首页 2011名师点津人教版英语必修3-Unit 3[课件]

2011名师点津人教版英语必修3-Unit 3[课件]


2011名师点津人教版英语必修3-Unit 3[课件]nullnullnullnull1._____________ v.鞠躬,弯腰 2._____________ n.理发店 3._____________ n. 出生地 4._____________ n.作者;创始人 5._____________ n. 故障;毛病 6._____________ n. 帐目,理由account bowbarber’sbirthplaceauthorfaultnull7._____________ v. 许可;允许 8._____________ v. 漫步,徘徊 9._____...

2011名师点津人教版英语必修3-Unit 3[课件]
nullnullnullnull1._____________ v.鞠躬,弯腰 2._____________ n.理发店 3._____________ n. 出生地 4._____________ n.作者;创始人 5._____________ n. 故障;毛病 6._____________ n. 帐目,理由account bowbarber’sbirthplaceauthorfaultnull7._____________ v. 许可;允许 8._____________ v. 漫步,徘徊 9._____________n.& v.冒险 10.____________ n. 短语,习语,惯用语 11.____________ adv. Certainly;actually 12.____________ n. 数量;总额amount permitwanderadventurephraseindeednull13.______________ vt. 发现 n.地点 14.______________ n.(戏)一场;场面 15.______________ n. 方式;习惯 16.______________ n.通道;文章 17.______________ v.凝视;盯着看 18.______________ n.甜品dessertspotscenemannerpassagestarenull______________adj.相信的 ______________adj. 难以置信的 ______________adv.难以置信地 ______________n.信仰1.believe vt. 相信belief believable unbelievableunbelievablynull⑴ It __________(believe) that he has passed the last final examination. ⑵ I hold the strong ___________ (believe) that I can achieve my dream in the future. is believed belief null⑶ ___________ (believe),nobody can solve this simple problem. ⑷ It is __________(believe) that tomorrow will be a sunny day,because there are so many stars shining in the sky.UnbelievablybelievablenullI enjoy reading ⑴ __________ (novel),especially the works of Mark Twain,who was a worldwide ⑵ ____________ (novel).2.novel n.小说 _____________n.小说家novelistnovelistnovelsnull___________adv.耐心地; ___________adj. 没有耐性的 ___________adv. 没有耐性地 ___________n. 耐性3.patient adj.有耐性的 n.病人patiencepatientlyimpatientimpatientlynull ⑴ The parents lost ___________ (patient) with his naughty son even wanted to give him up. ⑵ Generally speaking,most teachers are patient _______ students and kind to them. ⑶ As a nursery teacher,you mustn’t be ____________ (patient) with the children.patiencewithimpatient null1. 发自内心 ______________ 2. 偶然 ______________ 3. 做出解释;说明原因 ______________ 4. 与…… 打赌 ______________ 5. 前进 ______________ 6. 值得 ______________from the bottom of heartby accident/by chanceaccount formake a bet with sb.on sthgo aheadbe worthnull7. 正相反 __________________ 8. 养育 __________________ 9. 盯住 __________________ 10. 衣裳褴褛 __________________ 11. 希望 __________________ 12 在现场 __________________be on the scene/spoton the contrarybring upstare atin ragsin the hope thatnull13. 一大笔钱 _______________ 14. to be honest _______________ 15. take a chance _______________ 16. in a manner _______________ 17. order a lot of food _______________ 18. lose one’s patience _______________a large amount/sum of money坦城地说冒险以……方式点很多菜失去耐性null1.Henry 原本在一个幸福、富有的家庭中长大。(bring up,as a matter of fact) 2.一场意外的事故,转眼Henry 成为一个衣裳破烂的孤儿。(by accident,in rags) 1.As a matter of fact,Henry was brought up in a happy,perfect and wealthy family2.Henry became an orphan by accident,and he was dressed in rags.null3.虽然他路费也没有,但他拒绝了善意的帮助。(passage,charity).3.He had not any passage,but he didn’t accept the kind charity.null4.恰恰相反,他发誓要靠自己的双手赚钱。(make a bet,by hand,in the hope that,on the contrary) 5.就算是冒险,他也决定去尝试。(take a chance)4.On the contrary,he made a bet with himself and decided to take a chance in the hope that he could earn a large amount of money by hand.5.He decided to take a chance to have a try.null6.于是他到处找工,专挑那些最苦、最脏、最廉价的活去干。(stare at,seek,to be honest) 7.几年之后,他靠努力以及坚持不懈的精神,终于取得了难以置信的成功。(patience,unbelievable,account for)6.So he sought a job everywhere,and stared at those jobs,to be honest,which are the hardest,dirtiest and cheapest ones.7.A few years later,his hard work and patience accounted for his unbelievable success eventually.null8.