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料理鼠王中英文字幕[1]MAN ON TV: (FRENCH ACCENT) Although each of the world's countries MAN ON TV: (FRENCH ACCENT) Although each of the world's countries 尽管世界各国   would like to dispute this fact, 想争论一个事实 we French know the truth: 但我们法国人知道什么是真的 The best food in the world is made in ...

MAN ON TV: (FRENCH ACCENT) Although each of the world's countries MAN ON TV: (FRENCH ACCENT) Although each of the world's countries 尽管世界各国   would like to dispute this fact, 想争论一个事实 we French know the truth: 但我们法国人知道什么是真的 The best food in the world is made in France. 世上最好的是法国菜 The best food in France is made in Paris. 法国最好的菜在巴黎特 And the best food in Paris, some say, is made by Chef Auguste Gusteau. 有人说巴黎最好的厨师是Gusteau Gusteau's restaurant is the toast of Paris, Gusteau餐厅是巴黎的骄傲 booked five months in advance. 座位得提前五个月预定 And his dazzling ascent to the top of fine French cuisine 注定会被法国美食杂志评为第一 has made his competitors envious. 这也使其竞争对手眼红不已 He is the youngest chef ever to achieve a five-star rating. 他是有史以来拿到五星评价最年轻的大厨 Chef Gusteau's cookbook, Anyone Can Cook! Gusteau的食谱:《人人都能当厨师》 Climbed to the top of the bestseller list. 也爬上了畅销书排行榜第一名 But not everyone celebrates its success. 但不是每个人都乐见他的成功 Amusing title, Anyone Can Cook! 令人发噱的书名《人人都能当厨师》 What's even more amusing is that Gusteau actually seems to believe it. 更滑稽的是,他似乎也相信这一点 I, on the other hand, take cooking seriously. 而我却把烹饪认真地当回事儿 And, no, I don't think anyone can do it. 不...我不认为每个人都会做菜 (GUN FIRING) (THUNDER RUMBLING) (WOMAN SCREAMING) (CLATTERING) This is me. 这就是我 I think it's apparent I need to rethink my life a little bit. 我显然需要重新思考一下我的生活 What's my problem? 我的问题是什麽呢? First of all, I'm a rat. 首先,我是只老鼠 Which means life is hard. 嗯!这表示生活不容易啊! And second, I have a highly developed sense of taste and smell. 第二、我有非常发达的味觉和嗅觉 (SNIFFING) Flour, eggs, sugar, vanilla bean... 面粉,鸡蛋,糖,嗯~ 香草 Oh! Small twist of lemon. 哦~ 还有点儿柠檬味 Whoa, you can smell all that? You have a gift. 哇~ 你都能闻得出来?你真有才! This is Emile, my brother. He's easily impressed. 这是我哥哥艾米,两三下就能让他信服 So you can smell ingredients? So what? 哼~ 你能闻出各种配料,又怎样 This is my dad. He's never impressed. 这是我爸,他一向见怪不怪 He also happens to be the leader of our clan. 刚好他也是我们族群的领袖呢 So, what's wrong with having highly developed senses? 灵敏的感官会有什么问题呢? - Whoa, whoa, whoa! Don't eat that! - What's going on here? -哇,哇,别吃那个 -我…我怎麽了我? Turns out that funny smell was rat poison. 原来那奇怪的气味是老鼠药耶 Suddenly, Dad didn't think my talent was useless. 突然间我爸不再认为我的天赋没有用了 I was feeling pretty good about my gift, 本来我对自己的天赋还蛮得意 until Dad gave me a job. 直到我爸派给我一个工作 Clean. 安全 Clean. 安全 That's right. Poison checker. 你猜对啦,毒药检查员 Cleanerific. 安全极了 Cleanerino. 非常安全 Close to godliness. 近乎纯净 Which means clean. You know, cleanliness is close to... 意思是安全,你知道因为纯净就没有…… Never mind. Move on. 算了,去吧 Well, it made my dad proud. 起码这让我爸感到骄傲呢 Now, don't you feel better, Remy? You've helped a noble cause. 