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吸血鬼日记 第三季 第17集


吸血鬼日记 第三季 第17集 吸血鬼日记 第三季 第十七集 感谢人人影视提供字幕, www.yyets.com Previously on "The Vampire Diaries"... 《吸血鬼日记》前情提要 How long has it been since you had a drop of human blood? 从你上次喝人血到现在过了多久 Since the night I threatened to drive Elena 那晚我威胁要开车带埃琳娜冲下维克利大桥后 off the wickery bridge. 就没喝过 ...

吸血鬼日记 第三季 第17集
吸血鬼日记 第三季 第十七集 感谢人人影视提供字幕, www.yyets.com Previously on "The Vampire Diaries"... 《吸血鬼日记》前情提要 How long has it been since you had a drop of human blood? 从你上次喝人血到现在过了多久 Since the night I threatened to drive Elena 那晚我威胁要开车带埃琳娜冲下维克利大桥后 off the wickery bridge. 就没喝过 You're not gonna survive this cold-turkey thing. 你这么突然戒血是不会成功的 You never do. 从没成功过 Go on. Have a bite. 去啊 咬一口 What are you two doing? Stefan? 你们俩在干什么 斯特凡 Elena... 埃琳娜 This was a murder. 这是一起谋杀 Someone drove this stake through his heart. 某人把木棍直接插入他的心脏 I would know if I were killing people. 如果我杀人了起码自己会知道 Have you had any blackouts? Instances of lost time? 你有没有昏迷过 或是记忆缺失 You wear a ring that lets you cheat death, Ric. 里克 你戴着一个可以躲避死亡的戒指 How many times can you die before it changes you? 在它完全改变你之前 你能死去多少次 What are you looking for? 你想找什么 I don't know. 我也不知道 A tumor, vascular anomalies. 肿瘤 脉管病变 Anything physical that might explain his behavior. 任何可能解释他行为的身体病症 If it's medical, I can treat it. 如果是医学问题 我就能治好他 - And if it's not? - Well... -如果不是呢 -那 Then we'll deal with that, too. 那我们也会想到办法解决 When did you suspect him? 你什么时候开始怀疑他的 That it was Alaric who was killing all of those people? 怀疑是阿拉里克杀了那些人 It was after he told me about his ring. 是他告诉我他戒指的事之后 I remembered a story my grandmother had told me 我记得我奶奶跟我讲过 about Samantha Gilbert and her secret journal. 萨曼莎·吉尔伯特和她的秘密日记的事 I don't know if you know this, but we Fells 不知你听没听说 我们菲尔家的人 are notorious busybodies. 是出了名的好管闲事 Then why did you protect him? 那你又为何要保护他 Because I'm a doctor. 因为我是个医生 I don't like to see someone hurt 我不想看到有人因为 by something they have no control over. 他们无法控制的事受伤害 And, because when he and I first met, 而且 因为我们初遇的时候 I felt like, I don't know, I... 我觉得 我说不清... I just kind of want to help him. 我就是想帮助他 本字幕由YYeTs人人影视 原创翻译制作 ■ 仅供学习 禁止用于任何商业盈利行为 更多影视更新 请登陆 www.YYeTs.com ■ 翻译:草草 Josie Super NoNopig 兔小跳 凌魂 屁屁 Charlotte 鳥 鳥 校对:米蘇 草草 时间轴:搁浅 小猫 贝壳 ■ ■ 后期:鱼骨头 总监:米苏 Everything all right in there? 你没事吧 Yeah. 没事 Yeah, everything's ok. 没事 一切都好 吸血鬼 第三季 第十七集 日记 Meredith says that everything is normal. 梅雷迪思说一切正常 Well, everything is normal. 本来就一切正常 Because there is nothing wrong with me. 因为我就没病 I didn't kill Brian Walters, I didn't kill Bill Forbes, 我没杀布赖恩·沃尔特斯和比尔·福布斯 and I sure as hell didn't shove a hunting knife into my stomach. 而且我也绝对没往自己的肚子上捅一把猎刀 Or I did, and I've gone insane, 也可能就是我 我疯了 just like your ancestor, who... 就像你的那位祖先 wore that ring. 她也戴过这戒指 Look, I'm going to call Bonnie. 我去打电话找邦妮 The rings were made by a Bennett witch. 戒指是一个贝内特家的女巫做的 Maybe a witch can reverse the damage. 或许女巫能消除损伤 Take it. 拿走吧 I don't want it anymore. 我不想要了 Ready to ditch this house of horrors? 准备好离开这鬼地方了吗 Oof. You look terrible. 你气色好差 Yeah. Let me--let me check out of here. 是啊 我去办出院手续 Don't worry about him. We'll take him out for chicken soup, 别担心他 我们带他去喝鸡汤 we'll get him a martini, make sure he doesn't kill anybody. 给他买杯马提尼 确保他不大开杀戒 What is wrong with you? 你有什么毛病啊 How could you just go out feeding with Stefan 你怎么能让斯特凡饮血 like some vampire pub crawl? 搞得像吸血鬼串酒吧似的 Oh, right. I thought we were talking about Alaric, 对了 我还以为我们在说阿拉里克的事呢 but of course we're talking about Stefan. 可你自然三句不离斯特凡啦 You stood there and let him feed on an innocent girl! 你站在那儿 眼看着他喝一个无辜女孩的血 I didn't let him do anything. 我没眼看着他做什么 If you want to get nit-picky about it, 你要是想挑刺 - I made him. - Why would you do that? -那是我逼他的 -你干嘛那么做 Because we're vampires, Elena. 