首页 心愿____话题作文指导



心愿____话题作文指导心愿____话题作文指导 “心愿”话题作文指导 一、题目。话题作文:心愿 “但愿人长久,千里共婵娟”是一种愿望; “何当共剪西窗烛,却话巴山夜雨时”是一种愿望; “长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海”是一种愿望; “春风得意马蹄疾,一日看遍长安花”是一种愿望; „„ 不同的人有不同的愿望,你的愿望是什么,请以“愿望”为话题作文。文体不限,题目自拟,800字左右。 二、写作指导:审题和解题:“愿望”是一个很“大”的题目,审题不难,但要写出精彩的文章也不易。 1、一定要紧扣话题。 虽然话题作文的范围广,...

心愿____话题作文指导 “心愿”话题作文指导 一、题目。话题作文:心愿 “但愿人长久,千里共婵娟”是一种愿望; “何当共剪西窗烛,却话巴山夜雨时”是一种愿望; “长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海”是一种愿望; “春风得意马蹄疾,一日看遍长安花”是一种愿望; „„ 不同的人有不同的愿望,你的愿望是什么,请以“愿望”为话题作文。文体不限,题目自拟,800字左右。 二、写作指导:审题和解题:“愿望”是一个很“大”的题目,审题不难,但要写出精彩的文章也不易。 1、一定要紧扣话题。 虽然话题作文的范围广,可并不是广而无边。其限制就是话题范围,所以在写作时万万不可偏离话题,另起炉灶,随便写一篇文章来。:“愿望”是一个很“大”的题目,审题不难,但要写出精彩的文章也不易。在“考场”这个特定的场合下,文章的立意一定要鲜明、集中,否则很难得到阅卷教师的亲睐。要使立意集中,就要强化中心意识、重点意识。 其中一个主要的方法就是“大题小作”。“大题”是指题旨范围较宽广,开放性较强的话题。比如说上文的“心愿”,就是一个很“大”的题目。你的心愿可以很伟大、很崇高,可以是为国家的繁荣富强而读书,也可以是为人类谋幸福,但这样的“心愿”往往会流于形式,很难写出具有正真情实感的文章。对于这类文题,我们不妨立意时寻找一个较小的切入口,或就一个点,一个方面的内容来深入地表现主旨。 还有一个方法就是“虚实转化”。比如“心愿”相对来说是比较“虚”的,但我们可以转化为“实”的来写。不空谈大道理,将立意落实到某个具体的人物、景物、事件等载体上。一篇文章决不能太虚,要学会“虚实转化”,这样才能使内容厚实,立意集中。 、文体一定要鲜明。 2 文体不限,不是说不要文体,可以把文章写成四不像。小说要体现故事情节,记叙文要体现记叙的要素,议论文要体现议论的要素,书信要有书信的格式等等,一定要根据文章内容明确文章体裁。 3、构思成文力求创新。 话题作文的命题方式针对于命题作文、半命题作文而言,本身就是一种命题的创新,这种命题的目的就是鼓励学生在作文时创新。这种创新可以体现在下面两方面。 (1)内容的创新。要求同学们针对话题,创新思维,大胆想象,灵活地选择最能够展示自己的写作能力的内容。 (2)形式的创新。 这主要体现在尽可能地运用与众不同的文体上,小标题,日记、书信、童话、小小说、剧本等形式都是形式创新的有效途径。 三、思路指导 话题作文是自由的,但话题作文也是有一定的思路可循的,有了一个循序渐进的思路,在写作话题作文时,尤其是考场作文时,将会更有助于我们把话题作文写好,写出新意,获得成功。 1、围绕话题,选取材料。 话题只是给了写作者一个宽泛的写作范围,在这个范围之下,可以选择的材料很多,对于“心愿”这个题目,同学们的心愿简直像天上的星星一样多,其中有自己的心愿,也有父母、亲人、朋友的心愿,既可以是小小的个人的心愿,也可以是国家民族的大心愿。 有同学说:“我的心愿有许多,像渴望考上一所好学校,希望父亲的病能早日康复,希accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le 望人们保护环境,希望台湾回到祖国的怀抱、希望以色列和巴勒斯坦停止战争,等等”。这个同学围绕“心愿”这个话题,有了这许多的材料,可一篇作文的篇幅是有限的,不可能把这些材料都运用进去,这时,就涉及到一个材料的选择与扬弃的问题。