谈到理想时,毫无疑问,他将勇往直前!(as for,undoubtedly,go ahead) 9.他还想以自己的自强自立和坚忍不拔的毅力而流芳百世。(become best famous for)8.As for his dream,undoubtedly,he would go head!9.He would like to become best known for his independence and persistence.null Henry , who, as a matter of fact, had ever been brought up in a happy,wealthy and perfect family, was an orphan dressed in rags. To survive,he made a bet with himself and took a chance to seek an honest job in the hope that he could earn a large amount of money by hand.基础写作参考范文nullAlthough he had no passage,he refused any charity,on the contrary,he stared at those rejected,to be honest,which were the hardest,dirtiest and cheapest jobs.null Years later,it’s his hard work and patience that accounted for his unbelievable success. As for his dream,undoubtedly,he would go ahead and become best known for his independence and persistence.null Born in Florida,Mark Twain,an American renowned writer and speaker,spent his boyhood in Hannibal,Missouri,along the Mississippi River,three of 1________ most famous books describe people on this great river. whose nullAs this author loved the river so much that even 2 _____ pen name comes from the river.As we know,“Twain” is an old word for “two”.So,to “mark twain,” that is to say,the water is equal 3 ____ two fathoms deep. histonullBeing poor,Twain dropped school at the age of twelve 4________ (look) for work. Over the next two decades he worked as a printer,a riverboat pilot,a soldier,a gold miner,a businessman and a newspaper reporter to support the family.to looknullIt was said that his first 5 _________ (success) story was about a jumping frog contest.And his works became extremely famous for its description of common people and the way they talked,especially 6_____ his humor.As a result,he became very rich from his works successfulfor null7___________ ,the last years of his life 8 __________(fill) with sad events,the deaths of his wife and children,the loneliness and the loss of much money.For this,his writings lost most of its humor and became sad 9 ________ him.Yet he is still regarded as one of the10 _____ (well) known writers in the modern world.Howeverwas filledlike best nullnull1.scene n.(喜剧)一场;现场;场面;景色scene,scenery,sight,viewon the scene在现场⑴ The cave is a very nice_______ in that place.运用:请选用上面的词语填空。 sight null⑵ From the top of the hill you have a nice_____ of the whole city. ⑶ We’ll take you to see the _______ when you’re in Beijing. ⑷ The________in the mountains is very beautiful. ⑸ Firefighters were on the_______immediately.viewsightssceneryscenenullspot sb.doing sth.注意到、发现某人做…… on the spot 当场,立即 hot spot 热点 a spot of 少许;少量 in a spot 陷入麻烦2.spot vt.发现;认出 n.斑点;污点;地点null⑴ My father __________ (spot) several spelling mistakes in my composition just now. ⑵ The police found a bloody handkerchief _____the spot by the river.运用:用适当的词填空或用所给词的适当形式填空。on spotted nullseek sb’s advice/help 征求意见/求帮助 seek to do sth.试图去做 seek help from sb向某人求助 seek your fortune 外出寻找发财机会 seek sb./sth.out 挑选出,物色派生:seeker(n.)找寻者,追求者 job-seeker 求职者3.seek v.(sought,sought)寻找;探索;寻求null⑴ They have sought __________ (improve) their English learning these days. ⑵ She managed to calm him down and seek help _________ a neighbour.运用:用适当的词填空或用所给词的适当形式填空。from to improve nullon the contrary 正相反 contrary to与……相反4.contrary n. 反面;对立面 adj. 相反的;相违的null⑴ You’re quite free now,I think,_____ ___________I have tons of things to do! ⑵_____________ expectation,he didn’t win in the match.(adv.)运用:用以上两个短语填空。Contrary to contraryon thenull⑴ I didn’t want to bring up the matter to him last night. ⑵ My parents brought me up to respect others. ⑶ He brought up his dead brother’s children. 1.bring up 抚养;培养;教育;提出运用:请说出bring up在句中的意思。