首页 2013年度安全工作计划



2013年度安全工作计划2013年度安全工作计划 2013年安全工作计划 贯彻项目部经理全年工作目标指示,加快标准化企业管理的步伐,完善项目部安全工作向制度化推进。强化属地管理和直线责任,做到责任明确,责任到人;落实隐患排查整改,落实安全检查的日常化、自主化、专项化,预防劳动安全事故、火灾爆炸事故、触电事故、气体中毒和食品中毒事故、交通安全事故;加强员工安全教育,积极开展三级安全教育,提高员工安全意识和安全技能;开展各项应急演练,提高员工应对突发事件的能力,营造一个安全稳定的工作环境,达到全年无等级以上事故的工作目标。特拟定2013年...

2013年度安全 工作计划 幼儿园家访工作计划关于小学学校工作计划班级工作计划中职财务部门工作计划下载关于学校后勤工作计划 2013年安全工作计划 贯彻项目部经理全年工作目标指示,加快标准化企业管理的步伐,完善项目部安全工作向制度化推进。强化属地管理和直线责任,做到责任明确,责任到人;落实隐患排查整改,落实安全检查的日常化、自主化、专项化,预防劳动安全事故、火灾爆炸事故、触电事故、气体中毒和食品中毒事故、交通安全事故;加强员工安全教育,积极开展三级安全教育,提高员工安全意识和安全技能;开展各项应急演练,提高员工应对突发事件的能力,营造一个安全稳定的工作环境,达到全年无等级以上事故的工作目标。特拟定2013年安全生产工作计划。 一、推进制度化、标准化 安全管理 企业安全管理考核细则加油站安全管理机构环境和安全管理程序安全管理考核细则外来器械及植入物管理 ,明确各级人员安全职责 安全无小事,安全工作开展必须要靠硬指标,所以离不开制度,完善各项安全 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 ,用制度进行标准化管理。做到有据可查,有法可依。明确各级人员的安全职责,杜绝隐瞒事实真相,杜绝安全工作面前推诿拖拉,杜绝无视制度标准,杜绝简化工作程序的现象。 1、签订各级人员安全责任书 2、出台并执行《绩效考核管理制度》强力推动各层安全工作。 3、出台《项目部应急救援预案》学习后,试运行。 4、制定安全检查和隐患整改安全管理制度。 5、逐步完善其他制度。 二、加强安全教育,明确各级教育内容,提高员工安全意识和安that selecting the right combination of ancestor spirits and local practice, selecting the right combination of leadership and grass-roots, selecting the right research and work needs Of combined points, selected associate particularity and General of combined points, carefully selected some has representative of rural and enterprise as research contact points, select some life in front line, and fighting in most frontier of workers and farmers as discussion object, real do sank down, and squat have live, asked meter Yu grass-roots, knowledge Yu practice, makes investigation of results has more strong of ideological, and policy sex, and constructive and can operation sex. Third, to put the findings into practice. On one hand, you want to research embodied in the speech and file, improving the quality of your presentation. The other hand, to promote the transformation of research results as soon as possible to the Government's decision to carry forward the work. 4, standardized procedures, strictly, a really good job handling official documents. One is to strict customs policies and regulations. Office workers need to enhance legal literacy and professional quality to effectively document audit checks work, raise the level of document processing. Special on intends released of documents, not only to seriously audit documents of style, and format, as appropriate text, more important of also to audit documents of content whether meet legal regulations and existing policy; involved people vital interests of whether heard has the aspects views and recommends; involved legal regulations of documents, whether sought has Government legal sector of views, avoid file and file fight, and regulations and regulations fight of phenomenon, ensure issued of documents specification, and legal, and unified. Second is to strictly 全技能,建立培训记录台账 1、一级安全教育的主要内容(安全员完成,作好记录) (1)讲解劳动保护的意义、任务、法律法规内容及其重要性,讲解国家赋予作业人员在生产过程中的权利和义务,使新入厂的员工树立起“安全第一”和“安全生产人人有责”的思想。 (2)介绍项目部的安全概况,包括安全工作发展史,生产特点,生产过程中主要危害因素防护和应急救援预案,设备分布情况(重点介绍要害部位、特殊设备和接近这些设备时的注意事项),安全生产的组织机构,主要安全生产规章制度(如安全生产责任制、安全生产奖惩条例、防火制度等)。 (3)劳动保护方面的规章制度,劳动保护用品的穿戴要求及注意事项。介绍各种警告标志和信号装置等。 (4)介绍各站防火知识,包括防火方针,各站易燃易爆物品的情况,防火的要害部位及防火的特殊需要,消防用品放置地点,灭火器的性能、使用方法,消防组织情况,遇到火险如何处理等。 (5)介绍典型事故案例和事故教训,抢险、救灾、救人常识以及工伤事故报告程序等。培训时间为8-16h。 2、二级安全教育的主要内容(各站站长或副站长完成,作好记录) (1)介绍各站基本情况、工艺流程及其特点,人员结构、危险区域、有毒有害物质及应对。站内事故易发部位、原因、防范措施、应急救援预案;还有特殊的规定和安全要求,介绍本站常见事故和对典型事故案例的剖析,介绍本站安全生产中的好人好事,文明生产方面的具体做法和要求。 