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牛津英语M6Unit4 单词学案(教师版)答案


牛津英语M6Unit4 单词学案(教师版)答案M6Unit4 单词学案(教师 版) 撰稿人:张永燕审核人:王丽华 I. 词形转换 1. operate n. operation 接线员operator 2. awareness 提高…的意识raise awareness of ; adj aware 察觉到,意识到… be aware of… 3. draw 过去式,过去分词drew, drawn 吸引某人的注意力draw one’s attention to 得出结论draw a conclusion 4. urgent adv. urge...

牛津英语M6Unit4 单词学案(教师版)答案
M6Unit4 单词学案(教师 版) 撰稿人:张永燕审核人:王丽华 I. 词形转换 1. operate n. operation 接线员operator 2. awareness 提高…的意识raise awareness of ; adj aware 察觉到,意识到… be aware of… 3. draw 过去式,过去分词drew, drawn 吸引某人的注意力draw one’s attention to 得出结论draw a conclusion 4. urgent adv. urgently n. urgency 同义词emergency 5. poverty adj poor adv. poorly 过贫困的生活live a poor life/ live in poverty 6. accessible n. access 短语:可接近的be accessible to;获得…的权利have/gain access to… 7. frustrated v. frustrate n. frustration 1 令人沮丧的frustrating 8.fund 募集资金collect/ raise a fund for… v. fund n. 提供资金funding 9. remind 提醒某人…remind sb. of sth./ to do sth./ that…提醒物/人reminder 10. force n. force adj. forceful adv. forcefully 11. occupation v. 占据,占去occupy adj职业的occupational 职业上by occupation 翻译:他的职业为医生。He is a doctor by occupation.(误:His occupation is a doctor.) 12. malnutrition 营养,营养学nutrition adj. 有营养的nutritious 13.unusable v/n use adj 有用useful 可使用的usable 无用的useless adv. usefully, uselessly 14. vacant 一个空缺的职位 a vacant position n. vacancy 15. temporary adj. temporarily 永久的 permanent 16. minor n. minority; 主要的major n. majority 17. comfort adj. comfortable ,uncomfortable; adv. comfortably, uncomfortably. 18.individual n. individual, individuality adv. Individually 个人主义individualism 个人主义者individualist 19.flee 过去式,过去分词fled, fled;现在分词fleeing从…逃走flee (from…) II.重点词汇讲解 1. refer 过去式:referred 现在分词:referring refer to:1)谈及,提到;2)向…求助; 3)查阅,参考;4)把…称作 refer to a dictionary/an expert 查阅字典/求助专家=consult the dictionary/an expert refer to my watch for the exact time看 一下手表以知道准确时间 完成句子: 如果你还不明白,可以去问问专家。If you are still confused, please refer to the expert. 他的名字在会议中被提及。His name was referred to in the meeting. 她就是昨晚提到的那位女士吗?Is she the lady referred to last night? He gave the speech without referring to his notes. California is referred to as the “Golden State.”加利福尼亚被称作“黄金之州”。n. reference a reference book 参考 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf ,工具书make (a) reference to 提及,涉及She didn’t make reference to her marriage. in reference to 关于He spoke in reference to the new plan. 2. operate v. operation n. (1)操作,运作operate sth Do you know how to operate the heating system? 你知道怎么操作这加热系统吗? be in operation运转着,实施中come into operation生效put…into operation 使……生效 (2)动手术operate on sb. for sth.为某事给某人动手术 这个大夫将给一个病人的胃手术。The doctor is going to operate on a patient for stomach. perform an operation动手术operator n.接线员 即学即用:(改错) (1)We will have to operate his eyes. (2)What skills are needed to operate on this machine. (3)It’s time to put our plan into an operation. 3. honour vt.尊敬,给予荣誉 eg. I’m honored that you could come.很荣幸你能来。 年轻人应该尊重老人。The young should honor the old. n. 荣誉,面子,尊敬 eg. Everyone has the responsibility to protect the honor of his country.每人都有责任保护祖国的荣誉。 The athletes won great honor for our motherland.运动员们为我们的祖国赢得了无限荣誉。 我们必须尊敬我们的老师。We mush show honor to our teachers. 他是我校的光荣。He is an honour to our school. 拓展:honor 构成的常见短语 be honored for…因……而受到尊敬 be honored with 被授予,给予荣誉 be/ feel honored by…因……而感到极大的荣幸 have the honor of doing sth./ to do sth. 