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新三千精简版mygreword.pdf 覆盖8G 填空单词90% MY GRE WORD 2400  中文版  I TOUCH GRE WORD 系列  1          新 GRE核心单词 2400 中文版                                                                                              全球 ETS GRE官方机经组成员        MY GRE WORD 2400  中文版  I TOUCH GRE WORD 系列  2  MY GRE ...

新三千精简版mygreword.pdf 覆盖8G 填空单词90%
MY GRE WORD 2400  中文版  I TOUCH GRE WORD 系列  1          新 GRE核心单词 2400 中文版                                                                                              全球 ETS GRE官方机经组成员        MY GRE WORD 2400  中文版  I TOUCH GRE WORD 系列  2  MY GRE WORD中文版使用说明  GRE 单词是你步入美国上流社会的必要条件----陈琦 序言 单词收录来源  2010.11到 2011.7月份高频填空与类反单词,  要你命三千,黄皮书填空单词, 新 GRE官方指南,Cracking the New GRE 2012 Edition, 1014 Practice Questions for the New GRE, 加入三千核心词根词缀,ETS指定 merriam‐webster  英文最终版解释,融合最新的 8G单词, 本书总共收录了 2400 个核心词汇  分为 30 个 LIST,每个 LIST 80 个单词,配套MP3 发音。    单词示例子 epitomize:包括词根词缀,最同重考的次数,是不是 8G单词,韦氏的考点解释, 派生词也是喜欢考的,同义词,加上配套的MP3 韦氏发音。  epitomize (epi 后面+tom=cut 切+ize→在(书)后面切割出的要点→摘要)4 次 8G (考点 1) v. 摘要: to make into a short statement of the main points (as of a report) (考点 2) v. 代表,体现,是…的典型范例:to represent in visible form, to be a typical example of (派) epitome 摘要典型 a brief presentation or statement of something; a typical or ideal example (同) abstract, digest, encapsulate, outline, recapitulate, synopsize 每天背诵 120 个单词,20 天就可以背完,加上考前背 300 个机经单词,考场上秒杀填空单 词,本书半年更新更新一版,加入最新的机经单词。我们第一时间发布最新的高频词汇, 在人人网,在新浪,在官方 www.itouchgre.com 发布,  与书配套的软件 I TOUCH GRE WORD 在 9 月份发布,与 IPHONE5 同步上市 IPNONE 便携版软件,I TOUCH GRE WORD 过去的 半年诞生无数的奇迹,在全球 20 多个国家与超过 200 所高校的好评与掌声;与本书配套的 填空书籍我们在十月份出版,最新 GRE500 道题填空详解。最后陈琦老师的<<再要你命三 千>>是每个考生备考的锐器。                                                                                                                                  kevinlan      MY GRE WORD 2400  中文版  I TOUCH GRE WORD 系列  3  LIST 1  abandon 3 次 (考 1) v. 放纵: to give (oneself) over unrestrainedly (考 2) v. 停止做某事: to put an end to (something planned or previously agreed to) (同) dissoluteness ,licentious, intemperate, libertine,cease,abort, repeal, rescind, revoke abase 1(a 使+base 低→使自己低→降低) (考 1) v. 降低(地位、职位、威望或尊严): to lower in rank, office, prestige, or esteem (同) debase ,debauch, degrade, profane, vitiate, discredit, foul, smirch abash (ab 使+ash 灰→使尴尬) (考 1) vt. 使尴尬,使羞愧: to destroy the self-possession or self-confidence of,disconcert, (同) embarrass,discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, faze, fluster, nonplus, mortify abate (a 不 bat+e→不再打击→减轻/减少)2 次 (考 1) v. 减轻(程度或者强度): to reduce in degree or intensity (考 2) v. 减少(数量或者降低价值): to reduce in amount or value (同) alleviate , mitigate , attenuate ,moderate abbreviate (ab 使+brev(brief-短的)→缩短) (考 1) v. 缩写,缩短: to make briefer (同) abridge, curtail, truncate abdicate (ab 离开+dic 说,命令+ ate→ 不再命令→退位) (考 1) v. 正式放弃(权力、责任):to renounce a throne,to relinquish formally (同) abnegate ,cede, renounce, resign, relinquish, resign, surrender aberrant (ab 离开+errant 错误的→离开(正确)走向错误→越轨的) 3 次 (考 1) adj. 异常的,非常规的: deviating from the usual or natural type (同) atypical,abnormal, anomalous, peculiar, singular, unwonted,unconventional abet (a 加强+bet 打赌→怂恿、鼓励) 2 次 (考 1) v. 