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吸血鬼日记 第三季 第19集


吸血鬼日记 第三季 第19集 吸血鬼日记 第三季 第十九集 感谢人人影视提供字幕, www.yyets.com Previously on "The Vampire Diaries"... 《吸血鬼日记》前情提要 Does Elena enjoy having both of you worship at her altar? 你们俩如此钦慕埃琳娜 她一定乐在其中吧 I love you. Now look me in the eye and tell me 我爱你 着我的眼睛 告诉我 that you don't feel somet...

吸血鬼日记 第三季 第19集
吸血鬼日记 第三季 第十九集 感谢人人影视提供字幕, www.yyets.com Previously on "The Vampire Diaries"... 《吸血鬼日记》前情提要 Does Elena enjoy having both of you worship at her altar? 你们俩如此钦慕埃琳娜 她一定乐在其中吧 I love you. Now look me in the eye and tell me 我爱你 着我的眼睛 告诉我 that you don't feel something for him. 你对他没有感觉 I would know if I were killing people. 如果我杀人了起码自己会知道 You wear a ring that lets you cheat death, Ric. 里克 你戴着一个可以躲避死亡的戒指 How many times can you die before it changes you? 在它完全改变你之前 你能死去多少次 You have a weapon that can kill Klaus? 你们有一个能杀死克劳斯的武器吗 Nope. We all have a weapon. 不对 大家都有份 Let's go kill some originals. 我们去杀些吸血鬼祖先吧 When an original dies, 当一名祖先死掉时 every vampire turned in their bloodline dies along with them. 所有从他这一脉转化来的吸血鬼 都会死掉 Bring us the stakes... 把木桩带来 Or I'll wage a war against everyone you love. 否则我不会放过一个你爱的人 - Where the hell is it? - I put it right here! -跑哪儿去了 -我就放在这里的 A stake doesn't just vanish into thin air! 木桩不可能凭空消失啊 Are you telling me 你是说 that your vampire hating alter ego has a stake 你憎恨吸血鬼的那个人格拿了能杀整条 that could kill an entire line of vampires, possibly mine? 吸血鬼血脉 甚至可能是我那条的木桩吗 That's exactly what I'm telling you. 正是 - Alaric? - Yeah? -阿拉里克 -在 Still me. 没变身呢 You know you shouldn't be in here. 你知道你不该来的 Defeats the point of the whole being locked in a cellar thing. 与把我关在这儿的目的相抵触了 Well, you still need the basics. 总得给你必需品 Toothbrush, clothes, some boring books to help you sleep. 牙刷 衣物 还有几本无聊的书助你安眠 - "Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde"? - What? -《变身怪医》 -什么 No, I got-- 不会啊 我拿的是... Damon. Thinks he's hilarious. 达蒙 他自以为是幽默大王呢 At least one of us still has a sense of humor. 至少还有人有开玩笑的心情 Are you sure that you--I mean, 你真的...我是说 you don't have to be kept in here. 不是非得把你关在这儿的 Oh, no, this is... 这里... Ah, this is the right place for me to be. 这里就是我该待的地方 At least until you guys can 至少等你们能 convince my highly uncooperative alter ego to 'fess up to where I-- 说服我极不配合的分裂人格坦白我 Or...he hid the white oak stake. 或者说他把白栎树木桩藏哪了 We looked everywhere. 我们到处找遍了 You...The other you hid it well. 你...另一个你很会藏 What's Klaus going to do if you can't find it? 克劳斯要是找不到 会做什么 It's the only thing that will kill him, so... 那是唯一能杀死他的东西 所以... Wage war. Murder people. 大概会发起战争 屠害生命吧 You know, Klaus stuff. 就是克劳斯会做的那点事 Listen... 听我说 Stefan is going to watch over you for a little while. 斯特凡待会儿会看着你 Now that Klaus knows where Jeremy is, 现在克劳斯知道杰里米在哪 it's not safe. So... 他就不安全了 所以 Damon and I are going to go to Denver to pick him up. 我和达蒙要去丹佛接他 Why do you say that like you're waiting for me to disapprove? 你这口气怎么像是等着我反对似的 I don't know. 我也不知道 Me and Damon, 我和达蒙 traveling across the country. 孤男寡女 一起上路 Well, I guess I'm more curious 我更想知道 to hear what Stefan has to say about it. 斯特凡对此有何看法 Actually, it was his idea. 其实这是他的主意 He thinks that I have some unresolved feelings for Damon. 他认为我对达蒙有未了的情愫 Do you? 你有吗 I guess that's why I'm going on this trip. 我觉得这是我愿意去的原因 So I can figure it out. 为了搞清楚 Did you hear from Klaus? 克劳斯有信儿了吗 Not yet. I'm sure I will soon, though. 