因为我们是吸血鬼 埃琳娜 We need human blood to survive. 我们要靠人血维持生命 We're predators, not puppies. 我们是捕食者 不是宠物 Well, Stefan found a way around it before. 斯特凡曾找到过不这么做的办法 Stefan has built himself a delusional wagon 斯特凡以为自己找到了戒血的办法 which he has repeatedly fallen off of. 却一而再再而三的复发 What he needs to learn is control. 他需要的是学会控制 He was able to manage it when he was drinking my blood. 他喝我的血的时候 能控制血瘾了 - Small amounts every singly day. - Ah, yes. -每天喝一小点 -对了 Back when you two were in love 那还是你们俩相亲相爱 and it was all rainbows and unicorns. 一切都幸福美好的时候呢 I'm just saying. Maybe you're not the right person 我就是想说 或许不该由你来 to be teaching Stefan about self control. 教斯特凡自控 I totally lucked out. The hospital just had a blood drive, 我真是太走运了 医院刚好运来新血 so, I got some... 于是我拿到了... O negatives, some As, 阴性O型血 和A型血 and, my personal favorite, B positive. 还有我最喜欢的 阳性B型血 Yeah. I made her a daylight ring. 我给她做了个白日戒指 She's just been standing out there all morning. 她一早上都站在那边 I don't think she's taking this very well. 我觉得她心里不太好受 Well, it's only been a few days since she turned. 毕竟她才刚刚转化几天 Your mom's still adjusting. 你妈妈还在调整阶段 Miss Wilson? 威尔逊女士 Why don't you come inside? 你进屋来吧 You know, have something to drink. 喝点东西 I can't feel it anymore. 我感觉不到了 My garden. 我的花园 It's gone. 感觉不到了 I can't feel anything. 我什么都感觉不到了 I don't understand. 我没听懂 Witches have a connection to the earth. 女巫与自然有种联系 We can literally feel nature. 我们可以感觉到大自然 Life. 感觉到生命 When Abby became a vampire, 艾比变成了吸血鬼 she lost it. 她就失去了这种联系 I don't know how to help her. 我不知道要怎么帮她 Rebekah's up to something. 丽贝卡在搞什么鬼 She's been snooping around in places she shouldn't be. 她在她不该出现的地方四处打探 Tell me again, why are we here? 我们来干嘛 Ric, the world can't stop 里克 这世界不因为 just because you're an accidental psycho killer. 你意外成了疯狂杀手而停转 Do you have any tact whatsoever? 你这人长不长眼力价啊 Alaric! 阿拉里克 I'm glad you're here. Did you bring the sign? 很高兴你能来 你把牌匾带来了吗 The restored Wickery bridge sign. 修复好的维克利大桥牌匾 The history department promised me you would have it today. 历史系跟我保证说你今天会拿来 No, I don't have the sign, actually. 事实上 我没拿牌匾来 It slipped-- slipped my mind. 我...我忘记了 I've been...busy. 我近来有点忙 Well, it's not an emergency. 也不是急事 We'll just, um, unveil it when the bridge is complete. 我们等大桥竣工再揭匾吧 Get me out of here. 带我走吧 My pleasure. 荣幸之至 I'm going to stick around for a bit. 我要留一会儿 - Who is that? - Blast from the past. -那是谁 -旧欢 ...construction has begun replacing the original ...已经开始修建 以替代 wooden support structure to meet modern safety standards. 原有的木结构支撑 以满足现代的安全 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 And, our beautification phase will begin in the spring. 装饰阶段将于春季展开 So give yourselves a hand. 让我们为此鼓掌吧 Damon Salvatore. My favorite student. 达蒙·塞尔瓦托 我最喜欢的徒弟 Sage, my hottest teacher. What are you doing here? 塞姬 我最辣的老师 你来干嘛 - I'm just passing through. - Oh, come on. -路过而已 -少来了 No one just passes through Mystic Falls. 没人会单纯路过神秘瀑布镇 Look what the cat dragged in. 瞧瞧这是谁啊 Easy there, Rebekah. 别激动 丽贝卡 You know, she used to beat men for sport. 她曾经把揍男人当玩呢 - She always was quite common. - Rebekah. -她一直都挺乡野的 -丽贝卡 What a happy surprise. 真是令人惊喜 What are you doing here, Sage? 你来干嘛 塞姬 Well, I heard Finn was finally freed from that casket 我听说芬恩终于从你那个愤青哥哥 your rageaholic brother Klaus carted him around in. 克劳斯装着他到处跑的棺材里出来了 Oh, Finn. You just missed him. 芬恩 你刚好错过他了 He left town and didn't tell a soul where he was going. 他刚刚离开 没跟我说他去哪了 Oh. He probably went looking for me. 他大概是去找我了 Or, quite possibly, he forgot all about you. 也有可能是他完全忘记了你 - I doubt that. - No? -我深表怀疑 -是吗 Because he didn't seem to mention you. 因为他根本就没提到过你 Sorry you came all this way for nothing. 