首页 中国特色成语词汇(英文版)(Idioms with Chinese characteristics (English Edition))

中国特色成语词汇(英文版)(Idioms with Chinese characteristics (English Edition))


中国特色成语词汇(英文版)(Idioms with Chinese characteristics (English Edition))中国特色成语词汇(英文版)(Idioms with Chinese characteristics (English Edition)) 中国特色成语词汇(英文版)(Idioms with Chinese characteristics (English Edition)) Selection of Chinese idioms in English translation. I've been looking for it for a long time. It's very useful in Trans...

中国特色成语词汇(英文版)(Idioms with Chinese characteristics (English Edition))
中国特色成语词汇(英文版)(Idioms with Chinese characteristics (English Edition)) 中国特色成语词汇(英文版)(Idioms with Chinese characteristics (English Edition)) Selection of Chinese idioms in English translation. I've been looking for it for a long time. It's very useful in Translation Thriving thriving and prosperous Love fondle admiringly Skin a flea for its hide skin a flea for its hide Love, me, love my dog He that loves the tree loves the branch Live and work in peace and contentment, live, and, work, in, peace, and, contentment From scratch, build, up, from, nothing A one in hundred Never yield in spite of reverses be indomitable Give, up, halfway, leave, sth., Unfinished All encompassing, all-embracing, all-inclusive Have experienced years of wind and frost weather-beaten Bow and scrape cringe bow and scrape Joys and sorrows, vicissitudes, of, life Run counter to the run counter to run in the opposite direction Put the cart before the horse, put, the, cart, before, the, horse The slow need to start early the slow need to start early. The only way is the only way Close the country to international intercourse close the country to international intercourse Be further intensified become aggravated Capricious chop, and, change, fantasticality Capricious chop, and, change, fantasticality Open up a fresh outlook having sth. New Ulterior motives have, ulterior, motives Polite refined, and, courteous, urbane In war nothing is too deceitful Bingbuyanzha Erudite and informed very learned Invincible incincible position From feel not ashamed to learn from one's subordinates Be, past, praying, for, beyond, redemption Unearned reap, where, one, has, not, sown Perseverance, fortitude, indefatigability, perseverance, persevere, tenacity Uninvited guest crasher uninvited guest Remarkable outstanding It goes without saying that speak, for, itself, tell, its, story, own, tell, its, own, tale,, went, without, saying Spare no effort spare no, effort, spare, no, pains Disagree, not, approve, object, to Filthy lucre filthy pelf the mammon ill-gotten gains of unrighteousness Awfully extremely From go to the trouble of travelling a long distance Coincidentally, happen to coincide By, any, of, means, by, hook, or, crook, play, hard, by, kind, fair, means, foul, or Be, at, a, be, all, adrift, lose, one's, loss, head, out, of, one's, wits Have little talent and learning have little talent and less learning Extremely brutal extremely cruel The time brings a great change to the worlds A drop in the a drop in the bucket / a drop in the bucket bucket A state of extreme nervousness state of extreme nervousness. An endless stream of emerge in endlessly Peaks over peaks peaks over peaks Carefully watch what sb. is doing