没呢 不过肯定快了 He's expecting me to deliver two stakes. 他等着我去送两根木桩 I only have one. 而我只有一根 Well, that's going to be disappointing for him. 那他一定会大失所望 I'll get it out of Alaric. 我会从阿拉里克那儿问出来的 I just need some time. 给我点时间 I like that confidence, Stefan. 我真欣赏这份自信 斯特凡 I don't share it, but I like it. 不敢苟同 但十分欣赏 You don't think I can do what it takes? 你觉得我下不去手吗 Well, you're good Stefan again. You're in control. 你又是大好人斯特凡了 你能自控 Sorry, you might get the girl but you lose the edge. 抱歉了 美人和气场不可兼得 Speaking of... 说到美人 Have you ever flown first class? 你飞过头等舱吗 Who did you have to compel for that? 你控制谁拿到的票 Please. I used miles. 拜托 哥有里程的 Stefan... 斯特凡 Be safe. 保重 吸血鬼 第三季 第十九集 日记 - What is this? - It's the decade dance. -怎么回事 -是十年舞会 - Remember, you made us sign up to help. - No. -记得吗 你逼我们来帮忙的 -不是那个 This! The twenties. 这个 这是二十年代的 We're doing the seventies. 而我们要做的是七十年代 It's too flashy, people. 太俗气了 It's supposed to be a speakeasy, not the world's fair. 要营造地下酒吧的气氛 不是大菜市 Oh, good, you're here. We need help setting up the tables, 你来了 太好了 我们需要有人摆桌子 so get to it. 快去吧 What do you think you're doing? 你这是在干嘛 Somebody has to be in charge. 总得有人管事啊 Yeah, me. I'm the chair of the dance committee. 那就是姐 我是舞蹈委员会的主席 The theme of the decade dance is the 1970s. 十年舞会的主 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 是七十年代 So you'd rather dress in tacky colors with bad hair 那么你宁可穿俗艳的衣服 可笑的发型 than be a classic flapper from the jazz age. 也不想做爵士时代的潮女 Honestly, I don't know what my brother sees in you. 真不知道我哥哥看上你哪点了 Well, maybe he sees a challenge. 或许他就喜欢我不好追 See, unlike some other people, 你瞧 跟某些人不同 I don't sleep with everyone I make eye contact with. 我不会见人就睡 Maybe we can do both decades. 或许我们可以两个都做吧 No. 不行 Go on, Matt, don't be a coward. 说实话啊 马特 别那么胆小 You know you loved my twenties idea when I presented it to the group. 我向组里提出的时候 你不是喜欢我的主意吗 Traitor! 你这叛徒 Bell bottoms and disco? 喇叭裤 迪斯科 I don't know, this just seemed cooler. 我只是觉得这样更酷 See, it's just cooler. 听着没 更酷 Whatever. Have fun at your stupid dance. 随便你们吧 祝你们跳得愉快 Caroline! 卡罗琳 Wait! 等等 Impressive. 给力啊 You sold it. 她信了 And you bought yourself a day. 给你赢得了一天的时间 Thank you. Just... keep her occupied. 谢谢 你得一直缠着她 - Be careful. - You, too. -小心哦 -你也是 And, uh... 还有 Tell him I said hi, ok? 带我向他问好 行吗 Do you know how hard it is to fall asleep 你知道一心想着要入睡的时候 when that's what you're supposed to do? 多不容易入睡吗 Well, look, I know it's not easy. So... 我知道 这样不容易 所以 Damon suggested I bring something to-- 达蒙建议我带点... help speed up the process. 帮你快点入睡 What the hell. 干嘛不呢 You know, I'll feel decidedly less pathetic 要知道 独酌略感凄凉啊 if I don't drink alone. 能不能陪我喝 Oh, I'm, uh, one step ahead of you. 早就想到了 So... 话说... Road trip, huh? 他俩一起上路了 Yeah, yeah, I needed to stay here. 是啊 我得待在这儿 Why? 为什么 I mean, why you? 为什么非你留下 You know, it doesn't take much to baby-sit me 照顾我并不难 while I sit here waiting for a psychotic break. 我就坐等精神崩溃就行 Well, unfortunately, we only have 可惜的是 我们所剩的 - a limited amount of time. - Before what? -时间不多 -之后要怎么样 Before we have to resort to other methods. 之后就不得不使用其他手段了 So you're worried you're going to have to torture it out of me. 你是怕你得严刑逼供 And you don't think Damon could have done that? 你觉得达蒙做不来吗 Look, Elena needed to go on that road trip with Damon. 埃琳娜得跟达蒙一起去 No matter what I go through... 不管我经历什么磨难 to get her back-- 去赢回她的心 fighting my blood lust, 抵抗我的嗜血 trying to gain control of my life again... 