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星巴克广告策划书星巴克广告策划书 星巴克广告策划书 business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, domin...

星巴克广告策划书 星巴克广告策划书 business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 目录 工贸企业有限空间作业目录特种设备作业人员作业种类与目录特种设备作业人员目录1类医疗器械目录高值医用耗材参考目录 一、市场分析 1、星巴克在中国的市场概况 2、消费者分析 (1)目标消费者 (2)消费心理 3、产品分析 4、SWOT分析 5、竞争对手情况分析 二、广告策略 1、平面广告主题、创意与广告语 2、平面广告文案 3、平面广告作品 三、广告费用预算 四、广告效果评估 一、市场分析 veys,investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surinformation, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the endings status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilitieng letence company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal fundiauthenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except referment, f business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business manageorate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place oloan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corp-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-rocess after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and offloan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and p-business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre1ype,)and t tion: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area,aluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following informaev-reon of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determinati 1、星巴克在中国的市场概况 1987年,现任董事长霍华德?舒尔茨(Howard Schultz)收购星巴克,从此带领公司跨越了数座业务发展的里程碑。1992年6月,星巴克作为第一家专业咖啡公司成功上市,迅速推动了公司业务增长和品牌发展。目前公司已在北美,拉丁美洲,欧洲,中东和太平洋沿岸37个国家拥有超过12,000多家咖啡店,拥有员工超过117,000人。 长期以来,公司一直致力于向顾客提供最优质的咖啡和其延伸产品及服务,营造独特的“星巴克体验”,让全球各地的星巴克店成为人们除了工作场所和生活居所之外温馨舒适的“第三生活空间”。鉴于星巴克独特的企业文化和理念,公司连续多年被美国《财富》杂志评为“最受尊敬的企业”。 星巴克看好中国市场的巨大潜力,立志于在中国长期发展,与中国经济共同成长。自1998年进入中国以来,星巴克已在包括香港、台湾和澳门在内的大中华区开设了430多家门店,其中约200家在大陆地区。目前,星巴克已成为了国内咖啡行业的第一品牌。 2、消费者分析 (1)目标消费者 根据我们的资料调查和研究,我们找到了星巴克的目标消费群,即: 新兴消费阶层(如年轻白领、学生)对咖啡有很大的兴趣,但他们属于消费较不稳定的人群,也就意味着不会构成持久的消费能力。 稳定的消费者主要还是以中年知识阶层为主,他们受教育程度高,品牌忠诚度较高。 (2)消费心理 消费者对一个产品的心理反应要经过意识、理解、信任、欲望和行动五个步骤。结合目标消费者的特征,多数消费者都不知道“第三空间”的概念,他们眼里的星巴克就是个谈话休息的地方,比较有品位,但只是一个模糊的概念。他们认为星巴克所推出的产品就仅仅是咖啡而已,其实不然,我们这次策划案就是要让更多的消费者认识了解星巴克的品牌文化及其延伸产品,而不仅只停留在咖啡上。 valuatment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other elies, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessr famiss status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and theie, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual businet tabltatus, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise accounconcern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage sfocus tc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, eg to siness, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and accordinMain contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview bu loan investigation work.-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off eting advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's applicationloan investigation, provide mark-business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre2on (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,)mation: housing ownership card by contains Ming informatievaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following infor-ion Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re 一直以来,星巴克的营销特色之一就是不做广告,主要依靠人际和口碑传播。从这一点上,我们的企划案应该保持星巴克惯有的营销风格,注重人际和口头传播的效果,而不张扬的风格也符合其目标人群的心理需要和性格特征。 综合了对市场和消费者的分析,我们进一步思考,从而给出星巴克的品牌个性和定位。 3、产品分析 星巴克在原有咖啡产品基础上陆续推出了一系列具有中国元素的产品,包括:星巴克月饼、星冰粽、芒果鸡肉卷、抹茶星冰乐以及为中国消费者量身定做的商品,如生肖储蓄罐、生肖马克杯等。这些产品为星巴克增添了一抹传统的中国风味,也以其创新的方式赢得了中国消费者的青睐。北京美大星巴克咖啡有限公司 “星巴克咖啡体验”已经同传统的中国文化紧密地结合在代理总裁王朝龙 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示, 一起,星巴克的中秋月饼已经被越来越多的中国顾客所接受和喜爱。 tion: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area,aluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following informaev-reon of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determinati veys,investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surinformation, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the endings status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilitieng letence company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal fundiauthenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except referment, f business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business manageorate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place oloan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corp-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-rocess after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and offloan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and p-business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre3ype,)and t 除了产品 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 ,星巴克在门店设计方面也不断地加入中国元素,力求更好地融入本土市场,使顾客更有家的感觉.例如:北京前门店、成都宽窄巷子店、深圳LOFT店和福州的三坊七巷店等,这些设计优美、风格独特的门店在当地都广受消费者的欢迎。 成都锦里门店,充满着古朴的中国元素,四处高挂着的红灯笼。走进刻着岁月痕迹楼房,雕花的屏风,檀木桌椅,咖啡的香味弥漫其中,异国风情与传统中国风味完美融合。 -ion Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including revaluatment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other elies, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessr famiss status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and theie, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual businet tabltatus, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise accounconcern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage sfocus tc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, eg to siness, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and accordinMain contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview bu loan investigation work.-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off eting advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's applicationloan investigation, provide mark-business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre4on (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,)mation: housing ownership card by contains Ming informatievaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following infor endings status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilitieng letence company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal fundiauthenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except referment, f business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business manageorate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place oloan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corp-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-rocess after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and offloan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and p-business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre5ype,)and t tion: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area,aluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following informaev-reon of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determinati veys,investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surinformation, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the focus tc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, eg to siness, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and accordinMain contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview bu loan investigation work.-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off eting advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's applicationloan investigation, provide mark-business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre6on (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,)mation: housing ownership card by contains Ming informatievaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following infor-ion Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including revaluatment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other elies, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessr famiss status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and theie, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual businet tabltatus, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise accounconcern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage s endings status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilitieng letence company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal fundiauthenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except referment, f business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business manageorate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place oloan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corp-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-rocess after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and offloan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and p-business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre7ype,)and t tion: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area,aluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following informaev-reon of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determinati veys,investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surinformation, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the 4、SWOT分析 星巴克包含了本身“口味独特”的因素。享受到15种以上享誉全球的高原咖啡及综合咖啡,还可品尝各式各样新鲜烤制的糕点,并可买到与咖啡有关的器具及相关的小商品,这在一般的咖啡店是难得见到的。 但更重要的是,它得益于中国高速发展的市场经济以及改革开放尤其是加入WTO以来的中国社会消费环境的急速变化,包括基础消费环境、消费政策环境和文化信息环境的变化。其中,文化信息环境开放带来的外来多元文化、品牌及西方生活方式、媒体个性化等,直接影响了中国人的消费观念和消费价值取向。 然而星巴克在中国积极进行扩张之际,其寻觅场所的技巧和营销策略将经受考验,潜在风险不容忽视。 ?从价格上看,星巴克咖啡及相关产品对大多数人而言是一种刚刚能消费得起的奢侈品。一杯中杯咖啡的价格也要人民币22元,也不是一笔小数目。但公司方面的调查却显示大部分顾客对其价格表示满意。 ?由于星巴克不允许加盟,所以经营者非但不能像其他咖啡店那样靠加盟金坐收渔翁之利,而为了吸引客流和打造精品品牌,星巴克的每家店几乎都开在了租金极高的昂贵地段,租金压力也是经营中的一大风险。 ?现实和潜在的竞争者众多。北京市场已有的台湾上岛咖啡、日本真锅咖啡,不可避免成为潜在的竞争者。而综合分析认为,星巴克面临的竞争对手不止于这些,大致包括:咖啡同业竞争、便利商店的竞争、快餐店卖咖啡、定点咖啡机等四大类。 focus tc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, eg to siness, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and accordinMain contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview bu loan investigation work.