首页 [宝典]五年级新英语外研版上册教案



[宝典]五年级新英语外研版上册教案[宝典]五年级新英语外研版上册教案 Module 1 Unit 1 When did you come back? 第一课时 【教学目标】: 知识与技能:When did you come back? We came back„ home ice cream ran-run met-meet back from China last Sunday 过程与方法:讲授、对话 情感、态度和价值观:同过认识新朋友,学会与其交流与相处。 【重点】:home ice cream ran-run met-meet ba...

[宝典]五年级新英语外研版 上册 三年级上册必备古诗语文八年级上册教案下载人教社三年级上册数学 pdf四年级上册口算下载三年级数学教材上册pdf 教案 中职数学基础模块教案 下载北师大版¥1.2次方程的根与系数的关系的教案关于坚持的教案初中数学教案下载电子教案下载 Module 1 Unit 1 When did you come back? 第一课时 【教学目标】: 知识与技能:When did you come back? We came back„ home ice cream ran-run met-meet back from China last Sunday 过程与 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 :讲授、对话 情感、态度和价值观:同过认识新朋友,学会与其交流与相处。 【重点】:home ice cream ran-run met-meet back from China last Sunday 【难点】: When did you come back? We came back last Sunday. I dropped my ice cream. 【教学方法】:讲授 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】: (一)导入:教师欢迎学生暑假后回到学校,请学生谈一谈自己的暑假生活。教师问Where did you go during your summer vacation? What did you see there? What did you eat? 这样可以营造学习氛围,让学生逐渐重新习惯用英语会话,为后面的学习奠定较好的基础。 (二)探究新知: (1)学习新词 教师出示home ice cream ran-run met-meet back from China last Sunday的图片及拼写卡片,问学生What is this in English,并分别领读这些单词。 教师将图片帖在黑板上,再分别出示与之相匹配的单词及词组卡片,要求学生将这些卡片帖到对应的图片下方。 (2) SB活动1 听课文录音回答问题。教师提问When did Amy come back? Who dropped the ice cream. 放第一遍录音,学生回答问题。 教师让1-2个小组来汇报结果。 听录音跟读。放第二遍录音,学生可以根据自己英语的程度自由选择是否参考句子及图片。要求学生跟读每一句话,并尽量模仿录音中的语音、语调。 (3)SB活动2 学生三人一组,分别扮演对话中的Lingling,Amy和Sam(如果有配套的动 画片,可让学生在角色扮演前先看一遍,让学生更好地理解语境语言,加深印象)。 告诉学生这里就是伦敦。Lingling,Amy和Sam现在London。请学生将对话演出 来, 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 演时可以离开座位自由对话。最后请自愿者在全班面前表演。 (三)巩固新知: 1. Suppose you are from another city and make a dialogue. 2. Investigate the students who went out to tour during the summer vacation. (四)作业布置: (1)听读SB活动2中的对话。 (2)Copy the key words and sentences five times. (五)小结:在掌握本课的单词和课文的基础上,首次接受英语动词一般过 去式的用法。并用过去式提问。 (六)板书设计: Module 1 Unit 1 When did you come back? Words Sentences. Module 1 Unit 2 Did they buy ice creams? 第二课时 【教学目标】: 知识与技能: Target Language: Did you…? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. Vocabulary: dear, met (meet), ran (run) Pronunciation: /i:/, /I/, /e/, / / Song: Where did you go? 过程与方法: 过去式提问、歌曲、游戏 情感、态度和价值观:首次接受过去式、学会怎样表述过去的事物。 【重点】:掌握一般过去式 【难点】:一般过去式的提问及回答 【教学方法】:讲授、游戏 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】: (一)导入: review the words of Unit 1,Module 1 ;let some students read the text. 教师应对学生的描述给予鼓励和肯定。 (二)探究新知: Sing a song 1. Ask the children to look at the pictures carefully. 2. Play the cassette and ask the children to listen carefully. 3. Teach the sentences of the song one by one. 4. Play the cassette several times and ask the children to sing along. 1. Play the cassette and pause after each utterance for the children to repeat and tick the actions: went to the park, met John, bought ice creams, went home, ran to the bus, dropped. 2. Play the cassette again and ask the children answer the following questions: Who wrote the postcard? Whom did Lingling send the postcard to? 3. Write down the words: met, bought, went, ran, dropped and ask the children to guess the original form. 4. Finish activity 2. Ask the children to ask and answer in pairs. (三)巩固新知: (1)语音教学 学习SB活动1。 教师出示一些单词卡片,上面的词包括Chinese,teacher,river,rabbit, letter,hen,cat,apple。单词划线处的元音字母写成红色。教师出示单词卡 片,学生读出单词。 学生听录音,思考划线处的发音。教师举起写有Chinese的卡片,请学生判 断e字母在这个单词中的发音。再举一些例子。学生可以两人合作,或小组合作 来想单词。以同样的方式来学习其他元音字母及字母组合在单词中的发音。 (2)歌曲教学 SB 活动2。学生看书歌曲部分下面的图,用英语描述每一幅图上都有什么, 让学生读每一个句子,确认学生明白每一句。问学生这四句话分别用来描述哪一 幅图。 放第一遍歌曲录音,学生听。放第二遍录音,在每一句后暂停,学生跟唱。 用此种方式让学生跟录音唱几遍,直到学生学会为止。 (四)作业布置:1、完成学生练习册本单元对应的内容 2、抄写上单元课文及其翻译 (五)小结:一般过去式的提问及回答 学会怎样表述过去的事物 (六)板书设计: Module 1 Unit 2 Did they buy ice creams? Did they buy ice cream? Words Phonetics. Song (七)课后反思: Module 2 Unit 1 How many do you want? 第一课时 【教学目标】: 知识与技能: Target Language: How much/many do you want? Do you like… Vocabulary: need, food, shopping list, cheese, how much, kilo 过程与方法: 讲授、可数名词的提问方法 情感、态度和价值观:自己在购物前要制定一个详细的购物单 【重点】:Vocabulary: need, food, shopping list, cheese, how much, kilo 【难点】: How many bananas do you want? How many cheese do you want? I want two kilos of rice. 【教学方法】:讲授 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】: (一)导入:1. Sing the song of where did you go. 2. Ask the students “what did you do yesterday?” (二)探究新知: (1)学习新词 出示shopping,bananas,cheese,list,card,egg的图片和单词卡,学生看图理解单词。教师每出示一张图片时可先让学生看拼写试读一下,这样利于培养学生看拼写读单词的能力。学生试读后,教师领读,学生跟读。之后教师读单词,学生用手快速指向图片。在学生能较快地指出图片后,练习读音,选择一名学生指图片,其他学生读出单词及词组。 (2)SB活动1 学习how much的用法。how much既可用于询问不可数名词的多少也可以用于询问价钱。How much is it going to cost,问的是东西的价格。教师让学生看不同物品,让学生猜测How much is it going to cost, 将学生分成三人一组,让学生看书并思考下列问题。教师应确认学生清楚问题的含义,适当解释。然后学生逐一读问题。 How many bananas do they want, How many cheese do they want, How many things are there on the list, 学生先自行思考找答案,然后在小组内通过交流找到正确答案。 全班对答案,教师予以指导。 学习SB活动1。 打乱购物顺序,重新排列。学生两人一组完成此项任务。 放第一遍录音。学生完成后教师给答案。说一说购物的过程。学生看书并听第二遍录音,在每一句话后停顿,学生跟读,模仿录音中的语音、语调。 (3)SB活动2 学生看VCD光盘中的对话。学生一人扮演Ms Smart,一人扮演Lingling,教师指五幅图中任意一幅,学生两人表演。提醒学生在表演时要根据对话的内容配以适当动作。将与对话相配的挂图贴在黑板上为学生对话作提示。叫自愿者到前面表演,教师对学生及时鼓励。 (4)SB活动3 教师出示活动中的四个回答,学生读出这四个句子,然后分别找出与这些回答对应的问句。学生两人一组做问答练习,完成后互换角色。 4、任务完成 表演购物短剧。先问学生购物前应该准备什么(a shopping list),购物时怎样问价(How much is this coat/shirt,)怎样问要多少(How many … do you want?)学生两至三人一组自定角色练习。教师可布置出一个商店的环境供学生表演使用。 (三)巩固新知: 1. Observe the pictures and ask them who they see and what they are doing? 2. Play the cassette and ask the children listen thoroughly. Ask the children: Where are Ms Smart and Lingling? What need they buy? 3. Play the cassette the second time and ask the children to find out the food that Ms Smart buys. 4. Ask the children to look at the list. This is a shopping list. 5. Explain the usage of how many and how much. 6. Play the cassette again and ask the children to imitate. (四)作业布置:1、本课单词每个抄一行并写出汉语意思 2、完成学生练习册本单元对应的内容 (五)小结:可数名词提问时用How many? (六)板书设计: Module 2 Unit 1 How many do you want? How many do you want ? Words Sentences. Module 2 Unit 2 How much milk do you want? 第二课时 【教学目标】: 知识与技能: Function: Write a shopping list in English and go shopping in English Target Language: How much…do you want? Vocabulary: juice, box, bottle Pronunciation: / /, /a:/, / /, / / Song: How many do you want? 过程与方法: 讲授、游戏、歌曲 情感、态度和价值观:学会可数和不可数名词的区别 【重点】:juice, box, bottle、How much cheese do you want? 