你难道不觉得很好吗,Remy?你所做的事情很伟大 Noble? We're thieves, Dad. 伟大?我们是小偷耶!爸! And what we're stealing is, let's face it, garbage. 而且我们偷的是 …老实说吧!垃圾 It isn't stealing if no one wants it. 没有人要的东西就不算偷 If no one wants it, why are we stealing it? 别人都不要,我们干嘛还要去偷? (LECTURING) Let's just say we have different points of view. 简单说吧,我们的观点不同 This much I knew: 起码我知道 … If you are what you eat, then I only want to eat the good stuff. 如果你挑嘴,那就该只吃好东西 But to my dad... 但对我爸来说 Food is fuel. 食物就像燃料 You get picky about what you put in the tank, your engine is gonna die. 你如果挑三拣四,引擎没油,就动不了啦 Now shut up and eat your garbage. 别说了,吃你的垃圾吧 Look, if we're going to be thieves, 爸,既然我们要当小偷 why not steal the good stuff in the kitchen, 为何不去偷厨房里的好东西? where nothing is poisoned? 那些没有毒的食物? First of all, we are not thieves. 第一点,我们不是什麽小偷 Secondly, stay out of the kitchen and away from the humans. 第二点,别靠近厨房,也别靠近人类 It's dangerous. 会有危险 I know I'm supposed to hate humans, 我知道我该恨人类才对 but there's something about them. 可是他们有某种能耐 They don't just survive. They discover, they create. 他们与众不同,他们会发明,他们会创造 I mean, just look at what they do with food. 看他们怎样烹调食物你就知道啦 How can I describe it? 我该怎么说呢 … Good food is like music you can taste, color you can smell. 美食就像是音乐…尝得到,也像色彩…闻得到 There is excellence all around you. 周遭全是好东西 You need only be aware to stop and savor it. 只要你驻足去品味 Oh, Gusteau was right. Gusteau说得对 Oh, mmm, yeah. Oh, amazing. 哦~ 太神奇了 Each flavor was totally unique. 每种口味都独一无二 But combine one flavor with another, 但把两种口味混合 and something new was created. 一种新的口味就诞生啦 (GASPS) So now I had a secret life. 所以现在我的生活有了不为人知的一面 (GASPS) (CACKLING) The only one who knew about it was Emile. 唯一知道的人是艾米 (WHISPERING FIERCELY) Hey, Emile. Emile. 艾米,艾米 I found a mushroom. 我找到了一个香菇 Come on, you're good at hiding food. Help me find a good place to put this. 快呀~ 你最会藏食物,帮我找个好地方藏起来 He doesn't understand me, but I can be myself around him. 他不懂我在干嘛,但在他面前,我不用避讳什么 Why are you walking like that? 呃~ 你怎么那样走路? I don't want to constantly have to wash my paws. 我们不是随时随地都能洗脚的 Did you ever think about how we walk on the same paws 用在地上爬的脚 that we handle food with? 再把吃的东西放进嘴巴里? You ever think about what we put into our mouths? 你有没有想过我们吃进多少细菌? All the time. 随时都在想? When I eat, I don't want to taste everywhere my paws have been. 我吃的东西不希望里面有臭脚丫的味道 Well, go ahead. 好吧,随你 But if Dad sees you walking like that, he's not going to like it. 但如果老爸看到你那样走路,他会生气的 (SNIFFING) What have you got there? 你那里面有些什么东西? Ah, oh, oh... (CHUCKLING) You found cheese? 你找到了奶酪? And not just any cheese. Tomme de chevre de pays! 而且不是普通的奶酪,是上等法国羊奶酪 That would go beautifully with my mushroom. 跟我的香菇简直是绝配 And... 嗯!还有…还有还有嗯 (STUTTERING) This rosemary! This rosemary 哦!这迷迭香 with maybe with a few drops from this sweet grass. 再加上…也许…也许…几滴甜草汁 Well, throw it on the pile, I guess, and then we'll... You know... 那…放在一起吧,然后… We don't want to throw this in with the garbage. This is special. 