-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off eting advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's applicationloan investigation, provide mark-business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre8on (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,)mation: housing ownership card by contains Ming informatievaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following infor-ion Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including revaluatment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other elies, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessr famiss status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and theie, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual businet tabltatus, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise accounconcern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage s 1.进入市场早,已有较高的知名度 1.易给消费者“高消费”场所的感 觉,亲和度不够 S W 2.整体风格有特色,已形成一定消费 群,好感度高 2.产品和服务还有待进一步提高 3.地理位置和环境布置优越 3.中国固有“茶文化”消费习惯 1.对外交流的扩大,消费环境的急速变1.竞争对手不断增多,差异化程度星巴克 化,西化消费程度增强 低,实力相当 2.品牌概念模糊,经营风险变大 2.社会经济的高速发展,消费能力提 高,“咖啡意识”增强 O T 3.不可避免的文化冲突 5、竞争对手情况分析 在我们的资料调查中发现,消费者对麦当劳甜品和上岛咖啡的认知度仅次于 但仔细分析,他们各自的定位星巴克,似乎来自这两家店的竞争压力要更大一些, 和风格与星巴克还是有很大不同,基本上不会影响到星巴克的消费群。 麦当劳虽然推出了延伸产品——专门的咖啡店,但规模很小,加上麦当劳一贯的大众风格,还是很难让消费者将其与高品质的咖啡联系在一起,而麦当劳长期没有对其进行大规模的宣传广告,更说明这种形式的尝试还没有得到消费者的认可,短期内也不会成为麦当劳的主打品牌。 相比较而言,来自台湾的上岛咖啡虽然规模要大得多,也可能更加适合中国本土人的口味,但其在出售咖啡的同时,提供了更加丰盛精致的餐饮服务,甚至正餐的价值都超过了咖啡。这在一定程度上也给星巴克品牌带来极大压力。 二、广告策略 由于星巴克基本上不做电视广告或者平面广告,主要依靠自身品牌实力和口碑来宣传自身的品牌形象。为了宣传达到一定的效果,使星巴克中国元素产品更深入地走进消费者心中,我们选取平面媒体广告作为广告组合策略,以星巴克推出的中秋月饼为主要宣传对象。 1、平面广告主题、创意与广告语 s status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilitieng letence company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal fundiauthenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except referment, f business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business manageorate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place oloan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corp-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-rocess after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and offloan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and p-business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre9ype,)and t tion: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area,aluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following informaev-reon of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determinati veys,investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surinformation, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the ending 广告主题是根据广告目标所提出的中心思想,它是通过广告信息的传播 直接明白的表现广告主的意愿。星巴克品牌的广告语是“This is not instant coffee as you know it.”此次我们所宣传的星巴克中秋月饼的广告语是“灵动生活,浓情予赠”。此次广告宣传主要以中国元素为背景,侧重于感性诉求,对星巴克品牌文化及其产品进行宣传。 2、平面广告文案 我把自己丢了 站在人群里, 我不知道方向, 我不知道目的, 我不知道我知道什么。 我把自己丢了三小时, 木制的桌椅,浓醇的咖啡豆香味, 和另外一个舒适的自己一起, 在星巴克。 怎样的细致工艺和情感能使人沉溺, 使咖啡亦有了灵魂, 我把自己丢了三小时, 在星巴克。 3、平面广告作品 tatus, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise accounconcern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage sfocus tc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, eg to siness, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and accordinMain contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview bu loan investigation work.-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off eting advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's applicationloan investigation, provide mark-business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre10on (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,)mation: housing ownership card by contains Ming informatievaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following infor-ion Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including revaluatment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other elies, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessr famiss status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and theie, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual businet tabl 三、广告费用预算(略) 1、店内招贴 2、官网投放 四、广告效果评估 1、对各地星巴克门店市场销售效果做分期归纳 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf ; 2、以抽样调查方式展开市场调查; 3、各门店将产品的营销情况及消费者的反映与喜厌程度反馈给总公司以便根据广告效果改进促销方式及广告方式。 aluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following informaev-reon of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determinati veys,investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surinformation, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the endings status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilitieng letence company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal fundiauthenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except referment, f business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business manageorate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place oloan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corp-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-rocess after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and offloan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and p-business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre11ype,)and t tion: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area,
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