【难点】:不可数名词的提问方法 【教学方法】:讲授、游戏 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】: (一)导入: 1. Make a dialogue with the students at random. 2. Review Unit 1. (二)探究新知: (1)SB Unit 2活动1 看SB Unit 2活动1的图片,问学生图上有多少个小孩,其中一个男孩手里拿了几样东西,分别是什么,他正在干什么,他手里拿的那张纸上写的是什么。学生看一看纸上写了多少种东西。学生读句子。教师问第一个人说的句子当中be going是什么时态,什么意思。讲解make a list。教师说What are we going to take on our picnic,Let’s make a list. 当学生说物品时教师在一张大纸上一边写物品,一边让学生看。待学生理解后,请学生读。 (2)SB Unit 2活动2 学生看插图,教师说明那个女人是assistant,并用英语解释售货员是a person who sells goods。说明那个女孩是customer,并用英语解释是a person who buys goods。学生两个人一组说一说在图上都看到了什么商品。然后几名同学在全班面前说出看到的商品名称。请学生看图上的秤所显示的重量分别是多少。 放第一遍录音让学生听,并思考问题:What is the girl going to buy,How many is she going to buy,并作记录。放第二遍录音,学生检查所记内容并核对答案。 放第三遍录音,学生跟读,模仿录音中的语音、语调。 将全班分成售货员与顾客两个角色对话。然后学生两人一组作对话练习。练习后请自愿者到前面进行对话表演。 (三)巩固新知: 任务完成 全班完成运用任务2。教师将各种物品的图片分为食物类,水果类,衣物类等分别放在教室不同角落的桌子上,教师找几名同学做售货员。售货员可以使用What do you want,或Can I help you,来询问顾客要购买什么东西,其余学生则为顾客。让学生自由购买喜欢的东西,教师给出一定时间的限制,鼓励学生多买东西。最后看谁能在规定的时间内较好地用完分配的购物资金,购买到自己喜欢的商品。 课文学习 (1)语音学习 SB 活动1。教师请学生看表格。学生听录音时,要仔细听表格中第一行所给出的元音字母或元音字母组合在单词中发的是什么音。学生听录音,思考。学生分别说元音字母或元音字母组合在单词中发的是什么音。教师请学生读出这些单词,并读出u,o;ar,a;a,er;ir,ur在单词中发的音。学生小组合作分别举出更多这些元音字母及字母组合发上述音的例子,并全班交流。 (2)韵诗学习 SB 活动2。让学生看图上的动物是什么,告诉他们那是蝙蝠。并告诉学生蝙蝠的英文是bat。放第一遍录音,让学生边听录音边看书上的文字和图。 放第二遍录音,学生一句句跟读。一幅幅图地让学生自己试读。学生两人一 组说韵诗。让几组学生来表演,鼓励学生说韵诗时配以自创的、符合语言的动作。 (四)作业布置:1、完成学生练习册本单元对应的内容 2、抄写上单元课文及其翻译 (五)小结:只要是液体的、颗粒状的、不规则块状的、数不清的都是不可 数名词、提问时要用How much? (六)板书设计: Module 2 Unit 2 How much milk do you want? How much milk do you want? Words Sentences. Phonetics (七)课后反思: Module 3 Unit 1 We visited lots of places. 第一课时 【教学目标】: 知识与技能: Target Language: What did you do at the weekend? Where did you go? Vocabulary: the British Museum, the London Eye, wheel, wonderful, understand, postcard, hour, mountain 过程与方法: 认识新事物、对话 情感、态度和价值观:会表示对过去的事物的发生 【重点】:Words of Module 3 【难点】: What did you do at the weekend? We visited lots of places. Where did you go? We went to the British Museum. 【教学方法】:讲授 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】: (一)导入:1. Sing an English song. 2. Ask the children: How many days are there in a week? What do you usually do at the weekend? (二)探究新知:1. Put the chart on the blackboard and play the cassette let the children listen carefully. The teacher asks several questions. 2. Play the cassette the second time and let the children tick the new words and guess their meanings. 3. Continue to explain the new languages. 4. Play the cassette the third time and pause after each utterance for the children to repeat. (三)巩固新知: (1)学习SB活动1 学习新单词。教师分别出示the British museum 这个词组及wonderful 这 个单词的图片和拼写,让学生看图直观地理解单词及词组的意思,先让学生看拼 写自己试读一下,学生试读后,教师领读,学生跟读。According to the steps of learning words ,the teacher should teach the students all the words of wordlist of Module 3. Play some games to consolidate the words ,let the students read the words easily. (2) SB 活动1 After learning the new words and phrases of M3unit 1,we can listen the whole text one time,and listen again one by one .The teacher must explain the meaning of the sentence with the whole class and try the best of the students’mind .At last ,let the students follow the radio ,and read it loudly. (3)SB 活动2 教师按顺序手指上的three pictures,每指一幅图就让两名同学来分角色 朗读。最后任意指一幅图,学生两人练习对后。然后将学生分为两人一组,一人 扮演Daming,一人扮演Amy,两人一起朗读全篇对话。请自愿者表演,告诉学生 要根据对话的内容为表演配上自然的动作,如打电话、购物等。 (4)SB 活动3 学生看书,教师问看到多少幅插图,让学生说出每一幅图的活动是什么。学 生根据对话两人合作。最后全班交流,教师纠错。 (四)作业布置: 1. Listen to the tape of this unit. 2. Encourage the children to write letters to their pen friends. Write down the famous places and share with their friends. (五)小结:基本上掌握了本课的单词,对过去时也有了了解v (六)板书设计: 教学板书设计 Module 3 Unit 1 A B C D Unit 1 We visited lots of places. Words Sentences. Module 3 Unit 2 What did Daming do? 第二课时 【教学目标】: 知识与技能: Target Language: Where/How/When/What did…? Vocabulary: hour, mountain Pronunciation: / /, / /, /u /, /u:/ Song: the London Eye 过程与方法:回答过去时、歌曲、游戏 情感、态度和价值观:学会过去时的提问方法,学会歌曲 【重点】:The story of Daming and his father. 【难点】:字母o; or,a; oo; oo, ou 在单词中常见的发音 Song: the London Eye 【教学方法】:讲授、游戏 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】: (一)导入: 1. Talk about the dream. Last night I had a dream. In my dream I went to the great Wall. And I met Daming and his father there. We are very happy. 2. Say the Ss: Did Daming and his father do to the Great Wall? Let’s have a look. (二)探究新知: 1. Ask the Ss to look at the picture carefully and ask: What can you see? 2. Play the cassette the first time and let the children to tick the new words and guess the meanings. 3. Teach the new words in different ways. 4. Play the cassette the second and pause after each utterance for the children to repeat. 5. Ask the children to write a sentence on a piece of paper in groups and read them out. Step 4 Sing a song 1. Ask the children to look at the pictures carefully. 2. Play the cassette and ask the children to listen carefully. 3. Teach the sentences of the song one by one. 4. Play the cassette several times and ask the children to sing along. (三)巩固新知:SB 活动,。教师出示一些单词卡片,上面的词包括dog, fox, morning, tall, book, football, soup, food。单词划线处的元音字母写 成红色。教师出示单词卡片,学生读出单词。 学生听录音,思考划线处的发音。教师举起写有dog的卡片,请学生判断字 母o在这个单词中的发音。再举一些例子。学生可以两人合作,或小组合作来想 单词。以同样的方式来学习其他元音字母及字母组合在单词中的发音。 song教学 方法同前。 (四)作业布置: 1. Read the text and sing the song. 2. Finish activity 6: Play and say. (五)小结:学会过去时的提问和回答。 (六)板书设计:教学板书设计 Module 3 Unit 2 A B C D Unit 2 What did Daming do? Words Sentences. Phonetics. (七)课后反思: Module 4 Unit 1 It’s mine! 第一课时 【教学目标】: 知识与技能:Target Language: It’s mine/his/hers/yours. It’s Lingling’s... Vocabulary: mine, yours, argue, matter, wear, hers, his, line, clean, whose 过程与方法:单词、课文、表演 情感、态度和价值观:要相互谦让。 【重点】:Vocabulary: mine, yours, argue, matter, wear, hers, his, line, clean, whose 【难点】:Target Language: It’s mine/his/hers/yours. It’s Lingling’s... 【教学方法】:讲授、表演 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】: (一)导入: 1. Sing an English song. 2. Ask the children: How many days are there in a week? What do you usually do at the weekend? (二)探究新知: 1. Put the chart on the blackboard and play the cassette let the children listen carefully. The teacher asks several questions. 2. Play the cassette the second time and let the children tick the new words and guess their meanings. 3. Continue to explain the new languages. 4. Play the cassette the third time and pause after each utterance for the children to repeat. (三)巩固新知 学生带着问题听活动,的录音,然后回答这四个问题。 