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singles2 修改方法与攻略(Singles2 modification method and strategy)


singles2 修改方法与攻略(Singles2 modification method and strategy)singles2 修改方法与攻略(Singles2 modification method and strategy) singles2 修改方法与攻略(Singles2 modification method and strategy) Raiders The introduction of the hero and heroine is the same, the difference is that the characters encountered will be different. Anoth...

singles2 修改方法与攻略(Singles2 modification method and strategy)
singles2 修改方法与攻略(Singles2 modification method and strategy) singles2 修改方法与攻略(Singles2 modification method and strategy) Raiders The introduction of the hero and heroine is the same, the difference is that the characters encountered will be different. Another name in the back bracket is the person who plays with the heroine. If Linda (Simon) stands for the same spot, the hero will meet Linda and the heroine will encounter Simon. Quest0:Tutorial Quest0-1:Go to Kim. Move the characters to the question mark next to Kim. Quest0-2:Look around the apartment. Look around the apartment and find three question marks, in the kitchen, bathroom, and the player's bedroom. Quest0-3:Get, something, to, eat, from, the, fridge. Stand in the kitchen and ask the refrigerator for food. Quest0-4:Take a shower. Stand in the bathroom, ask questions, and shower. Quest0-5:Buy, yourself, a, bed, and, put, it, in, room., your Stand to the question point of the player's bedroom, then buy a bed to put in. QuestRelship:She (He) WILL be mine QuestRelship-1:Win, Anna (Josh),'s, friendship, back. Players and Anna (Josh) friendship value (smile, blue strip) to a certain extent, that is, complete the task. QuestRelship-2:Show, Anna (Josh), your, romantic, side. (Optional) Players and Anna (Josh) romantic values (hearts, blue strips) to a certain extent, that is, complete the task. QuestRelship-3:Give, Anna (Josh), the, hots, for, you... (Optional) Players and Anna (Josh) love value (lips, blue strips) to a certain extent, that is, complete the task. Quest1:Moving, in, Moving, on Quest1-1:Give Magnet a call. Call Magnet for help. Quest1-1:Meet, Magnet, and, talk, with, him. Go to the bar and talk to Magnet. Quest1-2:Find, a, way, to, get, in, touch, with, again., Magnet When using Anna (Josh) and Kim to go to work, enter the Anna (Josh) room and find useful information. Quest1-3:Find, the, key, to, Anna (Josh),'s, album. You can find a photo album in the locker at the end of Anna (Josh), but it's locked. Quest1-4:Find, the, lock, that, fits, Anna (Josh),'s, key. You can find the album key in the cabinet which goes into the Anna (Josh) door. Quest2:Hands to Work Quest2-1:Get, these, items:, a, large, carpet, an, Oriental, table, two, cushions, and, a, tent. Buy a large carpet, an oriental low table, two cushions and a tent. Quest2-2:Get, lots, of, candles, for, a, cosy, atmosphere. Buy six candles (candles in any form). Place them on both sides of the Oriental low table (three pieces each). quest2-3:安排对象,它们被放在安娜(Josh)的照片。 