真抱歉你大老远的白跑了一趟 Have a nice life. 祝你过得愉快 God, I had that ugly elitist original bitch. 我真讨厌那个自以为是的丑祖先贱女 I'm sorry. 抱歉 Damon told Alaric that there was no one home. 达蒙跟阿拉里克说家里没人 - Otherwise, I would have... - I just got home. -要不我就 -我刚到家 I just came by to pick up this book that you found 我是来拿你找到的这本书 on my ancestor Samantha. 关于我祖先萨曼莎的 That's fine. 没事 Uh, how are you doing? 你还好吗 Damon said that you were-- 达蒙说你 Yeah, I'm, uh, I'm ok. 我没事 Did you get everything you need? 你要的都拿到了吗 Yeah. 拿到了 Well, if there's anything I can do to help... 要是我能帮上什么忙 You don't have to read that, you know. 你没必要读那书的 I can just tell you what happened. 我可以告诉你都发生了什么 Samantha Gilbert was committed to an insane asylum. 萨曼莎·吉尔伯特被精神病院收治 She tried to give herself a lobotomy with a knitting needle. 她试图用编衣针给自己做额叶切除 And bled to death on the floor of her cell. 倒在她病房的地板上流血致死 If the same thing is happening to Alaric, 如果阿拉里克也是这种情况 then there's... 那么 nothing you can do. 你无能为力 Ok, well-- 好吧 I'm going to let you get back to, uh, 我不打扰你 whatever it was you were doing. 做你的事了 Finn? Really? 芬恩 你不是吧 He's my one true love. 他是我唯一的真爱 He turned me so we could be together forever. 他转化了我 好跟我永远在一起 Then Klaus daggered him and locked him away 可克劳斯用匕首封住了他 把他锁了起来 and I've been waiting ever since. 从那以后我一直在等候 Please don't tell me that you and Rebekah are friends. 求你别告诉我你和丽贝卡成了朋友 - Ah, not unless you count the hate sex. - Good. -只要敌视性滚床单不算数 -那就好 'cause her and Klaus always treated me like some peasant whore. 她和克劳斯一直把我视作下贱的婊子 Ah, she's just lurking around because she wants something from me. 她到处转悠是想从我这儿得到什么 I can't figure out what it is, though. 不过我想不出是什么 Why don't you get inside her head and find it? 你干嘛不潜入她的意识一探究竟 Because it's impossible. She's too strong. 不可能的 她太强壮了 - I bet I can get in there. - Sage, she's an original. -我肯定能 -塞姬 她可是祖先啊 It's not going to happen. 没这可能的 Have you forgotten everything I taught you? 你忘了我教你的东西了吗 Rebekah may be an original, but she's a girl. 丽贝卡虽是祖先 却也是女孩 You find her weakness and exploit it, 你找到她的弱点并加以利用 and I'll walk right in. 我就能长驱直入了 That is, if you want my help. 不过前提是你想我帮你 Anyone ever tell you you're sexy when you're bitchy? 有没有人跟你说你耍脾气的时候多性感 We're talking now, are we? 我们又说话了吗 Because you were quite rude the other day. 你那天可够粗鲁的 Using me to help you with Stefan, 利用我帮你搞定斯特凡 and then shooing me away like a stray dog. 然后又像赶狗似的把我赶走了 Ah, that was brother business. You can't hold that against me. 那是我们兄弟之间的事 别为这个生我气 Besides, I really did appreciate your help. 再说 我确实感激你的帮助 Even if I didn't show it. 即使我没表现出来 - You were mean. - You like mean. -你好坏 -你就喜欢坏男人 - No. I don't. - No? -不 我不喜欢 -不吗 You didn't get a thrill back there pushing Sage down, 你刚刚打压塞姬的气势 毁掉她真爱的美梦 crushing her dreams of true love? 不觉得很开心吗 Maybe a little. 有点开心吧 See? 瞧见没 Mean. 这就是坏 Can Sage and I interest you in a drink back at the house? 愿意跟我和塞姬回我家喝一杯吗 Not a chance in hell. 门都没有 You know what they say. 常言道 Two's company. Three is a party. 二人作伴 三人寻欢 Ok. 好吧 Enjoy the rest of your day. 祝你今天愉快 Haven't seen you up at the house. 你没怎么待在家里 Abby's been asking for you. 艾比一直问你在哪 I've been pretty busy. 我挺忙的 - Hey, hey! Stay away from me! - Easy! -离我远点 -淡定 I was just going to help you carry the firewood up! 我就是想帮你把柴火送回去 You're scared of her. 你怕她 She's a vampire. 她是个吸血鬼 She needs to feel connected to the people she loves. 她需要感受到跟她爱的人心心相印 She needs to feel normal right now-- 她现在需要有正常的感觉 She's not normal. None of this is normal. 她不正常 这一切都不正常 Well, Abby didn't choose this. This was forced on her. 这不是艾比的选择 她是被逼无奈 She could have let herself die but she didn't. 她可以选择死亡 但她没有 She's trying to make this work so she can be there for you, 她在试着继续好好活下去 好陪伴着你 and for Bonnie, so-- 陪伴着邦妮 你就 So just get over yourself! 