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突破口语要素突破口语要素 突破口语要素 第一部分 最常用的10个口语要素 TOP 1.Sure!当然! TOP 2.Really?真的? TOP 3.Great!太棒了! TOP 4.Sorry!对不起! TOP 5.That's OK.没关系。 TOP 6.All right.好的;好吧。 TOP 7.Thank you!谢谢! TOP 8.No problem!没问题! TOP 9.Forget it!算了吧;不用客气! TOP 10.Good job!太好了;做得好! 疯狂实战 A: I've been thinking...

突破口语要素 突破口语要素 第一部分 最常用的10个口语要素 TOP 1.Sure!当然! TOP 2.Really?真的? TOP 3.Great!太棒了! TOP 4.Sorry!对不起! TOP 5.That's OK.没关系。 TOP 6.All right.好的;好吧。 TOP 7.Thank you!谢谢! TOP 8.No problem!没问题! TOP 9.Forget it!算了吧;不用客气! TOP 10.Good job!太好了;做得好! 疯狂实战 A: I've been thinking of taking a Crazy English course. A:我正考虑参加疯狂 英语班, Do you think it's a good idea?你觉得好吗? B: Sure! You should do anything you can to improve your English. B:当然好了!你应该 尽一切可能提高你的英 语水平。 A: Really? Do you think English is that important? A:真的?你觉得英语 真的那么重要吗? B: Of course it is.B:当然重要了。 In fact, I'll even take the course with you if you want. 事实上,如果你愿意的 话,我要和你一起参加 。 A: Great! It's always better to do things with a friend. A:那太好了!和朋友 一起做事总是比较好的 。 B: Do you have the phone number? I need to call for registration. B:你有电话号码吗? 我要打电话去报名。 A: No, I left it at home. Sorry! A:没有,我把它忘在 家里了。对不起! B: That's OK. I can get it from you later. B:不要紧,我迟点再 问你要。 A: So, do you want to go somewhere for dinner A:那么,你想不想找 个地方吃顿饭, and practice our English together tonight? 我们今晚一起练习一下 英语啊? B: All right. I know a great restaurant near here. B:好吧。我知道这附 近有家挺不错的饭店, But, it's a little expensive and I don't have much money with me. 只是贵了点,而且我带 的钱不够。 A: No problem. I just got paid. It's my treat. A:没问题。我刚发了 薪水,我请客。 B: Thank you!B:谢谢! I'll be sure to return the favor after our first class, OK? 上完第一次课,我一定 回请你,好吗? A: Forget it! That's what friends are for! A:不用客气了!我们 是朋友嘛! Besides, I have a VIP card for a discount. 再说,我有张VIP卡可 以优惠。 B: Good job! This is going to be a great night! B:太好了!我们今晚 一定过得开心的! A: I think so too. Let's go!A:我想也是。我们走 吧! 第二部分 日常交际口语要素 第一节 问候 1.Hi!你好! 1A: Hi!你好! B: Hi!你好! 2A: Hi, Kim. How are you?你好,Kim,近来怎样 ? B: Fine. How are you doing?很好。你怎样? 3A: Hi, I haven't seen you for ages.你好,很久不见了。 B: Wow, I know. It's great to see you again. 是啊。很高兴又见到你 。 2.Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。 1A: Jim, this is my sister Susan. Jim,这是我的妹妹Susan。 B: Hi, Susan. Nice to meet you.你好,Susan,见到你 很高兴。 2A: I'm Kim. Nice to see you here. 我叫Kim。很高兴在这 儿见到你。 B: Nice to meet you, Kim.见到你很高兴,Kim。 3A: Welcome to our office.欢迎来到我们办公室。 B: Thanks. Nice to meet you.谢谢。很高兴见到你们 。 3.How are things going?近况如何? 1A: Hi, Stone! How are things going?你好,Stone!近况如 何? B: Couldn't be better. How about you?