that selecting the right combination of ancestor spirits and local practice, selecting the right combination of leadership and grass-roots, selecting the right research and work needs Of combined points, selected associate particularity and General of combined points, carefully selected some has representative of rural and enterprise as research contact points, select some life in front line, and fighting in most frontier of workers and farmers as discussion object, real do sank down, and squat have live, asked meter Yu grass-roots, knowledge Yu practice, makes investigation of results has more strong of ideological, and policy sex, and constructive and can operation sex. Third, to put the findings into practice. On one hand, you want to research embodied in the speech and file, improving the quality of your presentation. The other hand, to promote the transformation of research results as soon as possible to the Government's decision to carry forward the work. 4, standardized procedures, strictly, a really good job handling official documents. One is to strict customs policies and regulations. Office workers need to enhance legal literacy and professional quality to effectively document audit checks work, raise the level of document processing. Special on intends released of documents, not only to seriously audit documents of style, and format, as appropriate text, more important of also to audit documents of content whether meet legal regulations and existing policy; involved people vital interests of whether heard has the aspects views and recommends; involved legal regulations of documents, whether sought has Government legal sector of views, avoid file and file fight, and regulations and regulations fight of phenomenon, ensure issued of documents specification, and legal, and unified. Second is to strictly (2)根据本站生产的特点介绍安全技术基础知识。 (3)介绍本站防火知识,包括防火方针,本站易燃易爆物品的情况,防火的要害部位及防火的特殊需要,消防用品放置地点,灭火器的性能、使用方法,本站消防组织情况,遇到火险如何处理等。 (4)组织新工人学习安全生产文件和安全操作规程制度。并应教育新工人尊敬师傅,听从指挥、安全生产。二级安全教育授课时间一般需要4-8课时。 3、三级(班组)安全教育的主要内容(由班长或副班长完成,作好记录) (1)本班组的生产特点、作业环境、危险区域、设备状况、消防设施等。重点介绍高温、高压、易燃易爆、有毒有害、腐蚀、高空作业等反方面可能导致发生事故的危险因素,防护措施和应急措施;交待本班组容易出事故的部位、防止发生事故的措施,典型事故案例的剖析讲解。 (2)讲解本岗位使用的设备设施、工器具的性能,防护装置的作用和使用方法;讲解本工种安全操作规程;岗位责任;安全检查和交接班制度;教会员工对事故隐患及突发事故,如何及时报告领导或有关人员,并学会如何紧急处理险情。使员工真正从思想上重视安全生产,自觉遵守安全操作规程。 (3)讲解如何正确使用劳动保护用品,爱护劳动防护用品和文明生产的要求。 (4)进行安全操作示范。 4、专项安全培训和日常安全培训 定期或不定期的进行有针对性的专项安全培训和日常常规性的that selecting the right combination of ancestor spirits and local practice, selecting the right combination of leadership and grass-roots, selecting the right research and work needs Of combined points, selected associate particularity and General of combined points, carefully selected some has representative of rural and enterprise as research contact points, select some life in front line, and fighting in most frontier of workers and farmers as discussion object, real do sank down, and squat have live, asked meter Yu grass-roots, knowledge Yu practice, makes investigation of results has more strong of ideological, and policy sex, and constructive and can operation sex. Third, to put the findings into practice. On one hand, you want to research embodied in the speech and file, improving the quality of your presentation. The other hand, to promote the transformation of research results as soon as possible to the Government's decision to carry forward the work. 4, standardized procedures, strictly, a really good job handling official documents. One is to strict customs policies and regulations. Office workers need to enhance legal literacy and professional quality to effectively document audit checks work, raise the level of document processing. Special on intends released of documents, not only to seriously audit documents of style, and format, as appropriate text, more important of also to audit documents of content whether meet legal regulations and existing policy; involved people vital interests of whether heard has the aspects views and recommends; involved legal regulations of documents, whether sought has Government legal sector of views, avoid file and file fight, and regulations and regulations fight of phenomenon, ensure issued of documents specification, and legal, and unified. Second is to strictly 安全培训。