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��609��The One Where Ross Got High


��609��The One Where Ross Got HighThe One Where Ross Got High Written by: Greg Malins Transcribed by: Eric Aasen 609 罗斯兴奋起来 感恩节之夜,Janine邀请乔伊、罗斯和她的跳舞的朋友们共度,他们决定先到莫妮卡那里就餐。 盖勒夫妇(罗斯的父母)也来了,钱德发现他们不喜欢自己,因为当自己吸毒。 原来罗斯曾有一次为了替自己遮丑,就告诉父母说钱德是个瘾君子。 莫妮卡跳出来说明了真相,结果要揭示的真相远远不止于此。 瑞秋做了个英式小甜点,但她再次错端给了点...

��609��The One Where Ross Got High
The One Where Ross Got High Written by: Greg Malins Transcribed by: Eric Aasen 609 罗斯兴奋起来 感恩节之夜,Janine邀请乔伊、罗斯和她的跳舞的朋友们共度,他们决定先到莫妮卡那里就餐。 盖勒夫妇(罗斯的父母)也来了,钱德发现他们不喜欢自己,因为当自己吸毒。 原来罗斯曾有一次为了替自己遮丑,就告诉父母说钱德是个瘾君子。 莫妮卡跳出来说明了真相,结果要揭示的真相远远不止于此。 瑞秋做了个英式小甜点,但她再次错端给了点马铃薯肉饼的客人。 菲比梦见了老盖勒先生,结果看他的眼神立即有变……另一个梦终结了她的幻想。 6.09 The One Where Ross Got High For Thanksgiving, Janine invites Joey and Ross to hang out with her and her dancer friends, but they have to eat dinner at Monica's first. Mr. and Mrs. Geller come over as well, and Chandler finds out they don't like him because they think he does drugs; Ross once told them Chandler was smoking pot, in order to cover his own guilt; Monica reveals the truth, which leads to many more revelations(n.揭露). Rachel makes an English Trifle for dessert, but gets the recipe mixed up with a Shepard's Pie. Phoebe dreams about Mr. Geller and starts to see him differently... until another dream ends it for her. [Scene: Central Park, All the people are hanging out.] Joey:Hey, you guys ever wonder why they call it 'Thanksgiving'? Ross:Okay. Hey, Monica, you're doing Thanksgiving next week, right? Because Carol's taking Ben to her parents' place in Florida. Monica:Okay, okay. I'll make Thanksgiving dinner. You don't have to beg. Ross:I didn't beg. I just asked once问一下. Monica:You could beg, you know. Rachel:Monica said I could make dessert this year. Joey:You're gonna cook something? Rachel:Hey, I cook. Chandler:Offering people gum is not cooking. Phoebe:Are you sure Monica said you could cook this year? I remember her saying in two years. You said in two years, right? Monica:No, I promised her.But Rachel. Are you sure you want to start out with something as big as Thanksgiving dinner? I mean, maybe you wanna try a little Thanksgiving breakfast? Maybe a Thanksgiving snack? Rachel:Come on, you guys, I can do this.Remember, I made those peanut butter cookies. All:Ahh Rachel:I don’t know what you guys so worried about? Cooking is easy. You just follow the recipe.If it says, 'boil two cups of salt,' you just boil two cups of salt. boil v.煮沸 Opening Credits [Scene: Monica and Chandler's, Monica is mixing some Thanksgiving treat (I’m assuming mashed potatoes) in a bowl.] mashed potatoes n.土豆泥 Monica: (on phone) Okay, great!  Bye. (Hangs up as Chandler enters.) So guess who’s coming to Thanksgiving dinner? Chandler: Sidney Poitier? Hehheh. Svdney Poitier:莫尼卡请了父母来吃感恩节晚宴,但她还没有告诉父母她已经和钱德勒同居了。莫尼卡问钱德勒:“猜猜谁来参加感恩节晚宴?”钱德勒就耍贫嘴说:“西德尼·波特(Sydney Poitier)?”波特是获得奥斯卡最佳男主角的第一位黑人影帝,他获奖的作品就是《猜猜谁来赴晚宴》,剧中他饰演的主角爱上了一个白人女子,白人女子的父母也对他们的恋情一开始不知情/Sir Sidney Poitier KBE, (born February 20, 1927), is an Academy Award-winning Bahamian(adj.巴哈马的) American actor, film director, and activist(n.激进主义分子). He broke through as a star in acclaimed(adj.获得喝彩的) performances in American films and plays, which, by consciously defying racial stereotyping, gave a new dramatic credibility for black actors to mainstream film audiences in the Western world.In 1963, Poitier became the first black actor to win the Academy Award for Best Actor - for his role in Lilies of the Field. The significance of this achievement was later compounded in 1967 when he starred in three very well received(adj.被承认的) films - To Sir, With Love, In the Heat of the Night, and Guess Who's Coming to Dinner(谁来晚餐) - making him the top box office star of that year. Poitier has also directed a number of popular movies such as Uptown Saturday Night, and Let's Do It Again (with friend Bill Cosby), and Stir Crazy (starring Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder). In 2002, 38 years after receiving the Best Actor Award, Poitier was chosen by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to receive the Honorary Award in recognition of his "extraordinary performances and unique presence on the screen and for representing the industry with dignity, style and intelligence." [Chandler throws his coat on the couch] Monica: (not amused by Chandler’s joke) I miss Rachel. (To Chandler) No, my parents. Chandler: Oh! That’s great, they haven’t seen the place since I moved in! [Monica goes to fiddle with something on the table.] fiddle vi.