再好不过了。你呢? 2A: How are things going?近况如何? B: Fine, but I need to talk to you.还好,但我得跟你谈谈 。 3A: I just started my new job this week. 我这个星期才开始我的 新工作。 B: I completely forgot. How are things going?我都忘了。怎么样啊? 4.Keeping busy?近来忙吗? 1A: Hi, Stone. Have you been keeping busy? 你好,Stone。近来忙 吗? B: Yeah. Too busy.是啊,太忙啦。 2A: Hi, Eden. Have you been keeping busy? 你好,Eden。近来忙吗 ? B: Not really. Just doing what I have to. 不太忙,只是做自己份 内的事。 3A: What's new Kim, keeping busy?近来怎样,Kim,忙吗 ? B: Sure, I'm busier than I've ever been! 是啊,比以前忙的时候 还要忙! 5.How are you doing?你好吗? 1A: How are you doing?你好吗? B: I'm OK. How about you?我很好,你呢? 2A: Kim, this is my little brother Mike.Kim,这是我弟弟Mike 。 B: How are you doing, Mike?你好吗,Mike? 3A: I heard that you just got divorced. How are you doing? 听说你刚离了婚。你好 吗? B: OK, I guess.我想,还可以。 6.How's everything?最近怎么样? 1A: How's everything?一切都好吗? B: Pretty good.很好。 2A: How's everything?一切都好吗? B: So-so.马马虎虎。 3A: Sorry I'm so late getting back to the office. How's everything? 很抱歉我这么晚才到办 公室。一切都好吗? B: Everything's fine.一切正常。 7.How have you been?近来怎样;有什么进展 吗? 1A: Hi, Stone! How have you been?你好Stone!近来怎样 ? B: Great! What about you?好极了!你呢? 2A: How have you been?近来怎样? B: OK, I guess. How about you?还不错。你呢? 3A: I haven't seen you for ages. How have you been? 很久没见了,近来怎样 ? B: Oh, I've been super. And yourself?噢,我好极了。你呢? 8.What's new?有什么新鲜事吗? 1A: What's new?近来怎样? B: Nothing special./ Nothing much.还好。 2A: What's new?近来怎样? B: Same as usual.和往常一样。 3A: Hi, Kim. What's new?你好,Kim。最近怎么 样? B: Not too much. And you? Keeping busy? 没什么变化,你呢?还 那么忙吗? 9.What's up?近来忙什么? 1A: Hi, Jim. What's up?你好,Jim。近来忙什 么? B: Nothing.没忙什么。 2A: Hello, Bill. What's up?你好,Bill。近来忙些 什么? B: Nothing really. What about you?没忙什么。你呢? 3A: Hi,Kim. It's good to see you.你好,Kim,见到你真 高兴。 B: Yeah, it sure is. What's up?是啊,近来好吗? 10.What's happening?怎么样? 1A: Hey, man! What's happening?嘿,伙计!怎么样? B: Nothing much.一般。 2A: Hi, Bill. What's happening?嗨,Bill。怎么样? B: Same old same old. What's going on with you ? 老样子,老样子。你怎么样了? 3A: Hey, long time no see, what's happening? 嘿,好久不见,过得怎么样? B: Not a whole lot.一般。 第二节 致谢与回答 "感谢"是李阳疯狂英语 成功处世的精华! 李阳疯狂英语的学员都 应该这样对待别人: 帮助他人,并感激他人 的帮助; 保持一颗充满活力和敏 锐的心,赞扬和鼓励他 人, 给自己和别人的生活带 来和谐阳光; 永远向前,挑战自我和 生活,成为别人的力量 之源和榜样! 11.Thanks a million!千恩万谢;实在非常感 谢! 1A: Thanks a million. It's very kind of you.非常感谢。你真太好了 。 B: Glad I could help out.很高兴能给你帮上点忙 。 2A: Here's your book.你的书,给。 B: Thanks a million. Sorry I needed it back in such a rush. 非常感谢。很抱歉我要 得那么急。 3A: Thanks a million.太感谢了。 I really appreciate your showing my family around Beijing. 真的很感激你带我的家 人逛北京。 