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ISO20000 2011中英文对照GovChina版 信息技术----服务管理--- Part1: 服务管理体系要求 ISO/IEC 200000-1 Second edition 2011-04-15 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Reference number ISO/IEC 200000-1:2011(E) ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 (中英文对照版) ...

ISO20000 2011中英文对照GovChina版
信息技术----服务管理--- Part1: 服务管理体系要求 ISO/IEC 200000-1 Second edition 2011-04-15 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Reference number ISO/IEC 200000-1:2011(E) ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 (中英文对照版) 版本:V1.0 ©ISO/IEC 2011-All rights reserved 前言 Foreword ..................................................................................................................... 6 介绍 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 8 1 范围 Scope ..................................................................................................................... 11 1.1 总则 General .......................................................................................................... 11 1.2 应用 Application..................................................................................................... 11 2 引用 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 Normative references ..................................................................................... 13 3 术语和定义 Terms and definitions ................................................................................ 13 4 服务管理体系总要求 Service management system general requirements ..................... 18 4.1 管理职责 Management responsibility ..................................................................... 18 4.1.1 管理承诺 Management commitment ............................................................... 18 4.1.2 服务管理政策 Service management policy ...................................................... 18 4.1.3 权利、职责和沟通 Authority, responsibility and communication ................... 18 4.1.4 管理者代表 Management representative ......................................................... 18 4.2 对其他相关方所运营过程的管控 Governance of processes operated by other parties ............................................................................................................................. 18 4.3 文件管理 Documentation management .................................................................. 19 4.3.1 建立和维护文件 Establish and maintain documents ....................................... 19 4.3.2 文件的控制 Control of documents ................................................................... 19 4.3.3 记录的控制 Control of records ........................................................................ 20 4.4 资源管理 Resource management ............................................................................ 20 4.4.1 资源的提供 Provision of resources .................................................................. 20 4.4.2 人力资源 Human resources ............................................................................. 20 4.5 建立和改进 SMS Establish and improve the SMS .................................................. 20 ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 (中英文对照版) 版本:V1.0 ©ISO/IEC 2011-All rights reserved 4.5.1 定义范围 Define scope ..................................................................................... 20 4.5.2 规划 SMS Plan the SMS(Plan) ................................................................... 21 4.5.3 实施和执行 SMS Implement and operate the SMS(DO) ............................ 21 4.5.4 监控和回顾 SMS Monitor and review the SMS(Check) ............................. 22 总要求 General ........................................................................................ 22 内部审核 Internal audit ........................................................................... 22 管理评审 Management review ................................................................. 22 4.5.5 维护和改进 SMS Maintain and improve the SMS(ACT) ............................ 23 总要求 General ........................................................................................ 23 管理改进 Management of improvements .................................................. 23 5 设计并转换新的或变更的服务 Design and transition of new or changed services ........ 24 5.1 总要求 General ....................................................................................................... 24 5.2 规划新的或变更的服务 Plan new or changed services ........................................... 