首页 建筑、园林、城市规划英文名词



建筑、园林、城市规划英文名词建筑学-architecture 人体测量学-anthropometry 人体尺寸-human dimensions 人体舒适-human comfort 人因工效学-human factor engineering 人类群居学-ekistics 环境心理学-environmental psychology 人类生态学-human ecology 建筑类型学-building typology 空间构图-space configuration 领域性-territoriality 建筑经济学-building ec...

建筑学-architecture 人体测量学-anthropometry 人体尺寸-human dimensions 人体舒适-human comfort 人因工效学-human factor engineering 人类群居学-ekistics 环境心理学-environmental psychology 人类生态学-human ecology 建筑类型学-building typology 空间构图-space configuration 领域性-territoriality 建筑经济学-building economics 价值工程学-value engineering 费用效益-cost effectiveness 建筑美学-architectural aesthetics 艺术格调-artistic touch 建筑几何学-architectural geometry 建筑形态学-architectural morphology 环境艺术-environmental art 建筑文脉-architectural context 建筑符号学-architectural semiotics 模式语言-pattern language 建筑设计方法学-architectural design methodology 无障碍设计-barrier free design 古建筑保护-historical building presvervation 风水学-fengshui 建筑科学-building science 建筑气候学-building climatology 建筑物理[学]-building physics 建筑光学-building optics 建筑热学-building thermodymamics, building thermology 建筑声学-building acoustics 太阳能建筑-solar building 建筑工程-building engineering 建筑 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 化-building standardization 建筑模数-building module 模数协调-modular coordination 建筑工业化-building industrialization 工业化建筑体系-industrialized building system 支撑体系-support system 填充体系-infill system 建筑安全-building safety 建筑防灾-building disaster prevention 建筑节能-building energy conservation 减灾学-natural disaster prevention 建筑防火-building fire protection 建筑抗震-building aseismicity 建筑病理-building pathology 健康建筑-healthy building 建筑综合症-synthetic building syndrome,SBS 建筑保安-building security 防卫性空间-defensible space 建筑性能-building performance 建筑评价-building evaluation 社会影响评价-social impact assessment,SIA 环境影响评价-environmental impact assessment,EIA 建筑测量-building surveying 建筑勘探-building geotechnics 工程施工-engineering construction 建筑材料-building material 建筑制品-building product 建筑构造-architectural construction 建筑设备系统-building service system 建筑设备-building equipment 建筑设备安装-building equipment installation 建筑设施-building facilities 建筑设施管理-building facilities management 建筑装修-builidng finishing 室内装饰-interior decoration 建筑壁画-mural 浅浮雕-bas-relief 建筑维护-building maintenance 建筑修缮-building repair 建筑管理-building management 建筑业-building industry 建筑立法-building legislation 建筑史-architectural history 古典建筑-classical architecture 古典柱式-classical order 美索不达米亚建筑-Mesopotamian architecture 古希腊建筑-Greek architecture 古罗马建筑-Roman architecture 拜占庭建筑-Byzantine architecture 罗曼式建筑-Romanesque architecture 哥特式建筑-Gothic architecture 文艺复兴建筑-Renaissance architecture 巴洛克建筑-Baroque architecture 洛可可建筑-Rococo architecture 伊斯兰建筑-Islamic architecture 新艺术运动-Art-nouveau Movement 现代主义-modernism 国际风格-International Style 后现代主义-post-modernism 功能主义-functionalism 构成主义-constructivism 表现主义-expressionism 手法主义-mannerism 折中主义-eclecticism 结构主义-structuralism 新古典主义-neoclassicism 复古主义-revivalism 民族风格-national style 新理性主义-neorationalism 批判地方主义-critical regionalism 解构主义-deconstruction 反构成主义-deconstructivism 粗野主义-brutalism 文脉主义-contextualism 新陈代谢主义-metabolism 高技术建筑-hightech architecture 乡土建筑-vernacular architecture 有机建筑-organic architecture 国际建筑师协会-Union of International Architects, UIA 亚洲建筑师协会-Architects Regional Council Asia, ARCASIA 中国建筑学会-Architectural Society of China, ASC 单层建筑-single-story building 多层建筑-multistory building 高层建筑-highrise building, tall building 超高层建筑-super highrise