努力重新掌控我的人生 None of that matters if she has feelings for somebody else. 如果她爱着别人 这一切都是枉然 There he is. 他在那儿 Next time we compel him, 下次我们控制他时 remind me to make him better at baseball. 记得提醒我提高他的球技 Hey, Jer. 杰里 Elena? 埃琳娜 What's wrong? 出什么事了 Katherine sired us, Rose sired Katherine, 凯瑟琳变了我们 罗斯变了凯瑟琳 all we need to do is find out who sired Rose. 我们只需弄清是谁变了罗斯 So you traveled across the country 你们大老远赶来 to get me to talk to a dead vampire? 就为让我跟死吸血鬼说话 Dead vampire's redundant but yes. 没必要强调她死了 但是没错 Well, I can't. 我做不到 I can talk to Anna and Vicki because I knew them. 我能和安娜和薇姬说话 因为我认识她们 I've never even met Rose. 我就没见过罗斯 What good is you dying and coming back to life 你死而复生却不能在我需要的时候 if you can't talk to a ghost when I need you to? 跟鬼讲话 那要你有屁用 Rose spent a long time running from Klaus as well. 罗斯也花了很长时间躲避克劳斯 She and Damon were close, 她和达蒙很亲密 So maybe we can use you as a connection. 或许我们可以通过你来联系她 Fine, fine. Can we do this later? 好吧 能待会儿做吗 My friend just got here. 我朋友来了 And yes, Damon, I actually have some. 没错 达蒙 我可是有朋友的 I'll call you when I'm done. 我们结束我打给你 Jer... 杰里 Hey, man. 你好啊 Damon, it's Kol! 达蒙 是科尔 What the hell are you doing?! 你这是干嘛 - Jeremy, get back, he's an original! - What?! -杰里米 退后 他是祖先 -啥 No hard feelings, mate, but we're not buds. 别生气 伙计 我们可不是朋友 You know, I'll never get used to aluminum. 我总是用不惯铝的 But, hey, at least it won't break. 不过至少不会断掉 Did you kill him? 你杀了他吗 No, but it'll give us a head start. Come on. 没有 不过能让我们先跑一步 走吧 Come on. 走吧 For the record, she's the one who wanted to stop in a motel, not me. 顺便说 是她想待在旅馆的 不是我 So where are we? 我们这是在哪 Corner of somewhere and nowhere where Kol can't find us. 前不着村后不着店 科尔找不到 I can't believe Kol was a vampire. 真不敢相信科尔是吸血鬼 Well, didn't you find it weird that you made a friend so fast? 你这么快就交到朋友你不觉得奇怪吗 Have you met you? 有没有自知之明啊 Not helping. 别帮倒忙 This should work. Right, Jer? 这样可以吧 杰里 Yeah. It doesn't really matter. 行啊 没多大关系 All right, whoopi. 好吧 抱怨鬼 What do you need, candles, incense, pottery wheel? 你需要什么 蜡烛 香 制陶轮 That's not how it works. 不是那样的 I know, I know. They push from the other side 我知道 他们从另一边挤过来 And you pull from this one. 你从这边拉 All right, you, uh, you got a picture of her? 你有她的照片吗 Picture? From what, our trip to Disneyland? 照片 我们去迪士尼乐园留念照吗 Come on, Rose, you're not going to actually make us wait, are you? 别闹了 罗斯 你不会让我们久等吧 I know you're obsessed with me. 我知道你爱死我了 All right, uh, 好吧 tell me something about her. 跟我说说她 Um, well, 这个嘛 she did this little thing with her tongue. 她舌吻的时候... Something that matters, Damon. 说点要紧的 达蒙 She spent her last day in paradise. 她最后的时刻在天堂度过 Soaking in the sun and 沐浴在阳光中 reminiscing about what it means to be human. 回忆着做人的感觉 And when death came, 死亡降临的时候 she didn't fear it. 她从容不迫 I was with her on her last day, 她死那天我在 and she definitely wasn't in paradise. 那绝不能称为天堂 It was in the dream he gave her. 是他给她编织的梦境 She's here. 她来了 更多字幕下载 请登陆 www.YYeTs.com ■ 本字幕由YYeTs人人影视 翻译 阿房宫赋翻译下载德汉翻译pdf阿房宫赋翻译下载阿房宫赋翻译下载翻译理论.doc 制作 翻译:草草 NoNopig 豚豚 默默 小跳 ■ 翻译:思朵 凌魂 灰灰是菇凉 Charlotte ■ 校对: 草草 累得想shiの米蘇 时间轴:猫猫想奸夫 搁浅 Remember ■ 后期:Ghost 监制:好想碎觉の米蘇 ■ You have no idea how much I've missed you. 你不知道我有多想你 Here we are. Home sweet home. 我们到了 温馨的家 Ok, spill. Why are you being nice to me? 说吧 干嘛对我这么好 I drove you home. You don't have a car. 