布置烛光晚餐的场地,请看任务栏所提示的照片摆设。比较需要注意的是,坐垫和椅子一样是有方向性的,不要摆错方向,不然角色会无法坐下。 questopt2:园丁 questopt2-1:购买一个香草花园。 购买药草园这种盆栽。 questopt2-2:照顾它,让植物生长。 天天帮药草园浇水,让它成长,完成后烹饪技能会自动+ 1。 quest3:发生了什么事, quest3-1:为安娜准备一顿(Josh)和自己。 用等级二以上的烹饪技术煮一顿晚餐。 quest3-2:邀请安娜(Josh)你的浪漫的烛光晚餐。 安娜(Josh)邀请共度烛光晚餐。玩家完成3-1的任务后,点选安娜(Josh)就会出现要请烛光晚餐的指令。必须在1900 ~ 2200这段时间内进行烛光晚餐,太早、太晚都不行。 quest3-3:提高你的烹饪技巧。 增加烹饪技能到等级二,自己学习或questopt2-2的方式自动学得都可。 quest3-4:你需要摆脱基姆。 在烛光晚餐之前支开基姆,就是任务3-5买票让她出去玩啦。 quest3-5:基姆买的票。 帮基姆上网买票。前提是必须先和基姆谈话,让她告诉玩家票可以在网络上买,这时上网购物的效果才能启动。 quest4:洗心革面 quest4-1:录制一张自己的歌。 录制自己独奏独唱的CD。必须先完成4-2至4-4的所有条件。 quest4-2:你需要一个麦克风,放大器和吉他。 购买一支麦克风、一个扬声器吉他则是一开始就有了,不需购买新的。 quest4-3:您的设备必须连接。 将的三样装备放在一起比较需要注意的是麦克风要留位子让角色站,那是唱歌要用的4-2。 quest4-4:提高你的吉他演奏技巧。 增加创新技能(有吉他图标)至等级二。 quest4-5:给安娜(Josh)你的专用光盘。 送自己录的CD给安娜(Josh)。这个必须先完成quest5的所有条件才能成功。 quest5:去酒吧~ quest5-1:见到安娜(Josh)在酒吧。 时间在1830时会接到磁的告密电话,到酒吧找安娜(Josh)。 quest5-2:找到一种方法来摆脱西蒙(娜塔莎)。 让尼古拉斯(琳达)、琳达(西蒙)和伯尼(爱伦)帮助你。 想办法支开西蒙(娜塔莎)。玩男主角会遇到尼古拉斯,琳达和伯尼这三个人,玩女主角则会遇到琳达,西蒙和艾伦这三个人。主要是让两个男的(或两个女的互换衣服就行了四个步骤如下~)。 琳达(西蒙)一、先和打招呼,然后选择恭维对话。 尼古拉斯(琳达)二、再和打招呼,然后选择八卦对话。 伯尼(爱伦)三、再和打招呼,然后选择八卦对话。 尼古拉斯(琳达)四、回到和谈话,选择对话完成后,进入剧情动画舒适。 quest5-3:跟随安娜(Josh)回到公寓,跟她(他)。 5-2的任务完成后,安娜(Josh)就会独自回公寓,玩家只要跟着回公寓,然后送对方CD即可。 quest6:Mike Davis quest6-1:见到迈克在酒吧,请他和你挤。 到酒吧见迈克并邀请他到玩家的公寓合作音乐必须先完成6-2 6-3这两个条件和。 quest6-2:买些体面的衣服。 购买一件新衣服,最好是买200元以上的衣服,穿上新衣服,这样迈克才会理你。 quest6-3:你要跟迈克成为朋友。 和迈克培养友情值(笑脸蓝色长条)到一定程度即可。 quest6-4:邀请迈克去你的公寓。 要请迈克到玩家的公寓的条件必须先完成6-1。 quest6-5:果酱与迈克几次。 和迈克一同演奏音乐必须先完成至6-8这三个条件6-6。 quest6-6:你需要一架钢琴,一个麦克风和吉他的即兴。 购买一个钢琴(电子琴键盘也可)。 quest6-7:将麦克风靠近钢琴(或反之亦然)。 将钢琴和之前quest4的麦克风、吉他放在一起。 quest6-8:提高你的吉他演奏技巧。 增加创新技能(有吉他图标)至等级三。 quest7:聚会时间~ quest7-1:买一个迪斯科球,几套方灯和一对夫妇的演唱者。 购买一个迪蔏汕,大、中、小,任何一个即可)、一对舞会灯(大或小任一对即可)和一对喇叭(大或小任一对即可)。 quest7-2:你将需要你的麦克风,放大器和吉他与钢琴,迈克。 quest4和quest6所买的东西(包括吉他)只要都有保留,这个条件就会自动完成。 quest7-3:设置客厅与这些项目。 将quest4、quest6和quest7购买的所有东西(包括一开始的吉他)摆放在客厅。 quest7-4:邀请客人。确保你所有的朋友都在那里。 邀请玩家电话通讯簿中的所有朋友来到公寓必须先完成条件7-5。 quest7-5:你要结识更多的人邀请他们。 至少要在酒吧中认识三个朋友。要认识新朋友只要让该人大的友谊值达到些许水平即可。成为朋友之后,玩家电话的通讯簿中就会出现该人大的头像。 quest7-6:通过你的音乐开始聚会。 条件7-3和7-4完成后,选择吉他或麦克风就可以和迈克一同演奏音乐,当然是最后再选择挚爱-安娜(Josh)啰。即完成所有任务~ [第2部分] ?无限金钱修改 起始资金 每个场景的起始资金储存在配置下的游戏。CFG中,打开游戏。CFG,查找钱,会发现以下字样 moneyemptyscene = 100000 moneystartstory = 496 moneystartbackyard = 2500 moneystartapartment = 5000 moneystartpenthouse = 10000 这就是每关的起始资金,moneystartstory是教程模式,moneystartbackyard是 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 模式,moneystartapartment是自由-阁楼模式,moneystartpenthouse是自由-别墅模式 资金来源 工资的定义在游戏逻辑里的glcareers.agl 打开后可以看到 career0 { 收入= 100 开始时间= 0 结束时间= 0 } career0代表第0级的工作,收入是收入,是上班时间开始时间,结 束时间是下班时间 开始时间结束时间= 0 = 0就是不工作白拿钱 ?去掉被单方法 X:\ \ \ blanket.tsk singles2动画 使用笔记本或写字板等程式打开 将第2行的对象= 1 1改为0即可去掉被单 同上 whirlpooldesign。TSK TSK两个档去池水和whirlpoolstylish。 注:X:\为游戏安装的盘符 ?修改经验的方法 游戏逻辑目录里的gllevels AGL文件,用记事本打开后。 gllevels对象 { 水平 { leveldescription 1 { requiredexperience = 0 } ..........(下略) requiredexperience为升级所需经验 ?