你就认了吧 Ok? 好吗 Hey, what's going on? 怎么了 Bonnie's not returning any of my calls. 邦妮不回我电话 Sorry. She's still mad. 抱歉 她还在生气 And, seriously, 而且说真的 Abby's transition has been a little rough, 艾比的转化不太顺利 so she's got a lot on her mind. 所以她心里很烦 I know. And I get it. But... 我知道 我理解 但是 Something really terrible is happening to Ric, 里克出了大事 and I really need her help. 我真的需要她帮助 I really don't think you should be looking through that stuff. 我真心觉得你不该看那些东西 Ah, it's the truth. 这都是真的 Restraining orders and all. 禁制令什么的 My life in a series of police reports. 我的人生就是一堆警方报告堆积的 You don't strike me as an angry guy. 我没觉得你是个易怒的人 Which sounds weird, given everything. 鉴于发生的一切 这么说挺奇怪的 But...you don't. 但你就不是 Yeah, well, I was stupid when I was younger. 我年轻的时候有点愣 But listen, it's not like these guys didn't have it coming. 这些人倒也是咎由自取 I mean...this guy here 这家伙 broke a beer bottle over a bartender's head. 往一个酒保的头上砸了个啤酒瓶 And this guy... hit his girlfriend. 这家伙 打他女朋友 And this guy... 这家伙 Ok, this guy was just a douche. 这家伙就是个傻缺 Everyone needs to find a way to deal with their dark side. 每个人都需要一个应对内心阴暗面的方法 Some people meditate. 有人冥想 I became a vampire hunter. 而我做了吸血鬼猎人 Mmm, semi-retired. 半退休了 Listen, there's something 听我说 有件事 that's not in these reports that I need to tell you about. 这些报告里没有 但我得告诉你 Ok... 说吧 Ominous. Shoot. 有点不详的预感 说吧 Your cousin Logan Fell, 你堂兄罗根·菲尔 the one who was vampire slayed... 那个被吸血鬼杀死的... I did the slaying. 其实是我杀了他 The vampire thing... 吸血鬼的事 it's not my fight. 不管我的事 I use their blood for what I need 我用他们的血达到自己的目的 and leave the judgment to everyone else. 让别人说去 Although, I have kind of been wondering 不过 我一直不明白 why you never drew a stake through Damon's heart. 你为什么不一桩子插死达蒙 I tried once. 我试过一次 He killed me. 他杀了我 Yeah. 是啊 Yeah, figures. 是啊 该想到的 The thing that started all this ring stuff was me being angry enough 戒指这事的开端就是我因为愤怒 to think I could take on a vampire in the first place. 居然自以为能杀掉一个吸血鬼 Oh, come on. Slow down, brother. 别这样啊 慢慢喝 老弟 Control, remember? 要控制 记得吗 Doesn't matter whether it's blondes or blood bags, 金发妹还是血袋 same principles apply. 原则是相同的 What did you say to Elena this morning? 你今早跟埃琳娜说什么了 Oh, you're stress eating. Sublimating. 你这是喝血减压啊 境界提高了 You need to observe each other while you're pining and moping. 你饥渴无聊的时候 该看看对方的样子 I asked you a question, Damon. 我问了你个问题 达蒙 I told her what she already knows-- 我跟她说了她心里清楚的事 You're a vampire and you drink human blood. 你是个吸血鬼 你喝人血 And to get over it. 让她认命吧 Which is the same thing I'm telling you. 我跟你也是这话 Own it, live it, love it. 认了 活着 享受 Stop being ashamed of who you are. 别再为你的身份感到羞耻了 Do me a favor, Damon-- 帮个忙 达蒙 Next time you talk to Elena, 下次你跟埃琳娜说话 - keep me out of it, ok? - Gladly. -别扯到我 好吗 -没问题啊 Now, unless you're interested in a Sage-Rebekah sex sandwich, 除非你想跟我和塞姬和丽贝卡玩群P I suggest you make yourself...scarce. 你还是 消失吧 Who are you, again? 你是谁来着 The guy who lives out back. 我住在后面 You know, the one you're not related to. 就是跟你没血缘关系的那个 Right. 是啊 Caroline and I had a little talk. 卡罗琳跟我谈了一会儿 Sounds like code for Caroline lectured you. 你是说卡罗琳教训你了吧 Maybe. But I needed it. 大概是吧 但我欠训 Abby's always been there for me. 艾比一直陪伴着我 Now it's my turn. 现在该我对她不离不弃了 - Thought I could build a fire. - Please. -我想生个火 -好啊 Maybe it'll distract everyone from my crappy cooking. 或许那样大家就不会注意到我糟糕的厨艺了 Jamie... 詹米 I'm so sorry, Abby. 对不起 艾比 I'm sorry about everything. 我对一切都感到抱歉 No! 不 Abby! 艾比 Remember this song? 记得这首歌吗 All right, miss master seductress, 好吧 狐狸精大师 where's our victim? 我们的猎物呢 Patience. 耐心点 Between her craving for affection 她渴求爱抚 and her pathological fear of being left alone, 又病态的害怕孤独 our little get together is too tempting to resist. 