B: It was nothing.这没什么。 12.Thanks for your work.谢谢你的劳动/工作/努 力。 1A: I'm finished. I'm going home now. 我做完了。我现在准备 回家了。 B: OK. Thanks for your work.好的。谢谢你的工作。 2A: I'm taking off. See you tomorrow.我走了。明天见。 B: Thanks for your work.谢谢你的工作。 3A: Thanks for your work.谢谢你的劳动。 B: Don't mention it. It's my job.不用谢,这是我份内的 事。 1Thanks for your hard work.多谢你的努力工作。 2Thanks for working so hard.感谢您的辛勤劳动。 3Thanks for your long hours of hard work. 感谢你长时间的辛勤劳 动。 4Thank you for all the work you've done. 谢谢你所做的一切。 5Thank you for your dedication to the work. 谢谢你对工作的全身心 投入。 6Thank you for a job well done.感谢你出色地完成了工 作。 7I appreciate what you've done.感谢你所做的一切。 8I appreciate how hard you've worked.感谢你努力工作。 13.Thanks for everything.谢你所做的一切。 1A: Thanks for everything .谢谢你所做的一切。 B: It's nothing. My pleasure.别客气。这是我的荣幸 。 2A: Thanks for everything.谢谢你所做的一切。 B: No problem. Come back again.没什么。有机会再来。 3A: Thanks for everything.谢谢你所做的一切。 B: Sure. Take care!别客气。你多保重! 1Thanks for taking care of my dog.谢谢你照料我的狗。 2Thanks for taking care of my baby.谢谢你照顾我的孩子。 3Thanks for everything you have done for me.你为我所做的一切 。 4Thanks for taking care of everything for me. 谢谢你帮我照顾一切。 I know I can always count on you.我知道我总能指望你。 14.Thanks for your concern.谢谢你的关心。 1A: Is your baby all right now?你的宝宝好了吗? B: Yes. Thanks for your concern.好了。多谢你的关心。 2A: Are you feeling better today?你今天感觉好一点了吗 ? B: Much better. Thanks for your concern.好多了。多谢你的关心 。 3A: Did you make an appointment with a doctor? 你和医生预约了吗? I'm worried about your health.我很担心你的健康。 B: Yes, I did. Thanks for your concern.约好了。谢谢你的关心 。 15.Thanks for your cooperation.多谢合作。 1A: Thanks for your cooperation.多谢合作。 B: My pleasure.乐意效劳。 2A: Thanks for your cooperation. Have a nice evening.谢谢合作,祝你今晚愉快。 B: You too.你也一样。 3A: I'm so glad we made it.真高兴我们成功了。 B: So am I. Thanks for your cooperation.我也很高兴。谢谢你合作。 1Thanks for your help.谢谢你的帮助。 2Thanks for your support.多谢你的支持。 3Thanks for your effort.多谢你的努力。 4Thanks for your advice.谢谢你的建议。 16.Thanks for coming. 谢谢您的到来/光临。 1A: Thanks for coming.谢谢你的到来。 B: Anytime.随时乐意。 2A: Thanks for coming.谢谢你的光临。 B: Are you kidding? I wouldn't have missed your party for anything. 别开玩笑吧?我怎么也不会错过你的聚会的。 3A: Hi, Kim. Here I am!嗨,Kim,我在这儿! B: Hi, Adam. Thanks for coming.嗨,Adam,欢迎你来! 1Thanks for coming such a long way.谢谢你远道而来。 2Thanks for coming all the way.谢谢你远道而来。 3Thanks for coming so quickly.谢谢你那么快就来了。 4Thanks for coming today.谢谢你今天来。 5Thanks for coming when I called.我一打完电话你就来了谢谢你。 I didn't know who else to turn to.我不知道向谁求助。 17.Thanks for your time.谢谢你抽出时间来。 1A: I looked everywhere but I couldn't find the letter. 