去掉马赛克方法 打开安装目录\配置下的game.cfg 找到 #像素化(而不是黑网吧) 像素化=真 #将乳房和阴部是像素在 # uncesnsored版本,(用于展览) fullpixelation = false 改为 #像素化(而不是黑网吧) 像素化= false #将乳房和阴部是像素在 # uncesnsored版本,(用于展览) fullpixelation = false 把\ \位置\ singles2德国下的scmt4.dll拷贝到主目录\ singles2 下 ?技能点修改 4号档案为例子以。 储存的档案包含了: savegame4_apartment.dat savegame4_bar.dat savegame4_info.dat savegame4_penthouse.dat savegame4.png savegame4.dds 6个总共。 savegame4_apartment .dat是故事(故事模式)或公寓(公寓模式) savegame4_bar DAT是后院(后院模式)。 savegame4_penthouse DAT是阁楼(屋顶小屋模式)。 使用文字编辑器打开你所要修改的档案。 因为档案过大所以建议不要用笔记本或是写字板等程式来修改, 打开档案后点一下搜寻 ?搜寻careername ?点careername =乔希(Josh是所要修改的人名) ?往下找skillpoints = 5(5是目前残余的技能点数) ?在修改残余的技能点数,储存。 注:人名翻译 战士=帕西菲卡 德尔利教授= lost_soul =尼古拉斯 魔术师=迈克 best_friend =伯尼 bad_boy =坏小子鲍勃 马克首席= 红活动家= 科学家=埃伦 free_spirit =琳达 spunky_kid =丽莎 狐狸精=娜塔莎 加里=迈格里特 西蒙=西蒙 基姆=金 杰克=乔希 爱丽丝=安娜 ?修改各种动作行为对人物属性的影响 以浪漫的选择中的谈为例 修改的文件为目录下的glactivities AGL文件游戏逻辑。 #浪漫谈 talkrelation { 持续时间= 0.3124999 # 15秒时间 relationshipinfluences { 零 { rel_romantic条件= 价值= 50 } 一 { rel_friendship条件= 价值= 50 } 二 { rel_erotic条件= 价值= 50 } } ..........(下略) 例子中是修改过的,改过后,原本只能影响浪漫的属性的浪漫谈会变 成能影响友谊、 浪漫的和情色,可以自己加,时间= x。 XXXXX is the amount of time that this behavior takes, and which attribute does Condition affect?, Value is the magnitude of the effect. Each kind of influence to use a pair of parentheses before {} {}, digital is a serial number, each attribute can not be omitted. Influences attributes of life Work NEED_WORK Hungry NEED_HUNGER Tired NEED_TIREDNESS Clean NEED_HYGIENE_BODY NEED_HYGIENE_MOUTH NEED_HYGIENE_HAND NEED_BLADDER Happy NEED_FUN Comfortable NEED_COMFORT Fair NEED_JUSTICE RelationshipInfluences relational properties Friendship REL_FRIENDSHIP Love REL_ROMANTIC Porn REL_EROTIC The effect of modification on the character attributes of goods The glActivityModifiers.agl file in the target file GameLogic directory Take a single bed as an example. # modifier for beds Bed { Elements { Zero { LowEnd { Price = 320 Factor = 9 } HighEnd { Price = 850 Factor = 10.5 } ActivityModifier { InfluenceModifiers { Zero { Condition = NEED_TIREDNESS Type = value Operation = MUL Value = 1 } } } } The data in the example is modified. Price is the value of the goods, and factor is the coefficient of the effect of the article on the attributes of the characters Instead, sleep at about an hour or so when the physical strength is zero. Condition is the property of the person that affects the item. Two kinds of position, go to bed, go to bath water X:\singles2\Animation\blanket.tsk Use a notebook or WordPad program to open it The object of the second line = 1 1 to 0, you can remove the sheets Slightly modified Say is no code game, the heroine is really up and down without code. But when you play the game seriously, do you see how the hero in the game seems to have lost something very important, that is, his little brother?. No small brother of the hero, at best can only be regarded as eunuch (or Simon), with eunuchs as the main actor, we play it feels strange? Now, tell you