。 比喻由三部分构成:〈1〉本体、〈2〉喻体、〈3〉比喻 (比喻和拟人最大的不同在于比喻含有喻体,拟人没有。) 作用:将表达的内容说得生动具体形象,给人以鲜明深刻的印象,根据事物的相似点,用具体、浅显、常见的事物对深奥生疏的事物解说,即打比方,帮助人深入理解。(事物间有相似性) 比喻分明喻、暗喻、借喻三种形式。明喻的形式可简缩为:甲(本体)如(喻词:像、似、若、犹、好像、仿佛)乙(喻体)。暗喻的形式可简缩为:甲是(喻词:成、变成、成为、当作、化作)乙。明喻在形式上是相似关系,暗喻则是相合关系。借喻:只出现喻体,本体与比喻词都不出现。如:燕雀安知鸿鹄之志!具体见下表: 类别 特点 本体 比喻词 喻体 例句 明喻 甲像乙 出现 像、似的、好像、如、宛如、好比、犹如 出现 那小姑娘好像一朵花一样。 暗喻 甲是乙 出现 是、成为 出现 那又浓又翠的景色,简直就是一幅青山绿水画。 借喻 甲代乙 不出现 无 出现 地上射起无数的箭头,房顶上落下万千条瀑布。 例句:整个的是块空灵的蓝水晶。——老舍《济南的冬天》 2(比拟: 借助丰富的想像,把物当成人来写,或把人当成物来写,或把甲物当成乙物来写。 作用:能启发读者想像,令文章更生动。 比拟分为拟人和拟物 (1)拟人: 把物当做人写,赋予物以人的动作、行为、思想、感情、活动,用描写人的词来描写物。 作用:把禽兽鸟虫花草树木或其他无生命的事物当成人写,使具体事物人格化,语言生动形象。 例句: 〈1〉桃树、杏树、梨树、你不让我,我不让你,都开满了花赶趟儿。——《春》朱自清 〈2〉感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心。——《春望》杜甫 〈3〉太阳的脸红起来了。——《春》朱自清 construction budget and feedback to departments, for inclusion in the settlement, to avoid losses, in order to better control costs. 7, strengthen construction equipment management, eliminate man-made damage, improve the utilization of machines, to shorten the duration. 8, actively carry out QC group activities to improve efficiency and ensure quality. Third, labour resources, machinery and equipment, materials, adequate supply of labor resources: give full play to the company's resources, early labor organizations, and concerned about labor, imposed on the project earmarked to protect the interests of migrant workers, not workers ' wages in arrears. Machines and equipment: using a combination of to buy or rent, rental advanced equipment, to ensure normal progress of the duration. Purchase advanced equipment, to provide work. Ensuring construction quality and schedule. Materials: supplier purchases contracts in advance, and study visits to the providers, ensure the quality of supplied materials, bid can quickly supply organizations, to ensure the project quality. 13th chapter, and the owner, general contractor, supervision and design of supporting measures, and owner of fit 1, meet the requirements of construction on contract duration and quality management, take corresponding measures in construction procedure (2)拟物(借物喻人): ?把人比作物,或把此物当作彼物来写。 例句: 〈1〉人群不顾一切,涌了上来。 〈2〉在群众的呼喝声中,那个恶霸夹着尾巴逃跑了。 ?把甲事物当成乙事物来写。 例句: 〈1〉火山发出一声咆哮。 〈2〉她们看见不远的地方,那宽厚肥大的荷叶下面,有一个人的脸,下半截身子长在水里。(《荷花淀》孙犁) 3(借代: 不直接说出所要表达的人或事物,而是借用与它有密切相关的人或事物来代替。借代种类:特征代事物、具体代抽象、部分代全体、整体代部分。 作用:突出事物的本质特征,增强语言的形象性,使文笔简洁精炼,语言富于变化和幽默感;引人联想,使表达收到形象突出、特点鲜明、具体生动的效果。 方法: ?部分代整体。即用事物具有代表性的部分代本体事物。 例如:两岸青山相对出,孤帆一片日边来。——《望天门山》 ?特征代本体。即用借体(人或事物)的特征、标志去代替本体事物的名称。 例如:圆规一面愤愤的回转身,一面絮絮的说,慢慢向外走去……——《故乡》 ?具体代抽象 例如:南国烽烟正十年。——《梅岭三章》 ?工具代本体。 例如:等到惊蛰一犁土的季节,十家已有八户亮了囤底,揭不开锅。——《榆钱饭》 ?专名代泛称。用具有典型性的人或事物的专用名称代替本体事物的名称。 例如:你们杀死一个李公朴,会有千百万个李公朴站起来~——《最后一次讲演》 4(夸张: 对事物的形象、性质、特征、作用、程度等故意地夸大或缩小描绘的一种修辞方法。 作用:提示事物本质,烘托气氛,加强渲染力,引起联想效果。 (1)扩大夸张:对事物形状、性质、特征、作用、程度等加以夸大。 