我到处都找遍了,也没看到那封信。 B: I see. Thanks for your time.我知道了,谢谢你费心 帮我。 2A: If you'll excuse me, I have work to do. 如果你不介意的话,我还有工作要做。 B: Sure. Thanks for your time. 行。谢谢你,占用你的时间了。 3A: Thanks for your time,I appreciate it.谢谢你的帮助,我很感激。 B: It was no trouble at all.一点也不麻烦。 1Thank you. I understand you're busy.谢谢。我知道你很忙。 2Thank you. I understand you're tired.谢谢。我知道你很累。 3Thank you for your valuable time.谢谢你宝贵的时间。 4Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule. 谢谢你在百忙之中抽出时间来。 5Thank you for making time to see me.谢谢你抽时间来看我。 6Thank you for sparing some time for me.谢你为我抽出时间来 。 18.It's very kind of you.你真是太好了。 1A: I can take you there if you want. 如果你愿意的话,我可 以带你去那儿。 B: Thank you. It's very kind of you.谢谢。你真是太好了! 2A: I can do it for you.我可以为你做。 B: Thanks. It's very kind of you.多谢。你真好。 3A: I don't mind coming back again when you're not so busy. 你不忙的时候,我很乐 意再回来。 B: Thanks a lot. It's very kind of you.多谢。你真是太好了! 1You're so sweet.你真好。 2How kind of you!你真好! 3Thank you for your kindness.谢谢你的好意。 4I appreciate your kindness.对您的好意,我非常感 激。 5Your kindness is really appreciated.你的善意真让人感激。 19.You've been very helpful.你帮了大忙。 1A: Thanks for everything. You've been very helpful. 谢谢你所做的一切,你 真帮了大忙。 B: You're welcome.不客气。 2A: Thanks a lot. You've been very helpful.多谢,你帮了大忙。 B: My pleasure.乐意效劳。 3A: Thank you for your advice. You've been very helpful. 谢谢你的建议,你帮了大忙。 B: Don't mention it.不用谢。 1Thanks for your help.谢谢你帮忙。 2You helped me a lot.你帮了我大忙。 3It means a lot to me.它对我意义重大。 4You've been incredibly helpful.你真是帮了我大忙。 5You don't know how much you've helped me. 你想像不出你给我的帮助有多大。 20.My pleasure.别客气。 1A: Thank you for reminding me to call my mother. 谢谢你提醒我打电话给我妈妈。 B: My pleasure.不客气。 2A: Thank you for your help.谢谢你的帮助。 B: My pleasure.不用谢。 3A: You really helped me a lot.你真给了我很多帮助。 B: My pleasure. Anytime.别客气,随时乐意效劳 。 1You're welcome.不客气。 2It's my pleasure.这是我的荣幸。 3Don't mention it!不客气! 21.Forget it.算了吧;别客气。 1A: Thank you for lunch, it was wonderful.谢谢你的午餐,太好吃 B: Forget it. It was my pleasure.别客气。这是我的荣幸 。 2A: How can I ever repay you for all your help? 你给我那么多的帮助, 我怎样才能报答你? B: Forget it. That's what friends are for. 别客气。朋友就得这样 /我们是朋友嘛。 3A: You are the most thoughtful person. Thank you for the flowers! 你是想得最周到的人。谢谢你的花! B: Forget it. It was nothing.别客气。这没什么。 22.You're welcome.不用客气。 1A: Thank you.谢谢。 B: You're welcome.不客气。 2A: We all thank you very much.我们都很感激你。 B: You're really welcome.真的不用客气。 3A: I just can't thank you enough for helping me with my English. 你帮助我学英语,我再 怎么感谢你也不为过。 B: You're welcome. I'm glad to help.不用客气。我很高兴帮 助你。 23.Anytime.