哪能和垃圾放在一起,这非常特别 But we're supposed to return to the colony 但我们该在天黑前回窝去 before sundown or, you know, Dad's gonna... 不然老爸会… Emile! 艾米! There are possibilities unexplored here. 这里有好多新鲜的事等着我们 We got to cook this. 我们要创造新口味 Now, exactly how we cook this is the real question... 可是要怎麽煮这才是问题所在.. Yeah. 唔…有了! The key is to keep turning it. 重点在於要不断地翻烤 Get the smoky flavor nice and even. 烟熏要均匀够味才行 (THUNDER RUMBLING) That storm's getting closer. 暴风雨快来了 Hey, Remy, you think that maybe we shouldn't be so... Remy,你不觉得我们太靠近… (BOTH SCREAMING) 噢~ (MOANING) 呃~ (MUNCHING) 嗯~ You got to taste this! 你得尝尝 This is... It's got this kind of... It's burny, melty... 这加热后有点微焦的风味 It's not really a smoky taste. It's a certain... It's kind of like a... 不全像烟薰味,有点…似乎…像… (IMITATES EXPLOSION) lt's got, like, this "ba-boom, zap" kind of taste. Don't you think? 像是"碰~ 轰~"的味道,你说呢? - What would you call that flavor? - Lightning-y? - 你说这叫什么味道?-雷烘…电烤味? Yeah. It's lightning-y! We got to do that again. 对,就是雷烘电烤味,我们得再试一次 Okay, when the next storm comes, we'll go up on the roof... 下次暴风雨来时,我们再爬到屋顶上 I know what this needs! Saffron! A little saffron would make this! 我知道还要加什么,再加一点藏红花粉调味更棒 Saffron. Why do I get the feeling 藏红花粉…好像哪里见过 - it's in the kitchen? - It's in the kitchen. - 厨房里有? - 厨房里有! (SNORING) (BOTTLES CLINKING) - Saffron. - Not good. - 藏红花粉 - 不太妙… Saffron. 藏红花粉 Don't like it. She's gonna wake up. 我觉得不妙,她快醒了 I've been down here a million times. 我来这里几百回了 She turns on the cooking channel, boom, she never wakes up. 每次她开电视看烹饪台,砰一声,倒头就睡了 You've been here a million times? 你常来这里!? I'm telling you, saffron will be just the thing. Gusteau swears by it. 跟你说,绝对是藏红花粉,Gusteau最爱的调味料 Okay. Who's Gusteau? 那~ 到底谁是Gusteau? Just the greatest chef in the world. Wrote this cookbook. 世上最伟大的厨师,这本食谱就是他写的 (STAMMERING) Wait. You read? 等等~ 你认识字(会看书)? - Well, Not excessively. - Oh, man. Does Dad know? - 呃… 也不是太常看书啦 - 哇… 天啊… 老爸知道吗? (SCOFFS) You could fill a book, a lot of books, with things Dad doesn't know. 哼~ 老爸不知道的事儿都可以写一本…不,好多本书了 And they have, which is why I read. Which is also our secret. 正因为他们无知,所以我得自己学,这可是咱们俩儿的秘密哦 I don't like secrets. 我不喜欢秘密 All this cooking and reading and TV-watching 你…烧菜,读…读书,看…看电视 while we read and cook. 我却跟你在一起 It's like you're involving me in crime, and I let you. 就好像你在做坏事,还拉我当从犯,我居然没阻止你 Why do I let you? 我为什么没!? What's taking those kids so long? 孩子们这么久还没回来? Ah, I'Aquila saffron. Italian. Huh? 哇~ 意大利产的藏红花粉 Gusteau says it's excellent. Good thing the old lady is a food love... Gusteau说这香料很棒,幸亏这老太婆也爱烧菜~ Forget mystique. This is about your cooking. 别畏首畏尾的,这是在做菜呐 Hey! That's Gusteau. Emile, look. 哇~ 是Gusteau,快看 Great cooking is not for the faint of heart. 胆小的人做不出精湛的美食 Great cooking is not for the faint of heart. You must be imaginative, strong hearted. 你必须胆大心细,富有想像力 You must try things that may not work. 不怕失败,勇于尝试 And you must not let anyone define your limits 也不要因为出身低 because of where you come from. 就让别人限制了你发展的机会 Your only limit is your soul. 