首页 八下单元测试期末英语八年级下学期期末考试题



八下单元测试期末英语八年级下学期期末考试题2007~08学年度八年级下学期英语期末试卷 听力部分(25分) I. 听对话,把与对话内容相符的图片序号写在相应的位置上(每小题1分,共5分) 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) II. 听句子,选择该句的最佳答语(每小题1分,共5分) ( ) 6. A. Best wishes to you! B. Good luck to you! C. Congrat...

2007~08学年度八年级下学期英语期末试卷 听力部分(25分) I. 听对话,把与对话 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 相符的图片序号写在相应的位置上(每小题1分,共5分) 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) II. 听句子,选择该句的最佳答语(每小题1分,共5分) ( ) 6. A. Best wishes to you! B. Good luck to you! C. Congratulations! ( ) 7. A. You’re welcome. B. Yes. Call me Zhang Ming, please. C. Welcome to our school. ( ) 8. A. It’s fine. B. That’s all right. C. Fine, thanks. ( ) 9. A. Thanks a lot. B. Here you are. C. There it is. ( )10. A. How do you do? B. I do well in English. C. I’m a student. III. 听下面五段对话,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选择能回答问题的最佳选项(每小题1分,共5分) ( )11. What did the boy want to get some flowers for? A. For his mother on her birthday. B. For his mother on Mother’s Day. C. Fot his friend’s birthday. ( )12. How are they going there? A. By plane. B. By car. C. By train. ( )13. What would the man like to eat? A. Dumplings. B. Rice. C. Noodles. ( )14. What’s the matter with the boy? A. His leg is hurt. B. He has a headache. C. He has a cold. ( )15. Why does the teacher ask other students to learn from Jackie? A. Because he often saves water. B. Because he always helps others. C. Because he studies very hard. IV. 听短文,从每题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中,选择能回答问题的最佳选项(每小题1分,共5分) ( )16. What does the speaker probably do? A. She is a guide. B. She is a tourist. C. She is a teacher. ( )17. Where are the tourists probably? A. They’re in the Palace Museum. B. They’re on the Great Wall. C. They’re on the way to Beijing. ( )18. What’s the population of Beijing? A. About 4 million. B. About 14 million. C. About 15 million. ( )19. What does the speaker think of Beijing? A. Busy, big and old. B. Busy, old and modern. C. Big, new and interesting. ( )20. What does the speaker say about Beijing? A. Many delicious foods. B. Many places of interest. C. Many famous universities. V. 听短文,根据所听内容填写下面的 表格 关于规范使用各类表格的通知入职表格免费下载关于主播时间做一个表格详细英语字母大小写表格下载简历表格模板下载 (每小题1分,共5分) School Our school is the(21) Office building On the(22) of the school gate is The office building. Students’ building The students’ building is on the(23) of the school gate. The number of the students (24) . The playground The playground is in the(25) of the school. 笔试部分(共95分) I. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) ( )26. I had unusual experience on Sunday. A. a B.an C. the D. / ( )27. Tom will visit our farm two weeks. A. in B. after C. during D. on ( )28. John was walking to school, he saw a cat in a tree. A. Because B. Since C. While D. If ( )29. I had a hard time with science, so I wasn’t to receive a disappointing restult from my science teacher. A. surprised B. boring C. relaxed D. unhappy ( )30. We will visit the Summer Palace if it tomorrow. A. will rain B. rains C. won’t rain D. doesn’t rain ( )31. Though Mike meets great trouble in English, I believe he can it because he is always hard-working. A. turn; over B. get; over C. take; over D. look; over ( )32. — Jenny, what color is this year? — I think it is green. Look! Many people are wearing green clothes. A. interesting B. trendy C. perfect D. personal ( )33. It’s already 11:00. You to go bed so late. A. supposed B. are supposed C. were supposed D. aren’t supposed ( )34. — Would you mind closing the window? It’s very cold outside. — . I’ll do it right away. A. Yes, I would B. No, thanks C. Of course not D. Of course ( )35. you are in trouble, you can call me, even at night. A. Wherever B. Whoever C. Whatever D. Whenever ( )36. Amy is as as Kate. They make few mistakes in their homework. A. careful B. friendly C. clever D. popular ( )37. — How long you this bike? — For two years. A. do; have B. do; buy C. have; had D. have; bought ( )38. Don’t be late for class next time, ? A. do you B. will you C. shall we D. don’t you ( )39. Have you heard the traffic accident? More than 20 students died in the accident. A. for B. from C. at D. of ( )40. — the population of America? — About 300 million. A. How many are B. How much is C. What are D. What’s II. 完形填空(每小题1分,共15分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的选项中,选出最佳 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 。 