随时效劳。 1A: Thanks for driving me home. 谢谢你开车送我回家。 B: Anytime.随时乐意效劳。 2A: I'm so glad you invited me for tea.很高兴你邀请我喝茶。 B: Anytime. It's great to have you.不客气。很高兴你能来 。 3A: Thanks for mailing that letter for me.谢谢你帮我把信寄了。 B: Anytime. I was already going to the post office anyway. 随时乐意效劳。我早就打算到邮局去了的。 24.It's nothing.没什么。 1A1: How can I thank you engough?我该怎样感谢你呢? A2: I can't thank you enough.我对你感激不尽。 B: It's nothing. Forget about it.没什么。不用客气了。 2A: I can't believe you waited all night for my train to arrive. 我简直不敢相信,你为 了接我的车等了整个晚 上。 B: It's nothing. I wanted to see you.没什么。我就是想见你 。 3A: Thank you for your support.谢谢你的支持。 B: It's nothing.没什么。 第三节 道歉用语 25.Sorry./I'm sorry.对不起。 1A: Look what you've done! You've broken my watch. 瞧!你都干了些什么你把我的 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 弄坏了。 B: Sorry. I'm terribly sorry. I'll get you a new one. 对不起。实在对不起我给你买块新的。 2A: You're late again! I've been waiting for over an hour. 你又迟到了!我已经等 了一个多小时了。 B: I'm sorry. Really, I am.对不起,真的对不起。 3A: You always say things that hurt my feelings. 你总说些伤害我感情的话。 B: I'm sorry. I really don't mean to.很抱歉。我真的不是故意的。 26.Sorry I'm late.抱歉,我来晚了。 1A: Sorry I'm late. Traffic was bad. 对不起,我来晚了。路上交通很糟糕。 B: That's all right. Let's go!没关系,我们走吧! 2A: Sorry I'm late.对不起,我来晚了。 B: Don't be late again.下次注意别再迟到了。 3A: Sorry I'm late.抱歉,我来晚了。 B: We were beginning to think you were not coming. 我们正在想你今天不会 来了呢。 27.I'm sorry to bother you.很抱歉打扰你。 1A: I can go and ask him, if you want.如果你愿意,我可以去 问他。 B: I'm sorry to bother you.不好意思麻烦你。 2A: I'll see what I can do for you.我看能为你做些什么。 B: I'm sorry to bother you.很抱歉麻烦你。 3A: I'm really sorry to trouble you.很抱歉麻烦你。 B: Never mind.没关系。 28.I'm sorry to interrupt you, but…很抱歉打搅你… … A: I'm sorry to interrupt you, but can I talk to you in private? 很抱歉打搅你,我能和 你私下里谈一谈吗? B: Sure. What's up?当然可以。怎么啦? A: I'm sorry to interrupt you, but we'd better hurry. 很抱歉打断你,不过, 我们最好快一点。 B: That's right. / You are right.说得对。 A: I'm sorry to interrupt you, but I don't think that's right. 对不起打断你,我觉得 那样不对。 B: Oh? What do you mean?什么?你是什么意思? 29.I'm sorry to bother you, but…对不起,打扰你了… … A: I'm sorry to bother you, but could you help me move this desk? 对不起,打扰你了,能帮我挪一下桌子吗? B: All right.好的。 A: I'm sorry to bother you, but could you take a look at my computer? 对不起,打扰你了,能帮我看一下电脑吗? B: Sure. What's wrong?没问题。出什么问题了 ? A: I'm sorry to bother you, but could you answer a question for me? 很抱歉打扰你,你能回 答我一个问题吗? B: Okay. What's up?好吧。什么事? 30.Sorry, I wasn't listening.对不起,我刚才没听。 A: What do you think?你认为怎么样? B: Sorry, I wasn't listening.对不起,我刚才没听。 A: Maybe we can ask Stone.