胡来 乱动 盲目摆弄(+with) Monica: Yeah, and y’know, if you could not mention to them that we live together, that would be great! (Quickly trying to change subjects), I was thinking we would eat around four. [Monica goes to the stove.] Chandler: (shocked at the news) Why can’t I tell them that we live together? Monica: Because they don’t know we’re dating. (Again, trying to quickly change subjects.) Do you think we should eat in the kitchen? (Goes to the sink and the stove to cook.) Chandler: Why haven’t you told them?! Monica: Um, well, I was going to, I-I-I really was. But um, then somewhere, just out of nowhere, I didn’t. out of nowhere:from the state of nonexistence不知道从哪里冒出来的 莫名其妙的出现[eg: an idea that came out of nowhere] Chandler: Why haven’t you told them?! Wouldn’t they be happy?! Monica: (trying to change subjects, excitedly) So! Dinner in the kitchen around four! I’ll see you then. (Pats Chandler on the shoulder and goes into the living room.) Chandler: Why wouldn’t they be happy? Monica: Well, um, because mainly, um, they don’t like you. I’m sorry. Chandler: What? What? Why?! Monica: Maybe because you used to be aloof, or that you’re really sarcastic, or that, y’know, you joke around all the time. Or that you take off your clothes and throw them on the couch. aloof adj.冷漠的 不关心的[eg: Later on, he became aloof and silent] Chandler: Is this why they don’t like me or why you don’t like me? Monica: Look, I know that I should’ve told them. I know I shouldn’t care what they think. I’m sorry. Chandler: Y’know, it’ll be okay. It’ll be okay. Because when they come over, I will be all charming, I will make them fall in love with me, and then we’ll tell‘em. Monica: You really think that’ll work? Chandler: Hey, I can be pretty charming, babe, I won YOU over, didn’t I? Monica: (hugging Chandler) I don’t think you’ll ever get my parents that drunk! [Scene: Joey and Janine’s, Joey and Ross are playing Sony Playstation. Chandler enters.] Chandler: Hey! (Sees Ross is there) Oh, good, Ross! Your parents like me, right? [Chandler goes to stand to the side of the TV.] Ross: (only half paying attention) Yes, of course they like you! Chandler: Well Monica just told me that they don’t. Ross: (not paying attention) Yeah, they don’t like you. Chandler: (annoyed) Do you know why? Ross: I dunno, maybe it’s because you’re really sarcastic. Or maybe it’s cause you uh- sarcastic adj.尖酸刻薄 Chandler: (angry) Well if people don’t know they shouldn’t just guess! [Joey and Ross get annoyed with Chandler's outburst.] outburst n. (火山 感情等)爆发 Chandler: This is great, another Thanksgiving with nothing to give thanks for. give thanks<宗>(饭前或饭后)作感恩祷告 Joey: Maybe I could give thanks for you shuttin’up, eh? Chandler: Maybe I could give thanks by taking my Playstation over to my new apartment. Joey: Well maybe I love ya’. Chandler: [mocks that last comment]. [Chandler starts to leave as Janine enters] Janine [to Chandler]: Hey. Chandler: Hey. [Chandler exits] Janine: Hey guys! [Joey and Ross drop their video game controllers.] Ross: (trying to act manly in front of Janine) No I don’t want to play video games, Joey! Janine: Are you guys going to Chandler’s for Thanksgiving? Joey: Yeah! Yeah, why? What’s up? Janine: Well, me and my dancer friends are thinking of doing Thanksgiving uptown. I thought you guys might like to come. Ross: For real? Janine: No, but you should go to Chandler’s. Because none of us knows how to cook, we’ll probably just end up drinking all day. Joey: Ye-ye, we go to yours! Ross: Yeah, see, we-we-we have to stop across the hall到对面露个脸, because it’s my sister. But, uh, uh y’know actually, growing up with a sister was nice because it really helped me understand women. Yeah, you-you should tell your friends that. Janine: (not sure of what to make of that) Okay. make of v.解释 [Janine leaves] [Ross looks at Joey coyly.] coyly adv.羞怯地 Joey: How you got three women to marry you, I’ll never know. [Scene: Monica and Chandler’s, Monica and Rachel are making thanksgiving dinner] Rachel: Hey, Mon, look. I'm melting butter. Monica: That's great, Rach. You now have the cooking skills of a hot day. [Phoebe enters with a paper turkey.] Phoebe: Hey! All: Hey! Rachel: Hey! Hey, Pheebs, check it out. Yeah, for my desert, I have chosen to make a traditional English trifle! trifle n.