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商业计划书商业计划书 商业计划书 第一节:外贸平台的建设 第二节:外贸主营产品、方向的确定 第三节:国际市场开拓的前期投入 第四节:国际市场开拓主要途径 第五节:现有国外客户资源及06年业务分析 第六节:总结 第1节​ 外贸平台的建设 外贸平台的建设涉及以下领域: 1、​ 行政机关的注册、登记。包括工商、税务、海关、外汇局、商检局完成相关手续的办理;整个流程办理结束大概2个月时间。 2、外贸部门的组建。外贸部门作为一个团队,由于分工不同,一般由业务员,财会(负责核销、退税)、单证员,质检员组成。人员的数量依据业务量而定;在公...

商业计划书 商业计划书 第一节:外贸平台的建设 第二节:外贸主营产品、方向的确定 第三节:国际市场开拓的前期投入 第四节:国际市场开拓主要途径 第五节:现有国外客户资源及06年业务分析 第六节:总结 第1节​ 外贸平台的建设 外贸平台的建设涉及以下领域: 1、​ 行政机关的注册、登记。包括工商、税务、海关、外汇局、商检局完成相关手续的办理;整个流程办理结束大概2个月时间。 2、外贸部门的组建。外贸部门作为一个团队,由于分工不同,一般由业务员,财会(负责核销、退税)、单证员,质检员组成。人员的数量依据业务量而定;在公司创业初期,由于业务量不大,可以一人多职,如业务员可以负责单证的处理。 3、​ 货运代理,快递公司的选择、确定。 从实际操作看,目前大多数外贸公司的相关业务都是委托中介公司来完成的,如货物的进出口报关,商品法定检验及办理货物运输保险,可以省时省事。但选择合适的中介公司对外贸公司非常重要;好的中介公司可以促进外贸业务的发展。选择中介公司基本要求应该是业务熟练,专业知识强,服务效率高,收费合理。 由于外贸公司的日常邮件多,费用较大,选择合适的国际快递公司可以有效节约费用。通过对全球主要快递公司的考察,UPS收费相对便宜(可以打折到73%),时间上也比较快,一般在2-3个工作日可以到达全球各地。唯一的缺点是货物的重量 由UPS在事后帐单中告之。 4、​ 公司形象的建立,如网站,产品规格、样品陈列 公司形象是开拓外贸业务时公司的“名片”,外商往往是通过企业形象来逐渐了解其未来合作伙伴的。一个有实力,让外商感觉可信赖的公司,不仅可以加快合作的进程,而且也有利于将来业务量的不断拓展。 如何建设公司外贸形象,可以由委托专业的网络公司、广告公司按照客户的旨意进行设计、策划,当然公司外贸形象的建设,也是逐步发展,不断完善的,不可能一步到位。 5、​ 参加外贸行业协会,成为会员。 上海市外贸行业协会现有会员在5000家企业左右(包括浦东新区外贸协会),外贸协会的主要功 能为企业提供市场最新动态,邀请相关主管部门,如海关、税务、商检、外汇局主管领导为企业进行培训、讲座,内容涉及国家最新外贸政策变化以及进出口操作实际注意事项等。由于外贸协会和政府的关系密切,在企业遭受困难,由协会出面,有利于困难顺利解决;另外,随着国际贸易争端纷起,反倾销案件的增多,在外贸协会的组织下的积极应诉,据统计获胜的案件很多。 第二节:外贸主营产品、发展方向的确定 外贸主营产品的确定,是每个企业在市场经济下能否生存和做强的关键。从市场看,塑料是目前公认的阳光产业,越来越多的地方和行业要使用塑料制品。特别是塑料PVC、PP、PET、PS、PE片材、板材,广泛应用于食品、药品包装、印刷、建筑等领域,而且还不断涌现出新的技术,新的工艺,新的产品,市场前期广阔。 由于我国的劳动力价格及生产成本相对较低,使国内生产的塑料片材、板材价格在国际市场具有竞争力。以目前全球树脂应用最广的聚丙烯(POLYPROPYLENE)为例,目前韩国料上海到岸价在美吨1100美元,如果能够和国内具有一定规模的生产厂家合作,采用进料加工,做保税手册,产品外销,成本费控制在300美元每吨以内,利润控制在5%的话,以每公斤1.47美元上海港离岸报价,产品在国际市场上,很具有竞争力。 由于全球市场一体化的愈加密切和生产商自营出口量的增多的内外压迫,外贸公司的利润空间越来越有限。近年来对来自中国低成本、劳动密集性产业的商品,如纺织产品、鞋类的国外反倾销案件较过去大幅提高。通过反倾销诉讼的国内生产商将成为该地区该类产品的垄断经营者。外贸公司生存范围收到蚕食。 从外贸发展的长远看,培养自己高附加值产品,提供竞争性的价格将是外贸公司能够在市场做强的主要途径。当外贸公司该产品的年出口额达到一定规模以上,可以考虑逐步参股、控股或投资设立生产线,采用进料加工方式外销;而且随着市场份额扩大,和原料供应商在信用融资、付款期限、产品价格、服务上,将得到比一般采购商更多的优惠与便利,使产品在国际市场上更具竞争力。 第三节:国际市场开拓的前期投入 主要包括以下方面: 1、​ 国内外专业、综合性展会。费用包括摊位费、布展费、参展人员交通、食宿费等。目前全国综合 性进出口商品展销会,集中在每年春季在上海举行的华交会,春季和秋季的广交会。由于参展企业数量众多,一般需要提前预定,才能有位置较好摊位。 2、​ 打样费用。打样的数量相对不大,但是打样样品的质量非常重要,直接关系到后续大的定单。由 于打样不是大批量生产,往往产生原料的大量浪费,使得打样成本增加;如果客户要求打样的定单较多,累计费用也是一笔大的投入。对此,我们可以向客户预先收取打样费;待将来正式下定单后,我们可以视情况扣除该笔打样费用,这样对双方都有利。 3、​ 寄样费用。包括国内和国际部分,一般国内费用较低,也较少。本市国内快递业务的公司也较多, 如EMS、申通、中通等,长三角地区次日都能够送到。国际快递费用约占三分之二的比重,对外贸业务量大的公司,快递费用是一块比较大的支出。但是对于一些新客户,根据具体情况,可以采取到付的方法。这样做的好处可以考察对方是否真正有诚意。因为真正的采购商一般不会在意支付快递费用的。 4、​ 必要的差旅、公关费用。由于长三角地区是中国制造业最发达的地区,大多数外贸产品在该区域 一般都能够找到合适的生产厂家;而且该地区道路交通十分发达,出行十分方便,一般可以当天返回。当然,随着业务的发展,差旅、公关费用会响应增加。 第四节:国际市场开拓的主要途径 1、国际市场开拓的主要途径 ①、参加会展。这是开拓国际市场最主要,也是收效最好的途径。分专一和综合性会展。积极参加全球有影响的专一性会展,虽然综合费用大些,但只要产品质量高、价格具有竞争性,回报率也较高。 国际市场的开拓,是一个企业的实力的体现。国内比较有影响的生产型或贸易性企业,都积极、连续性的参加有影响的国际会展,以抢占市场份额。当然,参展会展,必须精心准备,包括赠送给客户的样品、公司的产品介绍资料、人员的素质,都要高标准、严要求。 ②、政府组团。参加国外区域性会展。为了发展对外贸易,各级政府每年都有组团当地企业出国参展的机会,由于是政府性质的,在组织安排上,企业可以省去大量的时间、精力,专心致志准备展销事宜。另外,参展企业有机会接触参展地当地大的企业,成交机会也相对较大。 ③、网络推广。 通过建立公司网站、关键词搜索、B2B注册会员 也可以联系到大量采购商,但由于网络存在虚拟性,需要对大量的采购信息进行筛选,确定真实的采购商。 ④、客户的介绍。 贸易公司的优势在于产品的多样性,只要不是国家禁止的都可以做。老客户可以介绍新客户,也可以介绍新产品,有利于经营产品的多样化。 2、​ 用政府中小企业国际市场开拓资金 对于年出口额在1500万美元以下的中小型企业,进行国际市场开拓都可以获得国家和当地政府的资金支持。上海地区的支持规模在6000万元左右,资助对象包括国际参展的摊位费、交通费、反倾销应诉、国际认证、公司对外宣传的英文网站、公司产品资料的设计、印刷等。每年的3-4月份由各企业计划上报,相关部门在审核后,按照一定比例分配,支持企业进行市场开拓。 第五节:部分国外客户资源及06年业务分析 1、​ Norwood Industries Pty Ltd 澳大利亚最大的园艺PP材质标签印刷商。年进口PP片材100万美 元以上。目前供应商为台湾南亚塑胶。已经送样的主要指标已经符合要求,有望在今年底前解决剩余质量细节问题。