也许我们可以去问问Stone。 B: Sorry, I wasn't listening. What did you say? 对不起,我刚才没听。你说了什么? A: Which one do you think is right?你认为哪个对? B: Sorry, I wasn't listening.对不起,我刚才没听。 第四节 祝愿与祝贺 31.Good luck!祝你好运! A: I only have two days to go before my test. I'm so nervous! 离考试只有两天了,我紧张极了! B: Good luck! You can do it!祝你好运!你会成功的 ! A: I have a job interview tomorrow.我明天有个工作面试。 B: Good luck!祝你好运! A: I'm finally ready for my big presentation. 我终于为我的大型演出做好了准备。 B: Good luck!祝你好运! ①I'll keep my fingers crossed.为你祈祷! ②Keep up the good work!祝你好运! 32.Have a nice evening.今晚过得愉快! A: See you tomorrow.明天见。 B: Take care and have a nice evening.保重,过一个愉快的夜晚! A: Let's call it a day.今天就到这儿。 B: Sure. Have a nice evening.好的。晚上好好玩! A: Have a nice evening.祝你今晚玩得开心。 B: You too.你也是。 ①Have a nice weekend.周末愉快! ②Have a good rest.好好休息一下。 ③Have a good night's sleep.睡个好觉! 33.Take care of yourself!多保重! A: I have a cold.我感冒了。 B: Take care of yourself!你要照顾好自己! A: I have heartburn. I really shouldn't eat such spicy food. 我的胃灼痛。我真不该 吃那么辣的东西。 B: You should take care of yourself more.多注意身体! A: My tooth is hurting really badly.我的牙疼得厉害。 B: Take care of yourself! You need to see a dentist. 多注意身体。你得去看牙医。 ①Take care!保重! ②Take good care!多保重! ③Take good care of yourself!你要多保重! 34.I'm happy for you.我为你感到高兴。 A: I became a section manager.我当上了科长。 B: Great! I'm happy for you.太好了!我为你高兴。 A: I'm pregnant.我怀孕了。 B: Really? I'm happy for you.真的?我为你高兴。 A: Sally and I made up.莎莉跟我和好了。 B: Good! I'm happy for you.真好!我为你们高兴。 ①I'm so glad.我真高兴。 ②I'm so pleased.我真高兴。 ③I'm so happy for you.我真为你高兴。 ④I'm proud of you.我真为你骄傲。 35.Congratulations!祝贺你! A: I passed the entrance exam.我通过了入学考试。 B: Congratulations!祝贺你! A: We signed the contract.我们签了合同。 B: Congratulations!祝贺你! A: They picked my illustration.他们采纳了我的图案。 B: Congratulations!祝贺你! ①I congratulate you.我祝贺你。 ②Let's celebrate.让我们庆贺一下。 ③This calls for celebration.这真值得庆祝。 36.Cheers!干杯! A: Let's have a toast to teacher Lee.来,为李老师干杯! B: Cheers!干! A: To our tenth anniversary!为我们的十周年纪念日 干杯。 B: Cheers!干! A: Cheers! Bottoms up!干杯! B: Bottoms up!干杯! ①Let's have a toast.我们干杯吧! ②Bottoms up!干杯! ③Drink up!干杯! 37.Give my regards to….代我向… …问好。 A: Give my regards to Mr. Lee.代我向李先生问好。 B: All right. Bye.好的。再见。 A: Give my regards to your parents.代我向你父母问好。 B: I will. See you soon.我会的,再见。 A: Give my regards to your family.代我向你家人问好。 B: Sure. See you around.好的。回头见。 38.I hope you like my little present.希望你喜欢我送的小礼 物。 A: I hope you like my little present.希望你喜欢我送的小礼 物。 B: Thank you! It's so sweet of you.谢谢!你真好。 A: I hope you like my little present.希望你喜欢这个小礼物 。 