例句:柏油路晒化了,甚至铺户门前的铜牌好像也要晒化。 (2)缩小夸张:对事物形象、性质、特征、作用、程度等加以缩小。 例句:只能看到巴掌大的一块天地。 (3)超前夸张:把后出现的说成先出现,把先出现的说成后出现。 construction budget and feedback to departments, for inclusion in the settlement, to avoid losses, in order to better control costs. 7, strengthen construction equipment management, eliminate man-made damage, improve the utilization of machines, to shorten the duration. 8, actively carry out QC group activities to improve efficiency and ensure quality. Third, labour resources, machinery and equipment, materials, adequate supply of labor resources: give full play to the company's resources, early labor organizations, and concerned about labor, imposed on the project earmarked to protect the interests of migrant workers, not workers ' wages in arrears. Machines and equipment: using a combination of to buy or rent, rental advanced equipment, to ensure normal progress of the duration. Purchase advanced equipment, to provide work. Ensuring construction quality and schedule. Materials: supplier purchases contracts in advance, and study visits to the providers, ensure the quality of supplied materials, bid can quickly supply organizations, to ensure the project quality. 13th chapter, and the owner, general contractor, supervision and design of supporting measures, and owner of fit 1, meet the requirements of construction on contract duration and quality management, take corresponding measures in construction procedure 例句:她还没有端酒杯,就醉了。 5(对偶: 字数相等,结构形式相同或相近,意义对称的一对短语或句子,对称排列起来表达两个相对或相近的意思。 作用:整齐匀称,节奏感强,高度概括,易于记忆,有音乐美感。 主要方式: 〈1〉正对。上下句意思上相似、相近、相补、相衬的对偶形式。 例如:墙上芦苇,头重脚轻根底浅;山间竹笋,嘴尖皮厚腹中空。 〈2〉反对。上下句意思上相反或相对的对偶形式。 例如:.横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛。 〈3〉串对(流水对)。上下句意思上具有承接、递进、因果、假设、条件等关系的对偶形式。 例句:.才饮长江水,又食武昌鱼。 6(排比: 把三个或三个以上结构和长度均类似、语气一致、意义相关或相同的句子排列起来。 作用:加强语势、语言气氛,使文章的节奏感加强,条理性更好,更利于表达强烈的感情(或增强表达效果)。 例句:他们的品质是那样的纯洁和高尚,他们的意志是那样的坚韧和刚强,他们的气质是那样的淳朴和谦逊,他们的胸怀是那样的美丽和宽广。 7(设问: 为了引起别人的注意或突出所说的内容,把它用问话的形式表示出来。即故意先提出问题,然后自己回答。 作用:引起注意,启发读者思考;有助于层次分明,结构紧凑;可以更好地描写人物的思想活动。 例句:花儿为什么这样红,首先有它的物质基础。 8(反问(激问、反诘、诘问): 用疑问形式表达确定的意思,用肯定形式反问表否定,用否定形式反问表肯定,只问不答,答案暗含在反问句中。 作用:加强语气,发人深思,激发读者感情,加深读者印象,增强文中的气势和说服力。 例句:我呢,我难道没有应该责备的地方吗, 9(引用: 引用现成的话(成语、诗句、格言、典故等)来提高语言表达效果,分为明引和暗引两种。 作用:使论据确凿充分,增强说服力,富启发性,而且语言精炼,含蓄典雅。 construction budget and feedback to departments, for inclusion in the settlement, to avoid losses, in order to better control costs. 7, strengthen construction equipment management, eliminate man-made damage, improve the utilization of machines, to shorten the duration. 