帮助,怂恿: to assist or support in the achievement of a purpose (考 2) v. 鼓励: to actively encourage (as an activity or plan) (同) foment, provoke, instigate, assist, foster, succor, embolden, bolster, hortative abeyance (a 在+bey=expect (期待)→在期待中—观望,暂停) (考 1) n. 中止,搁置: temporary inactivity (同) doldrums, quiescence, moratorium, latency, dormancy, suspension, adjourn abhor(ab 表示动作+hor→又怕又恨→憎恨) (考 1) vt. 深恶痛绝,极度厌恶:to regard with extreme repugnance (派) abhorrent 极度厌恶 (同) invidious, appalling, disgust, abominate, despise, detest, execrate, loathe abiding (a 加强+biding 竞标→永久的) (考 1) vt. 永久的: lasting for a long time; enduring (同) lasting,permanent, enduring, eternal, everlasting, perennial, perpetual abject (ab+ject 抛→抛掉→可怜的) (考 1) adj. 无精打采的: cast down in spirit, spiritless (考 2) adj. 卑微的,讨好的: expressing or offered in a humble and often ingratiating spirit (同) spiritless, languid base, humble, menial, servile, abjure(ab 离开+jure 发誓 law→发誓离开→放弃) (考 1) v. 发誓放弃: a firm and final rejecting or abandoning often made under oath MY GRE WORD 2400  中文版  I TOUCH GRE WORD 系列  4  (考 2) v. 抵制,避免: to resist the temptation of (同) recant, renege, renounce, abnegate boycott), resist abnegate (ab 加强+negate 否认→拒绝) (考 1) v. 否认: deny, renounce (考 2) v. 投降,放弃,交出(权力等):surrender, relinquish abominate (ab 离开 +omin+ate—离开凶兆—憎恨凶兆) (考 1) v. 憎恶: to hate or loathe intensely, abhor (同) invidious, appalling, disgust,abominate, despise, detest, execrate, loathe aboveboard above 在+board 甲板,木板 上面 (考 1) adj. 无欺诈的,光明正大的: free from all traces of deceit or duplicity abrade (ab 去掉+rade→磨擦掉) (考 1) v. 磨损,精神上折磨: to rub or wear away especially by friction; wear down spiritually abridge (ab 使+bridge(桥短直的)→缩短) (考 1) v. 缩短,缩小: to shorten in duration or extent (考 2) v. 在不改变本意的条件下删减词语,缩写:to shorten by omission of words without sacrifice of sense (同) curtail, truncate, abbreviate, curtail, condense abrogate (ab 去掉+rog 问+ate→不再要求有→取消掉) (考 1) v. 官方的正式废除: to abolish by authoritative action, annul (考 2) v. 无视(某事的)存在: to treat as nonexistent (同) abrogate,repeal,rescind,efface,disannul, invalidate, nullify, quash, rescind, abreast (考 1) adv. 齐头并进 up to a particular standard or level especially of knowledge of recent developments abscond (abs 离开+cond→藏起来离开→潜逃) (考 1) v. 偷偷离开: to depart clandestinely, to depart secretly and hide oneself absolute (考 1) adj. 专制的: unconstrained by constitutional or other provisions (考 2) adj. 无限的: unqualified in extent or degree; total (考 3) adj. 不容置疑的,确凿的: positive, unquestionable (同) arbitrary, autocratic, despotic, absolve (ab+solve→松开→免罪) (考 1) v. 使无罪,解除责任:to set free from an obligation or the consequences of guilt, exculpate (同) acquit, exonerate, vindicate absorbing(ab+sorb 吸收 ing→吸引人的) (考 1) adj 吸引人的: fully taking one's attention: (同) arresting, consuming, engaging, enthralling, fascinating, gripping, riveting abstain ( abs+tain 拿住→不再拿住→戒绝) (考 1) v. 自我克制,主动戒绝: to refrain from something by one's own choice (同) forgo, self-denial, restrained abstemious (ab 离开+stem 茎/酒→有节制的) (考 1) adj. (吃喝等 )有节制的,节俭的 :marked by restraint especially in the MY GRE WORD 2400  中文版  I TOUCH GRE WORD 系列  5  consumption of food or alcohol, sparring (同) sobriety,restrain,continent, temperate abstract (abs+tract 拉→被拉开→心不在焉) (考 1) vt. 