24 5.3 设计和开发新的或变更的服务 Design and development of new or changed services ........................................................................................................................................ 25 5.4 新的或变更的服务的转换 Transition of new or changed services .......................... 26 6 服务交付过程 Service delivery processes ............................................................... 26 6.1 服务级别管理 Service level management ........................................................ 26 6.2 服务 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 Service reporting ..................................................................................... 26 6.3 服务连续性和可用性管理 Service continuity and availability management .......... 27 6.3.1 服务连续性和可用性需求 Service continuity and availability requirements .. 27 6.3.2 服务连续性和可用性计划 Service continuity and availability plans ............... 27 6.3.3 服务连续性和可用性的监控与测试 Service continuity and availability ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 (中英文对照版) 版本:V1.0 ©ISO/IEC 2011-All rights reserved monitoring and testing ................................................................................................. 28 6.4 服务的预算与核算 Budgeting and accounting for services ..................................... 28 6.5 容量管理 Capacity management ............................................................................ 29 6.6 信息安全管理 Information security management ................................................... 29 6.6.1 信息安全方针 Information security policy ...................................................... 29 6.6.2 信息安全控制 Information security controls ................................................... 29 6.6.3 信息安全的变更和事件 Information security changes and incidents ............... 30 7 关系过程 Relationship process ..................................................................................... 30 7.1 业务关系管理 Business relationship management .................................................. 30 7.2 供应商管理 Supplier management ......................................................................... 31 8 解决过程 Resolution processes ...................................................................................... 32 8.1 事件和服务请求管理 Incident and service request management ............................ 32 8.2 问题管理 Problem management ............................................................................. 33 9 控制过程 Control processes ........................................................................................... 34 9.1 配置管理 Configuration management .................................................................... 34 9.2 变更管理 Change management .............................................................................. 35 9.3 发布与部署管理 Release and deployment management ......................................... 36 ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 (中英文对照版) 版本:V1.0 ©ISO/IEC 2011-All rights reserved 申明:本套 ISO20000-1:2011中文版 翻译 阿房宫赋翻译下载德汉翻译pdf阿房宫赋翻译下载阿房宫赋翻译下载翻译理论.doc 由 GovChina.org专家团队翻译,因水平有限,其中错误和 遗漏之处再所难免。欢迎各位同仁、专家批评指正。 本文仅供网上阅读学习之用,未均授权,不得用于任何商业目的。  关于 ISO2000-1:2011标准的解析,请访问: http://www.govchina.org/ShowSpecial.asp?SpecialID=7  关于 ISO2000-1:2011标准的培训,请访问: http://www.govchina.org/ShowSpecial.asp?SpecialID=8  关于实施 ISO2000-1:2011标准的相关书籍,请访问: http://www.govchina.org/book_4.html  对 ISO20000-1:2011标准的更多学习探讨,欢迎致信:research@GovChina.org 2011-6-16 于北京 ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 (中英文对照版) 版本:V1.0 ©ISO/IEC 2011-All rights reserved 前言 Foreword ISO(国际标准化组织)和 IEC(国际电工协会)构 成国际标准化的专业体系。制定国际标准工作通常 由 ISO 的技术委员会完成。各成员团体若对某技术 委员会确定的项目感兴趣,均有权参加该委员会的 工作。与 ISO 保持联系的各国际组织(官方的或非 官方的)也可参加有关工作。在信息技术领域,ISO 和 IEC已经建立了一个联合技术委员会委员,ISO / IEC JTC 1。 国际标准是根据 ISO/IEC导则第 2部分的规则起草。 联合技术委员会的主要任务是制定国际标准。由技 术委员会通过的国际标准草案需提交各成员团体投 票表决。国际标准草案需取得至少 75%参加表决成 员团体的同意,才能作为国际标准正式发布。 本文件中的某些内容有可能涉及一些专利权问题, 对此应引起注意,ISO/IEC不负责识别任何这样的专 利权问题。 ISO20000-1由 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7 信息技术联合 技术委员会软件和系统工程分会制定。第二版替代 第一版标准(ISO20000-1:2005),并对其进行 了的技术性修订。主要的不同点如下: —— 与 ISO9001 标准更为一致; —— 与 ISO27001标准更为一致; —— 对术语进行了变化,以保持和国际惯例的一 致; —— 新增了许多新的定义,更新了部分定义并删除 了两个旧的定义; —— 引入了术语“服务管理体系(SMS)”概念; —— 将 ISO/IEC20000-1:2005版中的条款 3和 4 进行了合并,并将所有的管理体系要求纳入到同一 个条款中; —— 进一步明确了由相关方所运营流程的管控要 求; —— 进一步明确了定义 SMS 范围的要求; —— 进一步明确了将 PDCA方法应用于 SMS中, 包括服务管理过程和服务; —— 对设计并转换新的或变更的服务引进了一些 新的要求。 