该客户联系时间近1年,今年3、9月该公司董事长在上海拜访我两次,关系良好,同工厂的联系一直通过我进行。 2、拉托维亚客户 经营APET片材,用于印刷。首批试单货款已经到帐,工厂正在安排生产。联系时间为3个月。双方已经建立了可信任的合作关系。 3、Aman Trading Co. 埃及一贸易公司,经营透明PVC片材,用于药品包装。该公司总经理今年7月份来上海拜访我,联系时间近10个月,目前价格和国内生产商都已经确定,样品已经寄出,等待终端客户的最终产品质量确认。该客户的需求量每次为一20尺柜,年需求量在10万美元。 4、​ Dsigno Co., Ltd. 英国客户,联系时间一年以上,见面两次。经营透明PVC片材,用于食品包 装。该客户的年需求量在2000吨以上,但对价格和包装要求非常苛刻。且对中国市场非常熟悉,关系非常良好,目前等待时机。 此外,还有一系列客户正在细节谈判之中。 从目前同国外客户的业务进展看,预计在06年第一季度后,定单的量将稳定增加,全年出口额应能够达到///万美元,争取//////万美元。实现稳定一批老客户,开拓一批新客户,为将来的可持续发展打下良好基础。 实现06年计划的关键在于良好的外贸平台建立及前期投入,当然这样的投入会在一段时间后在定单量和客户量的增加上得到回报。 第六节 总结 国际市场的开拓受多种因素的影响,如公司实力,产品竞争力,人的能力,公司为开拓国际市场所愿意投入的费用及公司领导层的开明度等;并且全球市场一体化、人民币升值及国际贸易争端等都将会给我国的出口贸易带来不利影响。但外贸公司只要找准自己产品的市场定位,充分发挥人的元素,不断开拓,不断积累。相信一定能够在国际市场上有所作为,使企业和员工共同成长。 Business Development Plan By Zhu Banglong Contents Section One: Construction of Foreign Trade Platform Section Two: Establishment of main Products and the Direction for Foreign Trade Section Three: Pre-investment for Foreign Market Development Section Four: Main ways to Develop Foreign Market Section Five: Analysis of Existing Clients and Business Expectation in 2006 Sector Six: Conclusion Section One: Construction of Foreign Trade Platform Construction of foreign trade platform concerns the following areas: 1,Registerations in administration departments, incl. Industrial and Commercial Administrative Bureau, the Tax Bureau, the Customs, the Foreign Exchange Bureau, and the Imp. & Exp. Inspection and Quarantine Bureau. The time to finish these procedures generally needs about 2 months. 2,Setting up of foreign trade team. As a team, the foreign trade department usually consist of salesman, accountant in charge of the foreign exchange settlement in Foreign Exchange Bureau and the tax returning, documents dealer and the quality inspectors due to job differences. The members of the team will be according to the business volume. There are generally less members in the business beginning, and one person can meet more jobs accordingly. 3, Selections of shipment agent and couriers home and abroad. In practice of foreign trade, many related works can be achieved by agents, for instance, the Customs declaration, the insurance and the commodity specified inspection can be done by the shipment agents instead the trading company itself, which can save resources for the company. But it’s critical important to choose the good agents for the service of concerned works, the principals to choosing the agents should be with rich practices, professional, high efficiency and cheaper fees. Samples freight will occupy a large amount of expenditure due to the big quantity of mails home and abroad daily. A cheaper courier will save lots fees. In practice, UPS charges a bit cheaper, the max. discount can reach 27% off, and it’s still very fast, that generally takes about 2-3 working days to the world wide. The only disadvantage is that the weight of the mail will be informed by UPS when you get the receipt some days later. 4, Establishment of company image, such as web station, company introduction, products specification and products display. Company image is the Card in oversea market development, foreign purchasers coming to know it’s partners are usually from the company image, A powerful and reliable partners will greatly quick up the cooperation process, and make fundamental basis for business rolling up. The establishment of company image can be planned and designed by professional advertisements companies and Internet company according to their clients’ purposes. The images may be with simple and less contents in the beginning and will have more contents with the development of company. 