8, actively carry out QC group activities to improve efficiency and ensure quality. Third, labour resources, machinery and equipment, materials, adequate supply of labor resources: give full play to the company's resources, early labor organizations, and concerned about labor, imposed on the project earmarked to protect the interests of migrant workers, not workers ' wages in arrears. Machines and equipment: using a combination of to buy or rent, rental advanced equipment, to ensure normal progress of the duration. Purchase advanced equipment, to provide work. Ensuring construction quality and schedule. Materials: supplier purchases contracts in advance, and study visits to the providers, ensure the quality of supplied materials, bid can quickly supply organizations, to ensure the project quality. 13th chapter, and the owner, general contractor, supervision and design of supporting measures, and owner of fit 1, meet the requirements of construction on contract duration and quality management, take corresponding measures in construction procedure 〈1〉明引(直接引用)。 例句:孔子曰:“三人行,必有我师。”是故弟子不必如师,师不必贤於弟子。 〈2〉暗引(间接引用)。 例句:失败乃成功之母,你千万不要气馁。 10(反语: 即通常所说的“说反话”,用与本意相反的词语或句子表达本意,以说反话的方式加强表达效果。有的讽刺揭露,有的表示亲密友好的感情。 如:(清国留学生)也有解散辫子,盘得平的,除下帽来,油光可鉴,宛如小姑娘的发髻一般,还要将脖子扭几扭,实在标致极了。 11.对比: 对比是把两种不同事物或者同一事物的两个方面,放在一起相互比较的一种辞格。 例如:有的人活着,他已经死了;有的人死了,他还活着。——《有的人》臧克家 运用对比,必须对所要表达的事物的矛盾本质有深刻的认识。对比的两种事物或同一事物的两个方面,应该有互相对立的关系,否则是不能构成对比的。 12.反复: 为了强调某个意思,表达某种感情,即根据表达需要,使同一个词语或句子一再出现的方法。 〈1〉连续反复(中间无其他词语间隔)。 例句:山谷回音,他刚离去,他刚离去。 〈2〉间隔反复(中间有其他的词语)。 例句:好像失了三省,党国倒愈像一个国,失了东三省谁也不响,党国倒愈像一个国。 作用:主要运用在诗文中,起到反复咏叹,表达强烈的情感的作用。同时,反复的修辞手法还可以使诗文的格式整齐有序,而又回环起伏,充满语言美。 13.双关: 利用词的多义及同音(或音近)条件,有意使语句有双重意义,言在此而意在彼,就是双关。 作用:可使语言表达得含蓄、幽默,而且能加深语意,给人以深刻印象。 〈1〉谐音双关。 例如:“我失骄杨君失柳,杨柳轻飏直上重霄九。”(“杨”实际上是指杨开慧,“柳”实际上是指柳直荀) “春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。”(“丝”即“思”的意思,以此来表达男女之间的爱情) 〈2〉语音双关。 是一种根据词的多义条件而故意导致言在此而意在彼的修辞方式。这种修辞在歇后语中经常出现。 construction budget and feedback to departments, for inclusion in the settlement, to avoid losses, in order to better control costs. 7, strengthen construction equipment management, eliminate man-made damage, improve the utilization of machines, to shorten the duration. 8, actively carry out QC group activities to improve efficiency and ensure quality. Third, labour resources, machinery and equipment, materials, adequate supply of labor resources: give full play to the company's resources, early labor organizations, and concerned about labor, imposed on the project earmarked to protect the interests of migrant workers, not workers ' wages in arrears. Machines and equipment: using a combination of to buy or rent, rental advanced equipment, to ensure normal progress of the duration. Purchase advanced equipment, to provide work. Ensuring construction quality and schedule. Materials: supplier purchases contracts in advance, and study visits to the providers, ensure the quality of supplied materials, bid can quickly supply organizations, to ensure the project quality. 