有做……的荣幸 It is an honour to do sth. in honor of ... 为向……表示敬意,为纪 念…… eg. He is honored with the title of a model teacher.他被授予模范教师的称号。 为庆祝我的生日他唱了一首歌。He sang a song in honor of my birthday. It is a great honour to receive that prize.能得到那个奖是无上的光荣。honorable: adj. 可敬的,值得钦佩的,品格高尚的 4. lack: vt./ vi./ n. 缺乏,没有,需要vt. lack something 他经验不足,无法获得这份工作。He lacked the experience to get the job. 她缺乏常识。She lacks common sense. vi. lack for something (通常用于否定句) 他们非常富裕,没有欠缺任何东西。They are so rich that they lack for nothing. n. (a) lack of (a) lack of information , (a) lack of water The house couldn’t be finished for (a) lack of funds.因为缺少资金,房子无法完工。 没有暖气使我们觉得很冷。Lack of heat made us cold. adj. be lacking in Money for the project is still lacking.开展这个项目的钱还没有着落。 她在向公众演讲时总是缺乏自信。 She is lacking in confidence when delivering a speech in public. (1)Though_______ money, his parents managed to send him to university. A.1acked B.1acking of C.1acking D.1acked with (2)The court case was dismissed for __________ evidence. A.1acking of B.1ack of C.1ack D.1ack in 5. set out出发;开始;陈列; (1)set out for动身前往(2)set out to do sth.着手做某事 (3)set about doing sth.着手做某事 (4)set off(for)出发/动身/启程(去……);燃放,引起 (5)set down放下,写下,记下 (6)set aside拨出,留出,搁置,不理会 (7)be set in以……为背景(8)set up 成立,建立 他们将出发去寻找那个丢失了的孩子。They’ll set out in search of the lost child. We set out to paint the house. The goods were set out on the shelf.那些商品被摆在架子上。 戏剧《隐形椅子》是以公园为背景的。The play, The Invisible Bench, is set in a park. 市议会设立委员会调查失业问题.The council set up a committee to look into unemployment. 6.if only但愿,要是……就好了,只要 if only引起感叹句及状语从句,要用虚拟语气,句子谓语的形式: 现在:主语+过去式 过去:主语+had+过去分词 将来:主语+would/might/could+动词原形 如果我是你,我会马上离开。If 1 were you I’d leave at once. If only you knew how hard I’ve tried to please you. 真希望你能了解我费了多大的劲来逗你开心。 但愿他吃东西不这样大声就好了。If only he wouldn’t eat so noisily. 辨析:only if与if only (1)only if表示”只有”。 I wake up only if the alarm clock rings. 只有闹钟响了,我才会醒。 (2)if only则表示”如果……就好了”。 If only the alarm clock had rung. 要是(当时)闹钟响了就好了。 即学即用: (1)_________ the teacher has given permission, a student is allowed to enter the classroom. A. If only B. Only if C. As if D. Even if (2)If only he ______ to send that letter to my grandpa last week! Look,I’m so helpless now. A. remembered B. remembers C. has remembered D. had remembered 7. face v./n. (1)face the difficulty/dilemma面对困难 The skilled assistant turned to face the newcomer and introduced herself. 熟练的助手转身面对新来的人作了自我介绍。 (2)be faced with sth.面临;面对 我面临了新的问题。I was faced with a new problem.= A new problem faced me. (3)face(to the)east朝向东边 这建筑物朝北。The building faces north/towards the north. (4)face up to勇敢地对付/接受 你必须学会勇敢地承担起你的责任。You must learn to face up to your responsibilities. (5)face 脸,面孔,表面 (6)face to face面对面地(7)in one’s face当面 (8)in (the) face of面对……,在…面前,不顾(9)look in the face正面看某人,正视 (10)lose one’s face丢面子,丢人 (11)make a face=make faces做鬼脸They laughed in my face. 大难临头,她依然保持冷静。She was calm in the face of great danger. __________ such a difficult problem, he didn’t know what to do. A. Faced B. Facing C. Faced to D. Facing with 8. break down出故障,抛锚;垮了身体;分解;失败;不成功 (1)unfortunately, the car broke down. 不幸的是,汽车抛锚了。 (2)Chemicals in the body break our food down into useful substances. 人体内的化学物质把食物分解成有用的成分。 (3)和谈失败了,没有达成任何协议。The peace talks broke down without any agreement reached. (4)The old cars were broken down for their metal and parts. 