我送你回家 因为你没有车 Not just that. I mean... Helping me with the dance 不止如此 你帮我准备舞会 and standing up to Caroline. 还反抗卡罗琳 - I don't buy it. - Buy what? -我不信 -信什么 The whole gentlemanly thing. 你这副绅士相 After everything my family's done to you. 我家里人对你那么差 What are you up to? 你有什么企图 It's sad that you can't just get a ride home from school 这样真可怜 有人送你放学回家 without thinking there's some ulterior motive. 你都要怀疑人家有深层动机 You're right. 你说得对 But I'm probably going to organize the whole dance 但我大概会独自撑起整个舞会 and then have to compel myself a date. 再控制个男伴同去 Let's not get crazy. 别想太多了 Good-bye, Rebekah. 再见 丽贝卡 Good-bye, Matt. 再见 马特 Thanks for the ride home. 谢谢你送我回家 Mother... 妈妈 Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now. 给我个不立刻杀了你的好理由 Because I'm dying. 因为我要死了 Is she lonely on the other side? 她在那边寂寞吗 No. I enjoy it. 不 我喜欢这边 I was running so much when I was alive. 我在世的时候总是逃跑 Now I have the freedom to do whatever I want. 现在我想做什么就做什么 She says not to worry, she's happy. 她说别担心 她很快乐 Is she still hot? 她还很性感吗 Tell him he's still dripping with sex, too. 告诉他 他也依旧火辣 Fine. Tell him I miss him. 好吧 告诉他我想他 She misses you. 她想你 And tell him that I'm rooting for him and Elena. 告诉他 我支持他和埃琳娜在一起 She, uh, she misses both of you. 她想你们两个了 Unfortunately I don't have any news on the siring front. 不幸的是 我没有他们要的信息 Klaus didn't sire me. No original did. 转化我的不是克劳斯 不是任何祖先 It was Mary Porter. 是玛丽·波特 She was sired by someone named mary porter. 她是被玛丽·波特转化的 Ahh, scary Mary. 可怕的玛丽 Well, where is she, Rose? 她在哪 罗斯 I didn't keep track of her when I was alive, much less now. 我活着的时候就没怎么见她 现在更不用说 Tell them to sit tight. Relax. 让他们不用担心 I'll see what I can find out. 我去查查 You think they got Jeremy by now? 你说他们现在找到杰里米了吗 They should. 应该是的 I haven't heard from them. 还没消息 Elena's worried about him. 埃琳娜担心他 Now that she can't count on his ring anymore. 现在不能指望戒指救他了 Who knows. Maybe his alter ego's a pot-smoking, hippie pacifist. 说不定他的分裂人格是个抽大麻的维和嬉皮士 Yeah, maybe. 或许吧 I can't say 我真想不到 I thought mine would be so hostile and militant. 我的分裂人格会如此邪恶好斗 Actually, it makes perfect sense. 其实这样正说得通 Your wife left you to become a vampire 你妻子为做吸血鬼离你而去 and your girlfriend was killed by one. 你女朋友又被吸血鬼杀死 He must really hate me. 他一定很恨我 Here I am, 瞧我现在 the failed hunter-slash- drinking buddy 做不了吸血鬼猎人 of vampires. 倒成了他们的酒友 Ah. He's too judgmental. 他太自以为是了 The thing is... 其实 He's me. 他就是我 I'm not compelled, I'm not possessed. 我没被控制 或是附身 There's no humanity switch. 也没有失去人性 What drives him... 驱使他的 is me. 就是我 No. 不 No, he's not you. 那不是你 He's the darkest parts of you. 他只是你最阴暗的一面 Parts we all have. 我们都有这一面 Well, this is depressing, isn't it? 真让人郁闷啊 Oh, and I found this upstairs. 我在楼上找到了这个 Now by my count, there should be one more. 要是没数错 还该有一个 Yeah, well, it's going to take a little more time. 是啊 得等一会儿了 Why, because we're waiting for that one to pass out? 为什么 要等着那位昏过去吗 No, thanks. I think I'll just kill him. 不了 我就直接杀了他得了 Well, then you won't know the location of the other stake. 那你就无从得知另一个木桩在哪了 - I can live with that. - Well, I can't. -这我忍得了 -我不行 When we staked Finn, 我们杀掉芬恩时 we discovered that killing an original vampire 我们发现杀掉吸血鬼祖先 killed its entire bloodline. 会杀掉那一整条血脉 Now, I don't know which one of you 我不知道你们哪一个 I'm descended from, 是我这一脉的起点 but I'd really rather not find out by dying, 但我真心不想等死了才知道 so why don't we just find the stake, destroy it 所以我们还是找到木桩 销毁它 so we can all be safe? 