ISO/IEC 20000标准由下列名为“信息技术-服务管 理”标准构成,包括: ——第 1部分:服务管理体系要求 ——第 2部分:服务管理体系应用指南¹) ——第 3 部分:ISO/IEC20000-1 范围定义和适用 性指南【技术报告】 ——第 4部分:过程参考模型【技术报告】 ——第 5部分:ISO/IEC20000-1实施计划模型【技 术报告】 服务管理的流程评估模型将在不久的将来推出,作 为第 8部分的一个章节。 Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. ISO/IEC 20000-1 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, Subcommittee SC 7, Software and systems engineering. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO/IEC 20000-1:2005), which has been technically revised. The main differences are as follows: ——closer alignment to ISO 9001; ——closer alignment to ISO/IEC 27001; ——change of terminology to reflect international usage; ——addition of many more definitions, updates to some definitions and removal of two definitions; ——introduction of the term “service management system”; ——combining Clauses 3 and 4 of ISO/IEC 20000-1:2005 to put all management system requirements into one clause; ——clarification of the requirements for the governance of processes operated by other parties; ——clarification of the requirements for defining the scope of the SMS; ——clarification that the PDCA methodology applies to the SMS, including the service management processes, and the services; ——introduction of new requirements for the design and transition of new or changed services. ISO/IEC 20000 consists of the following parts, under ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 (中英文对照版) 版本:V1.0 ©ISO/IEC 2011-All rights reserved the general title Information technology — Service management: ——Part 1: Service management system requirements ——Part 2: Guidance on the application of service management systems¹) ——Part 3: Guidance on scope definition and applicability of ISO/IEC 20000-1 [Technical Report] ——Part 4: Process reference model [Technical Report] ——Part 5: Exemplar implementation plan for ISO/IEC 20000-1 [Technical Report] A process assessment model for service management will form the subject of a future Part 8. 1即将出版(对 ISO/IEC20000-2的技术修订)。 ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 (中英文对照版) 版本:V1.0 ©ISO/IEC 2011-All rights reserved 介绍 Introduction ISO/IEC20000-1要求包括设计、转换、交付和改进 服务,以满足服务需求并向客户和服务提供者提供 价值。ISO/IEC20000-1要求服务提供者在规划、确 立、实施、运行、监控、回顾、维护和持续改进服 务管理体系(SMS)时,采用整合的过程方法。 协调一致地整合与实施SMS可提供持续的控制和更 有 效 、 更 高 效 的 持 续 改 进 机 会 。 运 行 ISO/IEC20000-1 所定义的过程要求组织和协调好 相应的人员。适当的工具可用于支持过程的有效和 高效执行。 最有效的服务提供者需在服务全生命周期(战略、 设计、转换、运行和持续改进)的所有阶段考虑对 SMS的影响。 ISO/IEC20000-1要求 SMS的所有部分和服务都采 取业界知名的 PDCA(规划、实施、检查、改进) 方法论。ISO/IEC20000-1 采用的 PDCA 方法论, 可以简单描述为: P-规划(Plan):建立、文件化和协商确定 SMS。 SMS包括满足服务需求的政策、目标、计划和过程; D-实施(Do):实施和执行 SMS 以设计、转换、 交付和改进服务; C-检查(Check):根据政策、目标、计划和服务 需求,对 SMS进行监控、测量和回顾,并报告结果; A-改进(Act):采取 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 ,以持续改进 SMS 和服 务的绩效。 当用于 SMS时,下述是整合过程方法和 PDCA方法 论最重要的方面: a)理解和满足服务需求以达到客户满意; b)建立服务管理的政策和目标; c)基于 SMS为客户增加价值来设计和交付服务; d)监控、测量和回顾 SMS和服务; e)基于客观的测量结果以持续改进 SMS和服务。 图 1 说明了 PDCA方法论可被用于 SMS,包括定义 于条款 5-9的服务管理过程和服务。每个 PDCA方 法论的元素是成功实施 SMS 的关键部分。用于 ISO/IEC 20000-1的改进过程也是基于 PDCA方法 论。 ISO/IEC 20000-1允许服务提供者在组织中将 SMS 和其他管理体系整合。采用整合的过程方法论和 PDCA 方法论可以使服务提供者能一体化或完全整 合多个管理体系标准。例如,SMS 可以与基于 ISO9001的质量管理体系和基于 ISO27001的信息 安全管理体系整合。 ISO/IEC20000是特定的独立指南。服务提供者可以 结合使用其它普遍接受的指南和自身的经验。 国际标准的使用者对标准的正确应用负责。国际标 准并不包括所有必需的法律法规要求和服务提供者 的 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 义务。对国际标准的遵守并不意味着免除对 法律法规的遵从义务。 为促进对服务管理标准的研究,鼓励使用者分享对 ISO/IEC20000-1 的观点和 ISO/IEC20000 其它系 列标准修改的优先顺序。 Introduction The requirements in this part of ISO/IEC 20000 include the design, transition, delivery and improvement of services that fulfil service requirements and provide value for both the customer and the service provider. This part of ISO/IEC 20000 requires an integrated process approach when the service provider plans, establishes, implements, operates, monitors, reviews, maintains and improves a service management system (SMS). Co-ordinated integration and implementation of an SMS provides ongoing control and opportunities for continual improvement, greater effectiveness and efficiency. The operation of processes as specified in this part of ISO/IEC 20000 requires personnel to be well organized and co-ordinated. Appropriate tools can be used to enable the processes to be effective and efficient. The most effective service providers consider the impact on the SMS through all stages of the service lifecycle, from strategy through design, transition and operation, including continual improvement. This part of ISO/IEC 20000 requires the application of the methodology