B: Oh, you shouldn't have. May I open it?噢你太客气了我可以现在打开吗? A: Is this for me?这是给我的吗? B: Yes. I hope you like my little present.对我希望你喜欢这小礼物。 ①I just wanted to thank you.我只想说谢谢你。 ②As a token of my gratitude.小小意思,略表谢意。 39.I hope you like the food.希望你爱吃这食物。 A: Wow! Everything looks delicious!哇,这些看上去都很好 吃。 B: I hope you like the food.希望你爱吃。 A: This is my first time to eat hot pot.这是我第一次吃火锅。 B: I hope you like the food.希望你爱吃。 A: Are these called Wonton?这是馄饨吗? B: Yes. I hope you like the food.是希望你爱吃。 ①Maybe you won't like it.你可能不爱吃。 ②It will grow on you.你会慢慢喜欢它的。 ③It's good for you.这对你有好处。 第五节 鼓励与安慰 40.Cheer up!振作起来! A: My wife has been gone for two weeks visiting her mother. 我妻子回娘家已经两个 星期了。 B: Cheer up! She'll be back soon. 别垂头丧气的!她很快 就会回来的。 A: Our proposal didn't go through.我们的提议没有通过。 B: Cheer up! I have a better idea.振作起来!我有个更好 的主意。 A: I missed an important class before the test. 我错过了考试前的一堂重要的课。 B: Cheer up! I'll show you my notes.别担心我把我的笔记 给你看。 ①I'll cheer her up.我会让她高兴起来的。 ②I'm trying to cheer you up.我会努力让你振作起来 的。 ③Let's cheer Susan up.我们去安慰一下Susan 。 41.Hang in there!别气馁;坚持下去! A: I can't believe I failed the exam again. 简直不敢相信,我这次 考试又不及格。 B: Hang in there! Give it another try.别灰心!再接再厉! A: My husband got fired.我老公被炒鱿鱼了。 B: Oh, no! Hang in there, Kim! 噢,太不幸了!一定要 扛住呀,Kim! A: English is so difficult. Grammar really bothers me! 英语可真难学,它的语法让我烦透了! B: Hang in there!别泄气! ①Just hang in there!一定要坚持住! ②Just hang in there. Everything is going to be all right. 不要气馁。一切都会好的。 42.Don't give up.不要放弃! A: Don't give up, Eden. Hang in there! 不要放弃,Eden。继续努力! B: I'm doing my best!我正在努力! A: I asked the boss for a raise, but he said no. 我要求老板给我加薪可他说不行。 B: Don't give up. Try again later. 别灰心。以后再试试看 。 A: I just don't think I'll ever learn to speak good English. 我想我永远也讲不好英语。 B: Don't give up. You can do it.别放弃。你能做到的。 43.Keep trying.继续努力。 A: I really want that promotion, but I keep getting turned down. 我真的很想得到提升可我总是被否定。 B: Keep trying! You'll get it. 别泄气!你会得到提升的。 A: I want to get into Cambridge. But I know it is difficult. 我想进剑桥。不过,我知道这很难。 B: Keep trying. You'll succeed.别泄气,你会成功的。 A: I've been trying to get a hold of Jim for an hour, 我给Jim打了一个小时的电话,but the line is busy.但总是占线。 B: Keep trying. He just likes to talk on the phone,继续打。他就是喜欢" 煲电话粥"you'll get through sooner or later.你迟早会打通的。 44.Go for it.努力争取;为此而努力 吧! A: I'm going to try out for the basketball team.我想参加篮球队, Do you think I'm tall enough?你觉得我够高吗? B: Sure you are! Go for it!当然够高!尽管做吧! A: Mary, you can't quit now!玛丽,现在不能放弃! You're almost at the finish line! Go for it! 你差不多就成功了,要 努力争取啊! B: I'm going to make it!