(项目部、各站、各班组根据实际情况而定)项目对各站的安全培训每月不能少于一次,各站每月不能少于两次,班组每周一次。新员工入职后必须进行安全培训,考试合格后才可上岗。 三、积极准备预防季节性自然现象带来的安全隐患或损失 做好大风、雨、雪、雷电;高低温天气,防暑、防冻应对准备工作。 四、落实安全检查和隐患整改工作,建立安全检查、隐患整改记录台账 安全工作不是一两个人能做好并保证的,需要发动大家的力量。因为对安全隐患和设施设备故障最了解,最清楚的莫过于日常使用它的一线人员,正确引导发动安全隐患大家找,事故隐患人人除的安全理念,更要要求各站自主性的进行安全检查。才能事半功倍的消除安全隐患,杜绝传统安全检查的局限性,和盲区。 1、班组安全检查 班组要确保日常机组正常运转,更要进行所管辖范围内安全隐患的排查,一日不能少于三次,查出问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 解决不了的及时汇报。凡是查出的问题,不管是否解决都要在班组安全检查记录簿上进行记录,作为班组安全绩效考评的一大考核项。 2、各站安全检查 各站每周都要进行一次安全大检查,检查可以是专项的,也可以是全范围的,根据本站情况而定(如:防火防爆安全检查;工艺管线跑冒滴漏安全检查;安全用电及电线老化、裸露、接地线、漏电保护that selecting the right combination of ancestor spirits and local practice, selecting the right combination of leadership and grass-roots, selecting the right research and work needs Of combined points, selected associate particularity and General of combined points, carefully selected some has representative of rural and enterprise as research contact points, select some life in front line, and fighting in most frontier of workers and farmers as discussion object, real do sank down, and squat have live, asked meter Yu grass-roots, knowledge Yu practice, makes investigation of results has more strong of ideological, and policy sex, and constructive and can operation sex. Third, to put the findings into practice. On one hand, you want to research embodied in the speech and file, improving the quality of your presentation. The other hand, to promote the transformation of research results as soon as possible to the Government's decision to carry forward the work. 4, standardized procedures, strictly, a really good job handling official documents. One is to strict customs policies and regulations. Office workers need to enhance legal literacy and professional quality to effectively document audit checks work, raise the level of document processing. Special on intends released of documents, not only to seriously audit documents of style, and format, as appropriate text, more important of also to audit documents of content whether meet legal regulations and existing policy; involved people vital interests of whether heard has the aspects views and recommends; involved legal regulations of documents, whether sought has Government legal sector of views, avoid file and file fight, and regulations and regulations fight of phenomenon, ensure issued of documents specification, and legal, and unified. Second is to strictly 等安全检查;反三违安全检查;劳动保护和防护用品正确使用佩戴安全检查;消防器材安全检查;检维修安全检查;人员思想动态安全检查;季节性安全检查;机组隐患安全检查;食品卫生安全检查,环境保护安全检查等等)检查出的问题本站能整改的自己整改,自己整改不了的制定防护措施上报项目部整改,凡是查出问题,都要记录在本站安全检查记录簿上,并每月统计一次,在月度工作总结上要反映出安全工作的具体内容,并纳入安全绩效考核。 3、项目部安全检查 项目部安全检查每月三次,每次一个站,检查要有针对性。根据生产状况,季节环境变化,重点工作进度,重点施工作业等情况展开。通过查现场、查隐患、查整改及整改措施、查记录、查思想、查意识、查应急处理,来督促各站安全自查开展彻不彻底。 检查安全工作开展是否积极有力,制度化管理落实是否到位,要通过制度化管理来杜绝个人注意管理,实现安全工作制度化。及时发现管理中的缺陷、操作岗位的不安全现象和设备设施的不安全状态,真正做到检查不留死角,整改不留后患,坚决将事故隐患消灭在萌芽状态。做到检查有记录,整改有记录,整改不了的做好防护措施重关注,待有能力时整改。 五、特殊作业管理 按照油田公司承包商管理规定内容,所有作业票,不管等级都要经过作业区办理。为了工作安全有保障,施行特殊作业、办票制度。