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电影叫我第一名观后感1000字(精选多篇)电影叫我第一名观后感1000字(精选多篇) 电影叫我第一名观后感  感触最深的,还是要乐观,要自信,要相信自己不要被打败。  主人公布莱德·科恩从6岁开始,拥有一个小伙伴,尽管电影里面的小布莱德总是与一辆自行车为伴,但是他所说的这个小伙伴并不是他的自行车,而是一种由于脑部缺陷导致的会让他脸部抽搐发出怪叫的病。这种病叫做妥瑞症。这种病给他带来的影响是会让他发出奇怪的声音,类似狗吠,以至于布莱德长大以后求职接到面试电话的时候,对方常常会问他是否养了一条小狗。  当时很少人知道妥瑞症,小布莱德的爸爸也不知道,他以为儿...

电影叫我第一名观后感1000字(精选多篇) 电影叫我第一名观后感  感触最深的,还是要乐观,要自信,要相信自己不要被打败。  主人公布莱德·科恩从6岁开始,拥有一个小伙伴,尽管电影里面的小布莱德总是与一辆自行车为伴,但是他所说的这个小伙伴并不是他的自行车,而是一种由于脑部缺陷导致的会让他脸部抽搐发出怪叫的病。这种病叫做妥瑞症。这种病给他带来的影响是会让他发出奇怪的声音,类似狗吠,以至于布莱德长大以后求职接到面试电话的时候,对方常常会问他是否养了一条小狗。  当时很少人知道妥瑞症,小布莱德的爸爸也不知道,他以为儿子是故意的,让儿子self-control,自制。学校里的老师以为布莱德是在耍宝,班级里的学生老是嘲笑布莱德。布莱德的妈妈科恩夫人为了儿子找过好几个医生,医生的诊断是父母离婚给布莱德带来了影响。这么多人里面,也许只有布莱德的妈妈相信自己的儿子是真的控制不住。查看医书,找出病因,带领布莱德参与一次妥瑞症患者的互动,当时布莱德12岁,他清楚地告诉妈妈,他不要成为那样子,他可以和别人不一样。妈妈也很相信布莱德,她也不希望自己的儿子以后只能居住在家里,依靠家里人的照顾。她觉得自己的儿子可以打败妥瑞症,获得跟普通人一样的生活。  长大后的布莱德下定决心要找一份教师的工作。他下定决心当教师的这个决定,来源于小时候一次音乐演奏会,他担心自己会干扰音乐会,校长对他说——i want you you be there.并且借此契机,在音乐会结束以后,对听众们介绍了布莱德,小布莱德勇敢而坦诚地面对自己和一帮学生、以及学生家长。校长在这之前说过一句话,大意是,学校就是用知识来消灭无知的地方。而布莱德事后对此的感悟是——几句话,教育一下,就好像开启了通往新世界的大门。正是这次事情,让他下定决心要成为一名教师。  面试过二三十所学校,被拒绝的次数居多。乐观,坚强,努力的布莱德最终还是在几位老师的同意下进了一所学校,并带领二 年级 六年级体育公开课教案九年级家长会课件PPT下载六年级家长会PPT课件一年级上册汉语拼音练习题六年级上册道德与法治课件 的学生上课。他的坦诚,乐观,幽默以及轻松而愉快的教育方式,让其收获了一大帮学生的喜欢。他深知被放弃是什么滋味,所以他说他不愿意放弃任何人。他在布置班级教室的时候,有几句话写得很好,“it’s ok.to be different.”“我不会放弃你的,我也不会放弃我自己”就是他对班上一名患有多动症等病症的小男孩汤姆森说的话。他的真诚,坦诚,乐观,善良,以及包容心,包容孩子的不懂事、包容大人的不同情,真的是非常难能可贵的品质。  凭借他的优秀的教学水平和高尚的品质,布莱德最终获得了最佳教师的称号,他自己都难以置信。发 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 获奖感言的时候, 他还是很紧张,还是发出了奇怪的声音,但是他说,他要感谢妥瑞症。他的学生说,他从妥瑞症中学到了“不被打败”“不放弃”“一直坚持”,他自己也说“千万别让任何事组织你追求梦想,影响你的工作货玩耍,还有爱情”。是的,他凭借他的乐观善良真诚,收获了爱情。他的伴侣是一名叫做南西的非常美丽善良的姑娘。  最后,他和他的爸爸也冰释前嫌,他的爸爸再也不会觉得自己无助不会觉得自己的儿子让他“不自在”,他终于承认他一直以布莱德为自豪。甚至还为布莱德就职的学校做了好几个书柜。  我真的不太擅长整理压缩情节,不太擅长挑重点。但是真的,我从中学到最多的,就是要乐观,要自信,要勇敢。当然,也要努力。我无法想象布莱德在面对别人的不理解,收获别人异样的眼光,在被一所又一所学校拒绝之后,甚至他的父亲都不信任他的时候,他需要鼓足多大的勇气承受多大的压力才能够继续。他都想到过放弃,或者,哪怕只是面对自己的不成功而难过失落,但是来自家庭的关爱,来自妈妈和兄弟的维护,真的让他很快又鼓足信心了。我不知道,当我面对这些困难的时候,我是不是还有足够的勇气接受自己的不完美,追求自己的梦想。很可能不会。很可能会自暴自弃。也许,是一定会自暴自弃。  但是,他真的是一个很好的榜样。  《叫我第一名》电影观后感  满怀期待的看着《叫我第一名》这部励志电影,教会我是乐观的人生态度与对梦想的执著追求,其中也夹杂着小小的心酸。  主人公是一位妥瑞式症患者,脑神经常常发出错误的信息,让他不由自主地直发出怪声,怪动作。甚至无法控制,也无法治愈。连自己的亲生父亲都放弃了他。当他不被老师理解,不能得到父亲的支持,被同学歧视,在哪里都会受到别人异样的目光,甚至呵斥,但是,他并没有放弃自己,希望自己和平常人一样,受到尊重。在 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 ,他遇到了改变他一生的校长,使得他更坚定了自己的梦想,当一名特别的教师。  就这样,经过一步步努力,终于拿到了毕业证及其它资质条件,盼望已久可以站在讲台上的他,遇到了他的另一座高山,许多的学校都否定了,仅仅是因为妥瑞式症所带来的不便。不然,相信他早是一名出色的教师了,但是主人公不认可,他说那是他最好的“朋友”。整整两个月,面试近几十所学校,即将开学,还是毫无音讯,最终,一所小学以试用期录取了他,难免遇到别人说提到尴尬的问题,正是他的坦然面对,乐观开朗,赢得了成功——当他站在年度最佳教师的领奖台上,他说他要感谢妥瑞式症,这是他的老师,台上他的学生连续举手发言。乐观不只是他一个人的,也影响到他的学生,他身边的人。  人生不如意,十有八九。但是只要拥有一颗乐观向上的心,生活一样可以过得很快乐。这一站,或许是苦的,但是下一站, 可能是甜,关键是看你选择了怎样的生活方式,拥有怎样的生活态度。每个人都有属于自己的梦想或者目标,但是为什么有的人成功了,有的依然在原地徘徊,就是需要一颗执著的心。电影中,我看到最多是乐观、执著的精神。  也许,两百多天后,我会考上自己理想的大专。这将是我难熬的一段过程,因为基础不好,学习上难免碰钉子。但是我相信,我依然会带着自信的笑容,努力坚持下去。  电影:“叫我第一名”观后感  《叫我第一名》讲述了一个名叫布莱德·科恩的人从不放弃,最终走向成功的故事。他在6岁时得了一种罕见的病——妥瑞氏症。这种病十分奇特,它是由于精神压迫神经,导致大脑做出一些错误指挥,所以布莱德常常会不由自主地发出怪叫声,不时地抽搐。但他在遭受别人异样眼光时并未放弃希望。他的校长给了他莫大的鼓励。他最终战胜妥瑞氏症,完成了他的愿望——做一名优秀的教师。  本片其实是非常感人的。小时候的布莱德总是要被迫接受别人向他投去的异样目光,常常被老师误解为故意发出怪声,影响课堂学习;还常常被赶出一些公共场所,如图书馆等等。但最让他伤心的是他的爸爸不能接受这一切,对他总是恶言相向。每当这时,我能看见布莱德眼底那即将涌出的晶莹泪水,我仿佛能听见他内心的哭泣声??  即使这一切发生了,但他从未放弃,他的母亲也一直陪伴在他身边,给他鼓励和无尽的爱。这让我感到母爱是伟大的。父母之爱永远能让你感受到温暖。  最让我感动的还是他坚持到底的毅力和对生活积极向上的态度,这一切都让我为之动容。我曾试想过,若我如他一般,估计会受不了这些折磨,可能就一辈子躲在家中,不敢面对这一切,但布莱德没有,他一直在为他的梦想而努力,他曾面试过多达25间学校,虽然失败但从未放弃。上帝还是公平的,让他在不懈努力之后梦想成真,终于成为一位受到人尊重,钟爱老师!  “别让任何事情挡住你前进的脚步!” 这是他在获奖后的感言。对呀!别让任何事情挡住你前进的脚步!这部电影让我意识到我们是多么的幸运,但为何要因为一些小事而自怨自艾,何不学学布莱德笑对生活,热爱生活;对于生活中的困难挫折,为何还未尝试就已摇头逃避,何不学学布莱德,乐观面对一切,将自己的梦想进行到底! 我崇敬主人公,突然想起一句话:“我们要自信,绝对自信,无条件的自信,即使是在失败的时候”!来吧!抬起头来自信地向前走吧!不要后退,坚持走到终点。  其实,我们每个人都可以是第一名,只要你愿意。  