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空压机房管理制度空压机房管理制度 HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network ... Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local...

空压机房 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network ... Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local area network system. Wide area network access system should be applied according to the specific requirements of local area network system, and plant wide area network connections, including wide-area public networks, 空 压 机 房 管 理 制 度 中纺生物饲料(天津)有限公司 HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network ... Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local area network system. Wide area network access system should be applied according to the specific requirements of local area network system, and plant wide area network connections, including wide-area public networks, HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network ... Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local area network system. Wide area network access system should be applied according to the specific requirements of local area network system, and plant wide area network connections, including wide-area public networks, 目 录 一、空压机操作人员岗位 责任 安全质量包保责任状安全管理目标责任状8安全事故责任追究制幼儿园安全责任状占有损害赔偿请求权 制 二、 空压机操作规程 三、 空压机维护保养周期 四、 交接班 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 五、 干部上岗查岗制 六、 要害场所管理制度 七、 空压机房巡回检查制度 八、 空压机房定期检修制度 HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network ... Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local area network system. Wide area network access system should be applied according to the specific requirements of local area network system, and plant wide area network connections, including wide-area public networks, HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network ... Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local area network system. Wide area network access system should be applied according to the specific requirements of local area network system, and plant wide area network connections, including wide-area public networks, 一、空压机操作人员岗位责任制: 1、保证正确无误地操作空压机。 2、看管好室内资料、图板,做到文明生产。 3、对工具备件及防水、火用品要做到清楚、明确。 4、爱护设备,精心保养,保持设备和机身清洁卫生。 5、班中不喝酒,不擅离职守,入室要严格执行登记手续。 6、岗位司机必须做到认真巡回检查,防止发生一切事故。 7、掌握设备动态。发现问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 及时汇报,能解决的问题及时处理。 8、熟悉设备构造、性能,掌握空压机和供电系统的基本原理,做好基础工作,做到“三知”、“四会”,并 持证上岗。 9、值班员必须努力学习业务技术,熟悉设备性能,严格执行操作规程,保持设备正常运转;当发生不正常情况时,值班员不能及时处理时,应立即报告上级;如遇有可能造成重大事故的紧急情况时,可根据操作规程的规定,使设备停止运转,并报告上级处理。 10、值班员必须严格交接班制度,认真进行巡回检查,保证安全运转,遵守劳动纪律,不睡岗、不打闹、不干与工作无关的事,并填写好各项记录。 二、空压机操作规程 开机前确认 1.开机前检查电源与电压是否正常,确保所有接头附件都已牢靠坚固。 2.检查润滑油面位置,以油镜内液面在两条红线3/4处为正常。 3.检查机房内管路系统各阀门处于正常开启状态。 4.每次空压机运行时先将冷冻式干燥机开关打开,使其正常运行20-30分钟后再开空压机。 设备启动 1.开机前以上4条检查无误后,合上设备电源,观察各仪表是否正常,有无报警提示。 2.开空压机时按下ON(开)键开始启动,开机后约10秒钟空压机运行至加载状态,气压表压力逐渐上升至设定压力,此时应观察仪表及指示灯是否正常,压力、温度是否正常,是否有异常声音,是否有漏油情况,如有立即停机检查。 3.空压机最大排气压力不能大于空压机的标准压力,最小压力差不得小于1kg,以免空压机频繁加卸载影响使用寿命。 切记:机组的参数设定值在出厂之前已设好,如特殊情况需要更改须与本公司联系,否则产生严HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network ... Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local area network system. Wide area network access system should be applied according to the specific requirements of local area network system, and plant wide area network connections, including wide-area public networks, HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network ... Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local area network system. Wide area network access system should be applied according to the specific requirements of local area network system, and plant wide area network connections, including wide-area public networks, 重后果自负~ 停机 1.需停空压机时按下OFF(关机)键,经延时卸载后机组才会停车。不立即停车是正常现象。 注意:只有出现特殊异常情况时,才可以人工按下“紧急停止”按钮进行紧急停车,排除故障后如需重启动要在2到3分钟后直到系统压力卸载完毕。 【注意】 1.在空压机因空载过久时,会自动停机,此时,绝对不允许进行检查和维修工作,因为压缩机随时恢复运行。带单独风机的机组,起风及运行/停止是自动控制的,切不可接触风扇,以免造成人身伤害。机械检查必须先切断电源~ 2.运行时突然停电时,压缩机的运转会突然停止,这是要记住切断压缩机及干燥机的供电电源,以免突然供电时烧毁电控部分,同时其他方面也可能存在着隐患。确定不用机时,应切断电源,关闭压缩机出气口阀门。 HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network ... Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local area network system. Wide area network access system should be applied according to the specific requirements of local area network system, and plant wide area network connections, including wide-area public networks, HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network ... Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local area network system. Wide area network access system should be applied according to the specific requirements of local area network system, and plant wide area network connections, including wide-area public networks, 三、空压机维护保养周期 保养周期 运行时间 保 养 内 容 8小时 检查一次机组各器部件是否有松动部件、漏油部位 8小时 查看PLC显示画面是否正常显示各主要参数(例:温度等) 每 天 8小时 查看一次运行中的设备运转声音是否有异常 8小时 查看一次配电箱内各器部件工作情况,有无松动过热迹象 每次停机后,排除渗油处、点,排放冷凝液(在油气桶底部) 每周或停机 检查对轮销子的松紧,各紧固螺丝的松紧 检查有无过热部位,是否缺螺杆油 500小时 清扫冷却器上、下表面污垢(用0.3Mpa干净空气吹尘) 每个月 500小时 清扫空气过滤器滤芯尘土 500小时 对电气设备进行一次小修 2000小时 更换空气滤芯,更换机油过滤器滤芯 半 年 2000小时 检查油质是否泡沫过多,粘度下降严重变色,必要时更换 3500小时 更换油气分离器滤芯 全 年 3500小时 安全阀送检 3500小时 电动机轴承检修或注油 注:1、环境恶劣使用本空压机时,保养周期应缩短。 2、保养周期与运行时间:哪个先到达,保养就以哪个时间为准。 四、交接班制度: 1、交班时不得交给无证或酒后操作人员。 2、交接班必须在工作现场进行并认真填写记录。 3、接班人不来交班人不得离开岗位,保证当面交接班。 4、交班前、后发生的一般事故,交班人必须辅助处理。 5、交班时,交接下列事项:传达上级精神,设备运转情况、材料配件、工具有无增减,正确的运转记录、 防火器材等。 HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network ... Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local area network system. Wide area network access system should be applied according to the specific requirements of local area network system, and plant wide area network connections, including wide-area public networks, HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network ... Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local area network system. Wide area network access system should be applied according to the specific requirements of local area network system, and plant wide area network connections, including wide-area public networks, 6、接班值班员接班时, 要以对所操作设备各主要部位进行全面检查,如发现问题要向当班值班员了解情况并及时处理好;如不能解决的要及时汇报上级。 五、干部上岗查岗制: 1、检查各种记录是否齐全、是否按规定填写。 2、检查安全消防设施是否齐全、环境卫生是否整洁。 3、检查制度执行情况,发现执行不好的要立即纠正。 4、各级领导、技术人员每周巡检二次,发现问题及时处理。 5、观察司机的责任心及精神状态,发现有异常立即停止其操作。 6、检查各试验装置、保护装置是否灵敏可靠、仪表指示是否正常。 六、要害场所管理制度: 1、司机必须经过培训考试合格后持证上岗。 2、机房门口要悬挂“要害场所,闲人免进”标牌。 3、非工作人员禁止入内,检查人员要执行检查手续。 4、检查检修设备时,必须经主管部门批准后方可进行。 5、工作人员禁止在机房内做与工作无关的事情,不准脱岗。 6、机房内要保持清洁卫生,光线要充足,使用的备件、材料、工具要存放整齐,禁止机房内放其他物品。 7、机房内严禁存放易燃物品,加强防火,机房内要配备防火用具,灭火器、砂箱、且水源要充足,使用灵活可靠。 七、空压机房巡回检查制度: 1、空压设备的设备维护保养应结合巡回检查,进行经常性的维护修理。 2、为确保空压设备的安全运行,必须坚持每天对压力容器及其附件进行日常维护,保养和检修,消除隐患,确保安全。 3、空压设备运行时,保持本体清洁无渗漏、腐蚀现象,认真详细地填写设备维修保养记录。 4、 安全管理 企业安全管理考核细则加油站安全管理机构环境和安全管理程序安全管理考核细则外来器械及植入物管理 人员应当对压力容器使用状况进行经常性检查,发现问题应立即处理,情况紧急时可以停止使用设备,并及时报告本单位有关负责人。 5、对在使用压力容器的压力表、安全阀等附件实行安全技术性能的定期检验、检修,做好特种设备的日常使用记录及运行故障和事故记录,以备查询。 6、设备维修保养和安全附件试验校验情况要详细作好记录,管理人员作定期抽查。 八、空压机房定期检修制度: 1.对空压设备定期检修,可保证其安全可靠地运行。为保持原有设备的性能,除了运行人员严格执行操作规程和有关维护保养制度外,应认真执行空压设备的周期检修。 2.空压设备的检修应进行下列工作 2.1空压设备检修前应对空压设备进行一次内外部检查。根据周期检修计划和内外检查的情况,确定本次空压设备检修计划。 2.2根据检修计划,指定专人负责,并组织力量,制定检修分工负责制,以保证检修质量。 2.3检修前,要准备好检修工具,材料和配件,对检修人员进行安全教育,学习国家有关规定要求,研究保证检修质量超标准的有效措施。 HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network ... Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local area network system. Wide area network access system should be applied according to the specific requirements of local area network system, and plant wide area network connections, including wide-area public networks, HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network ... Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local area network system. Wide area network access system should be applied according to the specific requirements of local area network system, and plant wide area network connections, including wide-area public networks, 2.4做好检修记录,应把每一次检修的情况(损坏情况和修理方法),记录在空压设备技术档案内,以利于 日后备查,对空压设备设备积累历史情况。 2.5空压设备检修完毕后,应做好验收工作。 HOMEPAGE. Opening of the company's extranet, every employee in the company's various point access to information on the INTERNET network ... Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local area network system. Wide area network access system should be applied according to the specific requirements of local area network system, and plant wide area network connections, including wide-area public networks,
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