做 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf ,概括: to make an abstract of,summarize (考 2) vt. 使分心: to draw away the attention of (同) digest, recapitulate, synopsize, detract, divert, abstruse (abs 离开+trus+e→离开(人的知识)理解不能推进→深奥的)6 (考 1) adj. 难以理解的: difficult to comprehend : recondite (同) arcane, esoteric, hermetic ,recondite, elude,inscrutable,occult absurd (考 1) adj. 不合理的:ridiculously unreasonable, unsound, or incongruous (同) unjustified/unsound ,bizarre, insane, nonsensical, preposterous, abundant(ab 加强+und=wave +ant→(多得)象波浪一样→丰富的) (考 1) adj. 大量的: marked by great plenty (as of resources) (同) copious , legion , voluminous ,ample, cornucopian, teeming, replete, abounding abuse (ab+use 用→用坏→滥用) (考 2) v. 不正当不合理使用: to put to a wrong or improper use; 过分过量使用:to use excessively abysmal (考 1) adj. 极低的或极可怜的: immeasurably low or wretched (考 2) adj. (程度)很深的、极端的: immeasurably great accede(ac+cede 走→和别人走在一起→答应) (考 1) v. 赞成: to express approval or give consent (同) countenance , uphold, espouse, acquiesce, assent accelerate (ac+celer 速度→加速 ) (考 1) v. 加速: to cause to move faster accessible (access 接触,接同+ible) (考 1) adj. 可理解的: capable of being understood or appreciated (考 2) adj. 能够获得的: possible to get (同) apprehensible, fathomable, legible, scrutable; available, attainable, obtainable accentuate(ac+cent=song 唱→一强调) (考 1) v 强调: having a secondary, supplementary, or subordinate function. (同) underscore, underscore, emphasis, accent, emphasize accessory (考 1) adj. 辅助的,附属的: having a secondary, supplementary, or subordinate function. accidental (accident 事故+al) (考 1) adj. 意外发生的,偶然的: occurring unexpectedly or by chance (考 2) adj. 附带的,不重要的: not being a vital part of or belonging to something (同) accessorial, auxiliary, peripheral,supplemental, acclimate (ac 使+climate 气候→气候) (考 1) vt. 使适应: to change so as to make it suitable for a new use or situation accolade 3 次 (考 1) n. 同意,赞赏: an expression of approval (考 2) v. 赞扬: to praise or honor MY GRE WORD 2400  中文版  I TOUCH GRE WORD 系列  6  LIST 16  ineffable (in 不+effable→不能说出的) (考 1) adj. 难以表达的: incapable of being expressed (同) indefinable, indescribable, inexpressible, unspeakable, unutterable ineluctable 4 次 (考 1) adj.无法逃避的,必然的: not to be avoided, changed, or resisted (派) ineluctability n. 不可避免 inept (考 1) adj.愚笨的,荒谬的: displaying a lack of judgment, sense, or reason (考 2) adj.不恰当的,不合时宜的: not appropriate for a particular occasion or situation (考 3) adj. 不称职的,无能力的: generally incompetent (派) ineptitude n. 不合适 (同) absurd,, fatuous, preposterous; infelicitous, malapropos ;inexpert, unskillful, unqualified inert (考 1) adj. (人)懒惰缺乏活力的;物品)惰性的: sluggish in action or motion; deficient in active properties (派) inertia n. 惰性 inevitable (考 1) adj. 不可避免的,必然的: incapable of being avoided or evaded inexorable(in 不+ex 出+ora+able→不能说出来的→说不动的) (考 1) adj. 无法劝阻的,不为所动的: not to be persuaded, moved, or stopped (同) inflexible, adamant, obdurate, relentless, rigid, unyielding infamous (考 1) adj. 臭名昭著的: having an extremely and deservedly bad reputation (派) infamy n. 声名狼藉 infatuate (考 1) vt. 使迷恋: to inspire with unreasoning love or attachment infiltrate (考 1) vt. 