你的成败在於你的心 What I say is true. Anyone can cook. But only the fearless can be great. 虽然我说过,人人都能当厨师,不过只有勇敢的人,才能成功 Pure poetry. 太有诗意了 But it was not to last. …好景不常 Gusteau's restaurant lost one of its five stars 被法国顶尖食评家安唐?伊果批评后 after a scathing review by France's top food critic, Anton Ego. Gusteau餐厅被降为四星级 It was a severe blow to Gusteau, 这给Gusteau一次沉重的打击 and the brokenearted chef died shortly afterwards, 心碎的Gusteau不久便过世了 which, according to tradition, meant the loss of another star. 照惯例,失了主厨,又会降一级 Gusteau is dead? Gusteau死了? Oh! (SQUEAKING) Oh! Oh! Oh! Run! 快跑 No, you'll lead her to the colony! 别往老巢的方向跑 (GASPS) (CLICKING) (GASPS) - Help, Remy, help! - Emile! Start swinging the light! - 救命!Remy! 救我! - 艾米,赶快摇晃 - Help, Remy, help! - Emile! Start swinging the light! (SQUEAKING) Try to grab you. 荡过来,我抓住你 (GRUMBLING) Emile, swing to me. 艾米,朝我荡过来 (GRUNTING) (CHUCKLING NERVOUSLY) (EX CLAIMS) (SIGHS) (CRACKING) (CREAKING) (RATS SQUEAKING) (SCREAMING) Evacuate! Everyone, to the boats. 撤! 大家快去船上 (ALL CLAMORING) -Let me through! - The book. -让路! 让路! -糟糕~ 食谱! Excuse me. Move, move. 对不起,让让 (AIR HISSING) (WHIMPERING) Go, go, go, go. Move, move, move. 快~ 快~ 快~ Get the bridge up! Move it, move it! 搭桥~ 快~ 快~ Hey, Johnny! Hurry! 约翰,快呀 Push off. Come on. 推船,快 Get hold! 抓紧! (GRUNTING) - Take the baby. Here! - Give me your paw. - 快救我的宝宝 - 把手伸给我 Hey, wait for me! 喂~ 等我 (THUNDER CRACKING) Is everybody here? Do we have everybody? 大家都到了吗? 齐了吗? - Wait a minute. Where's Remy? - Right here. I'm coming. - 等等,Remy在哪儿? - 这,我就来 I'm coming! 在这,我来了,我来了! Hold on, Son. Give him something to grab on to. 撑住儿子,拿东西让他抓住 Come on, boy. Paddle, Son. 快,孩子,快划 Come on. Reach for it. 快抓住呀 You can do it. 你一定能 (GUNSHOT) - Remy! - Dad! - Remy! - 老爸! Come on. You can make it. You can make it. 快呀,你一定能赶上 (GUNSHOT) (GRUNTS) (GRUNTS) Guys, wait. Stop! 大家伙儿,等我,停停! Remy. Come on. Paddle. Remy,快,快划呀 Hold on! Wait for me. Hold on. 等等,等我一下 (RATS SCREAMING) Dad? 爸? Dad? 爸? Which way? 哪边? (WATER ROARING) (GASPING) (GASPING) (WATER DRIPPING) I waited 我一直等 for a sound, 一点动静 a voice, 一点声音 a sign, 一个讯号 something. 任何动静 (STOMACH GROWLING) (STOMACH GROWLING) (SIGHS) lf you are hungry, go up and look around, Remy. Remy,如果你饿了,就上去转转吧 Why do you wait and mope? 干嘛在这里闷等? Well, I've just lost my family, all my friends, 呃…我刚失散了家人和所有的朋友 probably forever. 可能永远失去 - How do you know? - Well, I... - 你怎么知道? - 这,我… You are an illustration. Why am I talking to you? 你只是幅插图,我干嘛跟你说话? Well, you just lost your family, all your friends. You are lonely. 嗯,你刚失去家人朋友,你很孤独 Yeah. Well, you're dead. 又怎样? 哼~ 你还死了呐 Ah, but that is no match for wishful thinking. 呵~ 怨天尤人,不如向前看 If you focus on what you've left behind, 如果你总是回头伤往事 you'll never be able to see what lies ahead. 就看不到前途的光明 Now go up and look around. 现在上去瞧瞧吧 (SNIFFING) (SNIFFING) (PEOPLE CHATTERING) Oh! 哇~ (CHUCKLING) (CORK POPPING) Champagne! 香槟! (PEOPLE EX CLAIMING) What are you doing? 