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集成显卡显存分配集成显卡显存分配 集显时代,内存分配成关键 自从Nvidia和ATI这两家图形芯片的业界巨头进入主板芯片研发行业后,集成主板的图形性能获得了飞速发展。特别是两家巨头分别推出的MCP68和A690G芯片组,曾使集成主板的图形性能超越了当时的入门级独立显卡,使集成主板一举脱去鸡肋的枷锁。集成主板在售价和功能上的优势使其具有极大的受众,越来越多对大型游戏不感冒或预算较小的用户选择集成主板。集成主板的市场份额也节节提高,成为了主流市场上一个不可或缺的重要力量。 目前销售非常火爆的昂达A78GT集成主板,为消费者省下...

集成显卡显存分配 集显时代,内存分配成关键 自从Nvidia和ATI这两家图形芯片的业界巨头进入主板芯片研发行业后,集成主板的图形性能获得了飞速发展。特别是两家巨头分别推出的MCP68和A690G芯片组,曾使集成主板的图形性能超越了当时的入门级独立显卡,使集成主板一举脱去鸡肋的枷锁。集成主板在售价和功能上的优势使其具有极大的受众,越来越多对大型游戏不感冒或预算较小的用户选择集成主板。集成主板的市场份额也节节提高,成为了主流市场上一个不可或缺的重要力量。 目前销售非常火爆的昂达A78GT集成主板,为消费者省下了数百元预算 众所周知的是,目前所有集成主板上的集成显卡都会共享内存作为显存使用。由于目前DDR2-800内存已经成为主流,对于集成显卡的处理器能力来说来说800的显存频率已经相当足够。而问题是到要分配多少的内存作为显存能最大限度提升集成显卡的性能,而又不至于过多地影响系统性能呢,分少了可能造成集成显卡性能下降,分多了不但造成浪费还会极大的消耗了珍贵的可用内存,这对于位数不少只有1GB内存的入门级用户来说是非常影响他们正常使用电脑。 of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking 分配更多的共享内存是否有助于集成显卡性能的提升, 由于目前内存的价格已经跌至历史低谷,标配2GB内存的入门级用户逐渐增多。因此不少朋友喜欢将共享内存增大至256MB或以上,希望能获得图形性能的提升。因此我们进行了一个就目前的集成显卡来说,多大的“显存”最为合适的测试,为广大消费者朋友寻找最佳的设置 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 。 显存与内存 在显示芯片处理信息的过程中,会产生大量的临时数据,这就需要一个专门的容器存放这些临时数据,而这个容器就是显存了。显存颗粒与我们的内存颗粒没有本质上的不同,但由于图形运算的数据量相当惊人,因此显存往往拥有更高的位宽和工作频率。 of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking 显存颗粒和内存颗粒原理上是一致的 显存位宽是显存在一个时钟周期内所能传送数据的位数,位数越大则瞬间所能传输的数据量越大,这是显存的重要参数之一。理论上,显存的位宽越高数据吞吐能力越高,对显卡的性能发挥有着重要的影响。显存带宽,显存频率X显存位宽/8,那么在显存频率相当的情况下,显存位宽将决定显存带宽的大小。 内存容量的大小与系统的流畅运行也有着密切关系 of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking 显存容量的作用与内存容量非常相似,显示核心的数据处理器能力非常高,足够的显存能使显示核心第一时间获得处理信息需要的数据。假如显示核心足够强劲而显存容量比较小,不足以存放所需数据,那么显示核心就只有能闲置以等待这些数据处理完毕,这就影响了显示核心性能的发挥从而也就影响到了显卡的性能。 双通道内存与集成显卡 显存位宽对于独立显卡来说是非常重要的,那么集成显卡的情况又如何呢,我们知道桌面级内存的位宽为64bit,双通道就为128bit。从独立显卡的经验来看,128bit的独立显卡比64bit的性能高出30%左右,显示核心越强大这个差异就越明显。 双通道能带来多少提升呢, 所以不少消费者都喜欢购买1GB×2的内存组成双通道,希望使用双通道能为集成显卡带来性能的提升。那么事实上又是否如此呢,因此我们在测试中亦加入了这方面的测试。 