我们的小聚会让她欲罢不能 Finn's gone, you know. 芬恩走了 I choose to believe otherwise. 我选择相信不是这样 He strung you along for 900 years, 他让你苦等了九百年 didn't bother to call. He's gone. 却连个电话都不打 他不会回来了 You know, the Damon I knew was holding out for someone, too. 我认识的那个达蒙也在坚持等一个人呢 Yes, he was. Hope's a bitch, Sage. 那是以前的我了 希望是个臭婊子 塞姬 Get out while you can. 趁你还能抽身吧 The sweet chime of desperation. 这是绝望而甜蜜的一记门铃啊 I stole it from Nik who stole it from a queen. 尼克那儿拿的 他从一个女王那儿偷来的 I'm not sure which one. 不知道是哪个女王 Well, this is depressing. 这真扫兴啊 What happened to the party? 不是说要派对吗 It just arrived. 这不就开始了吗 How about a duet. 我们一起来吧 What about her? 她呢 I want her. 我想要她 And I want you. 我也想要你 You have to drink these. It'll help. 你得喝了这个 对你有好处 I almost killed him! 我差点杀了他 Caroline said that this kind of thing 卡罗琳说这种事 happens a lot at first, when you're still-- 起初常有 你还是... No, no. I should just go right now, 不不 我该立刻走 before I hurt Jamie again, or you! 以免再伤害詹米 或是你 The only way you're going to hurt me is if you leave. 你要是走了才会伤害到我 Don't give up on this. Not again. 不要轻言放弃 不要再逃避 We can make this work. 我们能办到的 He's fine. 他没事了 Nothing a little vampire blood can't cure. 用点吸血鬼的血就能治好了 Thank you. 谢谢 Now I need a favor. 现在我需要你们帮我一个忙 Listen, I want you to have this. 我想让你保管这个 This is a list of my bank accounts, passwords, 这是我的银行账户 密码 where to find my will and how to contact my family 如果我们失败了 你可以按照这个 just in case this doesn't go my way. 找到我的遗嘱并联系我的家人 No, no, don't even think like that. 别这样 要往好处想 Elena, I need to know that you and Jeremy are going to be ok. 埃琳娜 我得确保你和杰里米都会没事 We're all going to be fine. 我们大家都不会有事的 Caroline? 卡罗琳 So Abby thinks Bonnie can reverse the damage with a spell. 艾比觉得邦妮能施咒逆转戒指对他的影响 I guess the same thing happens with witches 我猜同样的事情也曾发生在 who become obsessed with dark magic. 沉迷于黑魔法中的女巫身上 They lose control and start acting out their darkest impulses. 她们失控并被自己最黑暗的冲动所控制 Thank you so much. 谢谢你 I'm going to hang back here with Abby, 我打算在这陪艾比 but Bonnie's leaving now, so if-- 不过邦妮马上就出发 所以 Um, hold on. 等一下 I need a personal effect of Alaric's. 我需要一件阿拉里克的私人物品 Something he wore before he started wearing the ring. 一件他在戴这枚戒指前佩戴的东西 Ok. I'll get it. 好 我去找一件 Um...Bonnie, I'm so sorry for everything. 邦妮 发生这么多事都是我不好 Thank you for doing this. 谢谢你愿意帮我们 Be ready to do the spell as soon as I get there. 做好准备 我一到就开始施咒 We have to work fast. 我们行动要快 I'll see you soon. 等会见 Good news, bad news? 好消息还是坏消息 Bonnie thinks that she can help you with a spell. 邦妮觉得她可以施咒帮你 - Well, it's worth a try. - But she needs something -值得一试 -不过她需要 that you wore before you put on the ring. 你戴戒指前戴过的东西 Something personal. 一件私人物品 Well, there's, uh... 我想想 可以用 my wedding ring. 我的婚戒 It's at the loft. 在我的阁楼里 Ok, yeah. 很好 Um, that's a good idea. 婚戒应该可以 I think it's better if you stay here with me. 我觉得你还是跟我一起待在这比较好 Oh, you and your tranquilizers. 不光跟你 还有你的镇定剂 It's in the dresser by the kitchen. 在厨房旁的梳妆台里 It's in, uh, an aspirin bottle. 在一个阿司匹林药瓶里 Probably covered in cobwebs. 可能盖满蜘蛛网了 Ok. 好的 I take it back. 收回我的话 Your plan is amazing. 你的 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 太棒了 I told you, 我告诉过你 if you got her comfortable enough... 只要让她够爽 She's an open book. 她什么都会说的 Well, are you going to torture me 那你是要折磨我 or are you going to tell me what she's up to? 还是会告诉我她打的什么算盘 I'd rather show you. 我更想展示给你看 The white oak tree. 那颗白橡树 It must have been the only tree to replace the old. 肯定还有一棵树苗取代了老树 It probably got cut down. 它可能被砍了 Do you happen to know who kept the milling ledgers 你知道那段时间的 during that period? 伐木场账簿是由谁保管的吗 There's another tree. 还有另一棵树 Milling records? 在找伐木记录 Our family made one of its many fortunes selling lumber. 买木材是我们家族的多条财路之一 That's why Rebekah's been digging around about this stuff. 