a real way to change the hero into a healthy man: Open the installation directory Open the Config folder Open game.cfg using text editing software Search: level of nudity # Change the "lon =" value of the next line to "3" (default should be 2) Select save Thus all male characters become sound men! Of course, you'd better change it. This is only the value, not the little brother becomes big, I'm not here, but the old army) you want to see (and abalone mussels, or chrysanthemum), even if there is no use to 100, Because RoboBee wasn't made at all. Have you ever noticed that the hero always has a black block floating around in the shower? It affects the city appearance very much In fact, it is very simple to modify: In game.cfg search pixelate (instead of black bars #) Fill in "false" with "pixelate ="" So everyone doesn't have a black bath Of course, if you want to play for less than eighteen years of age, and perhaps have to mosaic, then modify this item: Shall breasts and genitals be pixelated # in # uncesnsored versions (for exhibitions)? After "fullPixelation =", fill in "true"" Ha ha, it's a healthy version of the game. This is actually the parameter that RoboBee uses in the game show. Your graphics card is very good? Found full screen zigzag? The full screen antialiasing value cannot be modified in the game That's all right. # antialasing type, 0 for default, 2-16 for sample type After "screenAntialiasing =", fill in any number from 2 to 16, but if the card doesn't work, don't change it too much. No aliasing, unlike 3D games, instead of 0. Do not want to play the task model, want to directly challenge the difficulty? Modify the following two items: BackyardEnabled = true PenthouseEnabled = true It entered the game, can choose the most difficult scene "alley" and the maximum "loft scene". A function of the game is to play the music in the My Music on the radio. However, if your collection is too large, especially for users using iTunes, this can cause Loading to be too long. You'll have to change this: Prefer windows my music folder if # present PreferMyMusic = false Do you want to rent a nearby apartment to expand your home, but you're also suffering from expensive prices? Change here: Provision to pay for the neighbor # apartment NeighborApartmentCommission { APARTMENT = 10000 BAR = 0 PENTHOUSE = 20000 BACKYARD = 5000 } Fill in your mind at the value of the rent, but the greedy people always like to transfer to 0, but transferred to 0 rent less. After playing the task model carefully and choosing to continue three people's life, do you find that Kim is mentally retarded? The toilet won't stop and the meal won't stop...... In fact, this is the game itself, as long as the upgrade to 1.1 on the line. Then you'll definitely ask me where I'm going to find 1.1 of Crack Actually, I didn't find it either. However, 1 of the crack is still valid, starting with 1 of crack. This patched game, Kim smart, but also do