Nowadays, most students are under a lot of pressure(压力)because their parents expect them to get good marks. You are also 41 , and every year you look different 42 feel different. You have to face and 43 many new things by yourselves. It may be 44 to be happy. If you know the 45 to be happy, it is easier for you to be a happy person. Ketty is also a middle school student. She is much 46 than before.“I saw a boy in the street with a T-shirt that said,‘I am not happy.’I also couldn't find any happiness for a 47 time, and I 48 what made me unhappy: caring too much about what other people 49 of me,”says Ketty.“At school I was very 50 . I was a good student, but when I spoke in class my face turned red 51 I knew that my classmates were all looking at me. It was really 52 . Now I don’t worry about 53 people think of me. I feel a lot more 54 when I’m talking with the people around me. I can’t tell you what will make you happy right now, but I’m sure that if you 55 too much about what other people think, you will be unhappy. It is just part of growing up.” ( )41. A. showing up B. catching up C. growingup D. standing up ( )42. A. but B. and C. though D. or ( )43. A. return B. exercise C. forget D. experience ( )44. A. difficult B. normal C. polite D. tired ( )45. A. reason B. importance C. secret D. cost ( )46. A. cleverer B. happier C. braver D. stranger ( )47. A. good B. wonderful C. little D. long ( )48. A. hate B. remember C. miss D. mind ( )49. A. thought B. reminded C. heard D. cared ( )50. A. careful B. kind C. shy D. angry ( )51. A. before B. until C. so D. because ( )52. A. excited B. terrible C. possible D. lucky ( )53. A. what B. that C. which D. how ( )54. A. interested B. nervous C. relaxed D. lonely ( )55. A. learn B. know C. tell D. worry III. 阅读理解(共40分) A A lot of boys and girls in America are wearing the same clothes, and many of them have long hair, so it is difficult to tell whether(是否)they are boys or girls. One day an old man goes for a walk in a park in New York, and when he is tired he sits down on a chair. A young person is standing on the other side of the lake. “Excuse me,”the old man says to the person next to him on the chair,“Do you see that person with the red trousers and long hair? Is it a boy or a girl?” “A girl,”says his neighbor,“She is my daughter.” “Oh,”the old man says,“I don’t know you are her mother.” “I’m not,”the other person says,“I’m her father” 判断句子正(T)误(F) ( )56. The passage tells us it is not easy to tell whether many American children are boys or girls. ( )57. One day an old man goes for a walk in the street. ( )58. The young person standing on the other side of the lake is a boy. ( )59 The old man thinks his neighbor is the young person’s mother. B We often hear about people in England leaving home on a sunny morning taking an umbrella. When we see this for the first time, we might laugh at them, but we may understand this later in the day! This explains something about the weather in England! A day may begin as a warm spring morning. An hour or two later, black and heavy clouds may appear in the sky and it may start to rain cats and dogs. At midday, it may be like winter with the temperature falling by about eight degrees or more. Then in the late afternoon the sky will clear and the sun will start to shine again. An hour later, before the sunset, it will be like summer. This is why the weather provides a common topic for all of the English people. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案 ( )60. How long does it take you to learn about the weather in England? A. A day. B. A year. C. A month. D. A few days. ( )61. What does the underlined(划线)sentence mean? A. The cats and dogs run everywhere. B. It begins to rain heavily. C. Cats and dogs like rainy days. D. It often rains in England. ( )62. Why will a foreigner misunderstand an English person’s behavior? A. Because he or she doesn’t know they can experience four seasons in a single day. B. Because they go out on a fine day with a umbrella. C. Because they say that they have no climate changes in England. D. Because they like to tell jokes about weather. ( )63. What can we infer from the last sentence? A. The weather in England is changeable. B. When you visit England, you’d better take an umbrella. C. Englishmen like talking about the weather. D. Englishmen don’t like the changeable weather in England. C Students in Slough Grammar School please note the following: ( )64. What may the notice be? A. Learning skills. B. An advertisement. C. The school rules. D. A lost and found notice. ( )65. What can’t the students in Slough Grammar School do? A. Listen to music in the school building. B. Write or draw in the school. C. Miss lessons. D. Fight with other students. ( )66. What does the underlined word“quarrelling”mean? A. 