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李阳标准美语发音宝典11-20第11本书 后元音[] 外号:中嘴长元音 第一部分:单词 Always the rich are not always happy. small long cost fault daughter Awful we’ve been having awful weather lately. draw thought Abroad Crazy English is very famous at home and abroad. 第二部分:特别奉献 Who’s calling...

第11本书 后元音[] 外号:中嘴长元音 第一部分:单词 Always the rich are not always happy. small long cost fault daughter Awful we’ve been having awful weather lately. draw thought Abroad Crazy English is very famous at home and abroad. 第二部分:特别奉献 Who’s calling? 第三部分:十大练嘴精品句 Don't worry about it. It's not your fault. That's awful./ That's terrible./ That's horrible./ That's bad. You talk too much. Shut up! I want to go to law school; that's my dream. I have never thought that I would go abroad. He always takes a walk after dinner. I already have talked to them all. Paul walked down the hall. His daughters are all tall. We always fought and never thought about peace. 第四部分:Jim’s favorite sentences: It's all my fault. I'm awfully sorry. My daughter-in-law is a lawyer. I ought to wash my laundry now. "Fall" is the American way to say "autumn". The author taught Paul a lot about writing. I bought some salt, soy sauce and mineral water at the market. 第五部分:李阳老师最喜欢的句子 I'm sorry for calling you this late, but I really have to talk to you. It's almost finished. She had already gone when I arrived. I'm sorry I don't have time to talk. I thought his talk was awful. It's wrong for you to quarrel so often. He looks very strong, but he has a very soft voice. I always feel awkward when I have to speak English. He always visits me at an awkward time. You should learn to crawl before you can walk. 第六部分:疯狂练嘴,集中突破  talk  fault  abroad  almost  already  awful  caution  broadcast  small  awkward 第12本书 后元音[] [] 外号:中嘴卷舌音 第一部分:单词 Order Are you ready to order now? Sport what sport are you good at? abnormal Warm it’s getting warmer day by day. award fourth source more Explore I'd like to explore more of western China. Door did you lock the door? China's open door policy has proved to be a huge success. Thank you for visiting. Let me show you to the door. 第二部分:特别奉献 May I take your order? 第三部分:十大练嘴精品句 I can't afford a new car. I can't even afford a new bicycle. I don't like getting up early in the morning. I hate it more than anything else. I'm sort of tired. I'm sort of bored. That's simply abnormal. He is a psycho. Force yourself to do more. The report is very boring. I can't stand it! I'm looking forward to seeing you in California. I was born on the fourth of July. You need to sweep the floor once more. I'd like to order enough food for four. 超级句型:I'm looking forward to… I'm looking forward to meeting you. I'm looking forward to working with you. I'm looking forward to learning English from you. I'm looking forward to exploring China. 第四部分: I'd like some more pork. It's important to take care of orphans. I can barely afford taking the bus any more. It's sort of expensive. I don't want to buy it. He's sort of weird. I don't believe in fortune. 第五部分:李阳老师最喜欢的句子 It's important for us to practice more. Later we learned that there was a very important person on board. My office is on the fortieth floor. If it were not for the late train, neither my sister nor I would have missed the party. This kind of sport is becoming more and more popular. I have to write a report on the reform of the organization. The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra. 第六部分:疯狂练嘴,集中突破 report 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 more 更多 important 重要的 morning 早晨 warm 温暖的 former 以前的;从前的 force 力量 source 来源 fourth 第四 sport 运动 第13本书 后元音[u] 外号:短乌音 第一部分:单词 Push don’t push him too hard. pull put Full I'm full. I can't eat anymore. Woman your mother is a wonderful woman. cook look Good you look good; I like your new hairstyle. Too much television is not good for children. could would 第二部分:特别奉献 It's good for your health. 第三部分:十大练嘴精品句 I could do better. My goodness! What happened? Don't push me. You shouldn't pull it in that way. Goodbye, Linda, and good luck! You look good today. It took me hours to put everything back into order. Could you put me through to the sales department? Could I have this book? It's so good! That woman spends a lot of time cooking for and looking after babies. 第四部分:Jim’s favorite sentences: Children shouldn't read these books. We tried to book a room, but the hotel was full. 第五部分:李阳老师最喜欢的句子 Stop beating around the bush! Get to the point! In most countries, a woman lives longer than a man. Who took away my book? I could have understood the speech better if it were in Chinese. Would you please buy a softer cushion for me when you go to the supermarket? Oops! You stepped on my foot! You should say sorry! I fully understood what the teacher said. He took a look at the book and then shook his head. 