那就是丽贝卡到处打听这事的原因 That tree was on our land and milled by our yard. 那棵树生在我们的地盘在我们的院子里被砍 The letters will tell me where it was shipped. 这些信件会写明它被运往了何处 The business archives should be around here somewhere. 交易档案就在这里什么地方 Get upstairs. Make sure you keep her distracted. 到楼上去 分散她的注意力 1912 塞尔瓦托伐木公司 维克利大桥 You've got to be kidding me. 开什么玩笑 Missed you at the house. 在家没碰见你 Alaric told me you'd be here. 阿拉里克告诉我你会来这儿 You made yourself perfectly clear this morning,Stefan. 你今早表示的很清楚了 斯特凡 You don't want to be around me. 你不想见到我 I'm not trying to hurt you, Elena. 我不想伤害你 埃琳娜 I just can't be who you want be to be right now. 我就是现在做不了你想让我做的那个人 I'm not in control. 我不能自控 So then what are you doing here? 那你来干嘛 Well, I, uh, did a little more digging 对萨曼莎·吉尔伯特 on Samantha Gilbert. 做了点深入调查 Founding families were always pretty good 创始人家族总是善于 about destroying their records, 毁掉他们的记录 But I found a couple of newspaper articles. 但是我找到了一些报纸上的文章 Seems she killed two people while she was in the institution. 看来她在精神病院的时候杀了两个人 A nurse and a guard. 一个护士和一个看守 So she was a psychopath. I get it. 这么说她就是个神经病 明白了 She was under suicide watch. 那会儿她正处于严密的自杀监视下 No personal effects. No jewelry. 没有随身物品 没有首饰 Wait, so you're saying 等等 你的意思是说 that the violent behavior can still happen 即使没戴那个戒指 even if the person isn't wearing the ring? 暴力行为依然存在 Still with me? 还在吗 Yeah. 是 Yeah, I'm still with you. 嗯 我还在呢 I'm half-dead, too. 我也已经半死不活了 Neither one of us has slept in two days. 咱俩连续两天都没睡觉了 Don't worry-- I've got coffee on. 别担心 我煮咖啡了 Rebekah just left. 丽贝卡刚刚走了 Happy, I hope. 希望她刚刚爽到了 Did you find what you were looking for? 你找到要找的东西了吗 Yep. In 1912, the Salvatore Milling Company 找到了 1912年 塞尔瓦托伐木场 chopped down a forest. 把整个森林都砍光了 Its most valuable wood came from an old white oak tree 其中最贵重的是一棵古老的白栎树 that was used to make the Wickery Bridge. 其木料用来造维克利大桥了 These aren't public records, 这些都不在公共档案里 so Rebekah's going to chase her tail for a long time. 够丽贝卡找一阵了 So all the wood stripped from the underside of that bridge 这么说从桥下侧随便砍块木头 is basically a weapon that could kill an original. 就能拿来杀死个祖先 Yep. 没错 You see how this could be a problem for me, right? 你明白这对我来说是个问题 对吧 Why? 为什么 Because of your true love Finn? 因为你真的很爱芬恩 Let me tell you something-- I've met the guy. 告诉你 我见过他 You're not going to miss him. 他不再是你想念的那个人了 I will rip your head off 如果你再敢有所行动 in two seconds if you take one more step. 我会在瞬间把你的头拧下来 All right, let's make a deal. 那好 咱俩做个交易吧 You want me to kill Rebekah, 你想让我杀丽贝卡 I consider Finn untouchable, 我会让芬恩毫发无损 you guys walk into the sunset together. 你们俩可以一起沐浴在阳光下 Is that a promise? 这算是个承诺吗 Yes. 是 It's a promise. 这是我对你的承诺 If Bonnie's spell doesn't work, 如果邦妮的咒语不起作用 what are you going to do with him? 你打算怎么对付他 I'm not going to do anything, Stefan. 斯特凡 我不会对付他的 I'm going to keep looking 我会一直寻找 until we can find something that will help him. 直至找到能帮助他的办法 You don't know how long this has been going on. 你连他这样持续多久了都不知道 It might be too late. 可能已经太迟了 It's my family's ring that's doing this to him. 是我的家族戒指让他变成这样的 It's my responsibility to fix it. 帮助他是我的 责任 安全质量包保责任状安全管理目标责任状8安全事故责任追究制幼儿园安全责任状占有损害赔偿请求权 You can't put that on yourself. 你不能全揽在自己身上 Not everyone is your responsibility. 并非每个人都是你的责任 Not everyone can be saved. 也不是每个人都能被拯救 Are we talking about Alaric here? 我们说的是阿拉里克吗 Or are we talking about you? 还是在说你 Because I wasn't planning on giving up on either of you. 因为我不想放弃你们中任何一个 What is that? 那是什么 Pictures of his victims. 他的受害者的照片 Sage, let's go. 塞姬 我们走 We have originals to kill. 还得去杀吸血鬼祖先呢 Sage... 塞姬... 杰里米·吉尔伯特收 "Jeremy, if anything happens to me, "杰里米 如果我出事了 carry on my work. 继续我未竟的事业 You have the other ring, let the ring make you strong. 