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三年职业生涯规划范文 三 年 职 业 生 涯 规 划 姓名:XXX 班级:高电商1102班 三年职业生涯规划 一、前言 未来,掌握在自己手中;花开花又落,春去春又回。踏着时光车轮,我已走到20岁的年轮边界。驻足观望,电子、网络铺天盖地,知识信息飞速发展,科技浪潮源源不绝,人才竞争日益激烈,形形色色人物竞赴出场,不禁感叹,这世界变化好快。 身处信息世界,作为一名电子信息专业的当代大学生,我不由得考虑起自己的未来。在机遇与挑战粉墨登场的未来社会里,我究竟该扮演如何一个角色呢? 在今天这个人才...

三 年 职 业 生 涯 规 划 姓名:XXX 班级:高电商1102班 三年职业生涯规划 一、前言 未来,掌握在自己手中;花开花又落,春去春又回。踏着时光车轮,我已走到20岁的年轮边界。驻足观望,电子、网络铺天盖地,知识信息飞速发展,科技浪潮源源不绝,人才竞争日益激烈,形形色色人物竞赴出场,不禁感叹,这世界变化好快。 身处信息世界,作为一名电子信息专业的当代大学生,我不由得考虑起自己的未来。在机遇与挑战粉墨登场的未来社会里,我究竟该扮演如何一个角色呢? 在今天这个人才竞争的时代,职业生涯规划开始成为在人争夺战中的另一重要利器。对企业而言,如何体现公司“以人为本”的人才理念,关注员工的人才理念,关注员工的持续成长,职业生涯规划是一种有效的手段;而对每个人而言,职业生命是有限的,如果不进行有效的规划,势必会造成生命和时间的浪费。作为当代大学生,若是带着一脸茫然,踏入这个拥挤的社会怎能满足社会的需要,使自己占有一席之地?因此,我试着为自己拟定一份职业生涯规划,将自己的未来好好的设计一下。有了目标,才会有动力。 一个人的大学时光一生中只有一次。与其浑浑噩噩地消磨掉三年的光阴,不如抓紧时间为自己充电,然而光有决心是远远不够的,只有有了具体的规划,才能把握好目标与方向,才能时时鞭策自己。为了更有效的完成走向社会前的学习,把握好自己的未来,我也拟订了一份自己的大学职业生涯规划,以时时激励自己奋发前行。 二、自我 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 :   所学专业:电子商务 兴趣爱好:看书,上网,听音乐,玩 职业向往:对电子商务感兴趣以及计算机技术类、商务类   性格特点:活跃,偏于外向   个人优点分析:能够 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现出自己的创新,发挥自己的任责感、自主性。而且能够以自我监督的形式使自己的工作按照自己的 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 顺利进行,做事认真负责,一步一个脚印,自信,待人友善、宽容,人际关系良好,考虑问题比较全面。   个人缺点总结:总是充满热情的寻找新鲜事物,但行事缺少稳定的计划和流程,经常依靠临场发挥,可能因为忽视必要的准备工作,而草率地身陷其中。注意力容易游移,对目标的韧性和坚持性不够,缺乏足够的耐心,有时不能贯彻始终;交际能力有待提高,自控力较差,有时做事不够果断。 目标:在大学三年中,要扬长避短,进一步发展自己的长处与优势,积极加强与人的沟通交流,积极参加各项活动,使自己更加果断,同时努力学好各门学科专业知识。 三、大学三年的规划   大一时,逐步适应大学生活,初步了解自己所学的专业,提高人际交往能力,由于任务不是很重,可以适当的参加学校的活动,通过参加各种社团等组织,锻炼自己的各科能力,同时认真学好专业知识和其他基础学科,坚信基础的东西一定是最重要的。注意提高自身的基本素质;培养广泛的兴趣爱好。学好专业知识,为以后的工作打好基础,如果有机会,在假期做兼职,锻炼自己。 大二时,认真考虑是否继续深造,主要通过英语等级证书、计算机三级等级考试、电子商务助理师。有选择的辅修其他专业知识,努力学好各门必修课和选修课。同时在课余时间从事一些与自己未来职业有关的专业类的工作,进一步提高自己的责任感、主动性;积极参加社会实践活动,不放过任何一个锻炼自己的机会。开始为就业积极做准备,学会简历的撰写, 搜集与本人目标工作有关的信息,并通过信息渠道尝试和已毕业的校友交流思想 。开始毕业前的申请,积极参加招聘,在实践中校验自己的知识积累,强化求职技巧,进行模拟面试等训练,尽可能做出较为充分准备的情况下进行演练,为自己以后找到理想的工作而努力把所学的专业知识与现实相结合,理论联系实际,锻炼自己的工作能立及应聘能力。继续学好各门功课。   当然,在大学三年里,每一学年,每一学期都要做好学习总结及社会实践总结,对目标完成情况做出判断并及时修正目标计划,使得各项准备更加科学化.总之,在大学三年里,一定要把自己培养成为一个合格的毕业生。 四、专业规划   我所学的专业是电子商务。因此,在大学里,必须认真学好电子商务概论、计算机基础、网络技术、商务英语、市场营销、Photoshop等专业课程.使自己系统掌握管理学和电子商务的基本理论和方法;掌握电子商务工作实务操作基本技能;了解电子商务理论和实践的发展动态;了解电子商务的有关法律、法规和国家有关政策.   据了解,电子商务人才要求:掌握本专业所需的基本理论、专业知识和初步的社会创业知识;具有扎实的互联网应用技术,具有市场营销方面的基本理论和基本知识,掌握网络营销的方法和技巧,具有网上分析和解决营销问题的基本能力,熟练运用计算机及网络应用技术,具有从事商务应用软件的开发和软件系统设计的能力;熟悉网络商务的经济理论、管理理论及其运用,具有提出电子商务解决方案及电子商务网站的开发、建设、管理与维护的能力;具备电子商务实务操作能力,掌握现代物流技术与物流管理的方法和技巧,熟练运用计算机和物流解决方案软件,具有物流方案的策划、建设和运营能力。 相关必须了解的电子商务信息 (1) 考证:电子商务师职业分为四个等级: 电子商务员(国家职业资格四级)助理电子商务师(国家职业资格三级)电子商务师(国家职业资格二级)高级电子商务师(国家职业资格一级)   (二)职业技能:电子商务师是具有复合型的高素质人才。作为一名合格的电子商务师要求:   1.掌握熟练的IT技术:如网络协议OSI、TCP/IP,网络与互联设备,E-mail、Telnet、FPT等服务方式。   2.熟悉电子商务的运做平台:信息流网络、知识流网络、资金流网络、物流网络、契约网络、电子商务管理:ERP系统管理、SCM供应链管理、CRM客户关系管理。   3.了解电子商务系统的安全,金融电子化的安全,以及法律保护问题。   (三)社会需要的电子商务人才一般可分为三个层次:   1.电子商务技术应用型人才,如网络建设、系统管理、Web制作及程序开发等,主要面向各类企业、公司的相关技术岗位;   2.一般管理人员,主要是企业和政府部门中的一般管理与应用人员,其需求量是最庞大的,他们是电子商务的直接应用和受益者,并不关注太多的技术细节,只需知道如何在电子商务环境下开展工作;   3.高级管理人才,他们应该具有管理、经济及信息技术等综合专业知识。 (四)电子商务就业方向: 1、电子商务服务企业。2、电子商务企业。3、传统企业。4、传统行业。 (五)电子商务就业岗位: 1、网站运营经理/主管 2、网站策划/编辑 3、网站推广 4、网站开发人员 5、网站设计6、网络营销员7、外贸电子商务   尽管电子商务在中国蓬勃发展,但是本专业的就业形式目前并不乐观。所以,我更要努力学习,做其中的佼佼者。 五、社会环境和职业分析   1、近年来,随着高校的扩招,大学毕业生的就业竞争日趋激烈,大学生就业存在几个比较突出问题:   (1)大学生就业率呈下降的趋势。   (2)大学生就业渠道不畅。   (3)大学生就业观亟待改变。   2、在经济危机形势下,大学生就业问题更加严峻,每年毕业的大学生不断增加,但是就业岗位却提供不了那么多,失业率逐年升高,如何缓解就业压力,解决就业问题成了一个重要话题 六、针对上述信息,我为自己设定的初步的目标是:   1.考到助理电子商务师,营销师。   2.达到基本的职业技能 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ;   3过英语四级   4顺利拿到毕业证书,找到一份工作,尽可能的为创业做一些准备。(我的理想是建设中国最大的农业电子商务平台) 七、为实现上诉目标采取的措施 我的最终梦想是有朝一日建设一个中国最大的农业电子商务交易平台,三农是中国的根基,对中国的经济建设具有巨大的影响。同时我发现,移动电子商务市场还有巨大的市场空白,也许这也是个契机去做出一番事业。电子商务是我未来的梦想舞台,报效祖国也应该是大学生的责任义务之一,梦想和现实结合,我要努力的为此步步落实前进。以下是我认为需要为此做出的一些努力和目标战略: 电子商务行业对人才的综合性提出了很高的要求,为了能够更快适应工作岗位的要求以及企业的需求,在技能学习和能力锻炼上更应该做好与社会对接,作为电子商务学生应从以下几点着手: 1、在学习理论知识的同时应该加强电子基础应用技术、商务实战和专业电子技术实践。电子基础应用技术是就业的最重要障碍,所以我要努力的学好这方面的知识。 2、多实践,多动手,多操作,多向第一线电子商务实践学习。   3、比如逛逛网上书店、到论坛参与讨论、建自己的个人主页、搜索网络信息、参与网上拍卖等等,在参与中体会互联网对传统商务、学习、生活的影响。比如,经常有同学问老师一些专业性问题,或者一些小的技术问题,要一些电子商务资料, 4、利用假期时间做兼职,增加社会阅历和工作经验;我要争取最多的机会进入企业做一些最基本的工作(网页制作、信息编辑、客户服务、文员、网络销售等)实践一下,通过企业实习掌握基本技能,通过企业的工作环境会让自己迅速成长起来。 5、“工必精于技”,电子商务以其快速发展和巨大的隐藏的消费市场给予了人们众多的创业机遇,充分利用这个机遇就需要进行一定的学习,提高自身的文化素质和实践能力,也可以同学网络学习补充大脑至上; 6、能力的提升固然重要,但也要注重交际能力,建立自己的交际圈,培养自己的团队,协作是创业必备的能力之一。最后兴趣是关键,只有爱行热行,全身心高热情的努力坚持,才会成功。阅历经验是加大成功几率的重要影响因素,摸索积累是一方面,但积极学习,扩大知识面,有广而又有精,可以丰富自身的经验判断。 7、在校期间认真学习专业知识,多和老师、同学讨论交流,利用空闲时间多阅读书籍,扩大知识面;毕业后选择和其中某些人经常进行交流。 八、职业生涯规划评估   我觉得只要我在大学里努力做到正确的目标,学习好各种知识,掌握好各种技术,上述人生职业规划可行的机会是很大的。如果毕业后找不到与专业对口的工作,到时候我会根据市场的供需的情况而再次决定适合我的工作。不管周围环境及自己人生某一阶段出现何种的变化,都应该善于发现其中的各种机遇并驾驭这些机遇。规划是一个动态的过程,所以我将根据实施的情况及突发情况进行及时地评估与整。 结束语: 任何目标,只说不做到头来都会是一场空。然而,现实是未知多变的,定出的目标计划随时都可能遭遇问题,要求有清醒的头脑。一个人,若要获得成功,必须拿出勇气,付出努力、拼搏、奋斗。成功,不相信眼泪;未来,要靠自己去打拼!每天要对自己说:“我一定能成功,我一定按照目标的规划行动,坚持直到胜利的那一天。”既然选择了认准了是正确的,就要一直走下去。 在电子商务当前形势大好,人才急剧缺乏的情况下,只要我认真做好与社会的对接、找准今后就业方向、明确自己的学习目标,从现在开始,通过自身的努力去学习和实践工作岗位上的知识与技能,就会大大提高自己的就业能力与就业竞争力,实现更好更快的就业。 我必将为此执着付出,未来的电商舞台,我要为此炫舞! 2012.08.21 《大国外交》专题片全景呈现了中国外交的发展之路,反映了中国独具特色的外交智慧,尤其自党的十九大以来for examination and approval, to return part or all of the loan in advance. 5.8 contract contract specific requirements: first, the borrower and other clients; Second, loan person double charge and other parties signed a contract with the borrower and agent signature of contract; Third, customers signed loan contract, contract of natural person, must be checked and fingerprinted by himself, you may not use personal name instead be signed, shall not authorize others to sign; Four, the pledgor, mortgagor due to special reasons not to sign the contract, may authorize others to sign the contract and retained after the notary notarized power of Attorney (parties abroad, outside the territory of China sent or delivered by a power of attorney shall be certified by the notary public of the country, and certified by the Embassy or Consulate in the country). Agent required to audit mandates are clear, the content is complete (a power of Attorney sample record form five), whether the expiration