running and saying Very beautiful flowers brilliant purples and reds Checkless can run in both directions unblockedly Heavy traffic heavy traffic Taciturn, taciturnity Satisfying well-content Strike while iron is hot Strike while the iron is hot. Hold a wolf the iron is hot In droves, gang Horde With reverence and awe with profound respect and humility Sincerely, sincere desire A, connecting, between, the, preceding, and, the, following, link Hard working, tough Live on sb. while helping others while helping others secretly secretly Wishful thinking fond dream make blind and disorderly conjectures Persevere, preserve All-powerful ride the whirlwind Pull, a, long, face, snoot Woebegone morosely with a sad face and face to face Flagrancy notorious One's reputation was a byword., notorious repute. Surprisingly, unexpected Deguchi Nariaki, have, an, outstanding, eloquence Fill the bill supereminence stand head and shoulders above others rise above the common herd. Advise give counsel suggest Defeat sb. by a surprise action game Go through fire and water go through fire and water By comprehend by analogy Become dejected and despondent, 无精打采沮丧垂头丧气夹着尾巴 垂头丧气的蓝脸色沮丧消沉 绰绰有余绰绰有余 此起彼伏此起彼伏,此起彼伏 从容不迫从容不迫从容不迫 从容不迫的从容不迫地 从容从容不迫地 粗枝大叶粗心马虎草率 粗枝大叶的一刀切 措手不及措手不及 错综复杂扑朔迷离错综复杂 错综复杂的千变万化错综复杂的曲折 打草惊蛇轻举妄动:敌人 大材小用浪费一个人才大材小用 大公无私无私 大海捞针寻找在草堆里的针 大惑不解大惑不解 大惊小怪茶杯里的褶边小题大做,大惊小怪的风暴 大惊小怪的SPOF鱼 大快人心大快人心 大名鼎鼎著名的众所周知的 大器晚成大器晚成 大千世界茫茫宇宙 大失所望大失所望 大同小异大同小异 大显身手大显神通大显身手 大言不惭夸夸其谈大言不惭 大义凛然大义凛然 大义灭亲大义灭亲 大智若愚静水流深。空船最响,静水深。 呆若木鸡呆若木鸡呆若木鸡 待人接物待人接物 殚思极虑绞尽脑汁 胆小如鼠胆小如鼠 胆战心惊的时髦 淡泊明志淡泊 道貌岸然道貌岸然 得过且过随波逐流,得过且过 得天独厚的得天独厚 得心应手更加得心应手 得意忘形得意洋洋得意忘形得意洋洋 得意洋洋欢畅得意提高的快乐 得意扬扬骑高 得意洋洋的得意洋洋地高吹着 得意扬扬的凯旋 德才兼备德才兼备 德高望重德高望重的圣徒像 登峰造极达到极限登峰造极 地大物博地大物博 颠倒黑白颠倒是非混淆是非颠倒黑白指鹿为马 颠三倒四混乱无序 雕虫小技雕虫小技 调兵遣将移动力 调虎离山调虎离山 掉以轻心对待某事轻轻 喋喋不休BLAT竖琴竖琴上的咯咯声喋喋不休颌推特摇拨浪鼓 不屈不挠的精神顶天立地 东施效颦东施效颦 东山再起东山再起 独具匠心独具匠心 独树一帜独树一帜 自己在一个班独一无二 独一无二的独特的无与伦比的无与伦比的 有一天度日如年度日如年 断章取义断章取义断章取义 对牛弹琴对牛弹琴对牛弹琴 对症下药对症下药 多才多艺多样化 多才多艺的完成全面综合杂多 多愁善感敏感多愁善感 多愁善感的发狂的痴情 多此一举把猫头鹰Athens多此一举 多多益善越多越好 咄咄逼人咄咄逼人 脱胎换骨脱胎换骨 阿谀奉承趋炎附势油腻 恩将仇报 以怨报德 忘恩负义 bites the hand that feeds one 尔虞我诈each trying to cheat the other 发人深省的thought - provoking 发人深省set people thinking 发扬光大carry forward 翻山越岭tramp over hill and dale 翻天覆地world - shaking 泛滥成灾overrun 飞黄腾达 青云直上come into one's kingdom rise in the world strike oil 飞黄腾达的successful 飞禽走兽birds and beasts 废寝忘食forget food and sleep 分道扬镳part company each going his own way 分化瓦解disintegrate divide and demoralize 分门别类classify 纷至沓来come in a continuous stream 纷至沓来的thick as hail 奋不顾身dash regardless ahead of one's safety 愤愤不平be indignant 愤世嫉俗的cynical 丰富多彩rich and colorful 丰功伟绩great achievement 丰衣足食have ample food and clothing 风花雪月sentimental writings of the exploiting classes 风马牛不相及be totally unrelated 风靡一时be the rage 风平浪静calm 风起云涌like a rising wind and scudding clouds 风雨同舟stand together regardless of situation 风雨无阻in all weathers 锋芒毕露make a showy display of one's abilities 蜂涌而来pour 逢场作戏join in the fun on occasion 逢凶化吉trun ill luck into good 奉公守法law - abiding 敷衍了事make short shrift of palter scuffle 釜底抽薪take a drastic measure to deal with a situation 赴汤蹈火 出生入死go through fire and water 富丽堂皇magnificence 覆水难收spilt water cannot be gathered up again it is no use crying over spilt milk
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