蛋糕 traditional English trifle Phoebe: Wow, that sounds great! And what are you making Monica, in case Rachel’s dessert is...[about to say “bad”] so good that I eat all of it. There’s none left for anybody else! [Monica, Phoebe, and Rachel laugh] Monica: Nothing. Rachel: (worried) Nothing? Monica: No, sweetie, I-I trust you. Rachel: So, if-if I mess this up, there’s nothing else for dessert? Monica: You’re not gonna mess it up. Rachel: Wow, Monica, I love that, you really have faith in me. Thank you. Technical question, how do you know when uh, the butter’s done? have faith in v.相信 信任 Monica: Well, it’s done about two minutes before it looks like that. [Joey and Ross enter.] Joey and Ross: Hey! All: Hey! Joey: Oh, ooh the food smells great, Mon! Ross: And the place looks so nice! Joey: Yeah, hey hey, Happy Thanksgiving everybody! Ross: Happy Thanksgiving! The Girls: Happy Thanksgiving! Joey: Well, this has been great! Ross: See ya! [Joey and Ross go to the door, ready to leave.] Monica: Whoa whoa whoa! Where’re you goin’? Ross: Oh, oh, we did say we’d stop by this little thing Joey’s roommate is having. Monica: Oh, Janine, the really hot dancer girl? Ross: Some would say she’s attractive, yes. Phoebe: And who else is going to be there? Joey: Uh, some of her friends, yeah. Rachel: Her dancer friends? Joey: (frustrated) Yes, all right? All of her hot dancer friends are gonna be there and they’re gonna be, be drinkin’ and dancin, and we really wanna go! Ross: (to Joey) Dude, we were good我们刚才那么说现在就成功了! Monica: You’re not gonna go anywhere, you said you were gonna eat here, and you’re gonna eat here! Phoebe: Yeah, and-and leaving us to go see hot dancer girls is not very Thanksgivingy. Ross: Oh, but-but it is, uh, it’s just like the first Thanksgiving, when the Indians and the Pilgrims uh, sat down to dinner. Pilgrim n.(大写)1620年搭乘五月花号(Mayflower)移居美国的英国清教徒/感恩节是美国人的一个重要节日。每年11月的第四个星期四,美国家庭都要举行丰盛的感恩宴。最常见的传统食品有火鸡、南瓜馅饼和玉米面做的印第安布丁。感恩节起源于马萨诸塞普利茅斯的早期移民。这些移民在英国本土时被称为清教徒,因为他们对英国教会的宗教改革不彻底感到不满,以及英王及英国教会对他们的政治镇压和宗教迫害,所以这些清教徒脱离英国教会,远走荷兰,后来决定迁居到大西洋彼岸那片荒无人烟的土地上,希望能按照自己的意愿信教自由地生活。 1620年9月,“五月花号”轮船载着102名清教徒及其家属离开英国驶向北美大陆,经过两个多月的艰苦航行,在马萨诸塞的普利茅斯登陆上岸,从此定居下来。第一个冬天,由于食物不足、天气寒冷、传染病肆虐和过度劳累,这批清教徒一下子死去了一半以上。第二年春天,当地印第安部落酋长马萨索德带领心地善良的印第安人,给了清教徒谷物种子,并教他们打猎、种植庄稼、捕鱼等。在印第安人的帮助下,清教徒们当年获得了大丰收。首任总督威廉·布莱德福为此建议设立一个节日,庆祝丰收,感谢上帝的恩赐。同时,还想借此节日加强白人与印第安人的和睦关系。1621年11月下旬的星期四,清教徒们和马萨索德带来的90名印第安人欢聚一堂,庆祝美国历史上第一个感恩节。男性清教徒外出打猎、捕捉火鸡,女人们则在家里用玉米、南瓜、红薯和果子等做成美味佳肴。就这样,白人和印第安人围着篝火,边吃边聊,还载歌载舞,整个庆祝活动持续了三天。 从此以后,移居美国的欧洲人基本上沿袭了北美大陆上的第一次感恩节庆祝活动的形式。1789年,美国第一任总统华盛顿正式规定,11月26日为第一个全国统一庆祝的感恩节。但是,在相当长一段时间里,各州都视自己的情况规定节日日期。1941年,美国国会经罗斯福总统批准通过一项法案,宣布每年11月的第四个星期四为全国的感恩节。 Chandler: Fellas, I really think you should stay here. Ross: You're just jealous because you can't go. Chandler:(Monica turns around and stares at him) That is so not true.(when Monica turns back, he mouthes“That is true”) Joey: Yeah, yeah, and the Indians taught the Pilgrims what it meant to be hot in the new world! [Enter Jack and Judy Geller] Mrs. Geller: Hello everybody! Mr. Geller: Hi! All: Hi! [Kisses and hugs are exchanged.] Monica: Dad [kisses Jack], Mom [kisses Judy]. Look! Look who it is it’s Chandler! Mrs. Geller: (less than pleased) Oh yes of course, hello Chandler. Chandler: Mr. and Mrs. Geller, you look wonderful, it is great to have you here, let us take off your coats! [Chandler goes to take off Jack’s coat. He then notices little white flakes on Jack’s shoulders. He begins to wipe them off.] white flake n.白点 Chandler: Whoa, snowing out there? Mr. Geller: (angry) No. [Time lapse. The gang is sitting down for Thanksgiving dinner. Chandler is at the head of the table, Mr and Mrs Geller are to his right. Joey and Ross are to his left. Monica is serving things. Phoebe is in the living room and Rachel is at the sink.] at the head of adv.在...的最前面 Mr. Geller: Monica, all this food looks wonderful, you should think about doing this for a living. [Chandler, trying to make nice with Jack, laughs at his joke and points at Jack.] Mr. Geller: Ok, I have dandruff. There’s no need to laugh and point. dandruff n.头皮屑 [Monica rushes over to Chandler’s side.] Monica: Dad, Chandler was just laughing at your joke. Mr. Geller: My joke wasn’t funny. Monica: Chandler laughs at everything. That's one of the great things about him.