第六部分:疯狂练嘴,集中突破 u u u bush 灌木丛 u u u should 应该 u u u look 看 u u u foot 脚 u u u sugar 糖 u u u cook 厨师 u u u woman 女人;妇女 u u u understood 明白 u u u put 放 u u u could 能够 第14本书 后元音[u:] 外号: “小圆唇长乌音” 简称:“长乌音” 第一部分:单词 rude conclusion Improve this is not good enough, I want to improve it. Blue she looks blue. Why do you look so blue? shoe soon Fool I was a fool to have refused the job. fruit route Through she is a liar through and through. 第二部分:特别奉献 What do you do for a living? 第三部分:十大练嘴精品句 That's cool! / You look cool! I enjoy losing face! Let's get together again soon. Don't act like a fool. Fruit makes your face smooth. Who can tell me the truth? You have to improve your English. Are you through cleaning the room? You shouldn't lose this once-in-a-blue-moon chance. The rumors spread throughout the school very soon. 第四部分:Jim’s favorite sentences: Will you come here on Tuesday afternoon? You should always tell the truth. It's a rumor; it’s not true. The music sounds so beautiful to me. You should do as Romans do while in Rome. 第五部分:李阳老师最喜欢的句子 He's a super student at school. To tell you the truth, your English needs improving. Soon my dream will come truth. Who do you choose to do the job? I'm thinking about moving to another room. This one is too small. Who throw the chewing gum on the floor? We moved to a new city two years ago. I soon got used to the life there. The greatest discovery of any generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitude. 第六部分:疯狂练嘴集中突破 u: u: u: improve u: u: u: student u: u: u: group u: u: u: tooth u: u: u: through u: u: u: cool u: u: u: fruit u: u: u: room u: u: u: school u: u: u: truth 第七部分:混合训练 I'm really in a good mood today. Which shoes should I choose? It's too good to be true. No news is good news. The book has a lot of amusing stories. I knew what you meant, and I understood. You shouldn't use dirty words. That's rude. It's hard to book a room for tomorrow. All the hotels there are full. 第15本书 合口双元音 [ei] 外号:嘴角咧到耳朵上 第一部分:单词 Amazing that's amazing! China’s rapid development is amazing, it's change everyday! Capable she is a very capable painter. relaxation create Afraid I’m afraid it's going to rain. great Neighbor our neighbors are very friendly. pay delay obey 第二部分:特别奉献 May I have your name? 第三部分:十大练嘴精品句 Your English is amazing, your English is unbelievable! What do you do for relaxation? / What do you do to relax? No pain, no gain! I feel the same way Let’s take a break. I want to talk to face to face. He tried to explain why he was late. The more mistakes you make the more progress you make. Today is a great day, today is a beautiful day. I’m afraid I won't be able to make it to you birthday party. 第四部分:Jim’s favorite sentences Don’t make the same mistake. Stop making faces. No way, go away. I’m afraid of aging too quickly. Kate would you please take out the cake I just baked? Go straight until you get to Main Street, then take a left to the bank. Don’t be so lazy and waste your pay on playing video games. Education enable us achieve great things. 第五部分:李阳老师最喜欢的句子 The train was delayed by the rain. The cake is on the plate and the plate is on the table. Better take your raincoat. Jane asked me to wait for him at the train station. Great changes have taken place in my hometown these years. I had to delay my speech at the stadium because of a sudden stomachache, Some people are afraid of changes, but I say changes create challenges. No great thing is created suddenly. Great things take time. 第16本书 合口双元音 [ai] 外号:大嘴阿姨音 第一部分:单词 China Life I’m still looking for the meaning of life. cry apply Eye we see eye to eye on the matter. pie guide Buy I don't buy his story. Flight my flight leaves at 8:00. height 第二部分:特别奉献 Did you get a good sleep last night? 第三部分:十大练嘴精品句 Never say die, try! Try! Try! Time flies! Don't be shy just try. Great minds think alike. That sounds like a good ideal. I can't believe my eyes. My flight to china was exciting Life is all about trying to make up your mind. I like the Chinese lifestyle, it's very interesting. Mike like to write by the nice bright light at night. 第四部分:Carl's favorite sentences: I'd like to bye a bicycle for my sister. Out of sight out of mind. 第五部分:李阳老师最喜欢的句子 Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile. Let bygones be bygones. I hope you don't mind my asking, but why do you always wear what white tie. 第六部分:特别奉献,疯狂操练 ai ai ai china ai ai ai apply ai ai ai buy ai ai ai die ai ai ai why ai ai ai flight ai ai ai bright ai ai ai cry ai ai ai climate ai ai ai private 第17本书 合口双元音 [i] 外号:中嘴短衣音 第一部分:单词 join choice which is your choice avoid are you trying to avoid me point Disappoint please don't disappoint me! appointment Enjoy I hope you enjoy your stay here. Enjoy your life, don’t work too hard. Annoying he has lots of annoying habits. Employ Royalty 版税;皇家,王室使用费 第二部分:特别奉献 You have to enjoy losing face. 