1. What colour is Sam’s T-shirt? 2. What colour is Amy’s T-shirt? 3. What colour is Lingling’s T-shirt? 4. Where are Sam’s T-shirt and Amy’s T-shirt? And why? 出示红,恤图片,学生猜测是谁的。同时出示Lingling, Sam, Amy的图片 或头饰。启发学生用It’s Lingling’s. It’s his. It’s hers.来猜测。 出示红,恤图片,学生猜测是谁的。同时出示Lingling, Sam, Amy的图片 或头饰。启发学生一起归纳,然后领学生读mine,yours, his, hers。放第二 遍录音。说明当听到mine,yours, his, hers,Lingling’s中的任何一个单词 时,他们必须举手。教师评比哪一组最快。放第三遍录音,每句话后暂停。学生 打开课本跟读。把全班学生分成四组,分角色朗读。放第四遍录音。学生合上课 本听,重复刚才读的角色的话,并加上相应的动作。 (四)作业布置: 1. Listen to the tape of this unit. 2. Finish activity 4. Make a play in a group of three. (五)小结:学会了名词性物主代词 (六)板书设计: Module 4 Unit 1 A B C D Unit 1 This is my nose. This is mine. This is your book. This is yours. This is his shirt. This is his. Module 4 Unit 2 This bag is hers. 第二课时 【教学目标】: 知识与技能: Target Language: It’s yours/his/hers… It’s Lingling’s… Vocabulary: cap, T-shirt, sweater, his, hers Pronunciation: /ei/, /ai/, / i /, /au/, / u/ Song: the London Eye 过程与方法:对话、表演、歌曲 情感、态度和价值观: 【重点】:It’s mine(yours, his, hers, Lingling’s) This bag is hers. This coat is Jimmy’s. 【难点】:了解a ;I; oy, oi. Ou, ow, o, oa 在单词中常见的读音。 【教学方法】:讲授、游戏 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】: (一)导入: 1. Make a dialogue with the students at random. 2. Review Unit 1. (二)探究新知: 1. Ask the Ss to look at the picture carefully and ask: What can you see? 2. Play the cassette the first time and let the children to tick the new words and guess the meanings. 3. Teach the new words in different ways. 4. Play the cassette the second and pause after each utterance for the children to repeat. 5. Ask the children to write a sentence on a piece of paper in groups and read them out. Step 4 Sing a song 1. Ask the children to look at the pictures carefully. 2. Play the cassette and ask the children to listen carefully. 3. Teach the sentences of the song one by one. 4. Play the cassette several times and ask the children to sing along. (三)巩固新知: 利用简笔画吸引孩子们的注意力。画出书包的一部分,叫学生猜What’s this ?然后问Whose bag is this?教师播放SB Unit2活动1的第一幅图的录音, 要求学生认真听,然后回答问题。 启发其他同学做出判断Yes ,it’s hers. 或者Yes, it’s Lingling’s bag. 画出一件T--shirt的一部分,让学生猜What’s this?然后问 Whose T—shirt is this? 启发学生问Whose bag is this?然后回答It’s Sam’s T—shirt. 用同样的方法教授SB Unit2活动1中第三和第四幅图的内容。 学生打开书,读活动,。 任务完成 课前准备一些卡通图片。这些卡通人物最好是孩子们喜闻乐见的,如柯南、 樱桃小丸子、蜡笔小新和樱木花道等。再准备一些与这些卡通人物相关的物品。 比如:神探柯南的杯子、外套,蜡笔小新的鞋、t 血,樱桃小丸子的书包、帽子 等。把准备好的这些物品放在袋中,发给每个小组。要求小组的成员,尽快找到 他们的物品,拼在一起。每组选一位代表在全班发言。教师在教室里巡视,鼓励 学生在活动中尽量多使用英语。 例:A: Whose bag is this? B: It’s Crayon Shi-chan’s. C: No, it isn’t his. It’s too big. D: It’s Chibi Maruko-chan’s. A: Yes, it’s hers. 各小组使用的材料可以有所不同。完成后各小组在全班展示。 小组代表介绍,其他组员负责补充。 (四)作业布置:1. Read the text and sing the song. 2. Finish activity 4. (五)小结:熟练地运用名词性物主代词,尤其是说某个人的。 (六)板书设计: Module 4 Unit 2 A B C D Unit 2 This bag is hers. Words Sentences. Phonetics. (七)课后反思: Module 5 Unit 1 There are enough. 第一课时 【教学目标】: 知识与技能: Target Language: There are enough…There are not enough... Vocabulary: enough, give, every, everyone, them, careful 过程与方法:词汇、课文、描述 情感、态度和价值观:学会用英语描述和对比。 【重点】: enough, give, every, everyone, them, careful 【难点】:1. There are ten pencils in the blue box. 2. There are enough pencils. 【教学方法】:讲授 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】: (一)导入: 1. Sing an English song. 2. Ask the children some questions at random. (二)探究新知: 1. Put the chart on the blackboard and play the cassette let the children listen carefully. The teacher asks several questions. 2. Play the cassette the second time and let the children tick the new words and guess their meanings. 3. Continue to explain the new languages. 4. Play the cassette the third time and pause after each utterance for the children to repeat. 5. Practice in groups. 6. Act out the dialogue. (三)巩固新知:A. T播放磁带,学生听并思考以下问题。 1) How many people are there in this dialogue? 2) What is Sam doing? 3) Are there enough pencils? B. 听第二遍后学生小组讨论上述问题,并派选手参加每个问题的抢答。在 抢答的同时,T把一些单词写在黑板上,领读学生掌握不好的词。T给获胜的小 组加分。 示例:enough give every everyone them careful B. 放录音,SS跟读。 a) 俩人一组完成AB练习2 b) SB活动3 1) 学生独自完成此活动,后俩人一组练习描述图。 2) T准备一些图片或实物,学生练习描述。 例:一大瓶水,俩个小杯子。 There is too much water. There are not enough cups. 许多页纸,俩个小袋子。 There is too much paper. There are not enough bags. 3) 必答,每组派3人比赛,对一句加一分。 (四)作业布置:Copy the key words and sentences and recite them. (五)小结: 学习there be 结构表示某处有某物,enough表示足够 (六)板书设计: Module 5 Unit 1 A B C D Unit 1 There are enough. Words Sentences. Module 5 Unit 2 There are too many books on the desk. 第二课时 【教学目标】: 知识与技能: Target Language: There are too many… Vocabulary: them, careful Pronunciation: /I /, /e /, /u / Poem: Not enough time 过程与方法:描述、音标、诗歌 情感、态度和价值观:用英语表示太多用too many. 【重点】:There are too many books on the desk. 【难点】:了解字母组合ear, eer, oor, our,air,ear在单词中常见的读 音。 【教学方法】:讲授、游戏 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】: (一)导入: 1. Ask the students if they meet the questions to be solved. 2. Maybe you don’t know how to say them in English. Let’s learn the text and then you will know. (二)探究新知: 1. Ask the Ss to look at the picture carefully and ask: What can you see? 2. Play the cassette the first time and let the children to tick the new words and guess the meanings. 3. Teach the new words in different ways. 4. Play the cassette the second and pause after each utterance for the children to repeat. 5. Ask the children to write a sentence on a piece of paper in groups and read them out. Step 4 Say a poem 1. Ask the children to look at the pictures carefully. 2. Play the cassette and ask the children to listen carefully. 3. Teach the sentences of the poem one by one. 4. Play the cassette several times and ask the children to sing alon (三)巩固新知: 教师课前准备图片。教师要求学生Listen carefully.Then tell me“Who said it?” 教师播放录音,学生认真听 There are too many books on the desk.Who put them on it? 学生打开书,教师播放录音磁带。 示例: There are too many apples in the bag? (2) SB Unit3活动2 让学生打开书,看书上的图片,默读韵诗。 放第一遍录音,学生认真听。放第二遍录音,每一行后停顿,让学生重复。 确定学生能明白韵诗的意思。 把全班分成两个组。第一组说第一和三段,第二组说第二和四段。然后互换 角色,可以边说边拍手。 (3) 全班完成AB Unit2练习1 放一遍录音,让学生听,并指出相应的图。学生读句子并填空。放第二遍录 音全班检查答案。接下来学生两人一组读练习1的句子。教师向学生说明:一名 同学说第一句(不按順序),另一名同学马上说出第二句,看谁的反应快。 (4) 全班完成AB Unit3练习2 要求学生认真看图,然后迅速连线。向学生说明要一边连一边说英语There are too many…后让学生说答案。全班一起对答案。 要求学生想一想他们在日常生活中都发现了什么问题并写下来。不会写的单 词可以由图画代替。教师在教室里走动,随时回答同学们提出的问题。比如说有 的词用much还是用many等。 