(laugh and point again) [Phoebe walks from the living room to the kitchen and talks quietly to Rachel.] Phoebe: Rach, Rach, I just remembered. I had a dream about Mr. Geller last night. Rachel: Really?! Phoebe: Yeah, I dreamt that he saved me from a burning building and he was so brave and so strong! And it’s making me look at him totally differently. Y’know, I mean he used to be just, y’know “Jack Geller Monica and Ross’s dad” and now he’s he’s “Jack Geller, dream hunk." hunk <俚>强壮 英俊且性感的男人[eg: Most girls wish they could meet a sensitive hunk, with brains]/dream hunk n.梦中美男 [We see a shot of Jack stuffing his face with food. Some dream hunk?!] Rachel: I dunno. Y’know to me he’ll always be “Jack Geller, walks in while you’re changing.” dunno <口>(我)不知道 [Time lapse. Ross and Joey are cleaning the table while Judy and Phoebe talk by the window. Jack and Chandler are sitting on the couch while Monica sits on the coffee table.] Monica: Y’know dad, Chandler is one of Ross’s very best friends! Mr. Geller: (seems like not very interested) Yes, I know Chandler: Yeah, Ross sure is a great guy, y’know I’ve always felt that how a young man turns out is a reflection on his father. Mr. Geller: I always thought that too. Tell me, what does your father do? [Chandler and Monica exchange worried looks.] Chandler: (worried) He’s the headliner of a gay burlesque show. headliner <俚>A performer who receives prominent billing[在(节目单或戏院大门上的)演员 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 中占据显要位置的]; a star.头牌/burlesque <美>(含有脱衣舞表演的低俗的)滑稽歌舞杂剧 burlesque show [Rachel is in the kitchen fiddling with her English trifle. Joey and Ross, anxious to leave and go to Janine’s party, are egging her on to hurry up.] fiddle with v.捣鼓/anxious to do sth 急切盼望地做某事/egg vt.怂恿 煽动(+on)[eg: Egged on by his wife, Macbeth planned to murder his king] Joey: Rach, you’re killin’us here, will ya serve the dessert already? Those drunken dancers are waiting! Rachel: (looking at her trifle) Look at it, isn’t it beautiful? Ross: Yeah, yeah, what is it? Rachel: It’s a trifle. It’s got all of these layers. First there’s a layer of ladyfingers, then a layer of jam, then custard, which I made from scratch, [Joey and Ross make impressed faces] then raspberries, more ladyfingers, then beef sauteed with peas and onions, [Joey and Ross look like something’s wrong.] then a little more custard, and then bananas, and then I just put some whipped cream on top! from scratch 从零开始 从无到有 白手起家/to make something from scratch 自己用基本材料从头做起 一手打造/ saute v.炒/ ladyfinger n.松脆饼 custard n.奶油蛋羹 奶油冻 raspberry n.树莓 whipped cream n.生奶油 [Joey and Ross make confused faces.] Ross: W-What was the one right before bananas? Rachel: The beef? Yeah, that was weird to me, too. But then, y’know, I thought “well, there’s mincemeat pie,” I mean that’s an English dessert, these people just put very strange things in their food, y’know. [To Joey] Oh! by the way, can I borrow some Rum from your place? mince v.切碎/mincemeat n.苹果等切碎混拌碎肉的东西 甜馅 mincemeat pie rum n.浪姆酒(用甘蔗或糖蜜等酿制的一种甜酒) Joey: Y-sure! Rachel: (teasingly) And while I’m gone don’t you boys sneak a taste. teasingly adv.揶揄地 逗笑地 Joey and Ross: (faking dissapointment) Okay. [Rachel leaves] Ross: Beef in a dessert?! I- no no no, there is no way这样不可能! [Ross goes to look in the magazine Rachel got her recipe from.] Joey: I know, and only one layer of jam?! What is up with that? [Ross looks up as if saying that Joey was weird. He begins flipping through the pages, only to find that they are sticky. So one page is overlapping another, making two recipes look like one.] Ross: Oh my God, the pages are stuck together! Joey: (turning to Chandler in a scolding tone) Chandler! Ross: Oh My God, she-she made half a English Trifle, and half a ...shepherd's pie! shepherd's pie n.上铺马铃薯泥的肉饼/shepherd n.牧羊人 Joey: (sad) Oh man! Now she’s gonna start all over! We’re never gonna get to introduce the hot girls to the new world! start all over v.重新开始再来一遍 Ross: No, no, we will. We just won’t tell her she messed up. Joey: Just let her serve the beef-custard thing? Ross: Yeah, it’ll be like a funny Thanksgiving story! Joey: (shrugging his shoulders to go along with it) Vomiting stories are funny... go along with v.