另外,我们也要从布莱德的经历中得到经验:走入孩子心中,做一名好老师。  thesedays, i see a movie , front of the class, and i’m deeply touched by it. the movie said a story about bobo who was suffering from a congenital  disease, tourette. he always can’t help wring the neck and making a strange noises. his classmates like to laugh at him. what’s worse, his father hates him. he thinks that bobo let him lose his face. fortunately, his mother support him and love him all the time. bobo was walking hardly in regular poople’s life. facing the world which can’t understand him, bobo has been suffering in the vortex of struggle. one day, in a general meeting of students, the principal let everyone kowns the real situation of bobo. after that, bobo decided to be an excellent teacher. although his disease let him break down several times, he didn’t give up his hope. twenty four schools turned him down, but he always kept his dream, at last, a school gave him a chance. surprisingly, bobo has been chosen from amongst all the new educators in the state of georgia to be sallie mae’s first teacher of the year. after he won, he felt himself like a kid, because children look at life differently than most adults. they see the world and say, i will. not i can’t. and so did him. bobo said that never let anything stop you from chasing your dream, from working or playing or  falling in love. coping with tourette’s has taught him the most valuable lesson. in our life, we would meet some people like bobo who has a congenital  disease. we can’t laugh at them. we should encourage them to live happily. in fact, because the disabled were no way to being living like regular people did, so they much eagered to spend a regular life. the disabled’s psychology is very fragile. we should use our love to make them become determined.  the review of front of the class  the film “front of the class” is a great inspirational, and rearranged from a person’s experience in reality, which described a man suffer from an illness called toilette syndrome, but he made great efforts to be a teacher and try to overcome disease. brad cohen, the leading role. can’t help himself making the strange sound. therefore, he was considered as a bad, mutinous child. the teacher didn’t understand him, the classmates often make fun of his behavior, even brad’s father also didn’t understand him, and there is a deep gap between brad and his father. when he attended middle school, fortunately, he met a great headmaster. accidentally, the headmaster invited him to express his feeling and his illness to the whole school’s students and teachers, though which everybody knew that his strange sound wasn’t on purpose. afterwards, he became more confident than before. after graduated from college, brad convinced that every student in worth to be given guidance by teacher, being a teacher kept in his mind, who interviewed to school separately. unfortunately, he was rejected by lots of school’s leaders due to his illness, which really frustrated him seriously. however, brad’s mother always encouraged him to face life bravely and overcame any difficult. at last, almost was interviewed by 25 schools, a primary school intended to employ him. he really worked hard and got well along with his students, who elected as the annual excellent teacher. during this period, brad  also gained his love for his optimistic and kind heart.  