首页 2007年山东省东营市中考英语试题



2007年山东省东营市中考英语试题2007年山东省东营市中考英语试题 试题题库:包含小学,初中,高中,期中考试,期末考试,全国历届中考真题(含答案),数量齐全,欢迎下载。 2007年东营市初中毕业暨高中阶段教育学校招生考试 英 语 试 题 注意事项: 1、本试题分第?卷和第?卷两部分。第?卷8页为选择题,65分;第?卷4页为非选择题,55分;共120分。考试时间为120分钟。 2、答第?卷前务必将自己的姓名、考号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上。考试结束,试题和答题卡一并收回。 3、第?卷每题选出答案后,都必须用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答...

2007年山东省东营市中考 英语 关于好奇心的名言警句英语高中英语词汇下载高中英语词汇 下载英语衡水体下载小学英语关于形容词和副词的题 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 试题题库:包含小学,初中, 高中 高中语文新课程标准高中物理选修31全套教案高中英语研修观课报告高中物理学习方法和技巧高中数学说课稿范文 ,期中考试,期末考试,全国历届中考真题(含答案),数量齐全,欢迎下载。 2007年东营市初中毕业暨高中阶段教育学校招生考试 英 语 试 题 注意事项: 1、本试题分第?卷和第?卷两部分。第?卷8页为选择题,65分;第?卷4页为非选择题,55分;共120分。考试时间为120分钟。 2、答第?卷前务必将自己的姓名、考号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上。考试结束,试题和答题卡一并收回。 3、第?卷每题选出答案后,都必须用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号(ABCD)涂黑。如需改动,必须先用橡皮擦干净,再改涂其它答案。 4、听力填表题为第?卷的第四大题,在试卷第9页上。 第?卷 (选择题, 共65分) 一、听力选择(共15小题,计15分)(每小题约有8秒钟的答题时间) (一) 录音中有五个句子,每个句子听一遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能对每个句子作出适当反应的答语。 1. A. Thank you. B. With pleasure. C. Very well. 2. A. Sorry, I don’t know. B. Good idea. C. Sure. No problem. 3. A. My pleasure. B. You are right. C. Don’t say so. 4. A. She is pretty. B. Nice to meet you. C. How old are you? 5. A B C (二)录音中有五组对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。 6. How old is Lucy? 试题题库: 包含小学,初中,高中,期中考试,期末考试,全国历届中考真题(含答案),数量齐全,欢迎下载。 A. 15. B. 16. C. 17. 7. Why is the boy not going to Kate’s party? A. Because he can’t dance. B. Because there is no music. C. Because he has no time. 8. What do they usually do after getting up in the morning? A. Do some reading. B. Do some washing. C. Do morning exercises. 9. Who wasn’t at Tom’s party? A. Tom. B. Kate. C. David. 10. How are the guests going to Beijing? A. By train. B. By car. C. By plane. (三)录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的 正确答案。(生词: burger=hamburger) 11. When did the conversation happen? A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening. 12. What food did the woman order? A. Meat and vegetables. B. A tofu and a salad. C. Potato and corn. 13. Why didn’t the woman have meat? A. Because she is a vegetarian. B. Because there is no meat. C. Because meat will make her fat. 14. What drink did the woman want? A. Coke. B. Sprite. C. Orange juice. 15. Where were they talking? A. In the restaurant. B. In the shop. C. At home. (注意:请同学们翻到第?卷第四大题,继续做听力填表题。) 二、单项选择 (共20小题,计20分) 从每小题A、B、C、D中选出一个能填入句中空白处的最佳答案。 16. Fen notes (分币) were not used often in our daily life. So since April, 2007, they are out of 试题题库: 包含小学,初中,高中,期中考试,期末考试,全国历届中考真题(含答案),数量齐全,欢迎下载。 ________. A. date B. fashion C. way D. use 17. Class 2 will go for a picnic. They made ________ 6 o’clock to meet at the foot of Mt. Tai. A. it B. that C. them D. / 18. —Your mother looks so ________. —Don’t worry. She doesn’t bite. In fact, she is a kind woman. A. crazy B. serious C. sad D. nervous 19. —What’s your speech ________, Dr. Smith? —Tomorrow you will get it. A. by B. of C. from D. on 20. Which sign shows “For the disabled (残疾人) to go through” ? 21. —Is there a table for 4, please? —________, please. Is the one near the backdoor OK? A. Take your time B. This way C. You are welcome D. After you 22. —The shoes are very nice. I’ll take them. —But you must ________ first. I think the size is a bit small for you. A. pay for them B. try them on C. put them on D. take them off 23. “Tip” is the short form for “To Insure (保证) Promptness (快速) ”. This is ________ people give waiters and waitress money. A. why B. how C. when D. what 24. —The summer vacation is coming in a few days. I’ll share the holidays with my daughter by traveling. —________ A. Congratulations! B. Nice to know that! C. Have a good trip! D. It’s kind of you. 试题题库: 包含小学,初中,高中,期中考试,期末考试,全国历届中考真题(含答案),数量齐全,欢迎下载。 