将某人养育成人提及那件事教育我null⑴ I’ll go ahead and tell them you’re on the way. ⑵ The building of the new bridge will go ahead as planned . ⑶ —May I start now? —Yes,go ahead . 2.go ahead前进;(用于祈使句)可以;往下说 运用:请说出go ahead在句中的意思。可以,请开始吧走在前面,先走将按计划进行修建null⑴ 我在街上偶然遇见了他。 I__________________________ in the street. ⑵ 这是我们偶然发现的。 We_____________________________.3.by accident=by chance 偶然地;意外地; 无意中;不小心运用:完成下列句子。discovered it by chancemet him quite by chancenull⑴ 据电台报导昨天的地震使五人丧生。 It is reported by radio that the earthquake yesterday _________________ five deaths. ⑵ 他无法说清楚为什么缺课。 He could not _____________________ from school.4.account for导致,产生;对……解释/说明运用:完成下列句子。account for his absence accounted for nullWe mustn’t _________________________ (冒险). We’d better play safe.5.take a chance=take chances冒险运用:用以上词语完成句子。take chances/take a chancenullnull1.The fact is that I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand,which accounts for my appearance.(L35,P18)事实上,我是靠做义工来顶替船费,这就是我衣裳不整的原因。句型:The fact is that...,which accounts for... 事实上是……这说明……null⑴ 事实上我是放了学才回家,说明我没缺席。 I didn’t go home until school was over,_____ ______________________________________. ⑵ 事实上黑板是干干净净的,证明有人擦过。 ______________ the blackboard is very clean,_______________________________________.仿写:请将下列句子译成英文。which accounts for someone’s actionthe factis that,which accounts for my presentThe fact is thatnull⑶ 事实上班上人人都及格了,这说明每位同学都很努力。 _______________none failed in the exam, ___________________________________.which accounted for everyone’s hard workThe fact is thatnull2.That’s why we’ve given you the letter.(L55,P18)这就是为什么我们给你这封信的原因。句型:That is why...(引出结果)那就是……的原因比较:That’s because...(引出原因)这是因为……null⑴He is seriously ill;that is _______ he is absent from school. ⑵ He is absent from school;that is ________ he is seriously ill. ⑶ My bike was broken on the way,that was ______ I came late for class.仿写:用why或because填空。他病得很厉害,所以没上学。why whybecausenull3.It is well- known that many Americans like to eat a lot.(L19,P22)众所周知,很多美国人都喜欢吃很多。句型:It is well-known that ... 众所周知……比较:As it is well -known,...或者As is well -known,同义,但这两者中都不要用that,后面要加逗号。null⑴ ______________________ theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice. ⑵ ___________________ ,theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice. ⑶ ____________________ ,theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice.仿写:根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 众所周知,理论源于实践又服务于实践。(三种翻译 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 )As is well–known It is well-known that As it is well knownnullnull一、完形填空 本文作者记叙了一个发生在作者餐馆的一件难以置信的事。 1.C。由文章开头unbelievable story可知。 2.D。固定搭配 order food。 3.D。固定搭配 stare at。 4.B。句型搭配It seemed that。null5.A。固定搭配starve to death . 6.A。由文章开头unbelievable story和后面why句型可知。 7.D。固定搭配two orders of food.表双份。 8.C。由文章前面unbelievable,I wondered 可推测。 9.B。店主要求他付款,即他被要求付款。 10.C。精确到两点钟。null11.A。由文章开头unbelievable,poorly dressed 等可推测出大家都很震惊,用be shocked to do。 12.B。由后文we could not change the bank note....可推测出。 13.A。由前文we could not change the bank note和文章后面 a free dinner可推测出。null14.C。由文章开头unbelievable,poorly dressed,和文章后面but very wealthy man可推测出。 15.D。由文章后面...and ate whatever he liked.并列结构可推测出。null二、语法填空 作者记叙了自己不幸的一天。 1.unfortunate。作定语要用形容词,由下文内容可知,作者这天很不幸。 2.when。由句式结构可知,填表示and just at that time的并列连词when。 3.locked。指自己被锁在里面,故用过去分词作宾补。null4.what。引导宾语从句并在从句中作do的宾语,用连接代词what。 5.who。与it was一起构成强调结构。 6.patience。作介词的宾语用名词。 7.asked。因I与ask在逻辑上是被动关系,故用过去分词。null8.listening。现在分词作伴随状语。 9.coming。在mind后作宾语的动词要用动名词。 10.why。引导表语从句,thats why...是常用句式,意思是“这就是……的原因吗”null三、阅读理解 本文讲述暑假使许多学生忘记学校所学内容,其中拼写和数学能力学生受影响最大。 41.B。细节理解题。根据文中的第一段倒数一、二句。 42.A。推理判断题。根据全文理解。 43.C。细节理解题。根据第三段。null44.A。词义理解题。根据下一句When they go back to school after the long summer vacation,they take up to two months to return to their previous level of understanding。 45.C。主旨大意题。根据全文理解。null
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