这样大家都安全了 So the fate of the entire vampire race 这么说 整个吸血鬼种族的命运 depends on you finding the stake. 取决于你能否找到木桩 And to get it, we need you to pass out. 而得到它 就得等你昏过去 Which means that I feel totally justified doing this. 所以我觉得我完全有资格这么做 There. 瞧 Sleeping like a baby. 这不睡得又香又甜了 There you are. 你终于打来了 Any sign of evilaric? 邪恶阿拉里克出现了吗 Nope. Only dead Alaric. 没有 但他死了 - What? - Don't worry, he was wearing his ring. -啥 -别担心 他戴着戒指呢 Klaus was here. Let's just say he's not very patient. 克劳斯来了 他没多少耐心 Kol must have told him we were in Denver. 肯定是科尔告诉他我们来丹佛了 How long has Ric been out? 里克晕了多久了 A few hours. I'm hoping when he wakes up, 几小时了 我希望他醒过来时 it won't be him. It'll be the other him. 就不是他 而是另一个了 - And if not? - Yeah, I know. -如果不行呢 -我懂 Whatever it takes. 我下得去手 So were you able to contact Rose? 你们找到罗斯了吗 Yeah. No answers yet. 找到了 还没问出来 So we're just stuck in this motel until she gets back to us. 她给我们答案之前 只好先待在旅馆里 Motel? 旅馆 Yeah, we had to get away from Kol. 是啊 我们得躲着科尔 I'll call you when I know more. 有消息再打给你 So what's up with you and Damon? 你和达蒙怎么回事 What do you mean? Nothing's up. 什么意思 没怎么 You sure about that? 是吗 'cause even Rose said something. 罗斯不这么说 What--what did she say? 她说啥了 Everything ok in here? 你们没事吧 - Yeah. It's fine. - Ok. Well, -没事 -那好 I'm going to freshen up. 我要去洗洗 You might want to get some rest. 你们最好休息一下吧 I'm sure Rose will make herself known when she gets back. 等罗斯回来肯定会让我们知道的 How are you dying? 你怎么会要死了呢 I thought Ayana had preserved your body with a spell. 艾安娜不是用咒语保护了你的躯体吗 She did. I'm drawing my power from the Bennett witch line. 是的 我从贝内特女巫一族汲取力量 When Abby died, the connection was severed. 艾比死去时 联接被斩断 So my body is weakened. 我的身体就削弱了 Well, if you've come to spend your last moments 如果你是想在最后的时刻 with your loving daughter, prepare to be disappointed. 与你亲爱的女儿共度 你要失望了 You should have spent last time plotting my death. 你不该那么一心筹划杀掉我 Is that what you think I've been doing on the other side? 你以为我在另一边就是在做这个吗 I've been looking over you for a thousand years 我千年来一直注视着你 of joy and heartbreak. 看着你欢笑和心碎 Your fights with Klaus. 你和克劳斯的争执 The nights you cried yourself to sleep calling out my name. 那些夜晚你喊着我的名字默默流泪到天明 Not a day has gone by 我无时无刻 that I wasn't right there with you. 不在你身边守护着你 And yet you still tried to kill me. 但你依旧想要杀了我 Because it shouldn't have been a thousand years, Rebekah. 因为你们不应该活上千年 丽贝卡 No one should live that long. 没人应该活这么久 But I haven't lived at all. 我从来就没有自己的生活 Sorry, Rebekah. 对不起 丽贝卡 So, so sorry. 我真的真的很抱歉 What's going on? 发生什么了 She's dead. 她死了 Did I mention I miss you? 我说了很想你吗 Bad. 糟糕 At some point, we are going to do this 下次咱们还是 on an actual bed, right? 找张真正的床吧 好吗 Yes. I promise. 好 我保证 Once I figure out how to deal with Klaus. 只要我能找到对付克劳斯的办法 Tell him to suck it. 叫他见鬼去吧 Broke his sire bond. 解除你们之间的认祖归忠 And you won't have to deal with him anymore. 这样你就不需要想办法应付他了 It's easier said than done. 说起来容易做起来难 Besides, I won't know if it's broken for sure until I test it. 再说不经测试不知道是否真的解除 Wait, I thought that's why you were coming back. 等等 我以为你是为此而回来的 Because you said you felt different. 因为你说过 你现在感觉不同了 I do feel different. 我的确感觉不同 I feel freer. 感觉自由多了 Way more myself. 现在的我更加自由 All I know is, I just turned about a hundred times 我只知道 我无数次地出现在 in the Appalachian Mountains. 阿巴拉契亚山脉 If I can get through that, I can get through anything. 如果我能解决这事儿 就无所不能了 Good. 很好 Because Klaus might not be our only problem. 