building, supertall building 摩天楼-skyscraper 活动房屋-mobile house 建筑队群-building group 裙房-podium 楼层-floor 夹层-mezzanine 底层-ground floor 地下室-basement 半地下室-sub-basement 顶层-top floor 楼板-roof slab 房间-room 走廊-corridor 游廊-gallery 入口-entrance 门斗-anteroom/foyer 门厅-enrtance hall, vestibule 骑楼-overhang 接待室-reception room 会议室-conference room 值班室-janitor's room 收发室-mail/distribution room 问询处-information desk 衣帽间-coat room, cloak room 开水间-water heater room 卫生间-washroom 厕所-toilet 浴室-bathroom 电话总机房-telephone exchange room 电子计算机房-computer room 广播室-broadcasting room 储藏室-storage room 变电间-substation/transformation substation 锅炉间-boiler room 阳台-balcony 平台-terrace/deck 天井-light court/light well 屋前空地-frontage 居住建筑-residential building 人居-human habitat 住房-housing 独户住宅-single family house/SF 多户住宅-multi-family house 联排式住宅-row house, terrace house 台阶式住宅-stepped house, terraced house 公寓式住宅-apartment house 板式住宅-slab block 点式住宅-point block 跃层式公寓-skip-floor aparment 外廊式公寓-exterior-corridor type apartmnet 步行上楼式公寓-walk-up apartment 电梯式公寓-elevator apartment 酒店式公寓-service/residential apartment 公寓式办公楼-apartment office building 酒店式办公楼-hotel office building 综合楼-multiple-use building 商务写字楼-business office building 平房-one-story house, bungalow 农舍-cottage 别墅-villa 庭院式住宅-courtyard house 两层独立公寓-maisonette 宿舍-dormitory 青年公寓-youth apartment 老年公寓-house for the elderly 养老院-nursing home 公共活动室-commom room, community room 卧室-bedroom 起居室-living room 书房-study 餐室-dining room 厨房-kitchen 壁柜-wall unit, case unit 吊柜-hanging cabinet 地窖-cellar 教育建筑-educational building 大学建筑-university building 学院建筑-institute building, college building 专科学校建筑-special college building 中学建筑-secondary school building 职业学校建筑-vocational school building 小学建筑-elementary school building 幼儿园-kindergarten 寄宿制托儿所-nursery 全日制托儿所-day-care center 教室-classroom 阶梯教室-lecture theater 电化教室-audio-visual classroom 实验教室-laboratory 美术教室-artroom 音乐教室-music room 劳作教室-handicraft room 实验工厂-practice workshop 儿童活动室-children's playroom 哺乳室-nursing room 配乳室-milk kitchen 隔离室-isolation room 学生中心-students' center 游戏场地-playground 黑板-blackborad 讲台-forum 文化建筑-cultural building 图书馆-library 博物馆-museum 科技馆-science museum 美术馆-art museum 画廓-gallery 文化中心-cultural center 展览馆-exhibition hall 天文馆-planetarium 水族馆-aquarium 自然博物馆-natural history museum 青年中心-youth center 妇女中心-women's center 陈列室-display room 展览室-exhibition room 阅览室-reading room 阅览间-reading carrel 微缩图书阅览室-microfilm reading room 善本图书阅览室-rare books reading room 文献资料阅览室-reference literature room 目录厅-catalogue room 出纳处-lending department 编目室-cataloging room 鉴定室-authentication room 研究室-research room 复印室-copying room 装订室-binding room 书库-stack room 开架管理-open stack management 闭架管理-closed stack management 书架-book shelf 展览架-display shelf 体育建筑-sport building 体育场-stadium 室内体育场-indoor stadium 体育馆-sports hall 游泳馆-swimming hall, natatorium 健身房-gymnasium 田径场-track field 足球场-football court, soccer court 篮球场-basketball court 排球场-volleyball court 手球场-handball court 垒球场-softball court 网球场-tennis court 羽毛球场-badminton court 壁球场-squash court 棒球场-baseball field 射击场-shooting range 射箭场-archery 赛马场-race course 斗牛场-bullfighting arena 自行车赛场-velodrome 滑冰场-skating rink 水上运动场-aquatic sport waters 冰球场-ice hockey rink 曲棍球场-hockey field 高尔夫球场-golf course 跳伞俱乐部-parachute club 保龄球场-bowling club 桑拿浴室-sauna bathroom 按摩室-massage room 练习场-warm-up 看台-grandstand 活动看台-movable stand 裁判席-referee's seat 运动员席-sportsman's seat 固定座位-bleacher 场地-field 跑道-track 跳高场地-high jump runway 