你在干嘛? (SIGHING) I'm hungry. 我饿了 I don't know where I am, 我不知道我在哪儿 and I don't know when I'll find food again. 也不知道还能不能再找到食物 Remy, you are better than that. You are a cook. Remy,你不该做这种事,你是个厨师 A cook makes. A thief takes. You are not a thief. 厨师做菜给人吃,小偷偷别人东西吃,你不是小偷 But I am hungry. 但我饿了呀. (CHUCKLES) Food will come, Remy. 到时候自然有东西吃,Remy Food always comes to those who love to cook. 喜欢厨艺的人,不会缺吃的啦 (SNIFFING) - You think I am playing? - You don't have the guts. -你以为我玩假的? -谁怕谁呀 (GUNSHOT) (WOMAN EX CLAIMING) (BARKING) Paris? 巴黎? (CHUCKLING) All this time I've been underneath Paris? 原来我一直都在巴黎的地下? Wow. 哇~ It's beautiful. 太美了 The most beautiful. 最美的 Gusteau's? Your restaurant? Gusteau餐厅? 你的餐厅? You've led me to your restaurant. 你带我来你的餐厅 It seems as though I have. Yes. There it is! I have led you to it! 嗯,似乎没错,就在这儿,我带你来了! I got to see this. 我得亲眼看看 -Ready to go on table seven. -Coming around. - 第七桌,上菜咯 - 就来 -One order of steamed pike up. -Coming up. - 再一客清蒸梭鱼 - 马上好 I need more soup bowls, please. 再来几碗汤,快! I need two rack of lamb. I need more leeks. 我要两板羊排,还要更多青蒜 I need two salmon, three salade composee, and three filet. 我要两道鲑鱼,三客什锦沙拉,三份牛排 Three orders of salade composee working. 三盘什锦沙拉,马上好 Firing two orders, seared salmon. 两份干煎鲑鱼,马上好 Three filet working. I need plates. 三块牛排快好了,我要盘子 -Fire seven. -Three salade composee up. 七桌的三份什锦沙拉好了 Don't mess with my mise! 别搞砸了我的菜! Open down low. 小火 I'm getting buried here. 我忙不过来啦 Hello, Chef Skinner. How your night be now? 嗨,史大厨,晚上好 - Bonjour, chef. - Hello, Chef Skinner. 你好,大厨,嗨,史大厨 - Evening, chef. - Ordering deux filet. - 晚上好,大厨 - 客人要两客牛排 Hey, boss, look who is here. 嗨,老板,看看谁来啦 Alfredo Linguini, Renata's little boy. Alfredo Linguini ,Renata的儿子 - Hi. - All grown up, eh? - 嗨 - 都这么大啦? You remember Renata, Gusteau's old flame? 还记得Renata吗? Gusteau的老相好 (CHUCKLING) - Yes. How are you... - Linguini. - 嗯,你好,你是… - Linguini Yes, Linguini. So nice of you to visit. How is... 哦,Linguini。很荣幸你的到访,那个谁…好吗? - My mother? - Renata. - 我母亲? - Renata - Yes, Renata. How is she? - good. - 哦,Renata。 她好吗? - 好… Well, not... She's been better. I mean... 呃…不太好,她原来还不错,我是说… She died. 她去世了 Oh. 哦 I'm sorry. 真遗憾 Oh, don't be. She believed in heaven, so she's covered. 哦,不必替她难过,她信主,所以会上天堂 You know, afterlife-wise? 我是说…来世 (TITTERS) - What's this? - She left it for you. - 这什么? - 她留给你的 I think she hoped it would help me, 我想她是希望能帮助我 you know, get a job here. 我是说…在这里…找份工作 But of course. Gusteau wouldn't hesitate. 没问题啦,Gusteau一定马上雇你 Any son of Renata's is more than... Renata的孩子,就是他的… Yes, well, we could file this and if something suitable opens up... 嗯,当然。 我会存档,只要一有合适的空缺,一定… We have already hired him. 我们已经雇了他 What? How dare you hire someone without my... 什么? 你敢没有我的许可,就… We needed a garbage boy. 我们需要一个清洁工 Oh, garbage. Well... 哦,倒垃圾的,嗯… I'm glad it worked out. 很好,赶早不如赶巧 Uh... 呃… (GULPS) 你… I can't believe it. 真不敢相信 A real gourmet kitchen, and I get to watch. 