各站私自在固定动火区动火作业的,要提前将实际情况告知项目部安that selecting the right combination of ancestor spirits and local practice, selecting the right combination of leadership and grass-roots, selecting the right research and work needs Of combined points, selected associate particularity and General of combined points, carefully selected some has representative of rural and enterprise as research contact points, select some life in front line, and fighting in most frontier of workers and farmers as discussion object, real do sank down, and squat have live, asked meter Yu grass-roots, knowledge Yu practice, makes investigation of results has more strong of ideological, and policy sex, and constructive and can operation sex. Third, to put the findings into practice. On one hand, you want to research embodied in the speech and file, improving the quality of your presentation. The other hand, to promote the transformation of research results as soon as possible to the Government's decision to carry forward the work. 4, standardized procedures, strictly, a really good job handling official documents. One is to strict customs policies and regulations. Office workers need to enhance legal literacy and professional quality to effectively document audit checks work, raise the level of document processing. Special on intends released of documents, not only to seriously audit documents of style, and format, as appropriate text, more important of also to audit documents of content whether meet legal regulations and existing policy; involved people vital interests of whether heard has the aspects views and recommends; involved legal regulations of documents, whether sought has Government legal sector of views, avoid file and file fight, and regulations and regulations fight of phenomenon, ensure issued of documents specification, and legal, and unified. Second is to strictly 全员,待确认允许、措施、监护到位后在进行动火。没经过允许私自动火发生伤害的由组织者或动火者自行负责。 六、应急演练 各站组织学习《项目部应急救援预案》后进行考试。之后根据现场实际情况,有针对性的逐个对预案进行演练。并做好演练 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 和演练记录,每次演练要做好计划、组织充分、秩序井然,完后有总结感受。应急演练各站每月至少进行一次,根据需要反复演练,演练要以重练不重演的原则进行,让每个员工都能熟练掌握,遇到突发事件不急不慌,应对自如。 七、安全会议 1、项目部每月进行一次安全会议,首先各站对本站安全工作进行总结。做的好的进行宣传借鉴,不足之处进行补强,对各站解决不了的安全问题进行讨论确定。多采取各站对安全工作的意见和建议,加以正确合理的引导。对下月重点安全工作进行布置,明确工作事项、目的、原则、时间、人员。安全会议要做好记录整理后发于相关部门、各站进行传阅。 2、各站安全会议由各站自行组织,站长或或副站长主持,项目部人员可列席会议,首先是各班总结、汇报本班组的安全工作情况和工作计划(如:各班的人员动态;发现的隐患,处理措施,处理结果;本班组员工安全技能培训教育及成果;班组新进员工培训情况;交接班开展情况;需要站或项目部协助解决的问题等)尽量听取班长及员工的建议意见,减少一味的管理人员不停的讲,员工只能听的现象。that selecting the right combination of ancestor spirits and local practice, selecting the right combination of leadership and grass-roots, selecting the right research and work needs Of combined points, selected associate particularity and General of combined points, carefully selected some has representative of rural and enterprise as research contact points, select some life in front line, and fighting in most frontier of workers and farmers as discussion object, real do sank down, and squat have live, asked meter Yu grass-roots, knowledge Yu practice, makes investigation of results has more strong of ideological, and policy sex, and constructive and can operation sex. Third, to put the findings into practice. On one hand, you want to research embodied in the speech and file, improving the quality of your presentation. The other hand, to promote the transformation of research results as soon as possible to the Government's decision to carry forward the work. 4, standardized procedures, strictly, a really good job handling official documents. One is to strict customs policies and regulations. Office workers need to enhance legal literacy and professional quality to effectively document audit checks work, raise the level of document processing. Special on intends released of documents, not only to seriously audit documents of style, and format, as appropriate text, more important of also to audit documents of content whether meet legal regulations and existing policy; involved people vital interests of whether heard has the aspects views and recommends; involved legal regulations of documents, whether sought has Government legal sector of views, avoid file and file fight, and regulations and regulations fight of phenomenon, ensure issued of documents specification, and legal, and unified. Second is to strictly 安全工作要执行民主科学管理、众人参与,就要发动所有员工参与进来,听取最一线员工的心声,给员工话语权,管理人员适当的加以正确的引导。