5, To join in the foreign trade association and become membership There are about 5,000 members in Shanghai Foreign Trade Association (incl. Pudong Area), the main functions for the association are to provide to latest market news, the lectures and training opportunities from different authorities, the Customs, the Tax Bureau, the Foreign Exchange Bureau and the Imp & Exp Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, which are useful for the members to know the state changed policies and avoid damages in practice. Due to the close relationship with the government, the Association will help it’s members to solve the problems with it’s relationship network, In the up-increasing anti-dumping cases, the association have the obligations to organize its member to suit and win the suit in majority according to statistic。 Section Two: Establishment of main Products and the Direction for Foreign Trade It will be crucial important to select the right main exporting products, which will result in whether the company can survive long and be strong in the market. In the view of market, the plastic is currently the blooming industry by public, there will have increased demands in more and more other industries and fields. The plastic sheets and plates, for instance PVC、PP、PET、PS、PE are widely used in food and medical packing, printing and building. They will have a brilliant future with more and more technology, work arts and new products created The plastic sheets and plates are relatively competitive in foreign market due to the lower labor and production cost. Take the most widely used PP sheet for instance, the CFR price to Shanghai port currently is about US$ 1100 per ton, we can find a suitable factory to cooperate in domestic market via processing on imported material, and if we can control all the cost below US$300 per ton, the profit in 5%.our products US$ 1.47 FOB shanghai still are competitive in the world market. The companies virgin are getting less upon the pressures from the markets globalization and the increase volume from self- exporting manufacturers. In recent years, the anti-dumping cases against China labor density and lower cost products, like textile, shoes are increasing largely, and only those who won the suit, their products will continually enter the market exclusively. The existing markets for the trading companies will be lost bit by bit. In long term of foreign trading development, to provide the high valued products and competitive prices will be the necessary methods to survive the market and be strong. The company can consider to invest, hold the factories or to set up the production line when the exporting volume reaches a certain level via processing on imported materials. The company will obtain more privileges for the material supplier abroad in support of credit loan,payment terms, prices and services. Which will low the production cost and make the price more competitive. Section Three: Pre-investments for Foreign Market Development Pre-investments for foreign market development focus on the following areas: 1, Expenditures to take part in all kinds of professional and general exhibitions, they are incl. the fees of booth, the decoration, the transportation and hotel of the exhibitors. The state most influential general exhibitions are the East China Commodity Fair held in Shanghai in every spring season and the Guangzhou Imp & Exp Commodity Fair in every spring and autumn seasons. Usually the booth will be pre-booked for good place due to there are so many companies joining the Fairs. 