测试平台和测试说明 硬件测试平台 CPU AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+(2.2GHz,200MHz,512KB×2 L2) 内存 宇瞻 DDR2-800 1GB×1 (5-5-5-18) 宇瞻 DDR2-800 1GB×2 (5-5-5-18) 硬盘 Seagate Barracuda7200.10 SATA2 750GB 16MB缓存 主板 映泰 TA780G M2+ 显卡 集成HD3200 电源 Tt 700W of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking 软件测试平台 操作系统 Windows Vista Ultimate(DirectX 10 Ready) 主板驱动 ATI Catalyst 8.41 for Vista 32Bit 显卡驱动 ATI Catalyst 8.2 for Vista 32Bit 测试项目 基准性能测试 PCmark05 图形性能测试 3DMark05、3DMark06 游戏性能测试 Half-Life2、Prey 处理器我们选用了非常受入门级消费者喜爱的平民双核处理器Althon 64 X2 4200+,主板使用了映泰TA780G M2+,基于目前人气超高的780G芯片组,集成HD3200显示核心。 目前购买1GB容量内存的消费者基本上都以购买单条1GB内存为主,而为了检测双通道是否能带来提升,因此2GB容量方面我们选择了2条1GB内存组成双通道,从而更加贴近消费者的实际使用环境。 测试主要考察分配不同大小的内存对图形性能的影响,同时考虑其对整体性能的影响是否明显,从而选出最佳方案。 CPU-Z信息 of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking 双通道理论上有一倍于单通道的内存带宽,这是否能为集成显卡带来提升呢, GPU-Z信息 of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking 集成显卡在128MB和256MB显存之间到底有多大区别呢, 基准性能测试 PCmark05 PCMark05是一个测量个人电脑整体性能的一个优质工具,测试包括HD 录影自动译码,数字式音乐内码,先进穿线和基于追踪的硬盘性能测试。具有真实客观地反映个人电脑的整体性能。 分配内存的大小和双通道对整体性能可以说毫无影响,看来PCMark05的图形性能测试对显存的要求并不高。 图形性能测试 3DMark05 of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking 3DMark06 相信购买集成主板的朋友亦对大型3D游戏没有多大追求,从测试成绩看64bit的单通道128MB共享显存已经足够应付集成的HD3200显示核心。 游戏性能测试 Half-Life2 of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking Prey 从实际的游戏测试来看,集成的HD3200性能已经十分强悍,但显存容量和位宽对其没有任何影响 测试 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 和购买建议 of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking 从测试的成绩来看,分配过多的内存作为共享显存对集成显卡的性能毫无提升的意义,反而浪费了珍贵的系统内存。而双通道亦不能提升集成显卡的性能,我们相信这是因为DDR-800内存已经可以提供6.4GB/S带宽,足够应付HD3200集成显卡的处理能力。 集成主板逐渐成为主流 所以我们建议消费者直接购买性价比更高的单条2GB内存,这样能获得更好的升级潜力。而目前的集成显卡共享128MB内存作为显存已经非常足够,保留更多的系统内存更能得到良好系统性能体验。 另外我们建议使用集成平台的消费者尽量购买价格接近但性能更好的DDR2-800内存,在对内存带宽有一定要求的集成平台上非常必要。 of the enemy's attack. Troops, and troops were scattered, Qian Kangmin, Commander, Deputy Commander Ding Bingcheng and others heroic martyrdom. Turk foreign "resistance" members for the evacuation. Since then, Wujiang County Government District long Zhang Pinquan was killed by the Japanese. CPC jindapeng, Xiao Xin was trying to recommend thinking
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