附和 [Rachel enters] Rachel: Joey, God, your apartment is like a hundred degrees! Joey: Did-did it make you wanna walk around in your underwear? Rachel: No! Joey: (frustrated) Still not hot enough! [Joey leaves] [Phoebe walks over to talk to Rachel.] Phoebe: Rachel? Rachel: Yeah? Phoebe: Okay, look at him. Look at those strong hands. Oh what I wouldn’t give to be that can of (looks closer to see what Jack is drinking) condensed milk. what I wouldn’t give to be that 如果能是什么 我没什么不愿放弃 ,我真想做…/condensed milk n.炼乳 [We see a shot of Jack drinking condensed milk on the couch.] [Ross and Judy enter the living room. Judy and Ross sit down on the couch beside Jack. Monica and Chandler are sitting on the coffee table.] Monica: Mom, uh, Chandler was just saying how beautiful your sweater is. Mrs. Geller: Oh, thank you Chandler! I just bought it. Chandler: Oh, yes. Well it’s very beautiful. It’s cream-colored and tight and…[Realizes what he just said and looks worried. Monica and Ross also looked shocked. Judy and Jack give Chandler a very dirty look.] I don’t mean tight, I mean it’s not too tight, not that I was looking at-[giving up all hope, he puts his head into his hands.] cream-colored adj.米色的 奶油色的 Mr. Geller: What’s the matter with him? Mrs. Geller: (whispers to Jack a little loudly) I think he’s stoned again. stoned adj.(服用毒品后)迷幻了的 恍恍惚惚的 Chandler: (shocked) What? Monica: (shocked) What? Ross: (worried) Dude, I need to talk to you a sec. [Ross and Chandler get up and go into Rachel’s old room.] [Scene: Rachel’s old room. It’s pretty much empty except for a few boxes against the walls. Ross and Chandler enter.] Ross: Okay, I think I might know why my parents don’t like you. Chandler: You do? Why? Ross: Okay, remember, we were young. Hey, Spring break, sophomore year, I got high in my bedroom and my parents walked in and smelled it and so I told them that you had gotten stoned and jumped out the window. Spring break, also March break in some parts of Canada, is a week-long recess from studying in early spring at universities and K-12 schools in the United States, Canada, Japan, Korea, China and other countries. /sophomore n.大学二年级生/high adj.(服用毒品后)精神恍惚的(=stoned) Chandler: What?! Why did you do that? Ross: I don’t know, aheh, your’s was the first name that-that popped into my head, I’m I’m sorry. I-I didn’t think it would matter. Chandler: How could it not matter?! Ross: How was I supposed to know we’d end up being friends after college, let alone you-you would be living with my sister? let alone ph. 更不必说 遑论 Chandler: What about all that “friends forever” stuff? Ross: I don’t know, I-I was all high. Commercial Break [Scene: Rachel’s Old Bedroom, Continued from earlier. Monica enters the room.] Monica: Mom and dad just sent me in here to find out if you (points to Chandler) were trying to get Ross stoned! Chandler: Your parents caught Ross smoking pot in college and he blamed it on me! pot <俚>大麻(烟叶) Monica: Ross, I can’t believe you’d do that! Chandler: The reason we haven’t told them we’re together is because they hate me, okay? So will you fix this? Ross: Okay, okay, I’ll tell‘em it wasn’t Chandler who got high. Now who should I say it was? Monica: You! It’s not like it’s a big deal! You-you don’t still do it or anything! Ross: Alright, alright, now-now who should I say tricked me into doing it? Monica: Nobody. You're gonna go out there and tell them exactly what happened. Ross: Really? Chandler: Yes! Ross: Okay. Chandler: Wait, is there anything else I should know? Ross: No-- Oh, yeah.... You microwaved a bunch of my dad's records. microwave vt. 用微波炉热(食物) 用微波炉烹调 Chandler: Why? Ross: Evidently, you weren't very good at handling your high. evidently ad. 明显地 显然 [Scene: Monica and Chandler’s, Time lapse. Jack is still on the couch, picking his teeth with his feet on the table. Phoebe and Judy are sitting on the table looking at him. Ross and Chandler are sitting by the window talking. Rachel and Joey are in the kitchen fooling with Rachel’s trifle. Monica walks into the living room from the kitchen.] pick one’s teeth v.剔牙/fool with v.