13th chapter, and the owner, general contractor, supervision and design of supporting measures, and owner of fit 1, meet the requirements of construction on contract duration and quality management, take corresponding measures in construction procedure 例如: 茶壶里煮饺子——心里有嘴倒不出 老太太抹口红——给你点颜色瞧瞧 14.联想: 看到某事物,从而联想到一些事物,也就是想象。 例如:太阳出来了,地上好像着了火。 15.顶真: 顶真也作顶针。 用前文的末尾作下文的开头,首尾相连两次以上,使邻近接的语句或片断或章节传下接,首尾蝉联,用符号表示就是“ABC,CDE”。这种修辞手法,叫做顶真,又叫顶针或联珠。 运用顶真修辞手法,不但能使句子结构整齐,语气贯通,而且能突出事物之间环环相扣的有机联系。 例句: 友情是花,引来群群之蝶。 友情是蝶,两人翩翩起舞。 友情是舞,舞出激情之火。 友情是火,永恒地在燃烧。 梦想是翅,飞翔永恒蓝天。 梦想是天,遮住茫茫大海。 梦想是海,还是小船悠悠。 梦想是船,海上乘风破浪。 爱心是风,卷来浓密的云; 爱心是云,化作及时的雨; 爱心是雨,滋润久旱的树; 爱心是树,为你撑起绿阴。 16.通感: 所谓通感,是利用诸种感觉相互交通的心理现象,以一种感觉来描述表现另一种感觉的修辞方式。 作用:通感的运用可以收到令人回味无穷的效果,其表达作用是无可替代的。它能化抽象为形象,让读者更好地理解;它能由此及彼,勾起人们丰富的联想;它能不拘一格,行文活泼;它能准确表达,含意深远;它能充实诗文的意境,构成特殊的艺术美。 最典型的例子:“微风过处,送来缕缕清香,仿佛远处高楼上渺茫的歌声似的。”(朱自清《荷塘月色》)清香乃是嗅觉,歌声乃是听觉,作者将两种感觉互通,即为通感。 此外有: “晨钟云外湿”(杜甫《夔州雨湿不得上岸作》)以“湿”字形容钟声,所闻之钟声,穿雨而来,穿云而去,故“湿”,触觉与听觉相互沟通。 construction budget and feedback to departments, for inclusion in the settlement, to avoid losses, in order to better control costs. 7, strengthen construction equipment management, eliminate man-made damage, improve the utilization of machines, to shorten the duration. 8, actively carry out QC group activities to improve efficiency and ensure quality. Third, labour resources, machinery and equipment, materials, adequate supply of labor resources: give full play to the company's resources, early labor organizations, and concerned about labor, imposed on the project earmarked to protect the interests of migrant workers, not workers ' wages in arrears. Machines and equipment: using a combination of to buy or rent, rental advanced equipment, to ensure normal progress of the duration. Purchase advanced equipment, to provide work. Ensuring construction quality and schedule. Materials: supplier purchases contracts in advance, and study visits to the providers, ensure the quality of supplied materials, bid can quickly supply organizations, to ensure the project quality. 13th chapter, and the owner, general contractor, supervision and design of supporting measures, and owner of fit 1, meet the requirements of construction on contract duration and quality management, take corresponding measures in construction procedure “善哉乎鼓琴,巍巍乎若高山,汤汤乎若流水”(《吕氏春秋?本味》)听琴声而知志在高山、流水,听觉与视觉相互沟通。 17.互文: 带有修互文,也叫互辞,是古诗文中常采用的一种修辞方法。 在古文中,把属于一个句子(或短语)的意思,分写到两个句子(或短语)里,解释时要把上下句的意思互相补足,就是互文。 古语对它的解释是:“参互成文,含而见文。”具体地说,它是这样一种形式:上下两句或一句话中的两个部分,看似各说一件事,实则是互相呼应,互相阐发,互相补充,说的是一件事。 例如: 秦时明月汉时关。 烟笼寒水月笼沙。 将军百战死,壮士十年归。 主人下马客上船,举酒欲饮无管弦。 在阅读古代散文作品时,对于一些运用互文手法的句子,如果不进行仔细的思索和体味,往往容易忽略过去。 例如: (1)嫣然一笑,惑阳城,迷下蔡。(宋玉《登徒子好色赋》)意为:“她微微一笑就迷惑了阳城、下蔡所有的公子哥儿。” (2)子建援牍如口诵,仲宣举笔如宿构。(《文心雕龙?