因为可能克劳斯不会是我们唯一的麻烦 Why? 为什么 What else I miss? 有什么我不知道的事 Matt killed an original. 马特杀死了一个祖先 And then, every vampire that original had ever turned 结果 每个被那位祖先转化的吸血鬼 mysteriously died. 都神秘地死掉了 Right now Damon is desperate to figure out 现在达蒙很迫切地想知道 which original created our vampire blood line. 哪个祖先创造了我们的这条血脉 And...If he finds out it wasn't Klaus, 如果他发现不是克劳斯的话 they're all going to kill him. 他们都会杀了他 But Klaus turned me. 但是克劳斯转化了我 So if he dies...I die. 所以如果他死了 我也活不了 I know that. 我知道 They know that. 他们也知道 Difference is... 不同的是 Damon doesn't care. 达蒙不在乎 You never told me about that. 你从来没跟我说过 What you did for Rose. 你为罗斯所做的 It wasn't about you. 跟你没关系 Why you don't let people see the good in you? 为什么你不让别人看到你善良的一面 Because when people see good, 因为如果他们看见了 they expect good. 就会一直期待善良的我 And I don't want to have to live up 我不想活在 to anyone's expectations. 别人的期望当中 Don't. 别过来 Why not, Elena? 为什么不 埃琳娜 Elena? 埃琳娜 Oh, my god. Jeremy. 天呐 杰里米 Rose found Mary. She lives in Kansas. 罗斯找到玛丽了 她住在堪萨斯州 Ok, then. 好的 Let's go. 我们出发吧 Welcome back. 欢迎回来 What happened? 发生了什么 - Did I, uh... - No. -我有没有 -没 No, you pretty much, uh, 没有 你一半的时间 laid there dead for half the night. 都像死人似的躺在那里 But on the, uh, on the plus side... 但是 好事是 I did almost finish reading "Moby Dick". 我快要读完《白鲸记》了 This is stupid. 这方法太傻了 Evil me, or whatever you want to call him, 邪恶的我 随便你怎么叫他 he's not going to make an appearance. 他是不会出现的 Why would he? 他为什么要出现 I mean, the best hiding place is the one 藏木桩的最佳地方是那个 where you can't find the person who hid it. 你找不到的人藏的 I know. 我知道 So how do you want to do this? 你要怎么做 I don't want to do any of this. 我不想这么做 Well, that makes two of us. 这点倒和我一样 But I don't think we have much choice in the matter. 但是看来我们没有更多的选择 Wait a minute, what are you doing? 等等 你在做什么 You need that ring. 你需要那个戒指 No, what I need is hope 我不需要 我唯一的愿望 that my alter ego doesn't have a death wish. 就是我的分裂人格 不会一心求死 So I'm taking bets 我打赌 that my dark side has a sense of self-preservation. 阴暗面的我懂得自我保护 So let's see if he defends himself against death. 我们瞧瞧他自己怎么抵御死亡 Look, Alaric, 听着 阿拉里克 I'm not going to kill you, ok? 我不会杀你 好吗 If we have any chance at this, Stefan, 如果我们有这个机会 斯特凡 You're going to have to try. 你就要去试试看 This is the address. 就是这里 Looks about right. 看起来来对了 Wait here. 在这里等着 Why? So you guys can make out some more? 为什么 让你俩好再去亲热吗 Don't be a dick. 别这么混蛋 Listen to your sister. 听你姐姐的话 Thank you. 谢谢 Come on. 走吧 Like "Vampire hoarders". 像是个吸血鬼储物癖 Who is this Mary person? 这个玛丽是谁 Scary Mary. Really old. 恐怖的玛丽 非常老了 Super creepy. 超级令人毛骨悚然 And how do you know her? 你怎么认识她的 You know. 你懂的 Of course. 当然 What? I said creepy, 怎么 我说她令人毛骨悚然 not ugly. 又不是丑 Mary... 玛丽 Quite contrary. 完全相反 You're not putting enough into this. 你打得还不够用力 Any more into it, 再用力 I'm going to break your spine. 我会打断你的脊椎的 Well, don't back down now. 好 现在可别退缩了 Oh, no, no, no, no. I can't. 不 不 不 不 我办不到 The blood. 有血 Oh, come on, you're past that. 来吧 你已经能抵抗了 - No, I'm not. - Then use it. -不 我还没有 -那就好好利用它 Give into it. 快集中精力 Try to kill me, Stefan, come on. 斯特凡 试着杀掉我 - Not like this, Alaric. - Yes! -阿拉里克 不能以这种方式 -当然可以 Like this. 就要以这种方式 You're going to have to want to kill me 你必须让我以为 for me to believe that you will. 你要杀掉我 I go this far, I may not be able to stop. 如果我太投入就没办法停下了 You want the answers from my darkest side, 你想从我的阴暗面得到答案 you're going to have to tap into yours. 