秘密潜入 : to enter or take up positions in gradually or surreptitiously, as for purposes of espionage or takeover infinite (考 1) adj. 无尽的,无限的: having no boundaries or limits infirm (考 1) adj. 虚弱的: weak in body, especially from old age or disease (考 2) adj. 不果断的,优柔寡断的: lacking firmness of will, character, or purpose inflame (考 1) v. 点燃: to set on fire (考 2)v. 使加剧:to make more violent (派) inflammable:(adj)易燃的,易激动的 infelicitous in+felic=happy+tous (考 1) adj. 不愉快的,不幸的: not happy; unfortunate (考 2) adj. 不适当的,不合时宜的: not appropriate or well-timed (派) infelicity n. 不恰当 influx MY GRE WORD 2400  中文版  I TOUCH GRE WORD 系列  7  (考 1) n. 涌入: a coming in infuse (考 1) vt. 灌输,使…充满: to fill or cause to be filled with something (考 2) vt. 鼓舞: inspire, animate infuriate (考 1) vt. 激怒: to make furious (同) aggravate, enrage, exasperate, incense, ire, madden, umbrage ingenious ( in 内+geni+ous 自 内心产生→聪明的) (考 1) adj. 聪明的,有创造才能的: marked by originality, resourcefulness, and cleverness in conception or execution ingenuity (考 1) n. 独创性,创新性: inventive skill or imagination (派) ingenuous 真挚的 (同) artful, clever, imaginative, innovative, inventive, original ingenuous (in 内+gen 产生…产生在本地的…朴素的,单纯的)4 次 (考 1) adj. 天真淳朴的: lacking in cunning, guile, or worldliness (考 2) adj. 坦白的: openly straightforward or frank ingrained (考 1) adj.本质的,根深蒂固的 forming a part of the essence or inmost being; firmly established (同) immanent, inborn, indigenous, inherent, innate, intrinsic ingratiating (in 不+grate→不感激→忘恩负义) (考 1) adj. 讨人喜欢的: capable of winning favor (考 2) adj. 逢迎的,意在奉承的: intended or adopted in order to gain favor inherent (in 里面+her+ent→天生(与身体内)连着→天赋的) (考 1) adj. 内在的,本质的 involved in the constitution or essential character of something inimical (考 1) adj. 带有敌意的: reflecting or indicating hostility (考 2) adj. 危及某人利益的,不利的: opposed to one's interests inimitable (in+imit 模仿+able→不能模仿的) (考 1)adj. 无法仿效的,独特的: not capable of being imitated (派) inimitability n. 独特性 iniquity (in 不+equity 公正→不公正→邪恶) (考 1) n. 邪恶,不公正: gross immorality or injustice (派)iniquitous.. 邪恶的 initiate (in+it+iate) (考 1) vt. 创始,发动促进: to cause or facilitate the beginning of (考 2) n. 刚入门的新手: a person who is undergoing or has undergone an initiation inkling (考 1) n. 轻微暗示,小提示: a slight indication or suggestion (考 2) n. 略知: a slight knowledge or vague notion innocent a (in 无+noc+ent→无害的) (考 1) adj.无害的;天真的 harmless in effect or intention innocuous (in+noc 毒害+ous→无害的) MY GRE WORD 2400  中文版  I TOUCH GRE WORD 系列  8  (考 1) adj. 无害的: producing no injury (考 2) adj. 乏味的,不会引起敌意的: not likely to give offense or to arouse strong feelings or hostility innovative (考 1) adj. 创新性的: characterized by, tending to, or introducing innovations innuendo: (考 1)影射(的话): an oblique allusion inquisitive(in 进入+quis 问,寻求) (考 1) adj. 过分好奇的: inordinately or improperly curious about the affairs of others (派) inquisitiveness n. 好奇 insensible (考 1) adj. 无知觉的: having lost consciousness, especially temporarily (考 2) adj. 漠不关心的: not emotionally responsive (考 3) adj. 粗俗的,没品味的: lacking in refinement or good taste insensitive (考 1) adj. 缺乏机智圆滑的,缺乏社交技巧的: lacking tact (考 2) adj. 不敏感的,麻木的: not responsive or susceptible insentient (考 1) adj. 无感觉,无知觉的: lacking perception, consciousness, or animation (考 2) adj. 