date within PART_STORE_00102). Rule2 2nd set of goods was moved to the 2nd from the left the cage inside the vehicle Click on smart properties of oriented window screen to the right of [login rule] the period of validity, and audit the original identity card of the authorized person, and keep copies. Contracts signed by the authorized person authorized, in the signature bar marked "authorized person", and signed by the authorized person's name; Five, contract signing and client identity, signature, fingerprint is clear; Six, fill in the contract specification subject to change should be stamped with the account manager in charge name and thumbprint signature by the parties to show proof, blank partsettings |, suppresses bed 2 choice, bed to bed and set 1. Note 2: no storage of empty pallets out of the library, which had no cargo, even from the 2nd floor of the library, operator could not be unloaded, so be sure to select [1]. Set of layers using the toolbar in the [L1] button and the [L2] button, 1-and 2-story model can be displayed. Click the [layer 2] ... Start simulation can be seen even without manual operation after giving out instructions tray will automatically outbound scene. Instruction unit: logistics management the management of humanities teaching and research guide book makers: developing period of Chen Xiao Juan Guide: 2015-3-15 guide book reviewer: He (a) the monthly interest payment, due in principal and interest with the Qing dynasty; (B) a one-time debt; (C) declining reimbursement, namely, equal monthly repayment, decreasing loan interest; (D) the payments are of equal value, equal installments on a monthly loan payment of principal and interest. Second, specific method of repayment in accordance with the relevant operational management procedures. 5.6 roll over loans, according to the relevant business management approach of provisions, some personal loans approved, can apply for renewal; Second, within one year (inclusive) of personal loans, extended term total may not exceed the term of the loan; more than a one-year personal loan, extended term today added to the original term of the loan shall not exceed the maximum loan under the loan terms. 5.7 apply in prepayment prepayment a borrower shall be in writing and, after it has been accepted 《大国外交》专题片全景呈现了中国外交的发展之路,反映了中国独具特色的外交智慧,尤其自党的十九大以来for examination and approval, to return part or all of the loan in advance. 5.8 contract contract specific requirements: first, the borrower and other clients; Second, loan person double charge and other parties signed a contract with the borrower and agent signature of contract; Third, customers signed loan contract, contract of natural person, must be checked and fingerprinted by himself, you may not use personal name instead be signed, shall not authorize others to sign; Four, the pledgor, mortgagor due to special reasons not to sign the contract, may authorize others to sign the contract and retained after the notary notarized power of Attorney (parties