跳远场地-long jump runway 三级跳远场地-triple jump runway 撑竿跳高场地-pole vault runway 标枪投掷区-javelin throwing zone 铅球投掷区-hammer throwing zone 铁饼投掷区-discus throwing zone 障碍赛跑道-hurdle race track 跳水池-diving pool 武术场地-martial arts ground 举重场地-weightlifting platform 摔跤场地-wrestling ring 拳击比赛台-boxing ring 击剑场地-fencing area 游泳池-swimming pool 泳道-swimming lane 跳水台-diving platform 体操台-gymnastic floor 单杠-horizontal bar 双杠-parallel bars 高低杠-uneven parallel bars 吊环-rings 鞍马-vaulting horse 跳马-pommel horse 自由体操-free exercise 平衡木-halancing beam 篮球架-backboard 球门-goal 记分牌-scoreboard 跳伞塔-parachuting tower 观演建筑-theatrical building 剧院-theater, playhouse 表演艺术中心-performing arts center 歌剧院-opera house 芭蕾舞剧院-ballet theater 京剧院-Beijing opera theater 木偶剧院-puppet play theater 露天剧场-open air theater, amphitheater 话剧院-drama theater 实验剧场-experimental theater 电影院-cinema, movie theater 全景电影院-panoramic cinema 立体电影院-stereophonic cinema 汽车影院-drive-in theater 音乐厅-concert hall 交响乐厅-symphony hall 独唱独奏厅-recital hall 观众厅-auditorium 座席容量-seating capacity 多用途观众厅-multiuse auditorium 多媒体演出-multimedia performance 地面升起-rakde floor 视线-sight line 排距-row spacing 错排座席-staggered seating 纵过道-longitudinal aisle 横过道-transverse aisle 天花反射板-ceiling reflector 池座层-orchestra level 池座前排-stall 楼层挑台-balcony 楼面层-tier 包厢-box 迟到席-late-comers' seat 舞台-stage 箱形舞台-proscenium frame stage 旋转舞台-revolving stage 凸出舞台-thrust stage 中心舞台-arena stage 活动舞台-flexible stage 基本台-main stage 侧台-side stage 转台-turntable 升降台-elevating stage, stage lift 车台-wagon stage 表演区-acting area 乐池-orchestra pit 台唇-apron, forestage 台口-proscenium 假台口 -false proscenium, adjustable proscenium 大幕-front curtain, house tabs 防火幕-fire curtain 天幕-cyclorama 边幕-wing sets 声罩-acoustic shell 布景-stage scenery 道具-stage property, prop 银幕-film screen 宽银幕-wide film screen 立体银幕-cinemascope screen 天桥-fly gallery 灯光渡桥-traveling lighting gallery 舞台塔-fly tower 舞台吊杆-flybar, barrten 手动吊杆-hand-driven battern 电动吊杆-motorized winch batten 单式吊杆-single purchase counterweight batten 复式吊杆-double purchase counterweight batten 排烟窗-vent window 舞台灯光-stage lighting 耳光-wall-slot lighting 面光-front lighting 侧光-side lighting 放映室-projection booth, projection room 放映孔-projection port 观察窗-observation port 后台-back stage 化妆室-dressing room, make-up room 排练厅-rehearsal room 演员休息室-green room 舞台监督室-stge manager's room 灯光控制室-light control room 音响控制室-sound control room 前厅-foyer 售票处-box office 疏散出口-emergency exit 娱乐建筑-recreation building 娱乐中心-recreation center 舞厅-ballroom 俱乐部-clubhouse 夜总会-night club 舞池-dancing floor 医[疗]卫[生]建筑-medical building 医院-hospital 综合医院-general hospital 精神医院-mental health hospital 口腔医院-dental hospital 妇科医院-gynaecologic hospital 妇产医院-obstetric hospital 儿科医院-pediatric hospital 传染医院-contagious disease hospital 肿瘤医院-tumour hospital 眼科医院-ophthalmologic hospital 疗养院-sanatorium 急球中心-emergency care center 康复中心-rehabilitation center 中医院-traditional Chinese medical hospital 医疗站-medical station 卫生所-health center 防疫站-health and quarantine station 门诊部-outpatient department 急诊部-emergency department 治疗部-examination-treatment center 理疗部-therapeutic department 化疗部-chemical treatment department 手术部-operation department,surgical suite 针灸部-acupuncture department 放射部-radioactive department 分娩部-delivery department 住院部-ward 同位素室-radioisotope unit 化验室-testing laboratory 挂号处-admitting office 候诊室-waiting lounge 诊室-consulting room 药房-pharmacy 病房-patients' room 隔离病房-isolation ward 阳光室-solaria 营养厨房-dietary kitchen 手术准备室-preparation room 手术消毒室-sterilizing