示例: (给我校食堂的建议) There’s too much cabbage. There’s not enough meat. (给校长的建议) There are too many children. There aren’t enough taps. (给社区的建议) There are too many people. There are not enough(健身器材的图). (给市长的建议) There is too much rubbish. There are not enough(垃圾箱的图). 学生所提的建议有的并不是十分合理,但是只要孩子们能够大胆地进行表 达,教师就应该表扬。特别是孩子们提到的关于学校的问题,教师应表示会尽量 反映、沟通和解决。 (四)作业布置:copy the sentences and recite them. (五)小结:学会too many的用法 (六)板书设计: Module 5 Unit 2 A B C D Unit 2 There are too many books on the desk. Words Sentences. Phonetics. (七)课后反思: Review 1 Module 1--Module 3 第一课时 【教学目标】: 知识与技能:1-3模块的单词和句型 过程与方法:复习、回顾、练习 情感、态度和价值观:培养学生的温故而知的好习惯。 【重点】:三个模块的词汇 【难点】:名词的可数和不可数的表述和运用 动词的一般过去时的用法 【教学方法】:讲授 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】: (一)导入:1、问名词的可数形式和不可数形式 2、一般过去时的形式 (二)探究新知:How many bananas do you want? How many cheese do you want? I want two kilos of rice. 1. Put the chart on the blackboard and ask the children some questions. 2. Play the cassette the first time and ask the children to grasp the text from the whole. 3. Play the cassette the second time and ask the children try to read the sentences by themselves. 4. Act out the dialogue in role. Choose one to make a record finishing the list. (三)巩固新知: 1. Put the chart on the blackboard and play the cassette let the children listen carefully.The teacher asks several questions. 2. Play the cassette the second time and let the children tick the new words and guess their meanings. 3. Continue to explain the new languages. 4. Play the cassette the third time and pause after each utterance for the children to repeat. Step 4 Finish a Task 1. Finish activity 3. 2. Investigate the students’ activities at the weekend and finish the activity list. (四)作业布置:背会这三个模块词汇和重点句型 (五)小结:通过复习更加巩固学过的内容。 (六)板书设计: How many bananas do you want? How much milk do you want ? When did you come back? We visited lots of places. Review 2 Module 3—Module 5 第二课时 【教学目标】: 知识与技能:1-3模块的单词和句型 过程与方法: 复习、回顾、练习 情感、态度和价值观:培养学生的温故而知的好习惯。 【重点】: There be + enough/too many sth. 【难点】:名词性物主代词和's 的表述方法 【教学方法】:讲授、游戏 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】: (一)导入: 1、黑板上列出形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词 2、太多和足够的表述方法 (二)探究新知: 1. Put the chart on the blackboard and play the cassette let the children listen carefully.The teacher asks several questions. 2. Play the cassette the second time and let the children tick the new words and guess their meanings. 3. Continue to explain the new languages. 4. Play the cassette the third time and pause after each utterance for the children to repeat. 1. Ask the Ss to look at the picture carefully and ask: What can you see? 2. Play the cassette the first time and let the children to tick the new words and guess the meanings. 3. Teach the new words in different ways. 4. Play the cassette the second and pause after each utterance for the children to repeat. 5. Ask the children to write a sentence on a piece of paper in groups and read them out. (三)巩固新知: 1. Put the chart on the blackboard and play the cassette let the children listen carefully.The teacher asks several questions. 2. Play the cassette the second time and let the children tick the new words and guess their meanings. 3. Continue to explain the new languages. 4. Play the cassette the third time and pause after each utterance for the children to repeat. 5. Practice in groups. 6. Act out the dialogue. (四)作业布置:背会这两个模块词汇和重点句型 (五)小结:会流畅地运用名词性物主代词和 There be + enough/too many (六)板书设计: It's mine. This is hers. There are enough. There are too many books on the desk . (七)课后反思: Module 6 Unit 1 You can play football well. 第一课时 【教学目标】: 知识与技能: Target Language: Can you run fast? Yes, I can. No, I can’t. You can play football well. Vocabulary: well, team, control, badly, really, catch, fantastic 过程与方法:词汇、课文、对话 情感、态度和价值观:学会鼓励别人、肯定别人的能力 【重点】:well, team, control, badly, really, catch, fantastic 【难点】:Can you run fast? Yes, I can. No, I can’t. You can play football well. 【教学方法】:讲授 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】: (一)导入: play football play basketball play table tennis jump jump high jump far run run fast run slow ride ride fast ride slow (二)探究新知: 1. Put the chart on the blackboard and play the cassette let the children listen carefully. The teacher asks several questions. 2. Play the cassette the second time and let the children tick the new words and guess their meanings. 3. Continue to explain the new languages. 4. Play the cassette the third time and pause after each utterance for the children to repeat. 5. Practice in groups. 6. Act out the dialogue. (三)巩固新知 教师播放一段有关运动的影片或动画片,如《灌篮高手》、《足球小子》。问 学生是否喜欢看,喜欢片中哪些运动明星。说明这节课要学习用英语说一说为什 么喜欢他们。 谈论关于运动的话题。教师与单个同学交流,为课文教学做好铺垫。 示例: Can you run fast? Can you jump high? Can you play football well? Are you good at basketball? 教师对学生的回答要做适当的反应。例如学生说自己跳得很高,而且很喜欢 打篮球。教师可以问他Do you want to be in our school team?而有的同学说 自己跑得不快,跳得也不高,教师也应找到他/她的其他优点,加以表扬。 然后听录音,找到玲玲擅长的运动。 3. 课文教学 (1) SB 活动1 播放磁带,学生听然后回答问题: 1.Can Lingling run fast? (No,she can’t.) 2.Can Lingling control the ball,(No,she can’t) 3.Can Lingling jump high? (Yes,she can.) 4.Can Lingling catch the ball well? (Yes,she can.) 学生回答问题的同时,教师在黑板上写fast,high,well,badly这几个词。 领读这四个词,确定学生已掌握词意。 把全班同学分成三部分,分角色表演课文。 (2)学生独自做SB活动3,然后和同桌说一说 (3)全班一起做AB练习2 先让学生看懂问题,然后教师播放磁带。每一句话后停顿,学生找出答案。这个练习不难,让学生独立完成,然后在小组内对答案。 在小组内就本练习进行问答练习。 (4)全班一起完成AB练习3 先写完一道小题的学生把答案写在黑板上。教师给这些我学生贴纸(教师用书中间夹页)作为奖励。 4(任务完成 (1)节选精彩的一段体育节目,如日本动画《灌篮高手》。学生评价球队表现,并说一说他们喜欢哪个人物,为什么。教师允许学生使用少量汉语。 示例: They’re good at basketball.They’re fantastic.I like Liu Chuanfeng.He’s thin and tall.He can jump very high.He can catch the ball well.He can control the ball well,too.And he’s very cool. (2)学生三人一组谈论个人喜欢哪些运动健将,为什么以及他们擅长什么项目。教师允许学生使用少量汉语。 示例: I like Tian Liang.He can dive very well. I like basketball very much.I like Michael Jordan.He can jump very high and run very fast. (四)作业布置: 1. Listen to the tape of this unit. 2. Make a play in a group of three. (五)小结:学会对比和评估 (六)板书设计: Module 6 Unit 1 A B C D Unit 1 You can play football well. Words Sentences. Module 6 Unit 2 I can do it very well. 第二课时 【教学目标】: 知识与技能: Target Language: I can do it very well. I sing very badly. Vocabulary: very, well, badly, climb Pronunciation: /p/, /b/, /t/, /d/ Poem: How well do you play? 过程与方法:模仿、评估、诗词、绕口令 情感、态度和价值观:学会客观评估 【重点】: very, well, badly, climb 【难点】: I can do it very well. I sing very badly. 