25. Of all the attendants (应试者), I’d like to accept Tom ________ because of his bad working records. A. first B. best C. last D. only 26. A school in Jinan held an activity called “Recommend (推荐) Books to Your Teachers”. The students made a ________of 1,000 books! A. note B. line C. menu D. list 27. The house was on fire. He tried to keep the fire out of his room to give the firemen time to ________ him. A. touch B. reach C. arrive D. catch 28. What is a cool job,I would say “a cool job” is ________ you would do even if you didn’t get paid for it. A. one B. which C. why D. that 29. —Could you finish the task in two days? —_________. I have something else to do these days. A. I could not B. Yes, I think so C. I’m afraid so D. I’m afraid not 30. Ads sometimes help people learn more about new products,but at other times ads ________ tell lies. A. can B. must C. need D. would 31. About a third of the company ________ from the south, where________ is comfortable for people to live. A. is; it B. are; that C. are; it D. is; that 32. Usually we don’t realize how important nature is to us ________ it is too late. A. until B. unless C. before D. after 33. Stephanie Sun’s latest album Backlight came out in April, 2007. It ________ as expected. A. was sold as good B. was sold as well C. sold as good D. sold as well 34. A survey shows that kids in UK are the unhappiest, though it is among the richest countries in the world. ________, lots of money doesn’t mean a happy childhood. A. As a result B. That is to say C. For example D. Above all 试题题库: 包含小学,初中,高中,期中考试,期末考试,全国历届中考真题(含答案),数量齐全,欢迎下载。 35. Boys and girls always make their holiday plans colorful, but they all beat studying! The word “beat” means “_________”. A. hit B. deal with C. avoid D. get the most points 三、阅读理解(共20小题,计30分) 阅读下列短文,然后从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所 给句子的最佳答案。 A One day, a poor boy who was trying to pay his way through school by sending newspapers door to door, was so hungry that he decided to beg for a meal at the next house. However, he lost his nerve (胆量) when a lovely young woman opened the door. Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked hungry so she brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it slowly, and then asked, “How much do I owe (欠) you?” “You don’t owe me anything,” she replied. “Then I thank you from the bottom of my heart.” With these words, Howard Kelly left that house. Years later the woman became badly ill and was finally sent to the hospital in a big city. Dr. Howard Kelly, now famous, was called in. When he heard the name of the town she came from, a strange light filled his eyes. Dressed in his doctor’s clothes, Dr. Kelly went into her room and recognized (认出) her at once. From that day on, he gave special attention to her, and determined to do his best to save her life. At last the woman was saved. Dr. Kelly asked the business office to pass the final bill to him. He looked at it and then wrote something on the side. The bill was sent to her room. She was that it would take the rest of her life to pay it off. Finally afraid to open it because she was positive she looked, and the note on the side of the bill caught her attention. She read these words: “Paid in full with a glass of milk. Dr. Howard Kelly” Tears of joy flooded her eyes… 36. The boy sent newspapers door to door in order to________. A. continue his schooling 试题题库: 包含小学,初中,高中,期中考试,期末考试,全国历届中考真题(含答案),数量齐全,欢迎下载。 B. become a famous doctor C. thank the woman for her kindness D. support his poor family 37. Which is TRUE about the boy and the woman? A. He became too shy to ask her for a drink of water. B. She thought he was not hungry but thirsty. C. She wanted him to pay for the glass of milk. D. She never thought he would save her life later. 38. After Dr. Kelly knew who the woman was, he_______. A. began to take good care of her himself B. told her she once gave him a glass of milk C. made up his mind to try his best to save her D. asked for her bill and paid it off at once 39. The word “positive” can be replaced (替换) by “________”. A. excited B. sure C. embarrassed D. sorry 40. The best title for this passage is ________. A. A Glass of Milk B. A Warm-hearted Woman C. The Final Bill D. A Famous Doctor B ,Letter 1 Whatever I do, I always think about if other people will like it. How can I stop worrying about what they think? —Eva, 14, Illinois ,Letter 2 My dream is to be on the Olympic team for gymnastics. My dad thinks I started too late and I’ll never be able to make it. He puts me down, but I want his support. What should I do? —Erica, 9, Texas 试题题库: 包含小学,初中,高中,期中考试,期末考试,全国历届中考真题(含答案),数量齐全,欢迎下载。 ,Letter 3 What should I do if I failed a test? I’m afraid to tell my mom because she might get mad at me and I can’t play soccer. And soccer is like the world to me. —Ashley, 12, Wisconsin ,Letter 4 I just moved and I’m kind of shy, so how do I make new friends? —Jesica, 11, Canada Dr. Molly’s Answer ? You should tell him about your dream and that if you work really hard, it might happen even though you started late. The sooner you tell your dad how you feel, the sooner you’ll be able to work on making your dream come true. Dr. Molly’s Answer ? Nobody knows you at your new school. You have nothing to lose, so gather up all your courage and go over to someone who looks friendly and introduce yourself. You can ask that person about your teacher or the other kids in your class to break the ice. Good luck! Dr. Molly’s Answer ? It’s better to tell your mom the truth than for her to find out another way. When you tell her, explain why you failed the test. Ask her if she can help you study in the future, so you’ll do better on your tests and also have time for the soccer you love. Dr. Molly’s Answer ? Just be yourself and try not to care about what others think. The more you think about it, the worse you will feel. Always act strong and confident . Even if you are a little unsure of something, don’t doubt (怀疑) your abilities to do things right. Just relax. 41. Jesica ________. A. wonders how to make new friends B. wishes to be on the Olympic team C. is afraid to tell her mom about her failing a test D. keeps worried about what other people think about her 42. ________loves playing soccer best. 试题题库: 包含小学,初中,高中,期中考试,期末考试,全国历届中考真题(含答案),数量齐全,欢迎下载。 A. Erica B. Eva C. Ashley D. Jesica 43. Erica’s dad doesn’t support her because he thinks she________. A. is a little shy and can’t do it well B. didn’t start at a very early age C. is too young to be on the team D. doesn’t work hard 44. According to Dr. Molly, Eva should ________. A. hold on to her dream B. always tell the truth C. be brave to say hello to others D. be confident of herself 45. Which is the correct order of Dr. Molly’s answers to the four letters? A. ???? B. ???? C. ???? D. ???? C Singapore’s public transport system (公共交通系统) is one of the best in the world, so you should have no problem finding your way around like a local (当地人). There are three main forms of public transport that you would find in any other major city—trains, buses and taxis. TRAINS Trains run from 6 a.m. to midnight. Single trip tickets start at 80 cents. If you buy an EZ-Link card for $15, you can ride the trains and buses all you like. If you need more information, just call TransitLink on 1800 767 4333. BUSES There are several bus services in Singapore and fares (车费) start at 80 cents. Be sure to always ask the driver the cost of your ticket as he can not give change. If you need help, just call TransitLink on 1800 767 4333. TAXIS There are three main taxi companies—CityCab (6552 2222), Comfort (6552 1111) and Tibs (6552 8888). Booking (预订) can also be made easily by calling the numbers listed above. RENTAL (租) CARS Driving in Singapore is a pleasure and if you like to travel at your own pace(步子,节奏), renting a car is a good choice. Renting takes away the hassle of getting to places around Singapore. Just sit back and enjoy the city. It also means you’ll get to see a lot more that a train or a bus won’t 试题题库: 包含小学,初中,高中,期中考试,期末考试,全国历届中考真题(含答案),数量齐全,欢迎下载。 let you see. For car rental, call Avis on +65 6737 1668. 46. If you need to find the bus number, you may call________. A. +65 6737 1668 B. 6552 8888 C. 1800 767 4333 D. 6552 2222 47. By an EZ-Link card, you can take________. A. both buses and trains B. only trains C. both buses and taxis D. only rental cars 48. When you take a bus there, always remember to ________. A. take your own license with you B. ask the driver how much your ticket is C. buy the bus map of Singapore D. book your ticket ahead of time 49. What does the word “hassle” mean in Chinese? A. 