room 麻醉室-anesthesia room 手术洗涤室-scrub-up 停尸房-mortuary 解剖室-autopsy room 中心供应站-central supply 工业建筑-industrial building 火力发电厂-steam power station 选煤厂-coal preparation plant 炼油厂-oil refinery 液化石油气厂-liquid petroleum gas plant, LPG plant 自来水厂-water supply and purification plant 钢铁厂-iron and steel works 铝厂-aluminium factory 焦化厂-coke plant 机械厂-machine making factory 汽车厂-automobile factory 拖拉机厂-tractor factory 机车车辆厂-locomotive and coach wagon factory 机床厂-machine tool factory 电机厂-electric motor factory 冷冻机厂-refrigerating machine wagon 锅炉厂-boiler making factory 轴承厂-bearing factory 齿轮厂-gear factory 电镀厂-electroplating factory 电解厂-electrolysis tactory 建筑机械厂-building equipment factory 建筑材料厂-building material factory 建筑五金厂-building hardware factory 建筑陶瓷厂-building ceramics factory 水泥厂-cement works 砖瓦厂-brick and tile factory 木材厂-woodworking factory 大理石厂-marble factory 精密仪器厂-precision instrument factory 仪器仪表厂-instument and meter factory 钟表厂-clock and watch factory 眼镜厂-spectacles factory 化工厂-chemical plant 塑料厂-plastics plant 制药厂-pharmaceutical factory 油漆厂-paint factory 制管厂-piping factory 皮毛加工厂-leather factory 纺织厂-textile mill 针织厂-knitting mill 印染厂-dyeing plant 服装厂-tailor shop 鞋厂-shoemaking factory 工艺美术厂-handicraft factory 印刷厂-printing press 玩具厂-toy making factory 面包厂-bakery 面粉厂-flour mill 食品厂-food products factory 清真食品厂-muslem food products factory 豆制品厂-bean products factory 饮料厂-beverage 酿酒厂-winery 啤酒厂-brewery 屠宰厂-butchery 肉类加工厂-meat products factory 卷烟厂-cigarette factory 茶厂-tea factory 糖厂-sugar mill 厂房-factory building 车间-workshop 堆场-storage yard 原料加工车间-raw material handing plant 治炼车间-smelting shop 铸造车间-casting shop 锻造车间-forging shop 冲压车间-drop forging shop 焊接车间-welding shop 金工车间-machine-cutting shop 木工车间-carpentry shop 加工车间 -processing plant 装配车间-assembly plant 冷拉车间-cold-drawing shop 热处理车间-heat-treatment shop 电镀车间-electroplating shop 电解车间-electrolysis shop 油漆车间-painting shop 机修车间-machine repair shop 中试车间-pilot plant 烧制车间-furnace room 精密车间-precision workshop 洁净车间-dust-proof workshop, clearoom 中央试验室-central laboratory 动力站-power plant 锅炉房-boiler house 煤气发生站-gas generating station 压缩空气站-compressed air station 氧气站-oxygen station 乙炔站-acetylene generating station 充电站-battery recharge room 仓库-warehouse, godown 总仓库-central warehouse 成品库-final product storage 装卸站台-loading platform 厂前区-administration quarter 生活间-changing room, locker room 吊车-crane 汽车地磅-truck-weighing platform 水塔-water tower 电瓶车库-battery car room 商业建筑-commercial building 百货商店-department store 超级市场-supermarket 自选商场-self service store 购物中心-shopping center 市场-market hall 农贸市场-farm product market 鱼市-fishmonger, fish stall 肉市-butcher shop 禽市-poultry stall 蛋市-egg stall 果市-fruit stall 菜市场-vegetable market 批发商店-wholesale store 零售商店-retail store 专卖店-speciality shop 粮店-grain store 副食店-foodstuffs store 食品店-provisions shop 熟食店-delicatessen shop 点心铺-pastry store 杂货铺-grocery 饭馆-restaurant 饮食店-cafeteria 小吃店-snack bar 快餐店-fast food restaurant 茶馆 -tea house 包子铺-stuffed bun house 食堂-canteen 中药店-traditional Chinses medicine store 西药店-drugstore 布店-cloth store 呢绒绸缎店-silk and wool fabric store 服装店-clothing store 鞋帽店-hat and shoes store 床上用品店-bed linens store 家具店-furniture store 眼镜店-spectacles store 钟表店-clocks and watches store 文具用品店-stationary store 书店-bookstore 花店-flower shop 服饰店-haberdashery 洗染店-laundering and dyeing shop 干洗店-dry cleaning shop 工艺美术品店-arts and cafts store 金银手饰店-jewelry store 珠宝店-jewelry shop 照相馆-photo studio 理发店-barber shop 美发廊-hair salon 