一知半解的,略懂的: not having or showing a deep understanding of something insight (考 1) n. 深刻的理解: an instance of apprehending the true nature of a thing, especially through intuitive understanding insipid 5 次 (考 1) adj. (食品)清淡无味的: lacking flavor or zest; not tasty (考 2) adj. 平淡的,无聊的: lacking in qualities that interest, stimulate, or challenge (同) flat, flavorless, sapless, savorless, tasteless ; banal, bland, driveling, prosaic, tedious insolent (考 1) adj. 粗野的,无礼的: audaciously rude or disrespectful (派) insolence n. 无礼 (同) arrogant, audacious, bold, haughty, supercilious, impertinent, impudent insouciant 3 次 (考 1) adj. 无忧虑的,不在乎的: free from concern, worry, or anxiety (派) insouciance n. 不在乎 (同) carefree, casual, indifferent, nonchalant, unconcerned instate (考 1) vt. 任命: to set or establish in a rank or office instigate (考 1) vt. 煽动,激起: to goad or urge forward; to stir up (派) instigation n. 煽动 instill (考 1) v. 慢慢滴入: to cause to enter drop by drop (考 2) v. 灌输: to impart gradually (派) instillation n. 滴入 MY GRE WORD 2400  中文版  I TOUCH GRE WORD 系列  9  institute (考 1) vt. 创立,制定: to establish, organize, and set in operation (考 2) n. 机构: an organization for the promotion of a cause insubordinate (考 1) adj. 不服从权威的: not submissiveto authority (同) balky, contumacious, intractable, mutinous, recalcitrant, rebellious, refractory insular (考 1) adj.(观念、想法等)孤立狭隘的:being, having, or reflecting a narrow provincial viewpoint insulate (insul 岛屿+ate→变成岛的状态→偏离) (考 1) vt. 使绝缘,使隔离: to place in a detached situation insurgent (in 内部+surg+ent→内部升起来→暴动的) (考 1) n. 叛乱分子: one who breaks with or opposes constituted authority or the established order (同) rebel, anarchist, antagonist, malcontent, mutineer intangible (考 1) adj. 无法感知的,无形的: incapable of being perceived by the senses integral (考 1) adj. 构成整体所必需的: essential to completeness (考 2) adj. 完整的: not lacking any part or member that properly belongs to it integrity (integr+ity) (考 1) n.正直:steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code, devotion to telling the truth (考 2) n. 完整性: the quality or condition of being whole or undivided intelligible (考 1) adj. 可理解的: capable of being understood intemperate in+temper+ate→脾气(坏)→无有节制的 (考 1) adj. 无节制的,极端的,不温和的: not temperate or moderate (同) excessive, extreme, immoderate, inordinate, overindulgent, unrestrained intensify (考 1) vt. 加强,激化: to make intense or more intensive intercessor (考 1) n. 调停者: one that mediates (同) conciliator, intermediate, mediator, peacemaker interdict (inter 在中间+ dict→在中间说,不让做→禁止) (考 1) vt. 禁止: to forbid in a usually formal or authoritative manner (考 2) vt. 阻止: to stop, seize, or interrupt while in progress or on course (派) interdiction n. 禁止,封锁 interim (考 1) n. 中间过渡时期,间隔: an interval of time between one event, process, or period and another (考 2) adj. 暂时的: serving in a position for the time being (同): discontinuity, gap, interlude, intermission, interregnum       MY GRE WORD 2400  中文版  I TOUCH GRE WORD 系列  10  LIST 26  spurious 考 1 adj. 假的,伪造的 lacking authenticity or validity in essence or origin; not genuine; 3 次 (同) bogus, forged, inauthentic, phon, queer, sham, counterfeit, unauthentic spurn 考 1 vt. 藐视,摈弃 to reject with disdain or contempt:scorn (同) balk, reprobate, repudiate, decline squabble 考 1 n. 