麻烦 B. 乐趣 C. 景点 D. 费用 50. What do you know about travelling in Singapore from the passage? A. A local has no trouble finding his way around. B. It’s much cheaper to go around by bus than by train. C. You can see a lot more in Singapore only by renting a car. D. It’s very convenient for visitors to travel in Singapore. D In a 2005 survey of 2,500 schoolchildren in six cities, including Beijing and Shanghai, it was found that about 77% of them were short of sleep. Should school hours be cut? In a new survey taken by the China Daily website, almost 70% of the 1,133 people online agreed with cutting school hours, while 22% disagreed and 10% gave no answer. Liu Xing (12-year-old, 6-grade student): I get up at 5:50 every school day, have breakfast at 6:15, leave home at 6:30 and, after a 30-minute bus ride, arrive at school at 7:00, a full hour before lessons start. Besides, I spend my weekends taking classes in math and English, as well as learning to play the piano. Wang Qun (Liu Xing’s mother): My son is still not doing enough to win a place at a top high school, as it is so competitive (竞争的). They want students with good English and math and also special skills. 试题题库: 包含小学,初中,高中,期中考试,期末考试,全国历届中考真题(含答案),数量齐全,欢迎下载。 “Craig” (netizen (网民)): The best way for children to learn is through play. Through play, they can develop their characters, learn to be independent (独立的) and improve all kinds of skills. “Skylark” (netizen): Young parents have little time to play with their children, so letting them go home early is not a good idea. I think schools should have more activities for children after class. Qi Zhen (high school teacher): People might take some time to accept shorter school hours. It will also take time to change people’s traditional mind that going to college is the only way to a good job. 51. The China Daily website took a new survey to ________. A. see how many schoolchildren are short of sleep B. see what people think of cutting school hours C. give schoolchildren more time to play D. help Liu Xing with his math and English study 52. ________probably disagree with shorter school hours. A. Wang Qun and “Skylark” B. Liu Xing and “Craig” C. Liu Xing and “Skylark” D. “Craig” and Qi Zhen 53. When do Liu Xing’s school lessons start? A. At 7:00. B. At 7:30. C. At 8:00. D. We don’t know. 54. Which is NOT true about Wang Qun? A. She wants her son to have many kinds of skills. B. She has little time to play with her son every day. C. She believes a happy childhood means a failed adulthood (成年). D. She’s quite sure her son will be able to get into a top high school. 55. What can we learn from Qi Zhen’s words? A. Schools should have more activities for children after class. B. All the schools will take shorter school hours soon. C. There’ll be a long way to go to change people’s traditional mind. D. Through play children can develop well in different ways. 试题题库:包含小学,初中,高中,期中考试,期末考试,全国历届中考真题(含答案),数量齐全,欢迎下载。 第?卷 (非选择题, 共55分) 注意事项: 1、第?卷共4页,用钢笔或圆珠笔直接答在试卷上。 2、答卷前将密封线内的项目填写清楚。 四、听力填表(共5小题,计5分) 录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍后,根据所听内容完成下面的 表格 关于规范使用各类表格的通知入职表格免费下载关于主播时间做一个表格详细英语字母大小写表格下载简历表格模板下载 (每空不多于三个词)。(生词:enroll v. 注册) Family name Potters Given name (56)________________________ Country (57)________________________ (58)_______________________ 45 Hardcourt Street Age (59)________________________ Telephone number (60)________________________ 五、动词填空(共10空,计10分) 阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。 Henry and Charlie were good friends. They worked in a shop. These days Henry did not come to work, but Charlie did not know why. The shopkeeper said there were too many workers in the shop, so he (61) ____________ (send) some away. Charlie heard of it and wanted to tell his friend Henry about the shopkeeper’s plan. He went to him after supper. When he got there, he (62) ____________ (meet) Henry’s wife at the door. “Henry (63) ____________ (go) out, hasn’t he?” asked Charlie. “No, he (64) ____________ (be) in bed,” answered the woman. “What’s wrong with him?” “He (65) ____________ (not feel) well,” said his wife. “What on earth is happening?” “He (66) ____________ (not fall) asleep the whole night.” 