2, Fees for making samples. The quantity generally is not large, but the quality is very important and will affect the orders successively. It’s surely a great financial burden if there many clients need the samples, the cost will increase because a great waste will be generated in the production process due to small quantity. To solve this problem, we will charge the cost for making samples, and deduct it in the trial orders. This is a win-win way to both partners. 3,Freight for sending samples. The freights come domestic and abroad, the domestic fee is lower and occupied a small pert. There are a lot of couriers managing domestic market, like EMS, Zhongtong, Shentong, and mails can be arrived on next day in Changjiang Delta Area. The global freight will take two thirds of the total, which will be still a financial burden if the business volume is large. We can insist the freight collect to our clients to show their sincerity, and the real buyer will agree to pay the freight generally. 4, the necessary fees for travel and public relation. The Changjiang Delta Area is the most developed manufacturing area of the state, the transportation is also very convenient, most manufacturers can be found in this area. The travel to this area can be returned at the same day, but with the business development, the expenditure will be increased definitely. Section Four: Main ways to Develop Foreign Market 1, Main ways to Develop Foreign Market ①,To take part in the professional and general exhibitions home and abroad. This is the most important ways with the best results. Although the fees for taking part in the professional exhibition abroad is huge, the company can have the opportunities to obtain big orders. It’s show the company actual strength to take part the international exhibitions, however the powerful companies, you can find, will pay great attention to take the global exhibitions actively and successive in order to develop oversea market. The exhibitors will make fully preparation for the exhibition in samples, the companies material and the personnel with skilled experience. ②,To take part the abroad regional commodity Fair arranged by the local government. The local government will arrange fairs every year in different area to develop local foreign business. And such fairs will give much convenience to the exhibitor to save more time to prepare. Due to governmental surroundings, the exhibitors will have the chances to meet the influential foreign enterprises. ③,To develop business via Internet. it’s also the efficient ways to develop foreign market to set up the company web station, key words (of products)searching in google or yahoo, B2B paid membership. But it will need time and take great efforts to find the real buyers due to the characteristic of Internet. ④, To develop business via existing clients. The advantages for the trading companies are that they can exported all these provided that they are not prohibited by the state. The existing clients can introduce the new clients and also the new products to make exported products in diversity. 