not have to play. But after patched, you give users a message to the fashion, and other female H is not so easy. Unpatched, about friendship, romantic, only three properties have reached level 4 hero, as long as the conversation two times to the full attribute, and then the other side of your house to H, but it is difficult for many. So, do you want to patch it?! 1 salary 2, article attributes 3, the influence of various actions (such as dialogue) on the attributes of characters. Let's see the salary first: The target file, the game installation directory, the GameLogic glCareers.agl, and the file, which is opened with Notepad or any word processing tool. See the examples below: GLCareers object { Careers { Career { Career 0 { Income = 200000 BeginTime = 9 EndTime = 10 } ... (slightly) Modify income = XXXXXXX, as you can see, 200000 of the examples are modified. This is the weekly salary. The following beginTime, =9, and endTime =10 are the beginning and end times of work, and the endTime =10 here is also changed. Modification of several attributes in sexual life Continue this time to modify the influence of various actions on the attributes of the characters. I take TALK in the Romantik's choice as an example. Other behaviors are modified by reference to the examples. The file you want to modify is the glActivities.agl file under the GameLogic directory # Romantik Talk TalkRelation { Duration = 0.3124999 #15 seconds real time RelationshipInfluences { Zero { Condition = REL_ROMANTIC Value = 50 } One { Condition = REL_FRIENDSHIP Value = 50 } Two { Condition = REL_EROTIC Value = 50 } } RequiredSatisfaction { MinValue = 0 } RequiredRelationshipConditions { #romance, can, only, be, improved, after, either, friendship, or,, erotic, were, improved 0 0 0 0 0 0 { real _ friendship { total { minvalue = 0.0 } } } 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 { real _ erotic { total { minvalue = 0.0 } } } } excludefromai = true maxrepeatperday = 3 conditioncategory = 0 } 是该行为需要花费的时间 duration = x.xxxxx. relationshipinfluences { 0 0 0 0 0 0 { status = rel _ romantic value = 50 } 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 { status = rel _ friendship value = 50 } 2. { status = rel _ erotic value = 50 } } 性福人生2中几种属性的修改法 以上的就是这个行为会影响的人物属性, 例子子中是修改过的, 这样改过后, 原本只能影响romantik的属性的romantik talk会变成能影响 friendship、romantic和erotic注意格式, 可以自己加, condition是影响哪种属性, value是影响的幅度.每一种影响 括起 来 要用一对 {}, {} 前的数字是序号, 每个属性一个, 不可省略. 最后, 部分物品对人物属性的影响, 目标文件gamelogic目录下的 glactivitymodifiers.agl文件. 以单人床为例子. # change for beds bed { elements { 0 0 0 0 0 0 { lowend { price = 320 factor = 9 } highend { price = 850 factor = 10.5 } activitymodifier { influencemodifiers { 0 { snow = need _ tiredness type = value operation = hap value = 1 } } } } 例子中的数据是修改过的, 原来的没有这幺高.price是物品的价值, 如果改了钱了这个改不改就无所谓了, factor 是这个物品对人物属性影响的系 数, 以例子中的修改来说, 就算体力到零了, 在床上睡一小时左右 (游戏时间) 就可以补满, condition是这个物品影响的 人物属性.
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