口角,小争吵 a noisy quarrel, usually about a trivial matter squalid 考 1 adj. 污秽的,肮脏的 dirty and wretched 考 2 adj. 道德败坏的 morally repulsive; sordid squander 考 1 vt. 浪费,使分散 to spend wastefully or extravagantly; dissipate 4 次 (同) dissipate, lavish, spend, waste squelch 考 1 vt. 压制,镇压 to completely suppress:quell stabilize 考 1 vt. 使稳定 to make stable, steadfast, or firm stalwart sta 站 考 1 adj.健壮的 having or marked by imposing physical strength 考 2 adj./n. 坚定的(人) firm and resolute; stout (同) gallant, greathearted, gutsy, gutty, stout, stouthearted,, undaunted, valiant, valorous stamina(stam(stan 站)+ina→站下去→(有)耐力) 考 1 n.耐力 physical or moral strength to resist or withstand illness, fatigue, or hardship; endurance startle 考 1 vt. 使大吃一惊 to frighten or surprise suddenly and usually not seriously static 考 1 adj. 静态的,停滞的 characterized by a lack of movement, animation, or progression 考 2 adj.不易改变的 showing little change (同) immobile, nonmoving, standing, stationary stature 考 1 n. 身高, 身材 natural height (as of a person) in an upright position staunch (stauc“站,立”) 坚定的;忠诚的 3 次 steadfast(stead(=stand)+fast 稳固的) 考 1 adj. 坚定的,忠诚的 firm in belief, determination, or adherence:loyal (同) constant, dedicated, devoted, devout, pious, staunch, steady stealth 考 1 n. 秘密行动,鬼祟 the act or action of proceeding furtively, secretly, or imperceptibly stentorian 考 1 adj. 声音宏亮的 extremely loud sterile MY GRE WORD 2400  中文版  I TOUCH GRE WORD 系列  11  考 1 adj. 贫瘠的 not productive or effective; fruitless 考 2 adj. 无菌的 free from live bacteria or other microorganisms (同) barren, fruitless, impotent, infertile, unfruitful stickler 考 1 n. 坚持细节的人,一丝不苟的人 one who insists on exactness or completeness in the observance of something stiff 考 1 adj. 僵硬的 lacking in suppleness or flexibility stifle 考 1 vt. 抑制 to keep in or hold back; repress (同) choke, smother, strangle, suffocate stigma stigm=mark,表示“标志,斑点” 考 1 n. 耻辱,污名 a mark of shame or discredit:stain stint 考 1 vi. 吝惜,节省 to be sparing or frugal stingy(sting+y→像刺一样(小的心胸)→小气的 考 1 adj. 小气的,吝啬的 not generous or liberal stipulate 考 1 vt. 特定要求 to specify or arrange in an agreement stock 考 1 n. 库存,储备 the inventory of goods of a merchant or manufacturer 考 2 adj. 普通的 commonly used or brought forward stodgy 考 1 adj. 平庸的,乏味的 dull, unimaginative, and commonplace 考 2 adj. 非常守旧的 extremely old-fashioned (同) arid, drab, dreary, drudging , monotonous,, pedestrian, ponderous, stuffy, tedious, stoic 考 1 adj. 禁欲的,坚忍的,冷静的 seemingly indifferent to or unaffected by pleasure or pain; impassive (同) forbearing, long-suffering, patient (or stoical), tolerant, uncomplaining stolid 考 1 adj. 无动于衷的,感情麻木的 having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; impassive stomach 考 1 vt.容忍 to bear; tolerate stonewall 考 1 vi. 拒绝(合作)to refuse to comply or cooperate with stouthearted 考 1 adj. 大胆的 brave; courageous (同) doughty, gallant, gutsy, intrepid, stalwart, stout, brave, undauntable stratagem 考 1 n. 谋略 an artifice or trick in war for deceiving and outwitting the enemy stray 考 1 vi.离群,迷途,偏离 to move away from a group, deviate from the correct course, or go beyond established limits MY GRE WORD 2400  中文版 
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