那必须先释放出你的阴暗面 So don't back down. 不要再让步了 Don't fight it. Just do it. 也不要再纠结了 快点行动 Do it! 快点行动 You're so weak. 你太懦弱了 Look at you. 看看你 One of nature's most hideous creatures, 自然界最丑恶的物种之一 and you can't even get that right. 连正确决定都没法做 You... 是你 Me. 是我 Shame about Mary. She used to be a blast. 真替玛丽感到丢脸 她过去很厉害 I don't quite know what happened. 我都不知道发生了什么 I fear all the time she 我觉得是 spent with my family might have ruined her. 她和我们家走的太近了 She was a bit of an original groupie. 她是被祖先们转化的 And were you her favorite? 她和你关系最好么 You mean, did I turn her. 你是说我有没有转化她吗 I think I did. 我想是的 But, no, wait. Maybe it was Rebekah. 但是 等下 也许是丽贝卡 But there was also a Klaus period. 但也许也有克劳斯的份 And let's not forget the Elijah affair. 当然还有以利亚 I spoke to my brother. I know you're trying 我和哥哥谈过 我知道你试图找出 to find out who you descended from. 自己是谁转化的 Now you never will. 现在你永远都不会知道了 So... 那么 Where did we leave off? 我们刚才进行到哪了 Elena, get out of here! 埃琳娜 出去 According to my brother, you're off-limits. 我哥的规矩 不能碰你 Just don't test me. 但是不要逼我 Don't touch her. 别碰她 Oh, dear. 哦 我的亲 I've hit the nerve. 我戳你痛处了吗 Relax, darling. 放轻松啊亲 I just want us to be even. 我们得公平点 You snapped my neck, you killed my brother, 你扭断我脖子 杀了我哥哥 and then you humiliated me. 你甚至还羞辱我 There. 好了 Now we're even. 现在我们扯平了 Where's the stake? 木桩在哪里 You're worse than I ever was. 你比以前的我还糟糕 Spineless. Pathetic. 软弱 可悲 Tell me where the stake is before I kill you. 在我杀了你之前快告诉我木桩在哪 You know, you're all going to burn. 你知道 你会被焚烧殆尽的 Ashes to dust. 尘归尘 土归土 Where's the stake?! 木桩在哪 I'm going to kill you in 3... 我要杀了你 3... 2...1. 2...1 It's in the cave. 在洞穴里 Where no vampire can get it. 那个吸血鬼进不去的洞穴里 That wasn't too hard, was it? 那也没有很难 对吧 Are you ok? 你还好吗 Ah. Yeah. 嗯 还好 That's better. 这才好一点 Are you ok? You're bleeding. 你还好吗 你在流血 Yeah. I'll be fine. 嗯 会没事的 Good. 很好 What are you doing? 你在干什么 What do you mean? 你什么意思 Well, going on this trip and you kissing me... 就是这趟出行还有吻我 What the hell is this? 这到底算什么 Stefan thinks that I have feelings for you. 斯特凡觉得我对你有感觉 Do you? 你有吗 I don't--I don't--I don't know. 我不 我不 我不知道 I guess you thought this little 我猜你是觉得 trip could help you figure that out, didn't you? 这次出行能让你搞清楚 对吧 No. Or maybe you're hoping I'll screw it up 不 或是你希望我把这事搞砸 so I can just make the decision for you, am I wrong? 这样你就能轻松做出决定了 对吗 - Damon... - Am I wrong? -达蒙 -我说错了吗 It's what you do, Damon! 你本性如此 达蒙 You sabotage things. You-- 你会暗地阻挠 你... I mean, think about it. Every time that 想想吧 每次 there's a bump in the road, you lash out. 出现意外 你都会冲动行事 But what if I didn't? 可如果我没有呢 What if there was no bump? 如果压根没有什么意外呢 I'm sorry, Elena. 抱歉 埃琳娜 But this time I'm not going to make it so easy for you. 但这次我不会搞砸的 This time you'll have to figure it out for yourself. 这次你得自己想清楚 It's a little gratuitous, 其实不必如此 don't you think, Stefan? I would have been more gentle. 不是吗 斯特凡 我本可以更礼貌一点 I'm going to take him to the caves. 我带他去洞穴里 You're going to go inside and fetch me the stake. 你给我去把木桩取出来 And if you think you can hide, you're wrong. 如果你觉得能藏起来 那就大错特错了 And then there was one. 还剩下一个 I know about your brother's little mission to Denver. 我知道你哥哥跑去丹佛有什么小心思 He failed. 他失败了 Not that that's news anymore. 也不是第一次了 So what are you going to do now, Klaus? 那么你准备怎么做呢 克劳斯 Are you going to kill me? 你要杀了我吗 I haven't actually decided yet. 我还没决定 Oh, sure you have. 