神思》)意为:“曹植、王粲铺上纸拿起笔写作时,就象事先写好了背出来一样。” (3)齐魏徭戍,荆韩召募。(李华《吊古战场文》)齐魏荆(楚)韩等战国时期君王为徭役守边而招募兵员。” (4)悍吏之来吾乡,叫嚣乎东西,隳突乎南北。(柳宗元《捕蛇者说》)意为:“凶暴的差吏来到我们村里,到处叫嚷喧哗,到处骚扰百姓。”这里的“东西南北”泛指“各处”。 (5)不以物喜,不以已悲。(范仲淹《岳阳楼记》)意为:“不因外物的影响而悲哀欢喜,也不因为个人处境好坏而欢欣悲伤。” 18.回环: 可以正读,也可以倒读,但是都流利,不会不通顺~ 例如: 响水潭中潭水响;黄金谷里谷金黄。 佛山香敬香山佛;翁源乳养乳源翁。 星岛港迎港岛星。 客上天然居,居然天上客。 人过大佛寺,寺佛大过人。 19.移情: 为了突出某种强烈的感情,写说者有意识地赋予客观事物一些与自己的感情相一致、但实际上并不存在的特性,这样的修辞手法叫做移情。 construction budget and feedback to departments, for inclusion in the settlement, to avoid losses, in order to better control costs. 7, strengthen construction equipment management, eliminate man-made damage, improve the utilization of machines, to shorten the duration. 8, actively carry out QC group activities to improve efficiency and ensure quality. Third, labour resources, machinery and equipment, materials, adequate supply of labor resources: give full play to the company's resources, early labor organizations, and concerned about labor, imposed on the project earmarked to protect the interests of migrant workers, not workers ' wages in arrears. Machines and equipment: using a combination of to buy or rent, rental advanced equipment, to ensure normal progress of the duration. Purchase advanced equipment, to provide work. Ensuring construction quality and schedule. Materials: supplier purchases contracts in advance, and study visits to the providers, ensure the quality of supplied materials, bid can quickly supply organizations, to ensure the project quality. 13th chapter, and the owner, general contractor, supervision and design of supporting measures, and owner of fit 1, meet the requirements of construction on contract duration and quality management, take corresponding measures in construction procedure 运用移情修辞手法,首先将主观的感情移到事物上,反过来又用被感染了的事物衬托主观情绪,使物人一体,能够更好地表达人的强烈感情,发挥修辞效果。 例如: ?露从今夜白,月是故乡明。 (杜甫《月夜忆舍弟》) ?感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心。 (杜甫《春望》) ?清渭无情极,愁时独向东。 (杜甫《秦州杂诗二十首》) ?行宫见月伤心色, 夜雨闻铃断肠声。 (白居易《长恨歌》) ?转朱阁,低绮户,照无眠,不应有恨,何事偏向别时圆,(苏轼《水调歌头》) ?红豆不堪看,满眼相思泪。 (牛希济《生查子》) 上面例?两句诗的意思是:露从今夜起才特别惨白,月是故乡的才格外明亮。为什么是这样的呢,因为诗人杜甫亲历了安史之乱的大动荡,在国家前途、个人命运不断遭到打击的情况下,不得不于公元前759年秋天弃官到秦州(今甘肃天水)客居。在这凄冷荒漠的边塞小城里,诗人将思念故乡的感情移到露色和月光上,反过来又用被感染了的露色和月光衬托诗人思念故乡的情绪,使事人 中两句诗的意思是:感叹国一体,从而更好的表达了诗人思乡的强烈感情。例? 家遭逢丧乱,花朵溅滴悲伤的泪;痛恨一家流离分散,鸟儿叫唤惊动忧愁的心。花开鸟叫是自然界的现象,是没有人的情感的,诗人运用移情修辞手法,才能写出这样感人的诗句。例?说渭河水只有在人愁的时候才“独向东”;例?说月亮发出的是一种叫人看了“伤心”的光,铃子摇响的是一种叫人听了“断肠”的声;例?说月亮常常在人离别时变圆;例?说红豆不是红豆,而是一颗颗“相思泪”。以上各例都是运用移情修辞手法,将人的感情移到事物上。这样人情和事物融为一体,能够更好的表达人的强烈感情。 移情和移就的区别是:移情是将人的主观的感情移到客观的事物上,反过来又用被感染了的客观事物衬托主观情绪,使物人一体,能够更集中地表达强烈感情;移就是甲乙两项事物相关联,就把原属于形容甲事物(或人)的修辞语移来属于乙事物,是一种词语活用的修辞手法。简言之,前者是“移人情及事物”;后者是“移形容,甲事物(或人)的词来形容乙事物。” 移情和拟人的区别是:前者是“移人情及事物”;后者是“将物当作人来写”。 20.呼告: 写文章时,对著不在面前的人或物直接呼唤,并且跟他(它)说起话来,这种修辞手法叫做呼告。 运用呼告,能增加抒情效果,加强感染力。 