摆弄 Monica: Dad, please don’t pick your teeth out here! Alright, and if you’re gonna put your feet up, why don’t you sit on the- Phoebe: Monica, leave him alone! [Monica gives Phoebe a surprised expression and goes over to Ross and Chandler.] Joey: (to Rachel) Will you hurry up? Did you not hear me before when I told you that all of Janine’s friends are dancers?! And that they’re going to be drinking a lot!? Rachel: (sarcastically) No, I did, but tell me again, because it’s so romantic. Joey: Well you’re whippin’so slow! Can’t you do it any faster? Rachel: Joey! Come on! I don’t wanna make any mistakes, alright? This is the only dessert and if I screw it up everybody's gonna be like “Oh, remember that Thanksgiving when Rachel screwed up the trifle?” [Joey gives her an understanding look.] Rachel: So why don’t you just let me worry about making the trifle and you just worry about eating it, alright? Joey: Oh I am! [Chandler and Monica are by the window pressuring Ross to tell his parents the truth.] Monica: Ross, if you don’t tell them, then I will! Ross: Okay, fine! [Ross gets up to go tell his parents.] [Joey rushes over.] Joey: Ross! Can I talk to you for a second? Ross: Oh, uh, can it wait a second Joey? I have to tell my parents something. No it can’t? Okay. [Monica and Chandler make “What was that?” gestures. Joey and Ross go into Rachel’s old room.] [Scene: Rachel’s old room, Ross and Joey enter.] Joey: Okay, look, I think we have to tell Rachel she messed up her dessert. Ross: What?! What is with everybody? It’s Thanksgiving, not...Truth-Day! Joey: Look, when everyone eats that...that...Banana-Meat thing, they’re all gonna’ make fun of her, do you want that? Ross: Okay, okay, we’ll just get everyone to act like they like it. That-that way noone makes fun of her and we still get to go to Sweet Potato Pie! (Referring to the dancers.) Sweet Potato Pie is a traditional dessert popular in the Southern United States. Joey: (scolding) Dude, they’re not objects. [Ross makes a sorry face.] Joey: Just kiddin,’ I’ll talk to them, you distract Rach. [Joey and Ross go back out into the main area.] Ross: Hey Rach, can I talk to you outside for a second? Rachel: Okay... [The hallway. Rachel and Ross go out and they just stand there for a few seconds.] Rachel: What’s up, Ross? Ross: So um...Thanksgiving. The holiday season is upon us, hm? Rachel: Yeah! Ross: And um...You look nice today. Rachel: Oh no. No Ross, don’t do this. Ross: What? Rachel: I just- I don’t think us getting back together is a good idea. Ross: (shocked) Eh? Rachel: I thought this might happen today. Ross, I know the holidays can be rough. Y’know? And it’s probably really hard for you to be alone right now. rough <口>难受的 艰难的 煎熬的 Ross: (cutting her off) You’re alone. cut sb off v.打断某人的说话 Rachel: No, I-I live with Phoebe. I mean you’re [pity-tone] alone, alone. And I just-it’s just not the time for us. I’m sorry. Ross: (just trying to get out of the conversation) Ah well, can’t blame a guy for trying不能责怪勇于尝试的人! [Inside Monica and Chandler’s. Joey is almost done explaining the situation to everyone.] Joey: Oh and (Ross begins to open the door and Joey says some gibberish word to indicate to Ross that he’s not done yet. Ross closes the door again.) Okay, and uh if anyone needs help pretending to like it, I learned something in acting class, try uh, rubbing your stomach (Rubs his stomach) or uh, or saying “mmm” and uh, oh oh! And smiling (Smiles while pretending to stir a bowl), okay? gibberish n.快速而不清说的言语 乱语/stir vt.搅和 Chandler: Yeah, I’m not gonna pay for those acting classes anymore. [Ross and Rachel re-enter.] Joey: Rachel, there you are! Come on, let’s serve that dessert already! Rachel: Joey, you’re gonna have to stop rushing me, you know what? You don’t get any dessert. Joey: (happily) Really? Rachel: No, I’m just kidding I would never do that to you! Okay, everybody, it’s trifle time! Phoebe: So, now, Rach, this is a traditional English trifle, isn’t it? Rachel: It sure is. Phoebe: Wow. So then did you make it with beef or Eggplant? Rachel: Beef. Phoebe: I can’t have any. You know I don’t eat meat. (Faking dissapointment.) Ohhh no. [Phoebe gets up and goes into Rachel’s old room, a smile on her face.] Rachel: Alright, Monica, I want you to have the first taste. Monica: Really? [Rachel hands Monica a plate. Monica takes a spoonful of the whipped cream portion.] Rachel: Oh oh oh, wait! You only got whipped cream in there! Ya gotta take a bite with all the layers! Monica: Okay. [Monica takes a bigger spoonful and a pea falls off] Rachel: Op! Wait, you dropped a pea. [Monica puts the pea on top of the spoonful and takes a bite.] Rachel: Well? Monica: (faking joy. Rubbing her stomach and smiling at the same time, like Joey said) Mmmm! It’s good! Rachel: Really? How good? Monica: It’s so good, that I feel really selfish about being the only one who’s eating it, that I think we should have everyone taste how good it