美容院-beauty parlour 浴堂-bath house 旅馆-hotel 旅店-inn 宾馆-guesthouse 汽车旅馆-motel 银行-bank 储蓄所-saving bank 证券交易所-stock exchange 营业厅-shopping hall 售货区-Sales area 顾客活动区-customers' area 橱窗-shop window, show window 收款柜台-cashier 货架-shelf 货柜-counter 卸货间-delivery room 卸货台-delivery platform 主食加工间-staple food processing room 副食加工间-non-staple food processing room 主食库-staple food storage 副食库-non-staple food storage 调料库-condiment storage 备餐间-pantry, food preparation room 食具洗涤消毒间-ware washing and sterilizing room 烧火间-firing sector 冷[藏]库-cold storage 冷藏间-refrigerated storage room 冷冻间-freezed storage room 制冻间-ice-mking room 客房-guest room 套间客房-suite 总统客房-presidential suite 单床间-single-bed room 双床间-double room 休息厅-looby, loung 接待厅-reception hall,front desk 总服务台-reception desk 餐厅-dining hall 中餐厅-Chinese restaurant 西餐厅-west restaurant 咖啡厅-coffee house, coffee shop 风味餐厅-speciality restaurant 宴会厅-banquet hall 多功能厅-multi-function hall 酒巴间-bar 洗手间-rest room 洗衣房-laundry 交通建筑-transportain building 航空港-airport 候机楼-air-terminal 售票厅-booking hall 候机厅-departure hall 行李托运站-baggage check-in 旅客通道-passenger concourse 海关检查处-customs examination 登机口-boarding gate 行李提取站-bagggage claim 停机坪-apron 直升机坪-helistop 指挥塔-command tower 飞机跑道-runway 火车站-railway terminal, railway station 汽车客运站-bus passenger terminal, bus passenger station 水路客运站-waterway passenger terminal, watermqy passenger station 候车室-waiting lounge 行李室-luggage room 站台-railway platform 站台雨棚-platform shed 灯塔-beacon, lighthouse 汽车库-garage 多层车库-multistory garage 加油站-petrol filling station 汽车修理站-car repair pit 汽车洗车台-car wash 岗亭-sentry box 农业生产建筑-farm building 粮库-granary 筒仓-silo 种子库-seed storage 选种室-seed selection room 粮食加工厂-grain processing plant 晒场-sunning ground 温室-greenhouse 塑料大棚-plastic-cover greenhouse 农机站-farm machinery station 保养间-maintenance shop 农具棚-agricultural tools shed 零件库-machine parts storage 农机修理站-agricultural machine repair station 种马场-stallion barn 役马场-military horse harn 马厩-horse stable 乳牛场-dairy farm 牛舍-stanchion barn 公牛舍-bull barn 犊牛舍-calf barn 挤乳间-milking parlour 牛乳处理间-milkhouse 养鸡场-poultry yard 鸡舍-hencoop 养猪场-pig farm, hog lot 猪舍-pigsty 饲料储存处-feed storage 饲料加工间-feed processing plant 食槽-manger 饮水池-drinking water pool 人工采精室-sperm collection room 授精配种室-sperm fertilization room 病兽隔离室-isolation barn 兽医站-veterinary stastion 积肥场-fertilizer yard 沼气池-biomass pool 农业服务中心-agricultural service center 办公建筑-office building 多层办公楼-multistory office 高层办公楼-office tower 行政办公楼-administrative building 专用办公楼-special-use office building 综合性办公楼-multiple-use office building 智能办公楼-intelligent building, smart building 单间式布局-private office layout 大空间布局-open landscape layout 单走道布局-single-corridor layout 双走道布局-double-corridor layout 单外廊布局-single exterior-corridor layout 双外廊布局-double exterior-corridor layout 办公室-office room 设计室-design studio 绘图室-driafting room 档案室-file room 晒图室-reproduction room 图档室-drawings and documents room 打字室-typing room 模型室-model shop 公共建筑-public building 国际会议大厦-international convertion hall 国家会议大厦-state convention hall 市政厅-municipal hall, city hall 会议厅-assembly hall 礼堂-auditorium 主席台-presidium 同声传译控制室-simultaneous interpretation booth 翻译室-interpreters' room 监听室-monitor room 扩音控制室-broadcasting control room 电视转播室-television transmission room 电视转播车-television transmission vehicle 总指挥室-general director's room 法院-courthouse 法庭-courtroom 法官室-judge's suite 秘书室-law clerk's room 律师室-lawyer's room 证人室-witness' room 拘留室-detention room 警察局-police station 派出所-police