2,To use government supporting funds to promote foreign market The State and the local governments support these companies with annual export less that US$15 million the funds to develop foreign market. The total amount in Shanghai is about RMB60 million for the items of taking part in foreign exhibition the fees of booth and transportation, anti-dumping fee, the international certificate approval fee and the fees of the company web station establishment, the company profile and the product material all in English version. The companies make the planned items and submit to the relevant administration departments for approval in March or April each year. The approved items will be carried out with the supported funds. Section Five: Analysis of Existing Clients and Business Expectation in 2006 1、​ Norwood Industries Pty Ltd, the largest PP sheet printer in Australia for the purposes of garden tapes. The annual import volume reaches US$1 million, the current supplier is Nanyan Plastic Group from Taiwan. The samples main technical data has met the requirements, and hopefully all the details in quality be solved within this year. I got to know this client one year ago, and met the president twice in Shanghai this year under good relationship. All the connection with the factory is via me. 2、​ Clients from Latvia, manage APET sheet for the purposes of printing. The funds of the trial order arrived in the factory, which will arrange the production very soon. I know this client three months ago and has built reliable relation ship. 3、​ Aman Trading Co., a company from Egypt, manage clear PVC sheet for medical packing, which I get to know for more than 10 months. The president came to Shanghai and met me in July. Agreements are made upon the price and the manufacturer. The samples are sent out for the final approval by the end users. The client will place order a 20 ft container each time, and the total annual volume will be US$100,000. 4、​ Designo Co., a company from UK, manage clear PVC sheet for food packing, the annual quantity will be reached 2,000 tons, but this client is very sensed at price and packing, and well know China market. We get very good personal relationship and currently wait for the opportunities. There are still a lot of clients under business details negotiating. I think the order numbers will be stably increased after the first season in 2006, the total exported quantity will reach US///0, and hopefully //////, I hope to built even firm relationship with the existing clients and develop a number of new clients. The crucial points to achieve the volume in 2006 concern the establishment of foreign trading platform and the pre-investment. which will result in the increase of order and clients in return. Sector Six: Conclusion There are many factors affect the foreign market develop, for instance, the company capital strength, the products competitiveness, person’s abilities, the investment by the company for market developing, and the decision maker’s enlightenments. And the increased exporting quantity from the manufacturers, the appreciation of RMB and the disputes among states will result in great pressures in foreign business. However foreign trade companies can still be built strong if they choose the suitable products and position them right. put the right person at the right places, to achieve co-development with its personnel.
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