一个原则是选择自己最熟悉的,最有话可讲的材料来写,这样才能写出真情实感来。如这位同学有感于老家的森林资源被严重破坏,最终选择了希望人们保护森林,保护环境这一个心愿来写。 2、围绕材料,明确中心。 我们选择了一个最有话可说的材料,并不是把这材料 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 下来就行了,紧接着就要思考 这个材料能表达了什么中心,并在写作的过程中表现中心。这样才能做到中心明确。比如一个同学说美国向阿富汗发动袭击时,他在电视上看了一则新闻报道:《最悲惨的葬礼》,说的是一个平民的孩子被战争夺去了生命,几只不同肤色的手缓缓地用白布单盖上那孩子的脸,当时看了感触很深,很沉重,只有一个希望,希望世上永远不要再有战争。 这个同学希望世上不再有战争的心愿,既是对在战争中不幸失去生命的平民的同情,更是对世界和平的一种渴望。显然,如单纯从前者来立意的话,可能去着重地写这孩子的可怜,花儿还没有开放就夭折了;而从后者来立意的话,就带有更加广泛的意义,因为这孩子只在硝烟中受害的平民的一个代表,地球上局部冲突也绝不止阿富汗那块土地,比如还有以色列与巴勒斯坦等。这样一来,那同学就确定了渴望世界和平这样一个中心,写出了中心明确,材料感人的话题作文佳作。 3、取一个吸引人的标题。 材料与中心都确定了,接下来的一步是要思考如何为这篇作文拟一个恰当的标题,因为话题作文的话题不等于文章标题,话题作文的题目提示中,往往有“题目自拟”这样一条。俗话说:“题好一半文”,一个醒目的话题自然是一篇作文最引人注目的亮点。 话题往往比较大,因此一般情况下,我们不宜把话题直接做标题。拟题的方法有两种,但有一个共同的原则,那就是一定要紧扣我们的材料与中心。 一种方法是给话题前面或后面加上修饰语,把大题变小《我的心愿》、、《最后的心愿》、《大自然的心愿》等; 另一种方法是标题中不出现话题,而是作文内容或中心的体现。如《我想有个家》《中国梦》《我与爱因斯坦有个约会》《妈妈,请放开我》《团圆》等题目,直接体现了主题,更加具有吸引人的力量。 4、写自己最擅长的文体。 最后是确定自己要运用的表达方式,选择自己所要采用的文体。 话题作文的要求往往是文体不限的,记叙文、说明文、议论文、小说、散文、寓言、童话、日记、书信等都可以。这就给了同学们自由选择的机会。一般来说我们应该选择自己最擅长的文体来写。 如 初中 初中体育教案免费下载初中各年级劳动技术教案初中阶段各学科核心素养一览表初中二次函数知识点汇总初中化学新课程标准 同学大多数写记叙性文体比较得心应手,就要尽量通过记叙性文体来表达主题,而有个别同学擅长写散文或议论文,也不妨采用那种形式。比如“心愿”这个话题作文,同学们有写散文的,有写科幻小说的,有写童话的,有写一般的记叙文的。真正地体现了话题作文自由的特点。 四、范文示例 心愿 掀开历史的画卷,芸芸众生,各有各的心愿,在这里我们截取历史的一角„„ 春秋时期的孔子,弟子三千,贤徒七十二人,他默默耕耘于杏坛上,留下了“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆”,“学而时习之,不亦说乎,”“温故而知新,可以为师矣”等脍炙人口的学习名言,到老他的心愿依然未了,可叹儒家的思想尚未真正的发扬光大。 司马迁,一介书生,少年时遍游祖国名山大川,感受到祖国山河口的壮丽,怦然心动,想著accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le 书立说,后因“李陵事件”被捕入狱,惨遭宫刑,过着人不人、鬼不鬼的生活。这时他想到的是“人固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛”,为了最大的心愿——《史记》的诞生,他选择了忍辱负重,苟且偷生。 唐朝的杜甫,一生游历不定,安史之乱中他不顾一家老小,去投奔皇帝,“麻鞋见天子,衣袖露两肘”,但忠而被弃,忠而被谤,晚年漂泊成都一带,瓢泼大雨过后,彻夜难眠。这时他的心愿是“安得广厦千万间,大庇天下寒士俱欢颜”。 