abroad, outside the territory of China sent or delivered by a power of attorney shall be certified by the notary public of the country, and certified by the Embassy or Consulate in the country). Agent required to audit mandates are clear, the content is complete (a power of Attorney sample record form five), whether the expiration date within PART_STORE_00102). Rule2 2nd set of goods was moved to the 2nd from the left the cage inside the vehicle Click on smart properties of oriented window screen to the right of [login rule] the period of validity, and audit the original identity card of the authorized person, and keep copies. Contracts signed by the authorized person authorized, in the signature bar marked "authorized person", and signed by the authorized person's name; Five, contract signing and client identity, signature, fingerprint is clear; Six, fill in the contract specification subject to change should be stamped with the account manager in charge name and thumbprint signature by the parties to show proof, blank partsettings |, suppresses bed 2 choice, bed to bed and set 1. Note 2: no storage of empty pallets out of the library, which had no cargo, even from the 2nd floor of the library, operator could not be unloaded, so be sure to select [1]. Set of layers using the toolbar in the [L1] button and the [L2] button, 1-and 2-story model can be displayed. Click the [layer 2] ... Start simulation can be seen even without manual operation after giving out instructions tray will automatically outbound scene. Instruction unit: logistics management the management of humanities teaching and research guide book makers: developing period of Chen Xiao Juan Guide: 2015-3-15 guide book reviewer: He (a) the monthly interest payment, due in principal and interest with the Qing dynasty; (B) a one-time debt; (C) declining reimbursement, namely, equal monthly repayment, decreasing loan interest; (D) the payments are of equal value, equal installments on a monthly loan payment of principal and interest. Second, specific method of repayment in accordance with the relevant operational management procedures. 5.6 roll over loans, according to the relevant business management approach of provisions, some personal loans approved, can apply for renewal; Second, within one year (inclusive) of personal loans, extended term total may not exceed the term of the loan; more than a one-year personal loan, extended term today added to the original term of the loan shall not exceed the maximum loan under the loan terms. 5.7 apply in prepayment prepayment a borrower shall be in writing and, after it has been accepted 《大国外交》专题片全景呈现了中国外交的发展之路,反映了中国独具特色的外交智慧,尤其自党的十九大以来for examination and approval, to return part or all of the loan in advance. 