试题题库: 包含小学,初中,高中,期中考试,期末考试,全国历届中考真题(含答案),数量齐全,欢迎下载。 Charlie went into the bedroom and saw his friend (67) ____________ (lie) in bed, crying loudly in pain. “Have you seen a doctor, Henry?” asked Charlie. “Not yet,” said Henry, “My wife bought some medicine for me and I took some just now.” “You’d better (68) ____________ (go) to see a doctor. They will help you, I think.” “Sorry, I (69) ____________ (not agree) with you,” said Henry, “Last year I had a terrible stomachache, the doctor cut off part of my stomach. Last week I got a bad toothache and the dentist had my tooth (70) ____________ (pull). God knows what the doctor will do with my head this time!” 六、综合填空(共10空,计10分) 阅读短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。 Dear sir, Thirty years ago, I walked into your bakery and asked for some loaves(条,块) of bread to sell. At that time, I was 12 years old. A young lady (71) s____________ me that day. She gave me five loaves and wished me good (72) l____________. I took the loaves and went out to sell them. It (73) t____________ me all day, but I sold them all. At the (74) e____________ of the day, I had some money. I was the (75) h____________ boy in the world as I walked home that evening. The next day, I went to a bicycle shop. I paid a deposit (定金) on a new bicycle. And then I started my next job (76) a____________ a newspaper delivery (递送) boy. Soon I (77) c____________ pay the rest of the money for the bicycle and the bike was mine. I was so proud of (78) m____________! Today I still work in the delivery business. I have a lot of trucks to send goods all over the country. I live in a beautiful house, but I don’t ride a bicycle these days. I drive a large and nice car. I don’t know (79) w____________ that young lady was. But (80) b____________ she gave me the start, I have become a successful man. I’d like to show my thanks to her. Yours, Jenkins 试题题库: 包含小学,初中,高中,期中考试,期末考试,全国历届中考真题(含答案),数量齐全,欢迎下载。 七、阅读表达 (共5小题,计10分) 阅读短文,根据要求完成下面各小题。 Playing is serious business for children. In fact, it’s what they do best! Ask them why they do it, and kids will probably say, “Because it’s fun!” But it’s much more than that. It’s also good for them. 83 Studies show that from birth babies begin learning through play. They use their five senses to get to know their new world. Touching allows them to discover how different things feel. Brightly colored toys and clothing help develop a baby’s sense of sight. When small children choose which toy to play with, they begin developing their abilities in making decisions. Children love toys that allow them to use their imagination. Sometimes an empty box is more fun than a high-tech (高技术) toy. That’s because a box can become anything a child imagines it to be. Crayons, paints and Play-Doh(彩色塑泥)are also good because they allow children to create. Traditional building blocks teach important pre-math skills like problem-solving. 84 Playing doesn’t become any less important once children start school. Many valuable (有价值的)lessons about life are learned on the school playground. Kids learn how to share, take turns and play by the rules. A. 根据短文内容简要回答问题。 81. What can children do best in their childhood? __________________________________________________________________________ 82. What kind of toys do children love? __________________________________________________________________________ B(将短文中划线的两个句子译成汉语。 83. _________________________________________________________________________ 84. _________________________________________________________________________ C( 请给短文拟一个适当的标题。 85.__________________________________________________________________________ 八、 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 面表达(共,题,计20分) 试题题库:包含小学,初中,高中,期中考试,期末考试,全国历届中考真题(含答案),数量齐全,欢迎下载。 请用一段连贯的文字,描述下面三幅图中所展示的内容,并根据生活常识,发挥想象力,续写第四幅图可能发生的事情。词数:80—100词。
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