is. Especially Ross. [Ross glares at Monica.] [Everyone takes a bite of their trifle.] All: (faking enjoyment) Mmm. Chandler: (clearly lying明显在撒谎 and hating the dessert) Yeah, this is so good, that I’m gonna go enjoy it on the balcony so that I can enjoy the view whilst I enjoy my dessert. whilst=while [Chandler exits to the balcony.] Mrs. Geller: (lying) I’ve gotta call my friend Mary and tell her how good this is, from Monica’s room. Mr. Geller: (also lying) I’ll help you dial. [Jack and Judy exit to Monica’s room.] Monica: (again, lying) I’m gonna go into the bathroom so I can look at it in the mirror, as I eat it. [Monica exits to the bathroom.] Rachel: Okay, now what was that all about? Is it-does it not taste good? Let me try it. [Rachel reaches for Ross’s plate] reach for v.伸手拿东西 Ross: Wha? No no! Ah! (Ross scarfs all of his trifle down in about a second. He looks like he’s going to throw up.) (Lying) All gone! (on the verge of crying)So good! Maybe Chandler has some left. scarf <俚>To pig(v.贪婪地吃) out or 'down' food really fast and hastily 狼吞虎咽[eg:I scarfed down the burger] [Rachel leaves to the balcony.] Ross: It tastes like feet! Joey: I like it.(Are you a pig?) Ross: Are you kidding? Joey: What’s not to like? Custard? Good. Jam? Good. Meat? Gooooood. [Rachel and Chandler re-emerge from the balcony.] Rachel: ...So a bird just grabbed it, and then tried to fly away with it and, and then just dropped it on the street? [Chandler makes a fake "I know I couldn’t believe it either" gesture.] Chandler: (lying) Yes, but if it’s any consolation, before the bird dropped it, he seemed to enjoy it. consolation n.安慰 慰藉[eg: It's a consolation to know that they are safe.] [Phoebe comes back from Rachel’s old room.] Phoebe: Rachel, come here. (Rachel walks over to Phoebe. Chandler sits down on the lounge-chair.) Okay, I was just starting to take my Thanksgiving nap, and I had another dream about Jack. Rachel: Oh, Phoebe, do I wanna hear this? Phoebe: I dunno, let’s see! So, okay, I dreamt that we were gonna get married, and he left, becuz he had to go fight a fire. And, um, so okay, I went to a night club, and I saw him making out with a girl. Rachel: (humoring Phoebe) Oh my God, he dream-cheated on you! humor vt. 迎合 迁就[eg: It's not always wise to humor a small child.] Phoebe: Yeah, but then Jacques Cousteau came and he kicked his ass for betraying me! It was soo cool! Then, he took me diving and he introduced me to his pet seahorse, who, by the way, was totally coming on to me对我大献殷勤, and please, that is not gonna happen. Jacques Cousteau:菲比乱做和老盖勒的怪梦,梦中老盖勒对她不忠,但雅克·库斯托(Jacques Cousteau)赶来惩罚老盖勒。库斯托是潜水史上最著名的英雄,他发明的潜水工具极大地帮助了人们对海底的探索。这种探险家向来是菲比喜欢的英雄,还记得她喜欢宇航员约翰·格伦吗?/Jacques-Yves Cousteau (11 June 1910 – 25 June 1997) was a French naval officer(n.海军军官), explorer, ecologist(n.生态学家), filmmaker, scientist, photographer and researcher who studied the sea and all forms of life in water. He co-developed the aqua-lung(n.水中呼吸器[aqua-代表水的前缀]), pioneered marine conservation and was a member of the Académie française.Cousteau was born in Saint-André-de-Cubzac, Gironde, to Daniel and Élisabeth Cousteau. He is generally known in France as le commandant Cousteau ("Commander Cousteau"). Worldwide, he was commonly known as Jacques Cousteau or Captain Cousteau. [Jack and Judy come out of Monica’s room and sit down on the couch.] Mr. Geller: Boy, I’m glad I wore the big belt today. Phoebe: Five minutes ago, a line like that would’ve floored me. Now nothing. Well, not nothing, I am still a woman. floor -To knock a person off of his/her feet, or to stun (exaggeration) [Rachel and Phoebe walk into the kitchen. Monica comes out of the bathroom and goes over to Ross.] Monica: Ross? Let’s go. Ross: Oh yeah, about telling Mom and Dad, I was thinking about maybe writing a letter. Monica: Alright, you know what? That’s it. You’ve had your chance已经给足你机会了. Ross: Wha-what? Monica: (out loud, to her parents) Mom! Dad! Ross smoked pot in college! Mr. and Mrs. Geller: What?! Ross: (in a 5 year old’s tone) (To Monica) You are such a tattletale! Mom, Dad, you remember that-that time you walked in my room and smelled marijuana? tattle v .闲谈 在闲谈中泄露(秘密)/tattletale n.告状胚 搬弄是非者(的) 告密者(的)/marijuana n.