你有另外一枚戒指 让戒指给你力量 The council must be cleansed before the work can begin." 行动开始前 委员会必须被清洗" It's the founders' council roster. 是创始人委员会名册 Looks like some sort of hit list. 看起来像击杀名单 No, Alaric didn't write this. 不 这不是阿拉里克写的 Who else would have written it, Elena? 还能是谁 埃琳娜 I have to get back. 我得回去看看 Looking for something? 在找什么吗 I don't know where anything is in this house. 我对这里的东西摆放情况一无所知 I'm sorry, I can't remember, do you take cream? 不好意思我忘了 你的咖啡要加奶吗 No cream. 不要 I was going to make sandwiches. 我要做三明治 I am starving. 快饿晕了 Can I ask you a question? 我能问你个问题吗 No mustard. 不要芥末 I hate mustard. 最讨厌芥末了 Do you ever feel remorse? 你有没有过愧疚感 - Sorry? - Well... -你说什么 -是这样... You are a council member. 你是委员会成员 And the council was formed 而组建委员会的目的 to protect the people of this town from vampires, yet 就是保护镇上的人免受吸血鬼的伤害 here you all are, 可是你们全都 just looking the other way, 违背了你们的初衷 ignoring your responsibilities. 忽略了你们的职责 Like you, and your vampire blood. 就像你 还有你的吸血鬼的血一样 So I'm asking you. 所以我问你 Do you ever feel remorse? 你有没有过愧疚感 Because you should. 因为你应该感觉愧疚 Your grand plans always seem to get ruined, don't they? 你宏伟的计划貌似被毁了 不是吗 Sorry to disappoint you. 很抱歉让你失望了 Again. 又一次 You set me up. 你 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 我 No. 我没有 I'm just looking out for myself. 我只是保全自身而已 I told you I'd save your creepy boyfriend! 我说了我会救你的恐怖男友 And you lied to me, Damon! 但你骗了我 达蒙 The originals are linked. 祖先们都合为一体了 If one dies, they all die. 杀死一个 就全都死了 If I can get inside her head, 如果我能进入她的大脑 don't think I'd be able to get inside yours? 那进入你的大脑又有什么难的 I should eat you. 我真该宰了你 I'm 900 years old, Damon. 我九百岁了 达蒙 You're not capable of ending me. 就凭你是杀不死我的 Do you really think that I would risk Finn's life 你真的会以为我会拿芬恩的命去冒险吗 for one of your petty revenge fantasies? 就为了你的复仇小把戏 Let me tell you something-- 跟你说吧 Your long lost love has a suicide wish. 你的真命天子有个自杀计划 So when mama witch linked them together in a spell, 女巫妈妈用咒语将他们合为一体时 he's the one who volunteered to die. 就是他甘愿去死 He wouldn't do that. 他才不会那么做呢 He didn't want to live. 他不想活了 Not for you, not for anyone. 不想为你活 不想为任何人活 He doesn't love you, Sage. 他不爱你 塞姬 And when I do find another way to kill those originals, 要是我找到其它杀死祖先的方法 I'll start with Finn. 我首先拿芬恩开刀 Hey, there. 嗨 你好啊 Hi. Where's Meredith? 梅雷迪思去哪了 Oh, she got called in to the hospital 她接到一个医院的电话 for a last minute surgery, but she'll be back later. 有紧急手术要做 很快就会回来 What happened? 你的手怎么了 Oh, I... 我 broke a coffee cup and sliced my hand open 把咖啡杯打碎了 我在捡碎片的时候 trying to pick up the pieces. 不小心把手划破了 But I'll--I'll live. 我死不了 Did Stefan catch up with you? 斯特凡没和你一起来吗 No. 没 Did you get my ring? 戒指找到了吗 I--I couldn't find it. 我没找到 Yeah, well, my place is a bit of a disaster. 也是 我住的地方太乱了 I guess I'll, uh, I'll just have to go get it. 我看 还是我自己去取吧 No, don't hurt him! 不 别伤着他 I'll try not to. 我尽量 Elena, I need you to come upstairs with me. 埃琳娜 你得跟我上楼来 Why? 怎么了 I'm going to need your help. 我需要你帮忙 Meredith! 梅雷迪思 Ok, ok. 没事 没事 You're going to be ok. 你会没事的 What the hell are you doing here? 你在这做什么呢 Just making sure the witch didn't turn you into a toad 只是想看看女巫有没有把你变成癞蛤蟆 or a block of salt. 或者是盐块 Bonnie did a little spell. 邦妮只是念了些咒语 It's nothing to worry about. 没必要担心 Just something to keep the killer in you at bay. 只是困住了藏在你身体里的杀手 Did something happen? 发生什么了吗 Let's just say you've got an alter ego 这么说吧 你的邪恶一面 hell bent on killing council members. 下决心要杀了委员会成员 So we're going to pack up some of your stuff, 我们会带上点你的衣服 we're going to go to the loft, just for a little bit. 让你住在阁楼一段时间 You know, it's like house arrest, light. 像软禁一样 Wait, where's Meredith? 等等 梅雷迪思呢 She'll be fine, Ric. 她会没事的 里克 Hey. 嘿 You ok? 你没事吧 Yeah, I'm fine. 