我居然有机会参观美食餐厅的厨房 You've read my book. Let us see how much you know, huh? 你读过我的食谱,那我来考考你 Which one is the chef? 谁是大厨? Oh! Uh... 哦! 呃… - Oh, that guy. - Very good. - 是他 - 很好 Who is next in command? 谁是副的? The sous chef. There. 二厨嘛…那儿 The sous is responsible for the kitchen when the chef's not around. 大厨不在时,由二厨发号施令 Saucier, in charge of sauces. Very important. 调味师…负责酱料调制,非常重要 Chef de partie, demi chef de partie, both important. 甜点大师傅和二师傅都很重要 Commis, commis, they're cooks. Very important. 帮厨,帮厨…他们都算厨师,也很重要 You are a clever rat. Now, who is that? 真是只聪明的老鼠,那…他是谁? Oh, him? He's nobody. 哦,他? 他谁也不是 Not nobody. He is part of the kitchen. 怎么会? 他也是厨房的一部份 No, he's a plongeur or something. 哦,他是打杂的,或是… He washes dishes or takes out the garbage. He doesn't cook. 他洗碗和倒垃圾,但不下厨 - But he could. - Uh, no. - 可是他也行呀 - 呃,不行啦 How do you know? What do I always say? 别这么武断,我以前常说什么来着? Anyone can cook. 人人都能当厨师 Well, yeah, anyone can. That doesn't mean that anyone should. 哦,嗯,人人都能做,但不表示人人都应该做 (CHUCKLING)Well, that is not stopping him. See? 呵~ 可是这并没有阻止他,瞧~ What is he doing? No. No! No, this is terrible! 他在干嘛? 不,不,这简直是在乱搞! (STUTTERING) 他不能… He's ruining the soup. And nobody's noticing? 他会毁了那锅汤的! 难道没人看见? It's your restaurant. Do something. 这是你的餐厅,想想法子吧 What can I do? I am a figment of your imagination. 我能做什么? 我只不过是你想像出来的 But he's ruining the soup! We got to tell someone that he's... 但是他会毁了那锅汤呀!我们得通知什么人,他在… (GASPING) Table five coming up, right now. 5号桌点的,上菜咯 (GASPS) - Coming down the line. - Set. - 借过一下 - 好啦 Ah! Hot! Open oven! 开烤箱咯,小心烫! (PANTING) Ah! Coming around. 转弯咯,小心 Ooh! Oui, chef. One filet mignon, three lamb, two duck. 是,大厨。 一份菲利牛排,三份羊排,两份鸭 Fire those souffles for table six, ja. 烤箱开火,6号桌的 - Five minutes, chef. - Oh, God. - 还要五分钟,大厨 - 啊,天呀 Tonight, I'd like to present the foie gras. 今晚特别为您介绍"肥鹅肝" It has a wonderful finish. 精心烘焙,风味独特 Ooh! - Ah! Hmm. (GROANS) - Ready to go on table seven.- Come on! Let's go! - 7号桌准备上菜. - 快,快上吧 Oui, chef. 是,大厨 (VOMITING) (SNIFFING) (GRUNTING INDECISIVELY) (BUBBLING GENTLY) Remy! What are you waiting for? Remy,你还在等什么? Is this going to become a regular thing with you? 你常常这样来无影去无踪吗? You know how to fix it. This is your chance. 你知道该怎么挽救,这是你的机会哦 (BELL DINGS) (GASPS) The soup! Where is the soup? Out of my way. 汤! 汤好了没?让开开! Move it, garbage boy! 打杂的,让开! You are cooking? 嗯?你在作菜? How dare you cook in my kitchen? 你竟敢在我的厨房做菜? Where do you get the gall 你吃了熊心豹子胆,你懂不懂规矩 to even attempt something so monumentally idiotic? 是谁教你做这麽白痴的事情 I should have you drawn and quartered! 看我今天怎麽修理你 I'll do it. I think the law is on my side. 我…就这麽办,我有充份的理由对付你 (PLEADING) Larousse, draw and quarter this man 拉鲁斯,让他知道什麽叫做规矩 after you put him in the duck press to squeeze the fat out of his head. 先把他脑浆用榨鸭油机榨干然后再拖出去砍咯 - What are you blathering about? -The soup! - 你在喃喃自语什么? - 别让他们、别让他们…那个汤! Soup? 汤? Stop that soup! 别端那碗汤! No! 糟啦~ (PIANO PLAYING SOFTLY) Waiter. 服务员 (EX CLAIMS) Linguini! Linguini! You're fired! 