首页 程序代码汇总第17章



程序代码汇总第17章原书P315 代码1 static long recurFib(int n) { if (n < 2) return n; else return recurFib(n - 1) + recurFib(n - 2); } 原书P315 代码2 static void Main() { int num = 5; long fibNumber = recurFib(num); Console.Write(fibNumber); } 原书P316 代码 ...

原书P315 代码1 static long recurFib(int n) { if (n < 2) return n; else return recurFib(n - 1) + recurFib(n - 2); } 原书P315 代码2 static void Main() { int num = 5; long fibNumber = recurFib(num); Console.Write(fibNumber); } 原书P316 代码 static long iterFib(int n) { int[] val = new int[n]; if ((n == 1) || (n == 2)) return 1; else { val[1] = 1; val[2] = 2; for (int i = 3; i <= n - 1; i++) val[i] = val[i - 1] + val[i - 2]; } return val[n - 1]; } 原书P317 代码 static void Main() { Timing tObj = new Timing(); Timing tObj1 = new Timing(); int num = 35; long fibNumber; tObj.startTime(); fibNumber = recurFib(num); tObj.stopTime(); Console.WriteLine("Calculating Fibonacci number: " + num); Console.WriteLine(fibNumber + " in: " + tObj.Result().TotalMilliseconds); tObj1.startTime(); fibNumber = iterFib(num); tObj1.stopTime(); Console.WriteLine(fibNumber + " in: " + tObj1.Result().TotalMilliseconds); } 原书P318 代码 static long iterFib1(int n) { long last, nextLast, result; last = 1; nextLast = 1; result = 1; for (int i = 2; i <= n - 1; i++) { result = last + nextLast; nextLast = last; last = result; } return result; } 原书P319-P320 代码 using System; class chapter17 { static void LCSubstring(string word1, string word2, string[] warr1, string[] warr2, int[,] arr) { int len1, len2; len1 = word1.Length; len2 = word2.Length; for (int k = 0; k <= word1.Length - 1; k++) { warr1[k] = word1.Substring(k, 1); warr2[k] = word2.Substring(k, 1); } for (int i = len1 - 1; i >= 0; i--) { for (int j = len2 - 1; j >= 0; j--) if (warr1[i] == warr2[j]) arr[i, j] = 1 + arr[i + 1, j + 1]; else arr[i, j] = 0; } } static string ShowString(int[,] arr, string[] wordArr) { string substr = ""; for (int i = 0; i <= arr.GetUpperBound(0); i++) for (int j = 0; j <= arr.GetUpperBound(1); j++) if (arr[i, j] > 0) substr += wordArr[j]; return substr; } static void DispArray(int[,] arr) { for (int row = 0; row <= arr.GetUpperBound(0); row++) { for (int col = 0; col <= arr.GetUpperBound(1); col++) Console.Write(arr[row, col]); Console.WriteLine(); } } static void Main() { string word1 = "mavens"; string word2 = "hpavoc"; string[] warray1 = new string[word1.Length]; string[] warray2 = new string[word2.Length]; string substr; int[,] larray = new int[word1.Length, word2.Length]; LCSubstring(word1, word2, warray1, warray2, larray); Console.WriteLine(); DispArray(larray); substr = ShowString(larray, warray1); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("The strings are: " + word1 + " " + word2); if (substr.Length > 0) Console.WriteLine("The longest common substring is: " + substr); else Console.WriteLine("There is no common substring"); } } 原书P322-P323 代码 using System; class chapter17 { static void Main() { int capacity = 16; int[] size = new int[] { 3, 4, 7, 8, 9 }; int[] values = new int[] { 4, 5, 10, 11, 13 }; int[] totval = new int[capacity+1]; int[] best = new int[capacity+1]; int n = values.Length; for (int j = 0; j <= n - 1; j++) for (int i = 0; i <= capacity; i++) if (i >= size[j]) if (totval[i] < (totval[i - size[j]] + values[j])) { totval[i] = totval[i - size[j]] + values[j]; best[i] = j; } Console.WriteLine("The maximum value is: " + totval[capacity]); } } 原书P323 代码2 if (totval[i] < (totval[i - size[j]] + values[j])) { totval[i] = totval[i - size[j]] + values[j]; best[i] = j; } 原书P323 代码3 Console.WriteLine("The items that generate this value are: "); int totcap = 0; while (totcap <= capacity) { Console.WriteLine("Item with best value: " + size[best[capacity - totcap]]); totcap += size[best[i]]; } 原书P324-P326 代码 using System; class chapter17 { static void MakeChange(double origAmount, double remainAmount, int[] coins) { if ((origAmount % 0.25) < origAmount) { coins[3] = (int)(origAmount / 0.25); remainAmount = origAmount % 0.25; origAmount = remainAmount; } if ((origAmount % 0.1) < origAmount) { coins[2] = (int)(origAmount / 0.1); remainAmount = origAmount % 0.1; origAmount = remainAmount; } if ((origAmount % 0.05) < origAmount) { coins[1] = (int)(origAmount / 0.05); remainAmount = origAmount % 0.05; origAmount = remainAmount; } if ((origAmount % 0.01) < origAmount) { coins[0] = (int)(origAmount / 0.01); remainAmount = origAmount % 0.01; } } static void ShowChange(int[] arr) { if (arr[3] > 0) Console.WriteLine("Number of quarters: " + arr[3]); if (arr[2] > 0) Console.WriteLine("Number of dimes: " + arr[2]); if (arr[1] > 0) Console.WriteLine("Number of nickels: " + arr[1]); if (arr[0] > 0) Console.WriteLine("Number of pennies: " + arr[0]); } static void Main() { double origAmount = 0.63; double toChange = origAmount; double remainAmount = 0.0; int[] coins = new int[4]; MakeChange(origAmount, remainAmount, coins); Console.WriteLine("The best way to change " + toChange + " cents is: "); ShowChange(coins); } } 原书P327 代码 public class Node { public HuffmanTree data; public Node link; public Node(HuffmanTree newData) { data = newData; } } 原书P329-P330 代码 public class TreeList { private int count = 0; private Node first = null; private static string[] signTable = null; private static string[] keyTable = null; public TreeList(string input) { List list = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < input.Length;i++ ) { if (!list.Contains(input[i])) list.Add(input[i]); } signTable = new string[list.Count]; keyTable = new string[list.Count]; } public string[] GetSignTable() { return signTable; } public string[] GetKeyTable() { return keyTable; } public void AddLetter(string letter) { HuffmanTree hTemp = new HuffmanTree(letter); Node eTemp = new Node(hTemp); if (first == null) first = eTemp; else { eTemp.link = first; first = eTemp; } count++; } public void SortTree() { if (first != null && first.link != null) { Node tmp1; Node tmp2; for(tmp1 = first;tmp1!=null;tmp1 = tmp1.link) for (tmp2 = tmp1.link; tmp2 != null; tmp2 = tmp2.link) { if (tmp1.data.GetFreq() > tmp2.data.GetFreq()) { HuffmanTree tmpHT = tmp1.data; tmp1.data = tmp2.data; tmp2.data = tmpHT; } } } } public void MergeTree() { if (!(first == null)) if (!(first.link == null)) { HuffmanTree aTemp = RemoveTree(); HuffmanTree bTemp = RemoveTree(); HuffmanTree sumTemp = new HuffmanTree("x"); sumTemp.SetLeftChild(aTemp); sumTemp.SetRightChild(bTemp); sumTemp.SetFreq(aTemp.GetFreq() + bTemp.GetFreq()); InsertTree(sumTemp); } } public HuffmanTree RemoveTree() { if (!(first == null)) { HuffmanTree hTemp; hTemp = first.data; first = first.link; count--; return hTemp; } return null; } public void InsertTree(HuffmanTree hTemp) { Node eTemp = new Node(hTemp); if (first == null) first = eTemp; else { Node p = first; while (!(p.link == null)) { if ((p.data.GetFreq() <= hTemp.GetFreq()) && (p.link.data.GetFreq() >= hTemp.GetFreq())) break; p = p.link; } eTemp.link = p.link; p.link = eTemp; } count++; } public int Length() { return count; } public void AddSign(string str) { if (first == null) { AddLetter(str); return; } Node tmp = first; while (tmp != null) { if (tmp.data.GetSign() == str) { tmp.data.IncFreq(); return; } tmp = tmp.link; } AddLetter(str); } static string translate(string original) { string newStr = ""; for (int i = 0; i <= original.Length - 1; i++) for (int j = 0; j <= signTable.Length - 1; j++) if (original[i].ToString() == signTable[j]) newStr += keyTable[j]; return newStr; } static int pos = 0; static void MakeKey(HuffmanTree tree, string code) { if (tree.GetLeftChild() == null) { signTable[pos] = tree.GetSign(); keyTable[pos] = code; pos++; } else { MakeKey(tree.GetLeftChild(), code + "0"); MakeKey(tree.GetRightChild(), code + "1"); } } } 原书P331 代码 public class HuffmanTree { private HuffmanTree leftChild; private HuffmanTree rightChild; private string letter; private int freq ; public HuffmanTree(string letter) { this.letter = letter; this.freq = 1; } public void SetLeftChild(HuffmanTree newChild) { leftChild = newChild; } public void SetRightChild(HuffmanTree newChild) { rightChild = newChild; } public void SetLetter(string newLetter) { letter = newLetter; } public void IncFreq() { freq++; } public void SetFreq(int newFreq) { freq = newFreq; } public HuffmanTree GetLeftChild() { return leftChild; } public HuffmanTree GetRightChild() { return rightChild; } public int GetFreq() { return freq; } public string GetSign() { return letter; } } 原书P332-P333 代码 static void Main() { string input; Console.Write("Enter a string to encode: "); input = Console.ReadLine(); TreeList treeList = new TreeList(input); for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++) treeList.AddSign(input[i].ToString()); treeList.SortTree(); while (treeList.Length() > 1) treeList.MergeTree(); MakeKey(treeList.RemoveTree(), ""); string newStr = translate(input); string[] signTable = treeList.GetSignTable(); string[] keyTable = treeList.GetKeyTable(); for (int i = 0; i <= signTable.Length - 1; i++) Console.WriteLine(signTable[i] + ": " + keyTable[i]); Console.WriteLine("The original string is " + input.Length * 16 + " bits long."); Console.WriteLine("The new string is " + newStr.Length + " bits long."); Console.WriteLine("The coded string looks like this:" + newStr); } 原书P334-P336 代码 using System; using System.Collections; public class Carpet : IComparable { private string item; private float val; private int unit; public Carpet(string i, float v, int u) { item = i; val = v; unit = u; } public int CompareTo(Object c) { return (this.val.CompareTo(((Carpet)c).val)); } public int GetUnit() { return unit; } public string GetItem() { return item; } public float GetVal() { return val * unit; } public float ItemVal() { return val; } } public class Knapsack { private float quantity; SortedList items = new SortedList(); string itemList; public Knapsack(float max) { quantity = max; } public void FillSack(ArrayList objects) { int pos = objects.Count - 1; int totalUnits = 0; float totalVal = 0.0F; int tempTot = 0; while (totalUnits < quantity) { tempTot += ((Carpet)objects[pos]).GetUnit(); if (tempTot <= quantity) { totalUnits += ((Carpet)objects[pos]).GetUnit(); totalVal += ((Carpet)objects[pos]).GetVal(); items.Add(((Carpet)objects[pos]).GetItem(), ((Carpet)objects[pos]).GetUnit()); } else { float tempUnit = quantity - totalUnits; float tempVal = ((Carpet)objects[pos]).ItemVal() * tempUnit; totalVal += tempVal; totalUnits += (int)tempUnit; items.Add(((Carpet)objects[pos]).GetItem(), tempUnit); } pos--; } } public string GetItems() { foreach (Object k in items.GetKeyList()) itemList += k.ToString() + ": " + items[k]. ToString() + " "; return itemList; } static void Main() { Carpet c1 = new Carpet("Frieze", 1.75F, 12); Carpet c2 = new Carpet("Saxony", 1.82F, 9); Carpet c3 = new Carpet("Shag", 1.5F, 13); Carpet c4 = new Carpet("Loop", 1.77F, 10); ArrayList rugs = new ArrayList(); rugs.Add(c1); rugs.Add(c2); rugs.Add(c3); rugs.Add(c4); rugs.Sort(); Knapsack k = new Knapsack(25); k.FillSack(rugs); Console.WriteLine(k.GetItems()); } }
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