5.8 contract contract specific requirements: first, the borrower and other clients; Second, loan person double charge and other parties signed a contract with the borrower and agent signature of contract; Third, customers signed loan contract, contract of natural person, must be checked and fingerprinted by himself, you may not use personal name instead be signed, shall not authorize others to sign; Four, the pledgor, mortgagor due to special reasons not to sign the contract, may authorize others to sign the contract and retained after the notary notarized power of Attorney (parties abroad, outside the territory of China sent or delivered by a power of attorney shall be certified by the notary public of the country, and certified by the Embassy or Consulate in the country). Agent required to audit mandates are clear, the content is complete (a power of Attorney sample record form five), whether the expiration date within PART_STORE_00102). Rule2 2nd set of goods was moved to the 2nd from the left the cage inside the vehicle Click on smart properties of oriented window screen to the right of [login rule] the period of validity, and audit the original identity card of the authorized person, and keep copies. Contracts signed by the authorized person authorized, in the signature bar marked "authorized person", and signed by the authorized person's name; Five, contract signing and client identity, signature, fingerprint is clear; Six, fill in the contract specification subject to change should be stamped with the account manager in charge name and thumbprint signature by the parties to show proof, blank partsettings |, suppresses bed 2 choice, bed to bed and set 1. Note 2: no storage of empty pallets out of the library, which had no cargo, even from the 2nd floor of the library, operator could not be unloaded, so be sure to select [1]. Set of layers using the toolbar in the [L1] button and the [L2] button, 1-and 2-story model can be displayed. Click the [layer 2] ... Start simulation can be seen even without manual operation after giving out instructions tray will automatically outbound scene. Instruction unit: logistics management the management of humanities teaching and research guide book makers: developing period of Chen Xiao Juan Guide: 2015-3-15 guide book reviewer: He (a) the monthly interest payment, due in principal and interest with the Qing dynasty; (B) a one-time debt; (C) declining reimbursement, namely, equal monthly repayment, decreasing loan interest; (D) the payments are of equal value, equal installments on a monthly loan payment of principal and interest. Second, specific method of repayment in accordance with the relevant operational management procedures. 5.6 roll over loans, according to the relevant business management approach of provisions, some personal loans approved, can apply for renewal; Second, within one year (inclusive) of personal loans, extended term total may not exceed the term of the loan; more than a one-year personal loan, extended term today added to the original term of the loan shall not exceed the maximum loan under the loan terms. 5.7 apply in prepayment prepayment a borrower shall be in writing and, after it has been accepted2 10203
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