【教学方法】:讲授、游戏 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】: (一)导入: 1. Ask the students if they meet the questions to be solved. 2. Maybe you don’t know how to say them in English. Let’s learn the text and then you will know. (二)探究新知:1. Ask the Ss to look at the picture carefully and ask: What can you see? 2. Play the cassette the first time and let the children to tick the new words and guess the meanings. 3. Teach the new words in different ways. 4. Play the cassette the second and pause after each utterance for the children to repeat. 5. Ask the children to write a sentence on a piece of paper in groups and read them out. Step 4 Say a poem 1. Ask the children to look at the pictures carefully. 2. Play the cassette and ask the children to listen carefully. 3. Teach the sentences of the poem one by one. 4. Play the cassette several times and ask the children to read along (三)巩固新知: 教师说动作名称,学生重复并做相应动作。 示例: run junp ride swim read cook draw eat write row draw a picture wash clothes play the flute play football make a cake jump high run fast write a letter play the violin row a boat read fast draw a dragonride a bike cook noodles repair a chair make tea fly a kite take a picture (四)作业布置: 1. Read the text and say the poem. 2. Finish activity 5. (五)小结:用英语说出自己的特长。 (六)板书设计: Module 6 Unit 2 A B C D Unit 2 I can play football very well . Words Sentences. Phonetics. (七)课后反思: Module 7 Unit 1 He can’t see. 第一课时 【教学目标】: 知识与技能: Dogs are very useful in the community. He/She/They cannot walk/hear well by himself/herself/themselves. This dog helps him/her. 过程与方法: 情感、态度和价值观:基于人们自身的某些局限性,描述动物对人类的帮助; 设计保护动物的海报,介绍它们对人类的帮助。 【重点】:1、句型:I/He/She/They can’t„。 2、语言功能:用“can ” 和“can’t”谈论能力。 【难点】:句型:I/He/She/They can’t…。 【教学方法】:讲授1、情景教学法;2、全身反应法(TPR);3、任务型 教学法;4、交际法;5、多媒体教学法。 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】: (一)导入: Step 1 、Warm up 1、 Greetings T: Good morning, boys and girls. S: Good morning, Miss liu„„ 2、 Sing a song I can’t do it. Step 2、Lead-in 1. T: I can read a book .I can write a letter. But I can’t swim. What can you do? What can’t you do? You can use “I can „„,but I can’t„„” 提问个别学生。OH, you can do lot’s of things. But many people can’t do some things. Let’s have a look. 2. 出示盲人图片,学习blind 及句子He can’t see. He is blind. 出示聋人图片,学习hear deaf及句子She can’t hear. She is deaf. 出示火和消防员的图片,Oh fire , we must call the firemen. 学习单词firemen及句子These firemen can’tfind people. (二)探究新知:(1)学习单词 用动画片或大挂图加录音磁带呈现。给学生看一张画有盲人和导盲犬的图片,教师说This man cannot see. He is blind. He cannot walk well by himself. 板书blind和by himself 。重复blind,说明by himself的意思。指向图片中的导盲犬说 Look, this dog helps him. 重复说黑板上的单词,让学生跟着说。 教师说He is blind means that he cannot see. Now, look at this picture. 给学生们看聋人和助听犬的图片,问Can she hear? 当得到否定答复后说She cannot hear so she is deaf. She cannot hear well by herself. 板书deaf和by herself ,重复两个单词,让学生们跟着说。然后问Who can help her? 学生答后作 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 或提示A dog can help her. 出示消防队员的图片,指图教单词fireman及其复数形式firemen,让学生们重复着两个单词。然后说These firemen cannot find people by themselves. This dog helps them.板书by themselves。可用by herself和by himself帮助猜测此词义。重复单词,学生跟读。 出示hot dog的图片,询问学生它的名字。然后教师板书单词,重复,学生跟读。 教师说词,学生指图或做动作表示。 (2)SB活动1 出示大挂图,此时只展示图1。教师问What are the children doing,学生答They are watching TV. 教师问What is the programme about,讲解 programme的词义,板书单词,重复,学生跟读。放录音,找到答案。( It’s about dogs. ) 播第一遍录音,提问What do the dogs do? A. They help people. B. They eat a lot of meat. C. They are very lovely.(选A)第三次播放录音, 提问Why do they help these people?(答案分别是Because the man cannot see. The girl cannot hear. The firemen cannot find people.) 给学生一定时间,练习读对话。然后把学生分成五组,分角色朗读。让学生 分组表演对话。 (3)SB活动3 给出练习模式小组练习,可连续表演三张图片。如太难,请学生介绍其中一 张。 任务完成 (1)大家谈谈狗还可以帮助人们做什么事情。(Keep sheep. Look after houses. Look after children.) (2)基于人们自身的某些局限性,描述动物对人类的帮助。教师可做提示 或提供帮助。(Doctors cannot cure certain mental illnesses but dolphins can. When men cannot find their way home, sometimes horses can.) (三)巩固新知: 1、看图说话。 2、Fill in the blanks. blind hear can’t him her (1)She can’t see. She is ______. (2)This man can’t _____. He is deaf. This dog helps ___. (3). This girl _____ walk. Her mother helps _____. Step 5.Practice. Do exercises. 1.Look and read. Tick“ T” or “F”. a. Lingling likes dogs. ( ) b. Dogs are very useful. ( ) c. The blind man can't hear. ( ) d. The deaf girl can't see. ( ) e. Hot dogs are dogs. ( ) 2.用can 和can't谈论自己的能力,并用上一下短语。 play football play basketball high jump sing dance run fast I can I can’t (四)作业布置: (五)小结:can’t 表示不会不能,借此来练习人称代词和物主代词 (六)板书设计:Unit 1 He can’t see. Dogs are very useful. The blind man can't see. The deaf girl can't hear. The dogs help them. The firemen can't find people. Module 7 Unit 2 They can’t walk. 第二课时 【教学目标】: 知识与技能: 1.要求掌握单词walk, sit down, eat, swim, her, him, them, help(s). 和句子. 2.能够运用句子This „can/can’t „ „help(s) her/ him/ them.进行表达与交流。 过程与方法:情景教学法 情感、态度和价值观:培养学生学习英语的兴趣。爱好;培养学生的合作能力和语言交际能力。 【重点】:能听说读写单词:walk, sit down, eat, swim, her, him, them, help(s). 【难点】:能掌握句型:He/She/They can’t_______. 能用can和can’t谈论能力。 【教学方法】:讲授、游戏 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】: (一)导入:Step1 Warming up 1、Greeting. 2、Sing a song: I can’t do it. 3、 Review:出世单词卡片复习单词:Programme, useful, blind, deaf, hear, firemen, mum, sausage (二)探究新知:Step2 New contents 1、 T: Can you run fast?引导学生回答No, I can’t run fast.把句子板书黑板读句子I can’t run fast. Can you jump high? 引导学生回答I can’t jump high. 2、 T:出示三张图片:Look, the man is blind, he can’t see. Who can help him? The dogs can help him. The dogs are useful.教读句子he can’t see. The girl can’t hear. The firemen can’t find people.板书句子,教读 3、Play a game: Guessing .T: This is a animal. It can swim, it can’t walk. What is it? Ss: It is fish. T: It can fly,it can’t swim. What is it?(bird) T: It can sleep, it can eat too much, what is it?(pig) 4、 Open your book, and look at the picture. What can you see in the picture? Can the girl walk? No, she can’t. Who can help her? Her father helps her.以同样的方法教学其他的三幅图。教学单词:sit, sit down.做动作 理解。学习chick. 5、 Listen to the tape and read after it. Think of the questions. Q1: Can she walk? Q2: Can he sit down? Q3: Can it eat? Q4: Can he swim? 6、 Read after the tape. Step 3 拓展 Talk about the students can do things or not can do. Step 4、 (1)语音教学 板书单词kite, music,学生读。然后在字母的下面划线,学生总结两字母 的读音特点:两字母读音相同。 用同样方法教glasses, frog; fish, giraffe; vegetable, gloves几组词 中的发音规律。 