你被开了! F-I-R-E-D! Fired! 炒-鱿-鱼! 开除! She wants to see the chef. 客人要见大厨 (STUTTERING) But he... 但是他… (CLEARING THROAT) - What did the customer say? - it was Not a customer. it was a critic. - 客人说什么? - 不是普通客人,是美食评论家 - Ego? - Solene LeClaire. - 伊果? - 索琳?拉克莱 - LeClaire? What did she say? - she likes the soup. - 拉克莱? 她说什么? - 她喜欢那个汤 - Wait. - What do you mean, "Wait"? - 等等 - 等什么等呀? You're the reason I'm in this mess. 就因为你,我才会身陷囹囫 (SHUSHING) Someone is asking about your soup. 嘘~ 有人在问你做的汤 What are you playing at? 你在搞什么鬼? (STAMMERING) Am I still fired? 我还是被开除了吗? - You can't fire him. - What? - 你不能开他 - 什么? LeClaire likes it, yeah? She made a point of telling you so. 拉克莱喜欢他做的汤,对吧?她还特意知会你一声 If she write a review to that effect 如果她就此写篇评论 and find out you fired the cook responsible... 却发现你把汤师傅开除了… -(SCOFFS)He's a garbage boy. - Who made something she liked. - 哼~ 他是打杂的 - 她喜欢的汤,就是打杂的做的 How can we claim to represent the name of Gusteau 如果我们连Gusteau最引以自豪 if we don't uphold his most cherished belief? 的信念都不遵守,实在有负盛名 And what belief is that, Mademoiselle Tatou? 克莉特?塔图小姐,那信念是什么? Anyone can cook. 人人都能当厨师 Perhaps I have been a bit harsh on our new garbage boy. 或许我对新来的打杂工太严苛了一点 He has taken a bold risk 他勇于试险 and we should reward that, as Chef Gusteau would have. 我们该嘉奖他,Gusteau也一定会这么做 If he wishes to swim in dangerous waters, 如果他执意要身临险境 who are we to deny him? 我们又有什么权利阻止他呢 (CLEARING THROAT) - you were escaping? - Oh, yeah. - 咳咳~ 你不是要逃吗? - 哦,对呀 Since you have expressed such an interest in his cooking career, 既然你对他的烹饪生涯这么有兴趣 you shall be responsible for it. 那我就把他交给你负责 (TITTERING) Anyone else? 还有谁有意见 Then back to work. 那就快回去干活儿 You are either very lucky or very unlucky. 你如果不是很幸运,就是很不幸 You will make the soup again, and this time, I'll be paying attention. 你下次做汤时,我会仔细地观看 Very close attention. 非常仔细 They think you might be a cook. But you know what I think, Linguini? 他们认为你可能是个好厨师,但你知道我怎么想吗,Linguini? I think you are a sneaky, overreaching little... 我认为你是个奸诈滑头的小… (GASPS) Rat! 老鼠! (EX CLAIMING) - Rat! - HORST: Get the rat. - 老鼠! - 什麽?老鼠!别让它逃了 Linguini. Get something to trap it. Linguini,找东西圈住它 Lt's getting away. Get it, get it, get it. 它要跑掉了,抓住它,抓住它 - What should I do now? - Kill it. - 现在该怎么办? - 宰了它 - now? - No, Not in the kitchen. are you mad? - 现在? - 你疯啦,当然不能在厨房里? Do you know what would happen to us 万一有人发现,厨房里 if anyone knew we had a rat in our kitchen? 有老鼠,我们就麻烦大了 They'd close us down. 他们会勒令我们歇业 Our reputation is hanging by a thread as it is. 我们的声誉,本来就已危在旦夕 Take it away from here. Far away. Kill it. Dispose of it. Go! 把它带走,愈远愈好,宰了它,然后丢掉,快! Whoa! Doh! (REMY PANTING) Don't look at me like that! You aren't the only one who's trapped. 别那么看我!不是只有你才走投无路 They expect me to cook it again! 他们要我再做一次汤 I mean, I'm not ambitious. I wasrt trying to cook. 其实我没什么野心,我也不是真的试图在做菜 I was just trying to stay out of trouble. 我只是不想找麻烦 You're the one who was getting fancy with t
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