宋朝的陆游,生逢动荡时期,国无宁日,他屡有大志不得伸,一生都在想为大宋王朝建功立业,匡扶宋室,可恨奸贼当道,最终卧病不起,但他依然痴心不改,发出了“僵卧孤村不自哀,尚思为国戍轮台“的时代强音。 清朝的龚自珍面对大清王朝的昏庸愚弱,痛感无力回天,他选择了归隐田园,但是,在这样的形势下,他发出了“落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花”的擎天呐喊„„ 纵观这些文人墨客走向末路时的心愿,似乎都没有完成.但是正是这些永垂不朽的心愿震撼着古往今来的仁人志士的心,我愿今人们都有心愿,将来世上再多一个“杜甫”“陆游”“龚自珍”„ 简评:这篇文章大气磅礴,思接千古,按照历史顺序列举了“春秋时期的孔子”、“汉朝司马迁”、“唐朝的杜甫”、“宋朝的陆游”、“清朝的龚自珍”等事例,极好地表现了主题;其二,开头简洁,只两句话就直接切入主题;其三,语言优美,句式整齐,可见在语言锤炼上是下了一番功夫的。 还我昔日美好 轻风吹来,吹起柳枝翩翩起舞,夹杂着花的芬芳;悠悠绿水,奏着欢快的乐曲,鱼儿在它的怀抱中嬉戏。望去,绿油油的农作物和茂盛的树木沐浴在阳光下。 可那已成为历史,昔日的美好已经不复存在。那载入史册的绿水、青树只能在梦中出现。经济的发展,给我们带来富裕的同时,也带来了污染。 轻风吹来,吹起地面尘土,夹杂着白色垃圾,也伴着刺鼻的腥臭味。生活的富裕使人们由菜篮子的时代转变为塑料袋时代。图的是什么,就两个字:方便。大方的人们已忘记了对环境的保护。乱砍滥伐现象时有发生。原先的树林只剩下一个个树桩。气候也变得干燥,地面泛起了浮土。生活的垃圾乱堆乱放,工厂废汽.废渣任意排放,严重地污染了环境。 悠悠黑水,飘浮着各种垃圾,这是工厂排放的废水,不时发出一阵阵令人作呕的腥臭味。往日清澈的水被它玷污,鱼儿被它含的化学物质杀死,再也看不到鱼儿的身影。那欢快的乐曲已变成沉重的叹息。 望去,已不再是庄稼成片,绿树成阴,而是工厂林立,一根根烟囱直插云霄,浓烟滚滚,蔚蓝的天空被它们熏成了灰色,天空的小鸟不敢踏进这片领空。车间里的机器日夜不停的运转,造成严重的噪音污染。没有了茂盛的树木,肆虐的沙尘暴一次次袭来,搞得飞沙走石,天昏地暗。 觉醒吧~恢复往日的美好是我们共同的心愿,愿昔日的美好不仅仅在梦中出现,愿青山绿水茂林修竹再现.-----还我昔日的美好~ 简评:小作者巧妙地抓住了时代的热点问题-------环境保护,并且巧妙布局,以第一段总领全文,主体部分用“轻风吹来”. “悠悠黑水”. “望去”分别与第一段对应并且形成鲜明对比;同时,此文语言优美,句式整齐。极好地表现了“还我昔日的美好”的主题。这与该同学平时勤于读书(善于积累的好习惯是分不开的。 小鸟的心愿 我是一只小鸟。 我的名字叫小小。 accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le 我有一个小小的心愿——— 记得以前,我与爸爸妈妈还有兄妹们快乐地生活在大森林中,妈妈告诉过我们:我们要全心全意为人们服务。因此我们每天为树儿们啄虫子,使它们健康地茁壮成长。一天,我们正在为槐树爷爷啄虫子时,突然身子震了一下,然后重重地摔倒在地上,好象落进了万丈深渊。槐树爷爷被伐木工人锯断了身子也重重地摔倒在地。正当我头晕目眩的时候,又落在了一只充满血腥的手中。随后,我又被带到了一个铁笼中,这里有许多我的同伴,他们向我哭诉:很多我们的同伴都被杀害了。我们越听越怕,努力向外飞。终于,我们飞出了那个使我们想起来就心惊肉跳的铁笼。 我和哥哥毛毛以及妹妹苗苗飞到了树林中,发现槐树爷爷仍旧躺在地上已经奄奄一息了。这时,“砰”的一声,毛毛哥摔倒在地,毛毛哥吃力地对我们说:“小小,你快带着妹妹苗苗离开这里,这里危险~快~~”还好,人们听不懂我们的鸟语。我们悲痛地离开了毛毛哥,踏上了新的路程。 我和妹妹苗苗在空中飞着飞着,我们不敢飞低,不断向高处飞去。突然,一条“黑龙”向我们扑来,那是工厂排出的废气。年小体弱的苗苗,来不及躲,被废气熏得一个劲儿往下掉。 飞了一整天的我早已口渴肚饿,好不容易等到天黑了,我才敢停下来找个地方休息一会儿。我来到一个池塘边,早已顾不上三七二十一,蹲在池边尽情地喝水。