然后学生听录音跟读SB Unit 3活动1。 (2)韵诗教学 教师讲解SB Unit 3活动2小诗,解释诗意,然后示范朗诵小诗,学生跟读。 读出其中的某段,学生指向相应的图片或者做出动作来配合。 播放录音,学生做动作跟读。可以在小组间进行竞赛,比一比哪组同学的动 作和语调. (三)巩固新知: (1)SB Unit 2活动1 看SB Unit 2活动1中图1,教师介绍说This little girl can’t walk by herself. Her father helps her. 请单个学生重复,提问句子中文意思。重复 刚刚说过的句子,请全体学生重复。将句子写在黑板上。 请学生三人一组,讨论描述图2—4。 播放录音,学生查看自己的答案同录音的内容是否一致。 第二次播放录音,学生跟读。 学生两人一组介绍图片的内容。 教师快速出示图片,检查学生是否能迅速描述图片。 (2)SB Unit 2活动2 学生先仔细看清图片内容。教师说:He can’t stand up by himself. 学生齐答It’s Number 4.为了增加学生们的竞争意识,选出反应最快的学生接替 教师的角色。熟悉之后,四人一组进行竞赛,看谁反应最快。 (3)SB Unit 3活动3 教师先与两名学生做个示范,说明此题做法。 再请三个较好的学生为一组练习几幅图。 (四)作业布置: (五)小结:整堂课围绕“学生为主体,教师为主导”的教学理念,通过简笔画、CAI、辅助教学,创设一系列情景,让学生在具体的情景中学习新单词、新句型,然后在运用于语言交流,使整个教学源于生活,又用于生活,创设了真实的生活场景,使学生学有所用,体验成功的喜悦。 (六)板书设计: Unit2 They can’t walk. She can’t walk. He can’t sit down. It can’t eat. She can’t swim. (七)课后反思: Module 8 Unit 1 What time does school start? 第一课时 【教学目标】: 知识与技能:能口头运用What time does school start?这类语句询问事情发生的时间,并能口头运用My school starts at nine o’clock这类语句回答。 过程与方法:运用所学语言询问和描述学校里所发生的事情。 情感、态度和价值观:通过对本课学校生活的讨论引导学生珍惜时光,充实快乐的度过在学校的每一天。 【重点】:一般现在时态的运用,特别是动词三单以及助动词do does的用法。 【难点】:熟练准确的用所学知识描述自己或者他人的学校生活。 【教学方法】:讲授使用情景交际法和任务型教学法,使学生能够熟练掌握 本课的单词和句型。 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】: (一)导入: Step ?: Greetings Say some greetings to students such as:“How are you ? Are you happy?” Step ?:Warming up T: We go to school from Monday to Friday. Now let’s talk about our school life. Do you like your school life? Ss: Yes, I do. T: Do you get up at nine o’clock? Ss: No, I don’t. I get up at„ T: How do you go to school? Ss: By bus\ on foot„ T: Do you do exercises every morning? Ss: Yes, I do. (二)探究新知:Step ?:New teaching 1 Today let’s look at Amy’s school life. And please find out what differences between Amy’s school life and yours. 2 Listen to the tape and underline the new words and phrases. (1) Teach the new words. (2) Practice the new words in different ways. (3) Teach the new phrases and sentences. What time do\does„? Eg: What time do you go to school? What time does Tom do go to school? At + 时间点 eg: at half past nine. get up 、do exercises 、skip rope 3 Listen to the tape again and answer these questions. Q1: Does Lingling want to Amy’s school? Q2: What time does Amy’s school start? Q3: What time does Amy get up? Q4: How does Amy go to school? Q5: Does Amy do exercises every morning? 4 (1) Listen to the text and follow it. (2) Act out the text. (三)巩固新知:?SB活动1 在黑板上写出中国小学的特点,听录音,让学生找到相应的英国小学的特 点。 注意英国学校的特点要与中国的对应着写。 ?SB活动2 教师说某句话中的一个字,学生要找到那句话并读出来。 ?SB活动3 学生两人一组讨论。 ?教师说一个句子,学生们要判断出是中国学校的特点还是英国学校的。 ?教师与学生进行一场比赛。 ?复习西方国家信筏的格式和地址的写法。 4.任务完成 让学生默读完信。 第一遍播放录音,让学生们认真听,回忆原文。 放第二遍录音,在每个句子后面停顿。 播放第三遍,让学生检查自己是否书写完了全部的内容。 两人一组,互读信件,对答案。 (四)作业布置: (五)小结:练习时间的问答,还学习许多关于活动的生词 (六)板书设计: Module8 School Unit 1 What time does school start? New words: exercise playground before skip New sentence: What time does your school start? My school starts at nine o’clock What time do you get up? I get up at half past seven. Module 8 Unit 2 Where did Lingling go yesterday? 第二课时 【教学目标】: 知识与技能:能口头运用What did Lingling go yesterday?这类语句询问过去发生的事情,并能口头运用Yesterday I went to Sam and Amy’s school. 这类语句回答。 过程与方法:运用所学语言描述过去所发生的事情。 情感、态度和价值观:通过对比中国和英国学生的不同生活,增强学生的跨文化交际的意识。 【重点】:区分一般现在时态和一般过去时态的运用。 【难点】:熟练准确的用所学知识描述自己或者他人的学校生活。 【教学方法】:讲授、游戏使用情景交际法和任务型教学法,使学生能够熟练掌握本课的单词和句型。 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】: (一)导入: Step ?: Greetings T: Hello! How are you? Ss: I’m fine, thank you. T: What time did you get up? Ss: At seven o’clock. T: What time did you go to school? Ss: At half past seven. T: Do you like skip rope? Ss: Yes, I do.\ No, I don’t. Step ?:Warming up 1( Last class we have known something about Amy’s school life. You must find differences between China’s school life and England’s school life. Now please tell me your answer. T: They start school at 8 o’clock. Ss: China. T: They play in the playground before 9 o’clock. Ss: England. 2 Review Unit 1 simply. (二)探究新知:Step ?:New teaching 1 Lingling went to Amy’s school, and then she wrote a letter to Daming. Do you want to know what did Lingling tell Daming? Let’s learn Unit 2 today. 2 (1)Listen to the tape and underline the new words (2)Teach and practice the new words in different ways. 3 Listen to the tape again and answer these questions. Q1: Where did Lingling go yesterday? Q2: What time do they start school in England? Q3: What do they do in the playground? Q4: What did Lingling do with the girls? Q5: What time did the bell ring? Q6: What did they do then? 4 Learn the A3, let the students read the words, and then teach these pronunciations. 5 Study the song of A4, then divide the class into two groups to sing the song. (三)巩固新知: Step ?: Practice Work in groups to Practice A5,like this: A: look! What time is it now? B: It’s 3 o’clock. A: What do you do at 3 o’clock? B: I have Music at 3 o’clock. (四)作业布置: (五)小结:一般过去式的练习及问答 (六)板书设计: Module8 School Unit 2 What time does school start? New words: bell ring—rang New sentence: What time do they start school in England? They start school at 9 o’clock. What did Amy and Lingling do yesterday? They skipped rope in the playground. (七)课后反思: Module 9 Unit 1 Are you feeling sad? 第一课时 【教学目标】: 知识与技能:使学生能听说、认读单词;能了解母及字母组合ts, ds, tr, dr, ch, j, dg 在单词中常见的读音;能准确理解并熟练地运用“Are you feeling sad/ bored/ angry? Feel happy/ sad/ tired/ bored/ hungry” 过程与方法:通过活动体验,在交流中学会询问和表达情绪和感受,发展综 合语言运用能力。 情感、态度和价值观:在小组交流与合作中培养孩子的互助意识 【重点】:能准确理解并熟练地运用 “Are you feeling sad/bored/angry?feelhappy/sad/tired/bored/hungry 【难点】:在真实情景中灵活运用新知识询问和表达情绪和感受 【教学方法】:讲授情景教学法 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】: (一)导入: ?. Warm-up 1、Greeting. 2、sing a song, “I get up in the morning.” 3、Free talk——谈论周末活动。 师:Tell me, please! What do you usually do at the weekend? (用简笔画:Do you feel happy/bored/sad/tired?) 板书各种情绪的图片教学happy/bored/sad/tired/sad/tired/hungry. (二)探究新知:?.Pre-task——调查同学们今天的情绪状况。 1、导入:Talk about the feeling now Q1: How are you feeling now? Q2: Are you feeling sad/ happy/ bored/ tired/ hungry/ angry? Q3: What’s the matter? Q4: Do you want to„,教学“What’s the matter?” 2、任务呈现——今天你的心情如何呢,让我们来做个调查吧, ?.While-task 1、Game:教师引导学生将“感觉”和“物品图片”一一对应,贴在黑板上, 让学生对号入座。 如: Feelings Things hot ice-cream, fan„ hungry Sweater, gloves„ happy Egg, hot dog„ Tired Chair, bed„ „ „ 然后同桌两人一组,互相询问对方的心情。 