这些旧汽车被拆掉为的是利用其金属和零件。 break away(from)与……脱离;与……断绝关系;打破(陈规陋习) break up分解,解放;分裂;击碎;使停止;结束 Their marriage broke up after they had been married for ten years. 他们的婚姻在结婚10年后破裂了。break out(vi.)(战争、火灾、瘟疫等)爆发; break into突然发出;闯入…… break in打断;闯入; break off中断,折断; break through突破 即学即用: 1. News reports say peace talks between the two countries __________ with no agreement reached. A. have broken down B. have broken out C. have broken in D. have broken up 2. The computer system suddenly_______ while he was searching for information on the Internet. A. broke down B. broke out C. broke up D. broke in 3. I was still sleeping when the fire , and then it spread quickly. (2006 广东) A. broke out B. put out C. came out D. got out 4. We’re trying to ring you back, Bry an, but we think we ___ your number incorrectly. (2006 浙江) A. looked up B. took down C. worked out D. brought about 5. If you carry on working like this, you’11_____s ooner or later. A. break down B. give up C. get down D. hold on 9. fetch v.取来;去拿来 (1)跑去把医生请来! Run and fetch the doctor! 辨析:fetch,bring,take,与carry (1)fetch意为”去拿来”,指到别处去取东西或找人然后带回来。(一去一来两个过程) Please fetch me a clean coat from my bedroom. 请到我的卧室给我拿一件干净的外套。 (2)bring意为”带来”,方向是朝着说话人所在之处的。(只有来一个过程) Bring your exercise-books here tomorrow. 明天把你的练习本带到这儿来。 (3)take意为”带走”,即将东西从说话者处拿走。(只有去一个过程) 把这个空盒子拿走吧。Take this empty box away. (4)carry意为”随身携带”,方向不定。He always carries an umbrella with him in case of rain. 他总是随身带把伞以防下雨。 即学即用:(用fetch, bring, take, 与carry填空) (1)She has gone to fetch the kids from schoo1. (2)In Britain the police do not usually carry guns. (3)Don’t forget to bring your dictionary here tomorrow. (4)Who has taken my pen? It’s missing. (5) The success of the play brought her fame. 10. means 方法,手段单复数同形 那位经济学家和那位环境学者无法交流 尽管他们都作出了巨大努力。 The economist and the environmentalist had no means of communication, regardless of valuable efforts they had mad. The quickest means of travel is (be) by plane. All the means have been tried. (have) Every means has been tried. (have) 相关短语: 以这种方法by this means/ in this way/with this method;借…,以… by means of ;一点也不by no means ;当然可以;务必by all means —“May I borrow this book?”—“By all means.” Finish it by all means.无论如何都要完成它。 I’ve tried very hard to improve my English. But by no means ______with my progress.(2006重庆)A. the teacher is not satisfied B. is the teacher not satisfied C. the teacher is satisfied D. is the teacher satisfied mean v. meaning n. 意义 11.die from die of 死于……(强调内因) die from死于……(强调外因) die of disease/ cold/sorrow/disappointment/ hunger/old age… die from disease/a wound/overwork /an accident… die out (物种)灭绝;(风俗习惯)消失; die off 相继死掉 die away (声音、光线、风等)逐渐减弱/消失; be dying for sth./to do sth. 渴望做某事die down(火、兴奋、暴风雨、光线等)逐渐变弱/平息 die a …death以...方式死亡He died a peaceful death.; die young年轻时死去 1. I am dying for a cup of tea. 2. The fire is dying down. Please put more coal. 3. After her three sons died off, she committed suicide at last. 4. We are making every effort to prevent the northeast tigers from dying out. 12. make a difference产生变化,发生改变;起作用,有影响 make some(much/ little/ no, etc.) difference 有一些(很多/极少/没有等) 影响 It doesn’t make any difference to me whether you go or stay. 你是去是留对我都无所谓。 When you are learning to drive, having a good teacher makes a difference. 学习驾驶时,如有一位好教员指导,效果大不相同。 One false step will make a great difference失之毫厘,谬以千里。
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