突然,我感到喉咙里冒出一股辣味,辣到了胃里,才发现那是工厂里排出来的污水,我正想张开嘴说话,发现已经发不出声了。 人们啊,放过我们吧~难道你们不愿意我们全心全意为你们服务吗, 教师点评: 小作者在这篇文章中用拟人的手法,以一只小鸟的口吻,说出了既是动物也是人类共同的心愿:保护环境,还生命以清新的空气。 “环保”不是一个新话题,所以文章只能在形式上力求创新。这段“真情告白”穿插了“槐树爷爷”和小鸟家族的悲惨遭遇,给人类以警醒。 我的心愿 我的生活是一片泛着碧花的海洋,而我的心愿则是被海风吹起的浪花中最绚烂的一朵。那就是——做一个生活的强者。 妈妈说,我是一个倔强的女孩",和她一样要强。其实,我从小身体就虚弱、多病,动辄就发烧、流鼻血,但我从不愿显露自己的虚弱,我和小伙伴们一起爬山、上树、下水,样样不愿比他们差。有一次和小伙伴比赛爬树,从高高的树杈上摔了下来,鼻青脸肿地走回家中,让妈妈骂我,又心疼我。 也许血管中涌动着农民的血液吧,来到城市,我依然保留着自己那顽强不屈的性格。当含娇带傲的班长骂我“乡巴佬”后,我却倔强地迎接她挑衅的目光。经过了日日夜夜的努力,我坦然地坐在了考场上。考英语的时候,我感冒了,却没有告诉妈妈,而硬生生把卷子答完, 回到家中就大病了一场。当妈妈流着泪问我为何不告诉她时,我说:“这点小病算得了什么?我可以证明我不比他们差,我要做生活的强者!”我分明看,妈妈的泪夺眶而出,打在我心上。 我那次超过了班长,英语99分,是 年级 六年级体育公开课教案九年级家长会课件PPT下载六年级家长会PPT课件一年级上册汉语拼音练习题六年级上册道德与法治课件 第一。当大家祝贺我时,我想那只是万里长征的第一步。要永远做生活的强者,得付出多大的心血和代价啊! 在学习上保持优势并不容易,在生活中就更难了。别人的体育成绩永远是引以为傲的资本,而我,只能面对漫长的跑道发怵。人不是说夏练三伏,冬练三九吗?我可以付出多倍的accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le 时间哪!终于,我可以在800米跑道上任意舒展自己灵活的身姿了。妈妈说我总是创造奇迹。其实,那是因为我的心愿在支持我去做一个生活的强者。“去飞吧!去闯吧!会有一片属于自己的天空!别忘了,生活就是战斗!”我想起了柯罗连科的话。 “做一个生活的强者!”我循着自己的心愿一步步走下去,每一次脚步声,都会引来一片深远的回音„„ 【点评】 这是一篇优秀作文。本文最突出的特点是首尾一体,议论得当。开端点题,结尾呼应,在叙事中自然生发本文议论,恰到好处地引用名人名言,使文章内容更充实、更丰满。“去飞吧!去闯吧!会有一片属于自己的天空!别忘了,生活就是战斗!”给人以深深的启迪,令人回味深长。 我的心愿 我的母亲,有很多孩子,原来我们过着安宁的幸福生活。可是有一天,异族人盯上了我们一家,他们谗的直流口水,脑子里就打起了坏主意„„他们先把母亲打的遍体鳞伤,然后趁他不备,抢走了他的孩子。母亲拼尽全力才保住了其中大部分孩子。他看着怀里的宝贝,又望着那几个被抢走的骨肉,眼里流出了晶莹的泪„„ 随着母亲天天的康复,一天天地强大,她从异族手中要回两个孩子。一个叫香港,一个叫奥门。记得他们回来的那一天,全家人兴奋极了,一直聊到深夜,夜空也感动的亮了许多„„ 可是,我的兄弟台湾,你却迟迟不归,是不是找不到回家的路,还是玩野了,或者„„母亲告诉我“不,他想回家,在他内心深处非常的想~”她坚定地说。我也深信这一点,有哪个孩子不想家呢~ 台湾,快些回来吧~不要贪恋外面地世界,你知道母亲是多么想你,你听见我们的心声了吗, 也许是你迷了路,不要紧,你的兄弟姐妹,你的伟大母亲,我们都把归家的路指给你,我们都敞开大门迎接你„„一家人在一起向着共同的目标奋斗,那是多么幸福啊~ 台湾,我的兄弟,加快你回家的脚步吧~了却母亲的心愿吧,我们一家人的未来会因你的归来而更加美好。 团圆,是我,是我们一家人共同的心愿 accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le
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