如:A: What’s the matter, Mary? Are you feeling„? B: Yes. /No. /Nothing. A: Do you want„? 2、视听结合,有声有色。 ?师:“Lingling is feeling sad today. What’s the matter with her? Let’s listen and answer my questions”教师播放课文录音,并进行听法指导,同时完成课堂活动用书活动1——圈出正确或错误。 ?教师分段播放录音,订正练习,解读课文难点。 Q1: Is Lingling feeling sad? A: No. Q2: Does she miss China? A: No. Q3: Is she feeling bored? A: No. Q4: Is she feeling angry? A: No. Q5: Does she want to play chess? A: No. Q8: What’s the matter with her? A: She is going to make a surprise cake for Amy’s birthday? ?教师再次播放录音,让学生跟读,教师给予适当的指导。 ?完成课文活动3。 (三)巩固新知:?.Post-task 1、完成课堂活动用书练习了。 2、四人小组互相询问并了解今天的情绪和感受及原因,并填写调整。 Name Feeling What’s the matter? 3、全班统计今天的情绪状况。 (四)作业布置: (五)小结: (六)板书设计: Unit 1 Are you feeling sad ? Feel sad bored angry Are you feeling „ ? No Miss nothing secret what’s the matter ? Tell surprise nothing Module 9 Unit 2 I feel happy. 第二课时 【教学目标】: 知识与技能:能听懂会说本课语言happy,sad,bored, tired,hungry,grandfather,farm,chess,lost,smell和句型Are you feel happy ?的问答。 过程与方法:培养学生自主学习和合作学习的能力,以及能积极参加语言交际,并会用英语思维的能力。 情感、态度和价值观:培养学生关心他人的品质,并勇于表达自己的内心感受,培养学生的自信心和合作精神,以及用英语交流沟通的能力。 【重点】:能听懂会说本课语言: happy,sad,bored, tired,hungry,grandfather,farm,chess,lost,smell和句型Are you feel happy ?I feel „„的问答。 【难点】:能够灵活运用本课的交际用语进行拓展交际。 【教学方法】:讲授、游戏 情景教学法 合作交流法 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】: (一)导入: 1、Warming up (1)教师与学生打招呼,做好课前准备。 Class begins! T:Hello ,boys and girls! S:Hello ,Miss Guo T:How are you ? S:I’m fine .Thank you! 2、Revision T:Are you feeling thirsty? S:„(根据实际情况回答) T:Are you feeling angry? S:„(根据实际情况回答) (二)探究新知: New Teaching (1)Lets listen to a poem, ok? (让学生听读part4,引学生进入英语 环境中。) ※ 学生先听一遍 ※ 然后让学生打开书,边指边听 ※ 再跟着老师读一遍 (2)Well,Are you bored now?I think you should be bored.so now let’ s do something very happy and exciting. (3)出示多媒体图画(If you are happy)让学生看起来就很兴奋,很高兴~ 然后问:How do you feel?are you feeling happy now? (4)引出新单词,学习新单词 happy sad tired bored hungry (边读边做相应动作及表情,开火车表演、个人上讲台表演等) (5)Now please look at the screen and guess how do they feel ? ※ 出示多媒体插图1(今天我帮爷爷在农场干了一整天的活,现在感觉 很累的情景图) 让学生说:“ I feel „” ※ 出示 多媒体插图2(今天我下国际象棋赢了,现在感觉很高兴的 情景图)让学生说:“feel „” ※ 出示多媒体插图3(外面 下雨不能出去玩,感觉很无聊)让学生说:“ I feel „” ※ 出示多媒体插图4(昨天我丢了书包,现在还没找着~我觉得很伤心~) 让学生说:“ I feel „” ※ 出示多媒体插图5(我可以闻到很香的粉条汤,我觉得很饿~)让学 生说:“I feel „” (6)I want to know your feeling now. 学习Part2(now point and talk ) A:Today I helped my grandfather on the farm . B:Do you feel tired ? A:Yes ,I do . ※ 拿出卡片问学生:Do you feel„?Yes,I do.No,I don’t.或者学生 问学生(同桌问、或走访问等) ※出示表格 CD-ROM ※ 教师带读两遍 ※ 学生齐读一遍 4、Practice ※Now .games time .act and say(播放兔子舞舞曲,学生随着音乐传球,音乐一停,谁拿到球谁表演,表演好的给予奖励) (三)巩固新知: ?语音教学 SB Unit3活动1。在黑板上写出单词sun和rice,教师读,并在字母“s”和“c”下面划线。教师再读单词,启发学生发现他们的特点:字母不同,读音相同。用同样方法教zoo,nose. 教Theatre,mouth,this,mother.让学生总结出各组单词中读音相同的部分。 学生打开SB,播放第一遍录音。第二次播放录音,在每组单词后停顿,让学生跟读。 播放AB Unit2 练习1 录音,让学生划出是哪个字母发出的音。 ?歌曲教学 介绍SB Unit2活动2歌曲的内容,帮助学生理解其意思。 让学生打开书,看图片,帮助学生理解歌曲的意思。读歌词,让学生重复。放录音,学生听。 将学生分成四组,每组唱一行。国与国外学校生活的不同。 (四)作业布置: (五)小结:本单元学习各种修饰形容词,非常实用 (六)板书设计: Unit 2 I feel happy tied grandfather How dothey feel? Today I helped my grandfather on the farm. farm game lost Do you feel tired ? sell Yes ,I do. (七)课后反思: Module 10 Unit 1 You should look,then cross the road. 第一课时 【教学目标】: 知识与技能:学会新单词,掌握新句型 过程与方法:情境教学法,游戏教学法 情感、态度和价值观:帮助学生学习英语的自信心2.培养在实际情境中运用知识的能力 【重点】:会听,读,写新的句子;了解新句型 【难点】:会使用should,shouldn't 【教学方法】:讲授,游戏教学法,情境教学法,合作学习法 习得学习,任务型学习,小组学习 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】: (一)导入:Step 1: Warming up. 1. Talking. 每节课前都有一个学生,根据前几课的内容准备一些问题提问学生进行交谈。 2.Sing a song. 3. Chant. (二)探究新知:Step 2: 任务呈现与课文导入。 谁最聪明, A.先呈现单词卡片should,shouldn't学生用英语说。 B.教学生说句型:I should 或 shouldn't C. 师:What should you do when you cross the road? 生:I should „ 老师给说对的学生一张小贴纸。 Step 3: Text learning. Firstly,the students should follow the tape—recorder,then circle the new words in the text. Secondly,some boys and girls can read some questions,the questions are on the board: What shouldn't you do when you cross the road ? What does Tom do when he cross the road? What do you do when you meet your mother'friend? Thirdly,the students should follow the tape-recorder again ,sentence by sentence ,then the teacher and the students read together. Last,Then the students should answer the questions: You shouldn’t play football. He should look,then cross the road. I should say hello. Step4 Show some pictures on the board(should,shouldn't,in the road,dangerous)use these words to make some sentences. (三)巩固新知: 1. Put the chart on the blackboard and play the cassette let the children listen carefully. The teacher asks several questions. 2. Play the cassette the second time and let the children tick the new words and guess their meanings. 3. Continue to explain the new languages. 4. Play the cassette the third time and pause after each utterance for the children to repeat. 5. Practice in groups. 6. Act out the dialogue. (四)作业布置: (五)小结:用should,shouldn’t可以给别人合理的建议 (六)板书设计: Module10 Unit 1 You should look,then cross the road. A: You should look,then cross the road. B: Yes ,Mum. A: You should hold my hand,too. B: Yes ,Mum. Module 10 Unit2 You should eat fruit. 第二课时 【教学目标】: 知识与技能: 句型:You should eat fruit. 单词: should , shouldn't 过程与方法:情境教学法,游戏教学法 情感、态度和价值观:帮助学生学习英语的自信心,培养在实际情境中运用 知识的能力 【重点】:会听,读,写新的句子;了解新句型 【难点】:会使用should,shouldn't。 【教学方法】:讲授、游戏, 习得学习,任务型学习,小组学习 游戏教学法,情境教学法,合作学习法 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】: (一)导入:Step 1.Warmer 1. Say hello to Ss and review the text of U1. 2. Ask Ss some questions about “Do you have any friends? What do you say when you meet them?What should you do when you cross the road? Show should ,shouldn't, and let Ss ask and answer. (二)探究新知:Step 3 Presentation 1. Ask the Ss to look at the picture carefully and ask: What can you see? 2. Play the cassette the first time and let the children to tick the new words and guess the meanings. 3. Teach the new words in different ways. 4. Play the cassette the second and pause after each utterance for the children to repeat. 5. Ask the children to write a sentence on a piece of paper in groups and read them out. Step 4 Say a poem 1. Ask the children to look at the pictures carefully. 2. Play the cassette and ask the children to listen carefully. 