construction budget and feedback to departments, for inclusion in the settlement, to avoid losses, in order to better control costs. 7, strengthen construction equipment management, eliminate man-made damage, improve the utilization of machines, to shorten the duration. 8, actively carry out QC group activities to improve efficiency and ensure quality. Third, labour resources, machinery and equipment, materials, adequate supply of labor resources: give full play to the company's resources, early labor organizations, and concerned about labor, imposed on the project earmarked to protect the interests of migrant workers, not workers ' wages in arrears. Machines and equipment: using a combination of to buy or rent, rental advanced equipment, to ensure normal progress of the duration. Purchase advanced equipment, to provide work. Ensuring construction quality and schedule. Materials: supplier purchases contracts in advance, and study visits to the providers, ensure the quality of supplied materials, bid can quickly supply organizations, to ensure the project quality. 13th chapter, and the owner, general contractor, supervision and design of supporting measures, and owner of fit 1, meet the requirements of construction on contract duration and quality management, take corresponding measures in construction procedure 例子(1):硕鼠~硕鼠~无食我黍。——《诗经(硕鼠》 例子(2):天啊~为什么你要这样对我, 例子(3):秋,听说你已来到。 construction budget and feedback to departments, for inclusion in the settlement, to avoid losses, in order to better control costs. 7, strengthen construction equipment management, eliminate man-made damage, improve the utilization of machines, to shorten the duration. 8, actively carry out QC group activities to improve efficiency and ensure quality. Third, labour resources, machinery and equipment, materials, adequate supply of labor resources: give full play to the company's resources, early labor organizations, and concerned about labor, imposed on the project earmarked to protect the interests of migrant workers, not workers ' wages in arrears. Machines and equipment: using a combination of to buy or rent, rental advanced equipment, to ensure normal progress of the duration. Purchase advanced equipment, to provide work. Ensuring construction quality and schedule. Materials: supplier purchases contracts in advance, and study visits to the providers, ensure the quality of supplied materials, bid can quickly supply organizations, to ensure the project quality. 13th chapter, and the owner, general contractor, supervision and design of supporting measures, and owner of fit 1, meet the requirements of construction on contract duration and quality management, take corresponding measures in construction procedure
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