辩解 B. 吵架 C. 演讲 D. 解释 ( )67. Students of the school are asked to at all times. A. ride their bikes to school B. wear school uniforms C. have good manners D. show their school cards D Keep in a cold place. Use before September, 2008. Tom is a 12—year—old boy. Today he had a bad cough. According to the words above, he knew:(以下每空可不止一词) ●He must take the medicine three times a day after meals(饭后)and take (68) each time. ●If he doesn’t finish taking the bottle of medicine, he can keep the rest(其余的)of the medicine in(69) until(直到)the end of(70) . ●Tom has a brother of three. He(71) the medicine. E Helen was a very clever and pretty girl. When she was six months old, she could read some words. But at the age of two she was badly ill. She could not see anything and could not hear, either, and soon she could not even talk. Since then she had to fight for what she wanted. When she was six, her parents asked for a teacher to teach her. With the t eacher’s help, she began to see and hear the world around her through her hands. She learned to read the books for the blind. The teacher took her for long walks, and told her about all the beautiful sights. Helen touched(摸)flowers, climbed trees and smelled a rain storm before it came. She also learned how to swim and ride a horse. After she grew up, she became a famous writer in America. Her first and most famous book is“The story of My Life”. Her story brought new hope to many blind and deaf. It has given light to those in darkness and encouraged them to live and work. 根据短文,回答下面的问题 72. When could Helen already read some words? 73. Why couldn’t she see or hear later? 74. How could Helen begin to see and hear the world around her? 75. What did Helen become after she grew up? IV. 单词拼写(每小题1分,共5分) 76. Nothing in the world is i if you make up your mind to do it. 77. How long have you been c stamps? 78. I love Italy, e its summer. 79. Lisa made great p with the teachers’ help. 80. Many f tourists will come to watch the Olympics in August, 20078. V. 根据上下文意思,从方框中选择恰当的句子完成对话(每小题1分,共5分) A: Mike, can you help me? B: That depends on what it is. A: Ur … I’m still having trouble with my English. B: 81 A: I can’t pronounce(发音)the words correctly. I don’t know what to do. B: 82 I often listen to English. I think it is helpful. A: Really? Then I will do it. B: 83 A: Sometimes I can’t understand what other people say if they speak too fast. B: 84 A: English club? B: 85 A: Thank you for your advice. I’ll have a try. B: You are welcome. VI. 书面 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达(10分) 假设你是李明,你的朋友David是一位美国的中学生,在他上周给你的来信中说他对2008年奥运会即将在北京举办感到非常高兴,同时询问我们中学生为奥运会的成功举办所做的一些事情。请根据下面的要点给David写一封回信,告诉他相关的情况。字数60—80词,开关和结尾已经给出。 要点: 1)奥运会在北京举办的感想。 2)为奥运会所做的事情:the year before last—plant trees;last year—collect litter 3)未来的 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 :help people know about the Olympics and some foreign cultures Dear David, I was happy to receive your letter. Yours, Li MIng A— No smoking in school. B— You must have your student card with you at all times at school. You are not allowed to go into the school without it. C— Remember to wear your school uniform inside the school at all times. D— Don’t climb onto the roof of the school or the trees. E— Don’t write or draw on walls, desks or other things at school. F— Riding bikes is not allowed within the school grounds. G— Show good manners at all times. H— No fighting or quarrelling. I— Don’t miss any lessons without a note. J—… Cough Medicine(咳嗽药) Shake(摇晃)well before use. Take three times a day after meals. Adults(成人): 2 teaspoonfuls(茶匙) Children 8—14: 1 teaspoonful Not for children below the age of 4. A. Why not join an English club practice to speaking English? B. What isn’t easy about learning English? C. Yes, it can improve English a lot, especially spoken English. D. I think English grammar is the most difficult. E. What about listening to tapes? F. What other things are difficult for you? PAGE 1
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