将主动权交由员工,发动员工的主动性。安全工作中存在的问题严禁隐瞒、蒙蔽事实情况,在项目部范围内要达到透明化。 各站根据项目部工作布置和本站工作开展实际情况布置相应的工作任务和工作要求,及时宣传项目部的最新工作方向,新的制度规定等。 3、班组安全会议每周一次,由班长组织召开,要做好相应的会议记录。班组安全会议可以和班组活动结合来开展,能有效的减少单一性。班组安全会议主要以总结员工日常工作来开展,互相交流不断提高,还要及时学习和执行新规定,新制度,发动员工的主动性,多对班、站、项目部工作提出合理化建议。班长要起到正确的引导和表率作用,对错误的思想和工作方法进行阻止杜绝,对好的要进行倡导和发扬。 八、落实安全活动、建设安全文化 要在 “安全月”、“6.5环境保护日”“夏季百日安全无事故”、“119消防宣传月”等特殊时期,通过挂横幅、贴标语、树标牌、更新橱窗宣传栏、举办安全、消防知识竞赛或岗位操作比赛、组织召开员工大会等多渠道的安全文化活动,营造浓厚的安全氛围,不断提高员工安全素质和“安全第一”的意识水平,树立正确的安全理念,提高自主安全的积极性。 安全生产管理工作永远都没有终点,我将认真贯彻“安全第一,that selecting the right combination of ancestor spirits and local practice, selecting the right combination of leadership and grass-roots, selecting the right research and work needs Of combined points, selected associate particularity and General of combined points, carefully selected some has representative of rural and enterprise as research contact points, select some life in front line, and fighting in most frontier of workers and farmers as discussion object, real do sank down, and squat have live, asked meter Yu grass-roots, knowledge Yu practice, makes investigation of results has more strong of ideological, and policy sex, and constructive and can operation sex. Third, to put the findings into practice. On one hand, you want to research embodied in the speech and file, improving the quality of your presentation. The other hand, to promote the transformation of research results as soon as possible to the Government's decision to carry forward the work. 4, standardized procedures, strictly, a really good job handling official documents. One is to strict customs policies and regulations. Office workers need to enhance legal literacy and professional quality to effectively document audit checks work, raise the level of document processing. Special on intends released of documents, not only to seriously audit documents of style, and format, as appropriate text, more important of also to audit documents of content whether meet legal regulations and existing policy; involved people vital interests of whether heard has the aspects views and recommends; involved legal regulations of documents, whether sought has Government legal sector of views, avoid file and file fight, and regulations and regulations fight of phenomenon, ensure issued of documents specification, and legal, and unified. Second is to strictly 预防为主,全员参与,综合治理”的方针,强化安全生产管理,把各项安全管理工作落到实处,要努力营造全员参与安全管理工作的企业安全文化氛围,抓好项目部各项安全生产管理工作,为创造一个好的安全生产环境,切实保障项目部各站安全发展而不懈努力。 内容 安全工作开展细化表 主题 制度化管理推进 第一季度大力推进贯穿今后工作 签订安全协议书 3月底完成各级安全书签字 今年做好新员工安全教育的同时,重点将根据每月安全检查主题和应安全教育 急演练内进行员工安全技能知识的培训。 3、4、9、10月防风 季节性自然危害防6、7月防雨、防雷电 护工作重点关注事6、7、8月防火防爆、防暑; 项 11、12月防冻、防滑 三月开展环境治理和劳动防护用品正确穿戴使用安全检查; 四月开展劳动安全和惯性违章安全检查; 五月开展施工现场特殊作业和道路交通安全检查; 六月开展基础设施安全大检查; 七月开展防火防爆、安全用电检查, 安全检查和隐患整 改 八月开展现场隐患排查安全大检查 九月开展消防安全大检查; 十月开展节日期间安全检查 十一月开展防冻保暖安全大检查, 十二月开展劳动安全、消防、安全用电、防冻保暖等综合大检查。 