大麻 Mr. and Mrs. Geller: Yes. (They look at Chandler angrily.) Ross: Well I told you it was Chandler who was smoking the pot but it was me. I’m sorry. Mrs. Geller: It was you? Monica: And Dad, Chandler didn't melt your records. Ross did. Mr. Geller: Is that true? Monica: And Dad, y’know that mailman that you got fired? He didn’t steal your Playboys! Ross did! mailman=postman [The Gellers stare at Ross. Ross looks at his parents with an afraid, shocked look.] Ross: Yeah, well, Hurricane Gloria didn’t break the porch swing, Monica did! Hurricane Gloria:罗斯和莫尼卡在父母前互相揭发童年时的丑事。罗斯说,“格洛丽亚飓风”并没有毁掉门廊里的秋千,莫尼卡是罪魁祸首。西方通常以男女名字给飓风命名,“格洛丽亚飓风”是1985年的七号飓风,在美国历史上损失排名第十三,更重要的是它曾在当年掠过纽约长岛地区。如果大家还记得的话,罗斯说他成长在长岛地区。不过,门廊的秋千显然是超重的莫尼卡弄坏的/ Hurricane Gloria was a powerful Cape Verde-type hurricane that formed during the 1985 Atlantic(adj.大西洋) hurricane season and prowled(v. 徘徊 潜行) the Atlantic Ocean from September 16 to September 28. Gloria reached Category 4 on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale near the Bahamas(n.巴哈马群岛), but weakened significantly by the time it made landfall on North Carolina's Outer Banks. From there, Gloria closely followed the Mid-Atlantic coastline and made a second landfall on Long Island, New York, and, after crossing the Long Island Sound, it made a third landfall in Connecticut.Overall, the storm caused extensive damage along the East Coast of the United States, amounting to $900 million ($1.6 billion in 2005 USD), and was responsible for 8 fatalities(n.不幸 灾祸). The storm was the first significant system to impact the northeastern United States since Hurricane Agnes in 1972 and the last until Hurricane Bob in 1991. porch swing [The Gellers glare at Monica.] [Joey, Phoebe, and Rachel are sitting at the table, looking at the Geller siblings like they’re weirdos.] sibling n.兄弟 姐妹 兄妹/weido n.怪人 Monica: Ross hasn’t worked at the museum for a year! [The Gellers glare at Ross.] Ross: Monica and Chandler are living together! [The Gellers glare at Monica, shocked] [Monica and Chandler both are shocked. Ross gives Monica a “take that!” look.] Monica: Ross married Rachel in Vegas! And got divorced! Again!!!! [The Gellers glare at Ross.] Phoebe: (joining in) I love Jacques Cousteau! Rachel: (reading the recipe magazine, finally figuring out that...) I wasn’t supposed to put beef in the trifle! Joey: (pounding the table) I wanna gooooooo! Mrs. Geller: (rubbing her temples) That’s a lot of information to get in in thirty seconds! Alright Joey, if wanna leave, just leave. Rachel, no you weren’t supposed to put beef in the trifle. It did not taste good. Phoebe, I’m sorry, but I think Jacques Cousteau is dead. (Phoebe makes a sad face.) Monica, why you felt you had to hide the fact that you were in an important relationship is beyond me be beyond sb v.为某人所不能理解 Mr. Geller: And we kinda figured about the porch swing. Mrs. Geller: Ross, drugs? Divorced? Again? Mr. Geller: What happened son? Ross: I-I uh, I got tricked into all those things! Mrs. Geller: Chandler! You’ve been Ross’s best friend all these years, stuck by him during the drug problems. (Ross gets disgusted.) And now you’ve taken on Monica as well. Well, I don’t know what to say. You’re a wonderful human being. stuck by sb 不离不弃/take on sb v.与某人在一起 [Chandler is mega-shocked!] Chandler: Thank you! Mr. Geller: No! Thank you! (Hugs Chandler) Monica, and Ross! I don’t know what I’m gonna do about the two of you! Chandler: (In a parent-like tone) I’ll talk to them! Closing Credits [Scene: Monica and Chandler’s, Everyone is helping clean the table.] Rachel: You guys! It was bananas, cream, and beef! I-I just cannot believe that you ate that so that I wouldn’t feel bad! Monica: Well actually, I-I didn’t eat mine. It’s still in the bathroom. Joey: No it isn’t, I ate that. Mrs. Geller: (pointing to herself and Jack) Well we left ours in Monica’s bedroom. Joey: Nope, got it and I got yours (Pointing to Jack) too. Rachel: Chandler, are you gonna stick with that bird story? stick with v.坚持说 坚持做 Chandler: It was a big bird. Swooped right in there. Janine:Hi. Ross: Oh, Janine.It's not over, is it? Janine:Yeah. We all got depressed. The holidays and everything, we're alone. Rachel: Yeah, well, at least you have Joey. But Ross is really alone. Monica: Well, you're always welcome here. This is my mom and my dad. This is Janine. Janine:Hi,Nice to meet you.I think we've already met. Mr. Geller: Really? Janine:I live across the hall. You walked in on me when I was changing.(Joey and Ross both make a dirty look) End
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