substation 监狱-prison, jail 牢房-prison cell 接收牢房-incarceration cell 隔离牢房-isolation cell 检查室-examination room 讯问处-interrogation room 看守室-guards' room 瞭望室-watchtower 消防站-fire station 消防车库-fire engine room 训练塔-training tower 通信建筑-communication building 邮局-post office 电信楼-telecommunication building 营业柜台-clerk counter 书写台-writing counter 电话间-telephone booth 广播楼-broadcasting station 电视中心-television center, TV center 卫星通信地面站-satellite ground station 录音室-recording room 演播室-studio 微波塔-microwave transmission tower 电视塔-TV transmission tower 电影制片厂-motion picture studio 科学建筑-science building 研究中心-research center 试验楼-laboratory building 试验室-laboratory room 物理试验室-physics laboratory 化学试验室-chemistry laboratory 光学试验室-optics laboratory 声学试验室-acoustic laboratory 混响室-reverberationroom 隔声室-soundproof room 消声室-sound attenuation room, anechoic room 热工试验室-thermal science laboratory 生物试验室-biology laboratory 机械性能试验室-mechanical properties laboratory 无菌室-bacteria-free room 计量室-metrology room 天平室-balance room 电子显微镜室-electronic microscopy room 试验台-testing counter 通风罩-ventilation hood 天文台-observatory 气象台-meteorological station 宗教建筑-religious building 庙-temple 寺-buddhist temple 庵-nunnery 祠-shrine 观-taoist temple 山门-temple gate 大殿-main temple hall 经堂-scripture hall 钟楼-bell tower 鼓楼-drum tower 纪念建筑-memorial building 纪念碑-memorial monument 台座-pedestal 纪念堂-memorial hall 纪念牌坊-monumental gateway 地下建筑-underground building 人防地下室-air-raid shelter 人防工程-civil air denfence shelter 防核尘地下室-fallout shelter 地铁车站-subway station, metro station 地下商场-underground store 地下窑居-underground dwelling 地下珍宝馆-underground treasure chamber 地下车库-underground garage 地下仓库-underground warehouse 地下金库-underground gold treasury 地下冷库-underground cold storage 地下粮仓-underground granary 地下试验室-underground testing laboratory 生土建筑-earth building 窑居-cave dwelling 夯土房-rammed earth construction 土筑房-earthwork house 土坯房-adobe house 覆土建筑-earth-covered construction 自行车棚-bicycle shed 围墙-fence wall, enclosure wall 大门-entrance gate, main door 门房-gatehouse 设计管理-design administration 建筑法-buliding law,building ordinance 建筑师注册法-architects' registration ordinance 职业工程师法-professional engineers' law 建筑主管机关-building authority 建筑设计院-building design institute 建筑设计所-building design office 建筑师-architect 结构工程师-structural engineer 职业工程师-professional engineer 咨询工程师-design consultant 估价师-estimator, quantity surveyor 设计委托-design commission 设计 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 -design agreement 设计 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 -design contract 设计义务-design liability 损害义务-tort liability 设计费-design fee 收费标准-fee scale 百分比收费-percentage cost fee 单位面积收费-unit area fee 总额收费-lump sum fee 成本附加费-cost plus fee 资质审查-qualification 注册-registration 执照-license 合伙制设计事务所-design partnership 设计规范-design code 设计标准-design approval 职业道德守则-code of professional ethics 设计程序-design process 可行性研究-feasibility study 机会研究-opportunity study 建筑策划-architectural programming 场址选择-site selection 需求预测-demand forecasting 价格分析-price analysis 建筑条件-construction conditions 设计 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 -design alternative 劳动定员-manpower quota 实施 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 -implementation schedule 投资额-investment cost 运行成本-running cost, operating cost 资金返本期-payback period 投资返回率 -rate of return 投资决策-investment decision 面积定额-building area quota 设计任务书-design brief/proposal 建设单位/客户-cl
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