3. Teach the sentences of the poem one by one. 4. Play the cassette several times and ask the children to read along. (三)巩固新知: Step 2 Presentation 1 Tell the students that you are going to mime three things you should do. They have to guess what the three things are. 2. Now mime three things you shouldn't do and once again, get the students to guess what you’re doing. Make sure they say complete sentences, e.g. “You should/shoudn't„. ” 3. Now let the students continue the activity in pairs. They should take turns to do the mimes. Step 3. Practice and learn the Practice 1. 1. Get four students to come to the front of the class. 2. Have each student make up a statement using ‘should’, ‘shouldn't’. 3. Make sentences with ‘he, she, his, and her’. Examples: T (points to Daming) Ss: he should clean his room. T(points to Lingling) Ss: she shouldn't play with dolls. 4.Acording to the Picture 1 ,make some sentences with should ,shouldn't Step 4. Listen and say, then chant. 1. Get the students to look at the pictures and describe them . Ask the students if they like doing these activities. 2. Play the tape and let the students listen to the chant, play it again and have the students say the chant at the same time. (四)作业布置: (五)小结:通过多练习,复习巩固should , shouldn't (六)板书设计: Module 10 Unit 2 You should eat fruit. You should eat fruit. You shoun't walk in the road. (七)课后反思: Review Module Unit 1 Revision 第一课时 【教学目标】: 知识与技能: 1.动词过去式的用法,肯定句型和否定句型的使用; 2.关于对数量的提问,How many /How much 的使用及回答; 3.关于能力Can you run fast?等句型的使用及回答。 过程与方法: 1. Game method 2. The task-based method. 3. Cooperative learning. 情感、态度和价值观:积极,热情的态度,启发学生回顾所学内容,逐步建 立起对英语学习的信心。 【重点】:全册所学的重点句型和单词 【难点】:全册所学的重点句型和单词 【教学方法】:讲授, 自主式,互助式启发式,任务型教学 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】: (一)导入:Step 1 Warm-up 1. Say hello to the students and choose a song the children like best. 2. Ask the children some questions at random. (二)探究新知: Step 2 Play the Yes/No game 1. Divide the class into four groups, presenting the game of activity one. Prepare two cards, “yes” is written on one piece of paper and “no” is on the other one. 2. Put the cards behind and say a sentence at random to a child, for example, “You watched TV yesterday.” If she has yes, she should say: “Yes, I watched TV.” If she or he has no, she or he should say: “I didn’t watch TV.” 3. Then the teacher hands the card to a student of group one and ask him or her say a sentence at random and at the same time show one card. A student of group two must answer according to the word on the card. Step 3 Look and say 1. Give an example how to do this game. 2. If there is a basketball and a tick on the picture, the children should say, Lingling bought a basketball. If there is a cap and a cross on the picture, the children should say, Lingling didn’t buy a cap. 3. Give the children half a minute and let them memorize the other pictures and then ask them to close the books. 4. The teacher prepares two cards: one is yes and the other one is no. 5. If the teacher raises the card of yes, the children should say the positive sentence and if the teacher raises the card of no, the children should say negative sentence. 6. See whose memory is best. (三)巩固新知: Step 4 Ask and answer 1. Prepare some pictures of food and the weight or quantity should be marked. 2. If there are no pictures, some cards can be used. 3. Write down: five bottles of milk, three kilos of apples, one kilo of bananas, two bottles of juice„ 4. Put the pictures or cards on the blackboard. 5. Make sentences relay, such as: S1: How many apples do you want? S2: I want three kilos of apples. S3: How much cheese do you want? Etc. 6. Have a match: which group can say the most sentences in one minute and this group is the winner. Step 5 Look, ask and answer 1. Look at the table carefully. 2. Ask and answer in pairs. 3. One child asks a question and the other one answers yes or no according to the tick or cross. 4. Tell the children when they ask, they can ask at random. (四)作业布置: (五)小结:复习巩固前面学过的十个模块,算是一种补充学习 (六)板书设计: go- went buy- bought drop-dropped wear-wore give-gave ring-rang catch-caught tell-told She bought „ She didn’t buy a cap. How many+可数名词 How much+不可数名词 Can+动词原形 Review Module Unit 2 Revision 第二课时 【教学目标】: 知识与技能:1. Whose dress is this, It’s Amy’s. 2. You should / You shouldn’t... 3. Are you happy/sad/angry/tired/bored/hungry? 过程与方法: 1. Game method 2. The task-based method. 3. Cooperative learning. 情感、态度和价值观:积极,热情的态度,启发学生回顾所学内容,逐步建 立起对英语学习的信心。 【重点】:全册所学的重点句型和单词 【难点】:全册所学的重点句型和单词 【教学方法】:讲授、游戏, 自主式,互助式,启发式,任务型教学 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】: (一)导入: Step 1 Warm-up 1. Make a dialogue with the students at random. 2. Recite several poems or sing songs that have been learned in this book. (二)探究新知: Step 2 Point and say 1. Ask the children to look at the pictures carefully. 2. Tell the children that the letter under each word is the first letter of a name. 3. Let the children do ask and answer practice. Step 3 Look and say 1. Let the children look at the picture carefully. 2. Let the children describe the pictures. What’s the person in the picture doing? 3. Then ask the children if their behavior is correct or not. 4. Ask them use the word of should or shouldn’t. 5. At last ask he children talk about the daily actions that should be done or should not to be done. (三)巩固新知:Step 4 Game: How do I feel? 1. Prepare some cards before class: happy, sad, angry, tired, bored, hungry, thirsty. 2. Play a game in groups. 3. Let one child draw a card from the teacher’s hand. Don’t let the other children to see it. 4. Then the child does the action as the card shows and says: How do I feel? Then the other one in this group guesses: Are you happy? Are you sad? 5. If it is right, the student who does the action gives a positive answer; if it is wrong, the student who does the action gives a negative answer and the other student in the same group continues to guess. Step 5 Point, ask and answer1. This activity should be done in groups. 2. It’d better to be done by the way of relay. 3. For example, the first child asks: Do you like apples? The second child answers according to his or her actual situation. Yes, I do. Or no, I don’t. (四)作业布置: (五)小结:学习本单元为期末考试做准备 (六)板书设计:Whose dress is this, It’s Amy’s dress. You should walk on the road. You shouldn’t sing in class. Are you happy? Yes, I am./No, I’m not. Do you like„? Yes, I do./No, I don’t. (七)课后反思:
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