我会成功的! A: I've been thinking of quitting my job and starting my own business.我正考虑辞职,自己做生意。 B: Go for it!尽管做吧! 45.Go ahead.去吧;去做吧! A: Do you mind if I borrow your phone? 介意把你的电话借我一用吗? B: No, not at all. Go ahead.一点儿也不介意,尽管 用吧。 A: Can I sit down here?我可以坐这儿吗? B: Go ahead.坐吧。 A: I want to ask him for his autograph, but I am scared. 我想要他的亲笔签名但我不敢叫他签。 B: Go ahead. Do it.去吧,没事的。 46.Relax!放松点! A: I am so nervous about giving my presentation tomorrow. 明天要作一个演说,我很紧张。 B: Relax, you'll be fine.放松点!,你会表现得很好的。 A: I just can't stop worrying about my exam results. 我一直都在担心我的考试成绩。 B: Relax, there's nothing you can do now but wait. 放松点,现在除了等你别无他法。 A: I've ever traveled alone before. 我以前从未一个人单独去旅游过。 B: Relax. There's nothing to it.放松点。没什么大不的。 47.Be careful.小心。 A: Do you think I can go to Shanghai by myself? 你认为我自己一个人能去上海吗? B: Sure. Be careful.当然可以。要小心。 A: I'm going to jog for a while.我要出去跑跑步。 B: All right. Be careful.好的。要当心。 A: Be careful. The walls have ears.当心隔墙有耳。 B: You're right.没错。 ①Drive carefully.小心驾驶。 ②Work carefully.认真工作。 ③Do it carefully.仔细点。 48.Don' t worry!别着急! A: Mary should be back home now.玛丽现在应该回来了。 B: Don't worry. She's no longer a child.别担心她已经不再孩子了。 A: I think I left the car windows open.我想我忘了关车窗了。 B: Don't worry, I closed them.别担心,我关好了。 A: Be sure to come back before eleven o'clock. 十一点之前一定要回来 。 B: Don't worry. We will.别担心,我们会的。 49.Take it easy!慢慢来;别着急;放松 点! A: I'm going to finish all this work tonight. 我今晚要把这些工作全 部完成。 B: Take it easy!别着急,慢慢来。/悠 着点儿北京话! A: I'll make this up to you. I promise.我保证一定会给你补上 。 A: Take it easy! I'm not angry with you.没关系。我不是生你的气。 A: I lost my passport. What am I going to do? 我的护照丢了。这下我该怎么办? B: Take it easy! When did you last use it? 别慌。你最后一次用它是什么时候? 第六节 情感的表达 50.I'm relieved.那我就放心了。 A: We found that it was not your fault.我们知道了那不是你的 错。 B: I'm so relieved.那我就放心了。 A: This tumor is not a bad one.这个肿瘤不是恶性肿瘤 。 B: I'm relieved.谢天谢地。 A: You remember this case? It's all over now. 你记得这件事?它都过去了。 B: I'm relieved.我感到安慰。 ①What a relief!终于松了口气! ②That's a relief.谢天谢地。 ③That's reassuring.我放心了。 51.I'm surprised.我感到惊讶。 A: Look, Mom, I cleaned up my room!妈妈你看我把房收拾好了。 B: I'm surprised.真想不到。 A: I took the liberty of adjusting your TV.我把你的电视调试好了 。 B: I'm surprised. It looks so clear.真让我吃惊,看起来清 楚多了。 A: Do you know Miss Lee got fired?你知道李小姐被解雇了 吗? B: I'm surprised. Is that true?真想不到。是真的吗? ①I'm shocked.我感到震惊。 ②I'm not surprised.不足为奇。 52.I was moved.我很感动。 A: Did you like "Sleepless in Seattle"?你喜欢看《缘分的天空 》这部电影吗? B: I was moved.我很感动。 A: How did you
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