你肯定决定了 See, you've had every chance 你看 你有无数个 and every excuse imaginable to do it, but yet you haven't. 杀我的机会和理由 可你却没动手 Which means you don't want to. 说明你不想杀我 You know something, you're right. 你说对了 See, I'm still waiting for my old friend to come back. 我还在等我的老朋友回来 By the looks of it, he's just beneath the surface. 看样子 他就在你体内蠢蠢欲动 Waiting to come out and play. 等待破茧而出 大显身手 Isn't that right, ripper? 对吗 开膛手 I've been fighting that part of myself. 我一直在和另一个我作斗争 Thinking that if I repress it, it would go away. 想着如果我能约束他 就能摆脱他 But it won't. 但无法摆脱 And now that I've accepted it, 现在我已接受他的存在 it can't control me. 它无法控制我了 And neither can you. 你也无法控制我了 So... 所以 unless you're going to stake me. 除非你要把木桩插入我的心脏 Why don't you get the hell out of my house. 否则你还是滚出我的房子吧 Are we there yet? 我们到了吗 Don't tell them I'm here. 别告诉他们我在这 They had a fight. 他们吵了一架 I know you want to stop it. 我知道你想阻止这件事 Protect her from it. 想要保护她 But you're young. You don't see what I see. 但是你还年轻 看不到我所观察到的 It's not just that she makes him a better person. 不单单是她把他变成了一个好人 She does, but... he changes her, too. 她确实做到了 但他也改变了她 Damon challenges her. 达蒙质疑她 Surprises her. 给她惊喜 He makes her question her life. 他让她质疑她的人生 Beliefs. 甚至是信仰 Stefan is different. 斯特凡却不一样 His love is pure. 他是纯粹的爱 And he'll always be good for her. 他永远会对她好 Damon is either the best thing for her, 达蒙对她来说不是最好的 or the worst. 就是最坏的 My mom said you can stay as long as you want. 我妈妈说你想住多久就住多久 Did she say we could share the bed? 她说没说我们可以睡一张床 No. She said you can sleep on the couch. 没说 她让你睡沙发 At least until we figure out 至少睡到我们弄清楚了 what Damon and Stefan find out about Klaus. 达蒙和斯特凡在克劳斯身上发现了什么 And if Klaus didn't create their line? 如果不是克劳斯创造了他们的血脉呢 And they try to kill him? 要是他们想杀了他呢 Tyler... I just got you back. 泰勒 我刚把你找回来 I'm not losing you again. 我不会再失去你了 Klaus drew this for you? 这是克劳斯为你画的 Huh? 什么 That's...pretty creepy. 这真是吓人 Yeah. 没错 Klaus is pretty creepy. 克劳斯确实很吓人 Even when he's trying to be charming. 即便他想变得魅力四射 Charming? 魅力四射 Does Klaus have a thing for you or something? 克劳斯是喜欢你还是怎么的 No! As far as I'm concerned, 没有 据我所知 he isn't capable of real feelings. 他爱无能 I'm serious. 我说真的 What the hell happened while I was gone? 我不在的这段时间发生什么事了 Tyler. Nothing. 泰勒 什么都没发生 Ok, nothing happened. 真的什么都没发生 Then why'd you keep this? 那你留着这个做什么 I don't know. 我也不知道 I think I'm going to find some place else to spend the night. 我想我还是去别处过夜吧 Tyler... 泰勒 Tyler! 泰勒 Go get it. 去拿过来 You know I can't get in. 你知道我进不来 Why would I give you 我为什么要把一件 the one thing that requires everyone to keep me alive? 所有人都因它留我一条命的东西给你呢 Are we bargaining now? 现在要跟我讨价还价吗 Fine. 好吧 What's your offer? 你要什么 There's only one stake out there. 现在只有一根木桩 Which means only one original has to die. 也就是说只有一个祖先要死 Help me. 帮我 And I'll make sure it's not you. 我就确保那不是你 Tenuous, but points for effort. 太容易了 但是没什么用 You see, I don't want one original to die. 我不想只有一个祖先死 - I want them all to die. - How the hell did you do that? -我想他们都死 -你是怎么进来的 It was easy to fool Niklaus, 骗尼克劳斯很容易 but I thought you, of all people, would understand. 但是我想所有人当中 只有你能理解 After all, my son did use your body at one point. 毕竟 我的儿子曾一度借用了你的身体 You're not Rebekah. 你不是丽贝卡 No. 不是 My name is Esther. 我是埃丝特 And we have a great deal in common. 现在我们达成共识了 肚皮 整理/排版 MJE美剧口语联盟 看美剧,练口语,交朋友 www.mjenglish.org 72 一直想为每部美剧做一份笔记, 一直想鼓励每个美剧迷读一点剧本,做一点笔记.
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