although brad can’t behave like a normal people , his dream came true at last, whose success unable to leave efforts and willpower. naturally, other’s help should be ignored. the first importing person in his life undoubtedly is his mother, without whom we are not sure whether brad can own courage to overcome problem and achieve his dream. all mothers in world are great and never give up their children, even if their children are unmoral or physical disability, who will always understand children’s weakness. they also don’t look forward how big achievement children get, only hope children safety and happiness. their love are unself, when you face difficult, who are willing to pay anything for you and don’t require you any repay. brad’s mother always stays with and inspires him; encourage him never to compromise with toilette syndrome. hence brad still keep an optimistic mentality after experiencing such suffering and unfair treatment. still face attract from cruel reality with a positive attitude. so his success unable to leave his mother’s helping. moreover, the headmaster has a great influence on brad’s life. before into middle school, he often laugh at by people surrounded and misunderstood, including his own father. without headmaster, maybe brad continue to be made fun of by other people, who have no opportunity to spend student’s time smoothly, also he would become a self-abased and timid child. the classmates and teachers would not understand his experience. the  headmaster found his difference with other, however he didn’t see him as a troublesome, bad boy as others. on the contrary, he gave brad a chance to explain reason to public loudly. finally, all people knew his strange sound not because of troublesome, but for illness. from those, we can find what a significant function a wise guidance or pedagogue in people’s life. as a wise pedagogue, firstly, they need understand students fully and are responsible for them, who should not criticize students when they a mistake .maybe student’s behavior from some special reasons, who should find the really reason. the children don’t own too much experience in the world, who need parents and teachers’ advises and guidance. finding the reason on time and eerily, the children can get the better guidance. and teacher .as a person who stay most of time a day with children, who is natural that care for them more. the headmaster had a positive influence on brad’ life, brad was lucky. we hope every student can meet such wise headmaster during in difficult or getting lost .  the very important thing lead to brad’s success i think should be his own efforts and carrying through firmly to end. think about around us there are lots of who are defeated by reality, including those who are healthy, don’t mention that disabled men. the most of people choose to face cruel reality with shrinking. yet brad hasn’t been defeated by difficult, facing ridicule with optimistic, dealing with defeat by willpower. finally, he won the favor of god, got other people’s respect, became  popular among students. therefore, as a health people, we shouldn’t co0mplaint about the unfair of the world, for at last we are healthy. never give up when meeting some trouble; once we give up, we have no any chance to success. brad’s experience let us know we will get respect and understand of others, if we can persist. even though we may lose heart sometimes, we can feel sad or sorrow, but never give up. with encourage from people we love, success will fall into us. meanwhile, optimistic attitude also is a sprit we should learn from brad. although he had some flaws, but he succeed, became person with confident and dream. furthermore, we should treat other people friendly, don’t to laugh at other’s flaws, because of nobody is perfect.  anyway, form film i was touched by brad’s effort and envy his attachment. we all know that disabled isn’t terrible, the terrible thing is we have courage to face it.
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