是的 我还好 Abby says that all the dying and coming back to life 艾比说所有死去和重生的人 might have chipped away at Alaric's psyche, 可能在一点点侵蚀阿拉里克的灵魂 making it easier for the darkness to take hold. 好让黑暗力量容易停留下来 These herbs are the binding element of the spell. 这些草药是咒语的结合剂 He needs to take them twice a day. 他需要每天服两次 I'll get you more. 我会再给你拿一些来的 Abby and I are going to work on the garden. 艾比和我会去园圃打理 How is she doing? 她怎么样 The transition's been hard, 转化过程很艰难 but I think she'll be ok. 但我想她会没事的 Eventually, 最终 I'm going to go back and stay with her for a while. 我会回到她身边生活一段时间的 It'll give us a chance to work things through. 这让我们有机会在一起共度难关 I'm sorry, Bonnie. I didn't-- 我很抱歉 邦妮 我不 I didn't want this to happen. 我也不想这些事发生 If there's anything that I can do to make it different, I... 如果我能做什么来改变现状 我 I know. 我懂的 Please say that you forgive me. 请一定要说你原谅我了 Of course I do. 我当然会原谅你 Am I even doing this right? 我这样做对吗 - Yeah, you're doing fine. - Ok. -你做的很好 -好嘞 Hey, um, thanks for helping out with Abby. 谢谢你能够帮助艾比 Bonnie's really lucky to have a friend like you. 邦妮很幸运能有你这么个朋友 Well... 好吧 I went through the same thing once. 我曾经也经历过同样的事 With my dad. 和我爸爸一起 But it didn't really work out. 但最后没有成功 So... 所以 You know. 你懂的 Well, when Bonnie gets back, 那个 邦妮回来的时候 she can snap her fingers or wave her hands or whatever, 她可以动动手指或挥挥手什么的 and make the herbs bloom. 就可以让这些花草盛开 I think Abby's up. 我想艾比已经起来了 What are you doing? 你在干什么 You're leaving. 你要离开 You kidding me? 你不是吧 I have to. 我必须离开 - I don't know how to do this. - Do what? -我不知道该如何做 -做什么 Be a vampire or a parent? 成为吸血鬼还是家长 Because I can help you be a vampire. 因为我可以教你如何做吸血鬼 I can teach you self control. 我能教你如何自我控制 But being a parent, I mean, that's all you. 但是身为家长 我是说 那就是你 Bonnie grew up without a mom, 邦妮从小就没有妈妈 because you ran away once. 因为你离开了一次 But now you have an eternity to make up for it 但现在你有很长的时间来弥补 and you're just going to throw that away? 你却想要把这一切再丢掉 She's better off without me! 没我她能活的更好 No, she's not! No one is better off without their parents. 她不会 离开父母没人能生活得更好 She wants to make this work. 但这次她想要更好的人生 Please. 拜托了 Just stay. 留下来吧 Tell them I'm sorry. 告诉他们我很抱歉 Hello? 你好 Hey, stranger. 嘿 陌生人 Hey, you checking up on me? 你是在查我岗吗 Do you need checking up on? 你需要有人查岗吗 Well, I'm not flunking any of my classes. Yet. 我还没挂过科 到现在为止 And I got a dog. 我还养了条狗 Hey, have you talked to Alaric lately? 你最近有没有和阿拉里克聊过 Uh, no, why? 没有啊 怎么了 Is everything ok? 没什么事吧 Yeah, everything is fine. 没事 Um, I just wanted to hear your voice. 我就是想听听你的声音 Ok. 好吧 Hey, can I call you later? 我能晚点给你打电话吗 I'm actually on my way out with some friends. 我正要和朋友们出去呢 Yeah, um, of course, Jer. 当然可以 杰里米 Go out. Go have fun and, um... 去吧 玩得开心点 I-- I just miss you. 我很想你 Yeah. Yeah, I miss you, too. 我也很想你 Little early in the day for you, isn't it? 现在喝酒会不会太早了 Just having a little toast. 庆祝点事 To what? 什么事 Control. 自我控制 You're happy, I'm happy. 你很开心 我也很开心 Why are you in such a good mood? 你怎么心情这么好 Sage double crossed you, tree's a pile of ash, 塞姬欺骗了你 白栎树又烧成了灰烬 Alaric's got a psychopathic alter ego. 阿拉里克还有个精神病人格 You know, Stefan, 斯特凡 I'm a philanthropist. 我是个好人 I make the world a better place. 我让这世界变得更美好 Restoring bridges, landmarks, and... 重建桥梁 地标 以及 historical signs made of the same white oak 历史标志 它们使用的是和维克利大桥 as the Wickery Bridge. 同样的白栎木 They think all the wood burned. 他们以为所有的白栎木都被烧毁了 I sold my rage. You should have seen me. 我勃然大怒 你该看看我当时的样子 We have a weapon. 我们有武器了 Game's back on, brother. 游戏重新开始了 弟弟 Let's go kill some originals. 我们去杀些吸血鬼祖先吧 肚皮 整理/排版 MJE美剧口语联盟 看美剧,练口语,交朋友 www.mjenglish.org 1 一直想为每部美剧做一份笔记, 一直想鼓励每个美剧迷读一点 剧本 关于骆驼祥子剧本台词历史剧本一秦朝校园心理剧优秀剧本荆轲刺秦王课本剧欲望都市6季英文剧本 ,做一点笔记.
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