特殊作业管理 重点在再建项目期间开展 3月开展大网停电应急处理演练; 4月开展消防安全演练 5月开展触电事故、高温烫伤事故、高处坠落、急救应急演练; 6月开展天然气泄漏应急演练 应急演练 7月开展机组缺水和机组飞车应急演练; 8月开展机械伤害和紧急止血应急演练 9月进行天然气着火应急演练 10月进行人员紧急疏散撤离应急演练 安全会议 每月根据当月重点工作开展情况召开安全会议并布置下月工作重点 3月开展全年安全工作动员活动 5月底开展防暑降温,给员工送清凉的安全活动; 安全活动 6月前半月开展以安全生产月“强化安全基础、推动安全发展”为主 题的“安康杯”安全知识竞赛 that selecting the right combination of ancestor spirits and local practice, selecting the right combination of leadership and grass-roots, selecting the right research and work needs Of combined points, selected associate particularity and General of combined points, carefully selected some has representative of rural and enterprise as research contact points, select some life in front line, and fighting in most frontier of workers and farmers as discussion object, real do sank down, and squat have live, asked meter Yu grass-roots, knowledge Yu practice, makes investigation of results has more strong of ideological, and policy sex, and constructive and can operation sex. Third, to put the findings into practice. On one hand, you want to research embodied in the speech and file, improving the quality of your presentation. The other hand, to promote the transformation of research results as soon as possible to the Government's decision to carry forward the work. 4, standardized procedures, strictly, a really good job handling official documents. One is to strict customs policies and regulations. Office workers need to enhance legal literacy and professional quality to effectively document audit checks work, raise the level of document processing. Special on intends released of documents, not only to seriously audit documents of style, and format, as appropriate text, more important of also to audit documents of content whether meet legal regulations and existing policy; involved people vital interests of whether heard has the aspects views and recommends; involved legal regulations of documents, whether sought has Government legal sector of views, avoid file and file fight, and regulations and regulations fight of phenomenon, ensure issued of documents specification, and legal, and unified. Second is to strictly 6月后半月开展上半年安全班集体,安全工作站,安全先进个人表彰大会; 6、7、8进行“夏季百日安全无事故”各站安全工作交流检查活动 9月份开展“119消防安全月”为主题的“消防安全知识竞赛活动” 10月开展“防冻保暖我先行”活动; 12月开展年度全安全班集体,安全工作站,安全工作个人表彰大会,和全年安全工作总结会议。 that selecting the right combination of ancestor spirits and local practice, selecting the right combination of leadership and grass-roots, selecting the right research and work needs Of combined points, selected associate particularity and General of combined points, carefully selected some has representative of rural and enterprise as research contact points, select some life in front line, and fighting in most frontier of workers and farmers as discussion object, real do sank down, and squat have live, asked meter Yu grass-roots, knowledge Yu practice, makes investigation of results has more strong of ideological, and policy sex, and constructive and can operation sex. Third, to put the findings into practice. On one hand, you want to research embodied in the speech and file, improving the quality of your presentation. The other hand, to promote the transformation of research results as soon as possible to the Government's decision to carry forward the work. 4, standardized procedures, strictly, a really good job handling official documents. One is to strict customs policies and regulations. Office workers need to enhance legal literacy and professional quality to effectively document audit checks work, raise the level of document processing. Special on intends released of documents, not only to seriously audit documents of style, and format, as appropriate text, more important of also to audit documents of content whether meet legal regulations and existing policy; involved people vital interests of whether heard has the aspects views and recommends; involved legal regulations of documents, whether sought has Government legal sector of views, avoid file and file fight, and regulations and regulations fight of phenomenon, ensure issued of documents specification, and legal, and unified. Second is to strictly
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