第三部分:十大练嘴精品句 How annoying! 多讨厌啊! What is your point? What are trying to say? You have no choice. I have an appointment with the CEO. The boy was spoiled by his parents. Join our game, and you'll enjoy it. The noise is very annoying. She was disappointed with her employees. The boy's voice was full of joy. The little boy enjoys destroying toys. [dro] 第四部分:Jim’s favorite sentences: The choice is yours; just tell us what you decide. These flies are annoying me. 第五部分:李阳老师最喜欢的句子 I'm sorry to interrupt you, but I really can't agree. He has a noisy voice. I've lost my voice. It's a joy to watch the boy playing with his toys. He explained his plan, point by point. Tom's an employee in a joint venture. 第六部分:特别奉献,疯狂操练 I was annoyed. I was annoyed at the boy I was annoyed at the boy for spoiling the toy. I was annoyed at the boy for spoiling the toy which belongs to joy. 第七部分:疯狂练嘴,彻底突破   enjoy   destroy   spoil   join   employ   avoid   voice   annoy   envoy 特使,外交使节   point 第18本书 合口双元音 [əu] 外号:疯狂舀水合口双元音 第一部分:单词 hope we hope you will understand our position open propose let me propose a toast to Mr. Smith coast 海滩 Goal my goal is to teach 300,000,000 Chinese people to speak good English. soul known Narrow don't be so narrow-minded. Sew she sews her own dresses. although 第二部分:特别奉献 Are you feeling OK now? 第三部分:十大练嘴精品句 Wait a moment. I told you so. I hope so. There is no smoke without fire. 无火不起烟。 Think globally, act locally. A man who has no purpose or goals will not accomplish anything. Nobody knows his own fate. Do you know Rose is going to study abroad? Don't go home alone. Though I'm alone, I don't feel lonely. 第四部分:Carl’s favorite sentences: I don't know if his proposal is feasible. It’s only a joke. 第五部分:李阳老师最喜欢的句子 You’re my only hope. There is no place like home. Business is only so so. Show me the photo Joe. Go and open the window, please. Oh, he is so slow. I love potatoes and tomatoes. Give me my soap and comb. 第六部分:特别奉献,疯狂操练 əu əu əu hope əu əu əu home əu əu əu lonely əu əu əu slow əu əu əu window əu əu əu both əu əu əu most əu əu əu although əu əu əu follow əu əu əu promotion 第19本书 合口双元音 [au] 外号:鬼哭狼嚎合口双元音 第一部分:单词 About I know nothing about it. doubt proud Lousy what a lousy day I have. Outstanding your English is outstanding. allow Downtown how about going downtown. flower Powerful his farther is a very powerful businessman. bough 第二部分:特别奉献 How long have you been in Korea? 第三部分:十大练嘴精品句 Never let your country down. As a manager, she has the power to hire and fire employees. I'm very proud of you! Make the voice of China widely heard throughout the world. There is no doubt about it. How do you account for this? Get out of my house right now. I have my doubts about the account. He finally found out how much the house would cost. How about going downtown now. 第四部分:Jim’s favorite sentences: Jane, you are so outstanding, we are proud of you. I found it. He is out of town. 第五部分:李阳老师最喜欢的句子 A: how about going out tonight. B: get out of my house now. Open your mouth and pronounce the sound loudly. I found a mouse in my house. I can't do that without your help' You can speak good English without going to American. I’ve told you thousands of times. She is too proud to be a good friend to anyone. This is a piece of work I can be proud of. 第六部分:特别奉献,疯狂操练 au au au sound au au au without au au au outstanding au au au powerful au au au flower au au au mountain au au au thousand au au au shout au au au doubt au au au house 第20本书 集中双元音 [i] 外号:短衣集中卷舌音 第一部分:单词 Hear did you hear from her yet. Can you hear me? year Fear that's my worst fear. Clear it will take hours for traffic to clear up. I’m not clear what the problem is. Disappear here beer engineer queer 奇怪的 weird 古怪的 第二部分:特别奉献 He is acting very weird today. I’m here on vocation. 第三部分:十大练嘴精品句 Another beer please. That's sheer nonsense. Do you live near here? Years of hard work made him a successful engineer. What a weird thing to here. It's not polite to jeer or sneer. He was a pioneer throughout his career. My dear dry you tears. Let's have a beer here, dear. The atmosphere here is very clear. 第四部分:Jim’s favorite sentences: Where did you get the weird ideal? Spider is my biggest fear. What a dreary day! 第五部分:李阳老师最喜欢的句子 Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage. The skies are very clear this time of every year. 3 I hope you clear up your fears. I fear the atmosphere here is not very health. Did you see the deer near here? That year was the best in my life. He sneered at the queer behavior of the man. The sky is clearing up, and the sun coming out. 第六部分:特别奉献,疯狂操练 iii fear iii clear iii disappear iii here iii weird iii pioneer iii sheer iii year iii beer iii engineer
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