known as “Plan-Do-Check-Act” (PDCA) to all parts of the SMS and the services. The PDCA methodology, as applied in this part of ISO/IEC 20000, can be briefly described as follows. Plan: establishing, documenting and agreeing the SMS. The SMS includes the policies, objectives, plans and processes to fulfil the service requirements. Do: implementing and operating the SMS for the design, transition, delivery and improvement of the services. Check: monitoring, measuring and reviewing the SMS and the services against the policies, objectives, plans and service requirements and reporting the results. Act: taking actions to continually improve performance of the SMS and the services. When used within an SMS, the following are the most important aspects of an integrated process approach and the PDCA methodology: a) understanding and fulfilling the service requirements to achieve customer satisfaction; b) establishing the policy and objectives for service management; c) designing and delivering services based on the SMS that add value for the customer; d) monitoring, measuring and reviewing performance of the SMS and the services; e) continually improving the SMS and the services based on objective measurements. Figure 1 illustrates how the PDCA methodology can be applied to the SMS, including the service management processes specified in Clauses 5 to 9, and the services. Each element of the PDCA methodology is a vital part of a successful implementation of an SMS. The ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 (中英文对照版) 版本:V1.0 ©ISO/IEC 2011-All rights reserved 请点击下面的链接参加在线的调查: ISO/IEC20000-1 在线调查 improvement process used in this part of ISO/IEC 20000 is based on the PDCA methodology. Figure 1 — PDCA methodology applied to service management This part of ISO/IEC 20000 enables a service provider to integrate its SMS with other management systems in the service provider's organization. The adoption of an integrated process approach and the PDCA methodology enables the service provider to align or fully integrate multiple management system standards. For example, an SMS can be integrated with a quality management system based on ISO 9001 or an information security management system based on ISO/IEC 27001. ISO/IEC 20000 is intentionally independent of specific guidance. The service provider can use a combination of generally accepted guidance and its own experience. Users of an International Standard are responsible for its correct application. An International Standard does not purport to include all necessary statutory and regulatory requirements and contractual obligations of the service provider. Conformity to an International Standard does not of itself confer immunity from statutory and regulatory requirements. For the purposes of research on service management standards, users are encouraged to share their views on ISO/IEC 20000-1 and their priorities for changes to the rest of the ISO/IEC 20000 series. Click on the link below to take part in the online survey. ISO/IEC 20000-1 online survey Figure 1 — PDCA methodology applied to service management ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 (中英文对照版) 版本:V1.0 ©ISO/IEC 2011-All rights reserved 图 1-应用到服务管理的 PDCA方法 ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 (中英文对照版) 版本:V1.0 ©ISO/IEC 2011-All rights reserved 1 范围 Scope 1.1 总则 General ISO/IEC 20000-1是服务管理体系(SMS)标准。 它阐述了服务提供者规划、建立、实施、运行、监 控、回顾、维护和持续改进SMS的具体要求。这些 要求包括服务的设计、转换、交付和改进,以满足 服务需求。ISO/IEC 20000-1适用于: a) 从服务提供者处寻求服务,并需要确保其服务 需求被满足的组织; b) 要求其所有服务提供者(包括在一个供应链上 的)采用一致性的方式的组织; c) 希望展现其满足服务需求的服务设计、转换、 交付和改进能力的服务提供者; d) 为了监控、测量和回顾其服务管理流程与服务 的服务提供者; e) 通过SMS的有效实施与运行来持续改进服务设 计、转换和交付的服务提供者; f) 评估师或审核员,将其用于作为评估服务提供 者的SMS是否满足ISO/IEC 20000-1要求的符 合性评估标准。 图2 展示了服务管理体系(SMS),以及所包括的 服务管理过程。不同的服务提供者可采用不同的方 式执行服务管理过程及其过程之间的关联关系。服 务提供者和客户之间关系的性质将影响服务管理过 程如何被实施。 1.2 应用 Application 无论所交付服务的类型、规模和特性,ISO/IEC 20000-1的所有要求是通用的,适用于所有的服务 提供者。无论服务提供者组织有任何特性,声明符 合ISO/IEC 20000-1要求的服务提供者裁剪条款 4-9的任何要求都是不可接受的。 对于条款4所要求的符合性只能由服务提供者展示 满足条款4所有要求的证据。对于条款4,服务提供 者不能依赖对其他相关方所运行过程的管控证据。 对条款5-9所要求的符合性可以由服务提供者展示 其满足所有要求的证据。除此之外,服务提供者也 可以展示其满足大多数要求的自身证据,和那些服 务提供者不直接运行由其他相关方所运行过程(或 过程的部分)的管控证据。 ISO/IEC 20000-1的范围不包括特定的产品或工 具。然而,组织可以使用ISO/IEC 20000-1帮助他 们开发支持SMS运行的产品或工具。 注: ISO/IEC TR 20000-3部分提供了ISO/IEC 20000-1范围定义和适用性的指南。这包括了关于 1 Scope 1.1 General This part of ISO/IEC 20000 is a service
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